home · electrical safety · Rules for checking cold water meters. Calibration dates for cold and hot water meters. Is this procedure required?

Rules for checking cold water meters. Calibration dates for cold and hot water meters. Is this procedure required?

Water meters allow you to save and pay only for the consumed cubic meters of cold/ hot water. Install them, and you won’t have to worry about general house expenses, random outbursts, or inattentive neighbors who forgot to turn off the tap. You can control when and how much water to use. If your apartment or house has a metering device, then the receipt will only show the amount for the water consumed - but only on the condition that the controlling organizations are confident in the reality of the readings. And for this it is necessary that the meters undergo verification in a timely manner. What is it and how often is it needed? Let's figure it out.

Why is verification needed and what is it?

The entire utility sector, including the supply and payment of water, is regulated by law. Various acts and regulations specify the responsibilities and rights of suppliers and consumers utilities. In particular, they indicate that consumers must monitor the correct operation of meters and promptly submit metering devices for verification.

Verification is a special procedure during which the accuracy of measurements and the performance of the device are checked. The passport of each device has limiting accuracy limits: if a large error is detected during measurements, then the meter is considered to have failed verification. If everything is within normal limits, then the device can be used further - until the next calibration interval or until the service life of the device ends.

How are verification periods regulated?

The frequency of checking water meters is regulated at the legislative level - both municipal and federal laws. This period is also indicated in the documents for the meter - in the device passport provided by the manufacturer.

However, it should be noted that for different devices verification periods are different:

  • for hot water - 4 years;
  • For cold water- 72 months or 6 years.

This difference is due to the fact that in a hot water system the mechanism (impeller and gaskets) wear out faster, since they have to work at elevated temperatures, from 70 to 90 degrees.

But it is always worth remembering that these deadlines, in general, are not standardized. After all, the latest municipal law recommends that verification be carried out at the intervals specified in the metering device’s passport by the manufacturer. This is also evidenced by government decree 354. As a rule, for domestic devices these values ​​do not differ from the general established standards, but for devices from foreign manufacturers they may differ.

Main types of meters

In cottages and apartment buildings, two types of meters can be installed - domestic (simple mechanical design) and imported (electronic, with high measurement accuracy). Among the domestic ones, the most popular are: Vodopribor, Beregun, Pulsar, TeploVodomer, Meter, Staroruspribor (SGV) and Gaselectronics (SVK). Since they are all produced in accordance with GOST, the calibration intervals are the same, regardless of the name, from 4 to 6 years. Imported (German, Polish, Korean and American) are represented by the brands Siemens, Zenner, Minomess. They all work thanks to a built-in computer chip. In such counters more reliable protection And better materials housings, they last almost 2 times longer (the calibration interval according to the passport can reach 10-16 years), but they also cost 5 times more. Exactly for the reason high price they are not popular enough.

Today it is believed that the calibration interval is determined not by law, but by the instrument’s passport. That is, you need to focus on the information that is indicated in the documentation. Thus, the PC Pribor and TeploVodomer companies establish a calibration interval for universal metering devices of 6 years, and water meters of the SGV type must be checked every 4 years when operating on cold water or every 6 years when operating on hot water.

The nuances of verification - is it mandatory and can it be avoided?

You need to worry about the fact that your water meter will need verification at the time of purchase. After all, the calibration interval begins to count not from the moment of installation, but from the date of release of the meter and its packaging at the factory. If you purchase a device that has been in storage for 3 years, then within a year after installation it will have to be removed and sent for verification. And these are additional costs.

Or maybe you can avoid verification altogether? No, this procedure is required. The norm approving verification exists both in the legislation in force at the state level and in technical documents to the metering device. If you ignore the verification deadlines, the meter readings cannot be accepted by the controlling organization as reliable. It turns out that all measurements made after the expiration of the verification interval are considered invalid. And you will have to pay bills according to the average consumption standard calculated for the entire family living in one apartment. The bill amount can increase by 3-5 times, and this is much higher than what you would pay for verification and approved documents that allow you to continue using the meter.

