home · Appliances · The better to sheathe the terrace from the street. How to sheathe the veranda inside, inexpensive material. How to sheathe the walls of the veranda

The better to sheathe the terrace from the street. How to sheathe the veranda inside, inexpensive material. How to sheathe the walls of the veranda

After the veranda is attached to the house, it's time to do interior finishing work. Given that this room connects the street and residential premises, is a kind of communication gateway between them, preference should be given to practical finishing materials that are resistant to temperature extremes, since most often the veranda is not heated, to moisture, to mechanical stress.

Materials should be easy to maintain and use. About what the decoration of the veranda in a private house can be - our today's publication.

The choice of finishing materials primarily depends on the design of the veranda and its purpose - whether it is open or closed, it will be used as an outdoor room where you can walk in street shoes, or as an indoor one.

Before you go to the store for materials, it is recommended to complete a preliminary design of the interior design of the veranda - this will help you correctly calculate the required amount, choose the right color scheme and think through every little thing to create an organic space that will be combined with the look of the house.

According to the purpose, the materials can be floor, wall, ceiling. There are a large number of finishing materials that are universal in their performance properties, which can be used both for open and for.

Wall finishing materials

A wide range of finishing materials for walls allows you to choose a finish that will have not only excellent performance, but also an attractive appearance.

Important! When choosing a material, special conditions on an unheated veranda are taken into account. So, ordinary paper wallpapers will burn out very quickly and become unusable. It is better to choose glass or other varieties that are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and moisture.

Finishing the walls of the veranda clapboard

The use of lining for cladding the walls of the veranda allows not only to create a warm atmosphere in the interior, but also to insulate the room with high quality.

  • The lining is a slats of small width (from 5 to 10 cm). It can be wooden or plastic.
  • Wooden lining looks natural, it has all the useful properties of natural wood and requires periodic treatment with antiseptic compounds.
  • The shade of wooden lining is determined not only by the type of wood from which it is made, but also by the way the wood is processed - stain, oil-wax, varnish.

  • Plastic lining looks neat and tidy, it is easy to care for it, it does not require additional processing. The material is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes.
  • Outwardly, it can imitate any type of wood, but it will never look as noble and beautiful as natural wood.
  • Reliable fixation of the slats among themselves is provided by the “thorn-groove” locking system. Thanks to this, wall cladding is quick and easy.

Planks differ from each other in the profile of the groove and the way the edges are processed, which affects the optical effect that is obtained after fixing the lining on the wall.

The profile is:

  1. standard having beveled edges, due to which noticeable transitions between the lamellae are formed;
  2. "Calm", which has smooth transitions due to the fact that the corners are less grinded when forming a profile;
  3. Euro profile, which forms a special pattern after the installation of the coating.

According to the fastening method, lining is conditionally divided into “American”, which imitates overlapping laying, and “European” with additional ridges on the front side that cover the joints. Wooden lining is made of solid wood and MDF.

The first one is the most whimsical in care and after mounting on the wall it can shrink. MDF lining does not shrink, but with an increase in humidity in the room it can absorb moisture, which negatively affects the performance properties of the material.

Wall decoration with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a versatile finishing material equally suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. The material is applied to the wall in the form of a plastic mixture, which, when dried, creates a durable, monolithic coating with high performance properties and decorative effect. When using colored and textured plasters, additional wall decoration is not required.

Of all the diversity, we can distinguish:

  1. Colored plaster with a large selection of shades;
  2. Stone plaster imitating the surface of natural stone;
  3. Venetian plaster imitating marble pattern;
  4. Silk plaster (liquid wallpaper) with natural or synthetic fibers in the composition.

Important! Liquid wallpaper is recommended to be used only on the territory of heated verandas. To protect against moisture, the coating is treated with a transparent varnish. If the veranda is very sunny, then it is better to use a composition with silk fibers - such a coating does not fade and it turns out to be quite durable.

How the coating will look after drying is influenced by the method of applying the composition - various visual effects are created due to the type of application technique, the direction of strokes.

Wall decoration with PVC panels

PVC panels belong to the category of budget materials.

Of their main features, the following can be noted:

  1. Panels can take any shape and color, they can imitate the pattern of any material, have a realistic image on their surface or an ornament;
  2. The coating is resistant to high temperatures;
  3. The panels are light in weight, therefore they do not exert load on the supporting structures;
  4. The coating is absolutely not afraid of moisture, it is easy to care for it;
  5. PVC panels have a low cost.

Externally, PVC panels exceed the width of the lining, but are fastened in the same way - with the help of clamps and screws. Panels can be glued to a flat base. When fixing the finish on the crate or frame, it is possible to hide communications and lay insulation.

The mechanical fragility of PVC panels occurs when the air temperature drops to -15 degrees.

MDF is a medium-density fibreboard, which is made from wood shavings of different species, pressed under high pressure.

Panels have the following properties:

  1. They are environmentally friendly;
  2. Possess sound and heat insulating properties;
  3. Easy to handle and install;
  4. Not afraid of high and low temperatures;
  5. A wide range of decorative coatings of the front layer.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the vulnerability to moisture, under the influence of which the plates eventually lose their integrity and collapse.

