home · On a note · Layout of a one-room apartment with a niche. How to install a bed in a niche in a one-room apartment. Decoration of small-sized housing

Layout of a one-room apartment with a niche. How to install a bed in a niche in a one-room apartment. Decoration of small-sized housing

When you have only one room at your disposal, you involuntarily forget about aesthetics, occupied with solving primary problems: where to put a double bed, how many square meters to allocate for the living room and where to find storage space in all this chaos? Not to mention free movement. In general, zoning studio apartment- the work is not easy. The good news is that there is no need to “reinvent the wheel” - just get ideas from our article!

Basic zoning methods

Owners of one-room apartments can be proud of their housing, since open space, like studio apartments, are very popular today. They keep the number of partitions to a minimum, while the emphasis is on space and freedom.

But in order to harmoniously organize the interior, it is necessary to resort to zoning. This is a peculiar Magic wand in the world of design, which allows you to divide a room into visible living areas while maintaining its functionality. You can use anything for this: from fabric to furniture.


Traditionally, ladies hid behind screens to change their outfit and maintain their dignity. For a long time this element was forgotten - either because even in the smallest apartment you can find a place for changing clothes, or because of the changeability of morals. But in vain, because this is the simplest option for a partition.

Screens are ideal for cases when you need to divide the space into two areas. Moreover, they are mobile and do not require complex installation, do not take up much space when assembled. You can purchase products that will fit into any style, hide part of the room from prying eyes, or create light outlines, decorating the interior.

Curtains and drapes

To avoid a clear division of the room into zones, you can use curtains. They are best suited to enclose a bedroom, creating an intimate, cozy environment inside that promotes sound sleep.

However, the effect depends on the material. For example, light tulle will only visually separate the area from the rest of the room, but will give it a feeling of airiness. More massive curtains will do an excellent job of zoning, but for small spaces it is better to give preference to textiles in light shades.

You can install a partition curtain on a regular cornice inside the room or create a structure similar to holders for canopies.

Plasterboard partitions

You can visually zone a one-room apartment using plasterboard partitions. They are problematic to remove if necessary, such as a mobile screen, but in appearance they cannot be distinguished from a permanent wall.

Plasterboard construction is cheap, lightweight, will not cause any difficulties during installation and has good sound insulation. It can be smooth, rounded, arched, helping to create a unique design. Depending on the needs of the space, it is made bright accent in the interior or an inconspicuous part of the wall, which in any case will perfectly cope with the zoning mission.

Shelving and cabinets

We are used to betting bookcases and shelving along the wall, thereby “taking up” a huge part of the room. To save space and divide it into two zones, it is enough to place such furniture perpendicular to the wall.

Cabinets with through shelves are more suitable for this, but in the case of closed design- the back side can be made mirrored or used as a slate board, covered with special paint. Items that combine several functions at once - modern solution not only for small apartments, but also for spacious rooms.


Small podium - another one great way zoning of a one-room apartment. Holders high ceilings can place a living room, dining room or office on it. But with low ceilings, you can only afford a bedroom, which requires minimal movement.

Such an elevation can serve extra space for storing things, thanks drawers. For very high podiums, it is recommended to build steps. The advantage of podiums is that they do not take up extra space and help highlight a certain area.

Sliding partitions

Created according to the principle sliding doors Such partitions allow you to completely separate an area or make it open. Modern products V open form occupy a minimum of space, and thanks to different materials, help create the right atmosphere.

For example, if there are no windows in the resulting area, it is better to choose a translucent surface that provides privacy but lets in some light. Ideally, such a solution will fit into Japanese style or minimalism.

A one-room apartment is a solution not only for bachelors. Here you can comfortably stay and married couple with a child, if you choose suitable option zoning.

For a small child, you need to choose the warmest and brightest part of the room, which can be expanded or modified over time.

To be able to monitor the safety of the child, but at the same time providing him with personal space, you can use a regular screen, curtain or sliding partition.

Children of any age will love the children's ones on the podium, and the higher the better. To do this, you can purchase two-tier furniture. Transformable structures with a table crossing two zones will help control the child’s activity.

You can visually separate the nursery from the living room in a one-room apartment with the help of flowers. Often, children are greedy for everything bright and cheerful, so children's Corner will be easy to distinguish from the rest. You just need to make sure that the shades in the interior are compatible.

For such a typical zoning option Any will do type of partitions. You need to start from the features of the layout, design and desired effect.

In studio apartments square shape It is customary to highlight the bedroom area with dense partitions, which practically create the feeling of a separate room. This can be achieved by combining different types. For example, shelving on one side and curtains on the other.

