home · Appliances · How to draw a brick wall with a simple pencil. Three ways to paint a brick wall. How to make imitation brickwork on a wall: preparation

How to draw a brick wall with a simple pencil. Three ways to paint a brick wall. How to make imitation brickwork on a wall: preparation

Despite the abundance modern materials, brick walls never go out of style. But what to do if it is not possible, for example, in the living room or hall, to build a real one? The solution is simple: draw!

In the interior, such walls are usually made in the living room behind the TV or around the fireplace, on the balcony or in a spacious hall. Well, such a wall would look great in a country house, in a billiard room or winter garden. If you want to make such a wall in the kitchen, then near the work surfaces it is covered with tempered glass. It will protect the “bricks” from splashes and soot and at the same time display this interesting interior detail in all its glory.


To draw a brick wall 50 meters long you will need:

  • About ten tubes of polymer acrylic emulsion following colors: gas soot, red and light ocher, umber, natural and burnt sienna, brown mars and titanium white (it is advisable to buy them with a reserve).
  • Water bucket,
  • Two paint brushes (4 and 20),
  • Two sponges (large and small),
  • Old toothbrush
  • Plastic bowls for mixing paints
  • Chalk for drawing,
  • Work gloves,
  • Clean rag
  • Adhesive tape.

Work process

  1. We cover the floor and baseboards with paper or film so as not to stain them with paint during the process. Then we outline the place of the future drawing with chalk and also attach adhesive protective tape along this line.
  2. Apply a layer of white acrylic paint, on him large sponge- background layer - the color of cement mortar, which will be visible in the spaces between future “bricks”.
  3. When the background is dry, we apply the contours of the "bricks" with chalk, starting from the floor. We make sure that the spaces between them do not coincide vertically, and that the horizontal rows are even. We work without a ruler - this way the wall will look much more natural.
  4. We get a brick shade by mixing natural sienna with red ocher, light ocher and adding a little white. Using this color, use a wide brush to paint some of the “bricks” in random order and immediately blot with a sponge.
  5. To obtain a different shade, add a little brown mars and water to this mixture of colors. The third color will be obtained when we add burnt sienna and white to that mixture.
  6. Having painted all the “bricks” onto the wall surface with a swab, we apply a mixture of whitewash diluted with water with a small addition of ocher.
  7. Now dip an old toothbrush in burnt bone sienna and spray to reproduce the texture brick wall.
  8. How to paint a brick wall so that it looks natural? Of course, make the masonry visually embossed. To do this, with a thin brush on the right and bottom, we outline each “brick” with paint (a mixture of black umber and whitewash) and shade it a little. In any case, the relief on each wall should be directed in one direction, depending on the light from the window.
  9. We nail it over a brick wall wooden plank or again we draw a border under the stone or brickwork.

Our wall is all ready, now we can remove the film from the floor, arrange the furniture and invite guests!

Brickwork brings a unique charm and that “zest” to the interior. And if external cladding buildings can still be made using various types of bricks, then indoors, especially in an ordinary apartment, it is not always possible to use such heavy finishing, because additional load on load-bearing floors can lead to extremely unfavorable consequences.

However, there is a way out - you can create an excellent imitation of a brick wall. There are several options for this finish, and you can handle each of them with your own hands. The final result depends solely on your imagination and personal preferences.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, prepare the equipment necessary to perform decorative “brick” cladding. The list will vary slightly depending on the finishing method you choose, but in general you will need the following:

  • styling adhesive tiles;

  • soap solution or Vaseline;
  • paints;
  • level;
  • gypsum;
  • brushes;
  • mold for making decorative bricks. Choose the size of the form at your discretion. The main thing is that the walls and bottom of the product are smooth and even. To make the mold, you can use smooth, moisture-resistant plywood. Place fasteners strictly with outside. Be sure to seal the seams with moisture-resistant silicone sealant;
  • mixing container.

The simplest version of imitation brickwork

The easiest simulation option to manufacture brickwork is the drawing of the corresponding elements of the cladding on plain wallpaper or just a painted wall.

Of course, in this case there is no question of the realism and “volume” of the masonry, but the method has a number of great advantages, namely:

  • extreme ease of implementation. You simply draw the base on required quantity rectangles with “seams” of the desired size, and then paint all the elements in the desired colors;
  • versatility. You can draw the bricks and joints at the size that seems most suitable to you;
  • budget. Money will have to be spent solely on the purchase of brushes and paints.

The disadvantage, as already noted, is the unnaturalness of the cladding. Yes and finished result It doesn't look very attractive, to put it mildly. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in some utility and domestic premises such as a dressing room, garage, etc.

For living rooms, choose a more effective method of simulating brickwork from the following suggested ones.

Decorative gypsum bricks

Homemade gypsum bricks look no worse than factory-made finishing elements. Carrying out such cladding does not require the performer to have special skills or large financial costs.

The first step is making the mold

Make a mold to make bricks. Thickness individual element can be 5-20 mm. At a lower height, the bricks will quickly break, and the use of large-sized elements will lead to a significant increase in the consumption of plaster for grouting joints. In addition, too large bricks will visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

The second step is preparing the solution

Prepare a solution for making cladding elements. To do this, dilute the dry plaster with water until it resembles thick sour cream. Lubricate the mold prepared at the previous stage with a soap solution or simple petroleum jelly and pour the prepared mass into it.

Level the fill using a regular ruler. Leave the mold for 20-30 minutes, then turn it over and carefully remove the finished cladding element. Paint the brick the desired color. Sometimes, to obtain the required shade, the product must be painted in at least three layers. If desired, you can varnish the brick.

Third step - cladding

Start imitating brickwork. To do this, apply markings to the area of ​​the wall allocated for finishing. At the bottom of the wall, set aside a starting line from which you will begin laying the plaster stones.

To fix bricks, use a specially designed similar works glue, for example, tile adhesive. Buy it from the appropriate store.

Lay out the first row of bricks in compliance with the selected joint width. Attach further rows in a checkerboard pattern. Use a notched trowel to apply the adhesive to the wall. For greater effect, you can carefully break the outermost bricks in each row so that their edges look torn and uneven.

Leave the finish to dry for 1-3 days. Exact time You can check the glue drying time on the packaging.

Imitation foam brick

An imitation of a brick wall can be made from foam ceiling tiles without a pattern. The recommended size of the “bricks” is 150x70 mm. Cladding made from elements with large dimensions will look unnatural. The procedure for making bricks is extremely simple.

First step. Mark the tiles. An ordinary gel pen will help you with this. Don't forget to leave small allowances for the seams between the tiles.

Second step. Use a toothpick to press neat, even lines along the markings.

Third step. Make a “masher”. Take a lid from any tin can and cut a straight strip out of it. From one edge of the strip, cut off the edges, making a “sting” no more than 2 mm wide. Using this tip, push the marking lines to the end.

Fourth step. Cover the selected section of the wall with ready-made bricks. Use tile adhesive for gluing. Start cladding with bottom edge walls. The seams may not be filled. Leave a 1-2 mm gap between the “bricks”.

Fifth step. Paint the finished siding. Apply an increased amount of paint into the gaps. This way you will create the most realistic imitation of brickwork.

Wood bricks

Imitation of brickwork can be very easily made from wood.

First step. Buy material for making “bricks”. You can use, for example, plywood.

Second step. Cut the workpiece into the required quantity rectangular elements same size.

Third step. Sand the front side of each element.

Fourth step. Prepare markings on the wall.

Fifth step. Lay out the bricks according to the markings, starting from the bottom opposite corners. Attach the elements at the same distance, corresponding to the seam thickness you have chosen. A gap of a couple of millimeters will be enough. Lay out all the bricks.

Sixth step. Paint or varnish the finished masonry.

The advantage of imitation brick walls made of wood is environmental friendliness and impressive durability.

Tile adhesive cladding

Decorative bricks can be made from dry tile adhesive.

First step. Dilute the dry component in water until you obtain a mixture with a consistency close to very thick sour cream.

Second step. Divide the resulting mass into 3 approximately equal parts and add a small amount of paint to each of them. Coloring components should have a different shade.

Thoroughly stir each "pile". As a result, you will get a mass with beautiful and interesting stains.

Third step. Roll each pile into a “pancake”, and then cut the resulting product into equal bricks. Let the elements dry.

Repeat the above steps until you have the required number of bricks.

Fourth step. Cladding the wall ready-made bricks. Use tile adhesive to fix the elements.

Fifth step. Fill the seams with a specially designed composition. It is better that the filler be a little darker than the cladding elements.

Sixth step. Cover the finish with a couple of coats of varnish.

Finishing decorative cladding

First step. Mix red and light ocher.

