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Distance learning in speech therapy. What subjects did you take to become a defectologist? Is it very difficult to study? And what city are you studying in?

Please tell me where I can study to become a speech therapist?

In any pedagogical university.

Well, not in any pedagogical university, of course. It is better to study at a state higher education institution. Moreover, ideally, get a degree in speech therapy at some well-known university, so that you can then feel confident when looking for a job.

At the institutes there are both evening and correspondence forms of education. The duration of training varies - it can be 2-3-4 years.

But correspondence education, according to many, unfortunately, does not provide the same knowledge base as full-time education, and to a greater extent involves self-education.

What exams do you need to take to become a speech therapist?

Subjects that are taken upon admission to the defectology faculty - essay; Russian + oral literature; biology (anatomy and general biology); interview.

What will happen at the interview? What questions will be asked??

As a rule, you will need to be able to clearly justify your desire to obtain this particular specialty. The committee will get an idea of ​​your inclination towards the teaching profession. Also, during the interview, attention is paid to your speech, whether you yourself have any defects in sound pronunciation. If your speech is okay and you did well in your exams, the interview shouldn't worry you.

Which universities train speech therapists?

  • MPGU (formerly named after Lenin)
  • MGGU (formerly MGOPU) named after. Sholokhov


  • RGPU named after. Herzen,
  • ISPiP im. Raoul Wallenberg
  • Leningrad State University named after. A. S. Pushkina

MIs it possible to become a speech therapist after the courses?

If you complete the courses without a higher pedagogical education, then you will not be able to officially work as a speech therapist, since the right to conduct this type of activity only gives a full-fledged higher education. After all, many important disciplines are not taught in speech therapy courses.

I already have a higher education. Can I get a specialty in speech therapy as a second degree?

If you have a higher education (if you don’t want to go for 3-4 years of distance learning), there are YEAR-LONG courses for training speech therapists and defectologists.

In St. Petersburg - at the Wallenberg Institute, in Moscow - at Moscow State Humanitarian University. Sholokhov.

The Moscow State Pedagogical University also has a faculty for retraining specialists. They train teachers of the deaf, speech therapists and teachers working with mentally retarded children (oligophrenopedagogues). The duration of training is one year. On the basis of higher pedagogical education, you receive a second higher education. Nonresidents are provided with a hostel. At your place of work, as a rule, your position is retained and your salary is paid.

How long do retraining courses last?

Typically 1000 hours.

“Professional retraining under the Speech Therapy program is additional professional education designed for people who already have a secondary or higher pedagogical, psychological or medical education. This form of training was developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a convenient, inexpensive and quick way to get a second education and master a new specialty. In this way, this form of training compares favorably with a second higher education, since it is designed for a shorter period of study, is much cheaper, contains only special subjects and is as close as possible to practice.

Goal: training highly qualified specialists with deep knowledge in the field of speech therapy and professional knowledge of research methods of work.”

Are there any colleges that train speech therapists?

You can enroll in a pedagogical college after 9th grade, and after that in a university.
Some teacher training colleges train special education teachers. But there is no separate specialty “speech therapy” in pedagogical colleges.