Zoning ideas for a 1-room apartment - photo

Nothing better illustrates theoretical material than completed projects one-room apartments that use zoning principles. By studying them, you can learn for yourself interesting ideas and verify the effectiveness of different solutions.

1. Wooden aesthetics in Moscow

In the Wood&Stone project, designers from Welcome Studio managed to combine two opposing properties - intimacy and openness. Typical one-room apartment 49 sq.m. turned into a proportional space, divided into convenient squares. The apartment includes the following areas from the mandatory “set for comfortable life": bedroom, office, living room and kitchen with a small dining room.

Zoning is done using wooden partitions, the design of which resembles blinds. They transmit light and are used everywhere, creating a holistic image inseparable from the overall interior. Natural Decoration Materials create a light atmosphere in the home.

Housing of this type can hardly be called a dream apartment. Small sizes And low ceilings only complicate redevelopment by limiting the choice of “tools”. But designer Alena Ganko was able to comfortably organize these apartments.

The initial layout required the dismantling of several walls, after which a functional zoning structure was placed between the bedroom and the hallway. It is at the same time a niche for books, a wardrobe, and also separates the seating area, making it as compact and cozy as possible.

Located in the same space as the living room, the kitchen is visually separated by a narrow dining table. The neutral color scheme of the finish is the perfect backdrop for bright pieces of furniture.

3. Bright apartment-vest

Designer Marcel Kadyrov turned this walk-through long apartment into a stylish studio.

It is difficult to design such an interior without resorting to zoning. After all, even in bachelor housing there should be comfortable boundaries.

In the center of the space are two cabinets that form a small dressing room. In addition to its main purpose, it helps to separate the hallway from the living areas. For the same purpose, several pipes with shelves are installed between the sofa and the bed - a rack of an unusual design.

The owner of a small Khrushchev apartment needs to think through to the smallest detail what the design of each room will be like after renovation; its area is limited compared to one-room apartments in new buildings. A niche in the room is an excellent opportunity to divide the room into zones in order to make the home comfortable with all modern amenities. Despite the fact that the space is limited, you can place everything you need in it by choosing the right style solution.

When you can’t do a design project yourself for some reason, you need to turn to professional specialists for help.

Decoration of small-sized housing

Designers say that a one-room apartment with a niche has its advantages, the main thing is to see them and use them correctly. You should not perceive it as an unnecessary hindrance; it is better to rationally take advantage of all the available advantages. In a niche, many owners are satisfied home office, or place a sleeping place.

Helpful advice! Choose a design for a niche taking into account the fact that the structures will be stationary; such partitions are more difficult to dismantle compared to fabric curtains.

One of the most common options is housing with a niche for a bed; it was for this purpose that the alcove was conceived by the architects during the design.

However, this solution cannot always be called optimal: it is necessary to take into account the number of residents, the age of each of them and their favorite activities. In a room with a niche you can make not only a bedroom, but also an office, a nursery and a dining room.

How to properly use niche space

The arrangement of the alcove depends on the purpose of the part of the apartment where it is located, therefore, you first have to decide what the niche will serve for. After this you need to select the appropriate option decorative finishing, furniture and lighting fixtures.

Children's zone

In the photo of an apartment with a niche you can see options for arranging an alcove for a children's area. This optimal solution For any young family with a child growing up, having personal space for the baby is no less important than for adults.

What kind of furniture parents will put in the children's corner depends on age characteristics And taste preferences his little master. “Loft bed” is furniture that seamlessly combines a sleeping area, workplace and storage space.

To buy such a bed, it is important to take into account the child’s feelings; he will have to climb to the top bunk, and parents must be sure that the child’s fear of heights is not a problem, and he will be able to climb up or down on his own.

Sleeping place for adults

A sleeping place for adults, which fully corresponds to the architect's idea. If you decide to make a bed here for yourself, then you are going to use the niche for its intended purpose. In a cozy corner you can place a wide double bed, on which you can put a comfortable mattress.

Now you don’t have to huddle in a narrow folding sofa, the night's rest will be complete, and you will greet every morning with new strength. If the design is equipped with drawers, then you can store them in bed dress, personal items or books.

Helpful advice! Personalize free space walls above the bed using collage family photos and children's drawings.


This arrangement can be considered ideal if only one person lives in the apartment. The owner does not have to buy a double bed for himself, so he can arrange a niche to his taste, turning it into a full-fledged office or making it a corner for his favorite activities.

