home · Tool · Sofa built into the kitchen unit. Kitchen design with sofa. Fashionable kitchen interior (91 photos). Design of a small kitchen with a sofa

Sofa built into the kitchen unit. Kitchen design with sofa. Fashionable kitchen interior (91 photos). Design of a small kitchen with a sofa

Three traditional way placement of the sofa - along the wall, in the corner or in the center of the room (“island”). You can use any of them in the living room, depending on what kind of sofa you need and what tasks you want to solve. But for the kitchen, compact sofas of a special design or small universal models are most often used, and the placement method here is only in the corner or along the wall. This is due to the fact that the space is usually limited or occupied by other objects, and the sofa - if there is one - should be as compact as possible.

So, how to place a sofa in the kitchen and how to choose it correctly?

“Yes” or “No” to upholstered furniture in the kitchen – is it worth putting a sofa in the kitchen?

First, decide whether you really need a sofa and whether the space allows you to put it here.

The main pro is that it is comfortable to sit on and allows you to sit comfortably for a hearty meal. If you often entertain guests or just like to dine in comfort, this is the solution for you.

The sofa also adds coziness to the interior. If the kitchen is made in Mediterranean style or in the spirit of Provence or country, upholstered furniture will definitely decorate it. Pillows and comfortable seats will create that same atmosphere of warmth that is the main feature of these styles.

In a one-room apartment, a small transformable kitchen sofa will provide additional sleeping space for guests.

If all the arguments convince you, feel free to start reading the section “how to properly place a sofa in the kitchen.” But remember: this piece of furniture is space-hungry and will take up much more space than regular stools or kitchen chairs. Even if you choose a compact model or one specifically designed for kitchens " couch».

Designers recommend placing a sofa in the kitchen only if the room has an area of ​​at least 12 m². And if space is limited, then combine the item upholstered furniture preferably with a linear set (built-in along one wall) and a compact table. Otherwise, it will not be possible to leave free passages: they must be at least 70 cm wide so that you can move freely. And in the kitchen this is especially important, because there is work zone for cooking food.

If the area allows, then before buying a sofa, determine the place where it will be located. The main criterion here is functionality: it should stand compactly, without blocking passages or blocking access to kitchen furniture. Usually choose either corner placement(in the free corner opposite the headset, behind kitchen table) or parallel, along a window or a blank wall.

Placing a kitchen sofa in the corner

Corner sofas, or “soft corners” - special kitchen furniture on a rigid frame made of wood or chipboard. Under the seats there are usually drawers for dishes, food or other household items. There are also transformable options with a sleeping place.

Corners replace kitchen chairs and stools. They are placed behind the table. When choosing where to place the sofa in the kitchen, make sure that it is proportionate to the free space. There should be enough space from the wall to the sofa to make it comfortable to sit down, while leaving a fairly wide passage between the table and the set.

The ratio of the height of the table and the corner is also important: the optimal distance from the seat to the table top is 30-35 cm, otherwise the posture at the table will not be comfortable.

The advantages of this placement are the compactness of the “soft corner” due to the use corner space. The downside is that it is difficult to transform: if there is a sleeping place, you will have to move the table to unfold it.

Placing a sofa in the kitchen along the wall

In the kitchen you can also place a standard soft sofa of compact size. It could be stylish model, which will become the accent of the kitchen interior, or a discreet copy, the main objective which is convenience.

A rectangular sofa can be placed behind the table. In this case, like a soft corner, it will replace chairs and create a comfortable lunch place for those who have special requirements for comfort. If this is a transformer, then an additional sleeping place will appear in the kitchen. The main installation advice is the same: make sure that the passages in the room remain clear. This is especially true for the sides of the “work triangle” (movements between the refrigerator, stove and sink).

The advantage of this placement is rational use space. The downside is that it is difficult to unfold the transformer (you have to move the table).

