home · Installation · How to properly divide a room into two zones. Dividing a room with curtains into two zones (23 photos). Dividing a room using fixed partitions

How to properly divide a room into two zones. Dividing a room with curtains into two zones (23 photos). Dividing a room using fixed partitions

It is rare to find an apartment owner who is completely satisfied with its layout, the placement of rooms and their functionality. Today, owners are increasingly resorting to redevelopment, in particular, to dividing a room into two. At the same time, questions about the legality of such an event and the technical side of the work arise acutely for the apartment owner.

General concept of room division

Such redevelopment is a rather complex matter, requiring the preparation of a project and changes in BTI plans. The fundamental factor when carrying out repairs and dividing a room is the load on the floors, and therefore the construction of any partition is subject to calculation of the permissible load limit.

There are a sufficient number of ways to divide a residential area into two isolated ones, however, some of them are subject to mandatory approval, these include:

  • Installation of an interior partition or arch. The most popular solution for zoning space in an apartment. It can be made of plasterboard, foam block and similar materials.
  • Separating rooms with columns. A more complex option from a design point of view, however, when selecting columns from durable material, the colonnade will not only divide the space, but will also serve as a load-bearing structure in itself, and therefore there will be no problems with its coordination.
  • Dividing the rooms with a corridor will allow you to separate the resulting rooms with additional space and, as a result of dividing the room into two, you will get isolated rooms.

In this case, special attention should be paid to the footage of the newly formed premises and the presence of natural light, especially in the case of dividing a room in a one-room apartment, since these parameters are one of the main requirements for this type of redevelopment, and it does not matter whether it is carried out in a “Khrushchev” or “Stalin” "or houses of a modern type.

Dividing a room into two

Let's take a closer look at ways to divide a room and their technical features. It is worth noting that such division options as arranging a room with massive furniture, a wardrobe, curtains, or a screen are not redevelopment, since they do not affect any structures and do not change the BTI plan, and therefore do not require approval.
The following methods of dividing a room into two deserve special attention:

  • installation of a stationary partition;
  • building a wall.

The main and practical way to divide a living space are partitions. The material used itself (plasterboard, glass, plywood) is easy and practical to use, but for coordination you need to pay special attention to strengthening the openings. When installing a transparent partition, there will be no interference with the natural light of both rooms, and this is an important point when coordinating.

From this point of view, the situation is more complicated with the construction of a wall as a room divider, since its structure itself will not let natural light into the newly formed room. Meanwhile, if you turn to specialists and draw up an optimal project, this type of redevelopment is still possible.

You should also not forget about interior openings; they can serve as sliding doors. They will contribute to the visual increase in space, as well as the penetration of light into the living room, which is important.

Types of room division

The main purpose of dividing a room is to increase the functionality of the premises. There are several main types of such division:

  1. For two children's rooms. Suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to provide a separate room for each child, while with age they need a separate area. An undoubted advantage is the formation of personal space for children.
  2. For the bedroom and nursery. This redevelopment option most often occurs in one-room apartments where a young family lives. The delimitation of space will allow you to visually and functionally separate the area for parents and the area for the child.
  3. For the bedroom and living room. The most common division of a room. Allows you to set aside a place for rest and sleep. If the project is prepared by professionals, it determines the design and style of the entire apartment.
  4. For the nursery and living room. This redevelopment option is less common, but it does happen. The construction of a partition in a spacious room will allow you to divide it into two completely different rooms.

Thus, skillful design and high-quality redevelopment will allow optimal use of the space of a particular room.

Negotiating room division: basics and conclusions

Dividing a living room into two, like any redevelopment, requires a significant investment of time and effort. Owners especially often have the question of how to divide a one-room apartment into two rooms. In this case, you need to be guided by the same principles as for any other apartment, not forgetting about the footage and natural lighting.

When starting this event, special attention should be paid to coordination. When contacting our company, you don’t have to wonder how to divide a room into two from a legal point of view. Our specialists will help you break down the rooms, starting with the preparation of design documentation, ending with receiving a positive response from the Ministry of Housing and Housing and a ready-made cadastral passport with a new layout. The optimal price for quality work done is the main principle of our company.


