home · Lighting · Residential building dispatch system: functions and advantages of use. Dispatch of engineering systems and housing stock, housing and communal services Capabilities of dispatch systems

Residential building dispatch system: functions and advantages of use. Dispatch of engineering systems and housing stock, housing and communal services Capabilities of dispatch systems

Compliant modern requirements: allows you to create monitoring systems that unite all infrastructure and resource-supplying housing and communal services facilities into a single information network. Such systems are reliable, well-secured, and provide up-to-date information to all stakeholders in a timely manner.

The concept of an intelligent city involves the integration of all infrastructure and resource-supplying facilities into a single information network. Considering the volumes of information processed, it can be assumed that the dispatch system smart city should be divided into several levels. The first is the level of local facilities serviced by management companies. The second is the level of regional control centers that accumulate information from local objects. And the third is the level of unified centers for collecting, processing and analyzing data. The creation of such centers will reduce the response time of personnel to emergency situations, which in turn will have a positive impact on general state urban infrastructure. After all, it is the condition of urban facilities, which include heating points, water treatment and water purification stations, transformer substations and other elements of the large organism of the city require the closest attention.

Often used in housing and communal services outdated systems, there are also those where there is no automation at all. Based on many examples, we can say that housing and communal services facilities need modern software and hardware that will allow the creation of dispatch and automation systems of a fundamentally new level. Main feature In such systems, the first priority should be the timeliness and relevance of the information provided, since it is this factor that is decisive for the response of personnel and, as a consequence, for improving the quality of service in general. Moreover, developed modern means dispatching systems should allow you to view certain system parameters and manage them through mobile devices, be it a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Naturally, secure data transmission channels must be used in this case. Currently, such systems are being actively implemented at municipal facilities (water, heat, electricity) and other important infrastructure facilities in each city.

What advantages does the creation of such systems bring? Let's give real examples implementations carried out during 2015 by specialists of our company.

Rice. 1. ITP starting mnemonic diagram

First of all, I would like to consider dispatching one of the individual heating points (IHP). ITP equipment includes circulation pumps for heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems, shut-off and control valves, sensors that measure the parameters of processes occurring in the system. For automation, the developed project uses a LinPAC‑8841 control controller with input/output modules, which accumulates information coming from all devices and controls the system. At standard approach For dispatching, a personal computer, the so-called automated workstation of an operator or dispatcher, is placed in the ITP building or in a control room nearby. However, management companies require that up-to-date information about the property be at hand at any time. To satisfy such requests, an executive was installed on the controller, which made regular controller a full-fledged web server with the ability to provide data via a browser. This allowed the mobile team, regardless of its location, to control ITP work, based on information from the mnemonic diagram (Fig. 1), and also always have at your disposal a log of accidents and errors in order to respond to them in a timely manner, without waiting for a call from the building to which heat is supplied. The standard solution was not left unattended: an Android panel was installed on site, connected via Ethernet to the controller and duplicating the information provided through the web interface. It took about a month to develop the automation cabinet project and program the controller in the MasterSCADA 4D environment (Fig. 2), and the algorithm for controlling groups of pumps, a PID controller and PWM control of the control valve was re-written. In programming the controller in the ST, FBD languages ​​and subsequent commissioning on site, a developed inheritance mechanism was used, which allows changes to be made only to the main object placed in the library, and subsequent instances of this object pick up these changes automatically.

But monitoring and managing IHP is only part of the infrastructure scheme for supplying heat to homes and organizations. Now let's go up one level - to the central heating points, or, more simply, boiler houses. The automated process control system of the central heating unit is required to ensure control of the operation of boiler units, as well as monitoring of water temperature in the heating circuits. The solution to the problem of managing such a system is achieved by installing controllers for collecting and transmitting information. In one of our projects, we used a BT6000 controller with a pre-installed MasterSCADA 4D project development system (Fig. 3), connected to the Entromatic 100M boiler control system. As a result, a web monitoring system was built that provides information in real time, with the ability to view the history of changes in a particular parameter for a user-specified period of time on a trend. As in the case of ITP, remote dispatchers were able to monitor emergency situations at the facility (Fig. 4), while messages about all situations are not only entered into a standard log (Fig. 5), but are also duplicated in the form emails, which eliminates the possibility of untimely notification of personnel.