Who will warn you about the deadlines? Do not forget that the responsibility to ensure timely verification lies with you, the consumer. Of course, many management companies keep records and can notify you of deadlines, but this is their right, not their obligation. It’s better to always check the documents you have on hand (water meter passport, where all the dates and intervals are indicated) than to suddenly find yourself in a situation where service organization will automatically stop calculations based on indications and carry out accruals according to standards.

And the last point - what is needed to carry out verification? You can contact the water utility, but the meter will have to be dismantled. In this case, you will also get a long wait and a lot of paperwork. Or you can contact a certified organization and invite a specialist who can check your meter on site. It costs very little, and all verification procedures are carried out according to the law, with the signing of the necessary acts and a note in the passport.

Fraudulent water meter verification companies

The need to save energy and natural resources has caused the emergence of various legislative norms, including those that oblige owners of housing, non-residential real estate, industrial, retail and other areas to establish and pay for used water based on their readings.

Legislative regulation and GOSTs

Any measuring device, used in human activity, has its own period during which the manufacturer guarantees its unhindered operation.

The end of this period may cause minor technical failures, which become a reason for distortion of the indicators that are recorded by it.

Each individual utility meter (meter) installed in an apartment has its own service life and.

Lifetime meter and the timeliness of its verification can influence the amount of payment for the use of cold and hot water. The period of operation of the meter is indicated in its technical passport .

Frequency of meter verification regulate the following documents:

As for the timing of verification of water meters, devices installed for supplying hot water are verified once every 4 years. Similar devices that measure cold water flow must be calibrated every 6 years.

GOST provisions The period of validity of hot and cold water metering devices has been determined. The service life for meters P50601 - 93 is 12 years.

But this indicator is individual for each meter and depends on the specific model of the device. Guarantee period on new counter, established by the manufacturer, is 18 months. The service life of the device is also directly affected by the quality of water. The meter will be in working condition longer if the water meets the requirements of GOST 2874.

Definition of concepts

Along with other devices designed to measure any quantities (use, supply, supply), the water supply PU has an individual time period of use.

Its service life determined by the manufacturer, who makes an appropriate indication about this in the technical passport transmitted along with the device. As such a period, it is necessary to understand the period during which the mechanism will operate unhindered.

The end of this time indicates about the need to replace the control unit with a new one.

Verification interval is the period after which the metering device must be checked for any abnormalities in operation. If faults are not identified during the verification process, the specialist conducting it will make a conclusion about the possibility of using the meter in the future period.

The presence of malfunctions and deviations entails the need to replace the control unit.

What determines the period of use of the PU, the main causes of failure

The legislator has determined the obligation to carry out verification procedures.

During their implementation, certain deviations may be identified, indicating damage to the water-measuring device and the impossibility of accepting its readings as valid.

It is worth noting that the verification period for IPUs that take into account cold water consumption is longer than that of similar mechanisms designed to take into account hot water supply. The reason for this is the fact that the former are less susceptible to wear and damage.

The timeliness of verification allows timely detection of a malfunction in the operation of the device, which can lead to incorrect calculation of the volume of water used and the charging of fees based on the use established by law, according to the number of persons registered in residential real estate.

Practice shows that there is a number of main reasons, the presence of which entails failure of the IPU:

  • low quality indicators of consumed water, non-compliant with established standards (presence of solid particles and impurities in it that subject to deformation internal elements mechanism);
  • deterioration of water supply systems, exposing filter devices to contamination, which is most often observed in old houses;
  • seasonal breaks typical for the supply of hot water, as a result of which parts of the meter dry out and there is a need to replace it;
  • consumer actions aimed at distorting real information about consumption by installing magnets also negatively affect the state of the IPU.

What should the user do after the service life of the IPU expires?

When the service life of the control unit installed in the apartment expires, it must be replaced.

To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to remove the outdated mechanism.

