home · electrical safety · Organizations for unclogging garbage chutes. Device for cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting the barrel. Safety requirements and provision of special clothing, personal protective equipment, tools and equipment

Organizations for unclogging garbage chutes. Device for cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting the barrel. Safety requirements and provision of special clothing, personal protective equipment, tools and equipment

What is a garbage chute, and on what principle does it work in an apartment building? From this article you will learn about the role of garbage chutes in waste disposal in the realities of our country, what is their design, rules of use, how is maintenance carried out and in what cases are they sealed?

Garbage chute in a high-rise building: from A to Z

The garbage chute is designed to collect waste. This is convenient: residents do not need to leave the entrance every time to dispose of garbage. You just need to open the gateway (the loading valve of the garbage chute), throw out the garbage and that’s it. From the apartment - ten steps, maximum fifteen. Saves a lot of time and effort.

But where does household waste end up after this? Disposal is handled by municipal services. At each entrance there is a special room where all the garbage goes. The tank installed there is emptied regularly (or should be). Failure to clean the container in a timely manner can cause an unpleasant odor in the entrance and cause a complaint against the utility company.

How is it built?

Let's try to describe the structure of the garbage chute. Essentially, it is a pipe that runs vertically from the basement to the top floor. With a certain frequency, there are branches - these are sluices into which residents throw waste. They are located either on floors or between them. There is also a gateway installed at the very bottom of the garbage chute - it is closed during repairs or sanitary processing of the garbage collection room, so that nothing falls on the workers’ heads.

In addition, the pipe contains devices that dampen the speed of falling debris. Still, nine or more floors of free fall is already dangerous. And the equipment will wear out quickly. This is why dampers are needed: to prevent falling debris from causing trouble upon arrival.

A washing and disinfection system must protect against fires inside the garbage chute. In addition to maintaining a relatively normal sanitary condition inside the pipe, it can prevent fire. There are also automatic waste chute isolation systems in case of fire.

At the top there is ventilation, which you certainly can’t do without. Timely cleaning and regular maintenance prevent the garbage disposal from smelling strongly. But if utility workers are not very active in maintaining cleanliness, or no one is interested in maintaining the garbage chute, an unpleasant odor is guaranteed.

Where is it found?

Garbage chutes are a fairly common phenomenon. Most large apartment buildings designed and built with this detail in mind - they have a garbage chute. That is, now houses with garbage chutes are common.

One “but”: cleaning the garbage chute and maintaining it in suitable condition is an expensive pleasure. It is not always and not everywhere that the garbage chute is maintained in full working order. Alas, these are the realities of life in our country: many garbage chutes are not maintained because it is unprofitable. Indeed, it is much easier to weld a garbage chute, or rather, weld all the garbage chute valves on the floors and forget about it.

They often do this. In many homes where they cannot afford to maintain a garbage chute, they simply close it off. On the one hand, residents will need more effort. On the other hand, this is better than enduring an unpleasant odor due to the fact that the garbage disposal is not maintained.

And not only in Russia!

It would seem that the invention is not so complicated. But until a certain time it was not very common in Europe. The reason is simple: the difficulty of sorting garbage. It is much more difficult with household waste there - most of it goes into recycling, so every citizen is obliged to sort their waste. But the improved design of the garbage chute has taken root in Europe and is quite actively used.

The product "Maxi-Dez M" meets all the requirements for disinfectants for disinfecting garbage chutes and waste collection containers.

  • Disinfectant activity against all types of microorganisms, incl. bacteria, viruses, fungi, mycobacterium tuberculosis, as well as pathogens especially dangerous infections.
  • Liquid release form. Concentrate.
  • Good solubility in water.
  • Excellent cleaning effect. Compatible with soaps and surfactants.
  • Possibility of disinfection by all means, incl. by rubbing, immersing, irrigation.
  • Safely. Hazard class 4 for inhalation, application to the skin and introduction into the stomach. Possibility of use in the presence of people.
  • Exposure time: 30 and 60 minutes.

Extract from Instruction No. MDM-30/09 on the use of the disinfectant “Maxi-Dez M”, approved by the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor

1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.4. The product "Maxi-Dez M" is intended for:

“...disinfection and washing of waste disposal systems (garbage collection equipment, inventory, garbage bins, garbage trucks, garbage chutes, etc.)”;


3.12. Disinfection of waste disposal systems and means is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for cleaning, washing and disinfecting waste disposal systems of residential, administrative and public buildings (Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for Moscow dated April 3, 2002 No. 1) according to the regimes presented in table 2.

Table 2. Disinfection modes for waste disposal systems solutions of the “Maxi-Dez M” product.

The product is economical to use.

Requirements for disinfectants

4.1. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of disinfectants is allowed only if there is a certificate of state registration (registration certificate) issued in in the prescribed manner Ministry of Health of Russia, guidelines for their use approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, certificate of conformity of the GOST R system.

4.2. To achieve a reliable effect of destroying microorganisms, it is necessary to comply with the basic requirements set out in the guidelines for the disinfectant used - consumption rates, concentration, exposure (contact) time, method of application, frequency of treatment, formulation of the disinfectant.

4.3. When choosing a disinfectant, you should take into account the characteristics of the object being treated (material, shape, size, presence of organic and inorganic pollutants, etc.), biological properties circulating microorganisms (duration of existence on objects external environment, type and form of existence, resistance to certain classes of antimicrobial substances), features of disinfectants (spectrum of antimicrobial action, active substance and its concentration, solubility in water, methods of application, etc.).

4.4. In Appendix 1 to of this Instruction the priority properties of disinfectants are presented when choosing them for disinfection of garbage chutes and waste collection containers.

Appendix 1 to the resolution of the chief state sanitary doctor for Moscow dated April 3, 2002 No. 1


Document text

housing and communal services

economy and improvement

Moscow cities

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations have been developed to implement:
- Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 N 290 “On the minimum list of works and services necessary to ensure proper maintenance common property in, and the order of their provision and implementation";
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 N 491 “On approval of the rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the rules for changing the amount of fees for maintenance and repairs in the event of the provision of services and performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration";
- Decree of the Moscow Government of December 30, 2003 N 1065-PP “On improving the organization and implementation of disinfection, pest control and deratization measures at Moscow facilities”;
- Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 4, 1996 N 465 “On operating standards housing stock";
- Resolution of the Moscow Government dated April 24, 2007 N 299-PP “On measures to bring the management system of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow into compliance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation”;
- SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”;
- SP 31-108-2002 "Garbage chutes of residential and public buildings and structures" regarding the mandatory equipping of garbage chutes with a device for periodic washing, cleaning and disinfection of the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel.
Garbage chutes of residential buildings built and reconstructed after 2002 must be equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute shaft.
1.2. These Regulations determine the composition and frequency of work, requirements for the maintenance of a garbage chute equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel.
1.3. These Regulations are mandatory for compliance by owners, owners (managers), tenants and tenants of residential and non-residential premises in (regardless of the form of ownership of the property), as well as for organizations of all organizational and legal forms that carry out technical maintenance and sanitary maintenance of the common property of an apartment building, which includes a garbage chute equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel.

