home · Other · Interior designer is a sought-after profession. Myths about interior designers. Do you agree? Promising design directions

Interior designer is a sought-after profession. Myths about interior designers. Do you agree? Promising design directions

Interior designer creates new projects for a harmonious environment to improve human living conditions. He needs to have creative and artistic abilities, creativity and a successful interior designer can eventually become the author of projects and create his own design studio. There are various ones that teach this area of ​​design. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing, drafting and world artistic culture (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

An interior designer creates a unique atmosphere, style, beauty and comfort in a room, making the dreams and moods of customers come true. In interior design there are many various styles, formed into various historical eras: high-tech, neo-Russian, deconstructivism, Romanesque, modernism, etc.

Short description

The profession of an interior designer involves the entire process of interior design, starting with room layout, lighting, ventilation systems, acoustics, wall decoration and ending with furniture arrangement, textile design and installation of navigation signs.

Interior design is based on two principles:

  • principle of functionalism: “what is functional is beautiful”;
  • principle of constructivism, which is not about composing a composition of objects, but about the goal of creating an integral harmonious structure.

Design by definition is the modern art of artistic design, the development of models of rational construction of an object environment. The word “DESIGN” itself is of Italian origin from “Disegno” ». Translated into Russian, it has several meanings: plan, plan, intention, goal, drawing, sketch, sketch, drawing, pattern, model, pattern, diagram, composition. The profession of a designer is also multi-valued and multifaceted, which has several varieties (qualifications): graphic design, industrial design, costume design, environmental design (interior and landscape), design Vehicle, architectural design.

Specifics of the profession

The work of an interior designer consists of several stages:

  • receiving an order and understanding the project idea;
  • development of a general concept and analysis of existing similar projects;
  • optimization of project components and their harmonious combination;
  • development of a sketch and coordination with the customer;
  • making a model, 3-D modeling;
  • calculation and development of drawings;
  • translation of the project into reality, its correction at the request of the customer;
  • selection and design of individual furniture;
  • interior decoration after finishing work;
  • textile interior design.

The work of an interior designer uses computer programs to develop interior design:

  • SketchUp;
  • Sweet Home 3D;
  • AutoCAD;
  • Autodesk 3ds Max;
  • ArchiCAD.

Pros and cons of the profession


High demand on the labor market, interesting creative work, the opportunity to realize your fantasies and ideas, constant novelty and variety of projects, the opportunity to improve and develop from project to project. As a rule, interior designers have high salaries, since wealthy people turn to the services of designers.


The discrepancy between the tastes of the customer and the artistic vision of the designer, the need for a long time to convince the customer of design solution or adapt to his wishes.

Interior designer training

Training of certified specialists in the field of interior design and decoration. A program for those who want to learn to be literate and professional style solutions in creating an interior like own home, apartments, and in the creation of public interiors.

He is also an interior designer by profession. Training takes place in the center of Moscow and is conducted according to proprietary programs and methods that allow short time acquire the necessary knowledge to enter professional activity. The total duration of training is 5-8 months, a state diploma of additional professional education in the specialty "Interior Designer". Monthly payment in installments.Groups up to 10 people.4 forms of training (evening, daytime, weekend group and mixed).

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training from 9,900 rubles. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Invites you to the course additional education specialists who have already received their main specialty and who want to realize themselves in an interesting and creative profession. The Academy offers wide choose educational directions, convenient format distance learning and affordable prices.

In this course you can get a profession system administrator remotely for 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
- One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

Do planning solutions in ArchiCAD, visualization in 3ds Max and beautifully process it all in Photoshop. In 12 months you will get a full-fledged profession, even if you don’t know anything now. Job guarantee. Study on credit without interest for 3 years, payments from 5,100 rubles per month. Training 12 months, first payment after 6 months. You will learn from top speakers, master new tools, learn how to assemble a team, and be able to open your own business. You will be able to find clients during your training and earn your first money. And after the course, we will help you create a resume and find your dream job.

In order to master the profession of a designer, you need to complete special courses for interior designers (study to become a designer), and for a more complete and in-depth study of the profession, you need to receive a specialized secondary or higher education.

Career and pay

Salary as of 08/05/2019

Russia 20000—130000 ₽

Moscow 30000—150000 ₽

A successful novice interior designer participating in a collective project can in the future become the author of projects and create his own design studio.

Wage depends on the prestige of the studio and the experience of the designer. It also all depends on the number of orders. The range of prices for interior design is very wide - everything is determined by the volume of the order (premises), technology and quality of work and services.

Place of work

  • design studios;
  • furniture factories, firms and shops;
  • architectural organizations;
  • individual activity of an interior designer.