You can do this yourself if you have special knowledge and experience. You can apply for this service to the Management Company.

At self-removal the owner has duty to notify the manager his house is the body of his intentions. This is necessary so that the control readings reflected on the old PU are recorded and the corresponding accruals are made based on them.

A new flow meter will require carrying out sealing, for which you need to call a specialist from the HOA or the organization that manages the house.

Along with the application for sealing, documents must be presented to the management company or HOA, on the basis of which a conclusion can be drawn about the owner of the property, as well as a technical passport for the water meter. Carrying out work on such an application is free of charge.

Early replacement

When using flow meters, a situation may arise in which it is necessary to early replacement of IPU. The reason for this may be:

For information on the benefits of installing water consumption meters, see the following video:

There is a so-called calibration interval for water meters, which consumers must comply with.

And there are explanations for this. Due to wear and tear on the parts of the water metering device, errors in the accuracy of readings may occur, both upward and downward. Verification must also be carried out in laboratories using appropriate equipment.

What is the frequency

Any water meter has a calibration interval in its technical passport. U various manufacturers The intervals vary and generally fall within the following periods:

  • cold water meters from 4 to 6 years;
  • for hot water supply the interval is also up to 6 years.

From May 17, 2013, by order Federal agency on metrology and technical regulation No. 509 for domestic hot water meters, the interval between verifications is set for a period of 6 years.

According to the manufacturers of water meters, their products can operate in normal mode from 8 to 15 years without loss of measurement quality. Testing is carried out in factory laboratories using drinking water prepared according to GOST standards.

In reality, meters are installed on worn-out pipeline networks. Water contains chemical and mechanical impurities that negatively affect the operation of the measuring device.

A negative factor that reduces the MPI (calibration interval) is the water pressure in the pipelines. At night, the pressure is increased due to the lack of water consumption by consumers, and at daytime and in the morning it falls.

Take note: Household water supplies are generally not equipped with water pressure equalization systems. Periodic impacts (pressure surges) lead to premature wear counters. Therefore, manufacturers are reducing the thresholds for calibration intervals.

The problem of low water quality and worn-out pipelines indirectly affects the consumer in the form of the need to verify metering devices with such small frequency.

Verification procedure

The consumer is required to periodically have the water meter checked.

The onset of the verification period is determined not from the moment of commissioning of the device, but from the date of factory verification (if such data is missing, then the date of manufacture is taken as the basis).

Before submitting the meter for verification, the consumer must agree on this procedure with the management company. Dismantling and installation of the meter is carried out at the expense of the consumer.

Good to know: The entire device verification procedure can take up to three weeks. During this period, you should submit an application for recalculation of water consumption according to average standards.

When positive results verification, a stamp indicating the date is placed in the meter passport. If the device shows deviations in operation, then it is opened, worn parts are replaced and then adjusted. In such cases, the consumer is given a “Certificate of Verification”.

In general, the procedure takes quite a long time and is associated with inconvenience and financial costs. The calibration laboratory charges a fee for its services. Payment rates in various centers may differ, but for the consumer they are not that cheap.

In some cases, it is more profitable to replace it with a new water meter than to have it checked. Firms specializing in services of this kind will replace the meter and issue an appropriate certificate.

Alternative verification

For people who value their time there is alternative way meter verification.

The meter verification procedure can be carried out at home without removing the meter. The benefit is obvious. There is no need to find time for a technician to come and remove the meter for the first time and for the second time to install a verified device.

Based on your request, the master will complete all the work at a time convenient for the client. Compact special metrological equipment will allow you to carry out the procedure for verifying the water meter without dismantling it.

Note: Upon completion of the work, the technician will issue a certificate of verification of the device, which should be submitted to your service company.

In addition, such a service costs less than verification in a stationary laboratory.

Selecting a water meter

To obtain a certificate and production license, unscrupulous manufacturers resort to such tricks as submitting ideal prototypes of products for testing.