Ceiling finishing materials

The same requirements are imposed on the material of the ceiling as for the walls - resistance to moisture, temperature extremes and low weight. Ceiling finishes must allow safe and efficient placement of artificial lighting sources.

It is worth remembering that in addition to the material for the ceiling sheathing, skirting boards are required, which are installed around the perimeter of the room. They will complete the repair and allow you to hide the technological gap between the ceiling and the wall.

Clapboard ceiling trim

The method of mounting the lining on the ceiling is indistinguishable from mounting it on the wall. Such decoration gives the room a noble appearance, creates a cozy, homely atmosphere, gives a sense of harmony and closeness to nature.

One of the advantages of lining is that with the help of the direction of the lamellas, you can create the necessary optical effect and visually make the room taller or wider - the slats are placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Herringbone styling has a special chic - it looks stylish both on the walls and on the ceiling.

When laying the lamellas at different angles, you can even create an original pattern on the ceiling. For ceiling lining, a special type of lining is used - it is lighter and has a thickness of 7 mm.

Important! When installing the lining on the ceiling around the perimeter of the room, a gap is left between the coating and the wall in case of its mobility when the wood expands. The gap is closed with a decorative plinth.

Plasterboard ceiling

Suspended plasterboard structures can be used as a material for decorating the ceiling on a closed veranda, provided that the roof of the building is well insulated. It is recommended to use moisture resistant drywall.

The advantage of this material is:

  1. In the possibility of choosing the height of the ceiling;
  2. Disguise communication;
  3. Installation of built-in lamps;
  4. Creates a perfectly even finish.

The decorative finish of such a ceiling has many options, but you need to choose those that can withstand special operating conditions. If the veranda is insulated and heated in winter, then the finish can be any.

Advice. On an unheated closed veranda, it is quite possible to use a stretch fabric ceiling. In addition to all the qualities of a suspended structure, it is also characterized by a quick installation. The downside is the high cost of coverage.

PVC ceiling trim

The installation of PVC panels on the ceiling is justified by their low weight and excellent performance properties of the material, which can be combined with other wall finishes.

The main advantage is that the installation takes place on a metal frame, so the base does not require careful preparation, and the height of the ceiling can be chosen at your discretion. This allows you to make a hidden installation of communications and electrical wiring located under the ceiling, as well as install built-in lights.

PVC ceiling panels are thinner than wall panels, but they are also equipped with air chambers between the stiffeners, which guarantees the strength of the material, its rigidity and thermal insulation properties. The width of the slats is chosen depending on the desired visual effect and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

In order to make the veranda seem more spacious and lighter, preference is given to light PVC panels with a glossy sheen.

Polycarbonate ceiling

The construction material of the roof of the veranda sometimes does not require additional finishing - for example, if it is made of polycarbonate. This material transmits light, so the room will always be bright.

Polycarbonate is monolithic and cellular. For the roof, you can choose a transparent material that imitates clear or tinted glass, or colored polycarbonate - then the veranda will acquire a special look.

Installation of a polycarbonate roof is simple. It is carried out on a frame, which can have a semicircular shape - cellular polycarbonate is quite flexible and easy to process.

Floor covering for the veranda

The floor covering on the veranda is selected based on the operating conditions and the type of room - whether it is open or closed, whether they will walk on it in shoes, how often the floor will have to be washed, whether it will experience serious loads. So, if there is a summer kitchen on the veranda, then all surfaces must be moisture resistant, easy to clean, resistant to dirt and high temperatures.

floor tiles

Floor tiles are the most practical material, although their installation requires considerable effort and time.

Some of the features of this coverage include:

  1. It is impact resistant;
  2. Easy to care for;
  3. Resistant to temperature changes;
  4. Resistant to moisture;
  5. Variety of color options and textures.

With tiles, you can lay out a geometric pattern using a combination of tile shapes and patterns on its surface. The laying process requires preliminary preparation of the base - leveling and screeding. This will provide an even, stable finish.

For laying tiles, a special tile adhesive is used, which is applied to the back of the product and to the surface of the base. The tile is lightly pressed down and, tapping with a rubber mallet, adjust the height of its location in accordance with the level and markings on the wall.

The distance between the tiles is formed with the help of remote plastic crosses, which are subsequently removed, the seams are cleaned of excess glue and covered with a special grout. The tile can be used on open and closed verandas.

Terrace floor board

Decking is one of the most popular veranda flooring materials. Terrace board is a special kind of three-layer lumber. Ventilation slots are located in the lower layer, the middle layer provides for the presence of cavities for expanding the material, the front layer is smooth, decorative.

The advantages of the material include the following:

  1. Terrace board is easy to mount;
  2. The coating is strong and durable;
  3. The decking surface retains heat well;
  4. The material is environmentally friendly and safe;
  5. If necessary, you can quickly make repairs by replacing the damaged element without disassembling the entire coating;
  6. The surface of the decking board can withstand high and low temperatures;
  7. The service life of the coating is 20-25 years;
  8. The board has the correct geometric parameters, which greatly facilitates installation;
  9. The material is not exposed to insects, microorganisms, fungus and mold;
  10. The coating is not afraid of water;
  11. Such a floor has mechanical strength, wear resistance, the material is able to withstand a point load.

