home · Networks · What does it mean for a man to have big hands? The shape of the hands and the character of a man. Aristocratic hands and a complex inner world

What does it mean for a man to have big hands? The shape of the hands and the character of a man. Aristocratic hands and a complex inner world

Many people do not attach importance to the shape of the hand, believing that fortune telling by lines is quite enough. Meanwhile, the shape, color and elasticity of the hand can provide information about the character, inclinations, strengths and weaknesses of a person.

Why do some hands make a pleasant impression on us, while others repel? Man with with strong hands evokes in us associations with strength and masculinity, and a woman with thin and graceful fingers symbolizes grace and tenderness. In fact, this is natural, since in palmistry everything that corresponds to the norm indicates positive qualities, and everything that deviates from it indicates negative ones.

Of course, the understanding of norms is quite relative, but this should not bother you, since the concept “ positive trait" is also relative. For some, cunning and deceit are negative character traits, while for others they are vital. Kindness is considered by many to be a sign of stupidity, although in the generally accepted concept it is considered one of the highest human virtues.

Therefore, we present the most general concepts signs of correspondence between a person’s hand and character. The most pronounced signs are deciphered more definitely, and in this case the individuality of the questioner is more clearly reflected. This must be taken into account when analyzing character both by hand and by other data.

As noted above, not only the lines, but also the fingers on one hand are longer than on the other. In this case, the shape of the corresponding fingers may be different.

A good hand should be fairly flexible, that is, not too hard and not too soft. A firm hand speaks of the ability and activity of its owner. A hand that is too hard to the touch speaks of stubbornness and rigidity of character. Such people have to experience a lot in life firsthand. The hard skin of the hands indicates an active person who cannot waste a minute.

People with soft hands They have developed creative abilities, they are romantic, and often have their head in the clouds. Hands that are too soft and plump indicate wastefulness and laziness. It should be taken into account that young people have much softer hands than older people.

Fleshy hands indicate overeating, a tendency towards alcoholism and sensual pleasures. The bony hands of a rational, but jealous and vindictive man. The actions of such people are thought out to the smallest detail.

Small hands indicate that their owner is inclined to make grandiose plans, but is not able to put them into practice. Additionally, small hands indicate a love of travel and fickleness.

People with large hands tend to be precise and analytical. All professional jewelers big hands. A wide palm indicates determination and high performance. Such people can work both physically and mentally. As a rule, they choose a profession based on their interests.

Narrow hands indicate abstract judgment. Such a person himself does not know what he wants, and often changes his life attitudes and priorities. Those with narrow hands are often influenced by a stronger personality. Narrow and Long hands speak of a lack of imagination, jealousy and stinginess.

Warm hands symbolize cheerfulness and optimism. Holders warm hands They take on new things with pleasure and are not afraid of difficulties. However, they are quick-tempered and sometimes unfairly offend others.

Cold hands are a sign that this is an actor. Such a person may not act in theater or cinema, but he always acts in life. Those with cold hands strive to hide their true essence. They do not like to talk about their problems and prefer to listen and give advice. Typically this is very smart people with rich life experience.

Dry skin indicates an indifferent attitude towards others. Such a person can sympathize, but will not worry about other people’s problems.

It should be noted that the softer the skin of the hands, the more susceptible the person is. In other words, the definition of skin as soft, thin and smooth corresponds to the same internal qualities. Such people are vulnerable and shy, often worry about trifles and are highly dependent on the opinions of others. It is easier for them to infringe on themselves than to hear disapproval from loved ones. Rough and thick skin characterizes people called pachyderms.

You should also pay attention to skin color. Pink skin speaks of health and optimism, red - of hot temper and increased nervousness, bluish - of indifference and phlegmatic, yellowish - of vindictiveness and cruelty.

Hair on the arms indicates temperament and instability in relationships. Men with little hair on their arms are warm-hearted, highly intelligent, and love comfort. If the hair on a man's arm grows only on the lower joints, this indicates flexibility of character and a good sense of humor. Hair on a woman's arm indicates authoritarianism and cruelty.

If in general the hand makes an unpleasant impression on you, this is a sign of the presence of strongly expressed negative character traits.

If you are interested in the origin of the questioner, you should pay attention to the brush.

For those whose ancestors did not engage in physical labor for many generations, the brush should be very thin. In people whose ancestors performed physical work, the brush is rougher and more massive.

Consider the outer and inner sides of the palm. The first characterizes the external manifestations of a person, that is, what a person shows to others, and the second characterizes his inner world. If the skin on the outside and inside is very different, this means that the person prefers to hide his essence.

In addition, on the hands of some people there are so-called membranes that form when the fingers spread apart. If the membranes rise upward, this means that inner life the person prevails over the external. Possessing high internal potential, such people are practically not interested in external forms of life. For them, internal harmony is much more important than external well-being.

Elementary hand

In appearance, the elementary hand is rough and unfinished, the palm predominates over the fingers (Fig. 14). Such a hand gives the impression of being rude wooden product, reminiscent of a primitive man.

The elementary hand has short fingers with blunt ends, which indicates laziness and a low degree of intellectual and spiritual development. This type of hand can be found among wild peoples, whose meaning of life lies in satisfying basic needs. In addition, the elementary hand can be seen in people who have severe financial problems. Its owners are constantly in a half-asleep state and are deprived of higher needs.

Rice. 14

Such people need a leader, without whom they cannot carry out even the simplest activities. Finding themselves in a new environment, owners of an elementary hand are lost and cannot adapt to the unknown environment for a long time.

Structure thumb in such people it indicates stubbornness and, as a result, fanaticism. They are fired up by any idea and believe in it with all the strength and conviction. Those with an elemental hand are easily influenced by stronger people, so they tend to be manipulated for both good and bad purposes.

Ecology of life. Informative: Since ancient times, poets have sung the praises of beautiful women's hands, palmists predicted the future along the lines of the hand, but followers...

Since ancient times, poets have sung the praises of beautiful women's hands, palmists predicted the future based on the lines of the hand, but followers of a later science, chirognomy, determine a person's character by the shape of the hand.

- If the size of the hand is proportional to others body parts, then its owner is a balanced, reliable person; disproportionality speaks of mental instability and possible unpredictability of behavior.

- Big hand speaks of a person’s endurance, hard work, good nature, and complaisance.

- Large and full hand a sign of soft-heartedness and weak will.

If a woman has a large, dry, knobby hand, then she has many typical male character traits; in men, a hand of this type indicates insight and a sharp mind.