So, to summarize, we can highlight several main points regarding this redevelopment:

  • When dividing a room into two, it is necessary to calculate in advance the footage of each of the resulting rooms, which must comply with the acceptable standards specified in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (for different types of houses these standards may differ).
  • Providing each newly formed room with natural light is the main task of the owner.
  • A serious approach to documentation, both design and collection of other documents for approval, is the key to a successful approval.

And most importantly, remember - turning to professionals in your field will save your energy, time and money.

In modern apartments, people too often have to combine several functions in one room at once. For example, a bedroom can serve as a place for relaxation, an office and a wardrobe at the same time. Therefore, many people are concerned about the question of how to correctly divide a room into two zones so that it is both convenient and beautiful.

Image 1. Scheme of a plasterboard partition.

Numerous publications dedicated to interior design and similar television programs often talk about fashionable ways of zoning a room. But often we are talking about large bedrooms. How to divide a room if its area does not exceed 10 m2? If you approach this issue creatively and first draw up a redevelopment plan, then this task becomes completely solvable.

Techniques to help divide a room into zones

In order to divide a room into 2 zones, you can use the following techniques:

  • zoning using stationary partitions (for example, plasterboard);
  • the use of sliding or mobile partitions (screens, curtains);
  • separation using furniture;
  • visual zoning.

Before dividing a room into two zones, be sure to draw up a rough diagram of the future appearance of the room. Think about where the TV or dressing table will be located. And only after that choose a zoning option. Because each of the above methods has its pros and cons.

Image 4. Screens made of light natural fabrics perfectly transmit light and air, and do not visually make the room smaller.

  1. Just one small architectural element will help to visually divide the room. It can be a semi-arch, a small stand or a low and short partition. A two-level ceiling will look no less impressive. The main thing is that the boundary between the zones is clearly visible.
  2. Try to decorate both zones in the same color scheme. Contrasting solutions, of course, look very stylish. But not every person can think through such an interior on their own.
  3. Combine the zones with an element that combines both styles used. It could be a single floor covering, a design of one of the walls that “fits” into both designs, or a large ceiling chandelier.

Related article: The use of decorative plaster in kitchen design with photos

In any case, use neutral, calm tones for both the children's and adult areas. Remember that not only you, but also your child will live in this room. For the same reason, you should not overload the bedroom with “childish” elements. A funny night light and one picture above the baby’s crib will be enough.

Zoning the bedroom and office

You can divide a room into two independent parts using furniture. This zoning is especially relevant in a room belonging to a teenager. Because he needs two separate zones: a place to relax and work. The easiest way to do this is with a bookshelf. But you need to choose it wisely.

You should pay attention to lightweight structures consisting of slats or thin tubes. For example, such as shown in the image. 3.

Drawing of a screen to divide a room.

The shelves of the rack should be high. This is necessary so that books do not completely clutter them, allowing access to sunlight from the window. It is wiser to place some trinkets on the shelf at approximately the level of the chest of a standing person: a collection of figurines, sports awards, souvenirs. And it is best to move heavy and bulky volumes downwards.

To make the work area look more comfortable, you should not fence off only the computer or desk. Otherwise, this part of the room will resemble a corral. Place a chair, floor lamp or small corner sofa nearby. Remove the TV from the bedroom area and create a place in the “office” for relaxing and watching programs. This technique will make the room more comfortable and discipline the owner of the bedroom.

Not only bookshelves are used as partitions. A large stand for the same TV is suitable for this. And if the room belongs to a girl, then it can be zoned with a dressing table with a large mirror. You can complete the decor using curtains.

How to divide a room into two zones- this question is often asked by owners of studio apartments and apartments with an open plan, but it is also relevant for small apartments where you need to combine 2 completely different zones in one room.

If the interior of a room is designed in the same style, then it is quite difficult to place 2 zones with different purposes in it. But designers advise not to give up, because even in a small room you can create an interior in which, for example, and will be harmoniously combined.

A radical way of dividing into two zones

You can divide the room using a partition. You don't have to make a brick wall (unless you need extra soundproofing between rooms), you can divide one room into two using drywall installed on a metal frame.

However, you should consider that this solution is not suitable for small rooms. A small area, divided into 2 even smaller parts, will deprive your rooms of functionality, make them uncomfortable and more reminiscent of technical rooms than the residential part of the apartment.

