home · On a note · What regulates the dispatch system in housing and communal services. Automated system for housing and communal services dispatching and building management. What is a residential building dispatch system?

What regulates the dispatch system in housing and communal services. Automated system for housing and communal services dispatching and building management. What is a residential building dispatch system?

We bring to your attention several ideas for dispatching and automation that may be useful in the domestic housing and communal services sector.

Automated system dispatching and control is required:

● Heads of homeowners associations, enterprises and organizations (director, chief engineer, etc.);
● Heads of building maintenance services and engineering systems;
To service personnel(dispatchers, repair services).

System of unified monitoring and operation of the building:

System capabilities:

● Providing statistical data for reporting periods;
● Organization of a billing payment system;
● Integration with various systems accounting and management;

● Collection and transmission of data from several buildings to a single calculation center;

The system records the consumption of water and electricity while maintaining an archive of statistical data (database) in non-volatile memory for the house as a whole and for each apartment separately. Information can be displayed on a computer screen, analyzed, processed, parameters recorded, and graphs and diagrams constructed.

The system allows you to organize centralized monitoring with output to the control panel. The system controls and prevents water leaks, fires, gas leaks both separately in each apartment and in the premises common use. In the event of an accident, the system will report the incident to all interested parties and services.

The system also allows you to control the building's engineering from the control panel (ventilation, power supply, heating points, pumping stations etc.).

Monitoring cases of stops in cabins with passengers, maintaining loudspeaker communication between the elevator and the control room. Control of unauthorized opening of machine rooms, vandalism, etc. with subsequent delivery of information to the control panel.

The system keeps a log of events in non-volatile memory and in real time transmits to the dispatcher's console the location of unauthorized entry into attics, electrical rooms, machine rooms, apartments for taking adequate actions.

The system allows you to save energy in entrances by turning on the lights only at the moment when people appear in the sensor coverage area and turning them off after a while. Street lighting It turns on only at dusk, responding to the light sensor.

The system operates in real time. This enables the dispatcher located in the data collection center to quickly respond to all changes in the situation in the housing and communal services of the building.

Building automation and dispatch system for various purposes allows monitoring and control engineering equipment, and can also adapt with others low current systems. This allows us to install our system in already constructed buildings.

The system consists of various packages. The main package is the basic one, it is the core of the entire system, and performs only a minimum of functions (controlling engineering). To expand, the system can be equipped at any time with additional packages that control ventilation, security, lighting, energy consumption data collection, etc. Moreover, the use of additional packages does not lead to a significant increase in the cost of the system.

To transmit and process data from several buildings, systems installed in houses transmit data via cellular communications, modem or Internet to a single calculation and monitoring center. An operator located in such a center always sees the state of building systems and can quickly take the necessary measures.


1. Reducing the cost of electricity consumption. energy by 20-25%;
2. Reducing energy costs for ventilation and air conditioning by 15-25%;
3. Reduced energy costs refrigeration units by 15%;
4. Reduced consumption of mountains. water by 15%;
5. Reduced cold consumption. water by 15%;
6. Reducing response time to emergency situations by 90%;
7. Reducing damage from emergency situations by 50%;
8. Reducing equipment wear by 15%;
9. Decline service systems as a whole;
10. Reducing downtime of engineering systems;
11. All systems can be taken for service.

The development of the housing and communal services sector in urban conditions requires the introduction of new monitoring systems. Only in this case it is possible to ensure control over the operation of the entire complex of equipment, reduce the accident rate and reduce the cost of the services provided.

Dispatch of housing and communal services facilities - promising direction industry, which allows you to solve all the stated problems.

Housing and communal services dispatching- new capabilities of monitoring and control systems The introduction of new digital technologies and wireless communication methods makes it possible to significantly simplify and improve the process of monitoring the operation of any equipment.

Housing and communal services dispatching is one of the main activities of our company.

Our technical solutions will allow you to provide control and management of the following equipment used in this area:

Boiler installations and individual heating points.
Equipment for sewerage pumping stations.
Water supply systems, including fire-fighting equipment.
Electrical networks and power supply systems for any objects.

Lighting control adjacent areas, streets.

Energy units, including transformer substations.
Elevator facilities and ventilation and smoke removal systems.

Thanks to solutions in the field of dispatching, it is possible to ensure automatic monitoring of the readings of any metering devices used in housing and communal services.

Advantages modern systems dispatching. It should be noted that all major developments are aimed specifically at simplifying the control process. The result is systems that can be controlled by an operator without special skills. It is quite enough to be able to work on a personal computer with a standard operating system Windows.

Visit of a specialist to take measurements and draw up an estimate - free of charge

Order a dispatch system for housing and communal services

Housing and communal services dispatching is a relatively new and popular area in the service sector. Such a system provides comprehensive control of resources and guarantees comfort and savings.

