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Interior of a room in bungalow style. What is a bungalow? Bungalow as a residential building: features, advantages, types

“Bungalow” is a very interesting interior style because it combines several seemingly incompatible features.

Where did the style come from and who is it for?

Originating in India at the end of the 19th century and becoming especially widespread in America at the beginning of the 20th century, it remains relevant in our time and has gained popularity in many countries. Being initially just an adaptation of Indian housing to the life of English colonists, the “bungalow” today can safely be called one of the most successful embodiments of a comfortable and cozy interior.

Created for small houses, this style gives a feeling of spaciousness and fits seamlessly into apartments and large cottages.

“Bungalow” is well recognizable and easy to create with a minimum of rules and requirements for the interior. The most important thing is to use a lot natural materials, it was quite spacious and very cozy.

Layout features

The bungalow style fits especially organically into rooms with large windows and low ceilings.

  • The large living room, which is the center of the entire house, is located immediately behind front door, there is no hall or corridor.
  • At the front of the bungalow house there is often a large veranda with seating areas.
  • In an apartment, you can turn a balcony into something like a veranda.
  • They concentrate around the living room small bedrooms and other premises.
  • The center of the living room, in turn, is a large fireplace, in front of which it is convenient for all household members to gather and enjoy communication under the soothing crackling of burning logs.
  • The location of the fireplace between the windows is typical.

Almost never, houses and apartments in the bungalow style are two-story, since this is a style of horizontally oriented space. True, there are exceptions, but in this case the stairs must be camouflaged as much as possible - they are completely uncharacteristic of a “bungalow”.

Kitchen or kitchen area small, there is no dining room as such, there is only a small area with a compact dining table.


One of the most characteristic features- a lot of wood:

  • parquet floors,
  • clapboard walls,
  • left open wooden floors walls and ceiling or a ceiling decorated with logs fit perfectly into the bungalow style.

The walls, in addition to finishing with wood, can be covered with wallpaper, painted in one tone or using stencils, covered with plaster or fabric. But it is important that they do not steal all the attention. It is acceptable to use stone and brick, for example, in the design of a fireplace.

A stone floor will also not look alien, although it will be more comfortable in living rooms if you lay a carpet on the floor. Oriental carpets and carpets of natural, non-flashy colors suit this style well.

The color scheme of the style is natural. All shades of wood, greenery, water, sand, stone. A combination of light colors in the house, bringing lightness to the interior, and dark ones, giving it solidity and warmth, looks beautiful.


Lightweight, compact, maximally functional: built-in wardrobes, benches arranged on the window sills, folding beds racks serving as room dividers. There should be a lot of free space.

Non-massive furniture made from natural wood, bamboo and rattan. Antique furniture will give the interior uniqueness and chic.

When hearing the word “bungalow”, many people have the following association in their heads: in the middle of the village, surrounded tall trees And bright colors costs little cottage ic with a hammock and a spacious veranda. Well, the bungalow looks something like this. These houses will be discussed in this article.

History of origin

A bungalow is a one-story house designed for one family. Buildings of this type have a rich history. It began in Bengal, which currently does not exist as an independent state. Its territory is divided into two parts belonging to countries such as India and Bangladesh. In Hindi, the word “bungalow” is translated as “Bengali style building”.

In the past, similar buildings were erected for wealthy tourists who came from Britain to colonized India. Subsequently, the construction principle was adopted by the British. In the UK, such houses were loved by farmers and rural residents, as they were relatively inexpensive to build.

By the end of the 19th century, bungalow houses gained popularity in America. It was here that they were given modern name. The building was designed by architect William Preston in 1879. Soon this type of cottage became traditional in some US states, such as California, and migrated to Australia and European countries.

California bungalows

Exist different types bungalow. It all depends on climatic conditions, localities and characteristics of living in them. For example, in the tourism business they are separate buildings located next to the main building. Residents here provide for themselves, so rental costs are lower. In America alone, there are at least three types of buildings.