The series contains products made from cheap components and low-quality raw materials. The declared service life does not stand up to criticism when the meter begins to produce inadequate indicators.

You can buy cheap counterfeits on the market. famous brands. Be careful when choosing a meter.

It is advisable to purchase meters from specialized salons, licensed stores and positive reviews buyers.

For expert explanations about the inspection interval for water meters, watch the following video:

There is a myth circulating around Moscow that the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office forced the Moscow Government to cancel mandatory verification of water meters(individual metering device, IPU for cold water supply and hot water supply). The reason for this myth was an inspection carried out by the Khoroshevskaya interdistrict prosecutor's office of the city of Moscow, which revealed that Moscow Government Resolution No. 77-PP dated February 10, 2004 regarding the establishment of verification intervals for cold and hot water meters(IPU for cold water supply and hot water supply) does not comply with current legislation. An order was issued to the Moscow Government regarding the need to bring the current legislation into compliance, which was done - resolution No. 831-PP dated December 26, 2012 was adopted, according to which, among other things, an amendment was made to Resolution No. 77-PP on the abolition of previously established deadlines inter-verification intervals of IPU cold water and hot water supply.

Now pay attention once again: the prosecutor’s office found it not to comply with current legislation establishing the timing of verification intervals for IPU cold water and hot water supply regional authorities. And that's true. But there is not a word here that the periodic verification of the IPU itself is illegal. And the verification of IPU is no longer regulated by regional legislation, but by federal legislation. The main documents are as follows:

Federal Law of June 26, 2008 No. 102-FZ “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” (as amended on July 21, 2014) – a general document on measuring instruments;

Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354).

Clause 34 of the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities states the following (I highlighted the main ones in bold).

34. The consumer is obliged:
d) for the purpose of accounting for consumed utilities use collective (common house), individual, shared (apartment), room metering devices, distributors of approved type, complying with legal requirements Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurementsand verified;
d) ensure that verifications are carried out at the expense of the consumer collective (common house), individual, common (apartment), room appliances metering within the time limits established by the technical documentation for the metering device, having previously informed the contractor about the planned date of removal of the metering device for its verification and the date of installation of the metering device based on the results of its verification, except in cases where the agreement containing provisions on the provision of utility services, there is an obligation for the performer to carry out Maintenance such metering devices, as well as send the contractor a copy of the verification certificate or other document certifying the results of verification of the metering device, carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

(At the same time, the decision Supreme Court RF dated December 5, 2014 No. AKPI14-1211, left unchanged by the Determination of the Appeal Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2015 No. APL15-17, subparagraph “e” of paragraph 34 of these Rules recognized as not contradicting current legislation insofar as it imposes on tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements and members of their families the obligation to ensure maintenance, verification, replacement of individual and collective metering devices)

And I would also like to draw your attention: if the period for verification of the IPU expires, calculations based on its readings are SUSPENDED until the verification is carried out (subclause a, clause 59 of the Rules for the provision of utility services).

Thus, The conclusions from these documents are as follows: :

1. The Khoroshevsky prosecutor’s office of the city of Moscow absolutely legally demanded that the Moscow Government NOT REGULATE verification intervals for individual devices cold water and hot water metering. And the Moscow Government eliminated the illegal clause of regional legislation.

2. The utility consumer MUST verify the cold water and hot water supply IPU used within the time limits specified in technical documentation to the device. As a rule, they are 6 years for IPU cold water supply and 4 years for IPU DHW, but this issue must be clarified by reading the technical data sheet of the device.

And therefore DO NOT BELIEVE journalists who write all sorts of rubbish without understanding the subject, and, sputtering with saliva, shout that verification of water meters has been cancelled. This is wrong. Anyone who wants to verify this should write a request to the prosecutor’s office.