“Please tell me which exams you need to take at the Unified State Examination in order to go to study as a defectologist, I have been interested in this profession for a long time, but on the Internet they write different things everywhere.” Anonymous
I am very pleased that you are interested in this profession. And it is an honor for me to become your educator. When I myself chose this profession, no one told me anything. I received all the basic information only at open doors at the university. And here, I can tell you everything I know)) Let's start with the fact that I study in the city of Yekaterinburg. This is the only place in the Sverdlovsk region where they study to become defectologists.
What subjects did I take? Russian, mathematics, social studies and biology.
The passing scores are high, I can tell you right away. They don’t hire just anyone to become defectologists.
As for studying... Studying is difficult... Not everyone can handle it. During my studies, about 5 people have already left my group. They just couldn’t keep up with the pace and workload. You won't be able to freeload. The profession is difficult. Both mentally and physically. No, no, I'm not intimidating, I'm just preparing. As soon as I entered the 1st year, we were also prepared by the senior courses. It's difficult mentally. Think, can you work with abnormal children? And they are all different. Someone is very aggressive, someone is hypersexual, there will be attempts to harass. Someone, in general, will not let you near them, but you will still have to conduct an examination. Any way... Physically difficult. Are you ready to memorize a lot of material? Cramming for days on end? Medicine, pedagogy, psychology are the three pillars on which defectology rests. Choose your direction. Who exactly do you want to be?
Oligophrenopedagogue - works with mentally retarded children, teaches them literally everything.
A speech therapist is easier here; you can work with both mentally retarded and normal people. Both with children and adults.
Special psychologist-psychologist, for people with disabilities. This specialist helps to cope with the defect and overcome it. In general, the profession of a defectologist is simply incredible how socially significant it is. The statistics are scary. Every year there are more and more children with disabilities. I’ll tell you what personal qualities a defectologist should have:
-desire to help
- the ability to put yourself in someone else’s place
-a desire to work
-understanding of all the responsibilities of this specialty For those who care about money. The salary of a defectologist...
I'll say this... At the beginning, it's mere pennies, since you have no work experience. Well, and then... a speech therapist receives 800 rubles for 45 minutes of working with a child. Consider for yourself, do defectologists get paid well? ;))

Before getting a profession, think about whether you can be a worthy representative of it, whether you love people, despite their atypicality, whether you are able to give something (except stupid advice), teach, show your child, and even parents, what and how to do do. I want you to weigh all the “+” and “-” of this profession... Good luck when applying. I hope you make the right choice))

“I want to get a degree in speech therapy.” Is it worth it? Will this profession be in demand in the next 10 years?”

Speaking clearly and correctly is an urgent need.

Previously, the specialty of speech therapist did not exist at all. People spoke as best they could, and no one, in general, paid attention to speech defects. This was not perceived as a strong deviation from the norm.

They first tried to correct sounds in Europe in the 17th century. These were teachers teaching children with poor or no hearing. If a person heard well, but still could not pronounce several letters, then, apparently, this was considered the norm. Speech defects were previously considered a purely physical problem, so they were treated medically.

Almost all children at an early age have certain deficiencies in sound pronunciation. For most, such problems go away on their own by the age of five. The rest have to contact a specialist.

When a person pronounces sounds incorrectly, this can be a serious prerequisite for an inferiority complex. Man is a social being and communication with others is a very important aspect in life. Many happy and sociable people who surround us could very well be shy losers if they were not taken to a speech therapist in time.

Of course, speech therapists do a huge service to the patient and his loved ones by bringing speech back to normal. By pronouncing sounds incorrectly, children cannot do well at school and write and read with errors. Many adults, having speech defects, could not even get a prestigious job.

So, the specialty “speech therapist”...

It would seem that showing the correct position of the tongue, giving homework to practice tongue twisters - what could be simpler?

At first glance, the work of a speech therapist does not seem difficult. But if you yourself try to teach a person, for example, to correctly pronounce the sound R, your attitude towards the profession of a speech therapist will immediately change. Such work requires serious theoretical training, excellent knowledge of the mechanisms of voice, speech, psychology and pathophysiology. Only very persistent specialists are willing to spend hours practicing each sound with patients day after day. Otherwise, treatment can last for years, unless, of course, the logopath (a person with speech impediments) does not escape first.

What is the job of a speech therapist?

For each client, the speech therapist seeks an individual approach.

Before starting correctional work, the specialist needs to establish contact with the client. After all, people with pronunciation defects often have a fear of speech - they are embarrassed by their shortcomings and are afraid to talk with others. Because of these characteristics of clients, speech therapists develop the habit, even during non-working hours, of speaking softly and sympathetically.

The work begins with specially selected articulation exercises, depending on the problem. And, of course, a speech therapist, before teaching others, must be able to carry them out perfectly himself. For example, show the patient in what position to hold the tongue to achieve the desired sound.