California bungalows are buildings with square columns and sloping roofs. They are characterized by plastered walls as well as exposed rafters. Often, the space on the roofs is used rationally, completing the construction of a low floor with big amount windows The verandas are located at the main entrance and are very spacious. The interior is dominated by Spanish motifs. A large number of decorative elements are created from wood and other natural materials. All these features are characteristic of the craftsman style. It is buildings of this type that are considered traditional for America.

Chicago bungalows

Several types of bungalows are common in the United States. This means that the type of structure depends on where it is built. In Chicago, for example, bungalows are built of brick. The building is urban: the facade of the building is narrow, the house has a full basement, the roof has the shape of a tent. A distinctive characteristic of the Chicago bungalow is its unusual gabled attic, as well as a recessed porch. The interior uses elements made in the craftsman style.

Dutch colonial bungalows

This is perhaps the most atypical type of building. The structure is made of brick, sometimes the building is completely covered with siding. The decoration is made in muted colors: light brown, white, beige. On broken roofs, traditional for this type of building, there are dormer side windows. The verandas are frontal and decorated with columns.

Spanish Colonial Bungalows

This type of building is sometimes called “Mexican bungalows.” They stand out among traditional American buildings because their exteriors heavily incorporate elements of Spanish Colonial architecture. These include red roofs, white or cream plastered walls, decorative tiles various types. Terraces are usually surrounded by walls. Roofs can be of two types: either low or flat. When finishing, preference is often given to decorative forged grilles and railings. The windows are made in the form of arches. The doors leading into the house are wooden. They are lavishly decorated with carvings. Staying in a bungalow of this type is very comfortable. You will not get tired of the excess of decorative elements, as Spanish colonial buildings are very harmonious.

Indian colonial bungalows

This is the most “unstable” type of one-story house in terms of its exterior. Externally, they are very diverse; they are not built according to one template, like, for example, Chicago bungalows. The main feature of these buildings is that they are erected using a variety of natural materials characteristic of the area in which construction work is being carried out.

European bungalows

In European countries, these buildings most often have two floors. Adjacent to the first level is a small land plot, belonging to one owner. On the second floor there are living spaces and a terrace. This is called duplex. An interesting fact is that the first and second floors may belong to different owners. You need to pay attention to this detail when purchasing a European bungalow.

The buildings erected in Great Britain are made of stone. They are designed for one family and consist of two floors. Spanish bungalows, on the contrary, are built for several families at once. In Russia, this type of building is called townhouses.

Bungalows in warm countries

Most often, bungalows are built in warm coastal countries of Asia, such as Thailand or India. In Thailand, the entire coastline is built up with one-story houses with flat roofs. The buildings are made of wood, the roofs are covered with palm leaves. These are economy class buildings. More expensive bungalows resemble cottage buildings with a swimming pool and a large plot of land.

Indian bungalows have become very popular among Russian tourists. Such real estate has a low cost. The buildings are located on the coast of the Indian Ocean.

Bungalow style

A distinctive feature of buildings of this type is that they are directed horizontally. This simplifies the location of the necessary communications and premises. The second floor is most often used as a recreation area. For the most part, elderly couples, large families with small children, or people with disabilities live in one-story buildings. disabilities. The absence of stairs makes the operation of the building much more convenient. The bungalow style is most often preferred by people tired of the urban environment. It is very concise, there is no overabundance of details. The furniture is usually simple. It does not burden the space and visually expands it.

The main materials used in the interior of a bungalow are natural fabrics and others natural materials. Accessories made from bamboo stems and straw are very popular. A lot comes into the premises sunlight And fresh air. The main postulate that guides designers is: “The wall should not attract attention.” Eyes are riveting decorative elements, as well as furniture. Items can be made in any color scheme: from the color of sand to shades of gold. A “natural” palette looks very beneficial, for example, the color of the night sky or blossoming trees. They just look out of place pastel shades, such as lilac or pink. The goal of the bungalow style is to bring the atmosphere of a rural idyll into the home.