Second step. Add a little white to the mixture.

Third step. Treat decorative masonry using the tampon method. To do this, take a sponge, dip it into the thick mixture prepared in the previous stages, and evenly distribute the composition over the cladding.

Fourth step. Take liquid paint brown or close to it. Spray the paint onto the trim using a toothbrush.

To get more effective and natural look finishing, you can use different painting techniques for each row. For example, you can treat the second row of masonry with cold hematite diluted with water, cover the third row with a mixture of sienna and white, etc. Apply all coloring compounds using the same tamping technique. Alternate shades in order.

Finally, coat the imitation brick wall with a couple of coats of varnish. If you want to give the cladding a matte surface, carefully sand it with fine-grain sandpaper.

To create an imitation brick wall yourself, you don’t need to be a great master. Choose the method you like best and start finishing according to the instructions.

Good luck!


Imitation of brickwork: materials and tools

Brickwork, so familiar to us, can become part of modern interior, for example, in the loft style, which originated in the 40s of the last century in New York. It was then that warehouses and warehouses began to be converted into housing and offices. industrial premises. At that time, no one could have thought that brick walls left unfinished metal beams and concrete floors can become a trendy design element. Then these parts of the premises remained “unimproved” for only one reason - there were not enough funds to decorate them.

Today, imitation brickwork in the interior is one of the most popular style solutions. Elements of this style can be seen in ordinary apartments, and most often brickwork is used as such. If you can’t leave at least some of the real bricks visible, you can imitate brickwork using painting, as a result of which the “fake” bricks will look quite believable. You can combine imitation brickwork with other decorative techniques - painting, textured finishing, etc. It is not at all necessary to paint the entire wall as a brick; it is quite enough if it is covered with painting only to 14 or 13 heights. If you are not afraid to experiment, the level of “masonry” can be made different - changes will enliven the room.

Before making an imitation of brickwork on the wall, you need to prepare tools and materials. Tools you will need are brushes No. 4 and 20, a bucket, an old toothbrush, containers for palettes, natural sponges, gloves, a clean rag and masking tape. As a paint, you can take a polymer acrylic emulsion. The materials needed to imitate brickwork are the simplest: crayons, gypsum putty and paint. The following colors can be used: titanium white, red and light ocher, carbon black, natural and burnt sienna, umber, mars brown. Whitewash is usually the first to be used up, so it makes sense to stock up on more of this paint. It will take from 12 to 16 hours to create an imitation of 50m2 of brickwork.

How to make an imitation of brickwork on a wall: preparation

So, how to make an imitation of brickwork with your own hands in a separate room?

Before you start painting directly, you need to start with preparation: to do this, cover the floor and baseboard with film or newspapers. It is necessary to mark the boundaries of the future masonry. The outline is marked with a pencil, and masking tape is glued along the line.

To imitate brickwork on the wall, a selected part of the surface is painted with semi-matte white acrylic paint. Then you need to apply a layer of background paint in the shade of cement mortar, mixing titanium white, black paint and umber with a wide brush.

You can choose the color of the cement mortar yourself. Imagine what the “mortar” will look like after the “bricks” appear on the wall. The shade can be yellowish or light gray.

The paint is mixed in small portions immediately before application to the wall - this way you can control the use of the material and you will be sure that the paint is not wasted. Don't worry if the color changes as you apply. The play of shades will only benefit the visual perception of the drawing.

As you can see in the photo, to imitate brickwork when mixing paints, it is convenient to use a palette plate:

They are squeezed onto its edge different colors and mix during operation.

Imitation of brickwork with your own hands with photos and videos

And now, in fact, a master class on imitation brickwork with your own hands for an interior in the loft style.

Work begins by applying background paint with a sponge. big size. The tamponing technique is used - blows to the surface should be light and frequent. There is also no need to worry about uniform coloring of the entire surface. Different cement shades look impressive and create the appearance of naturalness. In the process of making an imitation of brickwork, you can go over the sponge several times in one place, and apply a less intense layer of paint in another.

Look at the photo of imitation brickwork with your own hands - it’s more convenient to draw bricks, starting from the bottom row:

In this case, it is important to check the horizontal lines, otherwise the bricks will “fall over” on their side. But the vertical lines may be uneven and may not coincide with one another. At the same time, drawing with a ruler is not recommended. The drawing will look more realistic if you draw the lines by hand. Asymmetrical rows will also look more natural. The bricks can be any size, but keep in mind that painting them with a wide brush will be easier if they are medium in size.

After finishing painting all the elements of the masonry, it is necessary to dilute white with water, a small amount of ocher or umber. The mixture of paints is applied to the finished drawing using the padding method. To give the bricks a characteristic texture, they are also sprayed with dark paint. To do this, you will need an old toothbrush, which is dipped in paint, and a stick, which is passed along the bristles so that the paint is splashed onto the drawing.

The painted bricks will look even more prominent if you add shadows to them. To create a similar effect, you will need a thin brush and a mixture of umber, white and black. Each detail is outlined from below and to the right or below and to the left. In this case, they focus on the location of the real window and how the light falls in the room. The shadow of all bricks should fall from the same side. If, after finishing painting, it becomes clear that the lines stand out too brightly, you can muffle them with a liquid solution of white and natural sienna, shading the paint with a toothbrush.

Painting in the form of brickwork will be combined with wood or natural stone. You can glue a wooden strip over the “brick” painting and cover it with varnish or wax. Another option for framing is with natural stone glued to the wall surface.

By watching the video “Imitation of brickwork”, you will better understand how this work is done:


Brick drawing technology

The entire work process is simple in terms of execution and takes little time, money and effort. Let's break it down into sequential steps:

Step 1. Preparing materials

To paint a wall whose length is 50 m, we take the following materials:

Choose the right color for your brick wall

10 tubes of acrylic paint in the following shades: carbon black, red and light ocher, umber, natural and burnt sienna, mars brown and titanium white, more of the latter;

Water container;

Sponges different sizes;

Used toothbrush;

Disposable dishes for mixing acrylic paints;

Chalk for drawing;

We cover the floor and baseboards with newspapers, so they will remain clean after our creative work. We mark the boundaries of the future brick wall with chalk, along which we then stick adhesive tape.

Painted brickwork option

We paint the entire area with white paint, after which we apply a background to it with a large sponge - the shade of cement mortar. This grey colour will be an imitation of the gaps between the bricks.

Step 3. Draw and paint the bricks

After the background has dried, we begin drawing out the bricks with chalk. We start drawing from the bottom, moving upward, trying to keep the horizontal row straight, but don’t use a ruler - it will turn out more natural.

First we will color in brick color: mix sienna, light and red ocher, with a small addition white. We take a wide brush and randomly paint some bricks, immediately soaking the paint with a sponge.

Let's paint the next part of the bricks with a different shade: add brown mars and a little water to the previous mixture of colors. And we get the last color by mixing the main palette with burnt sienna and white.

Step 4. Giving the drawing texture

Having painted all the bricks, dilute the white with water, then add a little ocher, and use a tampon to shade the surface. Next we do this: dip the toothbrush in sienna and spray it on the wall, creating a texture.

But that is not all. An artificial brick wall should look natural and maintain maximum resemblance to the natural one. To do this, you need to give it relief and volume. Take a small brush and paint the right and bottom side each brick, slightly shading. The color we use is white with black umber. Don't forget that the relief should be in one direction, based on the incident light rays.

Step 5. Finishing touch

At the top of the wall we place wood panel or we depict a stone border.

That's it, the brick wall is built! We put away the newspapers, arrange the furniture and invite friends to appreciate our work. Even if you do not have the skills of an artist, you can decorate a wall in the form of brickwork if you decide to refresh the renovation yourself.



How to make an imitation brick wall: a short list of methods

The easiest way is if you have brickwork hidden under the plaster. Beat the plaster, clean the seams, prime and paint. The result is a natural brick wall. Moreover, it will look quite “old” and vintage. Those who are less fortunate will have to imitate this brickwork. The good news is that there are many ways available inexpensive materials, you can make a “brick wall” on concrete, plasterboard, plywood... any more or less durable surface. By the way, most techniques take little time. So, here's how to make imitation brick for interior decoration:

This is just a short list. There are several technological differences at each point. So imitation brick for interior decoration can be done in at least a dozen ways. Let's talk about some in more detail.

sawing a brick

The idea of ​​replacing expensive “brick-like” finishing tiles with bricks loosened into plates seems reasonable. But you need a brick good quality, without voids, inhomogeneities, underburning or overburnt areas. In general, you need an expensive brick. Or old.

