home · Appliances · Who checks the ventilation in an apartment building. Checking chimneys and ventilation ducts. Using instruments

Who checks the ventilation in an apartment building. Checking chimneys and ventilation ducts. Using instruments

About the presence of a ventilation system in residential buildings, as a rule, they remember only when too obvious signs of disruption to its work appear. Meanwhile, the correct full functioning of structures and equipment that ensure the influx of fresh air and the outflow of exhaust air is a matter of not only the comfort of residents, but also their health, and when household gas appliances are used, then also safety. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check the condition of ventilation ourselves, and remind about this to those organizations that are obliged to do this on a regular basis according to the schedule regulated by the relevant regulatory documents, and if any deviations are detected, immediately take the necessary measures.

What you need to know about ventilation in an apartment building

The vast majority of apartment buildings are equipped with natural supply and exhaust ventilation. This applies to all buildings of very old (pre-revolutionary) construction, those erected during the entire existence of the USSR and those built after the collapse of the Union, as well as in recent years as part of mass housing construction programs. Effective complex equipment forced ventilation can only be found in modern residential complexes recent years developments, and even then only in those that belong to the category of luxury housing.

Problems with ventilation of apartments usually arise in those houses where the ventilation system is natural. The scheme of its work is as follows. Exhaust air is removed directly from the rooms where it is most contaminated, that is, from sanitary (toilet, bathroom) and kitchens. It is removed due to its replacement with outside air (from the street and partly from the entrance), which enters through various leaks (slots and other openings) of the external fences (mainly with windows) of all apartment premises and is heated by the heating system.

Having warmed up, outside air rises and squeezes out even warmer waste, which is located in the near-ceiling space, through the natural exhaust ventilation channels located in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. The draft created due to this ensures ventilation of all other rooms. From the ventilation ducts of the apartment, the exhaust air enters the common exhaust shaft, through which it exits upward and out. One of the criteria for the efficiency of natural operation is the amount (volume) of air passing through the grille of its exhaust ducts in 1 hour. According to current standards, for a bathroom and toilet this parameter should have a value of at least 25 m 3 / h, and for a kitchen - 60 m 3 / h (when an electric rather than a gas stove is installed).

It should be noted that natural ventilation It works only if there is a certain significant temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor air. Natural ventilation works best in the cold season, especially in winter, when outside negative temperatures. And in the summer, ventilation may not occur at all, at least in the heat it certainly won’t. After all, the temperature indoors and outdoors in hot weather is almost the same. Moreover, more often than not, the apartment is even cooler. And the principle of natural ventilation (see above) is based on the replacement of indoor air with external cold air coming from outside. Therefore, in summer it is necessary to do normal ventilation.

And one more important condition normal operation natural ventilation. In multi-room apartments, it is not recommended to remove air directly from the rooms (opening the windows to quickly completely ventilate the room), because this disrupts the established pattern of directed natural air movement.

There are other factors that influence the operation of natural ventilation systems. The most important: the degree of tightness of the apartment’s external fences (that is, the walls, or rather their filling: mainly windows and partly doors) and the wind (is it not outside or is it there, and then what is its speed). According to these two indicators, the worst conditions for ventilation are calm and, as just noted above, windows wide open or when they are high-quality sealed (for example, modern plastic ones) and completely tightly closed. The following requirements apply to ventilation ducts from the apartment and general exhaust shafts. The speed of movement of the exhaust air in the first should be at least 3 m/s, and in the second – 5 m/s.

Checking the functionality and efficiency of systems

The functionality and effectiveness of apartment ventilation is checked directly at the entrance to the channels that discharge exhaust air from the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen into the common exhaust shaft. As follows from the explanations of the previous chapter, the check must be carried out in the cold season. Authorized services usually do this in the spring and autumn. If your apartment has sealed windows, including plastic ones, you need to open them slightly to create air flow. If old wooden ones are still standing, then you don’t need to open anything, not even the windows. Natural supply exhaust ventilation It is precisely designed to work with such windows. Only they should not be insulated.

You can check the ventilation in an apartment in several ways, which are conventionally divided into “folk” (using improvised means) and “scientific” (using special devices). The easiest and fastest way to test ventilation is with the help of improvised means, which must be brought directly to the grille of the ventilation duct being tested from the apartment. The most commonly used “folk” methods are the following:

  • A dangerous method that experts gas services It is strictly forbidden to use it in houses with a main gas supply, since in the event of a gas leak in one of the apartments, a fire or even an explosion may occur. The test is carried out using a lit match, lighter or candle. If the fire deviates strongly towards the grille, then the draft in the ventilation is good. If not very much, then unimportant. The fire is standing vertically or has deviated to the side from the grate - the ventilation is not working and is most likely faulty.
  • Check using a strip of paper (loose, preferably newspaper) 15–20 cm long and 2–3 cm wide. B vertical position We take it by the lower tip and bring it to the grill. If the strip deviates significantly in its direction, and when released, sticks to it, the hood works well. If the deviation was insignificant, and the adhesion was short-lived (it soon came unstuck), then the outflow of air is weak. When nothing happened at all or the strip deviated in the opposite direction, the ventilation does not work.
  • Using thin toilet paper. You need a piece of it comparable in size to the grate. If it sticks tightly to it - good, not very good - the traction is unimportant, it didn’t get stuck and fell - the ventilation does not work.

But these methods can only reliably determine whether the system works at all or not. An accurate quantitative assessment of effectiveness and compliance with standards cannot be given. One can only roughly judge how bad or good things are. The most accurate check of ventilation is with the help of special instruments called anemometers. There are a lot of modifications of them. It is better to use those having the following 2 functions:

  • volumetric flow calculations;
  • averaging by number and time of measurements.

And, of course, you will need to learn how to use them and do, if necessary, necessary calculations. Therefore, it is better to call specialists with such a device. At the same time, they will check the ventilation parameters inside the ducts from the apartment and the general exhaust shaft. Then it will be possible to accurately determine the effectiveness of ventilation, and if it malfunctions, the reasons and their location. Ventilation can be improved if. Possible options The reasons for poor apartment ventilation and ways to eliminate them are discussed in the article.