Benefits of a bungalow

One-story houses have gained popularity in many countries around the world. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, bungalow cottages allow you to accommodate living rooms on one floor as compact as possible. Secondly, the process of constructing buildings is greatly simplified if they do not have a second floor. Thirdly, the bungalow has a high degree of security. For example, in the event of a fire, you can even leave the building through the windows. Thus, these buildings have a large number of positive characteristics.

The bungalow style in the interior can radically change your idea of ​​coziness and comfort, turning your life into a real fairy tale. Surely, while relaxing on picturesque islands or surrounded by majestic mountains, you have repeatedly wanted to stop time in order to enjoy a great time in the heavenly corners of our planet for as long as possible. Using the bungalow style in the interior, you can easily create a cozy, quiet haven in own home and improve your family nest surrounded tropical palms, sea lagoons, mirror lakes.

Bungalow style in the interior: history of origin

Several centuries ago, a bungalow was an Indian dwelling, visually reminiscent of a hut. When the lands of modern India were conquered by the British, the interior of the bungalows was visually transformed - instead of wooden sun loungers, beautiful wide beds , over which it became customary to hang silk canopies. The addition of a terrace to the modernized huts was an idea of ​​the British, thanks to which a cozy recreation area appeared in Indian homes, where after a hard day of work they could fully relax and enjoy the sunset, running beyond the horizon of the Indian Ocean.

Characteristic features of the bungalow style

Cozy small houses, having a minimum of furniture in the interior and a spacious veranda overlooking the sea, are very popular among tourists coming to various resort cities of the world from different countries and those who want to take a break from the capital's glamor and spend some time tete-a-tete with natural nature. The interior of most of these houses is dominated by the bungalow style, the main features of which are:

  • decorative materials, furniture, interior accessories made from natural wood, bamboo, rattan;
  • snow-white animal skins decorating red-brown or dark chestnut parquet;
  • low ceilings, visually reminiscent of a beloved grandmother’s house in the village;
  • large windows allowing residents of comfortable huts to admire the beautiful cityscape, blond clouds, and starry night sky around the clock;
  • indoor flowers and plants, among which decorative palms, ficuses, bamboo and other exotic trees predominate, growing in large wooden pots.

If you want to live near the ocean and have a coveted dacha by the sea, you don’t have to actually change your place of residence, because you can turn your home into a modern hut, if you just change the layout rooms and arrange its interior in a bungalow style. An excellent interior solution in this case would be to use rustic furniture.

Effective ways to turn an apartment into a bungalow

The living room is the epicenter of the apartment, the interior of which is designed in this charming style. This room must certainly be light and spacious, so in no case should it be cluttered with sofas, tables, and armchairs. Ideal option The furniture for the bungalow style are cabinets neatly built into the walls. Nothing should accentuate attention in the interior of a modern hut, where you can feel close to pristine nature and take a break from the surrounding luxury and pomp.

If you want to create a bungalow-style interior in your apartment, then you can easily turn your balcony into a terrace if you put a rocking chair there, hang pots with blooming petunias or violets on the walls, and lay a woolen carpet on the floor.

Furniture, finishing materials, and decorative items used in bungalow-style interior design must have natural natural colors . Dark brown armchairs, light green airy curtains, coffee-colored blinds, bright red pillows - all these are integral attributes of the bungalow style. If they are created by your own hands, then such interior accessories will create a warm, homely atmosphere in your apartment.

The bungalow style in the interior is ideal for those who... loves nature, which is capable of spiritualizing, inspiring, and charging with positive energy. Sitting in comfortable chair made of rattan, looking at the various decorative items that highlight this stunning beautiful style interior, you will never leave the feeling that your apartment is not in an ordinary multi-level building, but in a one-story bungalow located on Cote d'Azur. Together with us, you can make any of your dreams come true and create a beneficial atmosphere in your home that allows you to experience great pleasure in life every day.