After articulatory gymnastics, gradual sound production begins. Then this sound begins to be introduced into syllables, words, sentences.

At the same time, exercises are given to develop auditory attention, fine motor skills, and other exercises that seem not directly related to speech. All tasks for children are given in a playful way.

And so on for a long time. The entire process from sound production to speech introduction usually takes about 3 months (with two sessions per week), but sometimes, with complex patients, it takes a year or more.

Who is the speech therapist? Doctor? Psychologist? Teacher?

Do you need a medical degree to become a speech therapist? No no need. Speech therapists are trained in pedagogical universities.

Speech therapy is part of defectology, a science located at the intersection of medicine, pedagogy and psychology. Very often, a patient with a seemingly trivial speech disorder has serious psychological problems.

Stuttering, in most cases, is not only a speech defect, but a manifestation of general neurosis and not every speech therapist can cure this disease.

Speech therapists must be prepared for this kind of difficulty at all times.

Often, a speech therapist has to work with problem children: those with mental retardation, those suffering from cerebral palsy, or autism. Therefore, it is so necessary to have knowledge of defectology.

It should be noted that the job of a speech therapist is not only to work with patients. He must manage to keep a huge amount of documentation: a speech card for each child, plans for individual work, various kinds of log books and dynamics, calendar and thematic plans, and much, much more. And all this documentation is simply necessary in government agencies. An inspection may come at any moment and not only the “negligent” speech therapist will suffer, but also his supervisor. Often, a speech therapist gets more tired from filling out papers than from working with children.

What can I say, the work of a speech therapist is sometimes hard labor. In kindergartens, this means not only subgroup and individual classes, but also control over how teachers complete assignments. If the kindergarten is speech therapy and the specialist is assigned to one group, then he works only with that group. In a regular preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) he works with all children who have speech impairments.

Speech pathologists and speech pathologists also work in medical institutions: clinics, hospitals, centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction for children with hearing and speech impairments.

Responsibilities of a speech therapist: receiving patients, individual and group sessions with patients, consulting relatives on speech correction at home.

Speech therapists at children's clinics provide assistance to children aged 2 to 14 years with all types of speech pathology.

In hospitals, specialists work with patients suffering from speech defects due to injuries, stroke, neuroinfectious diseases, and brain surgery.

Finally, an option for professionals is to open their own speech therapy office. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, or as an organization, and obtain a license allowing this type of activity. But this only seems like a very profitable business. There will be numerous expenses: rent, advertising, taxes.

Therefore, in most cases, speech therapists prefer to conduct private consultations illegally, in their own apartments. Some reach agreements with municipal institutions, such as kindergartens: part of the day they conduct classes in groups, part of the day is conducted on a commercial basis. (Download ).

With the accumulation of experience, client base and reputation, the work of a private speech therapist can become a very profitable business.

Will the profession of speech therapist be in demand?

According to statistics, in the last decade there has been a sad trend: the number of children with certain speech problems is growing year by year. Moreover, this applies not only to oral speech, but also to written speech. Children are reading and writing worse and worse. We are talking about and.

Speech disorders themselves are becoming more complex, complex, systemic, and more difficult to correct.

The main reason for this phenomenon is considered to be environmental degradation. Factory emissions, insecticides and herbicides, abundance of household chemicals, availability and inadequate use of medicines, electromagnetic radiation, vibrations…. Indeed, all this affects our health and the health of our children.

In addition, in most families, from a very early age, the child sits in front of the TV, which does not turn off throughout the day. And this also has a detrimental effect on speech development.

It is obvious that the specialty of a speech therapist will be in great demand for a long time.

Are you still planning to become a speech therapist despite all the difficulties? Then read.

A speech therapist is a specialist in correcting diction defects in adults and children.

