home · Other · How to attach a window sill to a plastic window. Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands. Fastening the structure in place

How to attach a window sill to a plastic window. Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands. Fastening the structure in place

Usually window sills are fixed in place by professionals, the same team that installs them, but this work You can also make it yourself. This task is quite within the capabilities of the owner of the house, who has a grinder, a jigsaw, and a few simple construction tools and knows how to use polyurethane foam.

How to install a plastic window sill?

  1. Determine the length of the future window sill. This size is made up of several quantities. It is necessary to sum up the width of the window opening and the size of the allowances on both sides, which usually range from 10 cm to 30 cm, depending on the customer’s wishes.
  2. Using a corner, we draw a line on the slopes to determine which part of the wall to remove.
  3. We make a notch with a grinder, cutting a corner, if there is one, and then remove excess brick and concrete with a chisel or hammer drill.
  4. We clean the surface of debris with a brush, removing all dirt, concrete fragments and dust.
  5. There are several ways to properly install a plastic window sill at home with your own hands. Much depends on the material used, because it can be glue, mortar or polyurethane foam. In our case, we used foam for this work, so the working surface needs to be well moistened. It is best to treat the installation site of the window sill with impregnation.
  6. To level the plane, we will have to use substrates made of plastic, plasterboard, wood or other material and a level. You can mount the window sill not strictly horizontally, but with a slight slope of up to 1 cm from the window, so that condensation or spilled water flows out.
  7. We place the window sill into the groove with one edge, shift it to the right and gradually put it in place.
  8. The product stands completely in the groove of the window frame.
  9. Next, we align the edges so that the releases on both sides are the same.
  10. In the question of how to install a plastic window sill in an apartment with high quality, we have reached the last stage. We install the balloon in the gun, shake it, and carefully blow foam into all the voids and grooves under our beautiful window sill.
  11. We place a weight on the windowsill so that it does not move upward.
  12. We cut off the foam protruding beyond the edges with a knife, and then the wall can be puttied and decorated with wallpaper.

You see that installing a plastic window sill in your apartment or private house with your own hands is not difficult; our instructions will help you understand how to do it quickly and correctly. Good luck to you!

Articles on this topic:

Windowsill - required element any window opening, performing both decorative and, in many cases, practical function. After all, this is one of those places where they are often located flower pots or other small items everyday life

In the past, openings were most often decorated wooden crafts, and with the advent of plastic windows, window sills began to take up space in the interior from similar material.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC products


To the benefits Products include the following properties:

  • the material is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes;
  • It does not require special care;
  • the design is lightweight;
  • does not require periodic touch-ups, and is also not subject to shrinkage and warping, unlike wooden products;
  • The window sill can be installed in any length, width and shape.


  • plastic is inferior in strength to the same wooden products;
  • when using a glossy decorative film as a coating, the window sill is easily scratched and its appearance deteriorates;
  • Hot objects placed carelessly (for example, a pot or frying pan removed from the heat) can significantly damage the surface.

Installation methods

Installation plastic window sill can be done in one of several ways:

  1. Using a special solution. This method was often used in the past, but now, thanks to the emergence of new ones, it is practically not used.
  2. Using spring brackets, which are screwed to the substitution profile with self-tapping screws, and the window sill itself is installed in the groove between the window and the bracket.
  3. Using self-tapping screws. This is the most quick way, in which the window sill is attached with self-tapping screws to the window frame.
  4. Another option is to install a window sill without any fastening elements(staples, screws). This is the most time-consuming method, but at the same time the most reliable. The window sill is fixed using wedges that are driven under it, thereby tightly pressing the edges of the slab to the frame.

Installation work

After the base is ready, you need to measure the niche and, in accordance with the obtained dimensions cut out the window sill from a pre-purchased blank using a jigsaw or grinder.

If necessary, the thickness of the wedges is increased or decreased. The installation of the window sill must be carried out taking into account the fact that the slab should have a slight slope towards the room (1-2 degrees). This will allow condensation and water from watering the plants to drain onto the floor, allowing liquid will not collect under the stove.