A computer desk with shelves and a cabinet is placed in a niche; it is better to make all pieces of furniture to order, so that the dimensions of the niche and the room are taken into account.

Helpful advice! Racks or shelves will help to mark a clear boundary between the work space and the living space.

Sports corner

Take care of ventilation and place in this space wall bars with exercise equipment to always be in good physical shape.


This is the dream of any fashionista, which you can make into reality if you have such a desire. Having made a decision, all that remains is to order furniture with the best option filling - with required quantity hangers, drawers and mirror.

Helpful advice! To isolate the dressing room from another part of the room, use sliding sliding doors or fabric partitions.

Kitchen studio

Kitchen studio, standard kitchen or dining room. Construction organizations they do not approve of setting up a cooking area in the alcove, but as for the dining room, this option is considered completely legal.

A compact table with stools is placed in the corner, Alternative option– place two soft sofas with a folding table in the middle to accommodate a large group.

It is important to know! If the owner has placed a kitchen in a niche, his home automatically becomes a studio apartment, to its decorative design there are special requirements that it must fully comply with.

If you place a recreation area in a niche, it should act as a continuation of the main room. A large sofa can accommodate guests, and comfortable armchair, surrounded bookshelves, will provide comfortable leisure time for a person who enjoys reading.

Stylish design

The interior of apartments with a niche can be very diverse: consult a designer or look through a catalog with ready-made solutions. It is possible to choose an option to your liking, ranging from neutral design to separating the alcove into a separate area. Listen to the recommendations of interior designers:

Integrity. It is necessary that the niche be decorated in the same style as the room itself; design in a similar style direction is also allowed.

Color solution assumes mandatory use primary color, you can experiment with contrasts. Consider how the windows in the apartment are located; if there is not enough light in the room, it is better not to choose dark shades.

Zoning is carried out using lightweight mobile partitions of light colors so as not to overload the space: after all, such elements take up little space. Sometimes shelves, racks, glass or fabric partitions are used.

Additional lighting can be easily done using lighting, install sconces, LED strips or spotlights.

Surfaces made of glass or with mirrors have the ability to expand the internal space, so glossy furniture will allow you to make a modest corner more spacious.

Try to meet all the above conditions and you will see that final result will not disappoint you. Make the interior space as open as possible; low furniture accomplishes this task perfectly.

The niche can be used as a living corner - place an aquarium with live fish there. The design of the recreation area can be combined at your discretion, let it be a place for a meal, during lunch there is an opportunity to watch the marine life.

Such contemplation has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, allowing him to fully relax and temporarily forget about problems and important matters.

Photo of apartment design with a niche

The design of a one-room apartment with a niche should be practical and functional so that the owners can make the most of the space.

The small space of the living room does not allow for comfortable arrangement of furniture. Families with children feel especially crowded in such conditions.

For this reason, owners of small apartments try to arrange them with special care.

Having carried out repairs in a niche, you can expand the room and arrange it into a sleeping, relaxation area, a children's room or a small office.

Styles used for design

The minimalist design style of an apartment with a niche is one of the most suitable solutions used in small-sized apartments.

Minimalism does not mean that there will be little furniture in the room.

This style involves keeping a small number of items in the interior, each of which can perform several functions.

Selecting furniture for small apartment, you need to prefer transforming things:

  • a table that converts into a sofa;
  • sofa - to bed;
  • folding chairs and table;
  • tabletop ironing board attached to the wall on hinges.

In an apartment consisting of one living space, the living room and bedroom are often combined together. Therefore, a room decorated in a designer modern style is harmonious combination interior items by color and texture.

The furniture set has a stylish and expressive finish, thanks to which aesthetic requirements are met.

It is very convenient to use in a one-room apartment upholstered furniture. It is functional, comfortable and elegant, and also comes in different sizes.

The sizes of the furniture can be adjusted to any room. The color, pattern and texture of fabric upholstery can be chosen to suit your taste, guided by the overall style of the room.

In a large number of design options, the elements of the Art Nouveau style used influence the tone of the entire interior of the living space.

The residents of this apartment (a young family, an elderly couple or single people) will feel coziness and comfort while living in it.

Art Deco stands out with its bright modern interpretation. He is original modern style, which includes elements of a classical style.

As a material used for finishing soft sofa, armchairs, tables or chests of drawers, leather is found.

Because of this, the interior and design of a one-room apartment with a niche becomes attractive and unique.

This style allows you to turn a cramped small apartment into modern premises, memorable for its beauty and functionality.

The art deco design style allows the use of exotic elements. For example, ivory, genuine leather, wood, bamboo and other unusual things that attract attention.