2. Terms and definitions

A waste disposal system (garbage chute) is an integral part of a complex of engineering equipment for residential, administrative and public buildings and structures, designed for the collection, transportation and temporary storage (accumulation) of solid household waste (hereinafter referred to as MSW) and includes: a waste collection chamber; garbage chute; loading valves; gate; ventilation unit; mechanism for washing, cleaning and disinfection.

The barrel is a device for periodic portioned gravitational transportation of solid waste into a container installed in the waste collection chamber.

Loading valve is a device designed to periodically shut off the lower end of the garbage chute when removing containers filled with solid waste, and safely carry out preventive, sanitary and repair work in the garbage collection chamber.

Fire valve is a device for automatically shutting off the waste chute from the waste collection chamber in the event of a fire. It is carried out as a built-in damper, a separate structure, or combined to perform the functions of a damper and a fire damper.

Cleaning washing-disinfecting device - designed for periodic cleaning, rinsing and disinfection of the inner surface of the garbage chute shaft, as well as automatic extinguishing of a possible solid waste fire inside the barrel (hereinafter referred to as the cleaning device).

Garbage chute ventilation - unit ( top part garbage chute), designed for exhaust ventilation of the garbage collection chamber and the garbage chute shaft.

Garbage collection chamber is a room in a building for the temporary storage of solid waste in containers.

Container is a mobile, non-replaceable container designed for direct reception of solid waste from the waste chute, its temporary storage and delivery to the place of reloading into a garbage truck.

Compactor is a device for compacting solid waste during the process of reloading it from a waste chute into a container or other container, or for briquetting waste.

Dampener - a device designed to reduce the gravitational speed of falling solid waste components in the shaft of a garbage chute.

Disinfection - sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures aimed at destroying microorganisms on environmental objects that can cause infectious diseases person.

Disinfectant - physical or chemical agent, including a disinfectant agent.

3. Regulatory condition of the garbage chute equipped with
device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the internal
surface of the garbage chute

3.1. The regulatory status is determined for a garbage chute equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel, which is in operation and is not currently undergoing routine or major repairs.

3.2. The routine condition of a garbage chute equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfection is determined design features and his condition individual elements, which must comply with passport data, project requirements, current regulatory documents: SP 54.13330.2011 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”; SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 " Sanitary rules maintenance of territories populated areas"; SNiP 21-01-97* "Fire safety of buildings and structures"; SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises"; Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE); Rules for the construction and safe operation lifting cranes PB 10-382-00; "Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Design standards and rules" NPB 88-2001; GOST R 50680-94 "Automatic water fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. Test methods"; Technical rules and regulations (approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170); MGSN 3.01-01 "Residential buildings"; SP 31-108-2002 "Garbage chutes for residential and public buildings and structures", requirements of the main decree State Sanitary Doctor for the City of Moscow dated April 3, 2002 No. 1 “On cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes.”

3.3. The garbage chute must ensure the removal of solid waste from residential buildings, and its fire-fighting equipment- automatic fire extinguishing in the waste chute and in the waste collection chamber.

3.4. The waste chute must be gas-, smoke-, water-proof, soundproof from building structures, and ensure the standard noise level in residential and office premises, have fire-heat insulation, regulatory fire safety, have a fire resistance rating of at least E 45.

3.5. The material used to make the waste chute must be hydrophobic and prevent the absorption of liquid, including that contaminated by pathogenic microflora.

3.6. The inner surface of the garbage chute must be smooth, without ledges, cavities, cracks or sagging. All fixed connections of the shaft (pipe joints, fastenings of loading valves, housings of the cleaning device, as well as supporting elements of the shaft) must be gas-, smoke-, and water-tight.

3.7. The trunk of the garbage chute must be made of pipes with a nominal diameter of 400 mm, made only of non-combustible materials (NG) that meet sanitary and fire safety requirements. Pipes with a nominal bore of less or more than 400 mm are used as a trunk in accordance with the design specifications. Regardless of the diameter of the barrel and the methods of its manufacture, the cross-section of the inner surface of the barrel must have a cylindrical shape.

3.8. The trunk of the garbage chute and the axis of the openings for the trunk in the interfloor ceilings must be vertical. The deviation should not exceed 5 mm within one floor and 30 mm over the total height of the trunk. For high-rise (more than 75 m) buildings, the total deviation should not exceed 45 mm.

Sealing the passages of the garbage chute through interfloor ceilings should not have any violations of integrity or traces of leaks.

3.9. The outer surface of the garbage chute must have a vandal-proof protective layer made of non-flammable environmentally friendly materials.

3.10. Decorative heat and noise insulating lining of the garbage chute trunk made of building materials must be separated from the building structures by soundproofing pads. The cladding must provide the ability to repair and replace the bucket or loading valve without disturbing the building's building structures.

3.11. The outlet of the waste chute in the waste collection chamber must be equipped with a gate. The placement of the gate with a straight or inclined branch pipe should provide the possibility of installing a mobile container underneath it.

3.12. The openings of the waste chute for installing loading valves must correspond to the design of the building and, as a rule, have dimensions of 300 x 650 mm, the lower edge of the opening is located at a height of 160 +/- 10 mm from the clean floor, the receiving opening of the bucket is at a height of 0.6-0 .8 m from the floor.

3.13. The location and design of the upper part of the garbage chute shaft must ensure the installation of a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the shaft with a stationary water supply and power supply. The placement of the device must ensure its convenient and safe operation.

3.14. The device, as a rule, is placed along the axis of the garbage chute barrel in the ventilated space above the barrel between the barrel and the ventilation duct and must correspond to their binding dimensions and be connected to them without compromising the strength and tightness.

3.15. When cleaning devices are open, vandal-proof protective structures (grills, doors, etc.) must be installed on the landings of the top floors.

3.16. The mechanism for cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting the garbage chute shaft must ensure:

The location of the electric drive and (or) control system in the barrel of the garbage chute in such a way that all its elements are outside the zone of the barrel and are enclosed in a separate shell (cabinet), providing dust- and water-tightness and electrical and explosion safety, excluding direct contact of operating personnel with the space trunk during cleaning, washing and disinfection;

The presence of a device that prevents the disinfectant solution from entering the water supply system.

The dimensions and layout of the room in which the mechanism for cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting the garbage chute barrel is installed must provide easy access for maintenance personnel to all units of the mechanism, and to carry out operational, repair and preventative work.

3.17. The placement of devices should not violate the evacuation routes established by the standards or interfere with the opening and washing of windows.

3.18. In accordance with SP 31-108-2002, the garbage chute shaft and the garbage collection chamber must be provided with natural and, if necessary, forced ventilation.

3.19. Ventilation of the waste collection chamber is carried out, as a rule, through the trunk of the waste chute. The ventilation unit is located above the waste chute.