This solution is not suitable for most studio apartments, since the charm of such apartments lies in the absence of additional walls. You will “steal” valuable square meters from yourself, but will not achieve positive results.

Basic methods of zoning an apartment

If you want to install a partition in a large room, then pay attention to the windows. It is advisable to install the partition so that there is at least one window in both zones.

In some situations, such a solution is impossible, and one of the rooms is left without natural light. In this case, it is best to make a partition from colored or frosted glass, which can insulate the room but allow light to pass through.

Mobile partitions for zoning

The advantage of this method of zoning space is that you can always make redevelopment in accordance with your desires and needs. Partitions are different. For example, partitions on an aluminum frame can completely delimit the space from floor to ceiling (at the same time, they are not “tightly” attached to the base, which allows them to be moved or removed). You can choose the design of the partition yourself, making it more transparent - glass or “solid” plastic or even laminate. An excellent interior solution would be partitions with photo paintings. This stylish design element will not only help to zone the space, but will also give your room an unusual appearance.

If you want to enclose part of a room without reducing its size, then use a screen. Since screens come in different heights, you can choose one that will cover the second area (usually the sleeping area), but at the same time leave free space from the end of the screen to the ceiling. Thus, it is this uncovered part that will allow the room to look whole.

You can make a suitable screen with your own hands; it’s not at all difficult. The frame of the screen must be made from slats of suitable length, fastening them together with nails and corners. Paint the slats and connect them together into a screen, fastening them with hinged hinges. You can stretch absolutely any fabric onto the frame: plain or patterned, silk or linen. The choice of fabric, color and pattern depends on the interior of the main room. Don't forget about the legs for your screen.

Rack for zoning a room

This method of zoning rooms is very popular among designers. Installing shelving not only helps to clearly delineate different zones, but also adds functionality to the room. On the shelves of the rack you can place books and flowers, vinyl records and your favorite magazines. There is a place here for photographs and souvenirs that you brought from different countries. Try to choose an unusual shape, then the border between the zones will seem less sharp.

Color to divide a room into two zones

Zoning space using color is perhaps one of the simplest and at the same time complex techniques. It is available at the stage of apartment renovation. The main problem that owners have is choosing suitable colors. Do not forget that the colors should not only be contrasting, but also combine well with each other. If you have chosen 2 colors from a cold and warm range, then you will need more effort to achieve harmony between them.

To ensure that the zones do not look too “disconnected” from each other, you can use various accessories. So, let's say, choosing a warm orange color for the dining area and a cool sky blue for the living room, try to achieve the perfect combination between them. Place orange-hued accessories in your living room. This could be sofa cushions or a large fluffy rug, a table lamp with a lampshade, or even a painting with beautiful orange flowers. You should do the same when designing the interior of the dining area. A blue tablecloth or dishes, a chandelier located directly above the table, chair seats - all these elements will connect two different areas into one beautiful room.

Zoning the room by height

You can zone a space not only with the help of colors; visual zoning is also possible with the help of the height of the interiors. This method is also available exclusively at the stage of renovation of the premises, as it requires thorough work. You can make two-level ceilings, each of which will correspond to a specific area. Along the border of the zones, also draw a division on the floor. This is quite easy to do by combining different materials (tiles in the kitchen and laminate flooring in the dining area, for example). A more expensive, but also much more effective way is to create podiums. Such plasterboard structures can transform a room beyond recognition.

But be careful not to use podiums in apartments with low ceilings, as they take away the height, and you risk making the room very “short”.

How to divide a room into two zones

How to divide a room into two zones- this question is often asked by owners of studio apartments and apartments with an open plan, but it is also relevant for small apartments where you need to combine 2 completely different zones in one room.

If the interior of a room is designed in the same style, then it is quite difficult to place 2 zones with different purposes in it. But designers advise not to give up, because even in a small room you can create an interior in which, for example, the living room and bedroom will harmoniously combine.

A radical way of dividing into two zones

You can divide the room using a partition. You don't have to make a brick wall (unless you need extra soundproofing between rooms), you can divide one room into two using drywall installed on a metal frame.

However, you should consider that this solution is not suitable for small rooms. A small area, divided into 2 even smaller parts, will deprive your rooms of functionality, make them uncomfortable and more reminiscent of technical rooms than the residential part of the apartment.