The second option is to install the sofa along the wall, regardless of the table. If the kitchen is elongated, it will fit perfectly along a narrow wall, and all the furniture in the complex will create U-shaped layout. In a square room, upholstered furniture can be installed opposite the kitchen unit. An “independent” sofa is a place for relaxing, reading and leisurely drinking a cup of your favorite drink.

The advantage here is the convenience of folding out the sofa. The downside is that this placement is only suitable for large kitchens.

If the room is small, it is important that the furniture not only does not clutter it, but also does not overload it visually. If you have already decided where to put the sofa in the kitchen, but you understand that all the items are practically back to back, the next step is to give up unnecessary details and decorative items. Give preference light wallpaper, light textiles and glossy surfaces, this will help visually expand the space.

But rectangular sofas are much more varied in style. For example, for a classic interior you can choose a noble “chesterfield” or an empire-style banquette. And for the bright youth suitable for kitchens upholstered furniture with colored fabric or vinyl upholstery.

Small wicker sofas made of natural wicker, rattan or their imitation fit perfectly into kitchens decorated in ethnic style. Also in a country interior, a sofa with a floral print or striped upholstery, traditional in shape: with a rounded back and armrests, on legs, looks good.

Remember to be practical!

When choosing a sofa for the kitchen, regardless of its placement, you need to remember the practical side. Make sure that your kitchen upholstered furniture is easy to care for, because here it is at risk of much more contamination than in the living room or bedroom.

The best upholstery option is leather, eco-leather or vinyl (they are easy to clean). In textiles, microfiber with anti-dirt impregnation has the same quality. And patterned fabrics are better at hiding stains than plain ones.

To easily clean the floor under and behind the sofa, choose upholstered furniture with legs. And if possible, choose wood as a frame: it is stronger than laminated chipboard and is not afraid of wet cleaning.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at e-mail: ls@site
P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

In many apartments, the Soviet kitchen design has remained, where the main attribute is a sofa.

Most often, a small kitchen has such a piece of furniture. This is because there is nowhere to put the chairs, and the corner bench with soft seats fits in there perfectly.

Such furniture is most often sold complete with a table and pairs of chairs.

A soft bench serves as additional storage space, and if you install a full-fledged soft sofa, you can organize a sleeping place in the kitchen.

Types of sofas for the kitchen

When choosing a sofa for the kitchen, you need to take into account the features of the room, determine what place you will allocate to the dining area or relaxation area.

Sofas in the kitchen can serve as a seat at the table, they can be there for relaxation, while a table with chairs will serve as a dining area.

There are two types of sofas for the kitchen:


The most popular type of kitchen furniture. It is not always possible to figure out how to arrange a free corner in the kitchen, or how many chairs to place at the table; for such a case, a corner sofa is made.

With its help you can increase the number of seats and save space in the kitchen, however, you cannot sleep on such a sofa, the structure does not fold out, you can only store some small things.


Often, such a sofa is placed on large kitchen, serves as an additional resting place, and you can also store things in it. Not excluded in a small kitchen this type furniture, it can also serve as a sleeping place.

It is worth remembering that no more than three people can be seated on a small straight sofa, while up to 6 people can fit on a corner sofa.


This type of sofa appeared quite recently. The peculiarity of this design is that the sofa consists of several modules that can be moved at will.

You can easily connect the parts and get two armchairs, or you can assemble it so that there is one sofa in the kitchen.

Such a module is not expensive, its design is quite simple, the armrests can be soft, or they can be in the form of shelves on which you can put a small kitchen appliances, cookbooks or decorative items.

What to consider when making a sofa with your own hands?

You can make a sofa for the kitchen yourself if you have necessary tools, as well as the basics of working with wood materials.

It is important to remember that during its manufacture, its design is taken into account, and the location of all fasteners is carefully designed. You must understand what kind of sofa you want, whether it will be full or in the form of a soft bench.

