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The ducklings were attacked by a tick, what measures should be taken? Mites in chickens - prevention and treatment with natural remedies. Video "Chicken Mite"

Ticks are one of the most common and diverse small animals. On this moment More than 48,000 species have been described. They are very small, most of them measuring no more than 1 mm in length. Therefore, in order to detect some bloodsuckers living in the skin of an animal or person, you often have to resort to a microscope.

How to get rid of chicken mite? The most convenient means to combat it are:

  • Powder Vuran-dust. Insectoacaricidal drug. It is sprayed in the poultry house onto previously cleaned surfaces of the floor, walls and cages, and the nests are treated. Dosage - 15 g per 1 sq. m of premises. Processing is carried out in the absence of birds.
  • Checker Pawn-V. The most effective and simple remedy. Designed for treating premises with livestock. Simultaneously destroys pests both on birds and on surfaces. Dosage - 1 block per 500 sq. m. Treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 8 days.

Duck mite and methods of combating it

Duck mite, also known as scabies, veterinary name is knemidocoptic mange. Individuals of the genus Knemidocoptes mainly attack non-feathered areas of the body. Most often the legs are affected, but damage to the wax, beak, and skin near the feather follicles also occurs. The main symptom of infection is horny scales that cover the paws. Due to the activity of the tick, they begin to bristle, the bird experiences severe itching, and can peck at the affected areas until they bleed.

For the treatment of poultry, the drug ASD for external use (3rd fraction) or boric vaseline is mainly used. Their action is based on the fact that the oily substance blocks the ticks' access to oxygen, and they die from suffocation.

  • Boric Vaseline. It is regularly applied to the affected areas. The duration of the procedures is up to 7 days. Repeat the course 3 times every 3 weeks - this will help protect the livestock from secondary infection.
  • ASD-3. Divorced from vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:5. Treat in the same way as boric vaseline. When treated with this drug, the feather cover is restored faster.

Feather mites, feather eaters and methods of combating them

Treating walls and floors with aggressive solutions
Solutions of lime and potassium permanganate, diesel fuel and used machine oil are suitable. These substances are intolerable to bloodsuckers and prevent them from reproducing.

  1. Thoroughly spray the selected product over the surface of the walls and floor.
  2. Repeat treatment once every 1-2 weeks.

Grass bedding

  1. Add herbs to the bird bedding, the smell of which repels chicken and duck mites.
  2. Garlic, wormwood, mint, calendula, pine needles, bird cherry are suitable.

Sand and ash baths

  1. A dry mixture of ash and sand is poured into a bath or bowl and the container is placed in areas where the birds walk.
  2. By bathing in this mixture, pets will naturally get rid of bloodsuckers.
  3. The owner’s main task is to ensure that the mixture remains dry and replenish it regularly.


Treatment of mites in chickens and ducks is not very difficult, but gives positive result subject to regularity and constant preventive work. Maintaining cleanliness in the poultry house, regularly replacing bedding, removing accumulated dust and cobwebs, treating the floor and walls with boiling water, cleaning equipment, feeders and drinking bowls with antiseptics will help avoid infection. Chickens and ducks should be examined more often in order to identify affected individuals as early as possible and provide assistance to them, preventing infection of the rest of the flock. All these simple rules will help keep the poultry farm in perfect order and safety.

