home · Appliances · How to choose a kitchen set important recommendations for choosing. How to choose a kitchen set - photos of interiors, expert advice How to choose a kitchen set

How to choose a kitchen set important recommendations for choosing. How to choose a kitchen set - photos of interiors, expert advice How to choose a kitchen set

The kitchen for any family is the most important part of the home and a favorite place for communication. We spend quite a lot of time there: we have breakfast, just talk over a cup of coffee or tea, cook soup or bake a delicious cake, discuss current affairs, and most importantly, we gather there with the whole family. It’s not for nothing that they say that the kitchen is a treasured place, since for a man it is a magical place where delicious food is prepared, and women see it as a workshop for their culinary delights.

And now the moment has come when you have planned the purchase of a new kitchen. Now ordering it is not a problem - you can pick up anything on the market. But even here there are "pitfalls". After all, our favorite kitchen should not only be practical, convenient and rational, but also aesthetic, beautiful and comfortable.

How to choose the right high-quality and practical kitchen so that the furniture in it does not restrict movement and pleases the eye with its appearance?

When choosing a kitchen, you need to be guided by the following.
1. Measurements. Be sure to take measurements of the room: - accurately measure the area and “useful” perimeter, the height of the room, the length of the window sill, the segment between the window sills and the floor, the length of the walls in the kitchen, etc. Record your results.

2. What do you need a kitchen for? Gather a family council and discuss the following questions: how much kitchen furniture you plan to buy, and what kind. Consider for yourself why you are purchasing new kitchen furniture and other kitchen items. For example, if you have a large family, then the kitchen should be very functional and spacious, with a well-thought-out work area, with wide aisles between interior elements. But if you don’t like to cook much and buy a kitchen “for beauty”, then you can get by with only its most basic elements.

3. Appliances. Be sure to decide what household appliances for the kitchen you will purchase (maybe the old ones will still serve). Will they be built-in, combined or “open”.

4. Layout and functionality. Decide for yourself in what order your kitchen furniture, stove, refrigerator, sink, etc. will be placed. Common layout options are the letter “P” (along 3 walls), the letter “G” (corner), the letter “I” (in a row ), "island" or "peninsula". This is very important for the functionality of the kitchen space. In particular, for small kitchen spaces the most rational configuration would be to arrange the furniture “in the corner”. For rooms that are too narrow, it is better to place furniture and appliances in a row, while for large spaces, a layout in the shape of the letter “P” or the so-called island placement with a stove in the center or with a peninsula in the form of a bar counter is acceptable. Think about what order the interior elements will appear in. For example, you can use the well-known rule of a working kitchen triangle with storage, washing and cooking areas. In other words, the refrigerator comes first, then the plumbing, then the stove, and between them you need to “squeeze” at least half a meter of countertop. The distance between zones should be at least 1.2 m, but not exceed 2.7-2.8 m. It is best to schematically transfer the plan of your future kitchenette onto a “checkered” sheet of paper, outlining its dimensions and the location of the main interior elements. Then it will be easier to consult with the designer. Also in this regard, it is important to decide whether it will be a kitchen-dining room, just a kitchen, or even a kitchen-studio.

5. Style and color scheme. Be sure to decide on the color of the kitchen, as well as the style of the interior: will it be a classic room design with a little gilding, a light kitchen, a modern set with lightly painted facade, modern minimalism or a sophisticated urban option. The most common style solutions for the kitchen are modern modern and solid classics, less often there is a rural country style or metal-glass high-tech. Coordinate the color scheme. Try not to choose a color that is too bright, too saturated, too contrasting or too dark. The color should match the mood.

For example, shades of bright red, although they can be annoying, cause a surge of appetite, while dark blue, on the contrary, suppresses it. For kitchens, neutral shades of green, blue, gray, yellow, pink, as well as various light white shades are good. Avoid too many designs and patterns. If the kitchenette is small, try to ensure that it is well lit, and the color of the set is light. If the room gets too hot, choose cooler tones: green, blue, gray. When the room is relatively cool, located on the north side, or simply not well lit, on the contrary, choose pastel shades (pink, lemon, peach and other similar tones).