Consider the dimensions of the upcoming sofa, each of its parts separately, for example, the back should not be larger than the seat.

If you are making an ordinary sleeping sofa, develop its mechanism, whether there will be storage space, whether it will fold out.

  • What kind of upholstery the sofa will have is also important. In the kitchen, the material of this furniture should be practical and easy to clean.
  • Think about the thickness of the pillows, whether you want a hard sofa or a soft one. You can sew removable covers for them.
  • What height will the furniture you create be, what legs will you make for the sofa.

The most important point When designing a sofa, the main thing is to distribute the load on it. Consider how many guests will sit on it and whether it will hold up.

Sketch the sofa on paper, mark all the corners and mechanisms. The drawing will make your work much easier, since during the process you will not need to think about the details for a long time.

What materials are used to make a sofa?

Kitchen sofas are made of wood, however, this pleasure is expensive. To replace durable wooden structure Materials such as MDF and chipboard arrived.

Making a sofa from MDF without using wood is not a bad option, but the furniture will not be durable or reliable. The main support, the frame, should be made of wood, so the sofa will be strong and will last for many years.

For the upholstery of the sofa, fabrics that do not absorb odors and moisture should be used; they should be dense and easy to clean. The ideal material for a kitchen sofa is leather; synthetics are more often used, since they are not expensive.

The sofa is filled as standard - foam rubber or holofiber.

Photo of sofas in the kitchen

When gathering with your family in the kitchen at the beginning of a working day, you want to spend this time as comfortably as possible. The same, by the way, applies to the evening, when all family members want to relax from a stormy day, sitting comfortably on the sofa. But not all kitchens can boast of serious dimensions; in most cases they are medium in size or very tiny.

So which sofa in a small kitchen will look most appropriate?! This is exactly what we will talk about in this review.
The sofa is moved to the kitchen island.

Do you really need a sofa in the kitchen?

Of course, this question has its own answer for everyone, but if we talk figuratively, then firstly, even the tiniest folding sofa can provide an additional sleeping place, which will be very useful in the case of a sudden influx of guests. In addition, the comfort of this furniture can seriously compete with conventional kitchen chairs. Agree, eating on a soft, cozy sofa is much more pleasant than huddling on a slightly hard chair. It is also impossible not to note the fact that thanks to the sofa, the room will be able to sparkle with new notes; something new, stylish and relevant will be introduced into its design. Well, and on top of everything else, a sofa equipped with storage compartments can serve as a wonderful storage for all kinds of kitchen items(towels, food processor, tablecloths, dishes, etc.).

Bright pillows add mood to the decor of the room.

A small sofa for a small kitchen.

A small sofa in a small kitchen is quite common in panel houses with tiny apartments. Naturally, the kitchens in such apartments are quite cramped, but you really want to make such a small room comfortable, stylish and cozy. There is a way out; you need to select small corner sofas, to which the dining table will be moved. Moreover, here you need to make maximum use usable area, which means that the furniture should be quite versatile, let it be able to be folded into a sleeping place when necessary, and in ordinary times serve as additional storage for kitchen utensils. By the way, for small kitchens we recommend choosing light-colored furniture; if you are afraid of staining the light-colored upholstery, then cover the sofa with light-colored blankets, which can be easily washed if dirty. Also perfect here glass table, which visually will not clutter up the space at all, but on the contrary will create an effect of airiness and weightlessness. Sofa bench with carriage tie.

What to look for when choosing a sofa for the kitchen.

Just go to the store and buy the first one that catches your eye. small sofa It won't work for a small kitchen. You need to soberly evaluate all the nuances, namely:

  • Assess the size of the room and the parameters of the assembled sofa.
  • Consider the moment of laying out upholstered furniture, whether it will easily fit in the kitchen when disassembled.
  • We must not forget about additional functions- storage boxes.
  • The design of the sofa should be in harmony with the style of the kitchen.
  • Make sure that the selected model folds out easily.
  • Furniture must be durable and stable.
  • Upholstery should be practical.