An example of sawn bricks... but these are two “beautiful” parts

It is better to cut it with a water-cooled circular saw. It will work out decorative tiles"under the brick" in natural color. The thickness of the tiles is at least 8-10 mm. The advantages are clear: low price, no need to paint - there is a natural color. These homemade brick tiles are then glued to the walls using regular glue for tiles.

For a more pronounced color, you can coat it with matte varnish.

And this is for decorating external corners

But there are also disadvantages: you need a good quality brick, but you still have to find it. When cutting, the plates may break. Only two of them are obtained with a beautiful surface - the extreme ones. The rest will have to be modified manually, creating a relief. It’s tedious, dusty, time-consuming, difficult, and it’s not a fact that brick imitation will actually be learned “at the level.”

Despite all the shortcomings, this method is used. And this is, perhaps, the only option for homemade imitation of brickwork, which can be used for exterior finishing . For these purposes (finishing the facade of a building), by the way, you can cut the brick into two halves. Everything is cheaper than buying tiles.

If “wet” or “dusty” work is not your thing, but you know how to draw at least a little, you can paint a brick wall. You will need acrylic paints, brushes, a pair of natural sponges, masking tape, and thick paper plates for mixing paints. When thinning paints, remember that acrylic paints darken as they dry. And one more thing: they dry quickly, but freshly applied ones can be removed with a clean cloth soaked in water.

The whole process in step-by-step photos

First we prepare workplace: cover the baseboard and adjacent floor with polyethylene or old wallpaper (it’s better to fix it with tape). Use masking tape to outline the boundaries - at the top, on the sides. At the bottom, the limiter is a plinth, although, in order not to get dirty, it can be removed.

Drawing bricks on the wall

Describing is much longer than doing it all. A beginner can draw about 30 squares of imitation brickwork in a day. For maximum verisimilitude, there are several secrets, which we will discuss below.

Final Touches

To ensure that the brickwork painted on the wall is as close to natural as possible, there are several little secrets:

With some skill and effort, you can ensure that the painted brickwork looks like the natural one. The main rule: imperfection and heterogeneity.

Brick imitation for interior decoration from plaster mortar

The general idea is simple: a layer of plaster or tile adhesive is applied to the wall, and a seam is cut/pressed into it. After processing the edges of the “bricks” and seams, and painting, the result is a semblance of brickwork of varying degrees of plausibility. Everything is simple, but there are significant differences and nuances.

Imitation of brick for interior decoration of premises made of mortar, plaster (regular and decorative)

What and how to make a solution from

The first question that arises is: what kind of solution is needed and from what? There are many recipes. Here are some options:

Regardless of what you make the solution from, it should be semi-dry and should not leak under any circumstances. It will not need to be leveled, so its plasticity is not important to you, and the adhesive ability will be provided by additives - tile adhesive and PVA. To adjust the consistency, add water in small portions.

Surface preparation

The wall on which we will make imitation brickwork does not have to be even. It should be free of dust and dirt, crumbling fragments and particles. This is where the requirements end.

The process of preparing the wall is a careful approach: first they make markings

Before starting work better wall prime. The type of primer depends on the substrate. If the wall is concrete or loose, walk with “concrete contact”. It will bind crumbling particles and create an adhesive surface on which any composition fits perfectly. If we are decorating plywood, gypsum board or other similar material, we can do without a primer, or we can coat it with diluted PVA.

Technology No. 1. We use thin tape to draw seams

First, we paint the wall to match the color of the seams between the bricks. Some are planning gray-brown, others white-gray. We cover the wall with paint of a suitable shade. On the prepared base using a narrow masking tape(1 cm or a little less/more), apply markings. The tape will mark the seams between the bricks, so stick it horizontally, at a distance of about 6-6.5 cm from each other. When the horizontal lines are pasted, glue the short vertical ones. They are 23-25 ​​cm apart from each other - this is the length of a standard building bricks, but decorative ones can be shorter.

Now we take the solution and apply it to the wall. The layers are unequal, the thickness is 0.3-0.5 cm. We apply it “as it happens”, without achieving flat surface, smooth transitions... As it turned out, so be it. We only avoid obvious bald spots through which the wall shines. We filled the area, took a flat trowel (grater), and slightly smoothed out what we got. Leave until slightly dry: so that when you press with your finger, the composition is slightly pressed through.

We apply the solution without worrying about beauty and uniform thickness

We pry up the ends of the horizontally pasted strips of adhesive tape in any place (when gluing, leave the “tails”), pull, removing along with the solution adhering to the tape. We remove the entire mesh. The edges of the “bricks” turn out to be torn and uneven. This is fine. Even good.

Take a toothbrush or paint brush with fairly stiff bristles. Use a toothbrush to go along the seams, removing any remaining mortar. At the same time, the edges of the bricks are rounded. Then we take a wider brush and use it to go over the surface, adding naturalness and removing too sharp edges. Leave to dry at room temperature for approximately 48-72 hours. Do not force dry it - it will crack. Although, if you want to have cracks... If the composition was not painted in bulk, it's a matter of painting.

Technology No. 2: cutting the “seams”

This method of simulating brick for interior decoration takes less time: no tape is required. Apply the solution to the surface of the wall. Everything is exactly the same as described above, only the layer can be thicker - up to 0.8-1 cm. After waiting until the solution “sets” a little, we mark the seams. Here again there are options:

The second option is more accurate. But you have to be careful not to make it too smooth. Although, due to the fact that the hand trembles, the seam “walks” slightly, which gives a more believable look.

Having made the horizontal seams, we proceed to cutting the vertical ones - also by hand. The width of the bricks is about 6 cm, the length is around 23-25 ​​cm. Having finished, we wait for 12-14 hours. Until the composition has set enough to be picked out. When the concrete begins to crumble under strong pressure, take a wide screwdriver (the usual one with a “spatula”) and use it to pick out the solution between the cut strips.

In progress…

When the seams are cleaned, take a stiff brush or brush and remove the remaining mortar and crumbs. The bristles on the brush should be fairly stiff. If the solution is dry, you can try more drastic measures - a wire brush.

Technology No. 3: saw seams

This method of making imitation brickwork for interior decoration differs only in that instead of a knife we ​​take an old hacksaw blade.

After waiting until the solution sets and does not slide, we use a saw to mark the boundaries of the seams. Here you choose one of the methods described above. But you don’t have to wait any longer: use a hacksaw to paint out the seams little by little. Long horizontal seams are quick to make, but vertical ones are not very convenient, since the fabric is not very suitable for short distances.

From a distance you won’t understand that this is just an imitation of brick

This method is good because there is no danger of “over-drying” the solution. You can do the “jointing” as soon as the solution hardens a little. In this state, it is easier to round the edges of the bricks, giving them a natural “old age”. The downside is that you have to get used to it, otherwise you might end up doing something bad.

Making a mold for casting brick tiles from plaster

An imitation of brick for interior decoration in an apartment or house can also be cast: you can make gypsum tiles in the form of bricks yourself. To do this, an impression is taken from interesting specimens of bricks (a mold is made to form an artificial finishing stone), then gypsum solution is poured into it. The resulting tiles are used for wall decoration. This technology is good because it allows you to prepare several molds in which you can make bricks of different colors for different rooms.

We find bricks of interesting shape and several almost ordinary ones, but with various minor defects. We will use them to cast the mold. It is desirable that there be at least a dozen of them, or better yet, more. “Artificial brickwork” will be more varied.

The result may be very similar to real masonry

On the side that we will “multiply”, apply grease or heated wax mixed with kerosene. This is necessary so that the silicone does not stick to the surface. When everything is dry, apply a layer of silicone sealant to the treated side. The layer thickness is 1-1.5 cm. Leave until the silicone is completely polymerized (the time depends on the type, it is written on the package).

You can also make the following shapes: imitation brick with marine motifs

When the silicone has hardened, take mounting foam and coat the mold without removing it from the brick. After the foam has hardened, remove the brick and level the bottom of the mold so that it stands level. Can be used by filling with gypsum mortar. It sets quickly; if you have a dozen molds, in 2-3 days you can make tiles for a couple of squares simulating a brick wall. By the way, gypsum mortar can be painted in bulk. Then new cracks and chips are not a problem - just like a brick.

How and what to paint

IN Lately The white brick wall has become fashionable. If you are going to do just this, there are no problems: apply the seams with a brush, use a roller to apply the surface. If you want something that is not too monochromatic, add a little tint to the base color composition - gray, brown, yellow... or even pink or blue. Paint with this paint. Add more white to the remainder and add highlights with this lighter composition using a semi-dry roller, sponge, or brush. If desired, you can apply the top “shadows” with silver, bronze, adding a little gold. Here's how you like it best.

