home · electrical safety · Suppliers of decorative plaster. Production of decorative plaster: let's look at it in detail. DIY decorative plaster

Suppliers of decorative plaster. Production of decorative plaster: let's look at it in detail. DIY decorative plaster

The most important building material was and remains plaster. If previously it was entrusted with the only task of leveling walls and ceilings, today compositions for tiles, wallpaper, and painting have been invented. Using some types of plaster, you can decorate internal and external substrates. The homemade mixture of sand, cement and lime has been replaced by ready-made mixtures. Some of them just need to be mixed with water before use, while other products are ready for immediate application. The choice of suitable plaster depends on its purpose, which in turn is reflected in the recipe.

  • Plasters with gypsum bases have universal qualities. Using such mixtures, you can perform both rough leveling of walls and ceilings and finishing. The disadvantage of gypsum-containing materials is the fear of moisture and frost.
  • Cement-based mixtures are suitable for preliminary creation of a plaster layer inside and outside buildings. They are affordable, weather resistant, and durable.
  • Achieve perfectly smooth and flat surface plasters based on synthetic resins allow. With their help you can create decorated surfaces of external and interior walls, facades, plinths. However, the cost of such products is quite high.

Our review included best plasters made on different bases. The rating was compiled taking into account reviews from professional plasterers and amateur finishers.

The best gypsum plasters

Currently the most popular among builders are: plaster compositions based on gypsum. They are easy to prepare, apply and level.

5 Founded by Gipswell

Better vapor permeability
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Osnovit Gipswell plaster has a high level of vapor permeability. Composition on gypsum base Recommended for leveling foundations inside buildings with low humidity. Plaster is versatile; it can be used to process ceilings and walls made of any materials. The manufacturer added to the composition polymer additives, promoting increased adhesion. After drying, a flat and smooth surface is obtained. It can be applied to paintwork, gluing wallpaper, laying tiles. No further puttying is required when the mortar is wet rubbed. The plaster is easy to apply and level.

Professional plasterers speak highly of the qualities of Osnovit Gipswell plaster, such as high vapor permeability, ease of application, affordable price, and the formation of a smooth surface. The disadvantages of builders include the unstable quality of the composition, too quick drying solution.

4 Unis Teplon

The whitest gypsum plaster
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Unis Teplon gypsum plaster has a snow-white color. It is intended for finishing ceilings and walls indoors with a normal level of humidity for painting or wallpapering. The composition can be applied up to 50 mm thick without the use of a plaster mesh. Can be used in the bathroom or kitchen when leveling the surface for tiles. Thanks to a special recipe, the manufacturer was able to reduce the setting time of the plaster. The use of this material allows you to reduce the cost of subsequent painting of walls or ceilings in White color. The coating creates a favorable microclimate in the room.

Domestic masters interior decoration highlight several positive qualities of Unis Teplon gypsum plaster. It is plastic, affordable and moisture resistant. When dry, it forms a snow-white surface. The disadvantages of the material are insufficient adhesion, which is why it is necessary to pre-prime porous substrates.

3 Ceresit CT 35

The best decorative plaster
Country: Rating (2019): 4.9

Decorative plaster from Ceresit stands out for its high quality. It is designed for thin-layer application and is available in several colors. The composition can be applied both to plastered surfaces and to concrete bases, and on chipboard panels. The mixture can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors. Decorative plaster is recommended for use when installing facade thermal insulation systems in combination with expanded polystyrene boards or mineral wool. There are various modifications of the composition, for example, for painting or for winter use (down to -10°C). The material is impact-resistant, UV-resistant, and frost-resistant.

Finishers speak flatteringly about such properties of Ceresit decorative plaster as vapor permeability, frost resistance, and resistance to negative weather conditions. The disadvantage of the composition is the high price.

2 Volma Canvas

Optimal combination of price and quality
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

Domestic plaster Volma Canvas is popular among finishers due to the optimal combination of price and technical parameters. It is made on a gypsum basis using unique chemical and mineral additives. Distinctive features plasters have such properties as good water-holding capacity, excellent adhesion, optimal time drying. The composition can be used for leveling ceilings and walls followed by painting, laying tiles or gluing wallpaper. After drying, the surface becomes smooth, which eliminates the need for puttying.

