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Ventilation of a cold attic made of metal tiles. How to ventilate an attic? Modern devices for attic ventilation


Of course, insulating the attic space is simply necessary to ensure that the building is cozy and comfortable in winter (more details: ""). No less important is attic ventilation in a private house, as in the photo. Good ventilation prevents the formation of mold and mildew and increases the life of the roof.

Ventilation allows you to regulate heat exchange. In the summer, the roof heats up to over 100 degrees, making the house very hot. And in cool weather, condensation forms in the attic - many owners of private houses do not know what to do. Due to the accumulation of condensation on insulated floors, the wood begins to collapse. But in order to prevent it from forming, you just need to provide good ventilation at .

The ventilation system mixes the temperature of the roof and the external environment, so that ice and huge icicles do not form. This not only helps create a comfortable microclimate in the house, but also extends the life of the rafter system.

Myths about attic ventilation

There are widespread myths about attic ventilation. You need to know about them so as not to make mistakes when creating ventilation.

  1. In winter, warm air escapes through the ventilation. Many people believe that venting ventilation into the attic interferes with normal heating. In fact, it is not ventilation that prevents you from keeping your house warm, but poor thermal insulation. If it was done poorly, cold and humid air enters the attic, thereby creating suitable conditions for the formation of condensation and rotting of the floors.
  2. Ventilation is only needed in summer. It is generally accepted that the ventilation system is intended only for ventilation in hot weather. But if the attic is not ventilated in winter, the formation of icicles, fungus and mold cannot be avoided.
  3. It doesn't matter what size the attic vents are. If the ventilation area is too small, its efficiency will tend to zero. For every 500 square meters of area there should be 1 square meter of ventilation openings. With this ratio, the room will be ventilated, but there will be no heat leaks in winter.

On a gable roof, ventilation ducts are placed in the gables. A good solution is to loosely seal the lining of wooden overhangs. If you distribute the narrow gaps evenly, the attic will be ventilated more efficiently. But if the gables are made of stone or the lining and fittings are tightly fitted, you need to make holes in the walls (read also: " "). They should be located on opposite walls. The total area of ​​ventilation ducts is calculated based on the fact that they should occupy 0.2% of the floor area.

You can make vents in the attic in a more economical way - install standard ventilation grilles. One grille needs to be turned with the holes down, and the other should be made adjustable. To prevent insects from entering the attic, install a mosquito net.

For a hip roof, ventilation is created using a different technology. The entrance hole is made in the hem, at the bottom, and the exit at the ridge, at the top. If the overhang lining is made of wood, the beams can be placed loosely, maintaining an interval of several millimeters between them. If the lining is plastic, there must be holes - these panels are called soffits.

Many people are interested in how to make ventilation in the attic if it is tightly assembled. For such situations, grilles with a mesh with a diameter of 5 centimeters are available. They are usually placed at a distance of 80 centimeters from each other along the length of the wind overhang. To make the holes, you need a drill with a round bit. The topmost output is made outward.

A lot depends on the type of roof. For slate and euro-slate, a classic ridge is installed, for a flexible roof - a turtle (valve). A ceramic roof requires a special valve. The installation of a cold attic under a metal tile roof allows for ventilation using a regular ridge. It is not only a financially beneficial replacement for a valve. The ridge also allows you to create a ventilation system in a short time.

Sometimes a dormer ventilation window is made in the attic (it can be glazed or grilles installed), but this method of creating ventilation is more complex, and good practical and theoretical preparation is required to implement the plan.

Ventilation of a warm attic

Modern heating systems practically do not use natural circulation. Ventilation of the attic above the attic is simply necessary for a comfortable stay in the room. Thus, when converting an attic into an attic, you need to make the roof ventilated. For flexible tiles and sheet metal, a ventilated area is created - a counter batten is sewn onto the rafters. For metal roofs it is better to use windproof films. Counter battens for slate roofing are not necessary, since air must circulate freely from bottom to top.