Types of sofas for the kitchen.

Corner sofa.

Such a sofa for a small kitchen can be considered the most suitable, because it fits compactly into a free corner of the room, and also concentrates on itself. a large number of Human. When choosing such a sofa, it is important to accurately measure the parameters of the walls of the corner of the room where you plan to place it. These sofa models are often equipped with drawers for storing things.


Wanting to buy direct roll-out sofa you need to be prepared for the fact that in a small kitchen it will be inconvenient to arrange them. In addition, it will not be possible to store things in it; the roller mechanism quite often pops out of the groove, and they are very large when unfolded. It’s better to take a closer look at book sofas, which in turn can be “Tick-Tock”, “Click-Clack”, “Relax” and “Euro-book”. The “Click-Clack” and the world-famous “Euro-book” models are ideal for frequent use. After all, these models are quite easily transformed into a sleeping place, withstand frequent unfolding and folding, and almost always have additional drawers for things. In the case of a regular “Book,” you can be sure that it will not withstand frequent unfolding, but if you know that it will only be used when guests arrive, then you can purchase it.


Such cute sofas are often installed in medium-sized rooms. Well, if the room is very small, then we recommend taking a closer look at non-folding models equipped with a lot of compartments, for example, handles with shelves, as well as drawers for things under the seat.


Such a sofa is divided into several parts, and if necessary, one part can be moved from one end to the other. In addition, such models are often equipped with a minibar and storage compartments household items. When purchasing such a sofa, it is important to evaluate the strength of the frame, otherwise a low-quality product may deteriorate with frequent transformation.

Sofa bench.

This sofa model does not fold out and is intended exclusively for sitting and possibly storing things in compartments specially designed for these purposes. In addition, it looks very impressive, despite its simplicity, and the price is quite reasonable. Such sofas are traditionally complemented by colored pillows, which are not always included in the set, but this is even better, because you can already buy the items you like.

Sofa couch.

Couch with folding mechanism is excellent option for the kitchen, where from time to time it is possible that someone will stay overnight. True, it is worth noting that due to the lack of space, sleeping on them is not entirely comfortable, but as an alternative, this sofa is very good. On sale you can find double and single couches. The choice is yours! And a couple more points, couches come with a backrest, as well as without it. The option with a backrest looks more weighty and impressive, and is generally comfortable.

Choosing upholstery for upholstered furniture.

Ideally, the upholstery of a sofa should be resistant to moisture, not absorb fat, durable, and resistant to fading. Accordingly, most suitable materials can be considered leather and its analogue - leather. substitute. But these materials are not a dogma at all, because you can also take a closer look at rattan (wicker products look chic), velor with special impregnation and flock with Teflon coating. In addition, we must not forget that the furniture can be covered with a nice blanket, which will organically fit into the style of the kitchen and will look very appropriate. The same applies to sofa cushions, buy stylish ones for them decorative pillowcases, and just periodically wash them with blankets. By the way, with the help of a steam generator you can combat dirt on sofa upholstery, as well as excess odors; in you will find all the details regarding this topic.

Where to place the sofa.

Near the window. A small sofa in a small kitchen will make the right impression if it is placed near the window, on the right or left. Moreover, it should be a straight sofa or a semicircular one.

Under the window. The place under the window can be called a classic area for placing a sofa; a straight or semicircular representative of it is also suitable here.

On a free wall. If there is a wall in the room that is absolutely unoccupied, then you can move a rectangular straight sofa towards it, which can be decorated according to the style of the room.

In the corner. Accordingly, the sofa itself should be corner. It will look especially interesting with bright decorative pillows.

In the center of the room.
This option is appropriate for studio apartments where space delimitation is required, as well as for large rooms; this option will not work in small rooms.

The back is towards the kitchen unit. This layout looks especially good in kitchens with a kitchen island, to which a sofa is attached.