Builders highlight the following in reviews: strengths Volma Canvas plaster, as an affordable price, plasticity of the working solution, ease of application. From negative qualities There is heterogeneity of color after complete drying.

1 Knauf Rotband

The best gypsum plaster
A country: Germany (produced in Russia)
Rating (2019): 5.0

The name of Knauf Rotband plaster has already become a household name among builders and finishers. The gypsum-based mixture is intended for leveling surfaces inside buildings. The composition can be used for finishing walls and ceilings of residential premises, as well as in preparation for tiling bathrooms and kitchens. Distinctive feature Rotband can be applied to any base, from concrete to brick. Thanks to the introduction of polymer fillers and light additives into the gypsum base, it was possible to achieve high adhesion, easy application and large thickness (up to 10 mm) in one pass.

Domestic builders call Knauf Rotband the best gypsum plaster for interior work. Its advantages include environmental friendliness, fire resistance, vapor permeability, and high-quality adhesion. The only disadvantage is the high price.

The best cement plasters

Cement plasters are most often used at the stage of preparing walls, ceilings or facades before applying finishing coatings. Thanks to the affordable price, you can economically correct all the shortcomings that were made during the construction of walls and ceilings.

3 Glims Velur

The lightest plaster
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Lightweight plaster Glims Velur is widely used in construction. The composition is based on cement with the addition of perlite. It is designed for leveling walls, facades made of foam blocks, concrete, brick and other materials. Thanks to the small mass of the plaster layer, it is possible to reduce the load on wall and ceiling structures. Plaster can be used in dry rooms, as well as in the bathroom, kitchen, and outside buildings. Not required during application plaster mesh, and the surface can be smoothed to a gloss. After drying, a weather-resistant and durable layer is formed, which is elastic and resistant to cracking.

Domestic finishers highlight such advantages cement plaster Glims Velur is easy to apply, easy to level, and versatile. Negative qualities often include cracking of the dried layer and difficulty in stirring.

2 Prospectors

Best price
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

By itself attractive price Russian plaster Prospectors for sale. The cement-based composition is intended for both manual and mechanized application of plaster mortar. Using this mixture, you can level the walls and ceilings inside buildings, as well as external facades. The plaster is capable of filling cracks and recesses up to 60 mm deep. It is not suitable only for finishing surfaces that come into contact with food and drinking water. Thanks to good adhesion, it is possible to level different types grounds ( brickwork, cellular and ordinary concrete, cement plasters). In the future, finishing putty, decorative plaster, ceramic tiles or paint.

Professional builders consider Prospector cement plaster excellent budget option finishing. It fits perfectly on bases, does not generate dust, and is suitable for the bath.

1 Ceresit CT 29

The best plaster and repair putty
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

Level at the same time uneven surfaces and Ceresit CT 29 (2 in 1) plaster allows for filling. The composition has a cement base to which polymer components and reinforcing additives are added. The mixture is recommended for use when repairing and leveling concrete, cement-sand, and brick foundations. With the help of plaster, you can quickly repair cracks, chips, gouges and other defects. Not recommended for floor leveling. The composition received special properties due to the introduction of microfibers, which play the role of a reinforcing material. As a result, in one pass it is possible to apply plaster with a thickness of 2...20 mm without the use of a mesh.

Master finishers speak positively about such qualities of Ceresit CT 29 cement plaster as manufacturability, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. Experts call the disadvantages of the composition the appearance of cracks when drying and the high price.

The best plasters based on synthetic resin

Create ideal finishing coatings plasters based on synthetic resins allow. Craftsmen are able to use them to create luxurious finishes.