3.20. Pairing ventilation duct with the barrel of the garbage chute and with the body of the device for washing, cleaning and disinfection must be smoke- and gas-tight.

3.21. The outlet of the ventilation duct above the roof of the building must be equipped with a deflector. The place where the channel passes through the roof must be waterproof using an installation sleeve and a protective apron and determined by the design of the roof in the project.

3.22. IN high-rise buildings to avoid overturning of the ventilation draft, as well as a decrease in speed air flow an additional ventilation riser is provided in the waste chute shaft or other engineering solutions are implemented.

3.23. The ventilation duct must be made of non-combustible materials, the part of the ventilation duct passing through cold attic, must be insulated. The place where the ventilation duct passes through the roof of the building should not have any traces of leaks.

3.24. The loading valve and bucket must ensure the free movement of waste into the waste chute. The dimensions and design of the bucket must exclude the possibility of dumping waste components into the shaft with dimensions exceeding the internal diameter of the shaft.

3.25. The ladle must be waterproof, removable, have no deformations, open and close freely, have a tight seal with elastic gaskets in the closed position, ensuring smoke and gas tightness of the loading valve.

3.26. The bucket in any position should not block the internal cross-section of the garbage chute barrel and must be locked in the closed position to perform maintenance and repair work in the garbage collection chamber and sanitize the garbage chute barrel.

3.27. All metal constructions(except for those made of corrosion-resistant steel) must have a durable anti-corrosion coating.

3.28. The loading valve body in its lower part must have a waste guide tray that covers the thickness of the barrel wall and prevents waste and liquids from entering the internal cavity of the valve.

3.29. When opening, the bucket should lock into the open position without knocking. The force of opening and closing the bucket should not exceed 35 N (3.5 kgf). The bottom of the bucket must be flat and smooth, the thickness of the bottom of the bucket must be at least 2 mm.

3.30. There should be a convenient and illuminated approach to the loading valves.

3.31. Loading valves must be made of non-combustible materials and have a fire resistance rating of at least E 30. To seal the seating surfaces of the loading valve bodies and the lids of their buckets, the use of low-combustible materials is allowed.

3.32. The gate of the garbage chute shaft must ensure that waste falls from the shaft directly into the mobile container.

3.33. The gate must ensure guaranteed closure of the garbage chute during the period of replacement of a filled container, as well as during repair, preventive work and sanitary treatment of the inner surface of the garbage chute, the waste collection chamber and the mobile container.

3.34. The design of the gate assembly (gate, pipes, support flange) must be welded or bolted and prevent narrowing of the flow area of ​​the garbage chute trunk and the presence of upward ledges on the inner surface of the gate channel. The bending angle of the pipe should be no more than 20°.

3.35. The gate must have reliable fixation in extreme positions. The gate valve must be removable with double-sided bolting through spring washers. The bolts must be tightened until the washers are completely compressed.

3.36. The thickness of the gate valve must be at least 5 mm, and the thickness of the body and pipe - 2.5-3 mm. In high-rise buildings, a reinforced gate design must be provided.

3.37. The design of the gate must ensure the safety of operating personnel in the closed position.

3.38. In the open position, the gate valve should not block the flow area of ​​the garbage chute barrel. The possibility of spontaneous opening and closing must be excluded. Normal working position gate - open. When carrying out work in the waste collection chamber, the gate must be closed.

3.39. The gate must have a built-in fire valve with a fire-cutting damper, which provides automatic (without the use of electrical automation) shutting off the lower end of the barrel in the event of a possible waste fire in the waste collection chamber.

3.40. The fire damper must have a temperature-sensitive element that ensures that the fire-cutting damper is open in the normal operating position of the damper and that the damper is closed in the event of a waste fire.

3.41. The design of the fire damper must prevent injury to operating personnel in the event of spontaneous operation.

3.42. The cleaning-washing-disinfecting device must ensure the removal of build-up of waste particles and disinfection of the inner surface of the garbage chute.

3.43. The device must contain a cleaning unit, a drive for its movement, a water supply unit, a device for automatically mixing the disinfectant with water and supplying it to the barrel, an automatic fire extinguishing device (sprinkler) in the barrel, a housing with a sealed door and a lock.

3.44. The cleaning unit includes a brush having at least three brush disks and a weight to ensure lowering of the brush. The design and weight of the cleaning unit must ensure its guaranteed lowering in the barrel and can be 25-40 kg.

3.45. The drive electric motor must be dust-, moisture-proof and explosion-proof. The drive must have a permanent emergency mechanism manual movement cleaning unit with a force on the handle of no more than 25 N (2.5 kgf) and ensure fixation of the cleaning unit in any position in the barrel when the electric motor is stopped.

3.46. The power supply system of the device must provide protection against short circuits and overload of the electric motor, as well as the ability to turn off all electrical equipment during non-working hours and during repair and maintenance work.

3.47. The electrical equipment of the device must be reliably grounded, and the junction of the grounding wire and the housing must be painted. The electrical equipment of the drive, current supply and grounding must comply with the requirements of PB 10-382-00 and PUE. The insulation resistance of the grounding circuit of all components of the device relative to its body is no more than 4 Ohms, and the insulation resistance of the electrical circuit wires relative to the body is no less than 9.5 Ohms.

3.48. The operation of the device drive must be controlled using a portable push-button remote control, which has an electrical lock to prevent the supply of voltage to the reversing devices when the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons are pressed simultaneously. The control panel's protection class is not lower than IP-30.

3.49. The steel rope for moving the cleaning unit must be galvanized over its entire length and have a diameter of 2.0-4.0 mm. The rope should not be damaged, its length should correspond to the height of the garbage chute barrel (from the axis of the drive drum to the gate valve) plus 2-3 m to allow sanitation of the cleaning unit on the floor of the garbage chamber. The cleaning unit should move at a speed of 10-30 m/min.

3.50. When placing the drive in a separate cabinet, the device must have light and sound alarm, triggered when the cable sag and the cleaning unit reaches the bottom position.

3.51. The design of the water supply unit must ensure a uniform supply of water and disinfectant solution directly to the internal walls of the waste chute and prevent clogging of the water distribution equipment with mechanical suspensions entering the device from the building’s water supply system. The water supply unit must have shut-off valves to regulate the water flow during washing, the concentration of the disinfectant solution during disinfection, and to turn off the water during non-working hours.

3.52. A device for automatically mixing a disinfectant with water must ensure continuous preparation and supply of a disinfectant solution of a given concentration to the barrel and prevent the disinfectant from entering the building’s water supply system. The design of the tank should provide visual control over the consumption of the disinfectant.

3.53. The water supply unit must provide automatic (using a sprinkler) and manual control of the supply of water into the shaft from the cleaning device to extinguish possible waste fires inside the garbage chute shaft. A triggered sprinkler must be replaced within the first four hours after the fire is extinguished. Leakage of water from the body of the cleaning device and from the water supply system to the device is not allowed.