Sofa to match the interior style.

  1. The Provence kitchen will coexist with a sofa with rounded soft arms, the upholstery of which will have a floral print.
  2. The Country interior will look great with bench sofas made of wood and soft mattresses.
  3. The Modern design will coexist with a sofa of strict shapes with leather upholstery, decorated with a carriage screed.
  4. Room in classic style It will look great with a sofa of strict shape, with the possible presence of forging and carving.
  5. Minimalism kitchen will look good with a sofa rectangular shape, no frills.
  6. Scandinavian cuisine will accept a white sofa with textile upholstery.
  7. A Baroque kitchen will be happy to “make friends” with a sofa made of leather or velor with a carriage tie on the back.
  8. An Art Deco kitchen will feature a bright sofa with a large backrest without arms and luxurious velor upholstery.

A few more photos:

How to make a sofa with your own hands (video):

A sofa may well be present in a small kitchen; it is only important to choose the right size, shape and color. Well, of course, we must not forget about the possibility of using the sofa as extra space for storing things, as well as transforming it into a sleeping place!

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of kitchen space in any home. The owners of small apartments or spacious private houses all try to create the most comfortable, functional and at the same time cozy atmosphere in the kitchen. Finishes that are resistant to various types of impact are also used, and capacious systems storage, and modern Appliances. How about creating a truly comfortable room in which you can not only quickly and efficiently prepare food, but also taste it with pleasure while sitting on soft sofa? As you already understand, in this publication we will look at options for installing a sofa within the kitchen space, be it a separate room or combined with the dining room and living room. IN small apartments since the construction of the last century, our compatriots could not afford to install such a large piece of furniture as a sofa. There wasn't even enough space for a full dining area. IN modern homes Kitchen spaces can increasingly boast impressive sizes, allowing owners to think through not only an ergonomic, but also a comfortable layout with the use of additional furniture. In addition, the popularity of studio apartments, in which the kitchen area is connected to the dining and living areas, is still high. This means that the presence of a sofa in this combined room is inevitable. Using examples of real design projects, we invite you to consider the possibility, feasibility and benefits of installing a sofa in kitchen area.

Advantages and disadvantages of having a sofa in the kitchen space

The advantages of having a sofa in the kitchen include the following:

  • the comfort level of the dining area increases significantly if instead of ordinary chairs you can sit on a soft sofa;
  • an additional sleeping place for late guests, especially if the sofa model allows for folding out into a sleeping place;
  • many models of upholstered furniture have free space at the bottom, which can be used as storage systems;
  • if you install a TV opposite the sofa, then the kitchen space can also serve as a living room (relevant for one-room apartments with a spacious kitchen).

Disadvantages of installing a soft sofa in kitchen space the following:

  • the special microclimate and complex functional component of the kitchen space dictate a more critical and careful approach to the selection of any pieces of furniture, and especially those accompanied by upholstery that can absorb odors and get dirty from various types pollution;
  • the need to install a sufficiently powerful hood follows from the original features of the kitchen;
  • if the kitchen is small, then even compact model A sofa can clutter up a room, depriving it of a sense of spaciousness and freedom of movement.

Choosing the size, shape and model of a sofa for the kitchen

Not many Russian cuisines can boast large area. Even in apartments with an improved layout, a kitchen space (if it is not combined with the living room) is allocated small room. In such conditions, compact sofas with shallow depth become priority solutions. It is more effective to install such a sofa against the wall, and then place it next to it. lunch group.

Corner sofas are very popular among homeowners, both for installation in the living room and for use in the kitchen space. The advantage of such models is that in a small space you can install a sofa that will provide the maximum possible number of seats. Another advantage is efficient use corners of the room, as the most difficult in terms of selection functional elements interior for installation.

Sofas in the shape of a semicircle or arc are rarely found in kitchen spaces due to the lack of free space in these same kitchens. The more valuable and original the use of such a model will be. If the area of ​​the room allows this and your dining table has the shape of a circle or oval.