2 Mapei Nivoplan

The most versatile plaster
Country: Italy
Rating (2019): 4.9

Italian plaster Mapei Nivoplan has universal properties. It can be used for leveling internal and external surfaces, repairing old plasters, preparing the base for tiles, etc. With this elastic composition based on synthetic resin, it is possible to apply a layer to the ceiling up to 30 mm thick. The material is very good adhesion, which allows it to be used for finishing brick, foam concrete and wood-cement bases. The composition of synthetic resins is perfectly combined with fine sand and cement. The solution is easily prepared by mixing dry powder with water. The plastic mass can be applied with a spatula or a plastering machine. It is not recommended to use for leveling floors, as well as for finishing gypsum-containing substrates.

Finishers note a number of advantages of Mapei Nivoplan plaster. The main ones are versatility, accessibility and manufacturability. Unfortunately, the composition is not available everywhere.

1 Caparol Streichputz

The best facade plaster
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 5.0

The best plaster for performing structural facade works is a composition from Germany Caparol Streichputz. The product is a matte plastic mass based on synthetic resin. The composition is suitable for creating thin-layer and weather-resistant coatings. Plaster has a wide range of applications. With its help, you can level rough plastered surfaces, apply mosaics by spraying, and imitate sgraffito. When using plaster indoors, it is possible to obtain a very durable coating that has increased stability to mechanical loads. The composition is diluted with water, it is environmentally friendly, and has a slight odor. Even with a large layer thickness, cracking of the coating does not occur after drying.

Builders especially enjoy the application process facade plaster Caparol Streichputz, its strength and impact resistance. The main disadvantage of this product is the high price.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Today, decorative plaster is no longer a curiosity, and not only the price, but also the quality and safety of decorative materials for interior walls comes first. We went through a huge number of salons and showrooms to make a rating of manufacturers of decorative plaster and help consumers understand all its diversity. In order not to advertise any of the brands, we decided to indicate the maximum number of manufacturers, and how Russian made, and European.

Be careful - some brands behind their foreign names hide small paint bottling shops in the nearest Moscow region!

So, to compare manufacturers, we chose three main criteria - price, breadth of assortment and safety of materials.

Comparison by price

Conditionally all manufacturers represented on Russian market, can be divided into three price segments - lower, middle and upper:

  1. Upper price segment(paints with an average price per square meter from 1000 rubles) - European brands Baldini (Be careful - this brand is counterfeited in Belarus), Sammarinese, Loggia, Giorgio Graesan, Sammarinese, Oikos, Valpaint, NovaColor. Russian brands are not represented here.
  2. Average price segment (paints with an average price per square meter from 400 rubles) - European brands Ferrara Design, San Marco, Veneziano; Russian manufacturers (Don't be fooled by the foreign name!) - Decorazza, Clavel, Pratta, Natura Interior, Paritet Décor, Art Deco, Derufa, Adicolor, Decorici.
  3. Lower price segment (paints with an average price per square meter of up to 400 rubles) - Russian brands VGT, Bayramix, Descartes, Elitas, Ceresit.

We will not advise you which segment to choose, since there are options for every budget.

Comparison of the breadth of coating range

  1. More than 100 coatings in assortment - European brands Ferrara Design, Russian brands do not have such an assortment.
  2. More than 30 coatings in stock - European brands Oikos, Loggia, San Marco, Russian brands Decorazza, Clavel, Pratta, Paritet Décor, Derufa.
  3. Less than 30 coatings in the assortment - European brands Baldini, Sammarinese, Giorgio Graesan, Valpaint, Novacolor, Russian brands Art Deco, Decorici, VGT, Bayramix, Descartes, Elitas, Ceresit.

If you have a not very demanding request for choosing a coating, then we recommend that you find the decorative plaster salon closest to your home, and if you need to select various textures, then it makes sense to go to a place where there is a choice of at least 50 coatings. Just to save time... And it’s even better to call and find out what is in stock today, so as not to end up in a situation of waiting for months for your order.