6. Material. Today, quite a lot of materials are used for kitchen furniture, the main ones being wood, chipboard, MDF, glass, aluminum and even stone. For example, for the facade of a kitchen unit in this regard we can distinguish:

  • Chipboard is the cheapest material, but has a much shorter service life. It has little practicality, and it is better to buy it in an aluminum frame. Make sure that the chipboard is made from environmentally friendly materials;

  • MDF film and laminated - average budget, costs 10-15% more than chipboard, very decent service life, good quality, moisture resistant, but afraid of mechanical stress, loves proper care (quite delicate material). Painted MDF is a very beautiful material, with increased practicality, but it is also afraid of impacts. MDV is very suitable for modern kitchens;

  • Natural solid wood - alder, ash, oak - a more expensive material (costs on average 15-20% more than MDF). High functionality, very beautiful material, increased strength. Wary of too humid rooms, sensitive to temperature changes, may begin to deform. So-called Scandinavian kitchens are made entirely of wood, which are impregnated with special compounds;

  • Multiplex (multilayer glued wood) is more heat and moisture resistant than wood and is not subject to deformation, which is actually a more practical option than the previous one;

  • Plastic facades are very durable, but plastic is not a natural material, it is advisable to buy it in an aluminum frame;

  • “Metal + glass” is a modern, fashionable option! Along the front of the facade there is wear-resistant metal (aluminum or steel), and the shelves and cabinet doors are made of special glass. Although such a kitchen is expensive, it will last a very long time, it is not afraid of impacts and can withstand a lot of weight.

As for the countertops, here you can pay attention to materials such as:
  • cheaper plastic with a chipboard base;

  • wooden countertops (laid board);

  • material made of laminated MDF (a good option in terms of price-quality ratio, material: heat-resistant, moisture-resistant and easy to clean);

  • special tempered glass (very durable, comfortable, beautiful, not afraid of high temperatures, but quite expensive);

  • synthetic stone, for example, Corian (this interesting material is very durable and non-toxic, resistant to chemicals);

  • artificial stone (heat-resistant, lighter than natural stone, very practical and durable);

  • countertops made of natural stone (granite, marble, etc., it’s different here: the same granite is the most durable and heat-resistant, not afraid of acids, while marble, although not afraid of heat, has a porous structure, which can lead to the appearance of grease and wine stains).

7. Internal structure and accessories. Plan so that the kitchen has all the necessary drawers for dishes, pots, etc. Provide, if necessary, open shelves with sockets or niches with louvered doors (for example, for a microwave or toaster). Consider whether you will store food supplies (cereals, seasonings, etc.) in the kitchen; if not, then reduce the number of cabinets. What about a minibar or at least a horizontal bottle holder? Think about whether you will order “additional options” and accessories - a variety of drawers, niches with dividers or double bottoms, wall rails for hanging dishes, auxiliary sections, baskets, cabinets, etc. You can order “carousel shelves”, board-tables with additional pull-out trays for dishes, door closing mechanisms and much more. Be sure to check how much weight a particular structure can support!

8. Accessories. Traditionally, fittings for kitchen furniture are made of plastic, aluminum, steel, wood and some other materials. Kitchen fittings should be reliable and easy to use. For example, for handles it is best to order metal chrome, nickel or satin fittings, which will last much longer. It is advisable to abandon plastic handles - they peel off and become deformed after 2-3 years.

9. Market analysis. Be sure to do some “reconnaissance” on the Internet. Go to the websites of furniture manufacturers or stores, look at the appearance of kitchens, read about prices and compare them, study customer reviews.

10. Family budget. Calculate for yourself how much money you can allocate to the kitchen. Will it be a purchase on credit or a one-time order. Remember that when purchasing a kitchen, the price does not include the cost of delivery and filling the shelves with various devices. A variety of accessories are also available separately. It is clear that household kitchen appliances are also not included in the price. In addition, the market often offers “average” prices per 1 linear meter of kitchen, while the cost of the final order can seriously change upward. These points should be clarified with the sellers or the manufacturing company.

11. Preliminary inspection. Then everything needs to be viewed “live”. Visit several selected salons and talk to consultants. Yes, take with you your sketch plan with dimensions and location - as a rule, in showrooms you can model your kitchen set on a computer for free and calculate its cost, taking into account all additional options. Under no circumstances should you contact companies that do not have an office or a permanent separate sales location.

12. Life time. The service life of your kitchen directly depends on the quality of materials and workmanship of the kitchen itself. The spread between years is quite wide, but we can give averages:

  • Italian cuisines – 20-25 years;

  • German kitchen furniture 15-20 years;

  • Scandinavian kitchens – 10-15 years;

  • Czech cuisine - up to 10 years;

  • Russian headsets 5-10 years old.

13. Where to buy household appliances. Decide for yourself how best to buy household appliances for your new kitchen:

  • household appliances can be picked up in the same store as the furniture (if possible). The advantage of this option is that household appliances and furniture fit together perfectly;

  • equipment can be purchased separately - in a specialized market. The main advantage here is that you can save money, but the main thing is to guess the size.

14. Delivery and assembly of furniture. Today these services are available in almost all furniture stores. You just need to clarify the price for such services - in some salons they can reach 10-15% of the order cost, while, for example, “directly” from the manufacturer these functions are free or noticeably cheaper. So be sure to check everything at the place of order.

That's basically it. Good luck choosing your new kitchen!

The material for the kitchen must fundamentally be of high quality: this is the place where we spend the most time, and the furniture is most often exposed to the adverse effects of moisture, temperature and other factors.

