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Installation of glass walls. Installation of glass shower partitions and corners. Invite experienced specialists from StekloMet to install glass walls

Decorating our home is a creative process, allowing us to create housing that is completely different in functionality, purpose and type of home from rooms of the same layout. A wide variety of new and old materials provide a wealth of opportunities to implement the most daring projects. For example, glass partitions in an apartment or house allow you to give your home a non-standard look or change the layout without erecting new walls. Their installation does not require permission; they do not “load” the space, but divide it, fencing off separate zones.

Types and varieties

First, let's talk about design features glass partitions. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups;

  • All glass. Partitions of this type are assembled from large sheets of glass without additional structures. In addition to glass, only fasteners are needed for fixing to the ceiling/floor/walls. The glass must have a high bearing capacity, so duplex or triplex is often used - glass, laminated transparent film. When such glass breaks, it does not crumble, but the fragments remain hanging on the film. The glass is good, but expensive.
  • Frame. A profile made of aluminum/painted steel/wood/plastic is fixed to the walls, floor, and ceiling. Glass is attached to the profile. A significant part of the load with this type of glass partition falls on the frame, so glass can be used more simply (and cheaper).

  • French glazing. One of the private types of frame. There is a frame, but the glass in it is not solid, but divided by imposts. This type of glass partition for a home is good because if some of the glass breaks, the rest remain intact and need to be restored less funds and time.

  • Made from glass blocks, double-glazed windows, glass profiles. When using this material, the glass partition looks more like a wall. Glass blocks resemble bricks (there are even similar shapes) and they are much thicker than just glass. They also provide a greater degree of sound insulation and are less transparent. But despite this, it is still a glass partition.

There are also original versions that are difficult to classify as any type, although most of- these are variations on the theme of frame and French glass partitions, in which different geometric shapes frame, different types of glass. It’s just hard to imagine how different the results of such experiments might look.


Glass partitions in an apartment or house can be made stationary or mobile. Stationary walls replace ordinary walls; they are simply made of unusual material. This perfect solution if the part of the room being fenced off is without windows, enough light penetrates through the glass wall. This technique can often be found in shared offices: glass partitions mark boundaries but do not create the feeling of a beehive with small honeycombs/cells. Everyone has their own working corner, but the room is one.

Stationary partitions do not fold, do not move....

Stationary glass partitions in apartments and houses can be found in bathrooms, where they separate the shower or bathtub from the rest of the room. They are also called “sanitary glass partitions”. This division provides waterproofing, but does not visually divide the space, which is why even a small bathroom remains spacious. In this case it is more often used frameless glazing. The glass joints are sealed with a transparent sealant, which perfectly maintains water resistance and does not spoil the appearance. This solution is better for two reasons. Firstly, it’s easier to care for; there’s nowhere for water, dirt, or salt deposits to accumulate. Secondly, profiles for frequent contact with water are expensive. So it's a smart decision.


This technique is also used when combining a kitchen with gas stove and living/dining room. To ensure safety, the room in which it is installed gas appliance, must be fenced off and have doors. But the point of unification is precisely to remove the partition. This contradiction is resolved with the help of a glass mobile wall. It is made entirely or partially of glass and has sliding/folding doors.

Mobile glass partitions in an apartment can be:

  • Sliding door type. In this case, the moving part “drives” onto the stationary part of the partition, glass or not, it doesn’t matter. There are two types - with an upper leading rail and with a lower one. Top rail systems can be hung without touching the floor. This option is good if the floor is already ready and it is difficult to build the necessary structure into it. Systems with a lower driving rail are cheaper and, at the same time, more stable in operation: the main load falls on the lower rail, and the upper one serves to stabilize the web in space. Main sliding glass partitions- low degree of sound insulation.

    Sliding partitions in a glass room - mobility and convenience

  • Radius partitions. In principle, the design is the same - with sliding/sliding doors, only the glass is curved with a certain radius.

  • With swing or swing doors. This option is often found in retail outlets, but can also be used at home.

  • Folding partitions. There are two types - book and accordion. The systems are similar, but for a book the fixation points are on the edge of the canvas, while for an accordion they are in the middle. Large canvases can be assembled from them, which, if necessary, are moved and folded, freeing up space. Usually they require two driving rails to ensure a stable position of the blades.

