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Nanoizol with instructions for use. Vapor barrier "Nanoizol V": instructions for use. How to distinguish the inside from the outside

Nanoizol D is a material intended for hydro-vapor barrier of roof structures. Polypropylene fabric, coated on one side with a polymer film, protects wooden structures of non-insulated pitched roofs from condensate that forms in under-roof spaces due to the difference between the internal and outdoor temperature, as well as from atmospheric moisture, which penetrates under the roof with rain, snow and wind in places where the elements of the roofing do not fit snugly together or are damaged.

In insulated flat roofs, fabric laminated with polypropylene film is used as a vapor barrier. In addition, Nanoizol D can serve as a waterproofing in screeds during the construction of basement floors and when laying floors in rooms with high humidity(for example, basement).

During construction works Nanoizol D hydro-vapor barrier can be used for temporary protection against moisture and condensate of various building structures. The material is very durable, and it can be used to cover unfinished building structures from snow, including for a long time.

The use of Nanoizol

When arranging pitched roofs, a hydro-vapor barrier is placed on top of the crate or boardwalk and attached to them using a construction stapler. Another option for attaching panels to a crate or flooring is using wooden slats. The panels of the material are laid with the smooth side up with an overlap of about 15-20 centimeters. Laying should begin from the lower edge of the roof, and for more reliable it is recommended to fasten the panels to each other with a connecting tape.

Hydro-vapor barrier of insulated flat roof:

The main purpose of using hydro-vapor barrier Nanoizol D when installing flat roofs is to protect the insulation from water vapor coming from interior spaces. insulating material it is usually mounted on floor slabs, but it can also be laid on a different base. Panels of hydro-vapor barrier are placed with an overlap of at least 15 centimeters and are connected to each other with a tape. Cement screed on insulated floors is laid on top of Nanoizol D and a layer of insulation. At the same time, along the edges, the hydro-vapor barrier material should be brought to a height of 10-15 centimeters on adjacent walls.

When constructing a flat roof or installing a floor without insulation, a hydro-vapor barrier is placed on a concrete slab, and a cement screed is laid directly on top of it.

Technical characteristics of the material Nanoizol D

Vapor barrier is designed to protect wall, roof structures, ceilings and insulation in them from water vapor that occurs inside the room.

NANOIZOL V is a two-layer vapor-tight membrane. One side is anti-condensation (polypropylene spunbond), able to absorb and hold drops of condensate until they evaporate. The other side (polypropylene film) has a smooth water-repellent surface, does not allow vapor to pass through and gives strength to the entire membrane.

Such a structure prevents damage to structures caused by the penetration of vapors into them (corrosion, fungal infection) and preserves the insulation and its heat-insulating properties. Also, NANOIZOL V protects the internal space from the penetration of insulation particles into it. The vapor barrier is made from modern materials, which gives it a number of advantages over traditional materials and is completely safe for humans.


In insulated roofs (Fig. 1) in frame houses and houses with external wall insulation (Fig. 2a)

Vapor barrier NANOIZOL V is mounted on the inside of a wall or roof, on elements of a supporting frame (beams, rafters, racks) or on a rough sheathing using a construction stapler or galvanized nails. To install a vapor barrier on a brick or block wall, the NANOIZOL SL connecting tape is used. On walls and sloping roofs, the installation is carried out from the bottom up with horizontal overlapping panels with an overlap of min 10 cm. To ensure the tightness of the vapor barrier, it is recommended to fasten the panels of the vapor barrier material between each other with the NANOIZOL SL connecting tape, as well as with enclosing structures (walls, ceilings, etc.) and penetrating elements (ventilation pipes, antennas, etc.). NANOIZOL V is reinforced with wooden slats with a section of 3x5 cm, they will also serve as a crate for finishing(lining, plywood, decorative panels etc.) and provide a ventilation gap of 3-5 cm. When finishing with drywall - galvanized profiles. Interior decoration the room is attached to the rack lathing or galvanized profiles.

Arrangement of interior partitions (Fig. 2b)

Not much different from the structure of the frame wall. On the racks, between which is laid soundproof material or insulation, a vapor barrier is installed facing the rough side into the room. It is fixed to the racks with rails or metal profiles, on which, in turn, the wall cladding is mounted (gypsum board, lining, panels, etc.)

When installing interfloor ceilings (Fig. 3)

With any insulation "NANOIZOL V" is mounted on the floor joists ( ceiling beams) with the rough side inside the room and fixed with a construction stapler. Then it is strengthened with wooden slats. Between the lags (beams) the insulation is tightly laid out. Upper layer the vapor barrier is rolled across the beams with the rough side inside the room and fixed with battens or boards. When laying a vapor barrier, the panels should overlap each other by at least 20 cm. The panels must be glued together and with the structures (along the perimeter) with a connecting tape.

When installing attic (Fig. 5) and basement floors (Fig. 4)

the vapor barrier is mounted only from the side of the room, with the rough side inside the room.

It's not a pity, but any good deed, any great material can be spoiled. The worst thing is when it happens out of ignorance. This fully applies to the device of insulation and protection of the thermal insulator. Failure to comply with technology leads to disastrous consequences. It is cold at home, energy consumption has not decreased, it is digging from the ceiling. At autopsy, it turns out: the insulation is wet, the rafters began to rot. At this point, we begin to remember: And which side to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation so that it doesn't happen?"

Heat and vapor barriers

Produced and widely used the following types heaters:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • polystyrene foam (extruded and foamed);
  • organic (natural);
  • mineral (basalt).

Due to the high hygroscopicity, the latter type of insulation requires the mandatory installation of a vapor barrier.

There are several types of vapor barrier:

  • rolled with impregnation;
  • liquid (coated);
  • adhesive (sheet and roll);
  • polyethylene (films);
  • reflective (with aluminum coating);
  • "breathable" (membrane).

For most materials used for vapor barrier, it does not matter which side they will face in one direction or another. This is possible due to the homogeneity of the components used, the solidity of the structure, and the simplicity of the design. When laying two latest types it is necessary to understand which side to fix the vapor barrier.

Choosing steam insulation

Before choosing and purchasing a vapor barrier material, you need to figure out which one will provide reliable protection insulation in specific conditions.

It is recommended to use roll materials impregnated with bitumen or coal tar for temporary insulation of structures during construction. They are not convenient and difficult to install. Joints are sealed gas burners which is not very convenient and not safe indoors.