- Owners of a small hand - people are sensitive, touchy, proud and irritable.

- Small and fat hand indicates a desire for sensual pleasures.

- Medium sized hand with thin hand indicates intellectual abilities.

- People with hard, strong hands distinguished by willpower, energy, and enterprise.

- Thin and delicate hands they talk about a rich imagination, but insufficient willpower.

Hand shapes are divided into seven main types.

1. Elementary hand. The palm is wide, hard; fingers are thick, inactive, as if dull. People with such hands have physical strength and are prone to physical labor. Intense mental activity is not for them.

2. Shovel-shaped hand. The shape of the fingers is spade-shaped; medium sized thumb. People with such hands feel the need for vigorous activity and physical labor, although they also have a craving for art and poetry. Owners of this type of hand are practical, conscientious, hardworking and quite emotional. They strive to assert themselves in life, are not devoid of vanity, and are sometimes capable of taking risks.

3. Practical hand. The palm is wide, slightly concave; fingers often with knots, rectangular in shape; the thumb is of considerable size with a well-developed lower joint. People with such a hand are prone to organizational activities and strive for precision and accuracy in their work. They are characterized by endurance, patience, and perseverance.

4. Artistic hand. It is graceful, flexible, beautiful hand. It is distinguished by pointed fingers with elongated, almond-shaped nails, and the thumb is poorly developed. People with such a hand are impressionable, love art, poetry, and have a developed sense of beauty. They are independent, love personal freedom, and strive for creativity.

5. Intelligent (spiritual) hand. The hand is long, narrow, graceful and delicate. Fingers are smooth, thin; the thumb is well developed. Owners of this hand have a penchant for spiritual life and are indifferent to material values. They strive for moral perfection.

6. Philosophical hand. Large hand or average size, cupped palm, long fingers, with knots; the thumb is well developed. People with a philosophical hand value truth above all else. They are able to thoroughly analyze current events and show special interest in the study of social sciences, mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry.

7. Mixed type hand. This type of hand occurs when the characteristics of at least two types are combined. People with such hands are better adapted to life, as they have a variety of important qualities.

What does the length of your fingers say about your character?

Look at your hand and compare the length of your index and ring fingers.

The index finger is shorter than the ring finger.

Such people are most often very attractive, pleasant to talk to and charismatic. They are more decisive than others, prone to risk and easily cope with emerging problems. In addition, one of their special qualities is the ability to sympathize and empathize with their interlocutor. They make excellent engineers, scientists and crossword puzzle solvers.

The index finger is longer than the ring finger.

These people are most often self-confident and self-sufficient. They enjoy their company and do not like to be disturbed over trifles. They are not the kind of people who will take the first step towards, be it new business or relationships. However, they appreciate attention and take praise favorably.

The index and ring fingers are the same length.

People with such fingers are peace-loving, good-natured and really dislike conflict situations. They are very organized in life and get along with everyone. Such people are faithful in relationships, devoted to their work and the company for which they work. However, be careful, because there is a small flame burning in them, which is better not to cause a fire. Be on their side. published

Increase internal zone Mars can only be seen from the back of the hand. Press your thumb firmly into your palm. If you see a large, dense bulge at the same time, this indicates potential competitiveness, combativeness and passion.

Jupiter's quadrant is never enlarged. Its meaning is revealed by the lines and imprints on it.

The appearance of our hands also carries important information. Perhaps the first thing a palmist should pay attention to when starting to study hands is their general appearance:

  • Size relative to human height and figure
  • Color of the skin
  • Joint mobility and flexibility

Hand size

small hand, as a rule, occurs among people with great ambitions, but who are unable to bring their plans to life. If, moreover, a person smooth hands, this indicates his quick reaction.

Big hands indicate a thorough, slow and judicious person: before doing anything, he thinks long and carefully about all the options and ways of execution.

What can a hand tell you?

Wrist oval shape speaks of impressionability, passion and at the same time about sensual impulses.

The hand is thin, bony, this is a sign of indecision and cowardice; people with such hands are not capable of fighting.

The hands are of medium size, strictly proportional to the size of the body, and belong to balanced individuals.

The brush is large, i.e. not only long, but also wide, testifies to the cunning, dexterity, and predatory nature of its owner.

But a clearly short brush is a sign bad character. A long brush is also an unfavorable sign. It indicates pettiness and a tendency to various manias.

If the hands are thin and ugly, this indicates a short life.

Long, skinny, bony hands indicate selfishness, despotism, grumpiness and a quarrelsome character. People with short and thin hands should be avoided: such people are talkative, stingy, and have an unkind disposition.

Short and wide hands are found in hardworking, loyal, and easy-going people.

Hand flexibility

An important role in drawing up a person’s portrait is played by degree of flexibility of a person's hands. The one who has flexible arms, is distinguished by a cheerful, good-natured character, rich imagination, but sometimes excessive dreaminess. Flexible hands indicate a person’s energy.

But hard and inflexible hands indicate that their owner has a stern and unyielding character. Such a person is stubborn, indifferent and insensitive to other people's misfortunes, and is incapable of compromise.

If, when pressed, the hand easily bends back, this indicates that the person in front of you is weak, incapable of action.

Woman's hand

I would especially like to say about female hand. If in front of you is the owner of strong hands with a large thumb and angular shape of the fingers, then we can safely say that the lady is indifferent and cold.

The one with gentle, graceful, small hands of a healthy pink color is witty and cheerful. She doesn't like sentimental romantic suitors. She loves active, gifted men with a good sense of humor and wit.

A strong female palm with conical fingers and a small finger indicates a capacity for logic. If a man wants to please such a woman, he must have eloquence.

A narrow, soft palm with pointed, delicate fingers and a small thumb indicates a woman whose main features are indifference and indifference. Such ladies are careless, selfish, and love to be the center of attention.


A simple handshake can tell a lot about a person.

A person who shakes his partner's hand with all his strength clearly wants to give the impression of a strong person, although he is not one.

A weak, limp handshake indicates uncertainty and weakness of character. Sometimes this is an indicator that the interlocutor is too spoiled, capricious and pampered.

If the interlocutor responded to the greeting with a quick, sharp handshake, then we can say with confidence that in front of you is a person who is always in a hurry, who does not focus on other people’s problems.

Vicious and deceitful people hide their palms from prying eyes, which indicates that evil thoughts live in their souls.