Scheduled audits – who should do it and when?

IN apartment building ventilation ducts and shafts are common property. Therefore, the operation of the ventilation system in it must be ensured by the management organization. Her responsibilities include checking the condition of ventilation, as well as, if necessary, cleaning and repairing canals and shafts, carried out by her on the basis of a license or by engaging specialized companies, with whom contracts are previously concluded.

The management company is obliged to carry out inspections and other work on the basis of the “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building.” The frequency of inspections, according to SNiPs and other regulatory documents for ventilation, should be as follows (at least):

  • in the absence of gas appliances - once a year;
  • when using gas appliances - 2 times.

If the ventilation does not work well in a newly built house, then its inspection and troubleshooting should be required from the developer, since new multi-apartment buildings are covered by a warranty (at least 5 years). Controversial situations are resolved by conducting independent surveys and examinations.

The vast majority of apartment buildings are equipped with natural supply and exhaust ventilation. This applies to all buildings of very old (pre-revolutionary) construction, those erected during the entire existence of the USSR and those built after the collapse of the Union, as well as in recent years as part of mass housing construction programs. Effective complex forced ventilation equipment can only be found in modern residential complexes of recent years of construction, and even then only in those that belong to the category of luxury housing.

Problems with ventilation of apartments usually arise in those houses where the ventilation system is natural. The scheme of its work is as follows. Exhaust air is removed directly from the rooms where it is most contaminated, that is, from sanitary (toilet, bathroom) and kitchens. It is removed due to its replacement with outside air (from the street and partly from the entrance), which enters through various leaks (slots and other openings) of the external fences (mainly with windows) of all apartment premises and is heated by the heating system.

Having heated up, the outside air rises and squeezes out even warmer exhaust air, which is located in the near-ceiling space, through natural exhaust ventilation channels located in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. The draft created due to this ensures ventilation of all other rooms. From the ventilation ducts of the apartment, the exhaust air enters the common exhaust shaft, through which it exits upward and out. One of the criteria for the effectiveness of the natural ventilation of an apartment is the amount (volume) of air passing through the grille of its exhaust ducts in 1 hour. According to current standards, for a bathroom and toilet this parameter should have a value of at least 25 m 3 / h, and for a kitchen - 60 m 3 / h (when an electric rather than a gas stove is installed).

It should be noted that natural ventilation only works if there is a certain significant temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor air. Natural ventilation works best in the cold season, especially in winter, when the outside temperatures are below freezing. And in the summer, ventilation may not occur at all, at least in the heat it certainly won’t. After all, the temperature indoors and outdoors in hot weather is almost the same. Moreover, more often than not, the apartment is even cooler. And the principle of natural ventilation (see above) is based on the replacement of indoor air with external cold air coming from outside. Therefore, in summer it is necessary to do normal ventilation.

And one more important condition for the normal operation of natural ventilation. In multi-room apartments, it is not recommended to remove air directly from the rooms (opening the windows to quickly completely ventilate the room), because this disrupts the established pattern of directed natural air movement.

There are other factors that influence the operation of natural ventilation systems. The most important: the degree of tightness of the apartment’s external fences (that is, the walls, or rather their filling: mainly windows and partly doors) and the wind (is it not outside or is it there, and then what is its speed). According to these two indicators, the worst conditions for ventilation are calm and, as just noted above, windows wide open or when they are high-quality sealed (for example, modern plastic ones) and completely tightly closed. The following requirements apply to ventilation ducts from the apartment and general exhaust shafts. The speed of movement of the exhaust air in the first should be at least 3 m/s, and in the second – 5 m/s.


How to check ventilation

The air is fraught with many dangers, absorbing all the odors and harmful gases from the tiles. It accumulates small villi, dust, wool, harmful microorganisms and bacteria that can cause severe pathologies. The microclimate of the rooms becomes hazardous to health. Ventilation systems are one of the most important communications - its proper operation is the key to the health and well-being of residents.

Important! According to regulations housing stock Cleaning of ventilation in apartment buildings should be carried out by the management company, HOA or any other organization whose responsibilities include maintaining the residential building. Therefore, if necessary, you need to contact them; they cannot refuse, since the inspection is one of the scheduled works that the company must perform.

Serviceable and well-designed ventilation shafts are invisible and do not make any sounds during operation. There are various methods for checking ventilation ducts in an apartment building.

Self-examination of ventilation systems:

  1. It is necessary to light a match or lighter and bring it to the grate of the exhaust shaft. At open window The flame column should deviate towards the grate. If the flame rushes into the room or remains in a vertical position, then the hood is not working properly. This method is very dangerous and is not recommended by experts, as there is a danger of setting fire to cobwebs, debris and causing a fire. This method should also not be used in gasified buildings.

  2. It is safer to use paper. To do this, you need to open the window, place a sheet of newspaper or any other thin paper against the grille. The sheet should stick to the grill due to air draft.
  3. Both the residents themselves and the management company can inspect using special instruments - anemometers. Professionals use more precise equipment. Measurements are taken over each chimney and ventilation duct and the causes of the malfunction are determined. Thanks to such an examination, it is possible to assess the degree of contamination of the ventilation ducts and check the air exchange capacity.

If a malfunction is detected, ventilation is required. clean the system. If necessary, you can clean your air duct yourself or contact special services.

Signs of ventilation failure

  1. Dust, cobwebs, and accumulations of debris appeared near the hood opening.
  2. A black coating from grease and soot has formed on the grill (especially in the kitchen).
  3. Dust quickly settles on objects even after wet cleaning.
  4. In summer the room heats up faster.
  5. Weaker drafts than before with doors open.
  6. Smells come from neighbors.
  7. The appearance of mold and mildew in the toilet and bathroom.
  8. High humidity.
  9. Smells from the toilet and kitchen spread throughout the apartment.

The reason for poor ventilation performance is blockage. He for a long time, accumulating in the shaft, clogs the passage, preventing air from circulating. Another reason could be a neighbor's hood. Windows also affect the quality of ventilation. Double-glazed windows are known for their tightness, but because of this, air exchange is disrupted and humidity increases, leading to the development of mold and mildew.

How often should the inspection be carried out?