It is not entirely rational to insulate the ceiling and walls with coating compositions due to the rather high cost of the material and increased labor intensity. This method is more suitable for insulating concrete floors in rooms with high humidity (washing rooms, steam rooms). When applied in two layers, they provide complete waterproofing of building envelopes.

Protecting the installed insulation from steam using adhesive materials is not justified due to the high labor costs. Such insulators are successfully used to isolate joints of various building materials, places of passage of communications.

When installing a polyethylene film as a vapor barrier, the question of which side to lay correctly does not arise.

It has identical opposite surfaces. Some experts recommend using it only for wind protection, temporary protection of insulation from precipitation, insulation of concrete floors. It should be remembered that the polyethylene used in this capacity provides complete insulation of the enclosed space with tight joints. In case of temperature differences or their difference in the internal and external environment, water condensate forms on its surface, which will eventually end up in the insulation. To prevent this process, good ventilation of the protected volume must be ensured.

  • short service life;
  • low mechanical strength;
  • high degree of deformation at high and low temperatures.

What steam is preparing us bad

During human activity, air saturated with water in varying concentrations is released into the surrounding atmosphere. Cooking, washing, watering indoor plants, cleaning increase the concentration of steam. He climbs up and tries to get out of the room with a high temperature outside, where the temperature is lower. Due to the temperature difference, it condenses and settles on the objects surrounding it: logs, rafters, insulation.

Even wood treated with protective antiseptics and painted iron give up, and begin to rot and rust. The mineral heat insulator retains 2 times less heat when moistened by 5%.

The main reason for what is happening: either a completely absent vapor barrier, or not knowing which side to put the vapor barrier to the insulation.

What is a membrane made of and how does it work?

"Breathing" membranes are a complex set of materials that perform different functions. One cuts off steam, the second is the power base, the third prevents moisture from entering from the outside. In a number of films there are only two layers (there is no reinforcing layer). Understanding the functioning of the material leads to understanding how to properly install the vapor barrier.

Each of the layers has holes for the passage of air. The small diameter of the first level cuts off moisture, passing the dried stream further. The reinforcing layer does not prevent its passage, due to the rather rare arrangement of power threads. The larger hole diameter of the third layer creates the necessary draft to prevent air stagnation in the membrane.

Part of the vapor barrier products has a special anti-condensation layer made of viscose and cellulose. It is rough to the touch. It is in it that moisture lingers, settling on thin fibers. Removal of accumulated moisture occurs naturally. To ensure evaporation, a ventilation gap between the material and the finishing of the room is at least 25 mm.

Let's figure out how to fix the vapor barrier, how to lay it, using the Nanoizol membrane as an example.

We isolate roofs and walls with external insulation

Installation of vapor barrier on the roof and on the wall begins before laying the insulation. If you put the insulation against steam incorrectly, you will have to disassemble the entire “pie”.

After the frame has been treated with an antiseptic, a vapor barrier film is installed on the roof or wall.

It is installed from the inside close to the logs (rafters) or rough sheathing. It is fixed with staples of a construction stapler or galvanized nails on a wooden base.

A vapor barrier is laid on concrete, block and brick surfaces using a connecting tape.

On walls and inclined surfaces, it is necessary to lay the vapor barrier film from the bottom up in horizontal stripes. At the same time, overlap the lower panel with the upper one by 10 cm. At the same time, the vapor barrier provides wind protection for the insulation.

Lay the vapor barrier correctly, with the smooth side close to the insulation, the rough side inside the room (to the wall). The density of adjunction to the enclosing structures, pipelines, ventilation should be provided with a connecting tape.

After the correct installation of the vapor barrier on the ceiling, a 3x5 cm lath is installed for the installation of the finish, insulation is laid on the wall. Protect the heat insulator of the wall from external influences using windproof film and finishing.

Insulation of interior partitions

When reconstructing or overhaul a private house has to isolate heated rooms from unheated ones. For example, a cold corridor (canopy) from living rooms. In this case, which side of the vapor barrier should be laid?

All wooden materials frames are treated with septic tanks to protect against insects and decay.

Mounting order:

  • a counter-rail is stuffed onto the enclosing structure, providing a ventilation gap;
  • on the laid rack frame, it is necessary to attach the vapor barrier with the smooth side inside the room;
  • on top of it, the racks of the frame are installed;
  • insulation is laid between the racks;
  • on the installed racks, a vapor barrier film is installed with a rough surface facing the room;
  • fixing Nanoizol on the frame is carried out with staples or nails with a wide head, then with counter rails, followed by installation front panels or finishes.

We protect interfloor ceilings

The correct laying of the vapor barrier of the frame floor is as follows:

  • processing depending on the material used load-bearing structures compositions that provide long-term protection during operation;
  • on the underside of the ceiling with brackets or with a tape, Nanoizol is fixed with the rough side inside the room and fixed with longitudinal counter rails;
  • from above, thermal insulation is laid in the frame close to the insulator (the height of the racks must be equal to the thickness of the insulation);
  • on top of it, the vapor barrier is laid out with a smooth side close to the insulation and fastened with longitudinal counter-rails (the overlap of adjacent panels should be at least 20 cm, the canvases are interconnected by a connecting tape);
  • across the counter-rails, the floor of the upper and the ceiling of the lower floor are installed.

We cut off the attic and basement

How to make a vapor barrier for an unheated basement and attic?

Correctly laying the basement vapor barrier is somewhat more difficult than in other cases.

It must be assumed that it is best to work in the following sequence:

  • we provide a ventilation gap of at least 5 cm between the ground level and the expected floor level;
  • we lay pre-treated logs at a distance equal to the width of the insulation;
  • on the floor logs we fix the draft floor from the board (you can use unedged) or slats;
  • Nanoizol must be laid with a rough surface down, bending around the logs;
  • we lay the heat insulator (the insulation should be placed with a slight compression to prevent slipping during operation);
  • after laying the thermal insulator, we install the vapor barrier with the rough side up;
  • we fix the insulation material with a counter rail at least 25 mm high;
  • we install the finished floor.

Vapor barrier, installation of attic insulation is carried out in the same order as the interfloor ceiling. It is necessary to lay the vapor barrier Nanoizol with a rough surface inside the room, a smooth one - to the insulation. In the event that the attic is not heated, we install waterproofing under roofing material, upper part we protect the insulation with the draft floor of the attic.

Protection against water and steam in baths and saunas

With the provision of reliable waterproofing during wet rooms with elevated temperatures, the material copes well with a thin aluminum foil applied to it. An example of such insulation is premium Isobond FS. Aluminum foil ensures that up to 90% of the released energy is returned to the room. This allows you to quickly raise the temperature in the steam rooms and maintain it at high level without additional energy consumption.