Prevention of duck diseases
Signs of a vitamin deficiency disorder
The coordination of the ducks' movements is impaired, convulsions appear, and the head is thrown back.
The skeleton is deformed, gait disturbance, uncertain movements, curvature of the limbs, general weakness - rickets.
Disruption of the egg-forming organs, death of embryos in eggs.
Slow development of young animals, reduction and subsequent cessation of egg laying, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
In order to prevent deficiency of B vitamins, baker's yeast (dry, live), rich in vitamins of this group, is introduced into the ducks' diet. All feed for these purposes undergoes a yeast process.
To increase the intake of vitamin A into the body of ducks, add green grass, prepare special flour from pine needles and grass, valuable dust.
You can compensate for the lack of vitamin C by adding fish oil, which should be 2 g per day for an adult duck.
To prevent ducks from developing vitamin B12 deficiency, it is necessary to introduce animal feed (bone meal, cottage cheese, whey) into the diet. The pharmacy has specially prepared preparations with sufficient amounts of vitamins. A good preventive measure against vitamin deficiency can be considered the enrichment of feed with water, which remains after washing meat products and milk.
Poultry especially lack vitamin D in the autumn-winter period. The most the best remedy to combat vitamin deficiency D is sunlight. Try to keep ducks in the sun not only in summer, but also at other times of the year, since it is direct sunlight that contributes to the formation of such an essential vitamin in the body. You should also add ground chalk, crushed bones and those feeds that contain calcium to your ducks' food.
The lack of vitamin E is replenished with the help of greens, hay dust with leaves, and sprouted grains.
Also use special vitamin complex preparations sold in pharmacies to prevent vitamin deficiency in ducks. There are special complex preparations that combine both mineral trace elements and vitamins. Do not forget about traditional things - such as fish oil, even if the bird does not have obvious vitamin deficiency.
To prevent diseases in ducks in the autumn-winter period, to increase the body's resistance, it is necessary to mix a small amount of onion or garlic into the ducks' feed. In addition, gizzard and garlic are good for gastrointestinal disorders and in the fight against internal parasites.
If ducks develop diarrhea, inflammation of the goiter or intestines, we can talk about poisoning with low-quality feed or its improper preparation. Blockage of the intestines and crop, which can lead to death, can occur if grass, grains, roots, and vegetables are not chopped well enough.
The basis of any prevention of duck diseases is compliance with hygiene standards. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly wash and disinfect the poultry house and all equipment used. If the number of ducks changes, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the entire room so as not to infect the new population.
It is necessary to ensure that the ducks' bedding is always clean and dry. The room itself needs ventilation, sun rays, which help destroy many microbes.
In order for disinfection to be successful, you can use high temperature, wash the walls, ceiling and equipment with a manganese solution, freshly treat the floor slaked lime. Don't forget to treat feeders and drinkers. Water environment- an excellent place for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.
Sunlight has a good antimicrobial effect, so it is necessary to periodically expose equipment, feeders, and equipment to the sun. The effect of cleaning the poultry house during prolonged exposure to the sun is almost 100%. Sunlight works well against a number of pathogenic microbes and has a destructive effect on the larvae and oviposition of worms. That is, all those microbes that are close to the surface are destroyed.
High temperature, meaning boiling water, is also effective against microbes. Periodically, equipment used to care for birds should be boiled or doused with boiling water. The floors of the poultry house can also be doused with boiling water to prevent the spread of parasites.
In order to treat the poultry house with slaked lime, it is necessary to prepare special solution based on: 1 liter of water - 1 kg of lime. After: after the mixture is prepared, it is necessary to make lime milk from it, approximately 10 -20%; concentration. This concentration can be achieved by diluting 2 liters of powder with 4 or 9 liters of water. So, with this very solution it is necessary to disinfect walls, wooden equipment and part of the equipment.
The potassium permanganate solution used to treat poultry houses is made at the rate of 1 g per 20 liters of water. This solution can be added a little to the bird’s drink in order to avoid gastrointestinal diseases.
In some cases, a drug such as formaldehyde is used to disinfect incubators. It is necessary when carrying out wet cleaning, for which a 2-3% solution is prepared. For incubators, the following amount of solution is required: cubic meter- 35 ml of 40% formaldehyde solution, mixed with 17.5 ml of water. The dishes with the solution are placed in the incubator. 25 g of potassium permanganate is added to this mixture, which becomes a catalyst chemical reaction and promotes the release of formaldehyde. Within an hour, formaldehyde vapors disinfect the room, and the remaining vapors are removed by spraying ammonia.
To prevent infections, a 5% creolin solution is used to disinfect inventory, equipment, and premises.
Not only pathogenic microbes cause death and disease in ducks. Feather-eaters, parasites that poison the lives of ducks, are the source of many troubles.
These pests are eliminated by using ash-sand baths. To do this, in a wooden or Plastic container place a mixture of an equal amount of sifted ash and fine sand, the layer should not exceed 20 cm. Such a container-bath is installed in places where ducks walk or live. The most important thing is to ensure that the mixture always remains dry.
Ducks can also be infested with mites. Signs of this infection are nervousness, restlessness of ducks, loss of appetite and, as a result, decreased productivity. Timely detection of ticks makes it easier to combat them. How less mites, those less problems. In addition, one sick bird can become a source of infection for other individuals. Having sucked blood, the tick gets out of the bird’s body and attaches itself to the walls, hiding in the floor or bedding. After this, the tick can move to another bird at any time. It is necessary to fight mites before they lay eggs, otherwise several such clutches will cause infection of all the ducks in the house.
A good preventive measure against ticks is spraying the room with diesel fuel. This procedure must be carried out at least 2-3 times during the summer (during the cold season, ticks simply do not breed). If infection occurs, machine oil must be sprayed around the room. Spent diesel oil, transformer, cottonseed oils repel ticks from the poultry house and prevent them from multiplying.
It is necessary to fight against ticks and any other insects in the bird’s down, otherwise all the birds in the poultry house will be infected. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to change bedding as often as possible and periodically disinfect it. Common preventive measures against mite infestation include garlic feathers, horseradish leaves, wormwood, mint, pine needles and onions. They just need to be placed on the ducks' bedding.
By the way, the leaves of calendula, mint, and bird cherry have high antibactericidal properties, and it is recommended to scatter them on the floor of the poultry house.
It is necessary to wash the ducks themselves periodically, which will also help avoid a number of infections and diseases. It is necessary to inspect ducks as often as possible. This will allow you to notice skin disorders (wounds) in time and promptly treat them. The absence of such treatment can lead to suppuration.