Such a coating naturally blends into the environment and is combined with trees and green plants, many natural materials.


Linoleum belongs to the category of budget floor materials of artificial origin:

  • The advantages of such a coating include moisture resistance, solidity, impact resistance, easy installation and maintenance, low cost and availability.
  • Linoleum can imitate a large number of materials, their textures and shades, but its unnaturalness cannot be hidden.
  • Use linoleum on the floor in enclosed spaces.

  • Among the disadvantages of linoleum, one can note its vulnerability to point loads from heavy furniture, and the impossibility of repairing the coating if its integrity is damaged.

rubber coating

The rubber coating on the veranda can be laid in the form of tiles or rolled coating.

  • This unique flooring material has high impact strength, it is absolutely waterproof, not afraid of temperature changes, does not slip, has high strength and wear resistance.
  • Lays on a flat surface.

  • It is recommended to give preference to a modular coating, which has a special collapsible locking system.
  • A damaged element can be easily replaced.
  • There are cheaper rubber tiles that are glued back to back. When laying rolled material, the joint between the canvases will need to be welded using a special soldering iron, building hair dryer or polymer glue.

At first glance, the concrete floor on the veranda seems to be the simplest option, but it has a lot of weight, so it requires a reliable, monolithic foundation or concrete slab floors.

The advantage of such a coating is its impact resistance, water resistance, it is resistant to temperature extremes and does not require careful maintenance. In order for the concrete pavement to have a neat appearance, it must be sanded and polished.

Options for finishing the veranda in a private house are shown in the video.

Not a single private house or cottage can do without a veranda - a place where home comfort and peace of wildlife meet. What finish to choose, how to arrange furniture and fit the design into the surrounding space?

The veranda is probably the best place in the country or in a country house where you can fully relax and feel unity with nature. It can be solid, insulated, functionally planned and thoroughly furnished. Or be light, furnished with country simplicity - such that with the onset of cold weather it could be freed from furniture. However, any veranda needs a certain interior decoration, which will create that unique atmosphere of closeness to nature.

The most important thing is that the veranda is in harmony with the architecture of the house, its interior decoration echoes the interior. It is also important that it is correctly inscribed in the surrounding landscape.

Veranda style

It all depends on the style in which the decoration of the house itself is sustained. But at the same time, the atmosphere of the veranda should convey its purpose - a place for relaxation and meals. Therefore, rustic styles are perfect, for example, country, Provence, Russian style, in which comfort is intertwined with the simplicity and charm of rural life. If you want something special, you can choose Japanese or eco-style. Or build a patio in the spirit of the Roman Empire with fountains, flowerpots and terracotta tiles on the floor.


In the interior, only natural materials will be appropriate. The walls can be finished with stone or brick, making a reference to the loft style. The tree will also look organic. For finishing floors, it is better to use wear-resistant, unpretentious material - for example, porcelain stoneware. Panoramic glazing is traditional for most verandas: sunlight passes through it and the greenery of the garden is visible. If you equip the veranda with sliding glass doors, you can let the garden and its freshness inside at any time, or isolate yourself from dampness when it rains.

It is also better to choose a natural palette for finishing the veranda. In this border zone between the house and the garden, natural green, gray-brown, terracotta shades with bright accents will look very beautiful.


It is important to plan the space inside the veranda in accordance with your expectations and the functions that the veranda will perform in the house. If you rarely use it for cooking, but more as a place where you can sit and drink tea in the shade, you will need a simple dining group (table and light chairs) and a small grill to sometimes cook barbecue for the household.

If you are a connoisseur of country feasts with many friends, then it is better to make a competent layout on the veranda. Select a dining area and a cooking area, organize an entire kitchen: build a stove that includes an oven, a hob, a hearth with a spit, a grill and a tandoor, as well as put a cutting table, hang cabinets for dishes. Then there is no need for a hotel kitchen inside the house.


An open veranda should be furnished with special garden furniture. It is made of resistant materials that are not afraid of moisture, cold, do not deteriorate in direct sunlight. Be sure to need a table and several chairs for the household. Dishes and food can be safely stored at home, so cabinets are most likely not needed. But flower pots or planters, a rocking chair or a hanging chair, a swing sofa will be very useful on the open veranda.

Much more furniture will be needed if you are working on finishing the glazed veranda, which plays the role of a kitchen-dining room at home. Here, for the interior, you can already choose solid expensive furniture: soft sofas and armchairs, a round table to accommodate more guests. Undoubted decoration will be wooden crockery shelves - the best place for beautiful plates. Let's not forget the old grandmother's buffet.


Finishing the veranda is completed with a choice of decor and accessories. Since this area combines the functions of a relaxation area and a kitchen-dining room, the decor should be appropriate, cozy. The mood of warmth will be created by family photos on the walls, paintings with landscapes and still lifes, painted dishes and intricate candlesticks.

More examples of interior arrangements of verandas can be found in the photo with design projects from professionals.