Proper vapor barrier involves treating the frame with septic tanks to protect against insects and decay. After installing the external insulation, a membrane is laid on the insulated ceiling and walls with the foil side inside the room. Laying the vapor barrier on the ceiling is easier by first cutting the rolled fabric into pieces desired length taking into account the necessary approach to vertical surfaces of at least 10 cm.

Overlapping aluminum vapor barrier installation instructions do not provide. Ensuring the tightness is made of aluminum self-adhesive tape. In the case of using reinforced double-sided construction adhesive tape, at least 10 cm of insulation layers are applied. This ensures the preservation of the properties of adhesive tape that is not intended for operation at high temperatures.

Acquired knowledge, which side to the insulation to lay insulation from steam, correct fastening vapor barrier, ensure the preservation of heat in the house and comfortable conditions functioning of the heater for a long time.

A fairly common problem after warming a house is the lack of the expected effect from the work performed. It would seem that a traditional material has been chosen, for example, mineral wool, everything is done according to building laws and canons, but it is still cold inside the room. The reason for this may be the ignorance of the “specialists” of elementary norms, including which side to put the vapor barrier on the insulation. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Vapor barrier is divided into two types according to the method of application:

  1. liquid paint vapor barrier;
  2. vapor barrier membranes (film).

The paint vapor barrier is applied with brushes and rollers in places where rolled vapor barrier is difficult to apply, for example, on ventilation and chimneys. This family of vapor barriers is represented by materials such as bitumen, tar and tar.

Vapor barrier membranes

First of all, we will determine the types of vapor barrier films according to their purpose. According to their specificity, membranes used in construction are offered in the following versions:

  • membranes with vapor barrier properties;
  • membranes are vapor permeable.

To protect the mineral wool from moisture from the inside, it is necessary to additionally lay a layer of vapor barrier. When insulating the roof, floor or interior of the house located directly below it, it is recommended to use the appropriate film. Note that the insulating layer is laid from below, under the laid mineral wool (from the side of the room).

In cases where external wall protection is carried out, then the corresponding components should not have perforations or pores.

Always pay attention to the value of the vapor permeability coefficient, the smaller it is, the better for you. An excellent option is the usual plastic film. The ideal choice would be a material with additional reinforcement. The presence of a foil-coated aluminum coating is considered only a plus.

Do not forget that the presence of a vapor barrier finish leads to a multiple increase in humidity in the insulated space, so you should take care of a good ventilation system in advance.

Polyethylene reinforced film

Existing special vapor barrier films performed with an antioxidant coating. Due to it, moisture accumulation does not occur. As a rule, they are attached under components that are sensitive to rust formation. This is about metal tiles, corrugated board, galvanization, etc. The rough fabric layer on the underside of the film guarantees effective moisture removal. It is laid with the treated side to the insulation, and the fabric side out, so that a distance of 20-60 mm remains to the mineral wool.


Video #1. IZOSPAN vapor barrier laying technology

When insulating the walls of the house from the outside, it is used building membrane, capable of evaporating, protecting the material from strong wind gusts. In addition, it is suitable for roof protection. pitched type, a facade with a non-hermetic base from moisture. Often, the vapor barrier film has very small pores and surface perforations, due to which water is effectively removed from the insulation into the ventilation ducts. The process is better, the more actively the evaporation takes place. This will allow the insulation to dry quickly and efficiently.

There are the following types of vapor-permeable films:

  1. Pseudo-diffusion membranes that pass no more than 300 grams / m2 of vapor for 24 hours.
  2. Diffusion membranes, with a vapor permeability coefficient in the range of 300-1000 grams / m2.
  3. Superdiffusion membranes, with an evaporation rate of more than 1000 grams / m2.

Since the first type of insulation is considered a good protection against moisture, it is often placed under the roof surface as outer layer. Additionally, it will be necessary to provide an air gap between the insulation layer and the film. At the same time, this component is not suitable for facade processing, since it conducts steam rather poorly. This is due to the penetration of dust and other debris into the pores of the membrane during dry times, the “breathing” effect disappears and condensate begins to accumulate on the surface of the insulating material.

Super diffusion membrane IZODACH 115

The two remaining types of membranes have large pores, which eliminates the possibility of their blockage, which is why there is no need to leave an air ventilation layer in the lower part. As a result, it is not necessary to mount the crate and counter-rails.

Bulk diffusion films are commercially available. A ventilation layer is already provided inside the membranes, due to which moisture cannot reach the metal surfaces. The specifics of the film device are similar to the antioxidant version. The difference lies only in the removal of moisture from the insulation. This is beneficial, because when the roof is tilted, even at a small angle of 3-15 degrees, the possibility of condensate flowing through the bottom is excluded. Therefore, corrosion of the galvanized coating will gradually occur, followed by its final destruction.

Which side to attach the vapor barrier to the insulation

First you need to figure out in which places you may need styling vapor barrier membrane, and then decide on the side of the vapor barrier.

  • If insulation is laid from the front of the wall, then the vapor barrier film is fixed from the outside, this will be a waterproofing.
  • The processing of the ceiling and roof requires the use of an antioxidant vapor barrier. Bulk and diffusion coatings are often used. They are laid on top of the mineral wool according to the principle of organizing a ventilation facade.
  • In the absence of additional insulation of the roof and ceiling, the vapor barrier film is attached to the underside of the rafters.
  • Thermal insulation of the upper part of the ceiling of rooms, the ceiling located under the attic space, requires the installation of a vapor barrier membrane on the underside of the insulation.
  • When performing thermal insulation of walls and floors from the inside, it is recommended to additionally lay a vapor barrier film on the outside of the mineral wool.

Many "experienced" builders do not even have a clue how the vapor barrier membrane should be attached to the walls: front or wrong side.

The best solution would be to use a material with the same back and front side.

And what to do in the case of a one-sided option, in particular with antioxidant insulator? You need to know that the wrong side is a fabric surface, which is located during installation in the inside of the room.

Determination of the laying side of the vapor barrier

A metal plane circulates in the same direction foil membrane- shiny side inside the room.

For any film vapor barrier materials valid next rule: the smooth side is laid against the insulation, while the rough side should face the room.

The same rule applies foam vapor barriers, which are placed with the smooth side to the insulation.

The vapor barrier is laid with the dark side to the insulation

It must be borne in mind that when rolling a roll, for example, on the floor, the inner side must be on the floor.

In addition, most often the darker side is the outer.