Built-in sofas with storage drawers are the best option for small kitchen. Considering that such a sofa is made to order, its size and design will best suit the capabilities and priorities of your kitchen. This sofa is convenient and comfortable, it can be used as storage systems, and it looks attractive, decorating kitchen interior. The disadvantage of built-in models is the lack of mobility and sufficient high price due to execution custom sizes and design (but much depends on the materials of the frame and upholstery).

A sofa with a folding mechanism can transform any one-room apartment into the so-called “Euro-two”. An additional sleeping place has never bothered anyone, especially if the family has a need to organize a separate room (and kitchens are most often allocated to separate room) for the possibility of overnight stay. But in this case, choosing a model is not easy. Folding sofas rarely come in compact sizes. And the upholstery of the sofa for sleeping should not be slippery (leather or leatherette), but at the same time have high hygroscopic properties.

If we talk about the design of the sofa in terms of the choice of upholstery material, then the most popular option for a long time The leather design of this piece of upholstered furniture remains. Practicality, aesthetics and a wealth of colors are the main criteria for choosing upholstery for many Russians. The ability to easily, quickly and without consequences clean the dirty surface of the upholstery becomes the main advantage of leather upholstery, relegating the disadvantage of a fairly high cost to the background.

The most difficult thing to clean is the upholstery of sofas made from natural fabrics – cotton. Linen, wool derivatives, silk modifications, all these fabrics are not suitable for use in the kitchen. The now popular flock will also not withstand constant cleaning from food and drink stains, the appearance of which, unfortunately, is inevitable within the kitchen space, especially if there are small children and pets in the house.

Using a sofa as an accent element of the interior is a popular way among designers and their clients to bring originality to the design of a room. This option for decorating the space is suitable not only for living rooms, but also for kitchen spaces combined with a dining room or simply large-scale studios. Bright upholstery or a colorful fabric print will become not only an accent spot of the interior, but also its highlight, the focal point around which the rest of the room’s design is built.

Sofa from the line garden furniture made of wicker or rattan will look harmonious in a kitchen decorated in country, Provence, or shabby chic style. Lightweight design, mobility and originality appearance will certainly become a highlight of the kitchen design.

Where to install the sofa?

The choice of place to install a sofa in the kitchen space depends on:

  • size and shape of the room itself:
  • number and size of window and door openings:
  • choosing the layout of the kitchen unit;
  • number of functional segments of the room (kitchen, dining room, living room);
  • sofa sizes and modifications;
  • availability and variation of the lunch group.

One of the most popular options for using a sofa in a kitchen is to include this piece of furniture in the dining room. It is logical that many owners want to provide their household with maximum comfort during meals. And what could be more comfortable than sitting on a soft sofa? In this case, there are two options for integrating the sofa into the dining ensemble - installing a piece of upholstered furniture against the wall (variation for small rooms) and in free space kitchens (a method for spacious rooms).

If your kitchen boasts a bay window, then the best option for using this bright space in the room is to organize a place for dining by the window. The most effective would be to use a sofa model that clearly fits into the dimensions of the bay window and repeats its shape. These can be straight sofas, corner sofas, or consisting of three sectors. Semicircular models are used less frequently (it is not easy to select a sofa with an exact radial match for a semicircular bay window).

A sofa as a way to zone a room is used very often in so-called studio kitchens. If a spacious room combines the functions of a kitchen, dining room and living room, then the presence of a sofa in it is inevitable. In this case, the sofa belongs to the living group, but in terms of the choice of its model, the quality of the upholstery and color scheme, it will be necessary to take into account the criteria for kitchen furniture, taking into account the special microclimate of this multifunctional segment.

In a kitchen where the furniture layout includes an island (or peninsula), it is logical to place the sofa with its end facing the facade of this separate furniture module. The best option there will be a selection of a model that matches the size and length kitchen island. But a corner modification of the sofa will be appropriate if there is a sufficient number of free square meters.