After fixing the window sill, the space between it and the base is filled with foam. For better fixation, the plate can be press down evenly with a weight.

Can be delivered as cargo five liter bottles with water in the amount of 3-4 pieces. In this position the structure is left for 2-3 days so that the foam hardens well, then remove its excess with a stationery knife.

It is advisable not to overload the window sill, as in this case its surface may become deformed.

How to seal foam under the windowsill?

You can do this in one of two ways:

  1. Seal the foam cut flush tile adhesive solution. If the walls will be painted in the future, you need to putty the area plastered with glue. If you plan to glue wallpaper, the surface is treated with an acrylic primer.
  2. In the second case, the foam should cover with vapor-permeable tape, then install a decorative strip (PVC, aluminum or wood) on top.

Find out how to properly seal the foam with a solution from the video:

A few points to consider when installing a window sill.

When working with a hammer drill, it is advisable use funds personal protection (glasses, mittens).

The window sill should not protrude beyond the slope line more than 6 cm, otherwise air circulation may be disrupted, which will lead to fogging of the windows.

Polyurethane foam will stick much better, if the surface with which it will be in contact is pre-moistened.

Having familiarized yourself with how to replace a PVC window sill, you can conclude that this the procedure does not require professional skills and special tools.

The main thing in this matter is to be careful and Don't make mistakes with sizes when cutting slabs Therefore, the rule “measure twice, cut once” is more than appropriate in this case.

How to repair a window sill - watch all the installation secrets in the video:

Window sill installation is carried out by craftsmen from the Window Repair service company on windows, thresholds of balcony doors, inside balconies and loggias.

There are several types of window sills. For example: wooden, standard PVC window sills covered with a film with a certain texture, window sills made of natural materials.

Standard PVC window sills have wide palette flowers and smooth surface. You can choose a color using the RAL table or samples from our craftsmen.

The main advantage is considered to be low cost and resistance to mechanical damage. Their disadvantage is that over time these products tend to change color under the influence of sunlight and ultraviolet rays.

Fill out an application, and our specialist will arrive at the time you set to complete the work.

Several more common types of window sills made from various materials.

  • Wooden. Made from solid wood. Wood can be used both ordinary species and more expensive ones (oak, ash, larch, mahogany, chestnut). Depending on the wood chosen, the window sill will have its characteristic characteristics and appearance. It is possible to install such a window sill on the balcony.
  • Options from MDF or PVC. Cheaper compared to products made from natural wood, but having good moisture and heat resistance characteristics. They can be made with a variety of patterns imitating the fibers of oak, ash, birch, American walnut, as well as the structure of marble and granite.
  • Most expensive option, installation of a window sill, the price of which is significantly higher than PVC, and it is made from natural or artificial stone . The high cost is explained by the fact that the process of manufacturing products from natural stone quite complex and time-consuming.

Almost all window sills have their own custom size(length, depth). The thickness of the window sill board will depend on the material from which it is made and the manufacturer. There are window sills with a thickness of 18 to 50 mm.

Depending on the brand of the manufacturer (for example: RBC, Danke, Moeller), prices for their products will vary significantly. Maximum permissible load on the windowsill, for example from flowers or decorative elements is not a constant value and depends on many factors. For example, material of manufacture, installation technique, quality of fastening.

Installation diagram

The scheme according to which the window sill and slopes are installed is standard and can differ only in the parts used as fastenings. There are three most common ways to attach window sill boards. The first method is to attach the window sill to the window profile using self-tapping screws. With this method, the window sill is pushed under the profile of the window frame and screwed to it with self-tapping screws, the gap between the window sill and the window opening is foamed with mounting foam. The second method is installation using a special clamping strip, which is mounted to the window profile and then the window sill is snapped into it, and is securely pressed against the window frame. And the last third method, installation using plastic pads, which are installed under the window sill board. The use of special clamping strips as fastening is not very common; installation is usually carried out on wooden or plastic pads, and the distance between the window opening and the window sill is filled with polyurethane foam, which, after polymerization, will keep the window sill from moving into horizontal plane. To seal the point of contact with window frame special adhesive COSMOFEN PLUS is used for plastic.