Personal qualities

  • creative and artistic abilities;
  • developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • creativity;
  • the ability to perceive the spatial relationship of objects;
  • color perception;
  • attention to detail;
  • the ability to create an image from a verbal description;
  • ability to visualize, ability to predict results;
  • abstractness, associativity and flexibility of thinking;
  • intuitive thinking;
  • drawing skills;
  • ability to design and design;
  • ability to foresee the result;
  • artistic ability;
  • sense of taste, harmony and symmetry.

And 7 professions that will remain, according to design leaders from Frog, Ideo, Artefact, Teague, etc.

Algorithmic/AI design specialists

For 15 years, some designers we spoke to feared that their place would be taken over by machines. And while “arts and crafts are fundamentally difficult to program,” as Rob Girling says in Artifact, artificial intelligence will create new possibilities in design, will create so many of these possibilities that Girling, and other designers we spoke to, believe that AI, and algorithms, are a growing field.

“People-centered design has expanded from object design (industrial design) to experience design (adding interaction design, visual design, and design of spaces), and the next step is the design of system behavior: the design of algorithms that determine the behavior of automatic systems."

Post-industrial designers

“As everything starts to connect—from your couch connected to your fitness tracker to your hospital room connected to your wallet—we need to start thinking about connected experiences,” says Artifact's Markus Wierzoch. Such experiences offer a broader value proposition, which means we need to change the design processes that defined objects beyond their current form and function.”

Post-industrial designers will need to think through the entire user experience of a product to create tangible experiences that bridge the physical and digital worlds."

For example, a future designer who needs to design an electric toothbrush will need to make sure it can connect to an app, provide brushing settings, and connect to future smart homes. It is no longer enough to simply design something that cleans teeth. "Someone needs to be responsible for putting together complex experiences," says Mark Rolston, of Agrodesign.

Design Strategists

Researchers may have less work to do over the next 15 years, but Artifact's John Russo thinks design strategists will be indispensable. "The importance of design strategy will grow," he says. “Future design strategists will need the skill to understand and model increasingly complex systems" - For example, social media, or supply chains - “they will create new products and services in a volatile environment characterized by high level uncertainty."

Organizational designers

Organizational charts of the future will be different from those of today. That's why Brian Walker, a partner at Ideo, believes organizational designers will come in handy when it comes to making companies more "adaptive, creative, and profitable." These designers, he says, "will help reimagine every aspect of the organization, from its core structure, incentives, processes, to workspaces, digital collaboration tools, and communication."

Freelance designers

Get used to working in your pajamas. According to the designers at Teague, the future of design is freelancing. Creative AI and global creative markets will give individual designers immediate access to skills that were previously only available to large teams. The result will be a rapid increase in the specialization, efficiency, and independence of designers. They believe that freelancers will not suffer alone, but will create a network of targeted micro-consultations that will compete with more traditional companies.

Translation of an article by John Brownlee

It seems to many that the profession of designer appeared quite recently, and indeed, the specialty “Design” was included in the official list of specializations only a couple of decades ago. However, people involved in creating new clothing models, interior design, and developing concepts for the automotive industry have always existed, so it is not surprising that design skills are taught not only in private design schools and paid non-state institutes. In many of the oldest, there are historically established faculties and departments of design that provide deep fundamental education in the most various areas creativity.

The most common designer specializations

  • Graphic design implies the creation various types advertising products (packaging, magazines, souvenirs, booklets), studying computer programs for creating graphic objects, image processing, layout of printed products. Students study painting and graphics, master the basics of artistic photography and videography;
  • Environment design includes specializations such as Interior Design And landscape design . Future professional designers create three-dimensional models, engage in three-dimensional design and, of course, master software packages that allow them to work with 3D objects.
  • Clothing design will be useful to future couturiers. As part of this specialization, students are trained to work with sewing equipment, design and decorate clothing and other textile products, and forecast fashion trends.
  • Web design- a specialization that is widely in demand today, based mainly on computer technology.

Is the profession of a designer in demand?

The uniqueness of this profession is in its diversity. A hard-working and talented designer in our time will never be left without a piece of bread. For example, a graphic designer can always work in related areas - interior design, clothing, or web design.

According to the Rabota.ru portal, today the design profession is one of the ten most in demand, and the average salary of a specialist engaged in artistic and technical activities ranges from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

Where to study to become a designer in Moscow universities?

10 best places to study to become a designer on a budget.

The name of the university Passing Unified State Exam score
Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after. S.G. Stroganova 283
Russian State University tourism and service, faculty of technology and design 277
Moscow State University of Design and Technology. Institute of Design 266
Moscow State Humanities University them. M.A. Sholokhova 238
Moscow Architectural Institute ( State Academy) 233
Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky, Faculty of Design and Organization of Packaging Production 227
Russian State Social University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities 217
Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), Faculty of Art History 210
Moscow Art and Industry Institute 167
Moscow State Technical University"MAMI", Faculty of "Cars and Tractors" 134

In addition to the above educational institutions, non-state universities are waiting for applicants who want to become designers, where there are also budget places and/or places for those wishing to study on a commercial basis. When choosing a university, be sure to pay attention to whether the institute has state accreditation. Otherwise, having spent 4-5 years of your life studying at a university, you risk receiving a non-state diploma that is of dubious value in the eyes of your potential employer.