A free, open and honest person, when greeting a partner, always raises his hand with the palm up, towards the sky. If the hand extended to shake is facing palm down, then you know that in front of you is a stupid, narrow-minded, arrogant person.

Hand position when walking

A person who, when walking, keeps his arms hanging freely along his body and clasps his fingers slightly, is prudent and trustworthy.

At the same time, arms that are completely open and dangling at the sides of the body are a sign of gullibility and slowness not only in thoughts, but also in actions.

A man with tightly clenched fists is a big bully. The habit of keeping your hands relaxed and moving them back and forth speaks about uncontrolled emotionality.

A person just put his hands in his pockets, immediately took them out, repeated these actions again and again - this is a signal: an individual, being in a state close to stress, needs the delicate support of friends.

A person who dangles his hands in the air, trying not to touch anything, always suspects everyone, is very careful and circumspect. A person with slightly clenched fists has a calm, peaceful temperament.

One should be wary of a person who rubs his hands as if he is washing them, since this gesture is the personification of insincerity.

A good palmist will always pay attention to the color of the hands and the lines on the palms. It is by these signs that one can first of all judge the health and character of a person.

Red hands indicate poor health and are often a sure sign of irritability.

Hands of a dark red color, even turning purple, are a sign of poor health and invincible laziness.

Very red or greenish-tinged skin on the hands indicates criminal tendencies of their owner.

A transparent white hand indicates a delicate, soft nature. The owner of such a hand is indifferent to the world around him and has weak energy. If, in addition, he has pointed fingers, this indicates an unpleasant, embittered character.

Moderate hairiness on outside joints of the fingers is a good sign - a sign of good health and the same disposition.

Hair growth on the inside of the palm is considered by some to be a sign of vitality and longevity, while others consider it to be a sign of great intelligence.

Hands without hair indicate impermanence, and disordered hair indicates spiritual poverty.

So , good hand - slightly brownish, with a pink tint.

Many people do not attach importance to the shape of the hand, believing that fortune telling by lines is quite enough. Meanwhile, the shape, color and elasticity of the hand can provide information about the character, inclinations, strengths and weaknesses of a person.

Why do some hands make a pleasant impression on us, while others make a repulsive impression? A man with strong hands evokes in us associations with strength and masculinity, while a woman with thin and graceful fingers symbolizes grace and tenderness. In fact, this is natural, since in palmistry everything that corresponds to the norm indicates positive qualities, and everything that deviates from it indicates negative ones.

Of course, the understanding of norms is rather relative, but this should not bother you, since the concept of “positive trait” is also relative. For some, cunning and deceit are negative character traits, while for others they are vital. Kindness is considered by many to be a sign of stupidity, although in the generally accepted concept it is considered one of the highest human virtues.

Therefore, we present the most general concepts of signs of correspondence between a hand and a person’s character. The most pronounced signs are deciphered more definitely, and in this case the individuality of the questioner is more clearly reflected. This must be taken into account when analyzing character both by hand and by other data.

As noted above, not only the lines, but also the fingers on one hand are longer than on the other. In this case, the shape of the corresponding fingers may be different.

A good hand should be fairly flexible, that is, not too hard and not too soft. A firm hand speaks of the ability and activity of its owner. A hand that is too hard to the touch speaks of stubbornness and rigidity of character. Such people have to experience a lot in life firsthand. The hard skin of the hands indicates an active person who cannot waste a minute.

People with soft hands have developed creative abilities, they are romantic, and often have their head in the clouds. Hands that are too soft and plump indicate wastefulness and laziness. It should be taken into account that young people have much softer hands than older people.

Fleshy hands indicate overeating, a tendency towards alcoholism and sensual pleasures. The bony hands of a rational, but jealous and vindictive man. The actions of such people are thought out to the smallest detail.

Small hands indicate that their owner is inclined to make grandiose plans, but is not able to put them into practice. Additionally, small hands indicate a love of travel and fickleness.

People with large hands tend to be precise and analytical. All professional jewelers have big hands. A wide palm indicates determination and high efficiency. Such people can work both physically and mentally. As a rule, they choose a profession based on their interests.

Narrow hands indicate abstract judgment. Such a person himself does not know what he wants, and often changes his life attitudes and priorities. Those with narrow hands are often influenced by a stronger personality. Narrow and long arms indicate a lack of imagination, jealousy and stinginess.

Warm hands symbolize cheerfulness and optimism. Those with warm hands are happy to take on new things and are not afraid of difficulties. However, they are quick-tempered and sometimes unfairly offend others.

Cold hands are a sign that this is an actor. Such a person may not act in theater or cinema, but he always acts in life. Those with cold hands strive to hide their true essence. They do not like to talk about their problems and prefer to listen and give advice. As a rule, these are very smart people with rich life experience.

Dry skin indicates an indifferent attitude towards others. Such a person can sympathize, but will not worry about other people’s problems.

It should be noted that the softer the skin of the hands, the more susceptible the person is. In other words, the definition of skin as soft, thin and smooth corresponds to the same internal qualities. Such people are vulnerable and shy, often worry about trifles and are highly dependent on the opinions of others. It is easier for them to infringe on themselves than to hear disapproval from loved ones. Rough and thick skin characterizes people called pachyderms.

You should also pay attention to skin color. Pink skin speaks of health and optimism, red - of hot temper and increased nervousness, bluish - of indifference and phlegmatic, yellowish - of vindictiveness and cruelty.

Hair on the arms indicates temperament and instability in relationships. Men with little hair on their arms are warm-hearted, highly intelligent, and love comfort. If the hair on a man's arm grows only on the lower joints, this indicates flexibility of character and a good sense of humor. Hair on a woman's arm indicates authoritarianism and cruelty.

If in general the hand makes an unpleasant impression on you, this is a sign of the presence of strongly expressed negative character traits.

If you are interested in the origin of the questioner, you should pay attention to the brush.

For those whose ancestors did not engage in physical labor for many generations, the brush should be very thin. People whose ancestors did physical work have rougher and more massive hands.

Consider the outer and inner sides of the palm. The first characterizes the external manifestations of a person, that is, what a person shows to others, and the second characterizes his inner world. If the skin on the outside and inside is very different, this means that the person prefers to hide his essence.

In addition, on the hands of some people there are so-called membranes that form when the fingers spread apart. If the membranes rise upward, this means that the person is dominated by the external one. Possessing high internal potential, such people are practically not interested in external forms of life. For them, internal harmony is much more important than external well-being.