Today, a huge number of kitchen variations have been invented that differ in their performance characteristics.

It is necessary to take into account not only the properties of the material, but also other factors:

  1. room dimensions,
  2. style and interior design,
  3. available budget,
  4. manufacturer.

In the question of which material is the best for a kitchen, you should always be guided by the “price-quality” rule. It works for any budget. Here are some valuable tips for choosing.

  • If you are not limited in funds, you have a classic kitchen with a large area, then give preference to solid wood furniture. Natural wood cannot be confused with anything: the material’s environmental friendliness and sophistication immediately stand out.

White kitchen made of solid oak with painted facades

Painted (enameled) facades look more expensive than film ones and last longer. The only thing that can spoil their appearance is chips, but they are easier to disguise than if the film was damaged. Only a countertop made of natural stone or solid wood will match such a kitchen. This choice of materials also applies to framed facades. Expensive materials are also more reliable.

  • If you are interested in equipping your kitchen as cheaply as possible, then look at the material laminated chipboard. These boards are not uncommon in the furniture market today. Every second kitchen is made from them, but the difference is in the technologies for producing particle boards and in environmental friendliness. All these parameters may differ from one manufacturer to another.

If you are looking for a budget kitchen, be sure to be guided by the reputation and ratings of the manufacturers. If you buy cheap, then only from trusted companies.

IKEA kitchen. The body and tabletop are made of chipboard. Facades with melamine film.

For example, it has earned its popularity due to the fact that despite the use of fairly cheap raw materials, the service life of its products is quite decent (up to 15 years) at a low price. She uses high-tech processing methods. That’s why you can find so many positive reviews about Dutch production on the Internet.

  • Do you want to receive optimal price-quality ratio and are you willing to pay 20-30% more for a kitchen? Then your choice is MDF. Painted MDF facades(or enamel) look more attractive, but if you want to save money, then plastic ones are also quite suitable. Moreover, their service life is up to 25 years.

Kitchen with painted MDF facades (enamel).

We will discuss in more detail the properties of materials, their pros and cons, in the next paragraph.

Facades and buildings

We list the most common kitchen materials that are used in the production of the body and facade:

  • Chipboard- This is a sheet of chipboard made by pressing.

Kitchen with facades made of laminated chipboard
  • MDF- This is a compressed wood fiber sheet.

Kitchen with MDF fronts
  • Solid wood- natural raw materials that are processed.

Kitchen set with solid wood fronts

Each of the above has its own dignity And flaws.


Being the most budget option, it has the main drawback - low moisture resistance. This is a huge minus for the kitchen. From an environmental and health safety point of view, after some time furniture begins to emit formaldehyde - substances harmful to the environment. Therefore, the material must be certified to comply with sanitary standards.

Chipboard in section

The sheets are very fragile, and therefore the mechanisms and fittings do not hold firmly, and the same holes cannot be used when reassembling the kitchen.


The slabs are easy to process due to their uniform surface. It is durable, waterproof and environmentally friendly. Has a lot of finishing options.

MDF material in section

Compared to chipboard, MDF sheets are more durable, but also more expensive.

Comparison of two types of material: chipboard and MDF in section

The photo above shows that the raw materials of the first slab are pressed more densely, which improves the quality of the product. Chipboard has a loose structure, which is why quality suffers.

Solid wood

Suitable for connoisseurs of everything natural and natural. By providing reliable protection by applying various coatings, wood becomes suitable for use in conditions of high humidity and high heat. Ecologically pure. The furniture is durable and does not deform over time. The only negative is the high cost.

Solid walnut shield

For the manufacture of kitchen facades, combinations with glass and metal can also be used.

More information about which material is better for the kitchen in the video:

Processing methods

To give a finished look to framed or solid facades, a variety of coatings are applied to the surface of the base. This can be:

  • acrylic plastic,
  • melamine film,
  • enamel,
  • polymer film (PVC),
  • veneer.

Resistance to scratches, the ability to diversify the color scheme and the degree of difficulty in maintenance depend on the coating. The characteristics of plastic, film, veneer and other materials in the table below will help you decide on the coating for your kitchen facades.



Plastic facades

Pros: practicality, long service life (up to 25 years), large selection of textures (including those imitating natural wood), not afraid of moisture, temperatures, retain their shape, do not deform.

Film facades

PVC coatings are durable, resistant to fading and at the same time very affordable. There are many films of all colors and different textures, which allows you to choose the right option for any design.

Their disadvantage: compared to plastic ones, they are less resistant to negative influences. sudden changes in humidity and temperature lead to peeling, damage to the film.


The advantage of enameled facades: a wide range of colors to choose from, ease of maintenance using ordinary household products (except abrasives), the ability to create bent shapes.

Disadvantages: high price compared to PVC and plastic, instability in ultraviolet light and rapid fading.