In addition to natural ventilation, residential buildings are equipped with chimneys. They are designed to remove combustion products from the premises from gas stove, water heaters, and the heat emitted by this equipment to the street. GosStroy Decree No. 170 regulates the rules and regulations for the maintenance and operation of chimneys and ventilation. According to this document The frequency of inspection is as follows:

  • chimneys in the microdistrict are inspected every three months;
  • when using gas appliances seasonally, the check is carried out at the beginning of the season;
  • inspection of chimneys made of concrete or asbestos-cement pipes - every year;
  • heating and cooking equipment - spring and early autumn;
  • ventilation shafts - 2 times a year.

The timing of inspections is reflected in the contract with the company servicing the house. The results of the inspection are recorded in standard reports, as well as ventilation maintenance, clearing it of large blockages, and so on. Timely examination allows you to detect the development of harmful microorganisms in time.

How to clean ventilation

Ventilation and chimney are part of the common property, and the management company of the apartment building is responsible for their performance and maintenance. According to the rules established by the Government Decree, diagnostics and cleaning of ventilation is carried out by companies that have an official license. Employees of these organizations have permission to perform certain work, for example: the use of chemical reagents.

Important! Apartment owners pay monthly bills for major repairs. However, ventilation cleaning is rarely performed during major renovations. Therefore, residents turn to special companies.

By concluding an agreement with such a company, residents receive:

  • copies of the inspection license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the cleaner’s certificate;
  • inspection report on a special form;
  • photos reflecting ventilation problems.

Despite the fact that the management company must service the ventilation system several times a year, it may not check it for years. Therefore, residents have to clean the ventilation themselves. It can be cleaned if it is slightly dirty. But if the dirt has accumulated for several years, then it is recommended to call specialists.

Self-cleaning is carried out as follows:

  1. Remove the grates, thoroughly clean them and rinse them under running water.
  2. Clean the walls of the shaft with a steel wool or brush.
  3. Vacuum holes to remove cobwebs and debris.

If nothing has changed, then the problem is in the common ventilation shaft. Only professionals can get to it and clean it. It is worth remembering that removing debris and dust from the hole is dangerous to health. Fungus, bacteria, mold can develop inside mines - all this causes allergies and other serious diseases. Professionals are protected by respirators, wear masks and gowns. For disinfection, reagents are used that destroy pathogenic flora. For cleaning, professional equipment is used, selected based on the condition of the ventilation duct.

The microclimate of the apartment and the health of the residents depend on the effective operation of the hood. Therefore, checking and cleaning it is in the interests of every resident.


Match or piece of paper?

To make sure that there is something wrong with the ventilation system, you can do simple manipulations. We will not recommend the common method of checking the operation of ventilation using a lit match - it is dangerous. But with the help of a sheet of paper you really can.

You need to open the window, hold a thin sheet of paper to the ventilation grill and see what happens. If, under these conditions, the sheet sticks to the grid and is held in this position, then the system is working; otherwise, there are problems with ventilation. True, this option only works in cold weather; in hot weather it is unlikely to help.

Professionals act according to the law

Everything we say concerns an independent check that every apartment resident can conduct. However, professionals, of course, do not use sheets of paper. There is special equipment to check ventilation, and it is carried out by the person responsible for the operation of the system - the company contracted to service your home.

This work is regulated by several regulatory documents. The most important of them are Government Decree 451, which talks about the rules for maintaining the common property of the house; The 290th resolution, issued earlier, the 410th resolution, as well as the rules and regulations approved by the resolution of the State Construction Committee.

Who is responsible?

These and other documents contain detailed work regulations: frequency of inspections, deadlines, methodology, responsible persons, list of necessary work. The ventilation system of apartment buildings is common property. The responsibility for repairs and maintenance of common property rests with management company.

If the company has a license, then it has the right to independently check and repair the ventilation system; if not, then this is done by a specialized organization with which the management company enters into an agreement. The work is paid for by homeowners, making monthly payments for repairs and maintenance. Prices for these services are reflected in the corresponding line of the single receipt for payment for housing and communal services.

A good system is...

What specifically needs to be checked to ensure proper system operation? Mandatory verification ventilation ducts and shafts are exposed - during the inspection process, it becomes clear whether there is vibration, what its causes are, whether the shaft is clean or there are blockages, whether leaks are found, whether the ventilation grilles are working properly, how umbrellas work over the shafts and deflectors.

We won’t overwhelm you with technical terms – the professionals themselves know what they should check and how to ensure reliable operation ventilation in an apartment building. Moreover, for failure to complete this work they will pay fines (up to 50,000 rubles) - the activities of the companies are controlled by the State Housing Inspectorate and the Prosecutor's Office.

Summer and winter are the best times

More interesting information for residents will be information about how often inspections should be carried out. The Gosstroy decree states that they need to be carried out at least 3 times a year. True, this applies to houses where, in addition to gas stoves, there are ventilation and smoke channels. However, in ordinary apartments with a gas stove they do this a little less often, twice a year. The most suitable time is winter and summer. These terms must be specified in the contract.

If something's wrong

If you notice that there is something wrong with the ventilation in your apartment, you can initiate an unscheduled inspection - write a corresponding statement, which you must respond to within the strictly prescribed time frame. It is better if it is a collective appeal - family members or neighbors.

Plastic windows: you need to act

In modern apartment buildings it mainly operates supply and exhaust system ventilation. Some new homes are equipped with a mechanical system, but most others still rely on natural ventilation. It was well designed and provided a normal flow of fresh air into the apartments.

However, today new technologies have entered our lives, which do not always have a positive effect on previously installed systems. In particular, we are talking about plastic windows. It is much more difficult for fresh air to penetrate into our apartments - except through the windows.

To improve ventilation in the apartment, residents use various devices. Purchase plastic windows with micro-ventilation and install mechanical systems in the bathroom and toilet, install an individual system that does not depend on the risers in the house. Manufacturers produce different equipment at different prices and with different functionality.

We hope that after reading this article, you now know how to check the ventilation system, who should be responsible for the work and in accordance with which regulatory documents, and how to improve the system in your apartment. If the information was useful to you, we will be glad to hear your opinion. Visit our website and leave comments.