Do you need an air gap at the membrane?

You should always leave it. A special gap up to 50 mm wide is arranged on the underside of the films. This will avoid the appearance of condensation on the walls, floor and insulation. It is important to avoid contact of the facing surfaces with the membrane. Applying diffusion film for the floor, walls or ceiling, you save yourself from many problems, since its fixation can be done directly on the heat insulator, OSB or moisture-resistant plywood. A ventilation layer will be required on the outside of the membrane. In the version with an antioxidant component, the air gap should be within 40-60 mm on both sides.

Arrangement of a ventilation gap when laying a vapor barrier

If everything is clear with the walls and floor, then with the roof and ceiling the situation is kept apart. When making a ventilation gap, you will need additional installation counter-lattices based on wooden bars. When organizing a ventilated facade, a gap is left when erecting horizontal profiles and racks located perpendicular to the wall and the film.

Video #2. Vapor barrier laying technology ONDUTIS

How is the vapor barrier attached?

Fixing the membrane to the walls, floor or ceiling can be done with wide-head nails or a construction stapler. However the best choice will be the use of counter-rails.

The vapor barrier is laid with an overlap with an overlap of at least 10 cm. After the vapor barrier is fixed, the joints are glued with special adhesive tape or vapor barrier tape.


In conclusion, we say that the membranes will allow any building structure to last an extremely long time. Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve a positive ratio of moisture and temperature in other ways. In addition, do not forget about the rules for laying vapor barrier. Most manufacturers also distribute installation instructions along with the product. This is especially true for diffusion and superdiffusion membranes. Therefore, do not be too lazy to clarify with the sales assistant all the questions you are interested in before purchasing.

Which side to put the vapor barrier to the insulation

When insulating a roof or a room with a heat insulator (mineral wool, glass wool, loose foam plastic), capable of passing and accumulating moisture, it is necessary to install vapor barrier layer. Moisture that has entered the thermal insulation noticeably worsens its operational properties, increasing thermal conductivity. In addition, due to the humid environment, the wooden structures with which the insulation is in contact quickly begin to rot and collapse. At the stage of preparing for the insulation of a roof or house, it is important to figure out which side to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation - a violation of the technology will lead to the fact that steam from the room will penetrate into the heat-insulating layer.

What steam protection is needed

Varieties of vapor barrier materials

The primary issue is the choice of material that will protect the insulation from moisture. The classic roofing material and glassine, which were used for waterproofing, gave way to modern polymer films with various operating parameters. The membranes used in construction are divided according to vapor permeability into completely impermeable films and partially permeable (diffusion) ones.

Manufacturers offer vapor barrier membranes of the following types :

  • polyethylene film (can be used to insulate the roof or floor, the barrier is vapor and hydro-tight);
  • reinforced film made of polyethylene (characterized by increased strength);
  • aluminum foil film (used for internal insulation, mounted with a reflective side to the room - additionally helps to keep warm, primarily designed for use in saunas and baths);
  • film with an anti-condensation coating (prevents moisture condensation, designed for installation as part of structures with metal elements prone to corrosion - corrugated board, metal tiles, etc. the film is mounted with the treated side to the heat insulator).

Reinforced polyethylene film effective ventilation rooms, capable of removing excess moisture to the outside.

Vapor barrier films with a porous structure differ in their ability to diffuse. Due to the pores in the barrier, the moisture from the insulation goes outside, thanks to which the heat insulator retains its operational properties, and the metal structures in contact with it do not rust, and the wooden structures do not rot. Among vapor-permeable membranes, there are :

  1. Pseudo-diffusion. During the day, up to 300 g / m 2 of evaporation is passed.
  2. Diffusion. The amount of vapors passed per day is from 300 to 1000 g/m 2 .
  3. Superdiffusion. The evaporation rate exceeds 1000 g/m 2 .

The vapor barrier film of the first type is classified as an effective protection against moisture and is used for internal insulation of structures (from the side of the room). If a pseudo-diffusion membrane is mounted over a fibrous heat insulator on outer wall, the vapor barrier will retain moisture in the insulation. Diffusion and superdiffusion membranes are suitable for facade insulation, which at the same time serve as a wind barrier.

Principles of installing a vapor barrier

Laying a vapor barrier is an important stage in the work on the insulation of structures fibrous materials able to store moisture. The work is carried out as part of the repair or reconstruction of the house or at the stage of preparation for finishing a new building. It is necessary to know how to properly fasten the membrane sheets to each other in order to provide a continuous layer that protects against moisture penetration, how to attach the film to structures. Before laying the vapor barrier film, it is also necessary to determine which side it needs to be placed to the insulating material.

Preparatory stage

For insulation of block or wooden house, arranging a bath, heat-insulating materials are used that need to be protected from the accumulation of moisture. To this end, on the walls inside the house, on the ceiling or floor, on the inside of the roofing pie, a material that does not allow evaporation is mounted. Or a diffusion membrane for facade insulation.

On preparatory stage you should choose the option of vapor barrier, taking into account the installation features and the requirements for the characteristics of the film. Popular options include Izospan (and its analogue Megaizol) - a membrane material with high performance parameters. The manufacturer offers a line of membranes with various technical indicators, which allows you to choose the material depending on the purpose - vapor barrier for the roof, ceilings, wall structures from wood or concrete.

Those who plan to build a bath, not without reason, believe that the foil film will reliably protect the mineral wool insulation from getting wet and help maintain a high temperature in the room by reflecting heat radiation. Along with the classic "insulation + vapor barrier" scheme, ready-made non-combustible thermal insulation mats with foil vapor-tight surface.

Correctly fasten the reflective vapor barrier

Before laying the vapor barrier, it is necessary to correctly prepare the surfaces of the structures. The preparation technology depends on the material from which the walls, floor, ceiling or roof are made. It also takes into account what work is being carried out at the facility - construction or repair :

  1. When building a wooden house, all elements of the wood structure must be treated with compounds against decay, damage by pests and fire.
  2. During the repair work, the finishes are preliminarily dismantled, the surfaces are cleaned, while:
    • wooden structures are treated with an antiseptic and flame retardant.
    • concrete and block structures are treated with an antiseptic if they are damp and there is a risk of mold, as well as in wet rooms.

Due to improper preparation of wall structures, ceilings or truss systems may eventually become unusable or become a source of fungal spores that can provoke allergies, an asthma attack, and exacerbation of respiratory diseases.