As for why condensation accumulates in the attic, it is due to poor ventilation. This affects the microclimate of the house, and also causes mold and premature destruction of the roof.

  • pay attention to the holes on the roof ridge - they should be as close as possible to the ridge;
  • ventilation must be durable and able to withstand any climatic changes;
  • you can install continuous soffits under the eaves - they must have a thin screening mesh, and the holes must be plastic or aluminum to prevent corrosion;
  • in order to create effective ventilation, in which frost will not form in the attic, you need to install vents inside the room, between the rafters, and the openings must be arranged so that there is no clogging or blocking of air;
  • it is worth placing air exhaust on the outside of the roof; it is advisable that the distance between it and the supply system be more than 8 meters;

    Creating effective ventilation in the attic is not an easy task, but without this you should not expect comfort in the house. Good ventilation of the room will protect against mold and prolong the life of the roof.

Construction of a private house is a responsible task that must be completed in compliance with many rules and requirements. It is not enough just to select materials and draw a plan for the future construction; it is important to think through such subtleties as insulation, waterproofing, sealing seams, installation of communications and, of course, ventilation issues. It is worth talking about ventilation in more detail, since without a well-designed and installed ventilation system it is impossible to build a cozy home, no matter how convenient its layout or comfortable environment. In this case, special attention must be paid to attic ventilation. It does not matter how the under-roof space will be used, that is, or a technical room, ventilation must be organized in accordance with all rules and regulations. In a private house, natural ventilation of the attic can be created or artificial air outflow and inflow techniques can be used. Let us consider in detail what methods and technologies exist for ventilating a private home and what misconceptions users encounter.

Purpose of ventilation

The main function of the ventilation system is to ensure proper heat exchange. This means that as a result of mixing the temperature of the roof and the air in the under-roof space, a microclimate is created in the house that is as comfortable as possible for users. An unventilated attic leads to a reduction in the service life of the entire building and the roof in particular. In the summer, when the surface of the roof can warm up to 70-100 degrees and the rooms will be quite stuffy, in the winter the roof cools down faster than the air in the rooms, resulting in the formation of condensation on the internal cladding and on the beams of the rafter system. And despite the high-quality protection of wooden structures from moisture and water, if they remain in such conditions for a long time, there is a high probability of the spread of mold and fungal formations. It is ventilation that can provide the necessary heat exchange and prevent air stagnation. Therefore, it is so important that the attic ventilation in a private home functions at full capacity.

There are a number of rules that are important to follow when planning and installing a ventilation system. Many users do not fully understand the functions of ventilation, and therefore make mistakes when designing it. In particular, we are talking about three common misconceptions.

  1. Ventilation is only necessary in the summer to reduce the temperature in the attic. In reality, the attic needs to be ventilated all year round. Since in winter, it is thanks to ventilation that the temperature between the cold roof and the warm air in the room is smoothed out. Without a high-quality ventilation system, heat will reach the roof and heat it from the back side. As a result, snow masses begin to melt in such places, and water flows to the cornice. However, closer to the edge of the overhang, the roof surface is cold, which means that the water turns into ice and a jam forms for melt water, which accumulates and eventually seeps into the under-roof space. High humidity causes the formation of mold, mildew and other problems. All this can be avoided by installing high-quality ventilation, which will ensure uniform temperature equalization in the attic space.
  2. During the cold season, the house cools faster due to the available ventilation. This is due to the fact that warm air from the house escapes into ventilation windows and vents. However, in reality, active heat exchange occurs due to the fact that the roof insulation is not properly insulated. That is, cold air freely passes through the roofing cake and enters the premises.
  3. It doesn't matter what size the attic vents are. In practice, the size of these elements is very important. Since if there are only small holes or, on the contrary, very large ones, the ventilation efficiency will be sharply reduced. For high-quality ventilation, but without unnecessary heat loss, 1 square meter of ventilation openings is required for every 500 square meters. area of ​​the house, that is, the vents in the attic should be 0.2% of the area of ​​the ventilated room. Of course, under different conditions, the width of the holes or their number may change. In particular, the parameters of the holes are affected by the width of the roof, as well as their specific location. For example, if you make holes only on the eaves overhang, then their width will have the following relationship:
  • with a roof width of 5 m - the opening width is 8 mm;
  • roof 6 m – holes 10 mm;
  • roof 7-8.5 m – holes 12-14 mm;
  • roof 9-10 m – ventilation holes 16 mm.