Surrounding area

A private house or a private estate constitutes a single whole with the territory adjacent to the house. The veranda should look organically in the surrounding landscape, and the garden approaching it should be a continuation of the chosen style. In short, if preference is given to the English style, then the garden should be English. And the eastern veranda will fit into the Japanese rock garden. By the way, the veranda can be combined with another functional area:

  • conservatory, greenhouse or even greenhouse
  • a playground so that the little ones do not get bored while the adults feast
  • bath or sauna to combine the pleasure of eating barbecue with the adoption of water procedures.

The veranda can become not only a comfortable, but also a practical room, but the owners should think about this in advance. There are several options for finishing, and they will be determined by the complexity of the upcoming work. Works are divided into internal and external. We propose to consider the most acceptable, from the point of view of costs, methods, methods and materials that are involved in facing work on the veranda. A secure and well-furnished space can become a favorite room for the whole family.

Subject to consideration of the option in which external finishing work is carried out, special attention should be paid to the choice of material. The requirements are the same for materials that are involved in external finishing work. No one is going to use paper wallpaper as a finishing raw material, which themselves will fall off after the first rain. The thing is that paper matter is not suitable for use from the outside. The list of requirements looks like this:

  1. Aesthetics, which will eliminate subsequent costs for the design of surfaces;
  2. Resistance to insects, fungus and mold;
  3. The ability to withstand some mechanical and physical stress, as well as damage;
  4. Durability;
  5. Frost resistance;
  6. The material must withstand significant temperature and climatic changes;
  7. The resistance of the upper layers to direct sunlight, which excludes the possibility of curvature and burnout of the coating;
  8. The ability to exist in a humid environment and endure snowfall, fog and rain.

classic veranda design

Structurally, the veranda or terrace attached to the house will be a small podium, which will be raised above the ground through the foundation of one of the types. Beams are used as support. Based on the options, the veranda can be:

  • closed;
  • partially closed;
  • completely open.

Covered verandas

This type of design is perfect for everyday use, regardless of the weather outside the window. In addition, a veranda of this type can be considered a separate room that can be used. On frosty days, it is comfortable to read a book in a warm blanket in the room, or drink warm tea, enjoying the beauties that open outside the window. When carrying out interior finishing work, you should consider the full insulation of each of the walls. Thus, heating bills in the cold season will be significantly lower.

Partially enclosed veranda

Such a room will be protected from rain and at the same time remain as open as possible, thereby providing the necessary level of safety for family members. The characteristic features include the presence of fences, which are frame structures made of timber and other lumber. It is also possible to use bricks and blocks, which should then be additionally sheathed on each side. There is no complete isolation from the surrounding atmosphere, so the veranda will be used only in the warm season due to the features of the chosen design. Full protection from the wind is not provided, as well as obstacles to oblique drops from the rain. In the winter season, you will need to cover the room with a cloth or regularly rake out snowdrifts.

open veranda

Suitable only if the site chosen for construction is located on the sunny, leeward side of the house. The complete absence of any fences blurs the boundaries between the veranda and the house, expanding the available space. Making the floor high does not make sense, as the difference will be felt strongly. Such a building is also relevant with the regular residence of guests on the territory of the house and children, who in sunny weather can equip themselves with a playground on the street and at the same time remain under the supervision of adults. Construction costs will be minimal, since few consumables will be required. The most stringent requirements are imposed on quality, since the structure will not have additional protection against moisture and bad weather and will remain outdoors all year round.

Arrangement of the ceiling surface

Before proceeding to ennoble the ceiling of the veranda from the inside, all wooden elements should be coated with protective impregnations (antiseptic). After that, you should proceed with the installation of the base - the frame, for the manufacture of which you will need wooden blocks measuring 50x50 or 30x50. The beam belongs to the category of lumber, which also needs additional processing with antiseptic compounds. The bars are attached to the surface of the rafters (roof) by means of long nails or self-tapping screws. The fastening step will be 35-40 cm. Installation is carried out in a horizontal direction in order to avoid subsequent accumulation of drops and snow at the junction points. To check the quality of installation, a building level is used.

Waterproofing should be applied to the rafters, which will provide a proper indicator of the heat insulator of the finishing materials used and protect the structure from excessive moisture and precipitation. As a heat-insulating material can be used:

  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • other well-known heaters.

Only after laying the heat-insulating material, you should proceed with the installation of the selected sheathing on the surface of the ceiling of the veranda. The easiest way to work with a wooden lining, the installation of which is carried out perpendicular to the existing bars from the frame. The material is nailed by means of galvanized nails directly into the highlanders. After finishing the surface sheathing with lining, the surface is sanded and covered with any of the available protective compounds, varnish or paint. When using PVC panels as a finishing material, the sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, the initial profile is fastened directly to the crate (wooden), with the help of which it will be possible to join the individual panels to each other.
  2. Panel sheets are inserted into the grooves of the initial profile. For this, self-tapping screws or special (expensive) clamps are used.
  3. The next element of the panel is inserted into the groove, the fastening of which is carried out in a similar way.
  4. The sequence of work remains unchanged until the end of the material or work surface.
  5. Plastic material tends to expand when heated (sunlight). To avoid deformation in the future, gaps between the elements of 1-2 cm should be left.