The interior of a one-room apartment with a niche, made in designer style Art Deco speaks of the existing creative potential of the owner of the house, his extravagance and tendency to shock the public. He is the best option decorating the room in which a young family lives.

Rules for dividing a room into zones

To get the most practical and comfortable design decoration apartments with a niche, it is necessary to carefully consider the renovation, layout and possible division into functional areas.

The main goal of design work and room layout is to determine the location for the main area. It can be in the living room or in the kitchen.

The kitchen, in turn, is divided into two subzones: for dining and for cooking. The living room is divided into sleeping and working areas.

You can divide the room into zones using a partition (rack or screen).

Unusual translucent partitions made of bamboo paper and having an original perforated pattern will look stylish in any modern apartment.

A podium is often used to divide a room into zones. This technique is suitable for newlyweds living without children or other relatives.

There is no need for privacy in this situation. The low level of the podium is reserved for the living room, and the high level is for the sleeping area.

In such interiors, furniture complexes that can be transformed are practical and easy to use.

For example, sliding screens, mobile folding structures.

If you do necessary repairs, then, planning new interior and design of the space of the main and secondary zones, it is possible to use utility storage rooms:

  • niche;
  • wall cabinet;
  • mini pantry.

The entire area of ​​a small apartment should be used wisely and be practical, cozy and functional.

To really assess the size and location of the zones, you need to draw up a plan on paper, indicating on it the exact arrangement of furniture.

If there is no possibility or desire to zone a room using a podium or partition, then for this purpose you can use furniture, tiles, carpeting and additional lighting installed individually in each zone.

When decorating, it is best to give preference to an interior that is not burdened with unnecessary objects.

The space of the room can be visually expanded with the help of mirrors, reflective surfaces, frosted glass, and translucent partitions.

A small room needs to be divided into functional areas as competently and harmoniously as possible.

Practical room design with a niche

Arranging and renovating a small apartment is a long and labor-intensive job. It will require a lot of patience and effort from the homeowner.

As a result of the work, you need to get a comfortably furnished room designed for living in comfortable conditions.

Proper renovation of existing niches will make the room comfortable and practical, the division into functional zones will be more harmonious, as a result small room will turn into a cozy home.

There are many photographic materials where you can see examples of the design of a one-room apartment with a niche.

There is an opinion among designers that if you use a niche in a room correctly, it can turn from an annoying nuisance into a convenient and practical corner.

The main thing is to approach its use correctly and rationally, taking it into account positive sides and disadvantages. You can arrange a niche in any room: in the hallway, in the living room, and so on.

When developing different design projects for a niche, you need to take it into account design features and materials used in its construction.

When considering how a niche in a room will be used, you need to take into account its lighting.

The sleeping area in a one-room apartment can be arranged in a niche. This step will remove a large sofa from a small room. In this compact corner you can place a bed with drawers for bed linen.

You can also arrange a workplace (office) in a niche with computer desk, above which to hang a cabinet for textbooks and CDs.

In addition, a niche can be reserved for a wardrobe that can conveniently accommodate shelves and hangers.

Having your own mini-gym is the dream of many homeowners. The voluminous niche can accommodate several sports equipment.

Many different design options quite simple to implement, taking into account all the conditions. It is only necessary, if possible, to install ventilation and lighting in the niche.

The space must be used in the most practical and rational way, correctly installing cabinets, shelves, cabinets, sports equipment and other accessories.

Re-registering old apartment, you can fully realize your own ideas and design plans.

The original solution would be bright or textured coloring walls, as well as unusual floor coverings.

Window openings can be hung with unusual translucent canvases on cornices to match the color of the wall instead of traditional curtains and classic cornices.

A one-room apartment with a niche is rightfully considered one of the most interesting options in terms of possible design and layout. The design of a one-room apartment with a niche provides enormous possibilities for flight of fancy, because such an opening has a very wide functionality.

Arrangement options:

  • mini-children's room;
  • kitchen;
  • sleeping area or seating area;
  • workplace or home office;
  • gym;
  • wardrobe.

In some cases, in apartments without a niche, this interior element is created artificially using plasterboard partitions.

Features of space design

A niche can be designed in contrast to the overall color concept of the room, or it can be intelligently “fitted” into its interior. Should not be used dark colors, since they will visually reduce it. For lighting here you need to use recessed lamps in the ceiling and the same lighting on the side walls.

Side and ceiling lighting

The form also has important. For example, horizontal would be a good option for a room with long and low furniture.