If you plan to make holes both below and on the ridge, then their width is halved. It is worth considering in detail the issue of ventilation of a cold attic and residential attic in order to understand what difficulties you may encounter in your work.

Features of the ventilation system

A cold attic is usually called a space under the roof that is not intended for living. That is, this is a technical room, which, as a rule, does not have decorative finishing. Ventilation issues in a cold attic must be addressed at the stage of designing and planning the roof configuration. Since the use of specific materials may change the variation of the ventilation system. As a rule, for ventilation to function, it is necessary to ensure the inflow and outflow of air. For inflow, it is customary to use perforated strips - soffits, which have small holes. They are installed on the underside of the eaves overhang. That is, air passes through the holes freely, and small insects or debris cannot get inside. Soffits are highly decorative and at the same time have the necessary functionality. Products are produced in several modifications. For example, it is customary to divide soffits into double ones, that is, consisting of two parts, and into triple ones, consisting of three. Products can also be divided into the following types:

In addition to the air flow, for the ventilation system to operate effectively, it is also necessary to arrange an air outflow. These can be either natural options or various devices. For example, the following elements have gained the most popularity:

  • ventilated ridge;
  • ventilation gap around the perimeter of the roof;
  • electric fans;
  • aerators;
  • inertial turbines.

When ventilating an attic space with your own hands, you need to know that air exchange can be carried out, depending on the type of roofing system, through different elements.

The attic, despite the fact that it is used quite rarely, is still an important part of the house. Accordingly, it needs to be insulated, as this will help retain heat inside the room, especially in winter. Every homeowner remembers this. However, most people don't pay enough attention to attic ventilation. In fact, it allows you not only to maintain the air temperature, but also to maintain it in optimal condition.

But the main advantage of properly designed ventilation is that it does not allow condensation to accumulate, which significantly reduces the strength, and, consequently, the service life of the structure.

Why do you need attic ventilation?

The attic ventilation system in a private house is one of the main parts of the entire structure, thanks to which heat is exchanged. In summer, under the rays of the sun, a metal roof can heat up to over 150 degrees Celsius. Hot air enters the house, which leads to stuffiness.

However, this is not the only disadvantage of the absence of the described system. In winter, when the difference in temperature outside and indoors is quite high, condensation appears in the ventilation of a private house. Only a well-designed system can provide good ventilation.

Cold attic ventilation

Ventilating a cold attic is a fairly lightweight design that you can do yourself without any problems. To design and create a system, you need to know the basic aspects of the theory and have basic skills.

Creating a ventilation system in a cold attic in a private home is an easy task. It works due to the large volume of air and the absence of any obstacles to its normal circulation. The described ventilation method can be created by ensuring ventilation of the attic using several structures: eaves overhang, gable windows, grilles, roof ridge and ridge, etc.

For rooms with a gable roof, the best option would be to choose gable windows or eaves overhangs. They are best suited for designing an attic ventilation system with this type of roof.

If your cash reserves are quite meager, then as a budget alternative, you can use the option of using conventional grilles. Usually, they are installed in the amount of two pieces, where one can be adjusted, and the second is static, but at the same time the vents face downwards. As an additional accessory, a mosquito net can be attached to them, which will block access to insects.

The hip roof structure does not have gables. Therefore, to create a ventilation system, only cornice overhangs can be installed on them. In this case, the air is exhausted through the roof ridge.

The most difficult situation arises when working with valleys. Due to their specific design, it is quite difficult to ensure ventilation when working with them. However, this can be done using point cornice aerators.

Through the dormer windows

There are many ways to ventilate your attic. One of the most commonly used is the design technique using a dormer window system. This design eliminates the need for additional holes, vents, cracks, etc.