What exams do future designers take?

The classic package of documents for an applicant entering the university must include homework - usually from 6 to 10 works.

The number and combination of exams, of course, depends on the specific university. Most institutions require applicants to provide Unified State Exam results in literature and the Russian language, history is often included in the list of compulsory subjects.

A special feature of the examination program at art universities is the mandatory presence of a creative competition. It may include a pencil drawing of a plaster sculpture or even a living nature, painting in watercolor, gouache or tempera - more often than not, some kind of still life, composition task.

Natalia Kogteva

It is human nature to surround oneself with not only comfortable, but also beautiful things. Naturally, such things do not appear on their own, because even if a person knows what this or that thing should look like, he has no idea how to bring his vision to life and make sure that the creation is not only beautiful, but also functional. And this is where a designer comes to the rescue - a professional who knows exactly how to harmoniously combine beauty, usefulness and convenience.

It is common for a person to surround himself not only with comfortable, but also with beautiful things that can reflect inner world its owner and giving a feeling of comfort and coziness. Naturally, such things do not appear on their own, because even if a person knows what this or that thing should look like, he has no idea how to bring his vision to life and make sure that the creation is not only beautiful, but also functional. And this is where it comes to the rescue designer- a professional who knows exactly how to harmoniously combine beauty, usefulness and convenience.

In other words, the designer embodies our fantasies, dictates fashion trends, makes our life more beautiful and comfortable. Almost every thing that we use today (regardless of whether it is clothing, office supplies, cars or interior items) is the result of the work, first of all, of the designer, and only then of the manufacturer. Therefore, it is not surprising that the profession of designer today is considered one of the most popular and highly paid specialties, and thousands of yesterday’s schoolchildren dream of getting it.

So who is he, a designer? What pitfalls await young design professionals on their professional path? Where can I get this profession and is it suitable for everyone? We will try to answer all these, as well as many other questions, within the framework of this article.

Who is a designer?

A designer is a specialist responsible for the artistic design and construction of objects, things and elements of the environment. The main task of any designer is to create a beautiful and at the same time comfortable environment a habitat.

Name designer profession comes from the English word design (project, plan, drawing), which united all specialists in one way or another connected with improving the human environment. The history of the emergence of the profession goes back to ancient times, when humanity first realized the importance of convenience and ergonomics household items and tools. However, in modern form the profession was formed only in the 19th century, when the need arose for numerous replications of products, and therefore for the development of prototypes, projects, drawings, models, etc.

Today, the design profession includes about a dozen narrow specializations: landscape designer, web designer, clothing, interior, furniture designer, etc. It is noteworthy that there is no “universal” designer, since each professional thoroughly masters the skills of only one (maximum two) specializations. This can be explained very simply - each direction of design has a huge number of its own characteristics, knowledge of which predetermines the level of professionalism, and therefore the quality of work. Accordingly, a true professional cannot physically acquire knowledge of all areas of design at the same time.

Of course, designer responsibilities are largely determined by the direction of the design. However, regardless of specialization, the designer’s responsibilities include: concept development appearance and selection of materials for the manufacture of products, development technical documentation(drawings, sketches, diagrams, working designs, layouts, etc.), assessment of the significance and competitiveness of designed products, study technical capabilities manufacturing of products, monitoring the implementation of the project and providing advisory assistance.

What personal qualities should a designer have?

A designer is, first of all, creative profession Therefore, it is impossible to imagine such a specialist without creative abilities and subtle artistic taste. It is also mandatory that the designer have such personal qualities, How:

  • rich imagination;
  • developed visual-figurative thinking;
  • accurate spatial eye;
  • excellent sense of style;
  • perseverance;
  • communication skills;
  • self-criticism;
  • accuracy;
  • stress resistance;
  • creativity;
  • observation.

Well, since the designer is a bit of a technical specialist, professional designer He will only benefit if he has such qualities as an analytical mindset, a predisposition to master the latest technology and the ability to create not only visually attractive, functional and ergonomic, but also cost-effective products.

Advantages of being a designer

If you ask any designer what the advantages of his profession are, then in response you will definitely hear a spatial story that this work allows you to show your creative abilities and receive aesthetic pleasure from the result. Of course, there is a great deal of truth in this. But this factor is not the only one advantage of being a designer. After all, a modern designer is:

  • the opportunity to work both in the office and at home, in the country, in nature, on vacation - in general, wherever you can use your own computer with necessary set programs;
  • demand - humanity will always strive to improve its standard of living and environment, which means the need for designers will constantly grow;
  • high level of payment - even a beginning designer in Russia on average can count on a salary in the range of 30-40 thousand rubles, and the greater the level of professionalism of the designer, the more larger size payment he can claim.