(from the Greek logos - speech and paideia - education) - a specialist in correcting diction defects in adults and children. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

With the help of specially selected exercises, massage and other techniques, a speech therapist teaches people how to articulate correctly, i.e. pronounce words without burring, without lisping, without stuttering, etc. A speech therapist helps to give the correct position of the tongue and lips when pronouncing sounds. To consolidate the skill, he asks the student to read texts and tongue twisters. A good speech therapist can work with most speech disorders, but the best results can be obtained by specializing in one particular area. For example, in the treatment of stuttering or in eliminating reading and writing problems (dyslexia and dysgraphia). Treatment takes at least five months. Sometimes, with complex patients, the process drags on for a year or even more.

A speech therapist can work not only with children. A person carries diction problems that were unresolved in childhood into adulthood. And he can also contact a speech therapist. Sometimes speech problems occur as a result of a stroke or head injury. In this case, the help of a speech therapist who knows special techniques is required.


Speech therapists work in kindergartens, clinics, hospitals, centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction for children with hearing and speech impairments. An option for professionals is to open their own private speech therapy office.


Salary as of 04/04/2019

Russia 12000—50000 ₽

Moscow 10000—60000 ₽

Important qualities

The work of a speech therapist requires enormous patience and goodwill. People with pronunciation defects are often embarrassed by their shortcomings and when communicating with them you need to be as correct as possible, be able to encourage and support them.

Knowledge and skills

To work, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of voice formation and the pathophysiology of speech. Be able to use special exercises, speech therapy massage, etc.

Speech therapist training

In this course you can obtain the profession of a speech therapist remotely in 5 months and 13,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

With the development of modern technologies in the field of medicine and psychology, a very interesting profession - speech therapist - is gaining immense popularity. Let's find out what kind of specialist this is, what problems he solves and what are the advantages of working as a speech therapist.

Who are speech therapists?

These are specialists who correct speech defects using various correction techniques. They work with both children and adults. For example, very often elderly people who have suffered a stroke lose their speech abilities, in such cases one profession becomes indispensable - a speech therapist! It is he who draws up an individual treatment plan, according to which such speech defects as burr, stuttering or lisp are eliminated. Almost all young children experience similar problems; as they grow up, many go away on their own, but some need special help.

How did this profession originate?

Speech therapist is a relatively new specialty, it appeared about 50-60 years ago, when people stopped believing that problems with pronunciation were associated with physical disabilities. Western doctors were the first to determine the nature of the manifestation of speech defects and from the middle In the 20th century, psychological methods began to be used to eliminate them. Modern techniques allow you to achieve very impressive results in a short time.

The profession of speech therapist-defectologist: features and social significance

It is necessary to figure out what type of profession this specialty belongs to. It is believed that a speech therapist is a person who combines a talented teacher and an experienced doctor. He must accurately determine the cause of a speech defect and competently create effective exercises and techniques to eliminate the problems. To do this, a professional speech therapist should thoroughly know how human physiology works, in particular the structure of the speech system and associated pathologies. In addition, a good specialist must have special skills, for example, the ability to relax the muscles of the larynx and other organs of the pharynx.

It is no exaggeration to say that speech therapist is the profession of the future. After all, it is he who teaches people to speak correctly, and speech is the most important component of communications for all of humanity: thanks to it, we can communicate with others, share thoughts and transmit information.

Often, a person who has speech disorders feels inferior and may develop serious complexes that negatively affect his entire life. That is why the profession of “speech therapist” is irreplaceable; these specialists eliminate many speech defects, teach how to pronounce sounds correctly, and thereby practically change a person’s fate. In addition, they provide psychological assistance: they help to integrate into society, adapt a person to social life and contribute to his development in terms of self-improvement.

What qualities should a speech therapist have?

Essentially, a speech therapist is a kind of teacher who must show great patience and understanding towards his students. The most important character traits are love for children, patience, emotional restraint, calmness, curiosity, perseverance, perseverance and endurance, because the results of the work done often make you wait a very long time. With some people, it takes more than 2-3 years to achieve visible improvements.