The mention of the word “bungalow” evokes associations among many with a serene holiday somewhere in the southern latitudes. Imagine a cozy one-story house near the sea or in the tropical forest. This is exactly what the first bungalows were - a place where British officials spent their holidays or stopped during trips to the Himalayas, as well as other areas of India. Nowadays, bungalow-style interiors can be found not only in private houses, but also in ordinary city apartments.

Features and main features

In such houses everything is built according to the same principle - as much space as possible and usable area under the same roof. Buildings of this type were mainly one-story and therefore the layout had one feature - all the rooms were located in a circle, around the large room. Somewhat reminiscent of country style, this design option has its own distinctive features:

  • The horizontal orientation of the interior - you won’t see any upward lines here, everything is located horizontally.
  • Enough . The most widespread American version of the bungalow was a mixture of the Indian version and Indian dwellings, and neither of them, by definition, had high walls.
  • Rational use of space - there are many shelves, niches and other storage spaces, built-in or connected to the walls, and at the same time, there is not too much furniture.
  • Natural materials. The specific choice was determined by the place where the bungalow was built, but mainly wood, rattan and other inexpensive materials.
  • Minimum number of accessories and decor - decorations are most often made by hand from fabric or reed, and their number is small.
  • The furniture, presented in small quantities, is as light as possible and not too expensive. Preference is given to wicker items and those made from natural wood.

Naturally, modern apartment or the house is furnished without exact compliance with established rules. Slightly different materials are used, and if the interior in the bungalow style is intended to be decorated in an ordinary city apartment, quite a lot of other details change - there is simply no way to reproduce everything exactly as in a real building of this type. However, by following the basic rules, it is quite possible to make your home look like the hut of the British colonialists.


A fairly wide field for creativity opens up here - there are no particular restrictions on finishing or materials. All that matters is the presence general idea– you are going to imitate the decor of a hut, in which, for example, the use of floral wallpaper is unlikely. In addition, walls should not be the most eye-catching object in the house. Choose a finish that is not too flashy.


There is no longer so much room for imagination here. You will have to comply with the basic concept - make it wooden, from dark wood, or install it. In a private house, all this is easier to implement, but in the city you can move away from the main idea and make the ceiling simply white. You should not create multi-tiered structures of complex shapes - they will look ridiculous in such an interior.


Since initially all buildings of this type were wooden, the floors here are made of the same material. Modern industry offers many solutions suitable for appearance- laminate or even linoleum with a suitable pattern, various kinds of floor panels, decorated with wood and other options. The texture is important - a little rough, without excessive gloss.


The windows themselves can be modern and different shapes. The way they are decorated is of particular importance. These can be light translucent fabrics, heavy blackout curtains or wooden blinds. The color matches the rest of the design. The best option There will be bamboo curtains that are closest in spirit, made in the form of a roll-up curtain.


The main colors are brown and white. Color Ivory, ocher, green color– these are all natural tones and they should be the prevailing note in the design. If you need brighter colors, use blue, violet or crimson, but in moderation. Still, the basic idea of ​​a home close to nature should be visible.

When the conversation turns to a bungalow, almost every person sighs a little dreamily, anticipating sweet relaxation and lazy serenity. This wonderful style has become synonymous with a resort mood and closeness to nature, however, this interior direction typical for city apartments. Using the bungalow style in the interior of your home, you can create a paradise for relaxation after everyday work, and get a charismatic and cozy environment. In this publication, “Dream House” invites you to understand the features of the bungalow style and look at examples of such interiors in the photo.

Bungalow-style houses: a brief historical excursion

If we look at the origins, it becomes clear that the bungalow was originally the standard housing of British colonists. Arriving in hot and humid India, or more precisely, its province of Bengal, the British quickly realized how comfortable Indian dwellings were for the given climate and living conditions. Most of them were one-story buildings with a sloping thatched roof and low ceiling, all the space of which was residential. The main room was the living room, to which the other rooms of this hut house adjoined. Prefabricated, lightweight and convenient, these one-story houses In the bungalow style, with the arrival of the British, they absorbed some features of European architecture, English cottages, army tents and eastern verandas, for example, wide and extension.