3.54. The electric drive of the cleaning device must be in technically sound condition; during operation, the presence of extraneous noise, knocking, and vibration is not allowed. The electric drive must be securely fastened. All bolted fastenings of the cleaning device must be fully tightened, the clamps of the rubber hoses must be fully tightened to ensure their fixed fastening to the connecting fittings of the water supply unit.

3.55. It is recommended to use containers placed in the waste collection chamber with a capacity of up to 0.6 cubic meters. m.

3.56. The design of the containers must have a strong belt at the top that cannot be deformed. The container must be equipped with rubberized full-swivel wheels, which allow manipulation in confined spaces. The container design must have special grips that allow for mechanized transfer of solid waste into garbage trucks.

3.57. The container wheels (2 pairs) must rotate freely and turn by hand. One of the wheels must have a foot lock to prevent rotation and rotation. The diameter of the wheels must be at least 150 mm and the width - 40 mm. The bolted connections between the wheels and the body must be fully tightened.

3.58. Containers must have a removable lid with handles, a drain hole with a stopper with a diameter of 35-50 mm (for draining the washing and disinfection liquid when cleaning it), located in an accessible place, and side vertical handles at the corners.

3.59. The container body and its lid must be intact without breaking welded joints and paint coating. Dents with a depth of no more than 3 mm from the grip of the dumping device of the garbage truck are allowed on the front wall of the container.

3.60. Containers must be sealed at the bottom to 1/3 of their height. Containers used in high-rise buildings must have a reinforced bottom.

3.61. All waste chute equipment located on staircase, must be painted to match the color of the walls, steel elements of the equipment must not have traces of local corrosion.

3.62. The garbage collection chamber must be located directly under the garbage chute, be provided with a cold and hot water supply, have a drain in the floor for draining water and detergents and disinfectants, exhaust ventilation with access to the garbage chute table, electric lighting with the installation of lamps and switches made in a dust-proof and moisture-proof design.

The waste collection chamber must be heated without protruding heating devices. The design temperature in the chamber must be at least 5 °C.

3.63. The chamber must have an independent exit (with an insulated, covered with inside non-flammable material door with a lock), isolated from the entrance to the building by a blank wall (screen), and separated by fire partitions and ceilings with a fire resistance rating of REI 60.

3.64. The floor and walls of the chamber must be tiled, the lining must be intact, the ceilings must be painted with oil paint.

3.65. The chamber must be equipped with a hot and cold water with a nipple and a 2-3 m long hose for sanitizing the chamber and equipment. Plumbing equipment must be in good condition, and the sewer drain must have a grate that is not contaminated with waste to ensure water flow when the fire-prevention garbage chute system is activated.

3.66. Garbage collection chambers must be installed and connected to current system water supply of the building, water sprinklers, providing irrigation of the entire surface of the floor of the chamber in the event of a waste fire in it, subject to replacement within four hours after the fire is extinguished.

4. Maintenance of a garbage chute equipped with a device
for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the internal surface
garbage chute

The maintenance of the garbage chute of buildings includes a set of measures to ensure the routine functioning of the garbage chute, and consists of work on sanitary maintenance, maintenance, and routine (preventive and emergency) repairs.

Garbage chute cleaner;


Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment;

Electric and gas welder.

Garbage chute cleaner performs following works: preventive inspection of the garbage chute; removing debris from the garbage collection chamber and cleaning it; cleaning loading valves, gates, containers; washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute using a cleaning-washing-disinfecting device; disinfection of all elements of the garbage chute; eliminate blockages and, if any malfunctions are detected, notify the management of the operating organization.

An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and a plumber perform work to inspect the garbage chute, participate in the cleaning, rinsing and disinfection of the garbage chute using a cleaning detergent and disinfectant device; eliminate malfunctions during current and emergency repair. An electric gas welder carries out welding work during the repair of a garbage chute.

Work on washing, cleaning and disinfecting the garbage chute can be carried out by specially created teams of workers.

4.1. Sanitary maintenance of a garbage chute equipped with
device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the internal
surface of the garbage chute

4.1.1. Residents of an apartment building dispose of waste in small portions through loading valves into the waste chute. Large household waste must be placed in a yard container. The discharged waste through the barrel and the gate assembly enters a container installed directly under the gate. A filled container must be promptly replaced by a garbage chute cleaner with an empty one and transported to the place of reloading into a garbage truck.

4.1.2. Garbage collection chambers must be kept clean and cleaned and washed after waste disposal. Wet cleaning of the chamber and the lower end of the garbage chute with a gate should be done using brushes moistened with a soap-soda solution (100 g of soda and 25 g of soap per bucket of water).

4.1.3. The chamber premises and its equipment should be periodically disinfected, disinfested and deratized by the sanitary and epidemiological station service with the participation of a garbage chute cleaner. Storage of solid household waste, its disassembly and selection of recyclable materials in the chamber is strictly prohibited. During breaks between work in waste collection chambers, their doors must be tightly locked.

4.1.4. Internal and external washing of containers should be done using brushes and soap-soda solutions in the waste collection chamber.

4.1.5. Loading valves and the floors underneath them must be kept clean. Buckets and the outer surface of the loading valves should be washed with a brush and a soap-soda solution (100 g of soda and 25 g of soap per bucket of water). After washing, the valves should be wiped clean.

4.1.6. Sanitation of the waste chute is carried out using a cleaning and disinfecting device according to the established schedule. For each garbage disposal, sanitary days and hours must be determined, of which residents must be notified in advance. Using the garbage chute during sanitary hours is strictly prohibited.

4.1.7. The garbage chute cleaner or an employee of the operating organization, three days before the sanitary treatment of the garbage chute shaft, posts a notice indicating the time of work and the prohibition of using the garbage chute during this period.

4.1.8. Before starting work on sanitization The garbage chute cleaner must ensure that there is no blockage in the garbage chute by dropping a marked object into the shaft from the top floor and monitoring its fall into the container; if necessary, remove the blockage.

4.1.9. If it is impossible to remove the blockage, its location in the barrel is determined through the slightly open bucket of the loading valve by the presence of a brush assembly cable lowered to the blockage. Then the corresponding loading valve buckets are removed and the blockage is removed manually using hooks (hooks) or special mechanisms.

4.1.10. The garbage chute cleaner then manually locks the loading valve buckets in the closed position, closes the barrel gate, removes the waste chamber, clears waste from the drain grate, removes the container from under the barrel gate and locks the door of the waste chamber.

The garbage chute cleaner (or team of workers) ascends to the cleaning device located above the last loading valve with a pre-prepared disinfectant solution of the appropriate concentration.

To treat and disinfect the inner surface of the garbage chute, disinfectants that have passed state registration should be used. Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor).

The concentration of the disinfectant solution must comply with the instructions for use of the disinfectant used.

4.1.11. The garbage chute cleaner opens the lock and door of the cleaning device. An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment inserts a plastic key into the remote control and turns on the power supply to the electric drive of the cleaning mechanism. The garbage chute cleaner opens the brush latch.