Imitation brick in the bedroom - looks very stylish

If the seams in the imitation brickwork should be darker, go over them first with a brush. Then, using a roller with short or medium pile, we paint the very surface of the bricks. If you take a roller with even shorter pile, dip it in paint of a different shade (lighter or darker - it depends), in bronze, silver, gold, etc. and with this roller, quickly, lightly touching, paint over the most protruding parts, you will get an even more interesting effect. In general, you can experiment. With this approach, imitation brick becomes design object and the main interior decoration.


The do-it-yourself imitation of brickwork, so familiar to us, can become part of a modern interior, for example in a loft style. It was then that warehouses and industrial premises began to be converted into housing and offices. At that time, no one could have imagined that bare brick walls, metal beams and concrete floors could become a fashionable design element. Then these parts of the premises remained “unimproved” for only one reason - there were not enough funds to decorate them.

Today loft is one of the most popular style solutions. Elements of this style can be seen in ordinary apartments, and most often brickwork is used in this capacity. If you can’t leave at least some of the real bricks visible, you can imitate brickwork using painting, as a result of which the “fake” bricks will look quite believable.

You can combine brickwork with other decorative techniques - painting, textured finishing, etc. It is not at all necessary to paint the entire wall like a brick; it is quite enough if it is covered with painting only at Y4 or x/3 height. If you are not afraid to experiment, the level of “masonry” can be made different - changes will enliven the room.
Before you start working on imitation masonry with your own hands, you need to prepare tools and materials.

You will need brushes number 4 and 20, a bucket, an old toothbrush, containers for palettes, natural sponges, chalk, gloves, a clean rag and masking tape. As a paint, you can take a polymer acrylic emulsion. To imitate brickwork, the following colors are suitable: titanium white, red and light ocher, gas soot, natural and burnt sienna, umber, mars brown. Whitewash is usually the first to be used up, so it makes sense to stock up on more of this paint. It will take from 12 to 16 hours to create an imitation of 50 m2 of brickwork.

Before proceeding directly to painting, cover the floor and baseboard with film or newspapers. It is necessary to mark the boundaries of the future masonry. The outline is marked with a pencil, and masking tape is glued along the line.
The selected part of the wall is painted with semi-matte white acrylic paint. Then you need to apply a layer of background paint in the shade of cement mortar, mixing titanium white, black paint and umber with a wide brush.

Painter's advice
You can choose the color of the cement mortar yourself. Imagine what the “mortar” will look like after the “bricks” appear on the wall. The shade may be yellowish or light gray.

The paint is mixed in small portions immediately before application to the wall - this way you can control the use of the material and you will be sure that the paint is not wasted. Don't worry if the color changes as you apply. The play of shades will only benefit the visual perception of the drawing. When mixing paints, it is convenient to use a palette plate. Different colors are squeezed onto its edge and mixed while working.

The background paint is applied with a large sponge. The tamponing technique is used - blows to the surface should be light and frequent. There is also no need to worry about uniform coloring of the entire surface. Different cement shades look impressive and create the appearance of naturalness. In one place you can go over the sponge several times, and in another apply a less intense layer of paint.

After applying the background paint, you need to wait for it to dry completely, and then draw the outlines of the bricks with chalk. But before you start drawing, you need to calculate their number so that there are only whole bricks in the masonry. This is especially important if the painting is applied near a window or door. Between bricks it is necessary to leave gaps of 10-12 mm. Gaps that are too large can be painted over later, whereas the paint already applied to the surface will not be so easy to erase.

It is more convenient to draw bricks starting from the bottom row. In this case, it is important to check the horizontal lines, otherwise the bricks will “fall over” on their side. But the vertical lines may be uneven and may not coincide with one another. At the same time, drawing with a ruler is not recommended. The drawing will look more realistic if you draw the lines by hand. Asymmetrical rows will also look more natural. The bricks can be any size, but keep in mind that painting them with a wide brush will be easier if they are medium in size.

The masonry can be painted with ocher or sienna. The paints are mixed in any proportions until the required shade is obtained - from yellowish-brown to the color of dried black bread. To achieve a pure brick color, it is necessary to mix natural sienna, red ocher and light ocher with the addition of white. To get a new shade, water, brown mars or white and burnt sienna are added to the mixture. It is not recommended to paint all bricks the same color. For convenience, you can randomly color the bricks first with one color, then mix the colors again and color the other bricks again in random order. After painting is completed, the elements are blotted with a sponge.

After finishing painting all the elements of the masonry, it is necessary to dilute white with water, a small amount of ocher or umber. The mixture of paints is applied to the finished drawing using the padding method. To give an imitation of brickwork, dark paint is also applied to them by spraying. To do this, you will need an old toothbrush, which is dipped in paint, and a stick, which is passed along the bristles so that the paint is splashed onto the drawing.

The painted bricks will look even more prominent if you add shadows to them. To create a similar effect, you will need a thin brush and a mixture of umber, white and black. Each detail is outlined from below and to the right or below and to the left. In this case, they focus on the location of the real window and how the light falls in the room. The shadow of all bricks should fall from the same side.
During drawing, extra lines or spots of paint may appear. They must be removed quickly, since acrylic does not dry for long. You can wipe off excess with plain water.
Painting in the form of brickwork will be combined with wood or natural stone. You can glue a wooden strip over the “brick” painting and cover it with varnish or wax. Another framing option is a natural stone, glued to the wall surface.

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If the wall is made of ordinary material, do not facing bricks, if over time it has lost its former luster or you don’t like its color, sooner or later you will be faced with the question of finishing it. For example, about how to paint a brick wall - on a balcony, on the facade of a building or inside it.

This is the most accessible, inexpensive and fast way refine the surface, but the paint will last a long time and look beautiful only if the technology for its application is followed. Therefore, despite the apparent simplicity of such finishing, it is worth understanding this issue in detail.

Before you run for paint, think about whether you are ready for the rather labor-intensive work of preparing the surface and the need to repeat this procedure every 4-5 years, removing dirt and dampness. If the decision has been made and is not discussed, let's get started.

It is important! Newly erected walls, partitions and other brick structures can be painted no earlier than a year later. During this time, the material should dry well and leach out.

Preparing walls for painting

A carefully prepared surface not only guarantees a high-quality decorative coating, but also facilitates the process of its application. Therefore, before painting a brick wall, we will start cleaning, sanding and priming it. The scope of work depends on the condition of the wall: the degree of its wear, the presence of efflorescence, dirt, mold, old paint, etc.


  • If the wall has already been painted, the old paint will have to be completely removed so that the fresh paint does not peel off. Depending on the type of paint, it is washed off soapy water, sand off or scrape off with a spatula, after wetting it (see How to wash off paint without problems);

Advice. Do not use metal brushes for this, as they leave deep scratches on the surface.

  • Dirty walls with traces of mold also need to be washed. Greasy marks are removed with the same soapy water or solution detergent with sodium orthophosphate (see How to clean a wall from grease stains: tips). After which you need to rinse everything off with clean water;
  • Traces of efflorescence are also removed using the same method (with water and a stiff non-metallic brush).– white salt stains. Moreover, more than one treatment may be required if, after drying, the stains appear again;

  • After cleaning, the walls need to be repaired if necessary.: fill the gaps, cracks and chips, renew the masonry seams. After the mortar has dried, go over the surface with fine-grained sandpaper, removing excess putty and sanding the brick.

Now you need to wait for the surface to dry completely and ensure conditions acceptable for painting. This is normal (+15 – +30 degrees) temperature and low humidity air.

Paint selection and coloring

In order for the paint to adhere well and hold firmly, the instructions require treating the brick wall with a special primer for bricks with high water resistance, latex or oil based.

It is applied with a brush (see Painting brushes: which ones to choose) or with a roller, first to damaged areas where there were stains of mold or grease, and then the surface is completely covered in 1-2 layers. Of course, each layer is dried before applying the next one or paint.

Advice. When deciding what paint to paint a brick wall, immediately decide on the primer: it is best if both compositions are on the same base.

The choice of paint is largely determined by the place of its application.

  • If you need to paint the facade of a house or a brick fence, only paint for exterior use is used that is resistant to moisture, frost, ultraviolet rays and other natural factors and retains its original appearance for a long time.
  • For stoves, fireplaces and walls, in which the chimneys pass, thermal insulating paint is selected.
  • For interior work You can use only environmentally friendly paints that do not emit harmful substances into the air.

There may be other requirements. For example, the coating in the bathroom and kitchen should be wear-resistant, not afraid of water and easy to clean. But there is one general mandatory condition: the paint’s resistance to alkaline environments.

Many compositions meet these requirements - oil, silicone for external use, water-soluble emulsion for internal use.

The most worthy option is acrylate paints, which have good vapor permeability, high wear resistance, a huge selection of colors, ease of application and maintenance. They have only one drawback - the high price.