Safety comparison of decorative paints

For a long time we could not determine this indicator accurately so that we could make some kind of comparison. All manufacturers have a SGR - a certificate of state registration, some have a declaration of conformity - this is when the manufacturer himself promises that his material is safe (which you can’t do to get your product bought...). But after looking at other markets, we found the right solution in suspended ceilings and wallpaper is the presence of the European Safety Mark. This sign shows the amount of harmful volatiles organic matter released into the indoor air.

  1. The most clean materials have an A+ index and among manufacturers of decorative plaster only the brands Sammarinese, Ferrara Design and Baldini were able to show us this mark.
  2. The safety of other manufacturers (not only ours, but also European ones) has not been confirmed by specialized tests, or they could not provide us with such information.

IN this comparison We do not recommend using materials that do not have a safety certificate in children's rooms, in rooms where allergy sufferers or people susceptible to allergies live. However, in any room where you spend for a long time. If you decide to apply such materials, then this is only permissible when applied to the facade of a house. Take care of yourself!

Silicone (siloxane) plaster. The binder in it is silicone resins. Combines almost all the advantages of the above types. It is vapor-permeable, hydrophobic, resistant to aggressive environments and ultraviolet radiation. A wide range of colors of this material is available. Due to its good ductility, this plaster is used to create relief patterns.

The only negative factor is the relative high cost of this coating. Therefore, it is worth using it when the facade of the house is exposed to significant loads, in areas of high climatic humidity and negative technogenic factors.

All these types of plasters, in turn, are divided into two subtypes: water-based and solvent-based. The former are most often used indoors, the latter - outside buildings. But neither one nor the other is afraid of water after hardening.

You can do decorative wall plaster with your own hands almost anywhere - from the facade of the house to the partition in the kitchen.

Note! Many of these coatings are waterproof and can therefore be used in bathtubs and indoor swimming pools.

For exterior decorative materials, coarse structural materials based on lime binder are usually used. Thanks to special modifiers, the plaster does not deteriorate when interacting with water, so the facade is not afraid of even heavy rains.

Sometimes silicone materials are used for plastering walls outside buildings - they create relief images. The rarity of their use is explained by the fact that, firstly, it is very difficult to do such work on your own, and secondly, a large amount of plaster is consumed, which means the cost of the coating increases.

All four types of coatings can be used for interior work. Important nuances: the more textured, that is, thicker the material, the more significant its consumption will be. But, on the other hand, when applying it there is no need to carefully prepare the surface - it itself masks unevenness and defects.

Thinner types of plaster require better preparation of the base, but are used up more slowly.

Application and tinting

Artistic plaster is applied in many ways: with regular and embossed rollers, spatulas, brushes, foam sponges of various shapes, homemade devices and even with your hands.

Applying decorative plaster by hand

Using different methods of applying textured plaster, completely opposite effects can be achieved. This statement is especially true with respect to acrylic plaster. Often it is applied in several layers that have different colors and often using different methods.

Therefore, before you do decorative plaster in your home yourself, think very carefully.

To make it, it is not enough to have construction skills. You have to be, to some extent, an artist. Moreover, each of the specialists in working with decorative plaster undergoes a training course at the manufacturer or at the official dealer of each type of decorative plaster.

Only in this way can a master, knowing the material thoroughly, make a real work of art out of ordinary walls.

But there is an exception - structural views artistic plasters. You, even with very modest knowledge in this area, can apply them yourself with an ordinary spatula. One of the main advantages of such coatings is that they are almost impossible to spoil.

Any decorative plaster is applied in several layers. The first one is primer. Next comes work with the layers of the coating itself. Depending on the design, there can be from just one to 15 (!). Then, as necessary, special azure is used to create visual effects.

One of them is fashionable in Lately craquelure - the effect of aged, cracked walls. To create it, a special varnish is applied over the coating, which tears upper layer plaster. If the bottom layer has a different shade, it will be visible through the cracks.

Important! You should know that Venetian plaster is necessarily coated with a special protective wax after hardening.

Almost all types of decorative plasters are sold in white. In the store you will be offered to choose a color from 50 to 5000 shades, which will depend on the manufacturing company. After you decide on this, test paints will be made - on plywood, 0.5 m in volume? They will roll out the plaster using the application method you have chosen and having the selected color.