If a garbage chute duct has a damper, the garbage chute cleaner closes it manually, unless the damper is automatically closed when the cleaning device door is opened.

4.1.12. The operation of “rinsing and cleaning” the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel is performed in the following order. The garbage chute cleaner manually opens the water supply valve to the barrel; after 2 minutes, using the control panel, lowers the brush assembly down until it automatically stops in the lower position, then raises the brush assembly up until it automatically stops in the upper position. The cycle is repeated 3 times.

If the power supply to the hoist is turned off or it breaks down while cleaning the garbage chute barrel, you should use manual drive to raise the brush to the top position.

4.1.13. To perform the “disinfection” operation of the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel, the garbage chute cleaner sets the specified position of the handle of the water supply valve to the barrel, opens the filler neck of the tank for the disinfectant located in the cleaning device, pours in a pre-prepared solution of the pre-diluted disinfectant and closes the tank lid. Then using the remote control automatic control lowers and raises the brush assembly in a similar manner to the “rinse and clean” operation.

During the “disinfection” operation, the garbage chute cleaner must strictly monitor the consumption of the disinfectant in the tank and, before it is completely consumed (the height of the solution level in the tank should not be less than 5 mm), set the handle of the water supply valve to the “closed” position.

After performing the “disinfection” operation, the garbage chute cleaner fixes the brush assembly in the non-working position, while the tension of the steel rope above the brush assembly should only be weakened without sagging.

4.1.14. To complete work with the cleaning device, it is necessary to turn off the power supply to the drive of the cleaning mechanism, open the air duct valve of the garbage chute and close the door of the cleaning device. After the disinfection time has ended, the garbage chute cleaner must manually unlock the loading valve buckets, open the door of the garbage collection chamber, place a container under the garbage chute gate and open the gate valve. Place the remaining solid waste on the drain grate into a container.

4.1.15. The time for disinfection of the inner surface of the garbage chute, counting from the end of the disinfection process, must be maintained in accordance with the instructions for use of the disinfectant used.

The frequency of work on washing, cleaning and disinfecting the garbage chute is established in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Regulations.

4.2. Maintenance of a waste chute equipped with
device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the internal
surface of the garbage chute

4.2.1. Maintenance of the garbage chute of buildings includes work on monitoring, identifying malfunctions of all elements of the garbage chute equipment, maintaining it in good condition, setting up and regulating through inspections.

4.2.2. The main work performed during maintenance a garbage chute equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel:

Carrying out an external inspection and checking the technical condition of the garbage chute trunk, its fixed connections (pipe joints, valve fastenings, integrity of rubber gaskets) for gas, smoke, water tightness and sound insulation;

Regular external inspection of the tightness of waste chute pipe joints, valve fastenings, and passages through interfloor ceilings;

Inspecting the vertical shaft of the garbage chute to ensure there are no deviations;

Carrying out an external inspection and checking the technical condition of the loading valves of the garbage chute for the presence of deformations, metal corrosion, the integrity of the welds of the bucket and its suspension loops to the valve body, protective and decorative coating, the condition of the seals of the bucket lid and the body with the garbage chute barrel, bolted tension connections of fastening clamps loading valves, as well as for the absence of leaks from under the valves;

Carrying out an external inspection and checking the technical condition of the damper damper suspension in the open and closed positions, the presence and tightness of bolted fastenings, welded joints of the damper and pipes;

Carrying out an external inspection of the fire valve located at the bottom of the garbage chute, its closing drive, the heat-sensitive element and the fire cutter;

Regular inspection of the lock, door and body of the washing-disinfecting device;

Carrying out an external inspection and checking the technical condition of the cleaning washing-disinfecting device for the absence of extraneous noise, knocking, increased vibration, as well as noise during operation of the drive;

Carrying out an inspection steel pipes power supply connections for the device, pipe-to-body welds, bolted connections grounding the device for secure fastening;

Carrying out an external inspection of electrical equipment and wiring for overheating and insulation damage;

Checking the technical condition of electrical equipment and the reliability of wiring connections for the absence of sparking in the contacts and their heating;

Conducting an inspection and checking the operation of the stationary emergency mechanism for manual movement of the cleaning unit;

Inspection of the water supply unit, its shut-off valves for the absence of leaks in connections, correct water supply;

Inspection of the mixer (tank) for automatic preparation and supply of disinfectant to the walls of the garbage chute; for the correct installation of the tank, its integrity and the absence of any contaminants inside (if necessary, remove contaminants before operating the device);

Inspection and testing of the cleaning unit suspension; checking the tightness of its bolted connections; checking the latch for deformations and the smoothness of its movement in the guide sleeve;

Inspecting and checking the steel rope for damage during operation of the device drive;

Carrying out an inspection and checking the operation of the automatic drive locking, and, if available, the light and sound alarm;

Inspection and verification automatic system fire extinguishing of the washing-disinfecting device, integrity of the heat-sensitive element (sealed flask) in a standard sprinkler;

Checking the junction of the garbage chute barrel and the body of the cleaning device for tightness and strength;

If there are vandal-proof protective structures of the washing-disinfecting device, check their integrity;

Checking the connection of the ventilation duct with the trunk of the garbage chute and the body of the device for smoke and gas tightness and tightness;

Checking the integrity of the body of the push-action remote control and the correct operation of the buttons;

Conducting an external inspection of container equipment, determining its integrity, uniformity, strength, and tightness. Checking the absence of corrosion, the integrity of welded joints and paintwork;

Checking the presence of a cover, grips, rubber-coated wheels, foot lock of the wheel, drain hole, reliability of bolted connections of the wheels to the body;

Inspection of the lock, door, integrity of floor and wall cladding, oil coating of the ceiling of the waste collection chamber;

Inspection of the heating supply, cold and hot water with water shut-off valves for the absence of water leakage, the integrity of the grate on the sewer drain;

Carrying out an external inspection of lamps and switches for their integrity, dust resistance, and moisture resistance;

Inspection of the integrity, correct installation and connection to the building’s water supply system of water sprinkler devices of the waste collection chamber.

The frequency of visual inspections and maintenance is established in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Regulations.

If damage and violations are identified, a restoration work plan must be developed and restoration work carried out.

Appendix 3 to these Regulations indicates the main malfunctions of a garbage chute equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel, which may occur during maintenance of the garbage chute, as well as ways to prevent and eliminate them.

4.3. Current (planned and preventive
and emergency repair) repair of the garbage chute,
equipped with a device for washing, cleaning
and disinfection of the inner surface of the garbage chute

Current (planned preventive and emergency repair) repairs include work to restore the functionality of waste chute equipment elements and maintain their performance indicators.