The “right to make mistakes” can also be considered an undoubted advantage of being a designer. A designer is one of those few professions where mistakes do not have catastrophic consequences, and they can always be corrected.

Disadvantages of being a designer

It is not difficult to guess that the profession of a designer has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. And almost all designers cite the main disadvantage of their profession as limiting the flight of creative imagination to the limits of the customer’s desires. In addition, sometimes designers have to implement projects that they themselves can only call tasteless. But this is the desire of the client who pays, so you have to “step on the throat” of your own aesthetic taste and create products according to the customer’s requirements.

Despite the fact that from the outside designer's work It seems easy, interesting and varied, but in fact it is very complex, painstaking and even boring. From time to time, creative crises occur, which instantly affects the financial well-being of a specialist. There are also periods when you have to work in emergency mode, and then you have to forget that you have normal people There are weekends and holidays.

And most importantly, sometimes it’s not enough just to realize the customer’s fantasies. You also need to convince him that the designer did exactly what the client wanted. And this is much more difficult than implementing even the most daring project.

Where can you get a design profession?

The Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" is recruiting students to receive training at the IPO - a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

To date become a designer possible both in universities and in secondary specialized educational institutions. If you already have a higher or secondary specialized education behind you, but you want to get an additional profession, then you can study to become a designer at special courses or at one of the higher design schools.

By the way, many talented world-famous designers began their career as self-taught people. However, even the brightest talent, like a diamond, needs to be “cut,” so you shouldn’t neglect formal education (especially since all famous self-taught designers sooner or later go to improve their skills at universities). To date the best design universities in Russia are considered:

  • Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after. S.G. Stroganov;
  • Russian State Humanitarian University;
  • Institute of Contemporary Art;
  • Institute of Business and Design;
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology.

It is one of the most popular. This is not surprising, because the designer is engaged in activities that allow human life brighter and more beautiful. In addition, salaries modern designers They are quite tall, but they also have to work a lot.

Profession designer: what is it?

WITH English word“design” is translated as drawing, project, plan. This word hides the manifestation in different areas our life. If we talk in simple language, then design is the creation of something necessary, important, economical and necessarily beautiful. Actually, the designer is the person who manages the entire process and brings the most bold ideas.

It is worth noting that as such single profession there is no designer. The reason for this is the inability to cover simultaneously a large number of spheres That is why, during the development of the profession itself, its varieties appeared, among which the following are the most popular:

  • printing designer - typeset, for example, newspapers, creates layouts;
  • landscape designer - improves the territory. For example, the area around country house, city alleys, etc.;
  • clothing designer - creates new clothing models based on the latest fashion trends(For example, Tom Ford) ;
  • phytodesigner - landscaping houses, offices;
  • web designer - creates websites, banners;
  • food designer - creates beautiful images, works on cookbook menus, etc.;
  • interior designer - landscaping apartments, houses, offices.

Interior designer is a profession that is heard by many. Modern man gives home comfort Special attention. Those who have sufficient funds do not hesitate to turn to an interior designer for help. Who, if not him, should know what is fashionable and what is best to do in a particular room.

The profession of an interior designer requires incredible strength and patience from a person. At first glance, it seems that there is no difficulty in creating this or that design, the main thing is the presence of a wild imagination and the ability to translate your ideas into reality. In fact, much more requirements are placed on the designer:

  • creativity, creative vision.
  • Hard work and perseverance - often you have to put in a lot of effort more strength than expected. And you must always be prepared for this.
  • Patience - even if something doesn’t work out, you must always be able to get out of the current situation with dignity, trying to do everything at the level.
  • Well-developed imaginative thinking.
  • Ability to present the entire product being developed.

In addition, the profession of a designer also means the ability to listen to the client’s wishes and translate them into reality, if the latter insists on it.

Among other things, this includes computer skills at the level of a confident user, since the modern profession of designer is associated with a wide variety of programs. If you install them on your PC, you can do some of the work at home.

Profession designer: pros and cons

The work of a designer, however, like any other, has its pros and cons. The advantages include a fairly high wages, the opportunity to work not only in the office, but also at home. A plus is the ease of operation, since almost all of it can be controlled on a computer using special programs. And finally, the plus is the pleasure that every designer gets from his work.

The disadvantages of the profession include the specificity of the work. No designer can insure himself against not wanting to do something. Disadvantage - non-standardized Sometimes an order can last for a month, and sometimes the amount of work needs to be completed only within a few days.