    Accordion or book - two systems that can fold a glass partition into a compact block

If you cannot decide whether you need a stationary partition or a mobile one, take into account the issue of price. Mobile partitions are much more expensive. The difference can be two times or more. If the budget is limited, it is reasonable to make a combined glass partition in an apartment or house - make part stationary and part sliding.

Types of glass and their maximum sizes

The same glass partition can be made from different types glass It is important to choose the right parameters performance characteristics materials, and for this you need to know their features and properties. If you came up with a similar design yourself, it is better to consult an experienced glazier. Not all designers have all the necessary information, let alone ordinary people They're just unaware of some things.

Thickness for partitions for various purposes

First of all, you need to decide on the thickness of the glass, which is best used when constructing a partition. Depends on the type of partition, the location of its installation, and the type of glass used.

If the partition is external, it serves to separate the covered veranda, winter garden etc. Most likely, you will need a double-glazed window, and this is a different story and a different approach.

Conventional silicon glass

Glass partitions in an apartment can be made of transparent, matte, patterned, tinted, colored glass, mirrors and their combinations. The dimensions of the glass sheet depend on its type. Sheet ordinary glass has a width of 1200 mm and a height of 2000 mm. If larger sizes are needed, either make imposts (additional dividing profiles) or use tempered glass. It has higher strength characteristics; when broken, the fragments are not sharp, so the likelihood of injury is low. Maximum dimensions Tempered glass with a thickness of 6 to 19 mm allows you to make a solid partition for almost any room: 3210 mm * 6000 mm. There is only one drawback of this glass: it is expensive. And what larger size sheet, the higher the price.

Triplex can be armored, or it can consist of three glasses glued with two films...

Laminated glass has even higher strength: duplex and triplex. Sheets of glass are glued with transparent plastic film(duplex is glass with a film, triplex is two glasses and a film between them. The technology is developed so that the transparency of laminated glass does not decrease, when the glass breaks, it does not fly apart, but becomes covered with a network of cracks, the fragments remain hanging on the film. The maximum dimensions of duplex and triplex are 2600 mm * 3100 mm. Which glass is better for glass partitions in an apartment: duplex or triplex? You can’t say for sure - it depends on the purpose of the partition. Duplex is lighter and cheaper, triplex has best characteristics for heat and sound insulation. So if a glass partition in an apartment or house will separate the room from the street, best options- double glazing or triplex. For internal partition you will have to choose between the usual, tempered glass or duplex.

Organic glass

You can also use acrylic glass or polycarbonate sheets for glass partitions in an apartment or house. They have low thermal conductivity (0.2-0.3 W/(m K)), transmit light well (transparency up to 92%), weigh 2-3 times less (with the same thickness), and are more resistant to shock loads , cost less. These are their advantages. More organic glass certain temperature They have high ductility, so they can be bent into any shape. After cooling, the glass retains its given shape.

The disadvantages are that the material melts at low temperatures. high temperatures(250-300°C), scratches easily appear on the surface, which significantly reduces light transmission. There is nothing you can do about melting - you can’t install them close heating devices or open flame. And they fight scratches by gluing a thin, but durable film. Plexiglas thickness is from 2 mm to 50 mm, sheet dimensions are 2050 mm * 3050 mm.

Acrylic glass can be cast or extruded. Cast - more durable, can be of considerable thickness. Extrusion - thinner ( maximum thickness depends on the extruder), can be opaque, light-diffusing, colored. There is also decoacrylic, a variety with matte or smooth surface. Various objects can be inserted inside - from sparkles to any small objects. Decorators love to use such acrylic glass.

Glass blocks and glass profiles

For stationary partitions made of glass for an apartment or house, in an office, you can use glass blocks and glass profiles. Both are glass products, but they have different kind and manufacturing technology. Partitions made from these materials allow light to pass through, but are not completely transparent. At best, silhouettes are visible. Details, even with very good lighting, it will not be possible to disassemble.

Glass blocks are poured into certain forms. Two identical fragments are then combined into one block - a parallelepiped. Do they have small sizes, are available in the form of squares or rectangles, made of transparent or colored glass. The edges can be smooth or patterned, with the grooved surface usually on the inside and the outside smooth.

Glass blocks have good thermal insulation ability, since there is air gap between two glass walls. They are used to build a wall, like bricks, but it is not necessary to lay them staggered; there can also be a seam in a seam. Glass partitions in an apartment made of glass blocks allow light to pass through, but are not transparent. This is a good option if you need to isolate, for example, a bathtub from the rest of the room, or put a partition in a long room.

