home · electrical safety · Which color of wenge is closer to black? Wenge color in the interior. A color scheme. What shades are best to combine wenge color in a kitchen interior?

Which color of wenge is closer to black? Wenge color in the interior. A color scheme. What shades are best to combine wenge color in a kitchen interior?

Great importance in modern design it has the color of the furniture. The walls, ceiling and even the floor can be painted and decorated in a variety of colors. color scheme, but the furniture, especially from natural wood, has its own design standards. appeared so long ago, immediately becoming a favorite among those who were looking for a fresh look at furniture design. The right combination wenge colors will help fill the interior with new colors and accents. Read all about the basic rules for choosing color compositions in our article.

Wenge color in the interior: rules of use

The color wenge gets its name from valuable breed wood, it is quite rare and highly valued. One type of this wood has a thick and deep Brown color with black veins. It was this color that came to be called “wenge”. Manufacturers have learned to reproduce this shade on any wood, so wenge color furniture Now everyone can afford it.

  • Such accessories have a rich and deep color. Their advantages are best emphasized by the surrounding light or bright colors. In a room where there are many interior items in a wenge shade, it is simply necessary good lighting, both natural and artificial, otherwise the impression of pressure or even cramped space will be created.
  • In small rooms you can limit yourself to using individual elements this color. For example, a picture frame, a bed head, the sides of a chair, small table whimsical design, or decor of a laconic and simple form. Now you can find the most unexpected accessories in such rich colors. For example, vases made of wood or glass, with the effect of natural wood.

  • Furniture manufacturers also took into account the popularity of the shade. Cushioned furniture often produced in wenge color; most often in this design you can see the backs and sides of armchairs, beds and chairs. Furniture made from leather is often wenge-colored.
  • Designers do not recommend making furniture and flooring in the same tone. This can unbalance the perception of the room. If you want to stick to one color scheme, it is better to order furniture two or three shades darker than the floor.
  • Horizontal surfaces look better if they are designed in contrast to the vertical ones. The transparent glass top of the decorative table, the legs of which are made in wenge color, looks great. A sofa with a berry-colored seat and chocolate-colored vertical parts creates a fresher and lighter impression than the same piece of furniture, but entirely made in dark brown tones.
  • To create contrast or give clarity to the interior image, two or three accents are enough. If the wenge color is chosen specifically for this purpose, then it is not necessary to buy all the furniture in this tone. A pair of armchairs and an original mirror frame in a similar color scheme will be enough to give depth to the image of the room.

Wenge color combination

Get stylish and fashionable interior using wenge color is quite easy. No wonder it is considered a favorite among designers. Different color compositions will help you create images various styles, each of which will carry its own atmosphere and mood. The wenge color will successfully decorate a formal hall, a playful bedroom, a playful nursery, a cozy dining room, a formal office, and a trendy kitchen.

  1. This composition is possible with almost any shade of red. Dark brown perfectly sets off the richness and energy of scarlet tones. In turn, shades of red cope excellently with earthy and heavy brown, giving it the necessary dynamics.
  2. An interior made in these colors cannot be called boring, especially if you choose milky white as the third shade, which will add cleanliness and romance to the room. The color of baked milk or vanilla will cope well with this task; it will slightly muffle the contrast, adding diffused, soft light. Looks great in this duet grey colour. It will soften the harshness of the shades and give the interior respectability without losing the clarity of the accents.
  3. All shades of red and red-orange, from scarlet to brick, go well with wenge. Cold raspberry tones look very stylish with wenge, but require careful selection of an additional color. White will make such an interior even cooler, but creamy will add coziness and comfort.

  • A composition of shades of yellow and dense wenge is not always perceived unambiguously. Many consider this combination to be too harsh, and even alarming. In order to soften the color contrast, you can use combined shades of yellow. They will complement and diffuse the dense structure of brown.
  • The combination of wenge and golden is always successful. It creates an interior that is discreetly luxurious, stable, and calm. It is comfortable to be in it, to receive guests and friends. For bedrooms and lounges, this combination may be too formal, but for living rooms or even dining rooms it is perfect.