Design and layout options

Kitchen area design

Niche for the device kitchen area often created when living room and the kitchen are located in common space, in a so-called studio apartment. The kitchen part due to the presence in it increased noise and odors should be isolated to the maximum.

You can fence off part of the kitchen area makeshift wall from plasterboard, leaving only space for the entrance. Between plasterboard sheets a soundproofing layer of mineral wool should be laid.

Must also take into account the rules for designing limited space. Give preference to the use of light textured and glossy surfaces and accessories that visually increase the space.

Advice! Kitchen set it is better to purchase with mirror or frosted glass facades, which will greatly contribute to visual increase kitchens.

If, then the niche can be organized into a compact dining area by placing in it couch or a couple of chairs and adding a small dining table.

Placement of a mini-dining room

Setting up a children's room

If parents and a child have to get along in a one-room apartment, you can arrange a nursery in a niche.

  • In addition to plasterboard walls, fences can be in the form of cabinets with books or children's toys, as well as curtains.
  • The nursery must have a large number of shelves that, in addition to their functional value, will visually increase the space.
  • When selecting color scheme it is better to give preference to the main one white color and one of the neutral colors is not too bright colors, for example, purple or green.

Children's room in a small apartment


Like, it is best to place a niche for a study by the window, a full daylighting will have a beneficial effect on work ability.

  • Optional plasterboard partitions to form it, it is enough to fence off the space on the sides with cabinets and/or bookshelves, between which place a desktop.
  • In this case, the closed space necessary for privacy will be created, and everything you need will always be at hand.
  • To liven up the office space, you can place indoor plants on some shelves.

Bedroom design in a niche

Bedroom design rules:

  1. The niche should be located away from the window and sunlight.

Advice! If sunlight still interferes with sleep in the morning, a light-proof curtain should be installed in the opening, matching the color general interior premises.

  1. Lighting in the bedroom should be of two types:
    • the overall ceiling is not too bright;
    • wall sconce at the head of the bed.
  1. For more functional and rational use In the under-bed space you can arrange drawers for storing linen and clothes. You can do without a classic bed altogether by building a podium with drawers and placing a mattress or mattress on it.


A one-room apartment, even with a considerable room size, will not pamper its owners with space, therefore, remember that literally everyone square meter must be used wisely and as efficiently as possible.

A niche allows you to solve many zoning problems. You simply cannot do without it if more than two people live in an apartment. It is suitable for almost any purpose, except perhaps for the bathroom (for obvious reasons) and the living room.

The design of a one-room apartment with a niche will be an excellent functional solution, creating a replacement for the missing room.

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Photo gallery

An alcove is a niche or recess in the wall, the space of which is ideally suited for organizing sleeping place. The spacious alcove, framed by a wide molding, reliably protects the bed from sun rays even during daylight hours. An elegantly carved wooden alcove in the house-museum of the Dutch artist Rembrandt in Amsterdam served as the famous painter's sleeping place for many years.
In the photo on the left, the alcove is a “by-product” of the construction of powerful wall structures. At the same time, it becomes a cozy decoration for the living room. On the right, an alcove elevated on a pedestal resembles a theater stage. Artistic image complete the look, while blinds provide sound insulation to the sleeping space.
An alcove in the window opening area is quite common design technique. After all, this part of the room has no shortage of fresh air, and what else is needed for healthy sleep?
The niche formed in the thickness of the wall serves as a cozy sleeping place, at the head of which are located.
Alcove decorated with light turquoise wallpaper with delicate plant motif, enlivens the living room. Visual isolation is provided by snow-white curtains, which, if necessary, can easily curtain the sleeping niche.
This charming nook in the wall is perfect for relaxing while reading a book. Classic sconces, a table draped with fabric and an elegant sofa decorated with pillows that act as a backrest - all these interior elements date back to the times of the French aristocracy.
In the photo on the left, a wall niche in a modern interior is adapted for a sofa. The photo on the right illustrates an alcove formed by the slope of the roof and separated by a wall with a shaped opening from the general space of the room.
In the place where the roof adjoins interfloor covering a “corner” is formed, perfect for organizing a sleeping place. The fabric canopy reliably protects the bedroom owner's sleep from drafts and insects.
The function of a bedroom in this house is performed by an arched recess in the wall. Steps that raise the bed to an impressive height, daylight from the window in the vaulted ceiling and the hanging curtains covering the alcove give the interior a majestic character, despite the laconism of the stonework and the lack of decor.
These niche arches are not deep enough to be separated by curtains. However, their depth is quite enough to create a sleeping area (photo on the left) or a compact, but very comfort zone rest (photo on the right).