By colonizing eastern America, the British combined Indian and Indian dwellings, so similar to each other, into something charismatic and new. Already at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, this type of house reached the peak of popularity and conquered America, boldly moving from the east of the country to the west. The first house, which was officially called a “bungalow”, was designed by W.G. Preston in 1879. But the championship of the project of this type of housing in California belongs to the architect A.P. Brown from San Francisco during the same period of time.

Characteristic features of the bungalow style

There are some features that are unique only to bungalow-style houses, which distinguishes this interior style, making it separate from both ethnic and ethnic styles. Despite the unity of the general idea, when decorating the interior of a house in the bungalow style, the main thing is to adhere to the basic criteria that are unique to this style:

  • Low ceiling. A house or room in the bungalow style should only be decorated if the room was originally low and squat, as Indian huts with high ceilings they simply do not exist in nature. And in order for your home to absorb the horizontal orientation characteristic of the bungalow style, it is necessary to push the boundaries in breadth.
  • No stairs. In a house with only one floor, there is no need for stairs, and this fact should be taken into account when decorating rooms in this style.
  • Natural materials used for home furnishings. Lots of natural wood in reddish tones, perhaps a stone hearth, leather and rattan, linen and cotton, leather and bone.
  • All rooms are next to the living room! All living rooms of the house are located around a centralized living room. The maximum amount of living space on one floor was the slogan of the builders of that time.
  • Rationalism. All living space is used as efficiently as possible, there is no empty space. Everything is simple and concise.
  • Minimum furnishings. The storage furniture is built-in, but free space is allocated only for the bed, tables and seating furniture. Moreover, all products should be very, very light.
  • No unnecessary accessories. If you want to add accents when decorating a bungalow-style interior, it is best to use several bright things made by hand from natural materials. It can be with a flower, homespun bright textiles, ethnic motifs. An enemy scalp will also do.

How to implement bungalow style in the interior

When decorating one of the rooms of your apartment in this style, for example, if you like the idea of ​​making a bungalow-style bedroom, you need to adjust your choice finishing materials And architectural elements according to the chosen style.


The bungalow is a hut made of wood, so the floors are ideal for long wooden boards, tinted in shades of natural wood. The floor should be made of natural wood, brutal and somewhat exaggeratedly rough. Some textile floor decorations are appropriate, such as a bamboo mat or a carpet made from natural materials.


As already mentioned, it is low and, most likely, dark, made of natural wood. If you don’t want to put the board on the ceiling, then you can use wide wooden ones or false ones.


The ideal solution would be floor-to-ceiling windows, the so-called “”, but there is nothing fundamental about this. For window decoration, both heavy blackout curtains and white linen or translucent curtains are suitable, which can also be used in the sleeping area. For lovers, the option of bamboo or wooden blinds is suitable.


There are no special restrictions here, and you can safely use your imagination: paint them, create a “mud” effect, cover the walls decorative plaster or natural wallpaper. However, the walls should not draw attention to themselves and lead in the interior; they are not the main ones in the “bungalow” style.

Color solution

When giving a room a bungalow style, you need to cultivate natural shades in the interior, best of all - Brown color tree, diluted with green foliage, red light of ocher and sunset, azure shades of the sea and, of course, white, like serene clouds soaring in the sky. If the soul asks for strong and rich colors, then you can add the colors of violet night, juicy raspberries, black earth, blue sky, orange sun - all this will be appropriate in the style of a bungalow.

Characteristic details

Remove the cabinets from view and leave them in the center light furniture for living room, small coffee table, cozy chairs. Let your feet sink into a homespun woolen carpet, a small exotic tree grow nearby, and your hands hold a calabash with fragrant yerba mate. If this is a bedroom, in the center there is a bed, large and comfortable, with a snow-white canopy or in an Arabic style, it boldly leads the decor.

By decorating the interior of a house in the style of a bungalow, you give preference to the lazy mood of the tropics and bliss, in which it is so good to relax. This environment will give you comfort, tranquility and a feeling internal comfort. And this is important for good health!