  • For rest rooms, you can choose wenge and creamy yellow. This range will create a pleasant and warm bedroom, which successfully combines comfort and style. Well suited for decorating rest rooms and combining wenge with orange, especially with its muted tones. Bright accents of ripe orange color will help add a good mood.
  • Wenge color is great for decorating interiors in warm colors. It will emphasize the warm glow of amber, the tenderness of cream, and the activity of orange. At the same time, the dark brown color will help connect the individual parts into a single whole. This is especially true for large and multi-tiered open-plan rooms.

  • Interior compositions in this color scheme amaze with their naturalness and beauty. This solution is ideal for Japanese interiors, because it absolutely fits into the style concept - natural materials and nothing extra.
  • Wenge and green find admirers not only among amateurs oriental styles, but also among fans of high functionality super modern designs. You can often find European and even strict Scandinavian interiors, decorated in exactly this color scheme. IN last years The light green + wenge solution has also gained popularity for children's rooms.

  • The combination of these two colors can be absolutely self-sufficient, or complemented with bright accents. It perfectly assimilates most colors, including complex ones like purple.
  • Shades of green, which are complemented by wenge-colored furniture and accessories, can fall across the entire spectrum, from a hint of fresh spring green to a deep composite blue-green. In the latter case, brightening colors and more light sources will not hurt, otherwise the room will look gloomy.

  • In this option, all light shades, from blue to blue-green, will be successful. Deep tones such as ultramarine and indigo do not go well with wenge, especially if they claim to be the basic range of the interior.
  • As accessories, blue is quite appropriate. It can decorate an interior decorated in a combination of wenge and white or chocolate and cream. Bright blue accents made of polished stone and glass will look especially good.
  • As the main color scheme, deep blue and brown need to be very precisely complemented with lightening accents. Such a room should be well lit. And it is better to soften the boundaries between colors with the help of neutrally colored zones. It is better to choose for such interior experiments spacious rooms. Good prospects for using deep color compositions, loft style and other industrial options with high ceilings provide options.

  • The combination of these two colors can be safely called basic, since it is most often found in modern interiors. This is how rooms for any purpose are decorated, from the bathroom to the bedroom, from the kitchen to the living room.
  • White in combination with wenge gives not only stylish and harmonious interior, but also leaves room for the manifestation of creative imagination. Just choose the accessories bright color, and the room will be completely transformed.
  • In connection white and wenge are decorated in many modern functional interiors. Designers are attracted precisely by the high variability of composition. Red and orange accents will add warmth, blue and light blue will add a cool concentration, green and purple will make the room fashionable and relevant, raspberry and pink will add a daring and youthful flavor.

  • Wenge color looks good with all achrome colors. With gray you get very restrained, solid, modern interiors with high functionality. This option can often be found in high-tech or minimalist style rooms. If you add details and patterned textiles, on this basis you can create an original and stylish bedroom, especially if you complement the gray with antique blue or coral.
  • The classic trio will also be a good interior base: white, gray, wenge. It will also help novice designers or those who have taken on independent interior planning. This range is easy to maintain, simply designed, and then modified according to at will. By choosing a different color of curtains, a different selection of accessories, you can get a fresh interior.

Wenge color is deservedly considered one of the basic colors for creating modern interiors, literally, in any style. It’s easy to combine not only different shades with wenge finishing materials, but also other colors of furniture. Against the background of a thick chocolate shade, objects made of natural wood, wicker straw, as well as white or artificially aged furniture look good. Wide color options Wenge will allow you to decorate both a huge interior space and a miniature room.