The painting technology after all the measures taken is standard: the paint is applied with a brush or roller with a thick coat so that the fibers reach the depressions in the seams. It is better to apply two layers for an even color. And if the wall color and paint are contrasting, more layers may be required.

Drawing a brick wall

Brickwork is very decorative and expressive; it literally begs to be added to some interior styles. But what to do if there is no desire or opportunity to do it or to cover the walls with tiles that imitate masonry? You can simply draw it.

Now you will learn how to paint a wall like a brick, creating a very believable imitation:

  • First, as usual, preparatory work, consisting in removing any old finish, dirt and crumbling areas from the wall, and priming the surface.

Note. The surface should be durable, but not necessarily even and smooth, especially if you need to imitate rough masonry for the loft style. Therefore, the decision on the need for putty is made depending on the purpose of decoration. But even in this case there is no need to bring the surface to perfection.

  • Next, we lay film or old newspapers on the floor and begin to create.
  • You can create the contours of the masonry in different ways: draw them using a ruler or by hand (we don’t need geometric clarity of the lines) and seal them with tape. Or use a special stencil template when painting. The latter is convenient when you need to issue small area walls, so tape is better.

  • You can go the opposite way and first paint the walls in the main color, and after they dry, draw the bricks and paint them.
  • Now we take several trays and pour paint of different colors into them: brown, orange, brown, gray, yellow, white - the colors and their quantity depend on the desired palette.
  • It is best to paint over bricks with a sponge, using the trimming method - making jerky stamping movements and avoiding strokes. This will give the surface the porous appearance of real bricks.

  • The sponge is first dipped in one tray. Then immediately into the second one, with a different paint, after which each brick is painted separately. They can be made the same or different, using several sponges for different shades.
  • In some places the layer of paint can be dense, in others it can be thinner, with the main color of the wall showing through. This process is difficult to describe in words - you need to try.
  • When the entire area of ​​the wall is painted, you need to wait until it dries and then remove the tape. If the color of the “seams” suits you, you can leave them alone; if not, take a thin brush and draw them without trying to make clear lines.
  • Next comes the fun part: creating volume. It is made using gray and white paints and a thin brush. We apply a “shadow” with gray paint to two adjacent edges (for example, the bottom and right) of each brick, and highlight the remaining two (top and left) with white.

Having finished, you can refine the drawing a little more if it seems to you not enough similar to real masonry. To do this, spots of a different color are applied to the bricks with a “dry” brush, and the seams are slightly smeared, going into the corners here and there and imitating chips.

The process itself can bring great pleasure to creative people. But if you find it labor-intensive and complicated, use other methods of creating a similar texture. For example, buy and stick brick wallpaper.


Repair is not always a big financial expense and damaged nerves. Sometimes it does not require large investments and even causes pleasant emotions. Try the tips here and see for yourself. And if something remains unclear, watch the video in this article.

Although construction market replenished with new modern finishing materials, brick, or rather, a brick wall has still not lost its relevance in the design of premises. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy such decor and build a literal brick wall at home. In this case, you can make an imitation from cardboard, foam plastic and other materials. The simplest option is to imitate a brick wall by drawing bricks.

Brick drawing technology

The entire work process is simple in terms of execution and takes little time, money and effort. Let's break it down into sequential steps:

Step 1 : Preparation of materials

To paint a wall whose length is 50 m, we take the following materials:

Choose the right color for your brick wall

— 10 tubes of acrylic paint in the following shades: carbon black, red and light ocher, umber, natural and burnt sienna, mars brown and titanium white, more of the latter;

- container for water;

- brushes;

- sponges of different sizes;

- a used toothbrush

– disposable tableware to mix acrylic paints;

- chalk for drawing;

- gloves;

Step 2: Create the background

We cover the floor and baseboards with newspapers, so they will remain clean after our creative work. We mark the boundaries of the future brick wall with chalk, along which we then stick adhesive tape.

Painted brickwork option

Also read: How to make imitation brickwork with your own hands

We paint the entire area with white paint, after which we apply a background to it with a large sponge - the shade of cement mortar. This gray color will imitate the gaps between the bricks.

Step 3: Draw and paint the bricks

After the background has dried, we begin drawing out the bricks with chalk. We start drawing from the bottom, moving upward, trying to keep the horizontal row straight, but don’t use a ruler - it will turn out more natural.

Useful article: How to make foam bricks

First we will paint it brick color: mix sienna, light and red ocher, with a small addition of white. We take a wide brush and randomly paint some bricks, immediately soaking the paint with a sponge.

Let's paint the next part of the bricks with a different shade: add brown mars and a little water to the previous mixture of colors. And we get the last color by mixing the main palette with burnt sienna and white.

Step 4: Giving the drawing texture

Having painted all the bricks, dilute the white with water, then add a little ocher, and use a tampon to shade the surface. Next we do this: dip the toothbrush in sienna and spray it on the wall, creating a texture.

But that is not all. An artificial brick wall should look natural and maintain maximum resemblance to the natural one. To do this, you need to give it relief and volume. Take a small brush and paint the right and bottom side of each brick, shading slightly. The color we use is white with black umber. Don't forget that the relief should be in one direction, based on the incident light rays.

Step 5: Finishing Touch

At the top of the wall we place a wooden panel or depict a stone border.

You may find it useful: How to make adobe brick

That's it, the brick wall is built! We put away the newspapers, arrange the furniture and invite friends to appreciate our work. Even if you do not have the skills of an artist, you can decorate a wall in the form of brickwork if you decide to refresh the renovation yourself.

One of fashion trends in the decoration of the premises - a brick wall. Good for those who have a brick house. All they need is to knock off the plaster and slightly “tamper” what is available. What should the rest of us do? There are wallpapers and brick-like tiles, but not all of them are plausible, and good ones cost almost as much as a natural brick wall. The best option in this case - a self-made imitation brick for interior decoration. Moreover, “bricks-tiles” can be made separately, or you can decorate the entire wall in one go.

sawing a brick

An example of sawn bricks... but these are two “beautiful” parts

For a more pronounced color, you can coat it with matte varnish.

And this is for decorating external corners

The whole process in step-by-step photos

Drawing bricks on the wall

Final Touches

Imitation of brick for interior decoration of premises made of mortar, plaster (regular and decorative)

What and how to make a solution from

Surface preparation

The process of preparing the wall is a careful approach: first they make markings

We apply the solution without worrying about beauty and uniform thickness

In progress…

Technology No. 3: saw seams

From a distance you won’t understand that this is just an imitation of brick

The result can be very similar to real masonry

You can also make the following shapes: imitation brick with marine motifs


Preparatory stage

Before starting work, prepare the equipment necessary to perform decorative “brick” cladding. The list will vary slightly depending on the finishing method you choose, but in general you will need the following:

  • adhesive for laying tiles;
  • soap solution or Vaseline;
  • paints;
  • level;
  • gypsum;
  • brushes;
  • mold for making decorative bricks. Choose the size of the form at your discretion. The main thing is that the walls and bottom of the product are smooth and even. To make the mold, you can use smooth, moisture-resistant plywood. Place fasteners strictly from the outside. Be sure to seal the seams with moisture-resistant silicone sealant;
  • mixing container.

The simplest version of imitation brickwork

The easiest way to imitate brickwork is to draw the corresponding cladding elements on plain wallpaper or simply a painted wall.

Of course, in this case there is no question of the realism and “volume” of the masonry, but the method has a number of great advantages, namely:

  • extreme ease of implementation. You simply draw the base into the required number of rectangles with “seams” of the desired size, and then paint all the elements in the desired colors;
  • versatility. You can draw the bricks and joints at the size that seems most suitable to you;
  • budget. Money will have to be spent solely on the purchase of brushes and paints.

The disadvantage, as already noted, is the unnaturalness of the cladding. And the finished result does not look very attractive, to put it mildly. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in some utility and domestic premises such as a dressing room, garage, etc.

For living rooms, choose a more effective method of simulating brickwork from the following suggested ones.

Decorative gypsum bricks

Homemade gypsum bricks look no worse than factory-made finishing elements. Carrying out such cladding does not require the performer to have special skills or large financial costs.

The first step is making the mold

Make a mold to make bricks. The thickness of an individual element can be 5-20 mm. At a lower height, the bricks will quickly break, and the use of large-sized elements will lead to a significant increase in the consumption of plaster for grouting joints. In addition, too large bricks will visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

The second step is preparing the solution

Prepare a solution for making cladding elements. To do this, dilute the dry plaster with water until it resembles thick sour cream. Lubricate the mold prepared at the previous stage with a soap solution or simple petroleum jelly and pour the prepared mass into it.