Sofa in the kitchen interior

The prospect of installing a sofa in the kitchen looks very tempting. Especially if this sofa can be folded out. An additional sleeping place, especially if we are talking about a one-room or two-room apartment, obviously won’t hurt. In addition, a sofa can add coziness to the kitchen. And sitting on it while eating is often much more comfortable than on a chair.

However, if the room is small, the sofa, no matter how miniature it may be, will in any case take up too much space. The kitchen is always much more cramped with a sofa than without it. The chairs are more compact and more mobile. They can be pushed under the table or taken out of the kitchen altogether. There is no such possibility with a sofa - its place is permanent and unshakable.

Most designers will discourage a client from having a sofa in the kitchen if the room is less than 13-15 square meters. Before planning the purchase and installation of a sofa, think carefully. Do you really need it? What good is it? Will the premises lose convenience and comfort?

Sofa in the kitchen: a matter of size and distance

Two basic rules:

1. The width of the aisles must be at least 70 cm. Moreover, measurements should be taken with the chairs moved away from the table. It is necessary to extend them at least half the depth of the seat.

2. If you plan to actively use the kitchen (that is, regularly cook and constantly eat), the folded sofa should not occupy more than 20% of its area. For example: for a 6-meter kitchen, a sofa that occupies more than 1.2 square meters is extremely impractical. m.

If the sofa will be used as a sleeping place, you need to make sure in advance that nothing will interfere with its transformation into a bed. Decide in advance where the table will move and the chairs will be removed. Is there room for them?

How smaller kitchen- the more doubt there should be about the advisability of installing a sofa. If the kitchen is very spacious (more than 15-17 sq. m), almost any sofa can fit into it. With the exception of multi-sectional models designed for large living rooms.

Which sofa should I install in the kitchen?

If people will sleep on the sofa at least occasionally, it is obvious that the choice should be made in favor of the folding sofa-bed model. The transformation mechanism is selected depending on the size and layout of the kitchen.

If you don’t plan to use the sofa as a sleeping place, the choice expands significantly.

A wicker sofa will bring special comfort and Mediterranean charm to the kitchen.

IN classic interior By the way, a small sofa-couch or a traditional quilted model a la Chesterfield would be nice.

A simple minimalist sofa with plain upholstery would be appropriate in any kitchen. The simpler its lines, the higher the likelihood that it will be successfully integrated into the interior.

A rational solution for a small (and not only) kitchen is a sofa with storage. Its base is a bench with drawers. Above - soft elements. Such sofas are usually made to order according to individual sizes.

Built-ins, with or without storage, are especially good where there are niches - natural or created as a result of furnishings.

A niche for the dining area can also be created intentionally, for the purpose of zoning. In this case, the sofa is often also stationary or, in other words, built-in.

Sofa in the kitchen: how to place it?

This, of course, depends on the layout of the kitchen, its size, location of openings, etc. In a spacious room there is much more space for upholstered furniture than in a compact one. The sofa here can be placed either against the wall or almost in the center. Very large kitchens sofas are often placed with their backs to the island.

You can’t turn around like that in a modest-sized space. There are three main plans for positioning a sofa in small and medium-sized kitchens.

1. Opposite the kitchen unit. This scheme is suitable for fairly wide kitchens. After all, a table with chairs is usually placed in front of the sofa. Eventually dinner Zone occupies almost the entire center of the room. It is important that between the working wall and dining table there remained a sufficiently wide passage (as we have already said, from 70 cm).

2. On one wall with a kitchen unit. Usually furniture wall here is a corner one with fairly short sides. The free area between the end cabinet and the corner of the room is given over to the sofa.

The working wall and the sofa can be separated by a “peninsula”, that is, a structure perpendicular to the wall. For example, a bar counter or a long cabinet.