PS. In addition. Please do not confuse the terms " verification" And " examination» metering device. " Verification" - this is to clarify the question of how accurately the device measures, and " examination“- this is finding out the condition of the metering device, the safety of seals, and the like. “Check” is mentioned in the same Rules for the provision of utility services and the terms there are completely different:

34. The consumer is obliged:
and) admit the performerinto occupied residential or non-residential premisesFor taking readings from individual, common (apartment), room meters and distributors, checking their condition, the fact of their presence or absence, as well as the reliability of information transmitted by the consumer to the contractor about the readings of such metering devices and distributors at a time previously agreed upon in the manner specified in paragraph 85 of these Rules, but not more than once every 6 months.

Good luck to you and don’t listen to everyone, but always get acquainted with regulatory documents.

The presence of a common house metering device (CDMU) is an important part of the dispatch system apartment building. By recording the actual consumption of resources within the home, a common house meter makes it possible not to overpay for losses that occurred in the supplier’s networks.

An important condition for this is correct work metering devices, achieved through timely verification of meters.

Why check public meters?

As meter parts wear out over time, the meters may give inaccurate readings. In order to check the meter for correct calculation of readings and possible defects, and the meters are verified.

Verification involves examining the metering device to ensure that all characteristics comply with metrological requirements. During verification, the presence or absence of various defects is revealed, on which the error of the ODPU as a result of its operation depends. If verification reveals that the metering device meets the necessary requirements, it is left to work at new term. If any defects are detected, the meter is repaired, and if repair is impossible or impractical, it is replaced with a new one.

The need to verify common house metering devices follows from Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” dated June 26, 2008

Measuring instruments that have been tested in accordance with the provisions of this Federal Law are allowed for use. When approving the type of measuring instruments, accuracy indicators, the interval between verifications of measuring instruments, as well as the verification methodology for this type of measuring instruments are established. 102-FZ Art. 9. clause 1, art. 12. clause 1

In addition, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, oblige consumers to carry out meter verification within the established time frame.

Consumers are obliged to ensure that collective (common house) metering devices are verified within the time limits established by the technical documentation for the metering device. GD of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011, clause 34

If the ODPU verification period is overdue, the operation of the meters is prohibited. Payment for utility services in this case is calculated not according to actual consumption, but according to the standard.

How often are communal meters checked?

Verification of communal meters is mandatory at the end of the “verification period” specified in the technical documentation for the ODPU. Such deadlines are set by manufacturers. During these periods, the accuracy of measurements is guaranteed, and upon completion, the metering device is checked for serviceability.

Managing organizations apartment buildings with established ODPU enter into supply agreements with resource supply organizations utility resources and conduct calculations in accordance with the procedure set out in the “Rules for the provision of utility services...”. In 2013, the government edited these Rules, adding a subclause on the obligations of consumers to carry out verification of common household metering devices within the time limits established by their technical documentation.

Consumers are obliged to ensure verification of collective (common house) metering devices within the time limits established by the technical documentation for the metering device, having previously informed the contractor about the planned date of removal of the metering device for its verification and the date of installation of the metering device based on the results of its verification, except for cases when the contract containing provisions for the provision of utility services provides for the obligation of the contractor to carry out maintenance of such metering devices, as well as to send to the contractor a copy of the verification certificate or other document certifying the results of verification of the metering device, carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements . GD of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011, clause 34, paragraphs. "e"

Verification of communal water meters

Verification of common house water meters is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8.156 (clause 3.4.8) and MI 1592-99. According to these sources, verification of the ODPU of water consists of an external inspection of the meter, checking its tightness and determining its relative error.

During an external inspection of the ODPU of water, the following is checked:

  • compliance of completeness with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for a specific type of meter;
  • condition of the paintwork;
  • clarity of inscriptions on the marking plate, numbers and marks on the dial and rollers of the reading device;
  • absence of stains, cracks and chips that affect readings;
  • absence of dirt on the glass covering the dial and the reading device;
  • the presence of an arrow indicating the direction of water flow.

The tightness of the meters is checked by creating hydraulic press in the working cavity the pressure is 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm). The test results are considered satisfactory if, after holding for 15 minutes, no sweating or water leakage is observed at the joints and the housing.