Window sills are successfully used for cladding and giving an aesthetic appearance to the thresholds of balcony doors. The material from which the window sill is made, used as a threshold, must have sufficient density and wear resistance. The installation of a plastic window sill is carried out by the craftsmen of the Window Repair service company on windows, thresholds of balcony doors, inside balconies and loggias. Installation of slopes and window sills at an affordable price, a task that can only be completed by experienced specialists.

Work order
The standard procedure for processing an application and installing a window sill is as follows:

    • Accepting an application takes no more than 10 minutes. During the process of accepting the application, the manager will ask all your questions and specify a convenient time for taking measurements.
    • The measurement is performed by a specialist within half an hour. The master will determine the length, depth and help you decide on the choice of material for making the window sill.
    • Conclusion of an agreement.
    • If the master has with him the required volume of profile for window sills and ebbs, with necessary characteristics, then it is possible to manufacture and install immediately after measurements.
    • If a window sill needs to be made, it takes about one day.
    • Delivery to site, dismantling, installation of a PVC window sill and delivery of the work also takes place within one day, if the number of installed products allows this to be done.

Company "Window repair" practices A complex approach. That is why, by contacting the company, the customer will not have to wait long. All work on replacing and installing a window sill, or installing window sill boards on the threshold balcony door, takes no more than 2-3 days from the date of application.

When installing a window sill, very important point is how many centimeters its protruding part overlaps the heating device. The window sill should not block the battery completely, or do so by no more than half. This is necessary for normal convection, warm air and to prevent the formation of condensation and fogging on the windows. Caps must be installed at the ends of the window sill. They are attached using COSMOFEN PLUS plastic glue.

Order installation from the Window Repair company
If you need the service of installing a plastic window sill in an apartment, house, cottage, townhouse or office, all current prices are listed on the company’s website in the “prices” section. To call a master and measurer right now, contact the phone number listed on the website. Experienced managers will be happy to support you in choosing the necessary products and will provide consultation on the price of installing PVC slopes and window sills.

Our main advantages:

      • We install window sills on the same day you contact us;
      • Work with well-known manufacturers window profiles and fittings;
      • We have been installing plastic windows since 2006;
      • Thousands of satisfied customers;
      • Warranty for work performed from 1 year;
      • Experienced specialists highly qualified;
      • Flexible system payment;

When ordering, it is worth remembering that saving on the quality of the window sill profile and components can lead to additional costs for premature repairs due to the loss of the product’s appearance. Remember, savings on hiring professional installers to install the window sill on plastic windows, will definitely affect him appearance, quality and accordingly will shorten the service life of the product. Contact service company“Window repair”, you will not regret it!

The internal window sill is an integral part of any plastic window. This design is needed in a home for additional insulation of the junction of the window frame and the wall, as well as for the window to have a finished look. It has the following advantages over other materials:

  • wooden structures require constant maintenance and also become damaged quite quickly;
  • stone window sills are characterized by rather difficult installation, which is unrealistic;
  • plastic structures are reliable, durable, beautiful;
  • have a long service life;
  • are easy to install;
  • plastic sheet is moisture resistant;
  • the material has an affordable price;
  • plastic is resistant to chemicals;
  • the material is plastic and light in weight, it is easy to cut and install with your own hands;
  • the canvas has high thermal insulation;
  • you will not need for installation special devices, you can get by with improvised tools.

In this article we will talk about how to properly install a plastic window sill on a window, since such structures are Lately are especially popular.