This will give you the opportunity to see how homemade decorative plaster will look on the walls. if you appearance If you don’t like the coating, you can choose a different shade or color.

If you decide to tint the plaster yourself, add pigment little by little and be sure to do control paint on cardboard or plywood. Remember to wait until the sample is completely dry, as the color may different stages drying varies.

Production of decorative paints and plasters - Dom-s LLC - Belvedere

We produce decorative paints and plasters of the Belvedere series, which includes:

  • - decorative paints;
  • - decorative plasters;
  • - impregnations, and special compositions.

All materials are produced on a water-dispersion basis using natural fillers, due to which they have high environmental performance.

During production we use raw materials only highest quality, we carry out mandatory incoming control and mandatory control of each batch of produced material. Guarantee period services decorative paints and plasters of the Belvedere series is 6 years, and the average service life is at least 10 years.

For the implementation of any interior projects, both matte coatings and with pearlescent fillers of various shades are produced. The created catalogs allow you to choose the most suitable color of the coatings, and if this is not enough, our colorists will help you choose the unique color of the material that you require.

Our products are intended primarily for professional craftsmen, so we regularly and free of charge provide training in the technique of applying Belvedere decorative plasters and paints. Anyone can take part in them.

Our materials have their own characteristics, due to which they differ from the products of other respected domestic and foreign manufacturers.

The Belvedere series in appearance is as close as possible to natural materials- various fabrics, types of stone, wood, some types of leather, etc. At the same time, we always take into account labor costs when applying - the number of approaches should be minimal, open time work is most convenient for the master; with one material you can perform many effects on the wall using various tools and application technology.

We pay special attention to technical support for our partners - we never leave them with possible problems one on one, we always participate in resolving complex issues that may arise when using any decorative finishing materials.

Decorative plaster technology

Total production cost per day (using the example of 1 ton of decorative plaster) The raw material cost per day of 1000 kg is 454 y.e. + Production costs 82 USD. i.e. total, total cost without taxes 536y.e.

The average market value of manufactured products 1 kg kg - 1.5 y.e.. i.e. 1000kg costs 1500 dollars.

look Profit share in the production of decorative plasters Economic efficiency When opening which business your monthly profit is:

Total cost per month 536 * 24 = 12865 y.e.

Sales of products 1500 * 24 = 36000 y.e.

Profit for the month 36000 - 12865 = 23135 y.e. (excluding tax).

Economic justification for opening production based on our own experience Of course, in the first 2-3 months, your volumes will not exceed 30%, analyzing from your own experience, while the competition of materials significantly exceeded the consumption of imported materials in relation to our products, but time has passed and our products have proven themselves due to discounts, production time is 1 -2 days, tinting in any color, written guarantee.

In this way, even if you sell the material at first, your profit will cover all your costs and you will receive a profit of $9,000, and if taxes are taken away, the net profit will be from $6,000 to $5,000.

In the 4th month, your profit will increase to 12-18,000 dollars, in the second year it will actually approach our 20,000 dollars. The technology package is sold in three stages Purchase of technology from 8.00 to 12.30 from 12.30-13.30 conclusion of a contract for technology, from 14.30-19.00 training at the enterprise (1-2 technologies per day). The sale of technology takes place only on Saturday. Before arrival, you must inform your full name and country to plan your working day, and also plan your stay at the Gomel Hotel, tel. +375+232+71+67+25 (1 person - 50 USD, luxury - 100 USD, 2 people - 70 USD, luxury - 120 USD...if we order then there is no armor).

The second stage is to order our equipment, or you can manufacture it yourself.

After purchasing the technology, unclear issues are discussed at any time and free of charge, our position is to help open a similar enterprise like ours!!!

Our company is ready to help in choosing a recipe from your material, rationally building a technological chain, providing necessary equipment, we offer a list of enterprises producing raw materials for production, information support.

When can I contact you? You can call the Rol-Stroy-Industriya office right now and ask questions regarding the technology +375 29 647 27 96 Andrey Anatolyevich, or Ch. technologist +375 29 644 52 54 Pavel Ivanovich.