Veneered surface - natural, near it is very noticeable. The veneer looks noble both in appearance and to the touch. Facades made of veneer are durable, reliable, resistant to scratches and temperatures. Even if minor damage appears, you can mask it with sanding. What can not be said about films and plastic. Even if the set is made of inexpensive chipboard or MDF (compared to solid wood), veneer cladding already makes the furniture look more solid. The naturalness and environmental friendliness of this material will always be relevant.

The disadvantage of veneer is its high price and the possibility of loss of appearance due to exposure to humidity. Therefore, pay special attention to the presence of special moisture-repellent impregnation and treatment.

When choosing a kitchen made from chipboard, give preference to plastic facades. They tolerate moisture better and do not deform when heated.


You should approach it no less seriously. Because it is this part that takes the brunt of the blow. Therefore, it must be especially durable and maximally resistant to various influences.

The same materials can be used to make the countertop as for the body and facades.

Tabletop made of solid natural wood

Other suitable options:

  • strained glass;
  • natural and artificial stone,
  • metal surface.

Glass gives a special elegance to the kitchen; you can choose different colors; it is not afraid of water and temperature. Difficulty in cleaning and low impact resistance make it less attractive.

Natural stone is beautiful and solid. They are strong and resistant to various influences, therefore they are durable. Needs constant special care. They require reliable support due to their large mass. Chips may occur.

Artificial stone is stronger than natural stone and is easy to maintain. Afraid of high temperatures and abrasive cleaning.

Stainless steel is a less attractive option for the kitchen. It has significant disadvantages: it creates noise, has an unpleasant cold surface, fades, is not scratch-resistant, and requires careful maintenance.

Which kitchens are better: reliable manufacturers

It is necessary to take into account not only the properties of the material, but also other factors:

  • room dimensions,
  • style and interior design,
  • available budget,
  • manufacturer.

For a large private, country house, a kitchen made of solid wood is well suited (if you are not limited by budget), but for a small apartment it is better to choose more practical and lightweight materials.

The kitchen should match the style and create integrity and unity.

Preference should be given to well-known manufacturers, such as:

  • IKEA,
  • Maria,
  • Announcement,
  • Harmony,
  • Antarctic.

For homeowners with small financial resources, the question of how to choose a kitchen set is not too complicated - they purchase a ready-made kitchen at an affordable price. Those who have the finances to fully implement their ideas have a more difficult time - the set must match the color scheme of the walls, ceilings, floors, or vice versa.

In addition, it is necessary to design the entire kitchen in the same design style, otherwise the expensive furniture and finishing materials in the complex will look ugly, and the money will actually be wasted.

The designer will help prepare a future room project using its dimensions

That is why many wealthy homeowners, not trusting their own taste, prefer to use the services of designers. But you shouldn’t exaggerate the role of the designer - in case of kitchen renovation and choosing a kitchen set, you can do it yourself.

This will not only save money, but will also allow you to get rid of the imposition of someone else’s opinion, and refuse the dubious services of trading and furniture companies, with which designers often have friendly, mercantile relations.

Primary requirements

When deciding how to choose the right kitchen set, take into account the following aspects:


All family members spend a considerable part of their free time in the kitchen; the housewife prepares food - the beautiful appearance of the kitchen will improve everyone’s mood.


A large number of cabinets will help hide utensils and accessories, making the room more minimalistic

The kitchen houses the largest number of home appliances: dishwashers and washing machines, ovens and hobs, microwave ovens - all these devices should be placed in the kitchen set as conveniently as possible for the housewife. The set must contain all the dishes used for cooking, cutlery and other accessories. You need a place for a trash can and storage of unwashed vegetables used on the farm.

Ease of use

In addition to the visual appearance, the kitchen should be comfortable; the location of all elements can be provided by the designer

Kitchen furniture should be easy to use and installed correctly; the well-known triangle rule: refrigerator - sink - stove, in which these items are located in the kitchen at a short distance from each other, must be observed. The layout should be such as to ensure convenience when cooking, cleaning and eating; all doors should not interfere with each other when opening.


When choosing a kitchen made from cheap materials, you get an option when it will last no more than 10 years, while at the same time, more expensive high-quality material for a kitchen set can increase this period by 2 times. Savings with a cheap option are also questionable from the point of view that expensive kitchens are more convenient to use and look more aesthetically pleasing.

Selecting the headset in the correct sequence

To get a decent final result without the help of expensive specialists, you must follow a certain sequence of actions when choosing a headset.

Style selection

There are styles that haven’t become boring yet, visually they look fresh

For a kitchen to look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious, it is impossible to do without implementing it in a single design style. Its full implementation is the ultimate goal of any kitchen renovation.

Choosing a style to suit your taste is quite simple - you can look at pictures on the Internet and descriptions for them.