Preparatory stage of work

Before proceeding directly to installation, you need to prepare workplace. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. level;
  2. jigsaw;
  3. roulette;
  4. hacksaw;
  5. pencil;
  6. polyurethane foam;
  7. foam gun;
  8. perforator;
  9. drills for a hammer drill;
  10. hammer;
  11. chisel;
  12. wooden blocks;
  13. bit.

The window sill is installed so that it fits into the side wall, so you will need to cut connectors about two centimeters deep in the slopes.

To carry out this procedure, you need to attach the plastic window sill to the wall and make the appropriate marks on it with a marker, then carefully knock out the grooves. Such an operation requires maximum concentration and accuracy, otherwise it will take a long time to restore the slopes.

Important! To ensure minimal damage to the slopes, they should be handled very carefully during the entire installation process.

  • The slopes are made of gypsum plaster. In this case, the procedure can be carried out using a hammer or chisel.
  • Concrete slopes. Then you can make recesses for the plastic window sill using a hammer drill.

Read also: How to choose and replace the seal on plastic windows

After completing all of the above manipulations, you need to clean the stand profile and bottom part windows from pieces of plaster and dust, since these materials are used to install the window sill. Then the cleaned surfaces are moistened; it is better to use a primer for these purposes, which strengthens the surface.

Note! In order to prevent drafts from appearing from the window, you need to thoroughly blow out all the cracks of the window frame with foam.

Fit to size

Installing a window sill with your own hands is not a complicated procedure that requires minimum costs funds and time. However, each window frame has its own characteristics: convexities, roughness, cracks. Therefore, before installation, if you have a ready-made canvas, you need to cut out a blank for the window sill from it. To do this, calculate the width and length of the future structure.

It should be understood that the length of the canvas should be slightly larger than the width of the window, and may extend beyond the boundaries of the slopes. Basically, this output value is five or six centimeters.

The width is calculated by the formula: the width of the protruding part of the window sill + the depth of recess of the canvas into the stand profile + the width of the surface under the window sill.

You also need to cut rectangles on the sides of the plastic blank, which allow it to easily enter the slope. Cutting plastic is quite easy. To do this, use a hacksaw, grinder or electric jigsaw. If nicks appear when cutting the material, then there is no need to worry, since all defects will be hidden by plastic overlays.

When the blank is made, it needs to be tried on. To do this, place the plastic blank on the surface of the window sill and place it behind the slopes and the support profile. At this stage, it is necessary to eliminate all inaccuracies in measurements, if any.

Installing a window sill horizontally

Before the final installation of the plastic window sill, the canvas must be leveled. To do this, pads are placed on the surface of the base. This operation is quite easy to perform yourself. For a regular window you will need two linings, and for a balcony - three.

The wedges must be placed strictly at the level of the window; this procedure makes it possible to properly level the window sill blank before installing it. Then you need to set optimal angle tilt This manipulation is required to eliminate condensation naturally. To do this, the edge of the slab is lowered a few degrees, and the slope angle is measured with a building level. In order for the opening to be smooth, these parameters should be checked in the middle and along the edges.

Read also: Installation of plastic windows. Stages of work

You need to adjust the level using pads. For wedges, it is better to buy special plastic elements in advance, but you can also use wooden beams. The plastic window sill must be installed in such a way that there are no gaps between the canvas and the window frame. For this purpose, pressure plates are used. Which are attached to the stand profile.

Installation (foaming) of the board

In order to properly secure the window sill yourself, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Moisten the bottom of the opening and the slab again.
  2. Clean the part of the canvas that will be installed under the slopes from the protective film.
  3. Then using polyurethane foam blow out the gap between the profile and bottom edge opening.
  4. Then apply a wide layer of foam to the entire surface of the base, especially carefully treating the far corners. At this stage, you need to take into account that the thickness of the foam should not exceed the thickness of the installed wedges, otherwise, when the material hardens, it can greatly lift the plastic window sill.
  5. Next, to evenly distribute the load, you need to place a load on the plastic window sill. It is recommended to do this on the inner edge of the board.
  6. The window sill is installed, now all that remains is to wait until the polyurethane foam dries.