Despite the fact that the wenge color became known in the vast expanses of our country quite recently, it immediately gained high popularity and is gaining more and more fans not only among professional designers, but also among ordinary people who want to make changes to their interior. Wenge color in the interior attracts not only its exquisite beauty, but also its brevity and practicality.

Not everyone knows that wenge is not a color, but the name of a species of tropical wood. Its wood is highly valued, as the trees grow in small quantities and are extremely difficult to work with. Wenge is not only a well-known, most often found in our country, dark chocolate color, close to black coffee. It can be dark gray or purple. On the one hand, the use of this tone gives the design of the room a certain elitism and luxury, on the other hand, it does not overload the interior and can look ascetic. This is a kind of golden mean, and a limited number of colors have this property. In addition, it is natural and quite warm color, which is why residents of cold countries love it so much. It will suit both lovers of classical and modern style, people who prefer comfort and coziness.

Psychologists' opinion

According to psychologists, people who prefer this tone have qualities such as strong will, rigor, and endurance. The interiors created with its help exude stability and aristocracy. Despite the absence of sweet notes and some harshness, the design turns out to be completely unobtrusive and light.

Color combinations

There are many options for combining this color with others:

  • Like all chocolate shades, it looks great with beige, peach, milky or sand palettes.
  • The wenge color in the interior will beautifully complement light gray and pink.
  • A luxurious result is obtained when mixed with an orange tone.

Advice: if wenge is the main color in the design, then there should be as many light additions (furniture, accessories) as possible.

To prevent the interior from looking boring, you need to dilute it with bright details of red, burgundy, and turquoise.

How to fit into the interior

The color of wenge cannot be unambiguously attributed to any specific color. It is close to dark chocolate, but a little lighter, and it seems to be separated from black chocolate by a transparent gray layer. Upon closer examination of the structure of the tree, you can notice golden reflections in it, giving it a slight glow. If the design of the room is based on a light beige color scheme, then creating a combination with wenge will be quite simple; in other cases, where a darker palette dominates, you should be careful with this tone so as not to make the room very dark.

A real tree of this species should not be placed under straight sun rays to prevent it from fading. Most often, wenge color in the interior is used in finishing floors and doors. Floors made from this material or its worthy imitation look luxurious, giving the room the appearance typical of English castles, and doors that match the floor make the interior harmoniously complete.

Furniture made from wenge color is also very popular. Not found furniture factory, which would not use it in its arsenal. As a rule, it is made in a laconic form, without any unnecessary details or pretentiousness. Glass or chrome elements are added to some models, even less often furniture is made in old style. Wenge-colored furniture easily fits into interiors or safari interiors. And if you are the happy owner of a piece of furniture made from natural wenge wood, then you should make an effort and complete the design, making this detail the main one, playing with it.

The use of wenge in various rooms

Without a doubt, the most popular room where wenge is used is the kitchen. Kitchen furniture made using this color has become narrower classic version interior

But you shouldn’t limit this palette to decorating only kitchen area. It can also be used in the design of living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms or hallways. One has only to take into account some features of the premises and the color itself.

The living room is the place where it happens greatest number strangers and it is she who creates the general impression of the house/apartment as a whole, so this room should look presentable and unusual. Wenge can give the interior a touch of aristocracy and elegance. There can be many options for its use. For example:

  1. Dark wenge-colored furniture against light walls;
  2. Walls in wenge shades and light furniture.

Advice: in this case, doors and floors should also not be dark in color to avoid the heaviness of the interior.

Decorating a bedroom using this tone should not be started by those who prefer boudoir style or. It is more suitable for lovers of minimalism. It is enough to put a bed and a chest of drawers in wenge color, dilute them with bronze accessories and textiles.

The wenge color in the interior of a children's room will help to zone the room. The rest area is performed in light colors, and the working one is in the dark. Shelves, a table, a chair will create the right atmosphere against the background of pink walls.

This palette should not be overused in the bathroom. Usually bathroom is not different large sizes, and a dark color can visually reduce it.