Why do you need a ventilation check?

The performance and operation of ventilation is determined by checking the distribution of air, as well as searching for and identifying faulty mechanisms in the operation of the automation. Operating condition testing involves a number of processes, including:

  • Stable operation of automation control;
  • Inspection of the external condition for mechanical damage;
  • Fan operating efficiency at various speeds;

The results obtained are compared with the indicators provided for in the equipment passport for compliance with the requirements ventilation system for a specific type of room. The final calculations allow you to make a decision on further repairs or replacement of faulty mechanisms.

How to check ventilation

Effective ventilation must move air throughout the entire system, from the exit to the street to the entrance to the room.

Checking with improvised means

Conducting an inspection in a private household and apartment building is very simple; there are several ways to do this:

  • Place your palm near the hole. When operating efficiently, you can feel the air flow at a temperature identical to that outside;
  • Place a sheet of paper or newspaper near the ventilation grill and close the hole tightly. If it is pulled inward, the ventilation is working properly;
  • When the street is completely calm, the above methods may not work; in this case, you need to light a match and bring it to the hole. It should go out.

When all three checking methods did not help, the conclusion is obvious - it is faulty. If in private housing the ventilation system is small and the problem is easily detected, in apartment buildings the situation is greatly complicated.

ATTENTION!!! Never test with a match or lighter. This method is very large number fires. Often no one cleans the ventilation ducts, although the operating organization must do this once a year, and a huge amount of dust collects in them (it can be seen if you look into the ventilation duct). And when people start checking whether there is draft with an open fire, a fire happens. The dust ignites and if there is draft, the fire instantly spreads through the ventilation duct.
It’s especially scary when this method of checking is done in kitchens, where in addition to dust, fats accumulate in the ventilation ducts (on the walls of the ducts).

If it shows a lack of ventilation, the cause needs to be determined. You should contact your neighbors upstairs (or in the cell if the apartment is on the top floor) so that they check their ventilation. Its absence in other apartments indicates a malfunction in the area exiting the street.

When someone else's ventilation works properly, the problem of its absence should be looked for at the exit to the apartment. In this case, you can remove the ventilation grille and blow it out with a vacuum cleaner. Carry out a similar procedure inside the ventilation shaft, and then perform reverse installation grilles and carry out the above check. The correct operation indicates a previously existing blockage, which interfered with the passage of air and was removed.

If the poor operation of the ventilation system continues, the problem lies in the neighboring apartments. A ventilation shaft is a complex branch system that receives air masses from the lower to the upper floors. In a number of apartments, air with a high moisture content may have accumulated, which is heavier and takes longer to pass through the ducts. Their systemic occurrence in several apartments does not create air stagnation, but significantly slows it down. Ventilation itself, due to heavy masses, accelerates the air less efficiently, and the upper layers sink lower.


Excessive levels of carbon dioxide and moisture in the air can also be a problem. This makes it heavier and passes slower. Ventilation continues to work, but weaker. To check the difference in deviation of actual air ventilation from normal, you can use an anemometer. This is a device that measures the speed of propagation of air masses in ventilation shafts.

The table below shows optimal values for individual rooms of the premises.

If the actual anemometer value is 20% lower than the optimal value, it is obvious that the ventilation efficiency is low.

Finding and eliminating the causes of ventilation shaft inefficiency

When it is impossible to identify the presence of a malfunction in the ventilation system and the cause of low ventilation efficiency by publicly available means, its inspection should be entrusted only to professional specialists. The technical condition and safety of operation of ventilation systems is controlled by authorized municipal authorities. Failure to comply with them leads to penalties or restrictions on the operation of the premises.

Professional expertise

In an apartment building, the condition of the ventilation shafts is monitored by the housing management company and is responsible for its maintenance. And owners of private homes and commercial premises need to independently maintain and maintain performance characteristics ventilation. For its effective operation and prevention of violations, an examination of the ventilation system is carried out by a company that has special permission for relevant events. The examination is carried out in several mandatory stages:

  • Technical study: inspection and testing of ventilation units and shafts;
  • Studying the documents for it, which describe all the regulatory criteria for effective work;
  • Elimination of identified faults: repair, replacement of faulty parts, cleaning of shafts;

When an examination of the ventilation system is carried out before commissioning, the list of works contains other assessment measures:

Issuance of an acceptance certificate

Upon completion of all procedures, regardless of the results of the examination, a conclusion report is issued. It indicates the date of permission for commissioning, or a list of inconsistencies that need to be eliminated before the next scheduled inspection (7 days). Almost always, the reason for postponing the commissioning of ventilation is unreliable information in the structure’s passport, or information that does not correspond to the declared characteristics (but according to the results of the examination, it works properly).

If inconsistencies in the documentation are not corrected within the allotted one-week period, the contracting company is subject to penalties up to and including termination of the contract and the transfer of ventilation to another service company.

Based on the results of the examination, the owner of the premises receives a conclusion on the basis of which the commissioning of the ventilation system or further operation after its use is prohibited is permitted. Depending on the type of building, a ventilation efficiency check report may be submitted to specific government agencies:

  • fire service (industrial buildings, grain or raw material storage facilities);
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station (hotel, catering);
  • Rospotrebnadzor (food factories, retail outlets);

If faults in the ventilation system were discovered during the examination, specialists will also restore it and adjust it to the required condition. It is worth noting that if the government authority reveals violations during commissioning, but the acceptance certificate is completed and approved, penalties will also await the chief engineer of the receiving party. Considering these harsh conditions, specialists from service companies are responsible for assessing the effectiveness of the ventilation system and issuing an acceptance certificate.

A professionally performed independent examination of ventilation will help not only to legalize it and eliminate shortcomings, but also to detect hidden faults that could lead to its failure. Early Taken measures allow you to avoid costly repairs and penalties.

How often should you check?

Periodic assessment of ventilation system efficiency – mandatory procedure. Obligations to ensure ventilation are regulated in more detail in the publication of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013. No. 410 “On measures to ensure safety during the use and maintenance of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment" If the residential premises only use gas heating devices– assessment of ventilation efficiency is carried out every six months, in any other cases – 3 times a year. Brick chimneys and heating and cooking stoves are checked 3 times a year, others - annually.