Installing a window sill on a balcony

Nowadays, it has become popular to install not only windows, but also balcony structures from plastic. This material retains heat well in the apartment and saves usable area. However, you should understand that the installation procedure itself is quite expensive. Therefore, many residents multi-storey buildings carry out the procedure independently.

Before you start replacing the plastic window sill, you need to prepare metal brackets. They are necessary if it is not possible to place the canvas under the window frame. The brackets are fixed to the parapet using anchors, which increase the load on the PVC board and strengthen the entire structure.

Install the brackets at a distance from each other that does not exceed one meter. After installing the panel, you need to check the angle of inclination with a building level. Before fixing the fabric holders, you need to tighten the thread well. This operation makes it possible to level the PVC board horizontally.

Plastic windows in last years become integral element any interior. Regardless style solution premises, energy-efficient plastic windows and window sills made of the same material are installed in it. It is durable and thanks to large assortment decorative films, and very beautiful material firmly entered into our lives. This article will discuss how to properly attach a plastic window sill.

Advantages of a plastic window sill

The most popular materials for window sills are wood, plastic and stone.

  • Wooden window sills are too finicky and require constant maintenance. In addition, over time they dry out or become damaged from frequent staining.
  • Stone window sills are certainly durable and beautiful, but they are very expensive and you cannot install them yourself.
  • Plastic window sills are not just durable, light and beautiful, in their own way technical specifications they match best with windows from pvc profile, which will make caring for them easier.

  • In addition, the service life will be the same, so after installing the window, slopes and window sills, you will not have to replace or restore any one element.
  • If the window frame is laminated, then the same film is selected for the window sill.
  • Due to its properties, plastic is resistant to moisture, so even with possible condensation on the windows it will not begin to rot. At regular care, mold does not form on it, since the surface does not have microcracks.
  • More low price than a wooden or stone window sill of the same size.
  • Resistant to aggressive chemical environments.
  • Thanks to light weight and plasticity of the material, it is easy to cut and install independently without special tools.
  • A plastic window sill is not a cast slab. It consists of transverse chambers. This not only reduces weight, but also serves as additional thermal insulation.
  • More expensive models of PVC window sill have a special coating that makes it resistant to high temperatures and mechanical damage.

They have only one drawback - low strength.

How are plastic window sills made?

There is no official classification of plastic window sills, but they are conventionally divided into several types.

  • Standard plastic window sills. They are the most popular. They are made in white, width from 20 to 100 cm in increments of 5 cm. They have the lowest resistance to mechanical damage.

  • Thermo- and impact-resistant plastic window sills. It is rational to mount them in wide openings that perform the function work surface. For example, when a kitchen window sill is used as a table. Lamination with a special film gives the product particular strength.
  • Laminated window sills. They are more beautiful, but their characteristics remain the same. Films not only add color to the window sill, but can also imitate natural materials(stone, wood). Despite the fact that the lamination method is reliable, a number of manufacturers offer window sills that have an acrylic layer on top of the lamination. In this case, the surface strength increases several times (however, so does the cost and weight, which negates its advantages).
  • The panels are made by extruding PVC blanks with an extruder. The surface is laminated with a film, which makes the window sill smooth and further protects its surface from damage. The thickness of the window sill varies from 1.8 to 2.2 cm.

How to choose a plastic window sill

At first glance, all the window sills are the same and there is a desire to buy the cheapest one. But professionals know several nuances that will help you choose the best quality product.

  • A plastic window sill must be made from high-quality raw materials that have passed a quality test for safety for humans. This can only be tracked by the product certificate.
  • The store must also provide detailed specifications material. These include resistance to UV rays (especially important for colored products), mechanical strength and resistance to condensation.

Having received all the necessary information, choose a model that is suitable in design and size.

  • It is best to choose a window sill white. This is due to the fact that it is guaranteed not to fade when exposed to direct sunlight. And small scratches on it will be almost invisible, unlike colored models.