How to install vapor barrier on the ceiling

Installation of a vapor barrier layer on the ceiling is required when insulating a flat or pitched roof in a house without an attic, when insulating the basement, as well as residential premises, above which it is located cold attic. The ceiling in the bath is also insulated and vapor-insulated. Before laying the vapor barrier on the roof concrete slab, on a reinforced concrete or wooden floor from the inside, the surface of the structure should be prepared.

The canvas of the film or pseudo-diffusion membrane must be solid so that there are no joints through which moisture can penetrate into the insulation. If the width roll material not enough, the strips will have to be joined together. The recommended overlap of the canvases is from 10 to 20 cm, while the joints on both sides are carefully glued with reinforced construction tape.

Fastening the vapor barrier membrane Sheets of foil film are laid without overlap - end-to-end, and the seam is glued with aluminum tape.

If the base of the roof or ceiling is a wooden structure, you first need to lay waterproofing membrane(solid web) and attach it to the base (vapor barrier material can be used).

Then, in the gaps between the floor joists or rafters, a heat insulator is placed in the form of mats or rolled material made of mineral (basalt) wool. After that, you can lay the vapor barrier on the ceiling. If the thickness of the heat insulator corresponds to the thickness of the log, a counter-lattice of rails should be nailed to create a ventilation gap.

Lay the vapor barrier on the ceiling in such a way that the canvas along the entire perimeter goes onto the walls, and that all corners are closed. The joints of the canvases should fall on the overlap logs - this will allow them to be securely fixed. In order to qualitatively lay the vapor barrier on the ceiling, follow the tension of the canvas, it should not sag .

Ceiling installation

We will also consider how to lay a vapor barrier on concrete floor. To insulate the ceiling from the inside or flat roof, made of a concrete slab, it is required to attach a waterproofing coating (vapor barrier film) to it with a self-adhesive tape, and then mount the crate from bars or a metal profile.

The correct height of the crate should be selected taking into account the thickness of the insulation and the ventilation gap, the installation step is 1-2 cm less than the width of the insulation, so that the mats of insulation materials fit into the cells by surprise. How to fix the vapor barrier to the crate will be described in detail below.

How to install vapor barrier on the floor

The installation of a vapor barrier membrane on the floor is similar in technology to how vapor barrier is performed for walls and ceilings. After preparing the base of the wooden floor for insulation along the logs, before laying the vapor barrier on the floor, a waterproofing carpet is installed, which should go around the logs. Then a mineral wool heat insulator is inserted between the lags. After that, the vapor barrier is laid, and it is important to know how to properly lay the film.

The overlap of the sheets of rolled material should be at least 10 cm, while on each side the joint is glued with adhesive tape. The resulting canvas is fixed in such a way that the overlaps lie on the floor logs, and along the entire perimeter the evenly stretched canvas goes onto the walls by 5-10 cm.

Insulated floor with air gap

Before laying the vapor barrier on the concrete floor, it is necessary to install a crate, between the elements of which the waterproofing and insulation will lie down. Further work is carried out according to the standard scheme.

Fastening principles

If they are insulated concrete structures or wooden walls, it is necessary to install a crate of bars. To the resulting crate, to the ceiling or rafter system It is convenient to attach the film with staples and a construction stapler. It is also possible to fix the vapor barrier material with nails with wide heads or linings under the hats. It is advisable to use galvanized nails - they do not rust. Films and membranes are placed on concrete structures using a special connecting tape.

Overlap during installation of vapor barrier

In order to properly fix the vapor barrier, the canvas should be carefully stretched, and the fasteners should be placed in small increments - no more than 30 cm. The installation rules prescribe to carefully consider the fastening of the canvas around the perimeter - it spreads and is fixed so as to exclude the possibility of moisture penetration into the insulation.

Before attaching the vapor barrier, make sure that the canvas is positioned right side to thermal insulation.

Which side to mount the vapor barrier material

Consider which side the film or membrane is laid to the insulation :

  • polyethylene film (plain or reinforced) can be attached to either side - this does not affect the functionality of the barrier;
  • the foil film is placed with the shiny side towards the room so that the barrier reflects heat;
  • the antioxidant film is attached with the treated side to the structures, the fabric side to the room;
  • the membrane should be turned with a smooth side towards the heat-insulating material, and a rough side towards the room.

The rule for laying vapor barrier to insulation If front side membrane looks similar to the wrong side, and it is difficult to determine how to properly lay the material, you can experiment. A bowl of boiling water is covered with a small piece of membrane - on which side condensate appears, that side is waterproof, it should be facing the heater.

It is important to know which side to put the vapor barrier to the insulation, if the membrane is used to install a waterproofing barrier - front or back. Heat-insulating "pie" at internal insulation mounted in such a way that the smooth side of the membrane faces the insulation on both sides. That is, the rough layer of vapor barrier should be turned towards the room, and when installing a waterproofing carpet - towards the structure that is being insulated.

Mounting Features

It is important not only to properly lay the vapor barrier, but also to provide a ventilation gap between the vapor barrier and the sheathing of the structure for finishing, for which counter rails are stuffed along the crate. Moisture settling on the rough side of the laid vapor barrier sheets will evaporate naturally without damaging the finish.

Diagram of an insulated roof with a ventilation gap

If the vapor barrier is installed correctly, the insulation is reliably protected from moisture. Almost half of the problems associated with freezing and damage to structures are associated with flaws in the installation of the vapor barrier.

Which side to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation

Foreword. During the construction of a private house Special attention should be given to the vapor barrier of the ceiling, floor, walls and roof. If this important step is skipped, the structural elements of the building will not last long. We will talk further about why it is important to arrange a vapor barrier in a private house and how to do it correctly.

Overview of heaters

Properties Rockwool Light Butts

Minvata Izover: characteristics

Knauf heaters: characteristics

Properties of Ursa PureOne mineral wool

Why do you need a vapor barrier insulation

A special film that protects the heat-insulating material from moisture must be included in the "pie" of walls or roofs. The fact is that due to temperature differences, especially in winter period time, on the street and in the house, indoors, condensate settles on the walls and ceiling. As a result, the heat insulator gets wet and stops performing its functions. The house is getting cold. In addition, moisture leads to damage to the structural elements of the building.

Depending on the variety, the cost of the material may be different. For example, an ordinary vapor barrier polyethylene film costs about 500 rubles per roll. The foil version will cost about 1400-1800 rubles. A three-layer diffusion membrane will cost about 4000-5000 rubles. The popular Izospan vapor barrier will cost about 800-1000 rubles. per roll.