Elementary hand

In appearance, the elementary hand is rough and unfinished, the palm predominates over the fingers (Fig. 14). Such a hand gives the impression of a rough wooden product, reminiscent of a primitive man.

The elementary hand has short fingers with blunt ends, which indicates laziness and a low degree of intellectual and spiritual development. This type of hand can be found among wild peoples, whose meaning of life lies in satisfying basic needs. In addition, the elementary hand can be seen in people who have serious financial problems. Its owners are constantly in a half-asleep state and are deprived of higher needs.

Rice. 14

Such people need a leader, without whom they cannot carry out even the simplest activities. Finding themselves in a new environment, owners of an elementary hand are lost and cannot adapt to the unknown environment for a long time.

The structure of the thumb in such people indicates stubbornness and, as a result, fanaticism. They are fired up by any idea and believe in it with all the strength and conviction. Those with an elemental hand are easily influenced by stronger people, so they tend to be manipulated for both good and bad purposes.

Is it possible to determine by the signs of a person’s appearance the nature of his sexual behavior and his sexual potential, or level of sexuality? This refers to the so-called sexual temperament- that is, how much a person needs sex and how often. And also his own sexual abilities. It is important not to confuse sexuality with the concept of sex appeal, as is often the case. Sexy is a person who is outwardly beautiful, charming, or sociable, humorous, the life of the party, etc. (This is especially clearly illustrated by the actors). Often under the expression - “He’s so sexy!” people mean external beauty. But not the sexual abilities of this person. Strange as it may seem, but in fact, people who are awarded the title of “sexy” (correctly called sexy) in fact often have underestimated sexual potential. Why this happens and how to correctly determine a person’s sexual abilities will be discussed in this article.

In sexology, sexuality is called the term “sexual constitution”. It is worth taking seriously the analysis of sexuality and the assessment of compatibility between a man and a woman. Assessing sexuality is especially appropriate for those about to get married. Since sex is one of the important components of harmony in a couple. If the sexual constitution of the partners is radically different, then there is a very high probability that the relationship will go wrong. Especially over the course of several years. A partner with a strong sexual constitution regularly receives less sexual satisfaction from a person with a weak constitution (and the difference can be very significant, for example, one needs sex once every 1-2 days, and the other, for example, once every 2 weeks, or even once a month ), either he will start to get sick and quarrel with his spouse, or he will go “to the left” - this already depends on the specific couple. In any case, serious disagreements and discord in the family are very likely.

To assess sexual constitution, a complex of characteristics is usually taken into account, which are quite simple to determine. It is enough just to pay attention to a few points in appearance:

1. Leg length.

For many, this may seem amazing - after all, it is long-legged models that nowadays fill the tabloids of the “most attractive and sexiest” people on the planet. However, it has been scientifically proven that the shorter the legs, the sexier a person is, the more he wants to get, and the more he can give in sex. In sexology, there is a concept - the trochanteric index (from the name of the point in Latin on the femur), which is calculated using the formula: the length of the body is divided by the length of the leg (from the floor to the highest point on the femur, more precisely, to the slightly protruding tubercle of the femur, where it is attached to the pelvic joint). The resulting figure will make it clear which sexual constitution a person is mostly inclined to. Namely:

  • For women:
    Index from 2.01 to 2.05 - strong sexual constitution;
    from 1.97 to 2.00 - average sexual constitution;
    from 1.88 to 1.96 - weak sexual constitution.

  • For men:
    from 1.99 to 2.00 - strong sexual constitution;
    from 1.92 to 1.98 - average sexual constitution;
    from 1.85 to 1.91 - weak sexual constitution.

If it is not possible to measure the length of the legs of the person you are interested in, you can always roughly estimate this without resorting to measurements - most often it is short people who are sexier than tall ones. The shorter the legs, the sexier and more temperamental the person. More precisely, the shorter the legs are relative to the total length of the body. It happens that even with a height of 2 meters, the legs are not long in relation to the length of the whole body. And this also needs to be taken into account.

It is enough to remember the rule: the more testosterone in the blood (which is directly related to the level of sexuality), the shorter and wider a person’s bones. This happens because during the period of growth of the body, the tubular bones of a person do not grow simultaneously: the closer the bone is to the heart, the later its growth is completed and the weaker the bone growth zone closes during puberty. The more testosterone, the earlier puberty occurs, and thus the earlier the growth of tubular bones stops, especially those more distant from the heart, such as the bones of the legs.

2. Hair.

Pay attention to the degree of body hairiness. A man with a high sexual constitution has a lot of hair on his chest, arms and legs. His facial hair grows quickly, so he has to shave more often than others. Moreover, the bristles are made of coarse and dark hair. All of the above are usually observed in dark-haired people. It is believed that brunettes are the most passionate and temperamental people. The male so-called “Macho” type is a clear illustration of this. The more testosterone hormone in the body, the darker the pigmentation. Therefore, most brunettes have a strong sexual constitution. In bed, they take a leadership position, experiment a lot, are very energetic and assertive. However, for those women who like a lot of tenderness and sensitivity in a partner, they are not very suitable. Their strong point is strength and quantity. Blondes have the weakest sexual constitution and prefer to be the leader in bed. Their temperament is calm, they are balanced and do not like to take risks. But they have subtle sensitivity, are sensitive, gentle and very romantic. They capture the slightest nuances of mood, feel their partner perfectly, perceive and share his emotions, adapt to him, and are prone to unbridled fantasy in sex (another thing is that they will not initiate experiments themselves, but will gladly follow the initiative of a more active partner). Brown-haired people have a combination of the sexual qualities of brunettes (especially if the hair is coarse) and blondes (especially if the hair is soft and unruly) - the so-called golden mean.

Excess testosterone hormone in men often causes early baldness. Therefore, bald men, for the most part, are hypersexual. No matter how sad this may seem to representatives of the fair half of the population, most of whom love men with hair.

Temperamental women are also distinguished by a more pronounced amount of body hair than other representatives of the fair sex. But, of course, it doesn't look like it does on men.

An important sign that sexologists take into account is the nature of pubic hair. The more hair in this area, the sexier the person.


  • for men - horizontal nature of hair growth (female type) - weak sexual constitution;
    hair growth with a transition in the form of a thin path to the navel (by male type) - average;
    the same thing, but with excess hair - a strong sexual constitution.

  • For women - a weak, horizontal and strong cone with a transition to the hairiness of the limbs describes a weak, medium and strong sexual constitution, respectively. Moreover, the coarser the hair, the more testosterone.
3. Eyebrows.