Level the fill using a regular ruler. Leave the mold for 20-30 minutes, then turn it over and carefully remove the finished cladding element. Paint the brick the desired color. Sometimes, to obtain the required shade, the product must be painted in at least three layers. If desired, you can varnish the brick.

Third step - cladding

Start imitating brickwork. To do this, apply markings to the area of ​​the wall allocated for finishing. At the bottom of the wall, set aside a starting line from which you will begin laying the plaster stones.

To fix the bricks, use an adhesive specially designed for such work, for example, tile adhesive. Buy it from the appropriate store.

Lay out the first row of bricks in compliance with the selected joint width. Attach further rows in a checkerboard pattern. Use a notched trowel to apply the adhesive to the wall. For greater effect, you can carefully break the outermost bricks in each row so that their edges look torn and uneven.

Leave the finish to dry for 1-3 days. You can check the exact drying time for the glue on the packaging.

Imitation foam brick

An imitation of a brick wall can be made from foam ceiling tiles without a pattern. The recommended size of the “bricks” is 150x70 mm. Cladding made from elements with large dimensions will look unnatural. The procedure for making bricks is extremely simple.

First step. Mark the tiles. An ordinary gel pen will help you with this. Don't forget to leave small allowances for the seams between the tiles.

Second step. Use a toothpick to press neat, even lines along the markings.

Third step. Make a “masher”. Take a lid from any tin can and cut a straight strip out of it. From one edge of the strip, cut off the edges, making a “sting” no more than 2 mm wide. Using this tip, push the marking lines to the end.

Fourth step. Cover the selected section of the wall with ready-made bricks. Use tile adhesive for gluing. Start tiling from the bottom edge of the wall. The seams may not be filled. Leave a 1-2 mm gap between the “bricks”.

Fifth step. Paint the finished siding. Apply an increased amount of paint into the gaps. This way you will create the most realistic imitation of brickwork.

Wood bricks

Imitation of brickwork can be very easily made from wood.

First step. Buy material for making “bricks”. You can use, for example, plywood.

Second step. Cut the workpiece into the required number of rectangular elements of the same size.

Third step. Sand the front side of each element.

Fourth step. Prepare markings on the wall.

Fifth step. Lay out the bricks according to the markings, starting from the bottom opposite corners. Attach the elements at the same distance, corresponding to the seam thickness you have chosen. A gap of a couple of millimeters will be enough. Lay out all the bricks.

Sixth step. Paint or varnish the finished masonry.

The advantage of imitation brick walls made of wood is environmental friendliness and impressive durability.

Tile adhesive cladding

Decorative bricks can be made from dry tile adhesive.

First step. Dilute the dry component in water until you obtain a mixture with a consistency close to very thick sour cream.

Second step. Divide the resulting mass into 3 approximately equal parts and add a small amount of paint to each of them. Coloring components should have a different shade.

Thoroughly stir each "pile". As a result, you will get a mass with beautiful and interesting stains.

Third step. Roll each pile into a “pancake”, and then cut the resulting product into equal bricks. Let the elements dry.

Repeat the above steps until you have the required number of bricks.

Fourth step. Cover the wall with ready-made bricks. Use tile adhesive to fix the elements.

Fifth step. Fill the seams with a specially designed composition. It is better that the filler be a little darker than the cladding elements.

Sixth step. Cover the finish with a couple of coats of varnish.

Finishing decorative cladding

First step. Mix red and light ocher.

Second step. Add a little white to the mixture.

Third step. Treat decorative masonry using the tampon method. To do this, take a sponge, dip it into the thick mixture prepared in the previous stages, and evenly distribute the composition over the cladding.

Fourth step. Take liquid paint of a brown shade or close to it. Spray the paint onto the trim using a toothbrush.

To achieve a more effective and natural finish, you can use different painting techniques for each row. For example, you can treat the second row of masonry with cold hematite diluted with water, cover the third row with a mixture of sienna and white, etc. Apply all coloring compounds using the same tamping technique. Alternate shades in order.

Finally, coat the imitation brick wall with a couple of coats of varnish. If you want to give the cladding a matte surface, carefully sand it with fine-grain sandpaper.

To create an imitation brick wall yourself, you don’t need to be a great master. Choose the method you like best and start finishing according to the instructions.

Good luck!


How to make an imitation brick wall: a short list of methods

The easiest way is if you have brickwork hidden under the plaster. Beat the plaster, clean the seams, prime and paint. The result is a natural brick wall. Moreover, it will look quite “old” and vintage. Those who are less fortunate will have to imitate this brickwork. The good news is that there are many ways, inexpensive materials are available, and you can make a “brick wall” on concrete, plasterboard, plywood... any more or less durable surface. By the way, most techniques take little time. So, here's how to make imitation brick for interior decoration:

  • Make “brick-like tiles” by sawing ordinary bricks into plates.
  • Paint using acrylic paints.
  • Print the picture and use it as photo wallpaper.
  • Do silicone mold with the imprint of beautiful bricks and cast plaster tiles in it that imitate brick.
  • Simulate brickwork using plaster mortar, tile adhesive, decorative plaster. Make seams:
    • using tape;
    • cutting through and removing excess;
    • pressing out the seams with a template.
  • Cut from thin foam.
  • Cut from plasterboard.
  • Make a frame from thin planks. The planks are seams; fill the space between them with mortar. These will be bricks.

This is just a short list. There are several technological differences at each point. So imitation brick for interior decoration can be done in at least a dozen ways. Let's talk about some in more detail.

sawing a brick

The idea of ​​replacing expensive “brick-like” finishing tiles with bricks loosened into plates seems reasonable. But you need good quality brick, without voids, inhomogeneities, underburning or burnt areas. In general, you need an expensive brick. Or old.

It is better to cut it with a water-cooled circular saw. The result will be decorative brick-like tiles in a natural color. The thickness of the tiles is at least 8-10 mm. The advantages are clear: low price, no need to paint - there is a natural color. These homemade brick tiles are then glued to the walls using regular tile adhesive.

But there are also disadvantages: you need a good quality brick, but you still have to find it. When cutting, the plates may break. Only two of them are obtained with a beautiful surface - the extreme ones. The rest will have to be modified manually, creating a relief. It’s tedious, dusty, time-consuming, difficult, and it’s not a fact that brick imitation will actually be learned “at the level.”

Despite all the shortcomings, this method is used. And this is, perhaps, the only option for homemade imitation of brickwork, which can be used for exterior decoration. For these purposes (finishing the facade of a building), by the way, you can cut the brick into two halves. Everything is cheaper than buying tiles.

How to draw brickwork on a wall

If “wet” or “dusty” work is not your thing, but you know how to draw at least a little, you can paint a brick wall. You will need acrylic paints, brushes, a pair of natural sponges, masking tape, and thick paper plates for mixing paints. When thinning paints, remember that acrylic paints darken as they dry. And one more thing: they dry quickly, but freshly applied ones can be removed with a clean cloth soaked in water.

First, we prepare the workplace: cover the baseboard and adjacent floor with polyethylene or old wallpaper (it’s better to fix it with tape). Use masking tape to outline the boundaries - at the top, on the sides. At the bottom, the limiter is a plinth, although, in order not to get dirty, it can be removed.

Drawing bricks on the wall

  1. Paint the wall with white semi-matte acrylic paint. Leave to dry.
  2. Preparing the background paint. In one of the paper plates, mix 1/6 part umber, 1/6 black paint and 4/6 titanium white. Immediately prepare a little paint, apply it to the wall using a sponge, simply applying the surface soaked in paint to the wall. You shouldn’t try to make a solid background - it should be torn and textured. In some places we apply the paint more densely, passing twice, in some places we apply a more transparent layer.
  3. On a dry background, draw several rows of bricks by hand, not using a ruler. We focus on the standard for masonry: 25 * 6.5 cm, seam thickness - 0.8-1.2 cm. When marking, keep in mind that using this technology it is easier to make the seam a little narrower by painting it, than to try to widen it later.
  4. To paint “bricks,” you need to mix ocher and sienna in different proportions, obtaining different shades of “brick” colors - from yellowish-orange to brownish. We got some shade, painted several “bricks” in random places. We mixed a new batch and painted over the other bricks. We apply the paint with a brush, not trying to get a uniform surface or a dense layer of paint - the background layer is translucent. The edges of the “bricks” also should not be smooth.
  5. For the traditional red-brown color, to sienna and red ocher, add a little light ocher, a little white. You can paint several bricks in a row with this color.
  6. Another shade - add brown mars and a little water to the above composition. Apply with a brush or sponge - as desired.
  7. If you add white and burnt sienna to ocher and sienna, you get another color.
  8. We paint all the bricks in random order with these shades.
  9. We dilute white and a little ocher, add water. Apply the composition with a sponge, acting as a tampon.
  10. Take an old toothbrush and burnt bone paint. We dip the bristles into the paint and spray it on the wall, imitating the heterogeneity and texture of clay bricks.
  11. We add volume to the bricks: dip a thin brush in a mixture of umber and white. We bring all the bricks from below and to the right or left. All on one side, depending on where the window is located (on the side opposite the window). The thickness of the eyeliner is different, since the masonry and the bricks themselves cannot be perfect.