---------- Any use of materials from this site is possible only with the written permission of the directorate of ODO "Rol-Stroy-Industry".

Decorative plaster - catalog of decorative plaster and sale at manufacturer prices.

Decorative plaster "Latex-plastic" NEW

Decorative material for creating coatings with different structures and patterns: from surfaces with a slight gloss in the style of “Venetian plaster”, imitating the texture of polished or marble, to obtaining relief coatings with different levels of gloss. To obtain an additional decorative effect, special wax is used.

Read more... Textured decorative plaster

Decorative material for creating coatings with different structures and patterns: from smooth surfaces with a slight gloss in the style of “Venetian plaster”, imitating the texture of polished stone or marble to obtain relief coatings with different levels of gloss. To obtain an additional decorative effect, special wax is used.

Read more... Structural decorative plaster

Decorative thin layer plaster on acrylic base with calibrated grain from natural marble with a characteristic smoothed surface. Widely used for and protection of facades and wall surfaces.

Designed to create fine- and medium-grained coating; forms a characteristic smoothed surface. Looks great on facades.

Read more... Colored decorative plaster for exterior and interior use

Decorative plaster (Bayramix type) based on natural marble chips and acrylic binder.

Read more... Decorative plaster “Venetian”

Decorative multi-layer coating imitating marble or other natural stone. Gives the opportunity to obtain different colors and shine. Depending on the method of application and subsequent processing, interesting color and artistic compositions can be obtained. The gloss level can range from semi-matte to high gloss.

Allows you to get the effect of natural stone or marble of various types;

Read more... Decorative plaster “Roller” (with “bark beetle” effect)

Textured material with coarse-grained natural filler to obtain a relief coating.

Helps create relief in the form of small or deep furrows of various shapes;

Read more... Decorative textured plaster « Wet silk»

Elegant, decorative fabric-like material with mother-of-pearl particles, creating the effect of iridescent silk. Ideal for creating stylish and original interiors.

Creates an elegant decorative coating under fabric with mother-of-pearl particles. The coating is washable.

Read more... Decorative plaster “Sea Breeze”

A translucent decorative coating with mother-of-pearl particles and the addition of river sand, creating the effect of a light breeze or floating clouds.


How to make decorative plaster yourself

Making walls from decorative plaster yourself will not be difficult. First, we make a plaster mixture: take dry water and mix with a mixer until the consistency of thick sour cream and after the mixture becomes homogeneous, add PVA and mix. At the end our plaster mixture should become homogeneous and thick.

To prepare decorative plaster needed: 200g. PVA, 2 liters of water and 6 kg of gypsum-based mixture.

First you need to apply the base layer; to do this, take a wide spatula and putty the surface of the wall. When the base layer has dried, you can begin the most important thing - decorating. There are many ways to create a textured wall surface.

You can use a spatula to apply chaotic strokes over the entire surface, you can use spatulas of different sizes, the wall also looks very interesting if you take an ordinary broom and blot the surface with a sponge. different directions. There are a lot of ways and with a little experimentation you will choose the most suitable one for yourself.


DIY decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a method of finishing rooms, with the help of which it is possible not only to diversify the color scheme in the room, but also to recreate various types decor. At the same time, decorative plaster has been used quite often recently. As a result, there are constantly different kinds and subtypes of this building material.

Structural plaster

There are usually several types of decorative plaster:

  • structural - with its help furrows are created;
  • mineral – differs from other types by fillers: granite or marble chips;
  • textured - when used, you can reproduce various types of textures;
  • Venetian - will add sophistication to the interior, but requires a special application technology.

Mineral plaster

The main types of plaster used in interior decoration are the so-called “Shubka”, that is, uniformly rough plasters, as well as “Bark Beetle” - its use allows you to achieve a surface reminiscent of oak bark.