Facial features can also help determine sexual abilities. Let's start with an eloquent sign in this regard - the nature of the eyebrows. As one would expect, having read paragraph 2. Hair, the relationship here is extremely clear - the more pronounced, thick and wide the eyebrows, the greater the sexual appetites a person has. He is energetic, assertive, determined and a great gourmet. As a rule, pronounced eyebrows are a complement to thick body hair. Most often - among dark-haired representatives of humanity. And vice versa - sparse, shapeless, inconspicuous, or naturally narrow eyebrows significantly reduce the sexuality of their owner, as well as will and strength of character. Such eyebrows usually accompany light and soft hair on the head in combination with weak body hair.

4. Nose.

Another noticeable factor among facial features indicating a person’s sexual behavior is the nose. The more noticeable, prominent, large, and wide the nose is, the more sexy, energetic and hardy its owner is. At the same time, a fleshy, wide, thick nose indicates great physical strength of its owner, a high degree of sensuality and erotic talent. In bed, such a person is not only very resilient, but is also able to subtly feel his partner, to be both passionate and tender with him. And the straight, aquiline nose gives pronounced masculinity, strength, leadership and aggressiveness. The owner of this nose shape does not listen too much to others, focusing on his feelings and desires, and does everything in his own way. He lacks sensitivity in relationships, but he lacks activity and passion - more than enough. A hooked nose makes a person critical - he limits not only his sexual desires, but also his partner. A nose with very soft outlines - full and round - will show that its owner, both in sex and in life, is too soft a person, strongly focused on his partner and ignoring his own needs.

5. Lips.

Lips provide information about the emotionality and sensuality of their wearer. A person who loves sexual pleasures and has developed feelings and emotions has fuller and thicker lips than others. It is especially worth paying attention to the lower lip. It is this that is the most reliable indicator - in voluptuous, sensual lovers of pleasure, the lower lip is thicker than the upper. Especially if it is also protruded forward - here we can even talk about promiscuity. If lips are full, it does not mean that a person belongs to a strong sexual constitution. But he is sensual, sensitive and loves sex.

If the lips are thin, then the person is distinguished by leadership inclinations, great willpower, restraint in feelings and sexual pleasures. He tends to subjugate others and limit himself. His sensuality is noticeably weaker than that of thick-lipped ones. This also applies to fantasy in bed. This does not mean that a person has a weak sexual constitution. Especially if thin lips are combined with a wide lower jaw and wide eyebrows (which happens quite often), and not for nothing - testosterone usually widens the jaw and thereby often narrows the lips. Such people are strong, physically resilient and active, but they are not sensitive and not varied in bed. But they do not apply to a weak sexual constitution. It’s another matter if signs of weak sexuality coexist with thin lips in a person.

6. Chin.

As already mentioned, very sexy people often have a wide jaw. Therefore, you also need to pay attention to the chin. The more massive it is, the more sexual power a person has. People with a wide chin love physical pleasure, are very passionate and enduring in sex, but most often they are afraid of deep feelings, failures and rejection in love. Sex with them is intense and hot, but tenderness is lacking.

7. Eyes.

Small eyes with puffy lower eyelids indicate a lover of sensory pleasures. Sensual natures often have slanted eyes, slightly lowered to the temple. Eye color also matters - the more intense and warm it is, the more hot and energetic the person is in bed. Dark brown eyes are characteristic of passionate natures. A person with green eyes can often be called sexy - he is inventive in bed, gentle and sensitive, a gourmet in sex, very selective in choosing a partner, gives a lot, but also demands a lot.

8. Neck.

From the facial features let's move on to the body again. Since testosterone shortens and thickens parts of the body, the neck will also show your level of sexuality. Representatives of a strong constitution often have a short neck. But even with long legs, a large, full, wide and muscular neck reveals its owner as a person with a large reserve of physical strength. A wide neck adds points to a person’s strong sexuality. Such a person loves physical pleasure and it is difficult to resist his desire to pamper himself.

9. Fingers, hand.

Chirology can also help in determining the degree of sexual strength. Look at your hand and fingers:

A). Great sexual power and passion, up to aggressive violent manifestations, are inherent in:

  • for men - owners of rough hands larger than average size, wide at the base, with fleshy thick round (in cross-section) fingers (especially with a wide thumb), wide nails, red skin, pronounced lines and the Mount of Venus (pad on the palm near the thumb );

  • for women - medium-sized hands and fingers (which, however, tend to be short, especially the thumb), with thickened first phalanges, oval nails, elastic wide palm with red (or dark) deep lines and skin of the same color, with a developed thumb hill of Venus.

b). A strong and constant libido, sensuality and passion, which are valued above feelings, but without aggressive outbursts in men and voluptuous women prone to nymphomania, are inherent in:

  • for men - a person with a hand that is smaller, rougher and redder than in the previous case, with square fingers less wide, elastic palm, not rough;

  • for women - less red and paler skin, softer and more prominent palm and fingers than in the previous case.

V). Good sexual desire with the simultaneous ability to have deep strong feelings, the ability, if necessary, to control oneself - in people:

  • for men - with an even smaller hand and the tubercle of Venus, an elastic palm, harmoniously expressed lines and knobby fingers, between which small gaps are visible. And if the joint of the thumb between the two nodules is narrowed, the person is refined and inventive in lovemaking;

  • for women - with longer fingers (especially the thumb), smaller palm size and width, straighter lines of the heart and head.

G). Weak sexuality, decreased interest in sex with an increased focus on high matters, imagination and words in men, coldness and a tendency towards frigidity in women - in people:

  • for men - with a white, sleek, flabby, loose palm, especially if the smooth fingers taper towards the ends. Sexuality is close to zero - if these signs are also combined with a slightly pronounced pale line of the heart. The same can be said about the owner of a too narrow, refined hand, almost flat, while its size no longer plays a role;

  • for women - with a narrow, flat, small, weak, flaccid, faded or gray, knobby hand.
10. Other important signs.

The above features of people's appearance are easy to see. But to complete the picture, I would like to add some more important signs that are taken into account in sexology when determining the sexual constitution. They do not relate to appearance, so you can find out about their character only by getting to know the person quite closely. They demand his answers to questions. However, these signs will provide additional information for determining sexuality in general. Namely:

  • Age of awakening attraction to the opposite sex:
    for men:
    up to 11 years old - strong,
    from 12 to 14 - average,
    from 15 - weak sexual constitution.