As a finishing material when arranging a ceiling for a veranda, you can use MDF, siding panels. This option is recognized as the simplest, since the material can be purchased at any store that can offer many color and texture variations. For homeowners, variety and affordability are considered paramount. When using drywall boards for sheathing the surface of the ceiling, you will need the arrangement of a wooden crate. In this case, you should consider the option of subsequent use of a metal profile. Sheets are fixed to the profile by means of self-tapping screws. The finished surface is puttied, sanded, and then finished with any material classified as finishing.

Floor and walls of the veranda: arrangement

Finishing work aimed at improving the appearance of the floor and walls is classified as simple and does not require outside intervention (hiring workers). To begin with, a wooden frame is made on the basis of bars. Installation must be carried out with the utmost accuracy; a laser or building level is used for verification. If you plan to make the room suitable for use in cold weather, then you should take care of high-quality insulation. A waterproofing material should be laid in front of the insulation, which will help protect the selected finishing materials and the insulator from condensation and moisture accumulation. All wooden elements that are in the room must be treated with specialized protective compounds - antiseptics. Only after that the facing material will be fixed to the wall surfaces.

Particular attention is paid to the floor located on the veranda. The requirements and characteristics applicable to the finishing material will depend on the conditions of subsequent use. As a floor covering can be used:

  • ceramic tile;
  • laminated panels;
  • massive board;
  • terrace board.

The optimal choice is considered to be a decking board and a moisture-resistant laminate, which are better than others for arranging a terrace or veranda. In installation, they are simple, moreover, they are characterized as durable and not demanding in further care. It is possible to use such materials under the condition of arranging premises in which there is temporarily no glazing or it is not provided at all. In this case PVC panel or ceramic tile can be used as an alternative as more traditional materials. Linoleum can lie down, however, a type of moisture-resistant material is expensive, which is not justified given the existing performance characteristics.

External finishing works

After considering the materials that may be involved in the internal finishing work, it is necessary to deal with the varieties of materials that can be used in the behavior of the external finishing work of the veranda. It is possible to use ordinary lining, but the quality of the material does not speak in his favor. Despite the use of various impregnations and protective compounds, the tree will quickly deteriorate, losing its decorative properties with regular exposure to aggressive environmental factors. Annual treatments are expensive and can undermine the family budget. When using lining, you should pay attention to the fact that the installation is carried out in a horizontal direction, in which the groove spikes will be directed upwards. Fixation is carried out in several rows - from the side of the groove and the spike.


The most economical and easy-to-use finishing material used for exterior decoration.

In recent years, siding has been in great demand among finishing materials. Provided that a brick covered with decorative plaster was used for facing the house, the upcoming work in the form of framing the building with the help of siding will perfectly fit into the existing ensemble. The most popular is vinyl siding. In addition to an acceptable cost, the material has excellent performance. The ease of installation also speaks in favor of vinyl siding. As a finishing material for facades, it is customary to use horizontal-type siding with lock joints placed on it.

Mounting technology:

  1. First you need to take care of the crate. For these purposes, a beam with a section of 40x50 mm or an uncut board is suitable. Across the entire working surface, the elements are fixed vertically in increments of 35-50 cm. Additional bars are arranged around the windows, as well as in the corners of the house along the edge located below.
  2. The starting profile is mounted at the bottom and attached to the crate by means of self-tapping screws. The location must be horizontal.
  3. It is the turn of corner profiles in external and internal corners, as well as around door and window openings.
  4. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the edges of the lower corner profile should be slightly lowered below the level of the starting rail by 0.5 cm.
  5. Now it is the turn of installation and preliminary cutting of the purchased vinyl siding panels. Cutting the material is not difficult. To do this, use an electric jigsaw, hacksaw or jigsaw for metal work.
  6. The panel is slightly bent in the center, after which the edges are inserted into the grooves of the corner profiles.
  7. After leveling the panel, the lower edge is brought into the starting bar.
  8. Through pre-prepared holes, the upper edges of the panels are fixed with self-tapping screws. The panels should not be pressed tightly against the surface of the crate. Oval holes are responsible for the free movement of the web along the mounted self-tapping screws when heated. A gap of several millimeters is left between the crate and the hat.
  9. The subsequent bar is carefully inserted into the corner profile, after falling into the groove it snaps into place, and then attached to the crate.
  10. Before mounting the last plank, the finishing profile is laid strictly according to the level. After that, strips of the required sizes are cut out of the siding sheet, inserted and snapped into the previous bar. The free profile is placed in the finishing profile.
  11. The veranda is ready. Appearance is excellent.

Over time, the vinyl will expand slightly as it heats up, so the panels should be 0.5 cm shorter than the wall.

Arrangement of an unheated veranda

When choosing the material that you plan to use for interior finishing work, you should consider many options. There are not many. The list consists of coniferous lining, OSB boards of waterproof type, plastic panels. The main problem that owners of unheated verandas will face is the formation of condensate that will form on the inner surface of the selected material. Structures containing cellulose or its fibers (MDF and fiberboard) should not be used. Even by coating the material with protective compounds, it will not be possible to exclude the swelling of matter from excess moisture. The panels will become skewed, which will lead to the subsequent breakage of the previously used fasteners.