The most common design styles in the kitchen are:

  • Classic. It assumes unobtrusive color schemes for decoration and furniture that do not irritate the eyes, which is the key to its longevity. For the material of the kitchen set, natural wood of light species is used. The main colors are beige, light or with a brown tint like walnut or cherry.
  • Provence. The style, creating home comfort and warmth, is made in light colors with an abundance of decorative elements and house plants. Wooden impractical furniture in this style is replaced by inexpensive kitchen furniture (laminated chipboard) under light wood, which makes it accessible to everyone. To give furniture lightness and elegance, corresponding to the Provence style, glass inserts or metal trim are often built into its facades.
  • High tech. It has clear verified lines, is distinguished by the absence of natural materials, the main preference is given to glass and metal. It is successfully combined with all open surfaces of kitchen appliances and its large number, for the installation of which it is designed. The style is quite fashionable, its implementation is expensive, the color scheme is limited to one main and contrasting color.
  • Modern. Comfortable and practical style without disturbing accessories, all household appliances are built into the kitchen set. The range of colors is quite wide, but it requires careful selection of color combinations. Lighting plays a very important role in this style, usually it is implemented in the form of spotlights above the top of the kitchen set or LED strip in the work area.

Minimalism, loft, fusion, rustic, industry, art deco, ethno, country, eclectic, etc. styles are used less often when decorating a kitchen, so you can always stand out from the rest of the mass by using one of them in the kitchen.

Color selection

Although many design styles impose certain restrictions on the color scheme, it is necessary to know how to choose the right color for the kitchen set.

  • The set uses no more than two colors, while the upper kitchen cabinets should be lighter than the lower cabinets.
  • Kitchen furniture in soothing colors requires the use of brighter walls and vice versa, with contrasting furniture it is better to use soothing neutral colors for wall decoration.
  • To determine which color in a plain kitchen is combined with others, you can use the compatibility tables.
  • When determining how to choose a set for a small kitchen, it is assumed that it should be made in light colors that increase the space with a glossy surface of the facades.
  • Using a kitchen window sill next to the countertop will increase its working area, while saving kitchen space.
  • It is better to place the sink in a special corner cabinet to avoid cluttering the work surface of the table.
  • The most acceptable option in a small kitchen is a round sink with one bowl; it takes up less space compared to a square one with the same efficiency.
  • If, when calculating the kitchen, a small space (about 20 cm) remains free, it can be used to place a bottle holder - a pull-out cabinet with a row of horizontal shelves.
  • A dining table in any kitchen inefficiently takes up a large space; in a small kitchen it can be made in the form of a cabinet with a protruding tabletop with cabinets for storing dishes, forks and spoons, and a bread bin.
  • For the most convenient use of lower kitchen cabinets, roll-out drawers should be used.
  • To save space, it is better to place hanging cabinets near the ceiling.

Taking measurements

A kitchen set made up of separate modules does not require complex measurements - all you need to do is know the length of the kitchen walls. Ready-made modular kitchens are available in standard sizes; when installing them, there is usually free space.

Accuracy of measurements is required when making a custom-made headset; the slightest deviation can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and call a full-time surveyor. If you decide to do it yourself, you should take the following measurements:

  • The distance between the walls, from the corners to the door, the dimensions of all protrusions.
  • The height of the kitchen is from floor to ceiling.
  • Dimensions of all windows and doors, overlap areas when they are opened.
  • Indicate in the plan ventilation water and sewer pipes, sockets and switches.
  • Measure all built-in household appliances.


The layout should be drawn on paper, you can take graph paper or a sheet in a box, taking one box as a distance of 10 cm. The main condition when planning a set is the location of the stove, refrigerator and sink close to each other, based on this you should draw up a drawing.

  • It is preliminarily determined with household appliances whether they will be built-in, free-standing or located in the upper sections of the kitchen cabinet.
  • The kitchen layout begins with a corner sink, marking on paper the space planned for it. If the kitchen is corner, then it is more practical to install a sink under the sink in a corner on two walls; in this case, its sides will be shorter than that of a regular straight sink. Typically, under the sink there is a trash can, household cleaners and detergents, and containers for storing vegetables.
  • A dishwasher or washing machine is installed to the right or left of the sink, if there is one.

The location of the dishwasher is determined as follows: if you are right-handed, then the dishwasher is installed to the left of the sink, if you are left-handed - to the right.

  • Next to the sink there should be a cooking area with a storage area for kitchen utensils and small household appliances necessary to help in cutting food (knives, hatchets, boards, coffee grinders, mixers, etc.).
  • The next element according to the triangle rule should be a hob or refrigerator. If the kitchen is corner, then most often a hob with an oven is installed in the kitchen set along the long front wall, and a refrigerator along the short one. In the case of a direct kitchen, only a built-in or free-standing hob with oven is installed.
  • Next, along a straight wall, if space allows, a refrigerator is placed, otherwise another lower cabinet.
  • The dining group is located away from the cooking area on the opposite wall.