Describing is much longer than doing it all. A beginner can draw about 30 squares of imitation brickwork in a day. For maximum verisimilitude, there are several secrets, which we will discuss below.

Final Touches

To ensure that the brickwork painted on the wall is as close to natural as possible, there are several little secrets:

  • If the shadows near the bricks turned out to be too sharp, they can be shaded with a toothbrush (other) dipped in a mixture of white and natural sienna, highly diluted with water.
  • After applying paint to brick, do not wait for it to dry. Take white, add a little umber, dip a sponge and use it to “break” the uniformity of the paint, imitating a rough surface. To do this, lightly touch the “brick” with a sponge.
  • On a plate, next to the main batch, squeeze out a little of the other colors. They change color as they paint. The brick will not be monochromatic. It has a smooth and not very gradient color.
  • The dimensions of the bricks, their edges, seams - all this does not have to be perfect.

With some skill and effort, you can ensure that the painted brickwork looks like the natural one. The main rule: imperfection and heterogeneity.

Brick imitation for interior decoration from plaster mortar

The general idea is simple: a layer of plaster or tile adhesive is applied to the wall, and a seam is cut/pressed into it. After processing the edges of the “bricks” and seams, and painting, the result is a semblance of brickwork of varying degrees of plausibility. Everything is simple, but there are significant differences and nuances.

What and how to make a solution from

The first question that arises is: what kind of solution is needed and from what? There are many recipes. Here are some options:

  • Regular cement-sand mixture: per 1 part cement ( ordinary Portland cement will do, but if you want, look for pink or white) take 3 parts of sifted fine sand, cover with water.
  • Plaster mixture and tile adhesive (approximately 1 to 1).
  • Textured plaster of a suitable color, to which roller plaster is added (such as bark beetle, with sand) similar color, but of a different shade. They are mixed only slightly so that the composition remains heterogeneous.
  • Ready plaster mixture(dry) + putty, dilute PVA ( the best option for finishing plywood, OSB, gypsum board).

Regardless of what you make the solution from, it should be semi-dry and should not leak under any circumstances. It will not need to be leveled, so its plasticity is not important to you, and the adhesive ability will be provided by additives - tile adhesive and PVA. To adjust the consistency, add water in small portions.

Surface preparation

The wall on which we will make imitation brickwork does not have to be even. It should be free of dust and dirt, crumbling fragments and particles. This is where the requirements end.

Before starting work, it is better to prime the wall. The type of primer depends on the substrate. If the wall is concrete or loose, walk with “concrete contact”. It will bind crumbling particles and create an adhesive surface on which any composition fits perfectly. If we are decorating plywood, gypsum board or other similar material, we can do without a primer, or we can coat it with diluted PVA.

Technology No. 1. We use thin tape to draw seams

First, we paint the wall to match the color of the seams between the bricks. Some are planning gray-brown, others white-gray. We cover the wall with paint of a suitable shade. Using narrow masking tape (1 cm or slightly less/more), apply markings to the prepared base. The tape will mark the seams between the bricks, so stick it horizontally, at a distance of about 6-6.5 cm from each other. When the horizontal lines are pasted, glue the short vertical ones. They are 23-25 ​​cm apart from each other - this is the length of a standard building brick, but decorative ones can be shorter.

Now we take the solution and apply it to the wall. The layers are unequal, the thickness is 0.3-0.5 cm. We apply it “as it turns out”, without achieving a flat surface, smooth transitions... As it turns out, so be it. We only avoid obvious bald spots through which the wall shines. We filled the area, took a flat trowel (grater), and slightly smoothed out what we got. Leave until slightly dry: so that when you press with your finger, the composition is slightly pressed through.

We pry up the ends of the horizontally pasted strips of adhesive tape in any place (when gluing, leave the “tails”), pull, removing along with the solution adhering to the tape. We remove the entire mesh. The edges of the “bricks” turn out to be torn and uneven. This is fine. Even good.

Take a toothbrush or paint brush with fairly stiff bristles. Use a toothbrush to go along the seams, removing any remaining mortar. At the same time, the edges of the bricks are rounded. Then we take a wider brush and use it to go over the surface, adding naturalness and removing too sharp edges. Leave to dry at room temperature for about 48-72 hours. Do not force dry it - it will crack. Although, if you want to have cracks... If the composition was not painted in bulk, it's a matter of painting.

Technology No. 2: cutting the “seams”

This method of simulating brick for interior decoration takes less time: no tape is required. Apply the solution to the surface of the wall. Everything is exactly the same as described above, only the layer can be thicker - up to 0.8-1 cm. After waiting until the solution “sets” a little, we mark the seams. Here again there are options:

  • We stretch the string along which the horizontal “seam” of the decorative brickwork will run. Using a knife, cut two lines. Do not use a ruler, cut by hand.
  • Take a bar of the required width - 0.8-1.2 cm, press it into right place so that it is slightly imprinted. Using a knife, cut the applied solution along the marked lines.

The second option is more accurate. But you have to be careful not to make it too smooth. Although, due to the fact that the hand trembles, the seam “walks” slightly, which gives a more believable look.

Having made the horizontal seams, we proceed to cutting the vertical ones - also by hand. The width of the bricks is about 6 cm, the length is around 23-25 ​​cm. Having finished, we wait for 12-14 hours. Until the composition has set enough to be picked out. When the concrete begins to crumble under strong pressure, take a wide screwdriver (the usual one with a “spatula”) and use it to pick out the solution between the cut strips.

When the seams are cleaned, take a stiff brush or brush and remove the remaining mortar and crumbs. The bristles on the brush should be fairly stiff. If the solution is dry, you can try more drastic measures - a wire brush.

Technology No. 3: saw seams

This method of making imitation brickwork for interior decoration differs only in that instead of a knife we ​​take an old hacksaw blade.

After waiting until the solution sets and does not slide, we use a saw to mark the boundaries of the seams. Here you choose one of the methods described above. But you don’t have to wait any longer: use a hacksaw to paint out the seams little by little. Long horizontal seams are quick to make, but vertical ones are not very convenient, since the fabric is not very suitable for short distances.

This method is good because there is no danger of “over-drying” the solution. You can do the “jointing” as soon as the solution hardens a little. In this state, it is easier to round the edges of the bricks, giving them a natural “old age”. The downside is that you have to get used to it, otherwise you might end up doing something bad.

Making a mold for casting brick tiles from plaster

An imitation of brick for interior decoration in an apartment or house can also be cast: you can make gypsum tiles in the form of bricks yourself. To do this, an impression is taken from interesting specimens of bricks (a mold is made to form an artificial finishing stone), and then a gypsum solution is poured into it. The resulting tiles are used for wall decoration. This technology is good because it allows you to prepare several molds in which you can make bricks of different colors for different rooms.

We find bricks of interesting shape and several almost ordinary ones, but with various minor defects. We will use them to cast the mold. It is desirable that there be at least a dozen of them, or better yet, more. “Artificial brickwork” will be more varied.

On the side that we will “multiply”, apply grease or heated wax mixed with kerosene. This is necessary so that the silicone does not stick to the surface. When everything is dry, apply a layer of silicone sealant to the treated side. The layer thickness is 1-1.5 cm. Leave until the silicone is completely polymerized (the time depends on the type, it is written on the package).

When the silicone has hardened, take the foam and coat the mold without removing it from the brick. After the foam has hardened, remove the brick and level the bottom of the mold so that it stands level. Can be used by filling with gypsum mortar. It sets quickly; if you have a dozen molds, in 2-3 days you can make tiles for a couple of squares simulating a brick wall. By the way, gypsum mortar can be painted in bulk. Then new cracks and chips are not a problem - just like a brick.

How and what to paint

Recently, a white brick wall has become fashionable. If you are going to do just this, there are no problems: apply the seams with a brush, use a roller to apply the surface. If you want something that is not too monochromatic, add a little tint to the base color composition - gray, brown, yellow... or even pink or blue. Paint with this paint. Add more white to the remainder and add highlights with this lighter composition using a semi-dry roller, sponge, or brush. If desired, you can apply the top “shadows” with silver, bronze, adding a little gold. Here's how you like it best.