This solution is not suitable for most studio apartments, since the charm of such apartments lies in the absence of additional walls. You will “steal” valuable square meters from yourself, but will not achieve positive results.

Basic methods of zoning an apartment

If you want to install a partition in a large room, then pay attention to the windows. It is advisable to install the partition so that there is at least one window in both zones.

In some situations, such a solution is impossible, and one of the rooms is left without natural light. In this case, it is best to make a partition from colored or frosted glass, which can insulate the room but allow light to pass through.

Mobile partitions for zoning

The advantage of this method of zoning space is that you can always make redevelopment in accordance with your desires and needs. Partitions are different. For example, partitions on an aluminum frame can completely delimit the space from floor to ceiling (at the same time, they are not “tightly” attached to the base, which allows them to be moved or removed). You can choose the design of the partition yourself, making it more transparent - glass or “solid” plastic or even laminate. An excellent interior solution would be partitions with photo paintings. This stylish design element will not only help to zone the space, but will also give your room an unusual appearance.

If you want to enclose part of a room without reducing its size, then use a screen. Since screens come in different heights, you can choose one that will cover the second area (usually the sleeping area), but at the same time leave free space from the end of the screen to the ceiling. Thus, it is this uncovered part that will allow the room to look whole.

You can make a suitable screen with your own hands; it’s not at all difficult. The frame of the screen must be made from slats of suitable length, fastening them together with nails and corners. Paint the slats and connect them together into a screen, fastening them with hinged hinges. You can stretch absolutely any fabric onto the frame: plain or patterned, silk or linen. The choice of fabric, color and pattern depends on the interior of the main room. Don't forget about the legs for your screen.

Rack for zoning a room

This method of zoning rooms is very popular among designers. Installing shelving not only helps to clearly delineate different zones, but also adds functionality to the room. On the shelves of the rack you can place books and flowers, vinyl records and your favorite magazines. There is a place here for photographs and souvenirs that you brought from different countries. Try to choose racks of an unusual shape, then the border between zones will seem less sharp.

Color to divide a room into two zones

Zoning space using color is perhaps one of the simplest and at the same time complex techniques. It is available at the stage of apartment renovation. The main problem that owners have is choosing suitable colors. Do not forget that the colors should not only be contrasting, but also combine well with each other. If you have chosen 2 colors from a cold and warm range, then you will need more effort to achieve harmony between them.

To ensure that the zones do not look too “disconnected” from each other, you can use various accessories. So, let's say, choosing a warm orange color for the dining area and a cool sky blue for the living room, try to achieve the perfect combination between them. Place orange-hued accessories in your living room. This could be sofa cushions or a large fluffy rug, a table lamp with a lampshade, or even a painting with beautiful orange flowers. You should do the same when designing the interior of the dining area. A blue tablecloth or dishes, a chandelier located directly above the table, chair seats - all these elements will connect two different areas into one beautiful room.

Zoning the room by height

You can zone a space not only with the help of colors; visual zoning is also possible with the help of the height of the interiors. This method is also available exclusively at the stage of renovation of the premises, as it requires thorough work. You can make two-level ceilings, each of which will correspond to a specific area. Along the border of the zones, also draw a division on the floor. This is quite easy to do by combining different materials (tiles in the kitchen and laminate flooring in the dining area, for example). A more expensive, but also much more effective way is to create podiums. Such plasterboard structures can transform a room beyond recognition.

But be careful not to use podiums in apartments with low ceilings, as they take away the height, and you risk making the room very “short”.

How to divide a room into two zones - photo

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How to divide a room with a curtain into two zones

Today we will talk about dividing a room from a practical side. With this article you will learn how to divide a room with a curtain into two zones. You will also have full information about what division options exist. This article will help you apply your knowledge in practice.

Room division option


In order for the result to be satisfactory, you need to be extremely meticulous in the issue of dividing the room. Think about the arrangement of the furniture, which part of the room you would like to divide, take into account the lighting of the room - do not allow it to be dark, take into account the ventilation and temperature of the room. You also need to place sockets and lamps evenly in both parts.