Advice: cheap plastic may turn yellow after a few years, so it is recommended to choose white window sills from the middle price segment.

  • A plastic window sill, regardless of price and manufacturer, is a panel, inside of which there are stiffening ribs 1.5 - 3 mm thick and air chambers between them. It is the number of stiffeners that is responsible for the strength of the window sill. The higher their number, the more load it can withstand.
  • The panels have a standard length of 600 cm. You can buy and cut them yourself, or order ready-made ones according to individual sizes.

Advice: to avoid mistakes preliminary calculations, it is recommended to call a surveyor.

  • The width of the panels ranges from 20 to 100 cm. Initially, the increase in increments is 5 cm, after 60 cm - 10 cm. Based on this, they measure inner size window opening (depth). Since the window sill should protrude forward (but not completely cover the radiator), add another 10 cm.
  • For example, the depth of the window sill is panel house 15 cm, add another 10, and you get 25 cm - the required panel width.

Preparing walls before installing a plastic window sill

Before installing plastic window sills with your own hands, you need to prepare the walls.

  • First, remove all debris from the window opening and remove dust from it, so that in the future the polyurethane foam will have best adhesion. This is especially important if the installation is to replace an old wooden window sill.
  • The side walls of the window opening are called slopes. Often the window sill is laid simply from edge to edge, but this is wrong. The secret to installing a window sill is to bury it on the sides into the wall by 2-4 cm. To do this, recesses are made with a hammer drill.

What is needed to install a PVC window sill

If work is carried out in wooden house, then the number of tools required is minimal, in concrete and brick houses everything is more complicated.

  • Hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • level 1 m long;
  • polyurethane foam and a gun for it;
  • stationery knife;
  • wedges (made of MDF, laminate or wood).

How to install a window sill on a plastic window with your own hands

Important: the window sill should not cover the battery. Impaired air circulation will lead to the formation of condensation on the windows.

  • Having the exact dimensions, the window sill is cut with a grinder to the required parameters, taking into account protrusions along the walls of 2-4 cm on each side. If the window opening has a complex configuration, first cut out a model on cardboard and do a fitting. If everything fits, then the outline is transferred to the panel.
  • If the house is not new, and the opening is much lower than the groove under the frame of the plastic window, which is provided for the window sill, first, wood is placed to the required height. Then the prepared window sill is inserted into the groove between the window profile and the foam to a depth of 2 cm.
  • After this, using a level, they begin to regulate its evenness. You can make it higher or lower using thin wooden wedges, which either raise or lower the window sill to the desired height. They are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. In the future, they will remain inside the structure and will play the role of retaining elements.

Tip: you need to install the window sill with a slight slope towards the room, literally 5 mm. This will allow the condensation to roll off rather than remain against the frame.

  • Then you need to foam the space under the window sill. It is best to use two-part foam that does not expand. When using a regular one, you will have to fill the surface of the window sill with heavy loads. To do this, put heavy bags with construction mixtures, large jars of water, etc.
  • After 24 hours, the load can be removed and excess foam can be cut off with a utility knife.
  • As a final step, decorative plugs are placed on the sides of the window sills.

  • Places where the window sill joins internal slopes plastic windows are covered with corners.

How a window sill is attached to a plastic window photo

Tips for installing a plastic window sill with your own hands

  • The process of polymerization (hardening) of polyurethane foam occurs much faster in a humid environment. Therefore, before filling the space under the window sill with foam, it is moistened with a spray bottle or any other sprayer.
  • It is not recommended to pour too much foam. Since it has the ability to expand several times and can push the window sill upward, despite the load. To avoid this, small gaps are left between the freshly extruded strips of foam, which are guaranteed to close when expanded.
  • If it is not possible to insert the window sill panel into the slopes and under window profile, then it is adjusted perfectly precisely. All joints are treated with colorless silicone sealant.

DIY installation of a plastic window sill video