The assessment is carried out by municipal services during the inspection and testing of the functionality of the ventilation and chimney by a specialist. In apartment buildings there is a similar situation; the management company is responsible for maintaining the technical condition of the ventilation at the entrance to the apartments. To eliminate any malfunctions that have arisen, she can fix them herself or by contacting contractor. It is prohibited to involve residents in ventilation work, but they do not have the right to interfere with the work of specialists inside the apartment.

The report contains information about the testing and evaluation activities carried out, current state ventilation systems and work carried out to eliminate defects. The act below the report contains the following data:

  • Acceptance date;
  • Date of the next audit;
  • Signature of the responsible person;

Based on the results of the examination, an inspection report is issued, which has legal force and serves as a substantiation of a serviceable and approved ventilation shaft.

There are a number of customs among owners of residential buildings, commercial premises and apartments in MKDs that are erroneous. It is recommended not to take any actions aimed at trying to increase the efficiency of ventilation, because they can only lead to aggravation of the situation:

  • You cannot climb onto the roof yourself to check the ventilation unit, because... It is not safe;
  • Any actions of a person without knowledge can only contribute to a temporary improvement in ventilation, but not full solution Problems;
  • The lack of special instruments and knowledge of the design of ventilation systems makes it impossible to find the cause of the malfunction, without which a complete assessment of ventilation systems is impossible;

There are many publicly available methods that will definitely help you find out that the ventilation is faulty. After checking the effectiveness of ventilation and detecting poor performance, you should contact the management company or specialists who will assess its effectiveness and eliminate the malfunction efficiently and quickly.

The ventilation system of a house is a common property and must be maintained by a management company, to which you pay a lot of money every month under the heading “maintenance and repair of the home.”
This is installed next. documents:

A. “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491):
… 2. The composition of common property includes:
e) mechanical, electrical, SANITARY AND OTHER EQUIPMENT located in an apartment building outside or inside the premises and serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises (apartment);”

B. “Minimum list of services and works necessary to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and implementation” (approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 of April 3, 2013)

“... 15. Work carried out for the purpose of proper maintenance of VENTILATION AND SMOKE EXTRACTION systems in apartment buildings:
- maintenance and seasonal management of equipment for ventilation and smoke removal systems, determining the performance of equipment and system elements;
- monitoring the condition, identifying and eliminating the causes of unacceptable vibrations and noise during operation of the ventilation unit;
... eliminating leaks in ventilation ducts and shafts, eliminating blockages in ducts, eliminating malfunctions of dampers and throttle valves in exhaust shafts, umbrellas over shafts and deflectors, replacing defective exhaust grilles and their fastenings;
... monitoring the condition and restoration of anti-corrosion painting of metal exhaust ducts, pipes, pallets and deflectors;
- when damage and violations are identified - development of a restoration work plan (if necessary), carrying out restoration work.”

V. “Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock" (approved by the Post of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170):

“… V. Maintenance and repair engineering equipment
... 5.7. Ventilation
5.7.1. Design temperatures, multiplicities and air exchange rates for various rooms residential buildings must meet established requirements. Natural exhaust ventilation should ensure the removal of the required volume of air from all premises provided for by the project at current outdoor temperatures of 5 degrees. From and below….
5.7.2. Personnel servicing ventilation systems of residential buildings are obliged to:
- scheduled inspections and elimination of all identified system faults;
- replacement of broken exhaust grilles and their fastening;
- elimination of leaks in ventilation ducts and shafts;
- eliminating blockages in channels;
- troubleshooting of dampers and throttle valves in exhaust shafts, umbrellas over shafts and deflectors.
... 5.7.7. Ventilation systems in residential buildings must be adjusted depending on sudden decreases or increases in the current outside air temperature and strong winds.
Engineering and technical workers of housing maintenance organizations are required to instruct residents on the rules for regulating ventilation systems.
5.7.8. It is not allowed to seal exhaust ventilation grilles or cover them with household items, or to use them as fastening lines for drying clothes….
5.7.9. The heads of central exhaust shafts for natural ventilation must have umbrellas and deflectors.
… 5.7.11. The list of deficiencies in the ventilation system TO BE CORRECTED DURING REPAIRS of a residential building should be compiled on the basis of data from the spring inspection...

Appendix No. 4 (recommended)
Work performed during technical inspections and walk-throughs of individual elements and premises of residential buildings
…6. Checking the presence of draft in the smoke ventilation ducts.

Appendix No. 7 (recommended)
… 14. Ventilation
REPLACEMENT AND RESTORATION OF OPERATIONALITY of the intra-house ventilation system, including the fans themselves and their electric drives.”

G. MDK 2-04.2004 “ Toolkit for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock" (approved by order of the USSR State Construction Committee in 2004):
“... 4.3.6. The housing maintenance organization must:
- maintain ventilation ducts and chimneys in technically good condition;

... 4.3.7. Work to eliminate construction defects, ELIMINATE CHANNEL TRACTION VIOLATIONS IDENTIFIED DURING ROUTINE INSPECTIONS, as well as Finishing work after installation or repair internal devices gas supply MUST BE CARRIED OUT BY THE HOUSING SERVICE ORGANIZATION.

... 4.3.12. HOUSING MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS ARE RESPONSIBLE for the technically sound condition of ventilation ducts. During any work, it is not allowed to eliminate ventilation ducts in kitchens and other rooms equipped with gas heating appliances. During the maintenance of the housing stock, they must ensure periodic checks of the suitability of ventilation ducts and chimneys for use within the following periods:
... b) ventilation ducts of rooms in which gas appliances are installed - at least twice a year (in winter and summer).
Repairs of chimneys and ventilation ducts may be carried out by personnel of a housing maintenance organization who have the appropriate specialty and training, under the supervision of an engineer and technical worker.

... 4.3.13. Unauthorized repairs, alterations and extensions of chimneys and ventilation ducts are not allowed. Inspection and cleaning of chimneys and ventilation ducts must be REGISTERED. After each repair, chimneys and ventilation ducts are subject to inspection and cleaning, regardless of the previous inspection and cleaning within the time limits established in the reports.