Of course, dividing a room will cost less than remodeling it, but it still requires money. Remember that constructing a barrier is a waste of a large area. Make the fence as thin as possible to cover more area.

For children and adults

The most popular case of division is a one-room apartment, which needs to be divided into a children's part and an adult part. The best barrier would be a plasterboard wall. In order to build this limiter, you need to dismantle the part of the floor where the wall will be located. Ideally, it is better to dismantle the entire floor. A metal frame is installed, after which gypsum board sheets are installed. We recommend installing a limiter with a convex configuration, which will create a spacious passage into the rooms.

For the bedroom and living room

In this case, it is necessary to find out the purpose of the living room. If the people in the living room will not interfere with the people in the bedroom, then furniture will serve as an ideal barrier.

In two parts

An original way to divide a room into two zones is to divide it using curtains, as can be seen in the photo. This is a visual way of conditional division, which allows you to not fully transform the room into two full-fledged rooms. Accordingly, sound will be heard from both parts. If this fact does not bother you, then this method is suitable for you. If you have suspended ceilings, then you won’t be able to divide the room, because you need to install a cornice on the ceiling:

  • Lighting. If the limiter is a transparent material, the room will be brightly lit, which will save electricity. You can save on lighting even at night if you install the cornice below the lamps. You can also use the window sparingly by dividing it into two zones, as seen in the photo;

  • The effect of presence. As already written above, a curtain is not a full-fledged room divider, but only a visual one. In this case, all the noise remains in both conditional parts. The advantage is that you will be fully aware of what your children are doing. It is also important that adults can create a romantic atmosphere and enjoy each other’s presence, even if someone is busy;

  • Conditional boundary. Another advantage of the curtain is that it can be easily opened or retracted if you need it. You will enjoy your space to the fullest. If there is a need for privacy, then with one movement you can easily divide the room and go about your business again.

Interesting options

Of particular importance in using curtains as a divider is their material, which can give the room a special charm and practicality:

  • Kitchen. Curtains can be used to divide the working part from the kitchen, as seen in the photo. If you have mountains of unwashed dishes that you haven’t had time to put away, but you already need to greet guests, then you can close the curtains and celebrate with your guests in a clean apartment;
  • Bedroom. If your spouse comes home late from work and you go to bed early, then draw the curtains. Comfort and sound sleep are guaranteed to you;

  • Children's room. To successfully complete homework, fence off the children’s study area with a curtain, as seen in the photo. Now children will have an incentive to learn their lessons so they can play when they are done with their assignments. This method will improve academic performance and children will not be distracted. Lessons will be completed more quickly and there will be plenty of time to relax. If you have two children, divide the room and provide personal space for each of them;
  • Living room. The large living room can be divided into several zones for comfort. This is an ideal option for a calm dialogue while the bulk of the guests communicate together. This method also divides guests into small groups and allows them to have a good time without disturbing each other.

Finally, a little advice. If you want to visually divide the room with curtains, use wallpaper in different shades, and hang reversible curtains so that each side matches each divided section.

Let's sum it up

When dividing your space, think through everything down to the smallest detail. Choose which dividing method suits you and the room in which you live. If a wall will serve as a divider, calculate your finances to purchase the necessary materials, think about the temperature of the room and its lighting. If you choose the method of dividing using curtains, pay attention to the ceiling, lamps, sockets to distribute them evenly. Put up contrasting wallpaper and get double-sided curtains that will enhance the visual separation. Remember that curtains do not eliminate sound, but only create a visual division effect, which is ideal for those who have children who always need control and supervision.

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We will be happy to help you choose options for curtains and home textiles for your apartment, which will cost less than if you went to a regular curtain salon

How to divide a room into zones: popular options and solutions

For a comfortable stay, a living space must have several functional areas. Not everyone has the financial opportunity to buy multi-room apartments, so many owners of one-room apartments are interested in the question of how to divide the room into zones to make the living space as comfortable as possible.

There are many ways to divide a room into several different parts. The most difficult and costly of them is remodeling the apartment. which requires permission and project development. Therefore, it is better to take the easier route.

To divide the space into zones, you can use curtains, partitions (stationary or mobile), screens, furniture, etc. It is easy to achieve the visual effect of dividing the living space by using wallpaper of different colors or flooring of different textures.