Modern technologies make life simpler and more enjoyable, and the housing and communal services sector is no exception in this regard. The Elton company offers dispatch services for housing and communal services. Our specialists will do everything quickly and efficiently necessary work which include:

  • dispatch system planning;
  • selection necessary equipment, starting from sensors, controllers and ending with instrument panels;
  • installation of system elements and software installation;
  • adjustment and testing.

One of the undoubted advantages of modern dispatch systems is that the system does not require investment Money to all functions at once. It is possible to implement the system in stages, adding over time additional functions and options to the initially installed basic equipment.

Advantages of housing and communal services dispatching

Not only private clients, but also homeowners associations turn to our company for the installation of dispatch systems. commercial organizations and management companies.

Modern equipment and software provide:

  • comfortable and simple interaction with any sphere of housing and communal services;
  • effective energy saving algorithms;
  • ensuring technological safety;
  • reducing operating costs and accounting for the consumption of various resources.

Either one user or a group can be connected to the system. The modern technological base allows you to unlimitedly expand the platform and include new users, new capabilities and new automation objects.

Capabilities of dispatch systems

TO standard system can connect:

  • power supply system;
  • central heating;
  • served hot and cold water;
  • gas supply system;
  • security systems.

Dispatching allows you to carefully monitor resource consumption, which helps identify defaulters and violators. Systems connected to dispatch are carefully monitored and provide detailed data both in real time and hourly and minutely.

The Elton company has its own 24-hour dispatch center, which monitors facilities and promptly and clearly responds in the event of emergency signals.

Sensors and controllers for the system

Special sensors and controllers independently detect damage and malfunctions, and, depending on the settings, can inform residents, emergency and/or repair services.

For example, in the event of a fire, sensors send a signal to the control panel, from where a call is made to fire service and a voice message is transmitted with a description of the situation and the address, at the same time the owner of the apartment or house is notified.

Can be connected to the same system in parallel automatic system extinguishing, which will begin to operate even before the fire brigade leaves. Approximately the same algorithm for the system’s operation in the event of a gas leak, damage to the water supply system, etc.

We offer products and software from leading manufacturers. Thanks to the extensive experience and high qualifications of our specialists, we guarantee prompt and competent dispatch of housing and communal services. New technologies guard your safety.

Automation and dispatching of power and water supply systems.

Housing and communal services - housing and communal services - is a wide area for the implementation of automation and dispatch systems. Today there is an urgent need for strict dispatching of metering units resource consumption in apartment buildings and private households. Moreover, both parties are interested in accounting - both supplying organizations and consumers. Supply organizations want to receive payment in full for the resources supplied, and consumers want to pay only for what they actually consumed and not pay for debtors. Often the practice of “spreading” debts places a heavy burden on conscientious payers.

A transparent and honest approach comes to the rescue in such situations. dispatching of water supply and electricity systems with access to it by two parties - the supplying organization and consumers. This eliminates the situation when the payer’s meter shows the same readings, but the bill from the supplying organization has completely different numbers, differing to a greater extent.

Another side of the problem for consumers is the poor quality supply of resources. According to the invoices, everything seems to be supplied, but the quality and parameters of these resources are far from those stated in the contract. For example, hot water may not be hot at all due to worn-out heating mains with damaged thermal insulation, which is very important for residents of the northern regions of our country, where heating season lasts longer than middle lane and the cost of heating services is quite high. To protect consumer rights, we offer a hot water supply dispatch system in apartment building, which will monitor the parameters of the supplied hot water and provide information at any time. At the end of the reporting period, homeowners will have the opportunity to challenge invoices issued by the supplying organization by providing objective evidence that the services provided do not comply with the contract. Water supply dispatch system is built on the basis Russian equipment fully certified and included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments, which can be indisputable evidence of the reliability of the recorded readings! The cost of a dispatch system for a hot water supply metering unit will cost 1 entrance apartment building no more than 35 thousand rubles, which is a very small amount in terms of an apartment. The pictures show possible options systems - with data storage on our server or on the server of the homeowners association.

Water supply dispatch system.

Metering device dispatch system with Internet service

Dispatch system for metering devices with a remote control room

Metering device dispatch system with local data storage

Autonomous metering device dispatch system with local data storage

Automation and dispatching of power supply systems will give an answer why 220 volts can be 280 volts and 160. Either it is due to old wiring in the entrance and a constantly flooded electrical panel in the basement, or for some other reason. A power failure can lead to the failure of an expensive household appliances, such as refrigerators and air conditioners, which are especially sensitive to voltage surges and sags.

We want the relationship between homeowners and supply organizations to be honest and transparent. Therefore, we will be happy to help from the engineering side and improve the level of service of resource suppliers and customer satisfaction. Call us toll free +7 961 421-03-07 and we will come up with a solution.