Many experts note that the use of special dormer windows is not effective enough to ensure full air circulation in the attic, but they are quite sufficient to combat condensation.

If you want to create attic ventilation with your own hands using dormer windows, then you need to follow the following rules:

  • the minimum dimensions of each window should be 60 by 80 cm;
  • installation of dormer windows should be carried out strictly on opposite gables;
  • relative to the eaves and edges of the attic, they should be located in the middle;
  • the minimum distance between two holes must be at least one meter;
  • Each window is installed directly into the grille itself.

The method described above is most common in the construction of country cottages. However, it has a significant drawback. If low-quality building materials are used, air will accumulate under and above the dormer window, which in turn will interfere with ventilation. You can install dormer windows yourself. It is enough to study a little theory and have basic construction skills.


Roof vents are special openings that can be used to create ventilation in both a thermal and cold attic. There are two types of vents: ridge and cornice.

Ventilation of the attic of a house, made using the first type, consists of small slots, up to 5 cm wide. They are located along the perimeter at a distance of at least eight meters from each other.

Attic ventilation using vents under the eaves are gaps located between the roof and the wall. Their width is approximately 2 cm. An alternative option is a point arrangement.

The size of the hole depends on the slope of the slope, but the diameter cannot be greater than 2.5 cm. Designing attic ventilation using vents is the only technique that can be performed without the use of dormer windows.

Ventilation aerators

Roof aerator - relative to other devices, this is a fairly new type of vent. Externally, it looks like a pipe, the top of which is covered with a special “hat”.

The attic ventilation system of a private house, based on them, does an excellent job of removing steam, moisture and stagnant air, providing high-quality cold-type attic ventilation.

Aerators are installed on roof slopes, since in these places air moves due to the existing difference between temperature and pressure. Thus, they replace ridge vents. Aerators are divided into point and continuous. The first ones are equipped with special fans.

The continuous type is a plate with holes located along the ridge. Due to the fact that it is covered from above by the roof of the attic roof, it is practically invisible, but the ventilation of the room is carried out efficiently.

Depending on the material from which the roof of the attic is made, it is necessary to use different aerators. There are four types in total, each of which is designed for a specific roof:

  • from bitumen shingles;
  • from metal ceramics;
  • made of ceramics;
  • and also for flat roofs.

Aerators need to be installed in places where eaves vents are provided. In addition, when installing them, several conditions must be met:

  • the roof slope should be in the range from 15 to 45 degrees;
  • aerators must be installed at a distance of at least 30 cm from the chimney and walls;
  • they should protrude from the roof ridge slot by 25 cm;
  • point-type models are installed more than half a meter from the ridge.

Ventilation of a warm attic

Modern heating systems very rarely use a natural air circulation system. Therefore, when converting an attic space into an attic, it is necessary to ensure absolute ventilation.

For a roof made of sheet metal and flexible tiles, it is necessary to sew counter battens, rafters and sheathing. Ventilation of a warm attic, the roof of which is made only of metal, is carried out using specialized windproof films - geosynthetics.

For roofs covered with slate, the use of counter battens is not necessary, since the attic will be ventilated in the same way as in other rooms.

Attic ventilation

Attic ventilation is a more complex design than the ventilation system for a cold attic. The layers should be located between the rafters, and the space between the bottom and top surfaces of the insulation and heat retaining material should be at least 2-3 cm.

It is difficult to do attic ventilation with your own hands, but if you have the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills, it is quite possible. One of the common difficulties is the situation when the depth of the rafters used is not enough to provide the required gap between the materials. In this case, additional space is created by boards and slats.

This is easy to do on simple shaped roofs. However, if your attic is not standard, then the best way out of the situation is to use special diffusion membranes. Their advantage is that they will provide high-quality ventilation of the room even if they are located directly on the thermal insulation layer.

You can add space to the ventilation system in the attic with your own hands. This can be done using a special crate. Its thickness should be at least 5 cm. In this case, air for ventilation will be taken in through special soffits, and will leave the room in the standard way - through the end of the roof.