4.3.1. Current (scheduled preventive) repairs consist of periodically carried out repairs of the structural elements of the waste chute, the volume of which is determined by the technical condition and service life. The scope of routine repairs to the waste chute includes:

Elimination of defects identified during the next inspection, violations of the tightness of butt joints or other places in the trunk of the garbage chute, sealing them with sealants or installing additional clamps with seals on the trunk;

Tightening the bolted connections of the mounting clamps of the loading valve housings. The scope of routine repairs of waste chute loading valves includes:

Elimination of defects discovered during the next inspection;

Sealing leaks from the valve body using sealing mastic;

Replacement of bucket cover and valve body seals;

Restoration of deformed structures of the bucket and its cover;

Tightening of bolted connections with replacement of fasteners if necessary;

Repair of welded joints of the bucket suspension on the body;

Replacement of broken bolted connections of valve clamps;

Repair or replace bucket locking bolt. The scope of current gate repairs includes:

Restoration of welded joints of the damper and pipes, suspension units of the damper damper and replacement with new ones; axial bolts with spring washers;

Repair of broken gate valve end position locks;

Repair or replacement with a new one of the deformed fire damper fire damper. The scope of routine repairs of the washing-disinfecting device includes:

Elimination of defects and damage identified during the next inspection;

Repair or replacement of the device housing door;

Restoring a deformed door;

Repair of the welded connection of electrical wiring pipes with the device body;

Tightening of fastening connections of wiring and grounding of electrical equipment;

Repair or replacement of limit switches of interlocking devices;

Resistance measurement and restoration of electrical wiring insulation;

Tightening the bolted connections securing the cleaning unit to the steel rope; electric drive on the housing frame; bracket for the intermediate rope movement roller (if equipped).

Lubrication of moving axles and bushings of drive mechanisms and manual mechanical lock.

Replacement of failed mixer (tank) for preliminary dilution of disinfectant, device brush, remote control panel, steel cable. The scope of current repairs of container equipment includes:

Restoration of welded joints of containers and installation of metal plates on damaged areas of the body with mandatory painting of repair areas;

Repair or replacement of wheel units of mobile containers with new ones;

Drainage device repair;

Restoration of the rigidity belt and container grips. The scope of routine repairs of the waste collection chamber includes:

Restoring the integrity of floor and wall cladding, plaster and painting;

Restoring areas of ceiling plaster with sealing openings around the garbage disposal shaft, painting areas of leaks and peeling paint;

Replacement of gaskets, elimination of leaks in water shut-off valves and cold and hot water supply, heating;

Eliminating leaks in the fire sprinkler system, replacing the sprinkler if necessary;

Replacement of failed switches and lamps in the waste collection chamber;

Restoring the integrity of the floor covering and sewer drains, sealing potholes, cracks, and gaps between the floor and walls with sealing compounds;

Repair or replacement of the lock, hinges and fittings of the garbage collection chamber door, repair and strengthening of doorways.

4.3.2. Emergency repairs.

The scope of emergency repair work includes work to promptly eliminate damage that leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the garbage chute, equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfection, and the risk of injury to service personnel and users:

Installation of damper damper, fire cutter;

Replacement of heat-sensitive elements of the fire damper and sprinklers of the waste collection chamber and cleaning device;

Restoration of the gate pipe or their welded joints;

Restoration of the loading valve and ladle (in case of separation);

Elimination short circuits in the electrical equipment system of the cleaning device and in the waste collection chamber;

Immediate localization of accidents leading to disruption of the functioning of the waste collection chamber.

5. Safety requirements and provision of protective clothing,
personal protective equipment, tools and equipment

5.1. When carrying out work to maintain a garbage chute equipped with a device for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the inner surface of the garbage chute, the safety of life, health and safety of the property of the service consumer and sanitary and hygienic requirements must be ensured.

5.2. The work must be carried out within a period of time that does not create inconvenience for the population.

5.3. Work safety is ensured by meeting the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90 “System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions" and GOST 12.4.011-89 "System of occupational safety standards. Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification." Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, induction training, initial training at the workplace and have the right to perform the relevant type of work are allowed to work.

5.4. In accordance with the Standard Standards for the free issuance of certified special clothing, special footwear and other equipment personal protection workers of housing and communal services engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2008 N 543n:

5.4.1. The garbage chute cleaner must be provided with:

A cotton suit for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical influences or a suit made of mixed fabrics for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical influences;

A jacket with an insulating lining;


Combined mittens or polymer-coated gloves;

Rubberized apron;

Leather boots; when working with disinfectant - rubber boots;

Rubber gloves;

A respirator.

5.4.2. The plumber must be provided with:

Cotton suit with water-repellent impregnation or a suit to protect against water from synthetic fabric with film coating;

Signal vest of the 2nd protection class;


A jacket with an insulating lining.

5.4.3. An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment must be provided with:

Cotton overalls;

Dielectric gloves (on duty).

5.4.4. The electric gas welder must be provided with:

Welder suit;


Leather boots or tarpaulin boots;

Canvas mittens or split leather mittens;

Dielectric gloves (duty);

Dielectric galoshes (on duty);

A protective helmet or a protective helmet with a visor;

Balaclava under the helmet;

Safety glasses or a protective mask.

5.5. Maintenance personnel must be provided with:

Tool: set wrenches 10-19 mm, a plumber's hammer, gas wrenches N 1, 1/2 and N 2-1, pliers, screwdrivers, a pipe wrench, a folding meter, a voltage indicator, a welding machine, a flashlight;

Equipment: broom, dustpan, bucket, brush, hook, cart, hose, clean plastic bottles 2 liter capacity with lid, plastic funnel;

Consumables and spare parts: disinfectant, silicone sealant, fusible fire damper insert, electrical tape, bolts for blocking the loading valve bucket M10x50, water sprinkler for cleaning device, detergent, laundry soap, rags.

The use of cleaning equipment for servicing the garbage chute (brushes, brooms, buckets) when cleaning other premises is not allowed.

Workers must comply with the requirements of the manufacturers' instructions for the operation of the equipment and tools used.

6. Requirements for disinfectants

6.1. On the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 322 “On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare”, the use of disinfectants is allowed only if there is a certificate of State registration (registration certificate ).

6.2. To achieve a reliable effect of destroying microorganisms, it is necessary to comply with the basic requirements set out in the Instructions and guidelines for the disinfectant used: consumption rates, concentration, exposure time, method of application, frequency of treatment, formulation of the disinfectant.

6.3. When choosing a disinfectant, one should take into account the characteristics of the object being treated (material, shape, size, presence of organic, inorganic pollutants, etc.), the biological properties of circulating microorganisms (duration of existence on environmental objects, type and form of existence, resistance to certain other classes of antimicrobial substances), characteristics of disinfectants (spectrum of antimicrobial action, active substance and its concentration, solubility in water, methods of application, etc.).

A waste disposal system is an integral part of a complex of engineering equipment for administrative, public and residential buildings and structures, which is designed for the collection, transportation, and temporary storage of solid household waste. It includes: a garbage collection chamber, loading valves, a garbage chute barrel, a gate, as well as a washing, disinfection and cleaning mechanism.

Before it is executed disinfection of garbage chutes, users are notified of the upcoming procedure a couple of days before the work is carried out.