Stekloprofilit is a U or U shaped product made of bent alkali silicate glass. It is produced in long strips (up to 3 meters), which are inserted into a special profile. The wall can be assembled as a single wall, or as a double one, by turning the profiles towards each other.

Glass partitions in apartments and houses: photos of interesting options

A partition made of glass blocks in the bathroom - both the shower is fenced off and the space is not overloaded

Absence sharp corners- another possibility that can be realized with glass blocks

Glass screen on wheels to divide the room

If you need to separate the kitchen from the corridor, but keep daylight in a dark corridor - place a glass partition

Milk glass, rounded fragments - beautiful, stylish

Framed glass partitions in an apartment or house look very good... the main thing is that the style matches

Radial partitions - always interesting

Frames, thin mullions... the simplest solutions give an interesting effect

Installing office partitions allows you to rationally delimit space - the common area can easily be transformed into separate work areas. Partitions provide the necessary sound insulation; depending on the design, they can serve as decor and set the style of the room.

The main materials for the manufacture of structures are:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • metal,
  • Chipboard.

Most often, impact-resistant materials are used as filling materials. strained glass, which can be decorated with silk-screen printing, film or sandblasting pattern, UV printing, etc. It is possible to produce elements combined from 2-3 types of materials.

Office partition installation services

Installation of office partitions is carried out in two ways.

  1. Modular assembly. Finished blocks (glazed windows) are manufactured in production and joined together on site. The modules are panels made of tempered or impact-resistant glass or triplex. The filling material can be transparent, matte, tinted, or decorated. The installation process takes minimal time.
  2. Frame assembly. The technology involves production in the office premises metal frame with subsequent glazing.

Cost of installing office partitions

Cost of all-glass partitions, rub./m2
All-glass office partitions from 2500 to 7000
Office all-glass tinted glass from 3500 to 8000
Office all-glass with film from 3200 to 7500
Office all-glass with sandblasting (drawings) from 4300 to 8500
Office all-glass radius from 5000 to 10000
Office all-glass with UV printing from 4000 to 9000
Office frames with film from 3500 to 7000
Office frame with blinds from 4000 to 8500
Office frames with durafort from 3000 to 7000
Office frame combined with durafort from 3000 to 7000

The price of installing office partitions depends on the type of structure, the conditions of its assembly and architectural features premises. The cost is also affected by the type of glass and the method of decorating it.

The estimate is formed after preliminary measurements and calculations for the amount of materials.

Features of installing office partitions

The installation of glass office partitions is planned in accordance with the needs for visual and sound insulation, so the structures can be full-size (from floor to ceiling) or partially zoning (for example, to the height of a person).

In addition, office partitions are classified:

  • for stationary ones - fixed without the possibility of movement;
  • mobile - if necessary, you can easily change the location or configuration of the partition.

The main advantages of zoning glass structures are:

  • maintaining the visual integrity of the space;
  • opportunity to observe employees;
  • strength and environmental friendliness of the material;
  • variety of decor;
  • good light transmittance;
  • immutability appearance over time.

How to order installation of office partitions

The installation of glass office partitions in Moscow is carried out by specialists from the Priorglass company in accordance with current standards and taking into account the conditions of the site.

Process algorithm:

  1. taking measurements indoors;
  2. development of design and project of zoning elements taking into account installation and operating conditions;
  3. production of structures in factory conditions;
  4. installation of glass office partitions, doors, locking mechanisms.

The work performed is guaranteed. You can conclude a contract for maintenance and routine repairs.

Installation of glass partitions and other structures is a responsible job that requires care and some experience in handling this material. Many of our customers are invariably interested in the question: “Why is the cost of installing glass partitions so high?” We can immediately answer that experienced specialists have high level qualifications that allow you to carefully, quickly, and most importantly, reliably install glass partitions. Their work is a guarantee of the strength and durability of the structures created.

You may also be interested in the following question: “Why is not every professional installer able to install glass partitions?” Indeed, not every professional and experienced builder is able to install glass structures. Any carelessness during the work process will result in a scratch or chip on the surface of the glass. Such defects cannot be corrected, covered up or disguised in any way. This means that the glass will need to be completely replaced, which will cause time delays and increase costs for the contractor.