In pursuit of fashion trends, most designers strive to diversify modern interiors with a huge number of popular color schemes. More and more specialists and ordinary people When decorating premises, they give preference to the color of wenge wood. Luxurious shades in his palette allow you to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth even in the most impersonal room.

Wenge color - main characteristics

This color appeared in the vastness of our homeland relatively recently and from the first days won the recognition of the majority of the population. It received this name from a tree species growing in South Africa. Wenge color accurately copies the shade and structure of a given type of wood, having a rich brown color with black veins.

This type of wood is considered quite rare, which makes the material elite and expensive to process.

Over time, skillful manufacturers have learned to obtain this shade on almost any wood, which allows anyone who wants to purchase wenge-colored furniture for relatively little money.

Color features

The palette of expensive wenge wood is dominated by various dark and deep shades of brown:

  • Dark burgundy shade
  • Purple shade
  • Dark brown
  • Chocolate color
  • Natural coffee color
  • Dark gray shade

Most residents of our country use the most popular shade of wenge for interior decoration: dark brown. It is more familiar and recognizable.

In the first case, the color itself gives any interior a certain amount of elegance, as it has an attractive and expensive appearance. In another case, wenge is a laconic, not flashy and simple shade that does not unnecessarily burden the design of the premises.

Compared to other colors wenge is the golden mean. It is part of the line of warm colors, which undoubtedly attracts the majority of residents of northern cities.

Find out also what famous designers advise.

Through the mouths of psychologists

The opinions of psychologists on the issue of the predominance of wenge color in the interior converge to several conclusions:

  • More often this palette chosen by people who value comfort and safety;
  • The overwhelming majority of admirers of wenge color love the classics in all its directions;
  • Lovers of this color are characterized by such character qualities as unshakable will, endurance and strictness of outlook on life;
  • Often the main advantage in the character of the owner of an interior in wenge color is stability and reliability.

How to get WENGE color

Wenge color code #645452

RGB percentage of wenge color

  • Red – about 39.30%
  • Green – about 33%
  • Blue – about 33.20%

HSL color space

  • Hue – approximately 7 degrees
  • Saturation – approximately 10%
  • Lightness – approximately 35.70%

The wavelength of this color is approximately 616nm

Combinations of wenge with other colors and types of wood species

When decorating a room, the most pressing question is: wenge color combination with other color palettes. Studying this question, we can confidently say that given color almost universal and successfully harmonizes with other colors.

The most successful Options for decorating a modern interior are:

Red color

  • The dark brown palette of the wood advantageously sets off the energetic red color. Rich shades of scarlet perfectly dilute the heavy brown tone, bringing lightness and dynamism to the atmosphere;
  • The design of any room made in this color palette cannot be called boring. To add softness to the tones of the room, you can use a third color - milky white or vanilla. Also, various shades of gray can be used as a third color; they will soften sharp transitions without losing contrast balance.


  • Combination yellow color and wenge is enough an extraordinary solution. When choosing such a neighborhood, you should give preference to soft tones of yellow in order to avoid harshness and pretentious contrast;
  • Combinations are considered successful gold tone and wenge. This set flowers will add solemnity and an atmosphere of prosperity and nobility to the room. It is worth decorating the hallway or living room as an advantageous neighborhood.
  • It’s worth choosing a neighborhood for the rest room soft (creamy) shade, yellow or muted tangerine. This combination will fill the bedroom with comfort and sophisticated style;
  • Using this proximity, it becomes possible to easily connect multi-tiered rooms into a single whole.