In this case, PVC panels should be preferred. Such material does not lend itself to rotting processes, the choice of color is wide, the cost is acceptable compared to lining made of cedar or oak. If necessary, plastic panels can be used for cladding, which are painted to look like precious woods or natural stone. A plain surface will also look interesting. Everything will depend on the interior decoration of the room. When using PVC plates, a frame based on a galvanized profile is preliminarily equipped. The allowable step when attaching the profile strips to the wall surface will be 6 cm.

It is much more convenient and practical to sheathe PVC surfaces with strips arranged vertically. The profile will be equipped with horizontal rows. As an insulating material in the arrangement of external walls, foil polyethylene or isolon can be used, the cost of which is low compared to other materials, taking into account acceptable characteristics. Internal walls can be sheathed with mineral-based thermal insulation, provided that an auxiliary layer (located inside) consisting of a vapor barrier membrane is provided.

The room will need forced (auxiliary) ventilation, as plastic will create an increased level of humidity, as well as glass. In suburban areas, this problem is very common. To remove the accumulated moisture in the form of steam, you will need the arrangement of a flow-through type of ventilation. Otherwise, frost will form on the inner walls. For interior finishing work, PVC is not suitable in the best way. Plastic belongs to the category of flammable materials that break easily when carelessly hit in the cold. Low temperatures make plastic incredibly brittle. If possible, for the implementation of interior finishing work, natural wood should be used, the service life of which is calculated in decades.

Finishing a glazed veranda

When decorating the interior in a glazed veranda, you should follow the same rules as when arranging loggias. There is more space on the veranda, which provides more opportunities for applying various design tricks. In fact, verandas belong to the category of summer buildings, but no one forbids connecting several heaters or insulating an additional room. If the room is heated or insulated, then the choice of finishing materials will be wider. It is possible to install stained-glass windows, instead of a roof, a glass structure, due to which the room will become incredibly bright and cozy.

Many do not trust glass structures because direct sunlight can render almost any coating unusable after a while. However, over time, a solution was found and it became possible to use a special acrylic-based frosted glass. Wide and heavy curtains or blinds can act as an additional element. The design of the ceiling will directly depend on how the roof was built. In addition to natural wood, it is possible to use drywall, plastic, MDF as a finishing material, the surface of which, if desired, can be painted. Some prefer polystyrene tiles.

False ceilings will look no less attractive. Wall decoration can be done using different materials using different methods and technologies. Light colors are preferable, as they visually make the room spacious and bright. Tiles, parquet, carpet can be used as flooring. Upholstered furniture will not be superfluous, which will stand for years, provided that the correct finishing is carried out. Comfortable rest implies the presence of comfortable furniture and auxiliary accessories.

The choice of materials for covering the veranda is a responsible process, since further comfort during your stay in the room depends on the right decision.

And finally, video tips for sheathing the veranda with OSB boards:

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Veranda for a country house - an extension is not required, but desirable. It is here that in the summer you can put a couple of rocking chairs, a small table and enjoy your morning coffee in the fresh air. Considering that the veranda is most often not heated and does not have full-fledged glazing, the interior wall decoration should be made with high-quality materials that are resistant to various climatic influences.


Among all finishing materials, wood can create the most comfortable atmosphere for relaxation. For this reason, for the interior decoration of the walls of the veranda, both open and closed, lining is most often preferred. The material is made entirely of wood, has an attractive appearance. The coating is pleasant to the touch and exudes an equally pleasant woody aroma.

There are 4 classes of material on the market. The most expensive option is extra class lining. Its difference from other classes is that it is made by splicing several pieces of high-quality wood. Such a lining is great for the walls of a closed veranda, but you should not use it for an open veranda: under the influence of moisture, cracks can form in the places where the wood is joined. The cheaper classes of lining are A, B and C. All three classes are made from solid wood, so there are knots and minor defects on the material. Potholes on such wood are usually puttied during the production process. The difference between lining classes from each other lies in the permissible number of knots, potholes, resin pockets and cracks for a certain length. Class A lining is almost as good as extra class lining, but can be used for finishing on an open veranda. Class C lining is the most budgetary, but it will have the most defects, and therefore you should not expect durability from it.

The color of the lining directly depends on the type of wood from which it is made. Pine boards are amber, linden boards are pale beige, spruce boards are yellowish. The material does not rot, is resistant to temperature extremes and UV rays, and if necessary, damaged areas can be easily replaced.

The lining must be treated with an antiseptic, and then it can last you up to 20 years.


No less popular material for decorating the walls of the veranda is PVC panels. The cost of the material is low, the installation of the panel is quite simple. Maintenance of the coating is also simple: it is enough to periodically wipe the walls with a slightly damp sponge.

In addition to the budget cost, ease of installation and maintenance, the advantages of plastic panels include durability, resistance to high humidity and temperature extremes. Thus, plastic will be an excellent solution for finishing both open and closed verandas.

The range of PVC panels pleases with variety. There are panels that imitate wood, natural stone, fabric or a metal surface. In a word, there will be no problems with choosing the most suitable option.

Panels are attached to the frame with screws or nails. In order for the surface to "breathe", it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 cm between the ceiling and the wall.