Installation of glass partitions is a job for highly qualified specialists

During the installation of these partitions by unqualified personnel or hired temporary workers, such problems happen all the time. Therefore, builders and finishers who do not have proper experience working with this material cannot take part in the installation of any glass structures.

Who will pay for broken or damaged glass during installation? This material is very expensive. If such an amount and the cost of delivery are subtracted from the salary of an hired unskilled worker, he may be left without any money. Therefore, there are not so many specialists ready to work with such material. Their work requires responsibility and caution, avoiding mistakes, and therefore should be paid accordingly.

If the glass is of impressive size, measures should be taken during the installation process to prevent damage. finishing in room. Installation of glass partitions, as a rule, is carried out at the final stage of repair, therefore it is one of the most critical works.

Features of installation and installation of glass partitions

If the StekloMet company works, glass panels of any size are installed by professional glaziers. Our employees in the field of glazing are one of the most important links in the chain of ensuring the quality of the structures created. We have permanent employees who have been working in the glazing industry for many years. The company's staff does not include casual installers who are temporarily employed.

Our installation of glass partitions is carried out by Russian citizens who work officially on a permanent basis. We highly value the work of each specialist. All employees involved in the installation process of structures are provided with installation and measuring tools professional level, high quality consumables.

During the installation of various glass structures, the company’s installation department specialists created kilometers of structures.

When is installation done?

If you contact the StekloMet company to install glass partitions, all types of work will be completed at the time agreed with you. We are ready to work when it is convenient for our clients, and we always meet them halfway. The company's specialists are ready to work:

  • on weekdays from 9.00-18.00, i.e. work time;
  • on weekends;
  • at night or evening time, early in the morning, if, for example, you need to install glass partitions in an office or shopping center.

To carry out the installation of glass panels, we are ready to adapt to the time when work is allowed at the site. repair work. When making agreements with customers, we always take into account the opening hours of the store or other commercial property. If the work is planned in private property, the actions of the company’s personnel will not cause discomfort to neighbors.

Willingness to work in the regions

The Steklomet company operates not only in Moscow. We are ready to send a team to any city in the country to install various partitions. Terms of cooperation and terms are negotiated individually.

Able to effectively assist on site

Often faced with a situation where builders incorrectly prepared the openings into which glass partitions should be installed, we ensured that the installation team was ready, if possible, to fix the problem themselves and prevent the work from being delayed. The company's personnel are able to perform various preparatory types of work without shifting the need to solve such problems to the customer.

Invite experienced specialists from StekloMet to install glass walls

The company's staff quickly and professionally installs a wide variety of glass partitions. The cost of installation work varies and depends on the following determining factors.

Before ordering the installation of a partition, you will be interested to know a few key features process:

✔ the actual dimensions of the openings are very important;
✔ to carry out the work, you need a clean floor and space for the doors to move apart (if the structure is sliding). The floor and top of the opening should be horizontal and parallel. A laser level is used for checking.
✔ designs can be standard. Or installing a partition in the office means custom production products according to customer sizes;
✔ in the case of large overall dimensions or radius (semicircular) partitions, the room will require high-quality Finishing work. And only after them it will be possible to install the structure itself;
✔ glass structures have a significant mass, which will be transferred to the ceiling or wall through a guide profile. The best decision in case of installation sliding partition- a wall made of concrete or brick. Then, for example, it will be possible to install all-glass partitions without reinforcing the openings. If the structure is to be installed in an opening made of wood or plasterboard, preliminary laying to the floors or load-bearing walls metal frame frame.

Office These glass partitions provide an opportunity to separate a retail space or company office from the corridor of a shopping or business center. Clear advantage glass partition - it can serve not only as a visual barrier, but also serve as sound insulation and act as a showcase.For offices and retail facilities, only stationary partitions are used.

With the help of such partitions, glass store-galleries are created in shopping, shopping and entertainment centers, they are also used in offices and service facilities to mark their territory, and even to isolate the bank’s operational area from the client area.

A glass partition consists of sheets of glass fixed on an aluminum profile along the floor, ceiling and walls and a swing or swing glass door. Sliding doors They are used much less frequently in offices due to the fact that they are less convenient to open.