Popular ways to divide a room into two zones

Now, for example, it is very fashionable to combine the kitchen and dining room into one room so that the division of the room into two zones is clearly visible; tiles should be used as flooring in the kitchen area, and linoleum or laminate flooring should be used in the dining room.

When dividing space into different functional areas, you should take into account their purpose, the wishes of other family members, and also draw an exact plan that will indicate how much area you plan to allocate for the bedroom, nursery, study or living room.

The work area in the room must be provided with sound insulation, which will protect the working person from extraneous noise. In addition, you need to take care of lighting and sockets. Combining a living room and a study, it will be enough for the study to separate a smaller part of the room with a stationary interior partition made of plasterboard or translucent frosted glass.

It is convenient to separate the study from the living room, bedroom or children's room using furniture walls or wardrobes. They are great for functional zoning that requires sound insulation. To provide natural light in the office, you can use transparent and translucent furniture, as well as cabinets with open shelves. Dividing a room into zones using furniture is the most common and most convenient way. If necessary, you can change the location of the furniture at any time and change the division of space to suit your needs.

Zoning options for a children's room

In the children's room it is necessary to create areas for sleeping, studying and relaxing. The play area in the children's room requires more space. To divide the room in which the child lives, you can use a thick screen, furniture, and colored toy boxes.

It is better to choose options for dividing the room into zones with the participation of the child himself. When distributing personal living space, you need to take into account the baby’s needs, his character, inclinations and hobbies. To divide a room, it is convenient to use a small-depth closet, a bed, or a thick curtain.

To make the design of the room more original, you can divide the space with the help of indoor plants. This method of separation will look especially good for a recreation area, living room, and dining room. Climbing ivies, palm trees, ficuses, collected in a group, will create a living wall that will decorate any interior design. To arrange plants, you can use hanging baskets attached to the ceiling, wire frames along which indoor plants will climb.

How to divide a room according to feng shui

Recently, it has become very fashionable to divide the zones of a room according to Feng Shui. To determine the sectors of a room according to Feng Shui, you need to use a compass. The starting point is north. The apartment plan must be divided into nine identical parts. Part of the plan in the north is the career zone, the south is fame, the west is creativity, the east is families, the wealth zone is southeast, the territory of love is southwest, etc. There are nine zones in total that need to be activated. Therefore, the necessary items are individually selected for each part of the room.

For example, the wealth sector requires wood and water. Water is a symbol of money. People who follow the teachings of Feng Shui place indoor plants, small fountains or aquariums in the wealth zone.

The talisman of wealth is a sailboat. It is necessary that it faces the inside of the room, then this talisman will provide cash flow.

The love zone improves love and sexual relationships with people. Her talisman is any paired items. The symbol of romantic relationships is chocolate or chocolate candies.

Many people are familiar with this problem, when there are simply not enough free square meters in the home, and therefore the question arises of what is needed divide the room into two zones. However, there is no need to be sad about such a problem prematurely. Any living space initially contains the potential for a cozy and comfortable arrangement in such a way that the lack of free space is not felt excessively.

To do this, the apartment simply needs to be divided into certain zones intended for their own purposes. Designers have long been using the principle of zoning space to make housing harmonious and as comfortable as possible for a person. There are many techniques that help expand an initially small room, and not only visually.

In any home, the owner can find the so-called hidden areas, and then arrange these areas competently. If you're just moving into a new home, treat empty space as a completely blank canvas. It is here that you will have to realize your personal fantasy ideas. From practical experience it often follows that even a completely empty apartment contains a lot of unnecessary things. An example of this is a solid partition separating a room from a balcony. If you thoroughly insulate the balcony and then remove such a partition, the room will become an order of magnitude larger in area.

The balcony often serves as a place where people store things they essentially don’t need, filling valuable space with all sorts of rubbish. Meanwhile, you can turn it into a mini-dining room or a small office, where you can work at the computer in complete peace or allow your child to do his homework. After removing the partition, the boundary between the balcony and the room can be marked using a cabinet.

Or you can not fence off this area at all, thereby increasing the area of ​​the room. Quite a lot of free zones can appear if a small apartment is supplemented with all kinds of niches. Niches can easily cope with the role of a full-fledged closet or dressing room. You will have the opportunity to save not only space, but also money, which you can then spend on purchasing the wardrobe you want for all small apartments. In general, you should not be too afraid of the prospect of the walls collapsing.