If the seams in the imitation brickwork should be darker, go over them first with a brush. Then, using a roller with short or medium pile, we paint the very surface of the bricks. If you take a roller with even shorter pile, dip it in paint of a different shade (lighter or darker - it depends), in bronze, silver, gold, etc. and with this roller, quickly, lightly touching, paint over the most protruding parts, you will get an even more interesting effect. In general, you can experiment. With this approach, imitation brick becomes a design object and the main interior decoration.


Graffiti on a brick wall

This inkscape tutorial is about creating patterns from shapes using a brick wall as an example. Creating patterns is covered in detail in the lesson, while other obvious things that were covered in previous lessons are given with links to the inkscape instructions.


First we will create the future brick wall. Let's start by drawing the base of a small brick. I drew a brick - a rectangle measuring 25 by 20 pixels. The size of the rectangle can be set simply in the corresponding parameter fields of the top context menu. For the rectangle, I canceled the stroke and filled it with aa4400ff color.

Let's create a copy of the brick. While the rectangle is selected, press Ctrl+D. A copy will be at the very top. Move it using the down arrows. For a rectangle of my size, I pressed the down arrow thirteen times, i.e. the brick has moved 26 pixels. I also increased its width to 41.

Make one more copy of the top and bottom bricks in succession. Move them so that the distance between the bricks is 3 arrow clicks or 6 pixels. We set the width of the bricks as shown schematically in the figure below.

If the bricks are ready, group them. To do this, select them all and press Ctrl+G. Now let's create a brick wall. The easiest way to do this is with special mechanism clone pattern. This command is available in the menu “Edit” - “Clones” - “Pattern of Clones”.

Tips for using the “pattern of their clones” mechanism. Like all other inkscape tools, this algorithm remembers the last settings. Therefore, if you have ever used this tool, then first reset all settings to default. To do this, there is a “reset” button in the lower left corner. In our case, we will use the simplest pattern; we just need to combine our bricks horizontally and vertically. Start with a small size first, for example 5 rows and 5 columns, like in the screenshot below.

Check on the first tab “symmetry” it should be set to “P1: simple offset”. Other parameters are configured on the “offset” tab.

The main object must be selected. In order to see what pattern is obtained when changing the parameters, click the “Create” button. If you don’t like the result, click the “Delete” button or in the main menu “Edit” - “cancel”. After that, change the parameters and create the pattern again.

If you are happy with the pattern, then disconnect the clone. This can be done in the main menu “Edit” - “Clones” - “Detach clone” or Shift+Alt+D. And delete the original object. The wall we made will remain. Select all objects and group them Ctrl+G .


Experiment with inkscape filter effects to make the texture of a brick wall more interesting. Below is the result of sequentially applying the effects “Filters” - “Chamfer” - “Puzzle Element” and “Filters” - “Light and Shadow” - “Cast Shadow”.


Let's get to the graffiti now. This lesson is just a demonstration of the idea, if you have a fantasy to draw something else, then you are not obliged to repeat our actions. However, below is a version of the plant we drew.

You can draw this shape using the pen tool. The nodes of the figure are shown in the figure below. To draw straight lines, hold down the Ctrl key while drawing. The plant is a closed loop.

The fill is made in the form of a linear gradient from top to bottom. The gradient nodes can also be seen in the image below. The gradient colors are 00ff00ff and 008000ff, but you can use whatever you like. Once again, please note that what is described below in this lesson is going on as an example. The fill opacity is set to 70% and the black stroke weight is 3 pixels.

In the same way, you can now draw a residential house. There is nothing complicated here compared to the previous drawing, except that the line in the center will have to be drawn separately.

Now, knowing how to create patterns from clones, it’s probably not difficult for you to figure out how to make windows for the house. Initially, we drew one window using the rectangle tool. Then we bent it a little. How to do this can be found in the inkscape instructions - rectangle tool section. The settings for the clone pattern are shown in the figure below.

Well, what is graffiti without text? Write some text. The Planet Benson 2 font is very suitable for graffiti. You can download the Planet Benson 2 graffiti font on the website in the fonts section. You can read about how to change the position of individual letters in an inscription in the simple vector text lesson or in the description of the text tool in the inkscape instructions section.

When the lettering is ready, you can color it using the fill tool. A little trick, in order to make it easier to color the insides of the text, first move the text to the side by White background canvas and fill the insides with fill. Please note that each filled interior is a separate object with its own fill and stroke, i.e. can be assigned separate color each letter, if there is such a desire. When the label is ready, combine the text and fill into one group and place the entire label as you see fit in the picture.

You can discuss this lesson on the forum here.

Based on materials from the site: http://inkscape.paint-net.ru


In this tutorial we will draw an old brick wall with a door. To convey its texture and shadows, we will use several layers of acrylic paint. Just three colors – and the picture will be ready.

Acrylic paints are now very popular, perhaps even no less than oil paints. It's all about their convenience - with the help of acrylic paints you can write a transparent background and thick color spots. It is especially interesting to convey a complex and uneven texture with the help of acrylic paints, which will require a variety of strokes.

Acrylic paints dry very quickly, which allows you to then apply new layers. In addition, when the acrylic dries, it will no longer flow. Using different layers allows you to create the illusion of depth. However, unlike oil paints, you need to paint quickly with acrylic paints. Brushes should be stored in a jar of water, otherwise the paint will dry on the bristles of the brushes and they will have to be washed.

In this case, we will draw a picture like this.

Its composition is based on a photograph. Many artists use photographs as a model, because creating an exact image is not at all necessary. A true artist can shape the image of a painting by choosing truly interesting and remarkable details. Of course, his imagination also helps him in this, thanks to which the artist creates a coherent and expressive composition.

It is advisable to create such a picture in parts, from one fragment to another. You can move on to the next fragment by waiting until the paint has dried. At the same time, keep in mind that the paint should not accumulate and create thick spots on the textured paper, since it will not be easy to correct such a mistake. In addition, the lower layers of paint should be visible directly through the upper layers.

What we need for the picture:

  • easel or tablet;
  • sheet of textured paper;
  • pencil 2c;
  • palette;
  • a jar of water;
  • paper napkins or towel;
  • brushes No. 8, No. 4, No. 1;
  • acrylic paints: burnt umber, cobalt blue, raw sienna.

A paper towel is a very convenient tool for removing paint stains and emphasizing texture. If you blot fragments of the painted wall with a roller towel, some of the paint will be removed and the texture will become more interesting.

Let's get to work.


Brick drawing technology

The entire work process is simple in terms of execution and takes little time, money and effort. Let's break it down into sequential steps:

Step 1. Preparing materials

To paint a wall whose length is 50 m, we take the following materials:

Choose the right color for your brick wall

10 tubes of acrylic paint in the following shades: carbon black, red and light ocher, umber, natural and burnt sienna, mars brown and titanium white, more of the latter;

Water container;

Sponges of different sizes;

Used toothbrush;

Disposable dishes for mixing acrylic paints;

Chalk for drawing;

We cover the floor and baseboards with newspapers, so they will remain clean after our creative work. We mark the boundaries of the future brick wall with chalk, along which we then stick adhesive tape.

Painted brickwork option

We paint the entire area with white paint, after which we apply a background to it with a large sponge - the shade of cement mortar. This gray color will imitate the gaps between the bricks.

Step 3. Draw and paint the bricks

After the background has dried, we begin drawing out the bricks with chalk. We start drawing from the bottom, moving upward, trying to keep the horizontal row straight, but don’t use a ruler - it will turn out more natural.

First we will paint it brick color: mix sienna, light and red ocher, with a small addition of white. We take a wide brush and randomly paint some bricks, immediately soaking the paint with a sponge.

Let's paint the next part of the bricks with a different shade: add brown mars and a little water to the previous mixture of colors. And we get the last color by mixing the main palette with burnt sienna and white.

Step 4. Giving the drawing texture

Having painted all the bricks, dilute the white with water, then add a little ocher, and use a tampon to shade the surface. Next we do this: dip the toothbrush in sienna and spray it on the wall, creating a texture.

But that is not all. An artificial brick wall should look natural and maintain maximum resemblance to the natural one. To do this, you need to give it relief and volume. Take a small brush and paint the right and bottom side of each brick, shading slightly. The color we use is white with black umber. Don't forget that the relief should be in one direction, based on the incident light rays.

Step 5. Finishing touch

At the top of the wall we place a wooden panel or depict a stone border.

That's it, the brick wall is built! We put away the newspapers, arrange the furniture and invite friends to appreciate our work. Even if you do not have the skills of an artist, you can decorate a wall in the form of brickwork if you decide to refresh the renovation yourself.