If it is easier to work with children, because they learn quickly, then with adults the situation is different. Few are able to admit their shortcomings and go to a specialist. For this reason, a professional speech therapist must be able to find an individual approach to everyone, be able to tactfully figure out the problem and, without hurting the patient’s feelings, provide primary consulting assistance. Therefore, it would not hurt for a specialist to know at least the basics of human psychology.

The speech therapist must be responsible, because he has no right to make a mistake in making a diagnosis. If he incorrectly identifies the problem and prescribes an ineffective treatment method, this can turn into a real tragedy for patients: speech defects tend to lose the ability to be corrected over time, so it is very important to eliminate the deficiencies in a timely manner. Over time, they will be much more difficult to get rid of, which is why the speech therapist has such a great responsibility.

Where to study to become a specialist?

There are many options where you can get a profession (speech therapist or defectologist) under various conditions. Usually this specialty is taught in higher educational institutions: these can be universities or institutes with a pedagogical or humanitarian direction. The education of a speech therapist must be special, i.e. Having a higher education diploma in a relevant or related profession is simply necessary.

Many students, after completing their first courses, begin to realize that they made a mistake in choosing a profession and want to change it. For such people, another option is possible to obtain an education in the specialty “speech therapy”. The easiest way is to take intensive training courses for speech therapists and speech pathologists. However, to get a job in the civil service, you will need a diploma of higher specialized education.


Despite the fact that every year a huge number of speech therapists across the country graduate from universities, the need for these specialists is only increasing. This is primarily due to improvements in government social programs aimed at providing free assistance to children with disabilities.

After graduating from institutes or universities, young specialists have the opportunity to get a job in various institutions. The most popular of them are kindergartens, clinics, children's development centers with logo groups, schools with a functioning logo center. Rehabilitation hospitals for the elderly and, of course, private treatment centers.

There are many advantages to working in kindergartens: the opportunity to contact children and get to know them better, a fixed schedule, as well as communication with colleagues and a pleasant environment.

The disadvantages of being a speech therapist, if he works in public clinics, are associated with filling out various documentation. Sometimes it takes more time to process it than directly working with patients. According to standards, a specialist must work 18-20 hours a week, which is not much compared to other specialties.

Profession speech therapist. Pros and cons of work

This is a very responsible job that requires great patience and love for your work. Let's take a closer look at the main advantages of this profession. So, here are the main advantages:

  • short working day - 4 hours, for many this is a great opportunity to combine work and what they love;
  • - this means that the speech therapist will enjoy the work done;
  • long vacation - almost the whole summer;
  • self-improvement - this profession involves constant self-development of a person, reading educational literature, attending various thematic conferences, where, together with colleagues, you can discuss the latest methods of treating speech disorders.

And of course, one cannot exclude from the list such an advantage of speech therapists as the opportunity to conduct private practice. What are the disadvantages?

Underwater rocks

Thanks to the free schedule, which is set by the specialist himself, this profession may seem attractive. However, it has many specific features that may turn out to be disadvantages for some. Here are the most obvious disadvantages of this profession:

  • emotionally difficult work, because the patients are mostly children with various disabilities and diseases (Down syndrome, etc.);
  • the need to fill out reporting documentation at odd hours, that is, speech therapists do not receive an increase in their basic salary for maintaining documents in government agencies;
  • There is no guarantee that the work done will bring any results, so many speech therapists face great disappointment, so they need perseverance and resilience to continue treatment sessions.

Who else needs speech therapists?

Very often, speech pathologists and speech pathologists begin to engage in private practice, providing assistance to a variety of people. In addition to children with speech disorders, elderly people who have suffered a stroke, and even professional actors also seek help.

If you decide that this is your calling - the profession of “speech therapist”, reviews about it should be carefully studied, and precisely from the professionals themselves. Judging by the posts on various thematic forums, this is an extremely difficult job that requires complete dedication. The main advantage is considered to be the opportunity to give private lessons to children or adults, for example, to give public speaking lessons to aspiring actors or managers of trading companies.