Wall cabinets with a standard height of about 75 cm should be placed in an area of ​​easy access; for short people, fashionable designs with facades rising upward should be avoided - a stool may be needed to return them to their original state.

Tabletop and facade material

Each material will have its own approach when visualizing the room

When deciding which material is best to choose for the facades of the lower cabinets of kitchen units, you should take into account that they are covered with a countertop, and the upper ones are practically not exposed to water and mechanical stress. Therefore, even the cheapest laminated chipboard and MDF, which have a wide range of textures and colors, last for quite a long time. Less practical and expensive glass, metal, and plastic are rarely used in facades.

When making a custom-made kitchen set, you can choose an apron made from the material of the countertop - this solves the problem of protecting the walls and giving the set an aesthetic appearance.

Handles, as well as the material, should fit the overall style

It is important to choose the right handles for kitchen furniture, which, along with their functional purpose, perform decorative functions; they are produced by the manufacturer in various types:

  • Ring handles made of coated metal with a noble, elegant shape look harmonious and beautiful in classic-style kitchens on wooden facades.
  • Sink handles made of metal or plastic with carved surfaces look elegant in any type of kitchen.
  • Knobs or drop handles are the least convenient to use and are more designed to give the kitchen set an exclusive appearance.
  • Pull handles are the most practical and reliable, they are leaders in use in kitchen sets, and have a wide range of colors and shapes used in the manufacture of materials. Gold handles with porcelain inserts go well with classic furniture; they also suit the Provence style. High-tech presupposes the presence of roof rails - long, massive aluminum brackets, vertical or horizontal, they suit the modern and minimalist style.
  • Built-in handles are not really handles, but recesses in the facade panel.

In order for the kitchen to be cozy and functional, it is necessary not only to think through the interior design and select the necessary accessories, but also to choose the right kitchen set.

Choosing furniture for the kitchen is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance.

Even before purchasing a kitchen set, you will have to perform several actions:

  • take measurements of the kitchen;
  • choose a layout;
  • draw up a project;
  • select the headset model.

Before you start choosing a kitchen set, you need to know the exact dimensions of the kitchen space.

To do this, use a tape measure to measure:

  • door and window openings;
  • the length of the walls and the distance between them;
  • distance between the floor and the window sill;
  • ceiling height;
  • dimensions of other kitchen elements that protrude: pipes, sockets, switches, heating systems, etc.

It is advisable to put all the data on paper and draw up a detailed kitchen plan.

Selecting a layout

Before you decide which kitchen set to choose, answer a few questions:

  • what kind of kitchen furniture do you need;
  • how it will be located: at an angle, along the walls or in a U shape;
  • what household appliances should be built into the set;
  • purchase budget.

Almost all kitchen sets are designed according to the module principle. This allows you to use every corner of the kitchen space.

When arranging the headset, the following schemes are used:

  • single-row linear;
  • corner L-shaped;
  • double row or parallel;
  • U-shaped;
  • island;
  • peninsular.

The choice of scheme depends on the area and shape of the room. For example, for a narrow kitchen, an arrangement in one row or in a corner is suitable; other options for arranging the set will make the room even narrower.

Experts advise following the following sequence when equipping a kitchen:

  1. fridge;
  2. place for pre-processing of products;
  3. sink and trash can;
  4. place for final cutting of products;
  5. cooking stove;
  6. place for serving.

In short, an ideal kitchen should be laid out like this: refrigerator-sink-countertop-stove-countertop. Unfortunately, not all kitchens are the right size, but with good planning it is possible to find acceptable solutions.


To complete this step you need a sheet of paper in a box. It is necessary to make a scale drawing of the kitchen on it, indicate all measurements, the location of switches and sockets, as well as the expected location of the refrigerator, stove, sink, kitchen furniture, etc.

If the kitchen is small, try to put every corner to good use. At the same time, you need to leave enough space for passages, opening doors of household appliances and cabinets.

Video: interior secrets of a proper kitchen

Choosing a kitchen set

If you have successfully completed the previous points, it’s time to begin solving the main task - choosing kitchen furniture.

When choosing a headset, you should consider the following nuances:

  • dimensions;
  • manufacturer;
  • materials;
  • convenience and functionality;
  • design.

Headset dimensions

First of all, you need to choose the right height of the working surface. As a rule, it is chosen taking into account the growth of the hostess. There is a standard that corresponds to the size of typical household appliances and suits most European women - 85–90 cm.

Whatever size of furniture you choose, be sure to keep the distance between the lower and upper cabinets during installation - at least 50 cm. The easiest way to calculate the height is that the upper edge of the wall cabinet is located at the height of the owner’s height plus 20-25 cm.