So, as when washing and cleaning the waste disposal system, quite a lot of a large number of water, therefore it is necessary to determine the possibility of its free flow through drainage channels. If the channels or drains from the garbage chamber are clogged, then you need to do a hydrodynamic or mechanical cleaning channels or drains.

Before cleaning and disinfection, garbage disposal valves on the floors are secured with special flexible cables or chains that are connected by a lock or other locking devices in order to avoid unauthorized use of the garbage chute during disinfection and cleaning work. Sometimes duty officers are assigned to floors. This is necessary when it is not possible to fix the garbage collection valves. If necessary, on each floor where there is a valve, a special warning is posted about a temporary ban on the operation of the garbage chute.

After this, the garbage chute is washed. It consists of several stages, some of which are used as needed.

If the garbage chute has not been cleaned during a period of use for more than three years, or the degree of contamination is very high, “steaming” should be used, with mandatory consideration general condition the trunk of the garbage chute and the materials from which it is made. “Steaming” is performed by injecting dry steam into the barrel, which is produced by a steam generating device. Basically, the use of dry steam is necessary to be able to quickly raise it to upper floors, as well as covering the inner surface of the garbage chute trunk with penetration into any dirt over its entire surface, taking into account its physical characteristics.

After dirt absorbs moisture, a step is taken to dissolve it or transform it into a viscous state, which is not able to be in contact with the materials from which the garbage chutes are made. Through the valves, with the help of a foam generator, alkaline-based products foam the barrel, and the dirt on its surface immediately reacts with them. After a certain time, the mass deposited on the trunk of the garbage chute (approximately 80%), under the weight of the weight, gradually descends into the garbage chamber. After this, through the garbage collection valves, the remaining dirt from the walls of the garbage chute is washed off with hot or cold water using a device high pressure(with or without heated water).

Disinfection of garbage chambers and garbage containers

After washing, cleaning and disinfecting the garbage chute barrel, they begin cleaning, washing and disinfecting the garbage collection chamber, garbage carts, loading valves, garbage containers and the areas where they are installed. Disinfection of garbage bins and the specified elements of the waste disposal system is carried out using hand sprayers with working solutions of special disinfectants.

Disinfection of garbage containers and tanks in summer it is carried out once every ten days - with a non-replaceable removal system. After each emptying of garbage bins - with a replacement solid waste removal system.

Disinfection of the waste collection chamber, special loading valves, waste bins, as well as the areas on which they are installed is carried out after processing the waste chute trunk. It includes:

  • Irrigation of the floor, walls and gate in the waste collection chamber with a working solution of a special disinfectant.
  • Treatment (after cleaning them from contaminants) of the outer and inner surfaces of the loading valve and waste containers.
  • Irrigation of the surfaces of the sites where waste bins are installed, as well as their fences.

Responsibility for high-quality, timely disinfection of metal waste bins and waste collection chambers lies with the organizations that operate the building.

Frequency of disinfection of garbage chutes

Disinfection of garbage bins, garbage chutes and garbage containers should be performed at least once every six months. This will be enough to keep the waste disposal system in order under normal conditions. True, there are various emergency situations when immediate response is necessary. Therefore, the frequency of disinfection of garbage chutes is not constant. Some HOAs turn to specialized companies, others prefer to clean out the garbage chute only when a bad smell begins to spread through the entrance. The standards establish only the maximum break between these procedures.

Tools used

Dezavid plus

Dezavid plus is a means for disinfecting garbage disposals, which contains alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride 1% and polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride 9%, as well as water and various functional components.

The drug has antimicrobial activity against various gram-positive, gram-negative microorganisms, tuberculosis pathogens, viruses (herpes, polio, acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis of all types, including hepatitis A, B, C, HIV infection and adenovirus), fungi of the genus Trichophyton (dermatophytosis) and Candida, mold fungi, causative agents of various nosocomial infections.

Dezavid plus has sporicidal activity and is also effective against pathogens of very dangerous infections (cholera, anthrax, plague). The product does not damage the objects being treated, does not fix organic contaminants, does not discolor fabrics, and does not cause corrosion of metals. Working solutions of the drug are non-flammable, fire- and explosion-proof, and also environmentally friendly. Dezavid plus is incompatible with anionic surfactants and soap.


A product called Almadez has one of the lowest toxicological indicators. It belongs to the fourth class of low-toxic substances. This allows processing to be done in the presence of people and without any protective equipment. Almadez does not need to be washed off from surfaces, which significantly reduces processing time and also reduces labor costs.

Along with other useful qualities, Almadez is very economical to use. Disinfection of garbage chutes requires a 0.1% solution. In addition, the product has the maximum shelf life for this group of disinfectants. Working solutions can be stored for 28 days, and the concentrate retains its quality for five years.

Why carry out this type of disinfection?

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to quality utilities. One of the components of which is the maintenance of garbage chutes in public and residential buildings. Often, unfortunately, they are in an unsanitary condition.

Disinfection of the garbage chute

"data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/xn----gtbdaj1bvbjgo3a0g.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/dezinfekcija-musoroprovoda.jpg?fit=300%2C208&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/xn----gtbdaj1bvbjgo3a0g.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/dezinfekcija-musoroprovoda.jpg?fit=700%2C485&ssl=1" class ="alignleft wp-image-2323 size-medium" title=" Disinfection of the garbage chute BEFORE and AFTER" src="https://i0.wp.com/xn----gtbdaj1bvbjgo3a0g.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/dezinfekcija-musoroprovoda.jpg?resize=300%2C208&ssl=1" alt="Disinfection of the garbage chute" width="300" height="208" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/xn----gtbdaj1bvbjgo3a0g.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/dezinfekcija-musoroprovoda.jpg?resize=300%2C208&ssl=1 300w, https://i0.wp.com/xn----gtbdaj1bvbjgo3a0g.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/dezinfekcija-musoroprovoda.jpg?resize=768%2C532&ssl=1 768w, https://i0.wp.com/xn----gtbdaj1bvbjgo3a0g.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/dezinfekcija-musoroprovoda.jpg?w=800&ssl=1 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1">!} Everyone is well aware that the layers of garbage in the garbage chute are a mixture of various organic compounds, which are a breeding ground for various microorganisms. The internal surfaces of the garbage chute are inhabited by arthropod insects, and are also infected with mold fungi, in particular toxin-producing ones. Numerous fungi reproduce by spores, infecting the air. Such harmful air It may well get from the garbage chute into living quarters and entrances. Toxin-producing fungi can cause various, including serious, illnesses in people ( respiratory tract, oncological, osteoarticular). Insects are carriers of a variety of infectious diseases.

The development of various microorganisms in organic deposits in the garbage chute is accompanied by the release of various toxic, foul-smelling compounds (methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, volatile fatty acids), which also enter living quarters and entrances.

The Resolution of the State Committee of Russia for Housing and Communal Sector and Construction No. 170 dated September 27, 2003 “On approval of mandatory norms and rules for the technical operation of the housing stock” contains special requirement o regular implementation disinfection of garbage chutes.