Types of vapor barrier materials

Vapor barrier in a frame wall. Photo

There are only three main types of films designed to protect mineral wool or expanded polystyrene from moisture:

Standard. The cheapest and not particularly durable type of vapor barrier. In most cases, this is an ordinary thick plastic film.

foil. It costs more than polyethylene, but at the same time, in addition to the actual vapor barrier, it performs another function - it reflects heat back into the room. Owners country houses very often they are interested in which side to lay the vapor barrier on the walls and ceiling. This question usually arises in relation to this variety. How such a film is actually mounted, we will consider a little lower.

Membrane. Differs in limited vapor barrier. This allows you to control the removal of moisture from the room.

Basic rules for laying vapor barrier

Of course, before you go to the store to buy film, you need to do all the necessary calculations. It is quite easy to carry out this procedure. All that needs to be done is to calculate the area of ​​​​all structural elements of the house that require protection. The calculation is made taking into account the width of the vapor barrier film and the necessary overlaps.

How to distinguish the inside from the outside

Enlarged photo of the vapor barrier

If the manufacturer's instructions are missing or do not contain the necessary information about which side of the film is considered the inside, then you should independently determine this by external factors. You should pay attention to the following:

If the waterproofing film has a different color on both sides, then the light side of the isospan is laid against the insulation;
. The side of the waterproofing, which, when rolled out, faces the floor, is considered internal and should look towards the insulation;
. The outer side is made fleecy so as not to let moisture through, and the inner side is smooth and fits in the direction of the insulation.

Which side to put the vapor barrier on the insulation

Of course, it is also worth knowing how to lay this type of vapor barrier. In this case, as in all others, the crate is initially installed. Sheets are mounted on it and fixed with self-tapping screws. The joints are sealed with adhesive tape.

Which side to lay the vapor barrier on the floor

Video. Which side to lay Izospan on the insulation

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Vapor barrier: everything you need to know about protecting insulation from moisture

What is vapor barrier, why is it needed, and how is it performed? I've thought about this before. Now, having gained experience in this matter, I will definitely convey technical points, and step by step I will sign the vapor barrier installation technology.

From the vapor barrier depends not only on the effectiveness of the insulation, but also the durability of the structure.

Why moisture protection is needed

Why is vapor barrier needed at all? As you might guess, its meaning is to protect surfaces from steam. Moreover, we are talking not only about visible steam, but also about moisture, which is always present in the air.

Inside the dwelling, the level of humidity is almost always higher than outside, which is explained by cooking, washing and taking water procedures. Since the steam moves towards the cold - outside, excessive moisture can significantly reduce the life of building structures and the effectiveness of the insulation.

Insulation of walls from the inside with mineral wool must be carried out using a vapor barrier film

Protection is needed in the following cases:

  • When insulating walls from the inside with mineral wool. As you know, the level of vapor permeability and moisture absorption of mineral wool is quite high.
    Therefore, the lack of vapor barrier can lead to the accumulation of moisture inside the insulation. This, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the insulation, dampening of the walls, the formation of fungus, etc.;

Styrofoam-insulated frame walls from the inside must be protected from moisture with a vapor barrier

  • When insulating frame structures. Vapor barrier is necessary for frame walls, wooden floors and pitched roofs not only in case of use mineral wool insulation, but also polymeric, which have zero vapor permeability.
    The fact is that the zero vapor permeability of thermal insulation leads to the fact that all moisture rushes into the elements wooden frame. As a result, the tree quickly becomes unusable;

Vapor barrier film must be used when insulating floors

  • When insulating floors. Vapor barrier in this case allows you to protect the insulation from rising steam.

In the case of using mineral wool inside the partitions, vapor barrier can be omitted, since there are no temperature drops in the partitions that can lead to the formation of condensate.

As we found out, the vapor barrier should not allow air to pass through, which carries moisture. Therefore, the vapor barrier film should not be confused with waterproofing, which often has the ability to pass air.

Currently, the following materials are used for vapor barrier:


Polyethylene films- this is the most cheap option vapor barrier. As a rule, polyethylene film is used for waterproofing floors and walls.

Single layer polyethylene film is cheap but not durable

Kinds. Polyethylene films come in several types:

  • Single layer. The cheapest, but not durable, and also unstable to mechanical stress;
  • reinforced. They are a three-layer material. The middle layer is made of fiberglass mesh.

Reinforced film is tear resistant

Thanks to the reinforcing layer, the film has higher strength and durability;

  • Foil. main feature of these films lies in the ability to reflect heat.

The photo shows a polypropylene vapor barrier film - it has high strength and a long service life


Polypropylene vapor barrier films are the most popular, as they are superior to polyethylene in all respects. In particular, they are stronger, more durable, and resistant to UV radiation and temperature extremes.

Another feature is that these films usually have a two-layer structure. As a result, one of the sides has a rough surface.

One side of the polypropylene vapor barrier has a rough surface that traps moisture

This is done so that the villi retain moisture on the surface of the coating and thereby allow it to evaporate. Beginners often ask which side to put the vapor barrier on?

The material is laid with the smooth side to the insulation, and the rough side to the lining. True, if you mistakenly fixed the canvas with the rough side to the insulation, this is not a critical mistake, since in any case the material does not allow moisture to pass through.

Therefore, a ventilation gap is required between the film and the finishing material.

Axton vapor barrier from the French manufacturer Leroy Merlin has established itself as a reliable and durable material

Price. Below are the prices for popular vapor barrier materials that have proven themselves well:

The nuances of installing vapor barrier films

Basic Rules

So, we figured out the types of vapor barrier materials. However, the quality and effectiveness of steam protection depends not only on the type of material, but also on the quality of its installation.

Therefore, finally, consider the technology of laying vapor barrier. But first I will give some important rules mounting:

  • The vapor barrier is attached from the side of the housing. Since the steam flows from the inside of the room to the outside, the vapor barrier is always installed from the inside, which makes it possible to provide a sealed circuit;

The vapor barrier is always mounted on the inside of the insulation

  • The film must be correctly positioned relative to the insulation. Which side to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation, I have already said above - smooth for thermal insulation, rough for finishing;

Diffuse membrane allows moisture to pass through in one direction

  • From the outside, the insulation is protected by waterproofing. It is almost impossible to provide complete protection of thermal insulation from steam. So that penetrating moisture can leave the insulation, it is closed on the back with a waterproofing diffusion membrane.
    This material is able to pass moisture only in one direction;
  • The vapor barrier must be airtight. To prevent the film from passing steam, it is necessary to seal the places of its contact with the frame, and also glue the joints of the films with double-sided adhesive tape.