    Among women:
    9, 12 and 15 years - respectively.

  • Age of first ejaculation in men:
    up to 12 years - strong,
    from 13 to 15 years - average,
    at 16 years of age and older - weak.

    Or the age of women having their first orgasm: 13, 23 and 35, respectively.

    And also the age of first menstruation in women:
    about 10 years old - strong,
    about 13 - average,
    about 16 - weak.

  • Maximum number of ejaculations per day (over the course of a lifetime) in men:
    from 6 and more, less than 4 and less than 3 - strong, medium and weak constitution, respectively.

    Or the timing of pregnancy after the start of regular sexual activity in women:
    immediately - strong,
    after 4 months - average,
    after 10 years - weak.

11. Movements.

And finally, a few words about behavior and demeanor, which can be used to say something about a person’s sexual manifestations:

  • The more graceful and prettier man dances, the better he controls his body, the better he feels it, which means the more sexy he is and the better he masters the art of love. Plastic people are more inventive in this matter. But the simple ones simple moves dancing with high probability They will point out the same manifestations of it in sex.

  • A waddling, imposing, or jumping gait will indicate a person who knows a lot about pleasure. A sluggish, shuffling gait - on the contrary, such a person lacks energy and imagination, determination and confidence, which is reflected in his behavior in bed. A very fast walk will show an impulsive lover - he is passionate, but is unlikely to like slow and long sex. A gait with a military bearing will indicate a strong person who controls himself, but is not particularly imaginative in bed.

We looked at many signs of a person's sexuality. Some of them are more important, some less. But it is important to remember that it is not worth determining the general level of sexual potential based on one sign. The more features of appearance you take into account, the more accurate the result will be.

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The very first thing you need to pay attention to is general form hands:
the ratio of size to a person’s height and figure;
width and fullness;
color of the skin;
finger length and shape;
joint flexibility and mobility.

Hand size

Small hand found in people who are ambitious and painfully proud, but are unable to translate their plans into reality. If, in addition, the hand is smooth, then this indicates a quick reaction.

Big hand belongs, as a rule, to a person who is thorough, reasonable and unhurried. Before making any decision, he thinks long and scrupulously about all the options, possibilities and ways of execution.


If the hand has an oval shape, then this indicates impressionability, passion and sensual impulses.

If the hand is thin and bony, then this indicates cowardice and indecisiveness. The owner of such a hand is not made for fighting.

The average value, and moreover strictly proportional to the size of the body, indicates a balanced character.

A long and wide brush indicates the dexterity, cunning and predatory nature of its owner.

A short hand is a sign of bad character, while a long and thin one indicates a tendency to various manias and pettiness.

A thin and ugly hand indicates a short life.

Long, skinny, bony tells about the selfishness, despotism, grumpiness and quarrelsomeness of its owner.

People with short, thin hands are stingy, envious and talkative.

Short and wide hands are usually found in people who are hardworking, loyal and easy-going.


His gestures at rest and when he is excited can tell a lot about a person.

If a person is constantly fiddling with something, then this indicates nervous tension. If he waves his arms and makes broad gestures, then this is a sign of sociability, talkativeness and an open, generous soul.

A handshake immediately characterizes a person. If he shakes his partner’s hand as hard as he can, he clearly wants to give the impression of a strong and confident person, although he is not one.

A limp and weak handshake indicates an insecure character. Very often this indicates spoiledness, capriciousness and effeminacy.

A quick and sharp handshake is typical for people who are always in a hurry and indifferent to other people's problems.

Vicious and deceitful people hide their palms from prying eyes, since evil thoughts live in their souls.

An open and honest person who “does not carry a stone in his bosom” always extends his hand with his palm up. If your palm is facing down, then it immediately becomes clear that you are shaking the hand of a stupid, narrow-minded and arrogant person.

The position of the hands when walking is also important. If the arms hang freely along the body, and the fingers are slightly clenched, then this means that this is a prudent and trustworthy person with a calm and peaceful temperament.

Hands dangling at the sides of the body mean gullibility and slowness in thoughts and actions.

If the palms are clenched into fists, then it means a bully and a brawler is coming.

The habit of keeping your hands relaxed and moving them back and forth is characteristic of people with uncontrolled emotionality.

Hand shape

There are seven types of hands, differing in shape and appearance. It should not be assumed that the distinctions here are clear and defined. On the contrary, the boundaries are quite blurred. Here you need to understand that everyone's hand specific person represent a fusion of two, three or more forms. However, with careful analysis, it is possible to identify certain traits that carry information about the temperament, character and behavioral reactions of a particular individual.

Elementary hand (Fig. 1)

Wide, heavy and strong. She has short, inactive and seemingly dull fingers. Thumb irregular shape. It is so short that it ends at the base of the index finger. Palm with rough skin, fleshy and square.

Such a hand belongs to a person with low intelligence. He has a poor imagination and is not interested in anything other than natural physical needs. These include sex and hunger. There is a tendency to bad habits (alcohol, drugs).

When enraged, the owner of an elementary hand displays unjustified cruelty. In difficult situations, he is prone to attacks of melancholy and depression. Can commit serious offenses with a tragic ending.

Square or practical hand (Fig. 2)

This hand is characterized by a palm square shape, hard and curved. Knobby fingers and knuckles. The thumb is very developed. The owner of such a hand is persistent, tenacious, prudent, truthful, disciplined and patient. He looks at life realistically and soberly and never rushes to extremes. Emotionally reserved, unable to dream and devoid of fantasies. The imagination is underdeveloped, but he is ready to help at the first call, so he has many friends. This is the usual psychological type of a doctor, lawyer, engineer, financial worker.

Spade hand (Fig. 3)

A wide hand, similar to a shovel: the palm is wide at the base and tapers towards the fingers, or vice versa. The fingers are short and almost equal in length. Their ends are blunt, as if chopped off. Strong and short thumb. Such a hand can be soft and sluggish or hard and rigid.

The owner of such a hand is active, brave, easy-going and easy to communicate with. He is energetic, active, original, persistent and achieves success in everything. He has a practical mind and strives for big and serious goals. If the fingers are smooth, then the person strives for everyday amenities and comfortable delights. In business, such a person is unreliable as a partner. But in matters of the heart he is faithful and constant.

Philosophical hand (Fig. 4)

Long, angular, fingers with knobby joints. The upper phalanges of the fingers are half square, half conical. Both phalanges of the thumb are equal in length. This indicates that logic and will are inherent in the owner such a hand to the same extent.