Disinfection of garbage chutes is aimed at complete disinfection of surfaces from harmful microorganisms, and disinfestation to eliminate household arthropod insects. Thus, the treatment leads to a triple effect: disinfection, deodorization and destruction of insects.

Since the vast majority of garbage chutes have been in use for many years without disinfection measures, their regular and complete treatment is desirable to solve the problem.

Few can argue that clean is much better than clogged. The purpose of disinfection and washing of the garbage receptacle and the garbage chute trunk in residential and public buildings, fortunately, are clear to all of us. Basically, management companies clean garbage receptacles without proper attention to detail. This can only be provided by companies specializing in this type of work.

Regular cleaning of the garbage chute in a residential or public building allows you not only to maintain cleanliness in the entrance, but also to maintain a positive sanitary environment. Besides, disinfection of garbage chutes allows you to forget forever about blockages, which can cause quite serious inconvenience.

Unpleasant smell from the garbage chute - that's just visible part problems that may well be encountered if measures are not taken to clean it in a timely manner. The main danger here is the numerous mold fungi and bacteria that accumulate on debris and walls. They fill the entrances with stench and harmful gases that cause allergies and poisoning. Therefore, at the first signs of contamination, and even better - regularly, you need to clean the waste disposal system in the entrances.

The right approach to cleaning shafts and garbage disposals will keep the stairwell and entryway of your home clean and fresh.

I, the chief state sanitary doctor for Moscow N.N. Filatov, having reviewed the materials of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of compliance with sanitary rules in residential, administrative and public buildings in Moscow, note:
- owners, managers, employers, tenants, and other users of residential buildings do not ensure compliance with the requirements of the Moscow Law of November 13, 1996. No. 30 “On establishing standards for the operation of the housing stock of Moscow and monitoring their compliance”, Resolution of the Moscow Government dated June 4, 1996 No. 465 “On Moscow standards for the operation of the housing stock”, regarding cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes ;
- there are no regulatory documents regulating the cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes and waste collection containers;
- during the construction of residential, administrative and public buildings, waste chutes are installed from materials with high adhesive properties, which does not allow them to be effectively washed and disinfected;
- when installing garbage chutes due to discrepancies internal diameter pipes, a stepped trunk structure is created, and the ledges formed in this case are an obstacle to the transportation of waste, which leads to the accumulation of garbage on them, the formation of blockages and, as a result, the spread of household arthropods and rodents;
- V last years Newly built houses are equipped with mechanisms for cleaning, washing and disinfecting garbage chutes. However, due to the technical imperfections of some types of mechanisms and the impossibility of ensuring compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, they are subsequently not used.
In connection with the above, guided by Federal law dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2000 No. 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation”, Law of Moscow dated November 13, 1996. No. 30 “On establishing standards for the operation of the housing stock in Moscow and monitoring their compliance”, by Decree of the Moscow Government of June 4, 1996 No. 465 “On Moscow standards for the operation of the housing stock” and sanitary rules SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 "Sanitary rules for the maintenance of territories of populated areas", SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises",


1. To approve and put into effect from May 1, 2002 in Moscow the “Instructions for cleaning, washing and disinfecting waste disposal systems of residential, administrative and public buildings.” Annex 1;

2. Establish that:
2.1. Garbage chutes must be equipped with cleaning, rinsing and disinfection mechanisms;
2.2. The trunks of garbage chutes of residential and administrative and public buildings must be made of materials that ensure water resistance, smoothness of the inner surface, absence of adhesive properties, and ledges at the internal joints of pipes;
2.3. Materials used for the manufacture of garbage chute trunks must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate;
2.4. Preparation of a working solution of a disinfectant for disinfection of a garbage chute shaft must be carried out using a device that provides automatic adjustment of its concentration in the working solution in the range of 0.02-2.0% and it must be supplied to the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel under pressure;
2.5. When carrying out disinfection service staff should not come into contact with the space of the garbage chute barrel.

3.1.Ensure the operation and subsequent maintenance of mechanisms for cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting garbage chutes;
3.2. Clean, wash, and disinfect garbage chutes and waste containers in accordance with the Instructions approved by clause 1 of this resolution, at least once a month;
3.3. Prevent access of unauthorized persons to the mechanisms for cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting garbage chutes;
3.4. Do not allow persons who have not undergone special training to service the cleaning, flushing mechanisms and work on disinfection of garbage chutes;
3.5. By May 1, 2002, develop work schedules for cleaning, washing, and disinfecting waste chutes and waste containers;
3.6. Ensure the calculation of the need for disinfectants for disinfection of garbage chutes and waste collection containers and the availability of a minimum monthly supply of disinfectants to carry out these works;
3.7. Ensure that records are kept of the cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes and waste collection containers.

4. Ask the First Deputy Mayor in the Moscow Government V.I. Resin:
4.1. Require from construction organizations involved in the construction of residential buildings, public and administrative buildings equip garbage chutes with cleaning, rinsing and disinfection mechanisms and do not allow the use of materials for garbage chute shafts that do not meet the requirements of clause 2.1. of this resolution.
4.2. Instruct the Inspectorate of State Architectural and Construction Supervision (Milentyev N.I.) to include the act in the list of mandatory documents in the Acceptance Commission Report commissioning works And comprehensive testing waste disposal systems.

5. Ask the First Deputy Mayor in the Moscow Government Aksenov P.N. consider the possibility of including in the city program “My Entrance, My Yard” the issues of bringing garbage chutes of residential buildings into proper condition and providing conditions for cleaning, washing and disinfecting garbage chutes and waste collection containers.

6. To ask the prefects of administrative districts, in agreement with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the administrative districts of Moscow, to develop schedules for equipping residential, administrative and public buildings in use with systems for cleaning, rinsing, and disinfecting garbage chutes with a deadline for completing this work before January 1, 2005.

7. Ask the Chairman of the Moscow Committee of Architecture Kuzmin A.V. develop Moscow city building codes regulating the issues of design, installation, acceptance into operation of waste disposal systems.

8. To ask the director of MNIITEP Yu.P. Grigoriev, in accordance with this resolution, to make additions and changes to project documentation for the construction of standard residential buildings.

9. To the chief state sanitary doctors for the administrative districts of Moscow, for transport in Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo:

9.1. When considering projects for the construction of new, reconstructed residential and administrative and public buildings, putting them into operation, make demands on the use in waste disposal systems of mechanisms for cleaning, rinsing, disinfecting garbage chute trunks and materials for the manufacture of garbage chute trunks that have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and meet the requirements set out in clause 2.2. this resolution;
9.2. Organize and conduct inspections in 2002 residential buildings, administrative and public buildings conditions for cleaning, washing and disinfecting waste chutes and waste containers. Based on the results of the inspections, make appropriate proposals to the organizations operating these buildings, district administrations and prefects.

10. Request the media to publish this resolution.

11. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor for Moscow, S.G. Fokin.