Appendix 2
... 14. Ventilation:
changing individual sections and eliminating leaks in ventilation ducts, shafts and chambers;..."

In urban settings people most spend time indoors. A lack of fresh air threatens a decrease in performance and a deterioration in well-being.

And if we add to this the constant presence of foreign odors, mustiness, dampness, mold in the corners? Knowing how to check the ventilation in an apartment will prevent you from taking the situation to an extreme.

We have described in detail all the practice-tested methods for testing the efficiency of ventilation systems. Here you will find useful information about the design and options for improving ventilation. The information is complemented by visual illustrations and video tutorials.

Let's cut several strips of thin paper 20 cm long, 2-3 cm wide and bring them one by one to the ventilation vents in the apartment at a distance of 5-7 cm. With normal ventilation, the ends of the strips should touch the edge of the vent, but not be drawn into it.

Let’s say that a paper strip is barely attracted to the vent, does not deviate at all, or deviates in the opposite direction. The ventilation is definitely bad, but we need to find out what’s wrong – either there is no air flow.

We open the door and window and repeat the experiment with the piece of paper. If this time the strip is pulled into the vent, the ventilation shaft is in order, but otherwise we need to look for the cause of its malfunction.

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The same can be checked with the flame of a match, lighter or candle, or cigarette smoke, but this is highly not recommended. The likelihood of gas leakage and accumulation in the ventilation shaft is small, but a piece of wall breaking through to neighbors is the minimum of the serious consequences that can occur in this case.

To avoid ignition and explosion of flammable substances accidentally accumulated in the ventilation system, do not use open fire to check the ventilation draft, do not endanger your own and others’ lives

Ventilation is not only checked according to the “yes/no” criterion, but also the speed of air movement in the ventilation duct is measured with an anemometer.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • we record the instrument readings;
  • the measurement result and the cross-sectional size of the ventilation grille are entered into the formula below;
  • we get how much air the ventilation system passes through (cubic m/hour).

Formula for calculation:

Q = V * S *3600

  • Q – volume of air in cubic meters. m/hour;
  • V – air flow speed in m/s (measured with an anemometer);
  • S – cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilation hole in m2 (measured with a tape measure).

The standard for a kitchen with an electric stove is 60 cubic meters. m/hour, for a bathroom - 25 cubic meters. m/hour. Measurements should be made with a temperature spread of at least 13-15ºС (for example, outside +7ºС, and in the apartment +21ºС). Outdoor temperature should not exceed + 5-7ºС.

As it gets warmer, ventilation becomes worse, the test will be unreliable. The more the air outside warms up, the greater the measurement error.

If the thermometer in the apartment shows plus, and at that moment it is minus outside, the internal air rushes out of the room through the ventilation duct upward, because it is lighter and warmer. But as temperatures equalize, the draft in the channel weakens. When, for example, it is +22ºС in the apartment, and +32ºС outside the windows, the less heated internal air remains below and does not go into the ventilation duct.

On hot summer days, even an absolutely prosperous person stops coping or switches to working in the opposite direction. But this is not a reason to consider it faulty.

In our apartment buildings, supply and exhaust ventilation is installed using the gravitational principle of operation. It works according to the laws of physics; air masses spontaneously enter the premises and are drawn out through the exhaust duct.

For household use It’s enough to buy a simple anemometer model, while professionals use more accurate devices with remote recorders and built-in calculation options

The methods and features are scrupulously analyzed in one of the popular articles on our site.

Reasons for lack of air flow

So, checking the draft showed that the ventilation passages are free, but the air in the apartment stagnates, the kitchen stench and, even worse, the toilet aroma do not disappear.

The thing is that the ventilation of most of our apartments was originally designed for fresh air to flow naturally through old wooden windows and door designs due to the loose fit of the valves and the presence of cracks.

Natural ventilation in an apartment: 1- air enters the room from the street, 2- flows from room to room, 3- goes into the ventilation duct. The performance of such a ventilation system depends on the time of year and weather.

And now completely different ones are used Construction Materials with high density, various insulation materials, sealants, as well as plastic windows. We strive to make our homes warm with protection from outside noise and cold, but in the end we block our air flow.

Plastic windows and metal entrance doors clog the room so much that it turns into an airtight one.

Air does not pass through, there is no draft in the ventilation vents. It is especially bad in winter, when the windows are not opened even for ventilation, so as not to chill the rooms. But the problem is easy to solve.

It is enough to open the window a little, and air will begin to flow into the resulting gap. He will walk around the apartment and reach the ventilation holes, which are usually located in the kitchen and bathroom.

Unfortunately, in winter, if we ventilate our homes, it is in a different way. We open all the windows wide at once, but for a short time. At the same time, the air is completely renewed, the apartment does not have time to cool down, but the ventilation still does not work and will not work.

What about in the summer? It will not get better in the summer months, since in winter natural ventilation is forced to work by the difference in temperatures (internal and external), and when these temperatures equalize by summer, the movement of air flows stops.

Troubleshooting ventilation ducts

The first thing that comes to mind is clogged ventilation ducts. We remove the grille and look into it. Garbage found within reach can be raked out manually or collected with a vacuum cleaner.

Removing garbage directly from the ventilation shaft is technically difficult, and this kind of independent action is prohibited for private individuals.

A ventilation shaft built of brick has an uneven inner edge; its clearance quickly becomes clogged and may even become completely covered with dirt. It is better if the trunk is made of smoother concrete blocks

If you suspect obstruction of the ventilation ducts, you should call specialists through the management company, who have the necessary diagnostic instruments and tools.

The debris found contains a lot of construction waste. Unscrupulous builders, when engaged in repairs and redevelopment, often deliberately dump rubbish into the ventilation shaft, without bothering to take it out into the yard.

The result is a blocked ventilation duct. The management company should also be involved in identifying such violations. But even without this, with each successive year of operation, dirt on the walls narrows the lumen of the ventilation duct, and the draft weakens. Dust settles in the ventilation system and cobwebs form. Leaves fly into the mine from above, and birds fall into it.