How to insulate

The pipe system must be insulated, especially when designing the attic ventilation of a bathhouse or sauna. This is necessary to prevent condensation from accumulating on the internal walls. Due to the fact that the pipe connections are not airtight, it is necessary to provide additional insulation for the ventilation in the attic.

The fact is that the appearance of condensation in ventilation ducts is inevitable. People exhale, use hot water, wash, etc. - all this leads to the release of copious amounts of moisture. In particular cases, the level of relative humidity can reach one hundred percent, which naturally affects the integrity of both the ventilation system and the attic as a whole.

To avoid this, you need to insulate the pipes using special materials. For this you can use polystyrene foam, mineral wool, various geosynthetics, etc.

Calculation of attic ventilation

For those who decide to make a ventilation system in the attic of a private house on their own, before starting the installation procedures, you need to familiarize yourself with the calculation method and perform it. Only a professional can guarantee the maximum level of quality of the created project. However, there are several rules that, if followed, will allow you to ensure that your attic is well ventilated.

For every 1000 square meters, there should be two square meters of ventilation holes. In special cases, you can use a ratio of 1 to 300. It is important to understand that in the calculation process it is necessary to use values ​​that do not take into account the width of the grilles and the length of the fins, even though they disrupt the natural movement of air flows.

Naturally, exceeding the size of the vents made will also negatively affect the quality of the ventilation system, as will their lack. Large openings may allow snow, water, etc. to enter.

Common Misconceptions

There are quite a lot of stereotypical misconceptions about the design and installation of attic ventilation systems. Oddly enough, most people actually believe these myths to be true. The main ones are as follows.

  1. There is an opinion that in the winter season, when air temperatures are below freezing, heat escapes from the house through the ducts of the ventilation system. In fact, heat will only escape from the house through ducts if the system is designed incorrectly or poorly. The real source of this problem is poor insulation material that allows moist air currents into the attic space. Consequently, this leads to the formation of condensation, which in turn affects the integrity of the roof.
  2. Some people are sure that the ventilation system is only relevant in hot weather. In fact, it works at any time of the year. In hot weather, the system promotes air circulation, which prevents stuffiness from forming. In winter, with high relative humidity, it prevents the formation of fungus and icicles.
  3. Very often, when designing an attic ventilation system, people do not pay due attention to the size of the ventilation openings. As already mentioned, it is possible to create a high-quality, high-quality project only if the correct calculations are carried out. With a chaotic choice of the size and location of the holes, most likely, the ventilation efficiency will be zero. The average ratio of vents to ceilings should be 1 to 500.

Attic ventilation in a private house, designed independently, is quite a risk. So, as soon as a highly qualified professional can create a system that is guaranteed to provide good ventilation.

However, if you decide to create it yourself, it is strongly recommended to follow the following advice from experts.

  1. It is necessary to pay careful attention to the ventilation holes located along the perimeter of the attic roof ridge. In most cases, the standard method is used, which involves their location as close to the ridge as possible.
  2. The ventilation system must be designed to withstand all possible temperatures and weather conditions in your climate. This will guarantee a long service life of both the ventilation itself and the entire roof as a whole.
  3. An important condition without which to create a ventilation design that ensures high-quality ventilation of the room is that vents must be located inside the attic between the rafters. They must be placed in such a way that there is absolutely no chance of clogging or blocking air flow.
  4. In the case of installing continuous soffits under the eaves, it is also necessary to additionally install a specialized screening mesh. It is made of aluminum or plastic. Both materials are absolutely resistant to corrosion.
  5. If you plan to install a supply-type ventilation system, then it should be located in the cleanest area of ​​the room.
  6. The pipes of the system must be covered with diffusers or grilles.

Thus, having minimal theoretical knowledge and basic work skills, following the tips described above, you can create a high-quality ventilation system that will provide good ventilation without any problems. When developing a project, you need to carefully calculate the number of holes to maintain their ideal ratio to the area.