The grain sizes that the material used to produce must have DIY wall plaster, vary between 0.7-3 mm, which allows you to create different patterns. The tools used in its application are usually a spatula, a roller and a sprayer. It is very important to choose high-quality tools, since this is what sometimes determines final result surfaces.

Currently, the most popular types of decorative plaster are: “Mizuri”, “Venetian plaster”, and also “Velveton”.

Textured plaster

Today, decorative plaster has become a new option for interior decoration and a successful alternative to wallpaper, since, depending on its type, it allows you to create a variety of wall textures, “play” with shades, create unimaginable effects, etc. Such material in the most advantageous way allows the production of such a process as plastering walls with your own hands.

As with any other finishing method, this one has its pros and cons. Fortunately, there are much more of the former. The advantages include such properties of plaster as the versatility of the base, as this allows it to be applied to internal and external surfaces made of brick, wood, and other materials. With its help, you can eliminate the imperfections of the surface on which the plaster is applied, for example, get rid of cracks, chips, “bubbles”, etc.

Venetian plaster

Absolutely all types of decorative plaster are resistant to moisture and can be easily cleaned without using special solvents. In other words DIY Venetian plaster, tolerates any mechanical pressure, low and high temperatures and is very durable. And the airtightness of the coating allows it to be airtight.

The disadvantages of this material are significantly fewer. The main one is that the amount of plaster per 1 m2 of walls is significantly high, and therefore the cost of such decor will be much higher. Some types of plaster can only be worked by a person with a high level of skill. But removing a fancy type of decor is sometimes not as easy as it seems.

Useful – do-it-yourself decorative plaster of walls

Video No. 1 – Finishing walls with decorative plaster

Video No. 2 – Textured plaster

Video No. 3 – Structural plaster

Main types of decorative plaster

Usually all types decorative material, with the help of which it is produced are divided into two main ones: facade and interior, and within each of them there are various subtypes. Moreover, each type has its own characteristics and characteristics that must be taken into account when working with plaster.

Facade view plasters are divided into several subtypes:

  • mineral, which includes marble or granite chips, ceramicized or painted quartz. This allows the plaster to allow steam to pass through and tolerate moisture well. It is applied using a compressor or a specialized trowel.
  • polymer is either water-based or non-water-based and is characterized by a high level of strength, manufacturability and durability. Usually it comes tinted, that is, in a specific color.
  • silicate, the base of which is “liquid glass”. She happens to be good coverage mineral bases, but limited in color range.
  • silicone tolerates ultraviolet light well, repels dust and other small particles and is airtight. In other words, the surface that results from a process such as DIY textured plaster, characterized by sophistication and excellent attractiveness.

Interior plaster also has several subtypes:

  • relief is characterized by increased plasticity, which allows you to create various decorative effects, including surfaces that imitate natural materials.
  • smooth creates an imitation of antique style and is applied in two or three layers.
  • textured has a wide variety of application techniques and allows you to achieve surface roughness.

Do not forget that the decorative material with which you can make plastering walls with your own hands, has a certain specificity. For example, it is not dyed, that is, it can look like an unpainted textured one or with the addition of some color pigment. At the same time, the color scheme can be very diverse, which allows you to choose the necessary shade that perfectly matches the appearance of the space. Using this decorative material, you can achieve the effect not only of surfaces made of stone and wood, but also of reptile skin, suede, velor, paper or metal. Elements such as clouds, stains, appliqués and much more can be easily imitated. Also, when using stencils and templates, you can apply a variety of designs or blur several colors and achieve unusual color schemes.

Getting started and going through a process like DIY decorative plaster, you need to follow a few simple steps. First you need to prepare the surface, that is, remove old wallpaper, clean the walls and eliminate peeling, and also treat the walls with a primer. After which you should decide what effect you would like to achieve in the end, which will determine the method of applying the plaster. Do not forget that the color on the surface will be two shades darker than what is in the tank with plaster, so you must adhere to the mixing proportions. The norm is to apply one kilogram of material per 1 m2. At the final stage, the surface needs to be “sanded”.

By the way, it’s worth saying that specialized shopping centers and stores conduct training master classes for those who want to decorate their interiors with plaster themselves.