This is also facilitated by damage that occurs due to shrinkage of the foundation, cracking of walls and other consequences of the inevitable aging of the building. Clogged channels do not cope with the task.

Scheduled audit of ventilation of apartment buildings

Since they are common to the house, their operation is ensured by a management organization, whose representatives are obliged to check the condition of the ventilation, and, if necessary, clean the shafts and repair them on the basis of a license or enter into the necessary agreements with specialized companies.

You can clear a blockage in the ventilation duct from the roof of the house if it is located at the level of the upper floors. At the lower levels it is often necessary to dismantle the shaft wall from the landings

The rules for checking ventilation provide answers to a lot of questions:

  • how often are ventilation ducts checked?
  • the presence of draft should be checked in apartments or it is enough to inspect only the ventilation shaft;
  • Is the frequency of ventilation checks in bathrooms and kitchens the same?
  • Is the management organization responsible or is the owner responsible for checking the draft in the apartment?

In apartment buildings, ventilation ducts are checked 1-2 times a year - this depends on whether there are gas appliances or whether only electricity is used. If gas is present, ventilation is checked twice - in summer and winter. If serious problems are identified, use gas appliances prohibited until they are eliminated.

You cannot alter, repair, or improve without permission, since it is interconnected with the social system. All actions are coordinated with the relevant services.

Problems in the operation of a working system

It happens that ventilation works for a long time, remaining serviceable, and then suddenly stops or begins to blow air in the opposite direction. Indeed, if we discard all the reasons described above, it turns out that the problems with ventilation do not end there.

Let's look at how natural ventilation works apartment building with a vertical collection channel.

The air enters the individual channel, rises parallel to the common shaft and enters it through the opening on the next floor, not reaching the plug separating the next individual channel belonging to the upper apartment

The main ventilation shaft leads from the first floor to the attic. All apartments are equipped with individual ventilation ducts (sleeves or satellite channels).

Each of them rises up one floor from the ventilation vent in a particular apartment and is inserted into the main duct slightly below the same individual ventilation duct belonging to the apartment on the floor above.

The air from the apartment moves through a satellite channel into a common shaft and there it moves further to the attic, and from there to the street. These satellite channels feed the general flow, and if air stops flowing through them, its volume and speed of movement through the main shaft will also decrease.

A hose that stops functioning in one apartment will not disable the entire ventilation along the riser in 5, 9 or 16 storey building. But what more apartments falls out of the general ventilation system, the weaker it is. Having reached a critical limit, the ventilation fails: the air flow reaching the attic level is so weak that it cannot push itself further.

Moreover, it goes down, and the channels-sleeves of the last two floors are the first to pull it back. To protect the upper floors from reverse draft, individual channels lead directly to the roof. But it is necessary to find out why the flow of air into the ventilation shaft is reduced in individual apartments.

Next to the common shaft there are individual ventilation ducts for the kitchen and bathroom. At the level of each floor they have access to a common shaft and are blocked with plugs

Let's consider a two- or three-room dwelling in which the kitchen and bathroom/toilet are separated at different ends, and therefore two independent ventilation ducts are built. One serves the kitchen, and the other serves the bathroom. This pair of channels pulls stale air from the apartment into the ventilation system, replacing it with fresh air.

Only the air flow from outside is considered correct. The widespread replacement of poor but breathable wooden window frames with double-glazed windows disrupts the circulation process. They do not allow air to pass through; temporarily opening windows for ventilation does not help, since for ventilation to occur, the air flow must be constant.

If the front door does not close so tightly, air may come from the staircase. It is no better in quality than what is in the apartment, but it maintains the viability of ventilation. Although, is there a need for a ventilation system in which the air in the house moves - with the smell of tobacco (they often smoke in the entrance hall), etc.?

When there is no internal air flow through the front door, one of the two ventilation ducts in the apartment (with a stronger draft) will begin to draw air from the second duct. Those. happens at the expense of others. The effect is the same - foreign exhaust air in the apartment, a lot of unwanted odors and aromas.

The vagaries of ventilation on the highest floors

In addition to the vertical outlet of the ventilation shaft to the outside, there are other engineering structures ventilation system - with a horizontal connecting box in the attic, which has a single exit to the roof, and with a large intermediate ventilation storage compartment, which serves as the attic itself, from where the air moves out through a single common ventilation shaft.

In many residential apartment buildings, one of these two ventilation schemes is found - with a horizontal collection duct (left) or with a warm attic (right)

In order for ventilation in apartments on the upper floors to work normally, the air must pass up the vertical shaft at least a few meters, but the attic serves as an obstacle to this, and the following happens:

  • in a scheme with a horizontal box– air from all floors reaches the attic level and meets the ceiling of this box along the way. Without turning horizontally, he strives to find other passages, and these often become nearby ventilation hoses of the upper floors;
  • in a scheme with access to the attic– in the satellite channels of the upper floors, the air flow does not accelerate enough to flow into the volumetric attic, and the air exchange in the apartments slows down.

In the first case, the ventilation is forced in the opposite direction, and all odors from the lower apartments penetrate to the residents above. Two solutions to the problem are to modernize the connection box, if technically feasible, or to separate the satellite channels of the upper floors from the box, insulate them and lead them directly into the shaft leading to the roof.

In the second case, the draft on the top floors is already weak, and if the attic is ventilated, it can also be reversed. Therefore, the length of satellite channels is upper floors build up, take it higher into the attic and turn it towards the common shaft so that the air flow from lower floors carried with it weaker upper flows.

Cleaning ventilation ducts

As for the main ventilation shaft, private individuals cannot touch it. File a complaint about poor ventilation with the management company and wait for specialists. Before their arrival, you need to notify your neighbors so that they can protect themselves from possible emissions of fine black dust from the ventilation grilles.

The classic way to clean ventilation ducts is with a brush. But he is confidently being forced out modern methods based on the use of technology

Based on the results of the inspection of ventilation ducts, the commission issues a report with instructions for operation and repair.

During the examination, the cross-section of the channels and the length of narrowed areas are measured, paying attention to the condition of:

  • shaft walls (cracks, etc.);
  • connecting pipes;
  • horizontal segments;
  • air inlets, heads, hatches, etc.