A person with a philosophical hand is very attentive to details, has an increased ability to analyze, has an analytical mind and a restless character, is very critical of himself and is somewhat withdrawn in communication. This is the hand of writers, sages, poets, preachers, philosophers.

Artistic or conical hand (Fig. 5)

It resembles a cone in shape. The palm is not wide, the fingers are smooth, flexible and graceful. Nails are oblong. The thumb is poorly developed. The owner of such a hand is an impractical person and endowed with great talent. This is an enthusiastic nature, capable of giving herself completely to some kind of art.

If a person has a conical hand, but with thick, graceless fingers, then, despite his sensuality and sentimentality, he is prone to lies and extravagance. Such an individual lives only to satisfy his needs.

When the thumb is well developed, then a person is not devoid of prudence and the desire for wealth. He is able to find his own benefit everywhere and always.

The owner of a conical hand has a chaotic nature. He easily makes choices and very often does not think about the consequences. As a companion he is ideal, but lacks caution and forethought. Also, such an individual is prone to sudden changes moods and impulsive actions.

Spiritual hand (Fig. 6)

It is long and narrow. The fingers are tender, smooth, conical in shape. The nail joints are long and thin. The thumb is well developed. It is graceful and narrow.

The owner of such a hand is predisposed to idealize the surrounding reality. He is indifferent to material wealth. He has no logical thinking. Self-discipline and punctuality are not up to par. Such a person is not able to defend his opinion. He strives to see love and beauty in everything and has a dreamy, gentle character. True. Such individuals have a craving for the occult, mysticism and religion.

Mixed hand (Fig. 7)

This form occurs quite often. It demonstrates the versatility of interests and abilities. Here there is a mixture of characters of different types. A mixed hand does not correspond to any of the listed types and is a mixture of two or more varieties.

A man with a mixed hand is missing stars from the sky. He has average abilities and broad interests. But being interested in many things, he does not achieve mastery in anything, remaining an amateur in all areas.

The toes can be conical or pointed, square or spade-shaped.

Conical pins (Fig. 8)

People with conical fingers are kind, peaceful, and independent. They can boast of good mental abilities, and their spiritual development is at a very high level. This type includes artists, thinkers, artists.

Square fingers (Fig. 9)

If you meet a person who has square (angular) fingers, then keep in mind: he is serious, capable of deep thinking, loves order, has a sharp and critical mind, is self-confident and strives for power over people. Such fingers prevail among successful businessmen and those involved in applied sciences.

Spade fingers (Fig. 10)

This form is inherent in active natures. Along with mental work, they also like physical work. These people value independence and freedom. They are calculating, selfish and incapable of sublime feelings. Such fingers belong to highly skilled workers, farmers, managers industrial enterprises, engineers.

Length of fingers relative to palm

The length of the fingers relative to the palm is paramount importance. The thickness of the fingers, gestures characteristic of a particular person, as well as the location of the fingers on the palm and the distance between them are also taken into account.

Short and thick fingers with a long palm indicate frivolity, laziness, indifference and dishonesty.

Proportionality and placement of fingers

Proportional fingers speak of kindness.

Small and thin fingers are a sign of weak character and insecurity.

Fingers sitting tightly next to each other indicate a good disposition, modesty and secrecy. For such people, common sense prevails in everything. They are thrifty and become stingy in old age.

Sign successful person is the habit of holding your middle and index fingers together.

If middle finger clings to the nameless one, this indicates emotional instability and the need for psychological support.

A protruding little finger clearly indicates an independent character. Such a person shows amazing stubbornness and always tries to insist on his own.

If there is a small space between the middle and index fingers, then this indicates the ability to think originally and independently.

If the little finger does not fit tightly to the ring finger, then this is characteristic feature complete indifference to the opinions of others. Such a person is spiritually free and relaxed in everything, including in relation to gender. Non-traditional sexual orientation is normal for him.

Fingers that can easily bend back indicate dexterity and cunning.

If the distance between the fingers is greater at the base and less at the ends, then such a person has a tendency to wander. He is also prone to financial ruin.

The habit of bending the thumb under the index finger speaks of weakness and insignificance of nature, of powerlessness and a complete lack of will. This gesture is characteristic of babies and dying people.

When the middle finger is very developed, then you know: in front of you is a person who is powerful, energetic and inclined to subjugate others, regardless of their desires.

If the ring finger is larger than the index finger, then a person needs tenderness and affection like air. Moreover, he should receive them constantly, and not from time to time.

When the little finger is large, it indicates ambition and a predisposition to set great goals for oneself.


It must be said right away that among all the fingers, it is the thumb that carries the basic information about a person’s energy, vitality and endurance. It is the most important and can compete with all the other fingers combined.

The normal length of the thumb is the length at which its tip, when pressed against the side of the palm, reaches the middle of the joint of the index finger.

If the thumb reaches or crosses the joint of the lower and middle joints, then this is a sign of strong will.

A short thumb indicates weak will and spinelessness.

A wide thumb indicates courage, intelligence, cunning and strong character.

The nail joint of the thumb is called the will joint. The middle joint characterizes logic. The lower joint is part of the palm.

A good sign is equal length of the nail and middle joints. It indicates the balance of mind and will.

If the nail joint is significantly larger than average, then this is a bad sign. In this case, a person’s volitional qualities develop to the point of blind, uncontrollable stubbornness.

When the middle joint is significantly longer, a person will be forever susceptible to indecision.

Thickening on the nail joint speaks of intelligence and love of order. Thickening of the middle joint indicates an active nature.

The third joint of the thumb, which fuses with the palm, is easy to feel. It starts at the wrist, but its size is not very important. Much more important is the Mount of Venus, which lies on this joint at the base of the thumb.

Nails are very important. Their length, color, shape and width are considered. When measuring the length of nails, only the part that cannot be trimmed is taken into account.

Nails can be divided into three types according to their length: normal, short and long (Fig. 11).

Determining your nail type is very easy. A normal nail occupies exactly half of the top joint of the finger. The long one is more than half, and the short one is less.

Those with long nails are quite calm and reasonable. They tend to show restraint even in extreme situations. These people never enter into an argument in vain and do not strive to insist on their own at all costs.

Pinkish, smooth, long nails indicate good health and emotional balance.

If a person has very long nails, then this is a sign of slow-wittedness, secrecy, distrust, and also an inferiority complex.