The relative error of the relative flow rate of water is determined at three test flow rates - nominal, transition and minimum. At each flow rate, one measurement is performed and the error determined at different flow rates is not allowed to be averaged.

Verification of communal heat meters

Methods for testing common house heat meters are determined in accordance with the rules of the State Standard of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, the factory documentation for a single means of measuring thermal energy and coolant must contain a section “Methodology for performing measurements”.

IN general view verification of ODPU heat consists of external inspection, verification electrical resistance insulating the meter and determining its metrological characteristics.

External inspection of ODPU heat includes:

  • identifying external faults and defects;
  • checking the markings;
  • quality check appearance, serviceability of protective fittings and connecting wires;
  • checking the equality of wire lengths;
  • checking that the surface of the protective fittings is not contaminated.

Checking the electrical insulation resistance between the meter’s sensitive element and the protective fittings is carried out at a temperature of 25 (± 5) °C and relative humidity air from 45 to 80% using a megohmmeter M4100/1 with reversible voltage polarity. The insulation resistance must be at least 100 MOhm.

Metrological characteristics are determined based on the results of measurements of TC resistances at temperatures of 0 and 100 ° C. In this case, the resistance of the meter at temperatures near 0 and 100 ° C is determined in accordance with GOST 8.461.

Verification of communal gas meters

Meters equipped with devices for recalculating gas volume measurement results are verified element-by-element or channel-by-channel according to the methodology outlined in the operating manual. Verification through the channel for measuring volume flow and volume of these meters is carried out in accordance with interstate standard GOST 8.324-2002. Such verification includes an external inspection and testing to determine the suitability of the meter.

During an external inspection of the gas control unit, the following is established:

  • availability of a passport for the meter or a certificate of previous verification;
  • availability of an instruction manual;
  • availability of a test report for tightness and a test report for insulation resistance;
  • presence of the manufacturer's trademark;
  • the presence of inscriptions indicating the type, serial number, year of manufacture, maximum excess pressure, maximum and minimum flow rates.

The meter is tested by passing an air flow through it with a flow rate of at least 10% of the nominal value. In this case, the meter must operate stably and without extraneous noise. Based on the results of comparing the control volume of air passed through the reference meter with the readings of the meter being verified, the main relative error is checked.

Counter readings can be taken visually from the reading device or, if there is a pulse output, from the number of recorded pulses.

Verification of communal electricity meters

Methods for verifying electricity ODPU vary depending on the meter model. In general, the procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Checking the presence of a passport for the meter or a certificate of previous verification.
  2. Inspect the meter for damage to the housing, external or internal parts- including checking the strength of the glass, the presence of an individual number, compliance with the declared model and markings.
  3. Testing and checking the correct functioning of the counting mechanism of the metering device. To do this, the meter is connected to a power source and warms up at rated voltage and in the same current supply mode. It is also permissible to check when the rotation speed of the disk and the lighting of the LEDs are measured during the change in the readings of the counting mechanism by 2 digits of the lower digit.
  4. Checking the strength of electrical insulation. It is not checked if the meter has recently been repaired or if its integrity has not been compromised since the last verification of the meter, which is confirmed by an intact seal.
  5. Checking the absence of a self-propelled gun. To do this, in the absence of current in series circuit and the rated voltage of the meter's power supply, voltage is supplied to the parallel circuit - 115% of the rated value.
  6. Checking the sensitivity threshold of the electric meter. It is carried out at the rated voltage of the parallel circuit of the meter and the same value of the voltage of the power source in the electricity meter.

Compliance with the systematic relative or basic accounting error provided by the manufacturer is also determined. The error is determined by the method of indirect power measurement. A voltmeter, ammeter and stopwatch are used. The error is determined by comparing the readings of voltage, current or load power with those indicated in the technical documentation for the meter.