Green and its shades

  • Wenge and green color. This stylistic decision is most often used to create Japanese interior, distinctive feature which are the harmony of natural materials;
  • Most fans of modern designs give their preference to this color scheme. Every year more and more design projects appear in European and Scandinavian style, which are based on these colors. The combination of light green and wenge is often used to decorate children's rooms;

Blue color

  • In such unusual version A successful addition to the active color of wenge will be light, airy, light shades of blue, from soft blue to turquoise.
  • Taking as a basis deep colors blue and dark brown, you need to take care of the presence of brightening accents in the interior. The main condition for this combination is increased illumination of the room.
  • Contrasting borders should be diluted neutral light shades. A winning option for this color combination would be a loft-style room design, characterized by spacious rooms and high ceilings.

White palette

  • The combination of these colors is basic and is often found in interiors. modern premises. In this combination, it is possible to decorate any room from the kitchen to the bedroom.
  • The universal proximity allows you to show your imagination when decorating and decorating the room. It's worth adding a little bright accents, and the room will gain individuality;
  • Gray will perfectly complement the combination of white and wenge. It will fill the interior with style and restraint. These combinations can be found in such stylistic directions of design as minimalism or hi-tech;
  • One of the most popular is the combination of basic colors with coral shades. This color scheme will give the room an unusual visualization.

The main rule when combining wenge color. Is adding to the design no more than one type tree species. If a third tree structure appears in the room, then it becomes ridiculous and distorts the overall picture. The most suitable tree neighbors are:

  • Ash
  • Zebrano

Unsuccessful combination options

Despite its versatility, wenge doesn't match with most ultras bright colors, such as:

  • Hot pink
  • Acid - light green
  • Most unnatural colors, provocative tones.

Add to your interior amazing design ceilings: go to to find out more.

Using wenge color in interior design

Wenge color is basic and serves as an excellent solution for decorating most rooms.


This type of room plays an important role in the overall impression of design the whole house. , combining wenge with other colors, is a fairly popular stylistic solution. This choice is determined by the practicality and laconicism of the interior, both for a small and spacious hallway.

Living room

The most popular are living room interiors decorated with the active addition of wenge color. Various interior items and interior decoration in this color, creates the impression of nobility and prosperity of the owners.

Look at additional options living room design in wenge color:

Bedroom with wenge color

This choice conveys elegance, sophistication and wide choose stylistic directions from modern to classic. Combination wenge with warm tones creates an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility.


The noble shades of wenge encourage compliance order and cleanliness in this room. Combinations of wenge with ceramic coatings, with shades of metal and glass on.


The use of this color carries notes of minimalism and restraint. Bathroom interiors where wenge color is the basic or secondary color are very relaxing and relieves stress after a hard day at work.

Furniture and decor

More and more often you can see furniture in wenge color in the design of unusual and classic modern interiors. In production, wenge is used both independently and in combination with other colors.

Most designers, when choosing furniture in this color scheme, are guided not only by the versatility of the wenge color, but also by its noble appearance.

Wenge color can be easily combined not only with other colors, but also with different textures wood and finishing materials.

Possessing wide possibilities color transfer, with wenge you can decorate both a huge space and small room. Wenge gives unlimited possibilities flights of fancy in the design of not only a stylish, but also a practical interior.

Find out more about wenge color in the interior from the video:

Wenge is a type of tree from the Legume family that grows in the tropical jungles of West Africa and belongs to the category valuable wood thanks to the strength, beautiful color and interesting texture. Wenge wood can be called by different names: Congolese rosewood, African rosewood, Congolese rosewood, African rosewood, dikela, mibotou, bokonge and awong. Solid wenge is quite expensive, and as a result, almost all affordable furniture Wenge is a chipboard finished with veneer.

Wenge color has several shades: dark brown, dark burgundy, dark chocolate, black coffee. And depending on the color environment, it can change its emotional meaning. Wenge can express comfort and stability, can be the color of asceticism, and can evoke ethnic African motifs. Therefore this natural and natural color can be used in different style interiors.