Another nuance - some experts are sure that it is better not to buy a kitchen set with working surfaces of the same height (food cutting area, sink, stove). Thanks to the multi-level height of the tabletop, the cooking process is easier, as this allows you to change the position of your back and the load is more evenly distributed over the body. But such furniture must be ordered and it costs much more.


Kitchens from domestic manufacturers are cheaper than imported ones, but not by much. Naturally, you will not find very cheap and at the same time high-quality kitchen furniture.

But even average-priced domestic headsets are quite high quality and this is not surprising. Furniture is produced using imported equipment, and the parts themselves are often purchased in Europe.

Another advantage of domestic furniture is that it is perfect even for small kitchens. Many factories have in their assortment mini-modules, with which you can make a small kitchen set of any layout - U-shaped, corner or linear, which will fit perfectly into a compact kitchen space.

Imported kitchen sets, especially Italian ones, are especially popular. There is no limit to the cost of such products, especially if it is a model from a well-known brand.

Such sets are designed for a large kitchen space. In a small room they lose all their grace.

Among foreign headsets you can find inexpensive options from lesser-known manufacturers. But in order to choose a truly high-quality one among them, you need to be well informed about all the features of the production of this furniture.

Manufacturing materials

When choosing a kitchen set, you should pay attention to the materials from which it is made. First of all, you need to remember that wooden furniture does not tolerate high room humidity. It is also advisable to select a set that is easy to clean.

Let's look at the most popular materials.

Most headsets are made from this material. They are inexpensive, made from particle board covered with laminate or other resistant material. When choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that all parts of the product are protected by the edge from moisture.


It is an environmentally friendly, hygienic and safe material, resistant to fungi and resistant to steam. In appearance, it can hardly be distinguished from wood, and it costs much less. Kitchen sets made from MDF are distinguished by a huge variety of colors and textures.

The most expensive material for kitchen production. The most commonly used types of wood are oak, ash, pine, walnut, cherry, chestnut, alder, etc. Solid wooden blocks are glued together and treated with special compounds.

Convenience and functionality

To make the kitchen as comfortable and functional as possible, it is necessary to take into account several nuances when choosing furniture:

  • Choose a kitchen set whose base cabinets have legs - they provide ideal adjustment and protect the kitchen furniture from water.
  • It is important to choose the right countertop as it is the most exposed surface in the kitchen. If possible, take one piece for the entire length of the kitchen area.

The following materials are used for the production of countertops:

  1. laminated chipboard or MDF;
  2. artificial or natural stone;
  3. typesetting board;
  4. stainless steel;
  5. tempered glass (very expensive);
  6. ceramic dust pressed with rubber.

A popular material for the manufacture of kitchen countertops is Corian, created using high-tech equipment from mineral filler, acrylic resin and pigment. It is particularly strong and durable, non-toxic and chemical resistant.

But a marble countertop is a bad choice. This material reacts to acid, and is also quite fragile - it is damaged not only from impacts, but also from boiling water.

A granite countertop can be a good purchase - it is practically insensitive to acids, very durable and wear-resistant.

Countertops are often made from artificial materials:

  • crystallite;
  • axilana;
  • varicor.

They are no worse, and sometimes even better, than their natural counterparts. Among their advantages are lightness (lighter than natural ones), ease of processing, hygiene and heat resistance (they tolerate temperatures well even at 230°C).

A good kitchen should be functional. For this purpose, many devices have been invented that significantly reduce labor costs and make the cooking process convenient and comfortable.

These are all kinds of containers, drawers, overhead and mortise sinks, lamps, grids, built-in appliances, etc. It is important to place all this in accordance with the requirements of modern ergonomics.

Extremely convenient and fashionable are racks with rotating shelves, as well as special hanging tubes (crossbars) around the entire perimeter of the kitchen space, on which various kitchen utensils can be placed. Instead of ordinary furniture, you can choose products on wheels.

The most important thing is to use every centimeter of space correctly. For example, between the oven and the corner cabinet you can place a narrow cabinet with ladles and glasses. And don’t forget about the lighting in the most necessary places - above the countertop, sink and stove.

Kitchen set design

An important criterion for choosing a headset is its design. This is primarily the style and color of the kitchen.

Kitchen style

The style of the kitchen is a matter of taste of its owner. The most popular kitchens are in the styles of classic, techno, modern, hi-tech and country.

As a rule, a set in a classic or country style is made of natural materials. Classic kitchens look very conservative. Their surface is made of wood or wood-look material, and the fittings are made of metal. All equipment is usually built-in and hidden behind the facades, which are decorated with carved cornices and balustrades.

A country style kitchen is a flight of fancy on the theme of nature and country life. In it, wood is sometimes combined with artificial materials. Here you can see details made of glass, steel and stone.