Many people forget about ventilation when arranging their attic. However, this should not be done. Good ventilation of a cold attic helps prevent the development of microorganisms and the formation of mold on its structural elements. This extends the service life of the roof several times.

A variety of designs are used to ventilate a cold attic. Such measures allow you to regulate the microclimate in the room. In summer, the roof temperature can rise to 100°C. This immediately affects the climate inside the house. Properly organized ventilation equalizes temperatures outside and inside the attic. This helps create comfort.

In winter, there is a high probability of roof icing, which seriously affects the service life of the rafter system. Here additional loads on the floors appear. Ventilation allows you to get rid of excess ice formations on the roof, protecting it from overload.

Dispelling modern myths

There is an opinion that if a ventilation system is installed in a cold attic, inconvenience and discomfort arise in the house. Let's try to dispel some myths about this.

Many people still believe that it is through ventilation that warm air escapes outside in winter. Actually this is not true. This is due to poor-quality thermal insulation of the attic space. If during its installation the rules and instructions were violated, then cold and humid air will regularly enter the attic space. In this case, favorable conditions are created for rotting and mold formation.

Some believe that the presence of a ventilation system should only be used in the warm season, that such structures are intended only for ventilation. This is wrong. In winter, icicles form on the roof and snow melts, which can serve as an impetus for the formation of mold and mildew.

It is believed that the larger the openings in the attic, the better the ventilation of the room. However, here everything depends on the total area of ​​the holes. They should not have a large diameter. It is quite enough to place 1 sq.m of holes per 500 sq.m of roof. On the contrary, it is better to use many small structural elements. In this case, ventilation becomes more efficient and uniform.

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Types of cold attic ventilation

Now it's time to talk about the main types, as well as the process of their construction. Ventilation in a cold attic must be regulated. You can arrange stitching with gaps. They will ensure continuous air circulation in the attic. In this case, the rafter part itself (including the sheathing) should not be covered.

If slate is used as a roofing material, there is no need to organize artificial ventilation. The design itself allows air to circulate well. At the same time, it easily enters the attic through the waves and exits through them. If metal tiles are used as a roofing material, then they also allow air flow. However, in this case, ventilation cannot be avoided, since such a coating must be accompanied by the installation of a vapor barrier.

When a gable roof is installed, ventilation ducts are placed in the gables. Here you can simply organize loose lining of wooden overhangs. If the cracks that will form as a result of these manipulations are small, the attic will be ventilated evenly. If it is not possible to organize loose sewing of the slopes, then holes will have to be made in the roof in any case. The area of ​​the holes should be approximately 0.2% of the total roof area. They must be located on opposite walls.

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Additional points and features

You can organize ventilation in a cold attic in another way. For example, ventilation grilles have proven themselves to be very effective. This method is economical from all points of view. In this case, you need to use two such elements. One grille is mounted with the holes facing down, and the other is made adjustable. In this case, you can prevent insects from entering the attic by installing a mosquito net.

As many types of roofs exist, there are as many types of organization of cold attic ventilation as there are. For a hip roof, this design will be completely different from what was done for a gable roof. This is where the inlet and outlet holes are made. The first is organized in the hem, and the second - at the top of the ridge. If the filing is organized with wooden beams, then you can try to leave a few millimeters when laying the beams. Sometimes plastic panels are used for these purposes. In this situation, their standard options will not work. It is better to use special panels with holes. These openings are called soffits.

The question often arises of how to organize ventilation in the attic if the sheathing is tightly packed. Here you need to use special grilles. Their mesh has a size of 5 cm. They are placed at a distance of 90 cm along the entire length of the overhang. The pitch may vary depending on the type of roof. The upper output is made outward.

A lot in the process of installing ventilation depends on the type of roof.

If slate is used, then the ridge is installed in its classic form. For a flexible roof, a turtle or valve is installed. If a ceramic roof is installed, a special valve is used. When organizing a roof using metal tiles, you can use an ordinary ridge for ventilation. It will save money on a valve that is inexpensive. The skate is a universal system. It allows you to organize ventilation in a short time.