Color combinations with wenge

Wenge is usually used in contrasting combinations:

Wenge plus bleached oak
Wenge plus ash

Another popular combination that adds exoticism to the interior:

Wenge plus zebrawood

Wenge is a stylish and exclusive material, and can only tolerate the proximity of one more tree. If a third or fourth wood texture appears in the interior, then wenge loses all its high cost and representativeness. This must be kept in mind when using wenge color in the interior. If, due to circumstances, it is not possible to use only two wood textures in one room, then you need to select a third texture either as close as possible to wenge, or very similar to the second tree.

For wenge furniture, a contrasting light wall background is traditionally considered a win-win. Although in Lately There have been trends to play up wenge furniture against the background of dark walls and dilute the entire composition with light details.

Quite a few colors and shades are harmoniously combined with wenge: white, milky, cream, blue, turquoise, pink, lilac, pistachio, olive, lime, green, orange, red, yellow, different shades of gray, brown and others.

Examples of ready-made color combinations with wenge

When choosing your favorite colors from the presented combinations, keep in mind that in an interior with wenge color there must be light shades.

Ready-made palettes

Light olive plus pine needles, dark olive, hazelnut, mint - a calm palette for a comfortable rest.

Today it is believed that living room design in wenge color is very popular and fashionable. Why is that? Let's further understand what's what.

This color owes its appearance to African wood, all products from which are at the peak of popularity today. The wood grows in the tropics of Guinea or Congo.

In general, this name seems to unite a group of plants that stand out for their variety of shades. The range of existing shades is especially large - from dark, black chocolate to purple.

By the way, the peculiarity of wood is that the wood on the outside is much lighter than on the inside.

The rough texture, as well as the very rich color, are inherent in the material, and this is probably why products made from it seem to be perfect for the living room. In tandem with milky oak, wenge creates a special feeling of luxury in any room. Color gives the room a special uniqueness.


Material in natural environment characterized by a very rough texture and very dark color palette, and therefore wenge is especially in demand for materials that are then used as flooring.

A spacious living room in wenge color will look amazing if wenge laminate is used as a floor covering.

Since the color is quite dark, it seems to fill the space of the room, making it deeper. This is clearly noticeable when the wall decoration is light, in one tone - without patterns or bright inclusions.

Moreover, laminate in this color has such an excellent property - minor natural damage and scratches that appear over time are not noticeable.

Parquet in this color gives the room warmth and coziness, and since wear resistance is high, parquet is an advantageous material for laying on the floor.

Even taking note high cost wood, its service life in the form of parquet pays for any price.

The disadvantage of flooring in this color is dust - it is visible even with daily cleaning.


The structure of this African wood is very exotic, the colors are varied, and therefore the doors dark color will fit perfectly into the wenge living room interior.

The doors are solid and give the room a grand appearance.

Today, doors in this color, with stained glass inserts, are in great demand, because they are functional and attractive. Wenge living room, with matching colors interior doors, looks especially solid.


This wood combines the incongruous - the products look very aristocratic, chic, but at the same time laconic. In general, this gives the room a special charm.

The wenge wall looks very stylish, but it becomes even more attractive in combination with such material as milky oak. Inserts light shade as if they dilute the solidity of the furniture.

The design of the living room is entirely based on contrasts. So, dark furniture looks advantageous against a light background of walls, and on dark floors it is appropriate to keep carpets beige colour, grey.

The interior will be complemented lighting, made in the appropriate style - wenge chandelier, laconic and strict design. A chandelier can be made, as an example, in the form of a flat elongated structure, and the lamps can change position.

Using such a chandelier, you can easily control the lighting of the room as you wish, darkening certain areas a little, while others, on the contrary, highlighting more.

You can complement the interior with a floor lamp. Strict floor lamps geometric shape They look fashionable, stylish and modern, giving a special coziness to the room.

Having looked through numerous photos of a wenge living room on the Internet, you involuntarily notice that the color is extremely fashionable today, and therefore it is fashionable to decorate living rooms in this color... Well, are we on the same wavelength with fashion?

Photo of a wenge living room