The minus of the material, perhaps, is one - increased fragility. In order not to accidentally damage the PVC panels, you should place chairs and a table on the veranda not close to the walls.


MDF panels are widely used in home improvement and summer cottages. You can use this material for finishing the walls of the veranda, but only for its closed version. The reason for this is that when moisture enters the surface of the MDF panel, it deforms and loses its qualities.

The positive properties of the material include its strength, ease of installation and quite a budget cost.


The choice of this type of finish opens up wide design horizons: decorative plasters come in a wide variety of textures and colors, besides, they can be used to create interesting reliefs due to the application technique. In this case, it should be taken into account for which type of veranda you need to choose the material: for a closed heated veranda, plaster for interior work is suitable, and for an open or unheated one, it is worth choosing a material from the range of facade plasters.

Decorative plaster is easy to maintain, tolerates moisture, temperature changes and mechanical stress. With its help, you can create many effects: plaster can perfectly imitate marble and any other stone, cork, wood and other materials.

So, we have considered the most convenient and practical materials for decorating the walls of the veranda. The choice of finishing methods is not very large, but this limitation is more than offset by a wide range and ways of using materials, so you can easily realize any of your ideas without sacrificing quality.

When talking about a veranda, they usually mean an extension that adjoins any side of the main structure of the house. The veranda is usually operated only in the summer, that is, there are no heating devices here.

The design of such premises can be different - open (when the veranda is under the roof), closed. There are both glazed and non-glazed verandas. Finishing work is completely dependent on this factor.

What is also important - this extension and its exterior finish should fit as naturally as possible into the overall exterior of a country house.

The task of this room is not only decorative functions, the practical side of the matter is also here. A well-lit room, where there is no extra furniture, but there are plenty of indoor plants - all this best contributes to a pleasant summer vacation. That is why many are wondering how to finish the veranda.

Some facts about verandas:

  • The extension can be combined with the main entrance to the house. Sometimes access to the veranda is made in some room - in this situation, access to the street is not done. These features are thought out even at the stage of construction of the main house;
  • If initially there was no veranda at all in the project of your house, you can always attach it - even later. But, so that it is not necessary to punch a doorway in some kind of load-bearing wall, this is done directly on the main facade - usually right in front of the entrance doors. Engineering communications are usually not carried out on the verandas, so you can do the construction on your own;
  • The basic rule is that a new extension should complement the design of the house. The main task is to make a good foundation for the veranda; It is best to do this business in the warm season, otherwise, when thawing occurs, the soil will sag - that is, the veranda will move away from the wall of the house in such a situation. Thoroughly think through all the nuances - what are you going to build a veranda from, how to finish the veranda from the outside so that the appearance of the building is not spoiled;
  • As practice shows, a columnar foundation is usually equipped for verandas. It is quite enough to withstand the mass of the skin and the frame itself. The foundation pillars are made of brick, they are installed in pits (a depth of 100 cm is enough for them). This applies to every corner post. If the length of the future veranda is more than 150 cm, intermediate posts must be installed.

Watch a video on how a columnar foundation is made, which is ideal for building a veranda. In fact, the work is quite simple, but many make mistakes - because they approach this issue without due attention.

Preparation of holes for the foundation looks like this:

  1. When the pit is dug, a pillow of sand is first made in it - up to 200 mm. Small gravel is usually poured over this sand, after which a liquid solution is poured onto it;
  2. So that the water from the solution is not absorbed by sand in the future, roofing material is often laid on it before crushed stone is filled. Be sure to bend along the walls of the pit - up to 100 mm;
  3. The concrete pad, which was obtained as a result of the above work, will serve as a support for brick columns. Before laying it out, it is customary to coat the concrete with bitumen (if liquid glass is at hand, it is used). However, other waterproofing compositions can also be used here. The height of the columns should be calculated so that the floor mark is located somewhere 250 mm lower than in the main house;
  4. When the masonry is completed, the inner cavity of the columnar foundation should be filled with stones, gravel, here you will also find use for broken bricks - a variety of improvised materials can be used. The outer surface of the columns also needs to be waterproofed with some kind of composition;
  5. Our foundation posts for the veranda in the future are the support for the logs (wooden beams). Before laying these beams, they must be treated with some kind of antiseptic.

Antiseptic wood treatment is necessary in order to provide protection in the future: not only from rotting and moisture saturation, but also from rodents and insects.

We examined one of the most popular options for arranging the foundation for a veranda. The design may be completely different - depending on the dimensions of the future room, on its walls - if the design implies this. It is best to have instructions for each specific case, even better - a full-fledged project.

How to decorate the walls of the veranda

If the structure of the house to which you are going to attach a veranda is made of timber or logs, or it is a frame-panel structure, the most effective option is wooden walls for an extension. However, in order to complete the frame, you can always use a metal profile, and then complete the cladding with clapboard.

The option with a metal profile is especially good if the veranda is to be glazed in the future.