To clean passages, industrial vacuum cleaners and mechanical devices with various attachments are used. The mine is illuminated with spotlights, its insides are inspected using digital cameras and video cameras.

Does not require much time and expense. Damaged sections of the channel are restored by installing metal or ceramic pipes inside, lining them with fastening solutions, and lining them with polymers.

The ventilation duct from the apartment to the common building shaft can and should be cleaned independently:

  • move the furniture, remove unnecessary objects, move the stepladder to the wall;
  • below the ventilation hole, glue it to the wall masking tape paper or newspaper, so as not to wash off dirt from wallpaper or tiles, cover the floor;
  • remove the decorative grille;
  • Wearing gloves, carefully remove dirt and debris from the ventilation duct.

Remove any remaining dirt with a vacuum cleaner, replace the previously washed grille or replace the old one with a new one. After cleaning, check the traction again with the window slightly open.

Methods for optimizing ventilation in an apartment

If the ventilation in the apartment is disrupted due to the installation of sealed double-glazed windows, then use the ventilation mode. We are all familiar with summer ventilation - this is a completely open sash or its position at an angle due to the tilt-and-turn mechanism.

Winter mode is otherwise called micro-slot; to switch to this mode, you need to turn the window handle by 45º with the sash pressed.

In the winter ventilation mode, the gap formed between the sash and the frame is not visually noticeable, but the air seeping into it is quite enough to maintain ventilation

Another way out is to use. They are mounted in external wall, in filled polyurethane foam joints between window block and the wall, in window profile, below the windowsill.

In winter from ventilation valves It feels a little cold, but in hot summers air may not enter them at all. Therefore, it makes sense to additionally equip the entrances to the ventilation ducts with exhaust fans.

In the bathroom you have to fight high humidity. , built into the ventilation holes, turn on independently, reacting to increased humidity, and turn off when the evaporation evaporates, the air becomes drier.

In toilets, you can install a fan with a motion sensor and timer into the ventilation system. The fan automatically starts spinning when someone comes in and stops after a timer set. In the kitchen, fans with an air quality sensor that detect cigarette smoke and other unwanted odors will be beneficial.

The flow characteristics of the valves are different, there are models with adjustment, usually they install from two to four valves per apartment

And finally about. Their power is enough to allow a significant portion of the air in the apartment to pass through during operation. If there is not enough natural air flow, air will inevitably begin to flow back from the ventilation shaft of the bathroom. Limit the use of the hood and open the window slightly when you turn it on.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

What to do if the ventilation does not work:

As soon as you notice any deviations in the operation of the ventilation system, take action immediately. If you can’t handle it yourself, invite specialists.

If you have any questions while reading the information we have provided, you have valuable information, or you have found flaws in the article, we invite you to comment. Please write comments in the block below.

Ventilation systems are classified:

By purpose - supply and exhaust. Supply systems provide supply to the premises clean air, which, if necessary, is cleaned from dust and heated. Supply system is a device that supplies outside air that has passed necessary preparation, by force. The supply system consists of a device for air intake, equipment for air treatment (cleaning with filters and heating with water or steam heaters), a fan with an electric motor, a network of air ducts with shut-off and control valves (valves, throttle valves, dampers, etc.) and air distributors (supply air to required quantity, at a certain speed and in a given direction). Exhaust systems are designed to remove contaminated air from a room and include the following elements: air exhaust devices, air ducts, dust collectors or filters, fans, exhaust shafts, air control and fire protection devices;

The method of supplying and removing air - general exchange (serve the entire volume of the room) and local (serve limited areas of the room);

- to create pressure, ensuring the movement of air through channels - with natural (arises due to the difference in the densities of external and internal air) and artificial (using a fan) air movement.

Ventilation in residential buildings, especially in urban apartment buildings, is, as a rule, a natural supply and exhaust ventilation system.

Checking the natural ventilation system in residential buildings

Maintenance work includes scheduled and unscheduled inspections (with the simultaneous elimination of minor faults and identification of facts of unauthorized reconstruction of ventilation ducts/ducts); preparation for seasonal operation with implementation necessary measures; current repair of ventilation system elements in residential buildings; major repairs of ventilation systems.

Scheduled inspections are carried out annually.

In case of disturbances in the operation of the natural ventilation system, it is necessary to carry out unscheduled inspections. Unscheduled inspections during severe frosts and disturbances in ventilation operation, the exhaust openings of exhaust shafts are subject to inspection for the presence of icing.

Air ducts, channels and shafts that have frost or moisture on the walls during frosts must be additionally insulated with effective bio-resistant and fireproof insulation in preparation for the autumn-winter season of operation.

Anti-corrosion painting of exhaust shafts, pipes, pallets, deflectors and umbrellas should be carried out once every three years. In sections of canals located above the roof ( attic space), apartment markings must be applied.

Dust cleaning of ventilation ducts should be carried out at least once every three years.

Maintenance and repair of natural ventilation systems in residential buildings should ensure:

  • the presence of draft and removal of the standard volume of air from the premises;
  • no blockages in the channels;
  • tightness of exhaust ducts and ducts;
  • the presence of safety grilles on the heads of ventilation ducts in warm attics;
  • tightness of pallets under prefabricated ventilation shafts in warm attics;
  • tightness of the enclosing structures of a warm attic (no cracks and sealing of butt joints of walls, floors, coatings, sealing of entrance doors in the attic, intersection doors in the attic);
  • presence and serviceability of thermal insulation of ventilation shafts and ducts;
  • absence of destroyed ventilation duct heads;
  • the presence of umbrellas and deflectors on the heads of exhaust shafts;

Ventilation of residential buildings worked reliably before the advent of double-glazed windows. The air flow necessary for air exchange was created due to leaks in the window sashes and through the entrance doors. Modern windows and the doors, with their tightness, created a huge problem for natural ventilation, namely, they blocked the air flow. As a result, natural ventilation in residential buildings often stops working. Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to ensure air flow.

And we must also remember that natural ventilation is called natural because it works with natural impulse, that is, without the use of any mechanical or electrical incentives. So fans, kitchen hoods, etc. cannot be connected to it.