Short nails indicate discipline, love of order, desire to lead and command people.

Curved, uneven, crooked nails characterize their owner as a willful person with a predatory character.

If thin hands have bent and pointed nails, then they speak of an embittered and restless character. In addition, the owner of such nails has weak lungs.

A grumpy and quarrelsome person has short, thick and hard nails. It also indicates good health and long years life.

White dots covering the nails indicate nervousness, cowardice and hysteria.

Shell-shaped, short and flat nails are very dangerous sign. They directly indicate illness nervous system, which can lead to paralysis. This is also indicated by triangular nails recessed into the skin.

Long, wide and rounded nails immediately indicate a practical and sober person.

Thick, long and curved nails are found in treacherous and immoral people.

Indicates heart disease wide nails, bordered at the edges with a bluish tint.

The combination of short nails and a soft palm indicates an innate craving for criticism. If, in addition, the nails are pale, then the character of their owner is deceitful and weak.

A reddish tint on the nails indicates a tough character.

Wide short nails have inveterate debaters and restless natures.

Square wide nails indicate simplicity, sincerity and optimism.

Thin and brittle nails are the first sign of poor health.

Those with short, narrow and curved nails need to pay attention to the spine, as serious problems can arise with it.

Square small nails indicate an aggressive, but at the same time sociable character.

If in front of you is a person with narrow and soft nails, then there is no doubt that this is a delicate, painful nature, prone to unmotivated stubbornness and nervousness.

Hand color

The color of one's hands can be used to judge a person's health and character.

Red hands indicate poor health. They also serve as a sign of irritability.

Hands of a dark red color, turning almost to purple, are not only a sign of poor health, but also of invincible laziness.

Thin and soft natures have transparent white hands. At the same time, this indicates weak internal energy. If, in addition, the fingers are pointed, it means the person has an unpleasant, embittered character. It's better to stay away from such people.

Moderate hairiness on the outside of the knuckles is very good sign. This is a sign of health and flexible disposition.

Hair growth on the inside of the palm speaks of longevity and great intelligence.

A hairless hand is characteristic of fickle people, and disordered hair speaks of spiritual poverty.

The pinkish color of the skin with veins visible through it indicates innate kindness and intelligence.

The best hand: slightly brownish with a faint pinkish tint. This is the color of excellent health and good disposition.

The connection between a person’s appearance and character is obvious, psychologists say.

So, one way to recognize a person you just met is to look at their hands.

"Manual behavior"

If during a conversation a person always keeps his hands behind his back or folds them, as if hiding from you, this indicates his insecurity. Hands lying on the knees indicate that the person is thinking hard or tired. Palms folded tightly are a sign of subconscious protection: your interlocutor is uncomfortable with the conversation, or he does not want to let you into his inner world. If your new acquaintance does not know where to put his hands - he rubs them all the time, “breaks” his fingers - he is nervous and experiences mental discomfort.

Science of Forms

The easiest way to get information about a person is by looking at the shape of his hands. A spade-shaped hand speaks of determination, loyalty, energy, and practicality. An artistic hand (with long, thin fingers) reveals a talented nature, prone to aesthetics, art, and sophisticated entertainment.

If the hand is firm, tough, the person is energetic, active, materialistic, persistent. A flexible and elastic hand speaks of intelligence and impressionability. Soft, gentle - about the inability to do serious work, laziness, lethargy, love of order, success in business.
The shape of the fingers also says a lot. Pointed fingers have enthusiastic, idealistic, impressionable, and religious natures. Quadrangular fingers indicate material inclinations, neatness, and decency. Shovel-shaped ones indicate an active, self-confident nature.

Pay attention to the shape of your nails. Oval nails indicate flexibility, flat nails indicate nervousness, narrow nails indicate hypocrisy, wide and flat nails indicate timidity. Very narrow nails of a refined, aristocratic shape indicate sophistication, compressed (as if flattened) - of sensitivity. Wrinkled (with roughness on the nail plates) - about weakness. Nibbled - about weakness, nervousness, hidden vices. Nails with grooves - about aggressiveness, heartlessness, greed, deceit.

Length matters

Canadian psychologists advise when meeting for the first time to pay attention to... the length of men's fingers. The fact is that this parameter affects the attitude of the stronger sex towards women.

If the index finger is shorter than the ring finger, such a man is charming, charismatic, and, as a rule, pleasant to communicate with. In addition, these representatives of the stronger sex are quite decisive, prone to take risks and know how to take responsibility in solving problems. They have the ability to understand each other, compassion and empathy. Among them are many scientists and engineers, and they are also good at solving crossword puzzles. As you can see, it's not a bad option at all.

If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, then the person has qualities such as self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Such men love loneliness and get irritated when they are disturbed for trivial reasons. They are not against starting a relationship, but prefer that the other party take the initiative. They appreciate attention to themselves and love when they are praised.

If the index and ring fingers are the same length, then such a man is peace-loving, good-natured and tries to avoid conflict situations. At the same time, such individuals are usually organized, disciplined and easily find mutual language with others. In relationships, they are usually faithful to their partner. It takes a very serious reason to make them angry.

It is curious that the more different the sizes of the index and ring fingers are, the more aggressive the representatives of the stronger sex behave. These conclusions were obtained based on the results of a 20-day study in which 155 people took part. Men and women talked to each other for five minutes, after which they were asked to fill out questionnaires in which they rated their interlocutor.

It's probably all about testosterone levels - the higher it is, the smaller the difference in the length of the index and ring fingers. It is the lack of testosterone that makes men grouchy and aggressive towards the opposite sex, psychologists say. They also add that, according to statistics, men with identical fingers are better suited for family life and have more children.

Palmistry for dummies

As for the notorious patterns on the palms, you don’t have to be a professional palmist to say something about a person.

For example, in people suffering from various pathologies of the psyche and nervous system, skin patterns, including on the palms, have certain features - as a rule, on both hands they are almost symmetrical, which is usually not observed in healthy people. If an experienced palmist looks at the hand of such a person, without even seeing his face, he will immediately tell who is in front of him - for example, a stutterer, a left-hander, a neurotic or a psychopath. Moreover, this is true even for newborn children whose illnesses have not yet manifested themselves.

However, your job is not to make a diagnosis, but to get an idea about your counterpart. Try, under some pretext, to see both of his palms - and you will understand whether it is worth dealing with him. Don't forget to also pay attention to the shape of his hands and the length of his fingers.