Rice. 4. Starting mnemonic diagram of the central heating station

Rice. 5. View of the central heating operator message log

The introduction of the described approaches to dispatch control at housing and communal services facilities is a sure way to reduce costs by preventing emergency situations and, as a result, save on fuel and lubricants and replacing equipment that has failed due to improper operation. Isn't this one of the primary tasks in any company?

Why do ordinary users need such systems? In reality modern society every client management company wants to receive a personal, reliable summary with information on the amount of electricity consumed, water disposal, heat supply, etc. Dispatch centers can accumulate such information, and they can also provide it to users through various devices. Let's imagine a situation: an ordinary city resident once a month collects data from various meters in the house, transfers it to the management company, waits for an invoice to be generated, and only after that makes a payment. Considering how much time is spent on such actions and possible errors at each stage, we can come to the conclusion that the need to create a centralized service that processes such requests is quite high. What characteristics should it have? software to implement such a task?

First of all, the speed of the system: users need to receive information at the very moment when they want to receive it, and any delay will cause a negative reaction. The second property is multiplatform: the software product must support any system, be it Windows, IOS, Android or Linux. A project developed on the basis of software with these characteristics will allow users to enter data on energy, water consumption, etc. and immediately receive an invoice. In addition, the user will be able to view information about the characteristics of the water entering the house, power supply voltage, etc. Of course, taking into account the security policy, the system that provides data to users must be separated from common system management.

As a manufacturer of domestic software, it already offers similar developments that meet all the listed requirements.

A.M. Podlesny, head of software sales department,

THEM. Bazhukov, leading engineer,

We bring to your attention several ideas for dispatching and automation that may be useful in the domestic housing and communal services sector.

An automated dispatch and control system is required:

● Heads of homeowners associations, enterprises and organizations (director, chief engineer, etc.);
● Heads of building maintenance services and engineering systems;
To service personnel(dispatchers, repair services).

System of unified monitoring and operation of the building:

System capabilities:

● Providing statistical data for reporting periods;
● Organization of a billing payment system;
● Integration with various systems accounting and management;

● Collection and transmission of data from several buildings to a single calculation center;

The system records the consumption of water and electricity while maintaining an archive of statistical data (database) in non-volatile memory for the house as a whole and for each apartment separately. Information can be displayed on a computer screen, analyzed, processed, parameters recorded, and graphs and diagrams constructed.

The system allows you to organize centralized monitoring with output to the control panel. The system controls and prevents water leaks, fires, gas leaks both separately in each apartment and in the premises common use. In the event of an accident, the system will report the incident to all interested parties and services.

The system also allows you to control the building's engineering from the control panel (ventilation, power supply, heating points, pumping stations etc.).

Monitoring cases of stops in cabins with passengers, maintaining loudspeaker communication between the elevator and the control room. Control of unauthorized opening of machine rooms, vandalism, etc. with subsequent delivery of information to the control panel.

The system keeps a log of events in non-volatile memory and in real time transmits to the dispatcher's console the location of unauthorized entry into attics, electrical rooms, machine rooms, apartments for taking adequate actions.

The system allows you to save energy in entrances by turning on the lights only at the moment when people appear in the sensor coverage area and turning them off after a while. Street lighting It turns on only at dusk, responding to the light sensor.

The system operates in real time. This enables the dispatcher located in the data collection center to quickly respond to all changes in the situation in the housing and communal services of the building.

Building automation and dispatch system for various purposes allows monitoring and control engineering equipment, and can also adapt with others low current systems. This allows us to install our system in already constructed buildings.

The system consists of various packages. The main package is the basic one, it is the core of the entire system, and performs only a minimum of functions (controlling engineering). To expand, the system can be equipped at any time with additional packages that control ventilation, security, lighting, energy consumption data collection, etc. Moreover, the use of additional packages does not lead to a significant increase in the cost of the system.

To transmit and process data from several buildings, systems installed in houses transmit data via cellular communications, modem or Internet to a single calculation and monitoring center. An operator located in such a center always sees the state of building systems and can quickly take the necessary measures.