  • If glazing is planned, stained-glass windows made of aluminum are suitable for arranging walls - they are placed directly on the plinth. The use of such elements contributes to the solution of two problems at once - both the construction of walls and their subsequent finishing. More precisely, finishing is not even required here - you just need to periodically wash the glass. You will only need to be puzzled by the issue of decorating the intermediate racks and the profile itself. Stone or facing brick is perfect for this;
  • Glass blocks are another way to finish the veranda at the stage of wall construction. Such material is good in that it is not only decorative, but also very constructive;
  • The modern building materials market offers its consumers an impressive range of various blocks: if you want, you can eat with frosted glass; finding it with colored glass is also not a problem, just like with corrugated glass. There are even varieties of blocks with special decorative applications - they are made in the inner cavity. It looks really beautiful - whoever saw it knows;
  • Different variations of glass blocks can be combined with each other as you like. There is a desire - make any panel. There is an opportunity - accompany all this with spectacular lighting. Of course, the cost of such a veranda will be much more than that of a construction with plastic or plywood walls, but beauty costs money, and the end result is worth all these investments;
  • If the wall is made of glass blocks, you don't have to worry about light transmission. The room will always be light, even if you install small windows.

An interesting option is to equip window openings directly on the roof of the veranda (as a result, something like skylights will come out). In any case, during construction, you can skillfully combine both options - let one wall be made of glass blocks, and the rest - from stained-glass windows.

The fourth wall of the veranda is the load-bearing wall of your home. Its decor will be completed when the interior of the veranda is finished.

The use of wood in the decoration of the veranda

If you have an open veranda, then the concepts of interior and exterior decoration of the room are mixed. As a rule, it is customary to make such structures from wood: this applies to both decorative and structural elements.

And now in more detail:

  • Compared to other materials that can be used to build and finish a veranda, wood is ideal - it will create a very favorable atmosphere for relaxing here. The air will always be saturated with a woody aroma;
  • Elements that support the roof of the veranda (racks) can be made of timber with a section of 150 by 150 mm or from logs. In the simplest case, the floor on the veranda can be obtained using a simple edged board - for this, the material does not even have to be painted;
  • The ceiling can be hemmed with an ordinary clapboard, the parapet can be made from bars, which are usually used to create a crate;
  • Many homeowners do not want to save money when it comes to finishing the veranda - they prefer to decorate this place with high quality, solidly, after all, there will be a place to relax here in the future. For such situations, manufacturers find different solutions;
  • For example, - a very popular option, which in our time is actively used for facing the veranda. This material is also known as deck board. It is also customary to include a deck board, garden parquet;
  • For the manufacture of deck boards, not a solid wood, but a composite is used. That is, in addition to wood, the composition of the material also contains polymer additives. Due to this, the characteristics of the products are improved - they acquire impressive strength, moisture is also no longer afraid of them. All this benefits not only open, but also closed verandas. Even an unheated structure can be lined with such material;
  • Larch planken (or ash) is also a high-quality, fairly expensive wood, with which you can make the exterior of the veranda. Planken is called a planed facade board, which is made from solid wood arrays. What is the difference between a planken and a simple planed board? Here it's all about the shape of the section - the chamfers of the planken are rounded, while beveled. There are no connecting grooves, like a lining, - due to this, installation is carried out not end-to-end, but with gaps;
  • A wooden veranda is good because it can be attached to a variety of structures - stone, brick, wooden. The bottom line is that the facade decoration in terms of color is fully consistent with the finishing of the veranda. Wood is often not just painted, but decorated with carvings.
A very worthy solution is to carve the design of the veranda. Twisted pillars, a beautiful carved parapet will look great here. The last element, for example, can be colored in contrast to other designs. Arched hinged elements will also look appropriate if a lace pattern is applied to them. There are many options - everything is limited only by your imagination.

How to finish a glazed veranda inside

Decorating the interior in a glazed veranda is about the same task as decorating a loggia. But the veranda is usually a more spacious room, therefore, there are more opportunities for design.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Veranda - a design that is considered summer. But nothing will stop you from making heaters here and exploiting the space throughout the year, not only in the summer. In this case, you can safely use a variety of finishing materials;
  • A great example of how you can organize the interior design of the veranda. Stained-glass windows are installed, the roof of the structure is made of glass - due to this, the room will always be flooded with sun.

Many refuse glass roofs just because they are afraid of direct sunlight, their negative impact. In fact, it is very easy to protect yourself from this - it is enough to use acrylic frosted glass.
  1. A worthy addition to the interior decoration of the veranda is curtains of some original color or unusual blinds. Of course, the design of the ceiling on the veranda depends entirely on how the roof is made;
  2. In addition to wood, in the decoration of the ceiling of the veranda, you can safely use MDF, plastic, make plasterboard filings, and paint. Many decide to clad the veranda with polystyrene tiles. False ceilings and much more will look worthy here.

See more about how to finish the veranda in the video. This material will be useful for both experienced decorators and novice builders, who just want to ennoble their veranda.

Wall decor on the veranda can be done in many ways, but most often they opt for light colors. The floor in such a room can be done by anyone - at least use parquet, at least lay tiles. If you want, for example, you can cover the floor with carpet under the plinth - right around the entire perimeter of the room.

Upholstered furniture on the veranda, if its decoration is done correctly, will also never be superfluous. After all, a comfortable stay is hardly possible if there is no comfortable armchair or comfortable sofa at hand.