When choosing a particular type of plaster for your room, you must be guided by your own taste and the style characteristics of the available space.

In conclusion, I would like to note that by choosing decorative plaster, everyone will have the opportunity to bring various design ideas to life.


Production of decorative plaster, presented in our company is carried out at the highest level. All brands presented in the catalog of our store have one thing in common: common feature- these are the best finishing materials.

Our employees and those of the Di Donato concern are experienced craftsmen with many years of experience in the development and manufacture of finishing materials.

Advantages of finishing materials from the Di Donato and Decorici concern.

When developing our coatings, we pay attention Special attention impeccable product quality. Decorative plasters consist only from components that are safe for human health. In addition, they make the products many times more durable than other analogues. When creating new materials great attention focuses on ease of application to the surface. The ease of application lies in the fact that the material adheres well to the instrument and dries on the wall for a long time - this allows you to avoid joints on large surfaces.

And finally, the most important thing is that all products comply with European quality standards and comply with all GOSTs!

Our production of decorative plasters is certified and carried out using the latest equipment using our own original technologies.

In terms of price-quality ratio, these materials are unrivaled. With their help they create truly chic interiors. By choosing our products, you are making the right and wise choice for many years to come!

Most common mineral decorative plasters, which are based white cement. Positive qualities include good vapor permeability and high level fire safety. The material is very affordable and is used in large quantities. Disadvantages include increased labor intensity due to poor elasticity and low adhesion.

basis polymer materials are acrylic resins and other similar components. Polymer plaster has a high degree of resistance to ultraviolet radiation, the coating does not change its appearance when exposed to high temperature. The material has good performance adhesion, vapor permeability. You can also note the excellent water-repellent properties.

To the most durable materials can be safely attributed silicone plaster. This is a universal material with an extensive list of positive consumer properties. This material has only one drawback - its high price. The purchase of silicone plaster has a very significant impact on the overall cost of repair work.

Advantages of using decorative plaster:

  1. Allows you to decorate walls beautifully and in an original style.
  2. Creation unique interior at low financial costs.
  3. A high degree of functionality of the coating, at the same time the problems of leveling the walls and their insulation are solved.
  4. A wide selection of manufacturers offering interesting texture solutions. Choice color range makes it possible to realize your wildest creative fantasies.

Features of materials offered by leading manufacturers

Tex-Color products differs in an optimal ratio of price and quality of the offered materials. This plaster has a lambskin texture, it is very convenient and easy to work with, both during application and in the subsequent painting process. The venerable brand BauMit offers materials with the texture of lamb and bark beetle. The quality of the plaster is impeccable, but the price tag does not please consumers.

Let's move on to the products German brands, confidently leading in domestic market by sales volumes. This Ceresit, Caparol. It is not known how manufacturers manage to maintain such a remarkable combination of high consumer properties with reasonable prices. Perhaps competent organization of everyone’s work structural divisions European brands allows them to maintain the cost level at a relatively low level. The company's policy is to earn money through increased sales volumes, rather than high markups on manufactured materials.

Popular brands include Rossetti. It is well known that Italians rarely offer any goods at affordable prices. This brand is no exception. The company offers a wide selection, the materials are durable, and specialists are always pleased to work with them. The company's products are used for internal and external work. Among distinctive features can be called excellent resistance to abrasion, as well as mechanical stress. The material performed well in coastal areas, it withstands unfavorable climatic conditions.

Dune is also an Italian brand that produces high-quality acrylic plaster. The variety of materials offered allows you to decorate the room in both classical and avant-garde styles. The range of products offered makes it possible to carry out not only internal, but also external work. As practice shows, Italian-made plaster is designed for a long service life.

Widely used products Caravaggio. The company's materials allow you to create an elegant velvety, velor coating. At the same time, you can observe a silky effect. Decorative plaster from this company is used to decorate not only residential premises, but also prestigious jewelry stores, high-status exhibition centers, elite restaurants and hotels. The material looks especially good when combined different types backlights