1. Reducing the cost of electricity consumption. energy by 20-25%;
2. Reducing energy costs for ventilation and air conditioning by 15-25%;
3. Reduced energy costs refrigeration units by 15%;
4. Reduced consumption of mountains. water by 15%;
5. Reduced cold consumption. water by 15%;
6. Reducing response time to emergency situations by 90%;
7. Reducing damage from emergency situations by 50%;
8. Reducing equipment wear by 15%;
9. Decline service systems as a whole;
10. Reducing downtime of engineering systems;
11. All systems can be taken for service.

Visit of a specialist to take measurements and draw up an estimate - free of charge

Order a dispatch system for housing and communal services

Housing and communal services dispatching is a relatively new and popular area in the service sector. Such a system provides comprehensive control of resources and guarantees comfort and savings.

Modern technologies make life simpler and more enjoyable, and the housing and communal services sector is no exception in this regard. The Elton company offers dispatch services for housing and communal services. Our specialists will do everything quickly and efficiently necessary work which include:

  • dispatch system planning;
  • selection necessary equipment, starting from sensors, controllers and ending with instrument panels;
  • installation of system elements and software installation;
  • adjustment and testing.

One of the undoubted advantages modern systems dispatching is that the system does not require investment Money to all functions at once. It is possible to implement the system in stages, adding over time additional functions and options to the initially installed basic equipment.

Advantages of housing and communal services dispatching

Not only private clients, but also homeowners associations turn to our company for the installation of dispatch systems. commercial organizations and management companies.

Modern equipment and software provide:

  • comfortable and simple interaction with any sphere of housing and communal services;
  • effective energy saving algorithms;
  • ensuring technological safety;
  • reducing operating costs and accounting for the consumption of various resources.

Either one user or a group can be connected to the system. The modern technological base allows you to unlimitedly expand the platform and include new users, new capabilities and new automation objects.

Capabilities of dispatch systems

TO standard system can connect:

  • power supply system;
  • central heating;
  • served hot and cold water;
  • gas supply system;
  • security systems.

Dispatching allows you to carefully monitor resource consumption, which helps identify defaulters and violators. Systems connected to dispatch are carefully monitored and provide detailed data both in real time and hourly and minutely.

The Elton company has its own 24-hour dispatch center, which monitors facilities and promptly and clearly responds in the event of emergency signals.

Sensors and controllers for the system

Special sensors and controllers independently detect damage and malfunctions, and, depending on the settings, can inform residents, emergency and/or repair services.

For example, in the event of a fire, sensors send a signal to the control panel, from where a call is made to fire service and a voice message is transmitted with a description of the situation and the address, at the same time the owner of the apartment or house is notified.

Can be connected to the same system in parallel automatic system extinguishing, which will begin to operate even before the fire brigade leaves. Approximately the same algorithm for the system’s operation in the event of a gas leak, damage to the water supply system, etc.

We offer products and software from leading manufacturers. Thanks to the extensive experience and high qualifications of our specialists, we guarantee prompt and competent dispatch of housing and communal services. New technologies guard your safety.

One of necessary conditions the successful functioning of any enterprise is the centralization of operational control and management (i.e. dispatch) over production processes. It is designed to ensure coordinated operation of individual parts of the facility in order to increase technical and economic indicators, rhythm of work and effective use production capacity.

This condition applies entirely to the domestic housing and communal services sector, perhaps the most socially significant industry. National economy. In practice, dispatching is implemented in the form of control of housing and communal services facilities by automated control their operating modes. Like anyone else organizational structure, it has all its constituent elements: controls (operator at the control center), control objects (boiler houses, heating points, wells, water intakes, water treatment stations, sewerage stations, wastewater treatment plants etc.), a complex of automation, communication and control tools that unites them (server, computers, communication equipment, controllers with a set of sensors).

The principle of operation of the dispatch system for housing and communal services facilities

IN general view The algorithm for the functioning of the dispatch system for housing and communal services facilities is as follows.

.Control functions. The system is controlled using a specific program (for example, SKAT-2) installed on the dispatcher’s computer. It polls all controllers installed at housing and communal services facilities at a specified frequency. They, in turn, interrogate metering devices and object state sensors, analyze incoming information and convert the received signals into physical quantities(instantaneous energy consumption indicators, object state parameters), controlling the specified limit values ​​of the parameters.