Mounting technology

We will consider the film installation technology using the example of wall vapor barrier frame type. This procedure can be divided into several stages:

Instructions for the use of vapor barrier is as follows:


During construction country house or private bath milestone is thermal insulation various surfaces. In addition, the insulation itself needs high-quality and reliable vapor barrier protection. To prevent negative impact external factors and condensation on the heat insulator, any homeowner should have general idea about how to properly lay the vapor barrier to ensure a long service life of the entire structure.

Membrane structure and principle of operation

The most popular in terms of their performance characteristics are breathable multilayer membranes, which are designed to create a reliable vapor barrier.

They consist of three layers, each of which performs an important function. The first layer prevents the penetration of steam into the insulation, the second provides the necessary strength of the base, the third protects against moisture from the outside.

Each individual layer has the necessary perforation for good air exchange. The first layer removes excess moisture, allowing the penetration of dried air. The reinforcing layer keeps warm air masses inside thanks to a special weaving of threads. The third layer provides a sufficient level of traction within the structure.

Some types of membranes have an additional anti-condensation layer on a viscose or cellulose basis. She keeps excess moisture deposited on paper fibers. For the natural removal of moisture from the membrane, a technological gap of 2.5 cm is provided between the vapor barrier and the surface finish.

Features of the installation of vapor barrier

An important stage in the protection of insulating materials is the laying of a reliable vapor barrier layer. All work is carried out in the process of repairing or reconstructing a finished building or during the construction of a new building. In order to correctly install the vapor barrier, it is necessary to understand how to connect the membrane sheets and which side to fix them to the insulating base.

Preparatory work

At this stage, work is underway to select the appropriate type of vapor barrier, taking into account the features of the installation process, performance characteristics and material requirements.

Before laying the vapor barrier, careful surface preparation will be required. Here it is important to consider the type of material used in the construction of floors, walls, ceilings and roof structures.

  1. During the construction of a log house, all structural elements are treated with protective antiseptics and flame retardants.
  2. When carrying out repair and reconstruction work, a complete dismantling of the finishing, cleaning and preparation of surfaces is carried out:

Wooden elements are treated with compositions against aging, rotting and burning. Concrete, block and brick surfaces are treated with deep penetration antiseptic compounds.

Proper surface preparation will ensure a long service life of the insulation material and the entire structure.

Technology for laying vapor barrier on the ceiling

If the roof structure interfloor overlap are made of wood, then the installation of the waterproofing membrane is carried out on a prepared base.

In the space between the rafters and lags, a roll or block insulation is mounted, the best option- mineral or basalt wool. Next, you can lay the vapor barrier on the ceiling surface.

When the thickness of the insulation is equal to the height of the log, an additional lath counter-lattice is installed to maintain natural ventilation.

It is necessary to mount the vapor barrier on the ceiling with a slight overlap on the walls around the perimeter, with special attention to be paid to the corners. Joints are best placed on logs and glued on both sides with tape on a reinforced basis.

Important! When installing a vapor barrier, sagging and deformation of the sheets should be avoided.

For thermal insulation of a flat roof or concrete ceiling, a waterproofing film is mounted on a self-adhesive tape from the inside, then a crate made of wood or metal is installed.

The height of the crate is determined based on the thickness of the heat-insulating material and the minimum technological gap for ventilation. The installation step is 3 cm narrower than the width of the heat insulator, which makes it possible to ensure quality styling insulator into the prepared cells of the crate.

Technology of laying vapor barrier on the floor

The scheme of installation of vapor barrier protection on the floor is similar to how the material is laid on wall and ceiling surfaces.

The wooden floor is insulated along the logs, which are covered with hydroprotection. Further, a heater is laid in the space between them - cotton wool on a mineral or basalt basis. After that, the vapor barrier material is laid.

The roll material must be laid with an overlap of 12 cm with careful gluing of the joints with metallized tape on both sides. A properly installed vapor barrier should completely cover the floor surface with an overlap of up to 10 cm on the walls.

To equip the vapor barrier on concrete base, you will need to install the crate, in the cells of which it will be laid waterproofing layer and a heat insulator.

Choosing a side for installing a vapor barrier

After the material for the vapor barrier has been selected, an important question should be considered - which side to attach the vapor barrier to the insulation. Such materials can be fixed as follows:

  • Polyethylene films (reinforced and plain) are laid on either side, which does not impair the protective properties of the material.
  • Foil films are installed with the reflective side inside the room to effectively reflect heat.
  • Anti-condensation films are mounted with a fabric surface inside the room, treated - to a heat-insulating base.
  • Membranes of any type are attached with a smooth surface to the heat insulator, and with a rough surface - inside the room.
  • Foam-based insulators are laid similarly to membrane materials.

Important! Before laying the vapor barrier to the insulation, it is recommended to spread the prepared material on a flat surface to correctly determine the inside and outside.

Face or underside of the vapor barrier?

If a breathable membrane is used to create a protective barrier, the main thing is to determine which side to put the vapor barrier on - the front or the wrong side.

The vapor barrier cake must be laid so that the protection is directed to the heat insulator on both sides with a smooth wrong side, and with a rough front side - inside the room.

The rough surface provides protection against moisture penetration to the insulation, and the smooth surface contributes to maximum heat accumulation.

Determining the width of the lap when installing the membrane

Along the edge of the insulating membrane there is a special marking for determining the width of the overlap of the sheets, which ranges from 8 to 20 cm.

The vapor barrier strips on the roof should be laid in horizontal plane from bottom to top, overlapping each other with a width of 15 cm. In the ridge, the overlap is 18 cm, in the valley - 25 cm.

On walls, ceilings and floors, the canvases are mounted with an overlap of 10-15 cm.

Is ventilation required?

At the bottom of the membrane vapor barrier there is a 5 cm ventilation gap, which helps prevent condensation on surfaces and the heat insulator.

Diffusion membranes can be attached to insulation, plywood sheets or OSB. In a membrane with an anti-condensation layer, gaps up to 6 cm wide are located on both sides.

To create a gap for ventilation when insulating the roof structure, a counter-lattice is used. In the process of fastening a ventilated facade, a technological gap is created during the installation of racks located perpendicular to the vapor barrier.

Elements for fixing the vapor barrier

To securely fasten a membrane or film vapor barrier, wide-head nails or metal construction staples are used. Most practical option fasteners - counter rails.

To improve the tightness of the structure individual elements vapor barriers are additionally glued with double-sided adhesive tape or wide metallized tape.