Sometimes people make a dormer window. It can be left unchanged, glazed or a grille installed on it. This method is inferior to the ridge, as it is more complex in terms of organization. The work will require a high level of theoretical and practical skills. Not everyone can cope with organizing such a ventilation system in a cold attic.

When modeling an attic in a private house, it is necessary to create good ventilation. Properly installed cold attic ventilation is important to ensure a healthy microclimate under the roof of the home. Insufficient aeration significantly reduces the service life of the structure.

Do you need ventilation in a cold attic?

No amount of house sealing can completely isolate steam from entering the attic. According to the law of thermodynamics, warm air rises to the top, and steam finds a way out in any case. The floors are mainly made of wood. On wooden surfaces, when moisture accumulates, a natural environment is formed for the development of various destructive microorganisms and mold. Unpleasant musty odors and a feeling of dampness appear. An unhealthy microclimate in the room as a whole is created.

Temperature changes contribute to constant condensation and, if there is no ventilation of the cold attic, rapid wear of the structure occurs.

Reasons for condensation:

  • lack of good ventilation;
  • violation of roof insulation;
  • insufficient waterproofing;
  • lack of ventilation ducts;
  • defects in building materials.

Ventilation carried out in accordance with technical rules protects the structure from damage.

A cold attic is a non-residential space under the roof of a building without decorative finishing. The issue of ventilation is important to decide during the creation of a house project, when planning the features of the roof configuration.

Ventilation functioning - depending on the selected materials

The main task of ventilating a cold attic is constant air exchange. In order for the set goal to be realized optimally, it is necessary to evaluate the quality and type of roofing material used. Each of them has features.

If slate or ondulin is chosen for laying the roof, then the air easily moves between the wavy bends into the attic area and also freely flows out.

When creating ventilation for a cold attic using metal tiles, it is important to lay a vapor barrier film, as condensation will form. The metal tiles are ventilated through the ridge seal. For a gable roof, ventilation ducts are located on the gables. High-quality ventilation is carried out with uniform distribution of gaps.

There are also some nuances when installing a hip roof. In this case, the inlet hole should be located in the hem, and the outlet hole should be located near the ridge. This type of roof is hipped and has no gables.

When working with flexible tiles, it is necessary to install a ventilated ridge, for classic “ceramics” - a roof vent.

When using overhangs of wood blocks in the filing, an interval of several millimeters should be maintained. When sewing with plastic, holes are made in the elements. The hem is called a soffit.

Is it possible to ventilate a cold attic?

Proper air exchange is necessary to:

  • avoid the accumulation of fumes coming from the house;
  • protect the wooden frame of the attic from moisture;
  • counteract the formation of fungus;
  • maintain a constant temperature.

Provided that ventilation of the attic space is created - a cold attic
from home, moisture accumulation cannot be avoided. On uninsulated roofs, a thick layer of condensation quickly forms. Even if the roof were insulated, condensation could not be avoided, but in this case the walls of the house would become wet.

A frequently asked question is: is it possible to vent ventilation into a cold attic?

It is possible, but this type of ventilation is the wrong solution and leads to disruption of the microclimate of the attic space, damage to the wooden structure, gradual rotting, and inevitable wear and tear.

  1. Install the necessary ventilation elements to protect the vents from debris, leaves, branches and insects - on ridges, eaves, ridges, valleys.
  2. Protect ventilation gaps from dust.
  3. Regardless of the characteristics of the roof, make the area of ​​the ventilation channels 400-500 cm2/m.
  4. Check that the ventilation channels are not narrowed to avoid condensation due to insufficient air circulation.
  5. Use auxiliary ventilation structures if the length of the roof covering is more than 10 meters.
  6. Avoid significant expansion of the gap, as the resulting turbulence reduces air exchange under the roof.
  7. Ensure ventilation insulation in the attic so that the ventilation system pipelines are not subject to temperature changes and can function uninterruptedly.