But this, of course, does not apply to load-bearing structures. By breaking down non-permanent walls in a number of places in the apartment, you can significantly increase the usable area. Having made one spacious room out of two small rooms, you can then skillfully use design techniques to intelligently arrange the free space. Instead of a permanent wall, you can make a decorative partition equipped with many shelves. Your apartment will immediately take on a more modern look.

And every centimeter of free space will have a chance for competent practical use. Many people are hesitant to renovate their apartment, believing that for such purposes it is necessary to first collect many different documents and obtain the appropriate permission. But it is possible to skillfully divide a home into zones without coordination with the relevant authorities. How to divide a room into zones? Everyone can divide their apartment into sectors without unnecessary and completely unnecessary hassle.

It should be noted that so-called studio apartments are very popular today. The kitchen is separated from the room, which doubles as a dining room, using various flooring options. Of course, it is optimal to use tiles for the kitchen floor. But in the dining room you can lay linoleum. Keep in mind that if you are going to combine zones in an apartment that initially have different purposes, then you definitely need to think about a method of high-quality sound insulation.

If you have children, they will bother you with their noise. Sound insulation can be achieved by using and properly placing the same wardrobe, which will completely replace part of the wall. Or you can build a partition with many small cabinets and shelves. It is not at all necessary to make a partition or custom cabinets. You can think through in detail the future layout of the furniture, accurately measure all the parameters and calculate the number of meters that you would not mind allocating to the corresponding zone.

But there are certain recommendations here too. If you plan to combine areas for work and rest, then it is better to make the workspace a little smaller in size. Division rooms with two zones It’s inconceivable without installing or moving switches and sockets. Zones in the room Ideally, they should have their own lighting source. When arranging a space, it is better to refrain from using types of furniture that seem to prop up the walls.

In general, in conditions of limited space, various purely decorative attributes that serve exclusively aesthetic purposes should be kept to a minimum. Sofas, cabinets, shelves and, of course, cabinets must first of all meet the functions of competent division into zones. It is possible to identify zones in a limited area without setting clear boundaries.

This task will be perfectly accomplished by the difference and contrast in color, texture, as well as the construction of a podium or different levels on the floor. Within the same apartment, the division into zones should not be very assertive. In the future, the area divided into zones should be provided with a harmonious interior, if possible, of a single stylistic orientation. You can divide an apartment if you use the techniques described below and the appropriate tool. First, pay attention to the furniture.

Its individual components must cope with the function of the divider. For example, you can highlight zones using several low shelves or racks. It is enough to fix them to the wall at a certain angle. By simply adding a table top to one side of this shelving unit, your child will have the perfect place to do his homework.

The role of a conventional boundary between the kitchen working area and the dining space can also be played by a tabletop, supported on one side by a metal “trunk”. A corner sofa perfectly delimits the necessary zones in the apartment. You can isolate the sleeping area from the living room area using a wardrobe. Along with partitions, an attribute such as a screen can cope with the task of creating a conditional border.

Such an interior item is now again in wide demand. The screen can be selected in accordance with the general design criteria of your apartment. But there are also so-called universal screens that fit harmoniously into absolutely any interior. Partitions installed only on the sides of the main “entrance” to the allocated area are excellent for highlighting the bedroom. The partition is easy to construct from gypsum cardboard.

A partition based on plexiglass will look no less elegant. However, when choosing a material, take into account the fact that, for example, gypsum board will inevitably conceal light rays, making the space separated by it darker. In this regard, it is recommended to install a gypsum board partition near the window opening.

Organic frosted glass in this sense will be more preferable. In addition, any space with his participation acquires a certain zest. The role of a kind of non-permanent partition can be played by curtains or thick curtain material.

If you remember, in Russian houses it was curtains that were hung in rooms and other rooms to hide the bed or other areas that did not need public viewing from prying eyes. Curtains and curtains, as an element of space decor, and not just windows, are becoming fashionable again today. In any case, textiles will make your apartment more comfortable and homely. If you decide to use a sliding door mechanism to highlight certain areas, then the feeling that the apartment consists of only one room will disappear completely.