The control room operator has the ability to display on the monitor screen all the characteristics of the controlled object in the form of mnemonic diagrams, tables, diagrams and graphs of energy consumption indicators, with the ability to print information.

.Control functions are implemented at facilities using control commands sent from the dispatcher’s computer to actuators: pumps, switches, regulators, etc. Information received at the control room console is returned to the facility in the form of a control command:

Transfer the object to one mode or another;

Change parameters;

Stop work (until emergency services arrive).

Experience in dispatching Russian housing and communal services facilities

Obviously, such a system can only be organized using modern equipment, allowing maximum automation of the processes of heat and water supply, water treatment and wastewater disposal. At the same time, the ability to integrate it into unified system management of the housing and communal services enterprise.

First of all, this requirement applies to pumping equipment, since it plays a basic role in the functioning of almost all housing and communal services facilities. The experience accumulated by domestic utilities shows: the use modern pumps with the possibility of electronic regulation can become the basis for creating effective dispatch systems that optimize both energy consumption and labor costs.

An illustrative example is the city of Neryungri (Yakutia), where since 2000 active work for the reconstruction of urban services. A modern pump equipment. At the same time, to increase the pressure of the feed water, heating and hot water systems at the central heating station are used pumping units GRUNDFOS Hydro ME of various capacities, and the circulation of the coolant is carried out using NB and CRE pumps with built-in frequency converters. At ITP, adjustable wet-rotor pumps of various series are used for these purposes. Today, the equipment of modernized heating points is connected through control cabinets into a single network and controlled from control centers. All utility network equipment is brought together using the SCADA system into a single network, which is controlled and managed from a central computer node.

The result was economic effect- the average daily water consumption for hot water supply decreased by an average of 50%, and the total heat consumption - by more than 20%. Labor costs for servicing pumping equipment have been significantly reduced.

Neryungri housing and communal services today are one of the few in the country equipped with the most modern technologies. This allows you to survive the harsh subpolar winters without problems and crises.

Dispatch technologies are also beginning to be actively implemented in St. Petersburg, where the successes of the neighboring Baltic countries have become an example. “At one time I was able to get acquainted with the work of similar systems in Estonia,” says CEO Ravelin company (it develops automated systems security and management) Vyacheslav Tesakov. - Where these systems operate, former Soviet five-story buildings today are in excellent condition. We started small: we changed the risers, installed metering units, intercoms, security systems, began to monitor how many resources were consumed, and then began to optimize their consumption. Started with the money saved new stage modernization".

Therefore, in June 2006, a pilot project for dispatching a house on Leninsky Prospekt was implemented in St. Petersburg. The core of the system is a local node for collecting and processing information, located in the premises of the information and dispatch service (IDS) of the district (Griboyedov Canal embankment, 83). Transport route The fiber optic networks of TKT OJSC were used for data transmission. The system included video surveillance (internal and external conditions on the territory, control of waste disposal sites, entrances to the territory), security and fire alarm, gate automation system, control and accounting of energy resources (gas leaks, cold and hot water, hot water temperature, lighting, basement flooding). Currently, the project covers an entire microdistrict consisting of seven buildings. This is a block bounded by Bronnitskaya Street, Malodetskoselsky Avenue, Bataysky and Doinikov Lanes. Practice shows that only the installation of automated accounting systems in a home reduces heating costs by an average of 30%.

“If I were the head of a homeowners association or a management company, I would first of all try to implement an integrated dispatch system in order to reduce energy losses and operating costs. This is my savings, I am vitally interested in this, so I would not even collect additional money from residents for the installation of this system,” said Vladimir Gaidei, deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg Housing Committee, when discussing the results of the pilot project.

The implementation of dispatch systems in Moscow and the region is actively underway. Sergei Fomin, chief engineer of the Management Company Gorzhilkompleks, says that in four last year When automation technologies began to be used everywhere, utility workers already appreciated the ease of working with such systems. “One person can control up to 10-15 central control points,” says Sergey. - Today this is common in almost all our facilities. I can give an example of houses in the South-Western Administrative District - on Koshtoyants Street, Vernadsky Avenue, Pilyugin Street. The dispatcher sees in real time on the computer the states of pipes, pumps, modes and their changes and, if necessary, can immediately intervene.”