Methods for checking communal meters

Verification of communal meters is carried out both scheduled and unscheduled. Extraordinary verification is carried out in the following cases:

  • damage to the seal (verification mark), or in case of loss of the certificate of verification or commissioning of equipment after a period of long-term storage;
  • re-tuning associated with known or suspected damage to the meter.

Metrological assurance of the reliability of ODPU readings consists in periodic verification of these devices in a specialized organization. For example, in the laboratory of the regional center for standardization and metrology or in an organization that has appropriate testing laboratories at its disposal.

Verification in a metrological laboratory

Metrological verification in the laboratory consists of testing the metering device on specialized equipment. When checking the ODPU in metrology laboratory counter, in addition to checking for compliance mandatory requirements, established by regulatory documents for verification, is cleaned of deposits and, if necessary, repaired.

To verify a common house metering device in a metrology laboratory, the meter is dismantled in the presence of a representative of the resource supplier, who checks the readings of the metering device and the integrity of the seals. Thus, dismantling the ODPU involves the need to coordinate the date and time of arrival of a representative of the resource organization. Further delivery of the ODPU to the metrology laboratory occurs by prior agreement on the verification date.

After verification, it is necessary to call again the representative of the resource supplier to install a verified metering device, seal it and draw up a “Commissioning Certificate”.

Verification of communal meters without removal

It is possible to verify common house metering devices without removing them. This approach will be appropriate in dilapidated houses.

The fact is that if a common house meter is installed in an old housing stock, its removal puts the condition at risk engineering system. Dismantling the ODPU can lead to a violation of the integrity of the units and, as a result, to the costs of repair work.

In order to carry out the verification procedure without removal, metrology laboratory specialists can come to the installation site of the meters themselves and, using a portable system, perform necessary operations without removing the devices. As a result of such verification, as with verification in a metrological laboratory, the error is determined and a corresponding report is drawn up.

However, when checking the ODPU without removing it, there is a risk that some part of the meter will soon fail, which cannot be determined without laboratory research. As a result, the reliability of data on the true technical condition of the metering device decreases.

Documents after verification of meters

If, after carrying out the required metrological procedures, a common household metering device is recognized as suitable for further operation, then, regardless of the chosen verification method, after its completion the following documents are drawn up:

  • certificate of verification;
  • verification agreement;
  • document confirming payment for verification.

In addition, a record is made in the technical passport of the meter that the verification has been completed.

If the ODPU is found unsuitable for use, a notice of unsuitability is issued.

Not every organization has the right to conduct verification, since this type of service is subject to mandatory licensing. Among other things, such an organization must be accredited in the Unified National Accreditation System. Therefore, in order to recognize the verification results as valid, you also need copies of documents regarding the organization that carried out the verification:

  • certificate of accreditation;
  • accreditation order.

Who pays for the verification of common household appliances?

Responsibility for the maintenance of common property falls on the owners of the residential building. Since ODPU are included in the category of common property, their installation and verification is carried out by the management company of the apartment building at the expense of the owners of the premises, as part of the payment under the article “Housing Maintenance”.

Content common property includes ensuring the installation and commissioning of collective (common house) metering devices for cold and hot water, heat and electrical energy, natural gas, as well as their proper operation (inspections, maintenance, verification of metering devices, etc. RF PP No. 491 dated 08/13/2006 “On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in apartment building»

Timely verification of ODPU as prevention of ARF

Faulty household metering devices lead to unaccounted resource losses, which consumers have to pay for. Such losses are included in receipts for utility bills, in the ODN column.

Carrying out verifications of communal meters means guaranteeing the correct operation of metering devices. And, as a consequence, a decrease in the difference between the indicators of the operational budget and the actually consumed volume of resources.

Of course, this is not the only reason for high ODN. In practice, there are about a dozen of them, and eliminating them becomes a task management company. "STRIZH" helps to understand the main reasons for high ODN already in the first week after installation, allowing you to deploy a full-fledged system for automated collection of readings for a reasonable budget.

See the automated data collection system "STRIZH"

In continuation of the article.