In the production of all-glass partitions, two types of materials are usually used:

    Strained glass;


Triplex, better known as “armored glass”, is more popular in banking institutions, jewelry stores, car dealerships and electronics retail outlets than in office premises. Since triplex is somewhat heavier, more powerful fastenings must be used in partitions, which increases the cost of the partition. In addition, triplex itself is more expensive than tempered glass. Therefore, tempered glass is used in the manufacture of office partitions. It allows you to provide reliable protection from the penetration of unauthorized persons and perfectly fulfills its main purpose: to fence off office space from the corridor.

Glass thickness in office partition may be 10-12 mm. With this thickness, the optimal ratio of glass weight to its strength is achieved. The maximum height of the partition is 3 meters with a glass thickness of 10 mm, and 4 meters with a glass thickness of 12 mm. One clamp on an aluminum mount can withstand a load of up to 15 kg. For one glass sheet, it is enough to install 2-3 clamps on each side (top and bottom).

The price of the partition includes the price of glass, fittings, and installation work. However It’s quite simple, and it can be done without the involvement of specialists, if “your hands are in the right place.”

How to install a partition?

In order to install an all-glass office partition, you will need:

    Circular saw;



    Drills for hammer drills up to 14 mm;

    Set of hexagons and screwdrivers;


    Plumb and laser level;

    Key for point fastenings;


    Marker, window cleaner, cloth;

    Vacuum suction cups for transporting glass;

    Mallet and hammer.

Please note: The circular saw will be used for slicing aluminum profile. The disc teeth should be at a negative angle.

A marker, tape measure, plumb line and laser level will be needed in order to level the glass relative to the horizon. Decorative elements are attached using a mallet.

Installation process

Installation of a glass partition begins with markings on the floor and ceiling. Using a marker, a plumb line and a laser level, draw lines on them for attaching the aluminum profile. They must be parallel! Mark the attachment points on the lines and check them with a plumb line: the points should be located strictly one above the other.

Using d using a saw, we cut off the required length of the aluminum profile - small tire. Glass clamps will subsequently be attached to it. We screw it to the floor and ceiling along pre-designated lines: we punch holes with a hammer drill, remove excess dust and fix the small tire with dowels.

After the tire is mounted, we attach clamps to it and nail it with dowels to the floor through the tire. We install sheets of glass on the clamps. Align them vertically using a plumb line and laser level. We fix the glass in the clamp using stops and hexagons.

When all the glass sheets are securely fastened, you can proceed to fixing decorative elements. Cut off decorative stripes along the length of the small tire and snap it to it to hide the fasteners. Install an aluminum plug on the cut of the small tire.

The last step is washing the glass. After this, the installation of the partition can be considered complete, we proceed to the stage of installing the door.

More about doors

Office partitions are usually equipped with one of two types of glass doors:



The difference between them is that swing door can open only in one direction, and the pendulum one can open in both directions. There are no particular differences in the technology of their installation.The set of tools you will need is the same as for installing the partition itself.

The door in the office partition can be attached in two ways:

Let's consider the second case. First of all, a transom is fixed above the doorway using a corner fitting with an axis and corner point connectors. It is important to tighten the fasteners as securely as possible.

Install the axis in drilled hole and secure it with dowels.

On the door leaf we find holes for the fittings and secure them. Please note that the axle mount on the top fitting must not be tightened for now.no need!

We put it on door leaf lower fitting onto the axle spindle. Then we bring the upper fitting to the axis and finally secure the door. Using a plumb line and adjusting screws, we align the door strictly vertical position. This completes the installation of the door panelTon finished. Please note that when installing in an openingthe only difference is that the upper axis is not attached to the corner fitting, but to the top part the opening itself. The principle of fastening is no different from the described method of installing the lower axis into the floor.

We install the fittings. We insert the handle into the special holes and fix it with hexagons. At the bottom of the door we find a rectangular cutout. We put seals on it on both sides and install the lock base in this cutout. We fasten it with hexagons. We install the lock covers on top and also fasten them with hexagons. Let's start installing the lock mate. We mark holes on the floor for its fastening. Using a hammer drill, drill holes for the dowels in the marked places. Using dowels or other fasteners (depending on the material from which the floor is made), we fix the counter plate. We check the operation of the lock. The door and fittings have been successfully installed.

As you can see, it is not particularly difficult. The types of fastenings in different models of partitions may differ slightly from those described in this article. But we still recommend turning to professionals in this field.