To ensure a long service life modern heaters, high-quality vapor barrier is required. Otherwise, it will be difficult to obtain the optimal ratio of temperature and humidity indicators in the premises. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right suitable material and know how and which side to lay to the heat insulator.

NANOIZOL S is a universal hydrovapor barrier. Has a two-layer structure. One side of the spunbond (anti-condensation) is able to absorb and hold drops of condensate until they evaporate. On the other side, the high-density film has a smooth, water-repellent surface, does not allow vapor and water to pass through, and gives strength to the entire membrane.

The material is made of polypropylene, which gives it a number of advantages over traditional materials and is completely safe for humans.

NANOIZOL S is used as a waterproofing in non-insulated pitched roofs to protect structural elements and the under-roof space from condensate, atmospheric moisture, wind and dust penetrating in places where the roof is not tightly laid; to protect floor coverings (laminate, parquet) on moisture-permeable substrates; in the basement ceilings in the presence of wet basements.

NANOISOL S, due to its structure, can be used as a vapor barrier (during installation, use the installation scheme NANOISOL V).

Installation instructions

When used in non-insulated sloping roofs (Fig. 1)

NANOIZOL S is rolled out parallel or perpendicular to the rafters with an overlap of 10-15 cm, with the smooth side outward. An overlap is made on the horse. The material can be fixed to the rafters using staples of a construction stapler. It is not allowed to use staples without installed wooden lath(counter-lattices) over the membrane at the attachment points. NANOIZOL S is necessarily fastened with a counter-lattice, which also provides the upper ventilation gap. To fix the rails, nails or self-tapping screws are used. A crate or solid flooring is mounted along the counter-lattice, depending on the type of roofing. In places where the sheets overlap and where they adjoin structural elements, gluing with connecting tapes is recommended. This will reduce the chance of leaks and avoid acoustic pops.

For waterproofing floors on moisture-bearing substrates (Fig. 2)

NANOIZOL S sheets are laid directly on the floor, with an overlap on the walls. The size and number of canvases depend on the configuration of the room. The amount of overlap depends on floor covering and how it is installed. The canvases are laid with an overlap of 15-20 cm and glued together with a connecting tape. The floor covering is laid in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. After installation of the floor covering, the excess of NANOIZOL S along the walls is cut off.

NANOIZOL S is also used as a vapor barrier. Installation instructions for vapor barrier can be viewed on our website for advice by phone.

"Nanoizol V", the instructions for use of which you should study after purchasing the product, is a modern one consisting of a two-layer polypropylene film. It is able to hold condensate on the surface and promote its evaporation. This material is designed to protect insulation and roofing, as well as other building structures from the effects of water vapor, which can penetrate from the interior.

Scope of use

"Nanoizol V", the instructions for use of which will help you eliminate errors, is placed under the thermal insulation so that steam and condensate cannot seep through. The insulation is thus protected from moisture. This is especially true in winter, when the temperature difference between the outside and inside the building can form condensation. This material can be used to isolate floors between floors, as well as load-bearing walls. The polymer film will exclude the possibility of particles entering insulation materials inside the premises.

Instructions for use

"Nanoizol V", the instructions for use of which will help you during the work, is used in insulated pitched roofs of attics with any type of roofing. It is necessary to cover this vapor barrier on a supporting frame or on a rough sheathing for thermal insulation. If you want to use "Nanoizol V" for low-rise buildings, then you can use this material for internal and external work. The material must be installed on the frame from the inside of the insulation layer.

If we are talking about then laying is carried out on floor slabs or subfloor. In the first case, it is necessary to cover the vapor barrier between the lags, which are represented by beams, should be located above and below the insulation layer, so it will protect the material from both sides.

The use of vapor barrier "Nanoizol V" in conjunction with laminated parquet floors

Sometimes "Nanoizol V", the instructions for use of which are described in the article, are used in the arrangement of laminated or parquet floors. In this case, a two-layer polymer film should be laid directly on cement screed, while the finish coat is laid on top.

If you decide to use the material described above as a vapor barrier layer together with insulation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof or load-bearing walls, then the material must be placed on the inside of the thermal insulation, while it must fit snugly on the smooth side. The layer is fastened to the crate or rough sheathing using. Among other things, galvanized nails can be used to fix the film, which are driven into the frame.

Vapor barrier "Nanoizol V", the instructions for use of which will help you in carrying out the work, should be laid horizontally with the formation of an overlap, the width of which can be from 10 to 15 cm. Laying on a wall or a pitched roof is carried out from the bottom up. In order to protect the insulating film from damage, experts advise using roofing seals.

Features of the use of vapor barrier "Nanoizol D"

This material is a polypropylene fabric, which is covered with a polymer film on one side. It can be used to protect uninsulated pitched roofs. If we are talking about then "Nanoizol D", one side of which is covered with a laminated polypropylene film, will act as a vapor barrier. If you are engaged in arranging a screed in the basement, then this material can perform the functions of waterproofing.

Nanoizol D does an excellent job with its tasks when installing a floor that will be operated in a room with high humidity, this includes the basement. "Nanoizol D", the instructions for use of which will help you avoid mistakes, when arranging pitched roofs, it is laid on top of the crate or flooring, and then fixed with a construction stapler. Alternative option fixation is the laying of the panel on the flooring or crate, where the material should be turned with the smooth side up. It is necessary to start work from the lower edge of the roof, and to ensure more reliable waterproofing, the panels should be fixed to each other with a connecting tape.

Cement screed on insulated floors is poured over the material, as well as the thermal insulation layer. At the edges, the water vapor barrier must be raised to a height of approximately 15 cm on the adjacent walls.

On sale you can also find "Nanoizol FS", instructions for the use of this material will be presented below. This vapor barrier is designed to protect roofing and wall structures, as well as ceilings.

"Nanoizol FS" is a vapor-tight three-layer membrane, which differs from "Nanoizol B" in the presence of an additional layer of treated lavsan. It has a mirror effect and is necessary for reflection infrared radiation. Thus, the manufacturer has achieved additional heat savings. The vapor barrier is installed on the inside of the roof or wall on the elements of the supporting frame, whether it be rafters, beams or racks.

You can fasten under the rough skin, using a stapler or galvanized nails to fix it. If you have to work with block or brick wall on which you need to install a vapor barrier, then for fastening you can use connecting tape the same manufacturer.


Now you know what Nanoizol B is. Instructions for use, which side to install this material - everything was mentioned above. Now you just have to decide what kind of vapor barrier to purchase for this or that kind of work.