Kitchen sets in high-tech and techno style, on the contrary, are closer to everything artificial. Techno typically uses glass, stone and metal. Here you can often find dials and scales of various instruments, as well as switch knobs.

High-tech kitchens mainly consist of artificial materials. The main emphasis is on the combination of different shades and materials. Particular attention is paid to light - hidden lights, directional light and light curtains are used.

Art Nouveau style is something between extreme high-tech and traditional classics. In furniture, classic rectangular shapes combine well with curved and rounded lines of facades. This style combines various elements and materials: wood, plastic, glass, metal and stone.

When it comes to color, designers give the following advice:

  • It is not recommended to use more than 2 colors in the kitchen.
  • If the kitchen is decorated in several colors, then the shade of the upper cabinets should be lighter than the lower ones.
  • A monochromatic set of wood looks very nice.
  • Juicy, bright shades - blue, purple, pink, yellow and light green - are well suited for furniture made of acrylic and painted MDF.
  • The different shades of the kitchen should be in harmony with each other.
  • A combination of contrasting shades looks good: black and orange, black and white, black and red, white and gray, black and pink, white and blue.
  • For a small kitchen, it is better not to buy dark-colored furniture. Don't forget that light shades can visually enlarge the space.
  • A large kitchen looks more comfortable with light cabinetry and bright details.
  • An overly dark set can make even a large kitchen gloomy.
  • Natural shades look best on kitchen furniture.

Video: how to choose a kitchen

We hope our article was useful to you. Happy shopping!

The owners dream of making their kitchen unique. It should be beautiful and functional. But it’s not easy to make it like this. Firstly, the range of kitchen sets in stores is such that the buyer’s head is spinning. Secondly, new materials for making furniture are constantly appearing that you have not heard of.

Factors influencing the choice of furniture

Before deciding what material to use, you need to decide what style your kitchen will be in. Other factors include the area of ​​the room and the price you are willing to pay for the furniture. If the room in which the kitchen is located is small, then you need to choose from an assortment of furniture designed for such rooms.

Kitchen styles

  • Classic - a traditional, practical set made of wood or beige materials stylized as it will never look outdated.
  • Country - stylized antiquity. Wood furniture in natural colors, decorated with grilles, massive lamps and clocks. Suitable for kitchens with a large area.
  • Modern - furniture of the younger generation. It is bright, with original solutions, without unnecessary elements. The materials used are both natural and artificial. The concept of modern furniture unites many sets, the main quality of which is their originality. Household appliances fit organically into such designs. Art Nouveau style can be used in rooms of various sizes.
  • High-tech is the continuation and development of modernity. Things of the most unexpected shapes, colors, from a variety of materials.
  • Ethnic style combines the traditions of one people or combines the motives of different ones.
  • Loft - a kitchen of contrasts. Combines old and new. An example would be a kitchen in which brick walls are hung with acrylic cabinets.

The influence of price on quality

Perhaps it's the other way around, and quality affects price. Let’s not talk about exclusive versions of headsets, the price of which includes not only the cost of materials, but first of all the master’s assessment of his work, its complexity, and inability to replicate individual elements.

Basically, price directly indicates quality. It may be inexpensive, but at the same time quite high-quality kitchen set. However, it is better not to choose the cheapest furniture for the kitchen. And here, each customer has the right to take into account both his financial capabilities and the advisability of throwing more money at something that can be bought cheaper, if this is enough for your lifetime.

When thinking about what material it is better to order a kitchen set from, keep in mind that basically sets of the same price category are made from the same materials. The final price, quality and appearance will depend on the quality of these materials and decorative elements.

Compliance with fashion trends is also important. The one that is currently in trend will be more expensive. Even if the cost is lower.

Requirements for a kitchen set

Choose a headset so that it:

This could be the deciding factor. After all, prices for kitchen products are quite high.

Kitchen materials

Materials are used both traditional, but improved, and new. Therefore, there is plenty to choose from. You just need to know their properties in order to correctly decide which material is best to order a kitchen set from.

Material properties

Chipboard - chipboard. The shavings are used to form slabs. The raw materials are cheap and their cost is low. Therefore, this material is the most common and cheapest. Durable, tough, moisture resistant, holds screws well. Inexpensive kitchen sets are made from this material.

Postforming is a type of chipboard with a flexible laminated top layer. Thickness ranges from 20 to 38 mm. The color is the most varied. A postformed product can last 40 years. Lightweight, impact-resistant, moisture-resistant material. Very often it is from this that kitchen sets are made. Prices range from $180 to $470.

MDF is also made from chips by pressing. Does not contain resin. Therefore, it is environmentally cleaner than chipboard. Among the advantages are low cost, increased moisture resistance, strength, and environmental friendliness.

AGT acrylic plastic is applied to MDF. Has a very sophisticated look. Very smooth, glossy. It has all the advantages of postforming, only it looks even more beautiful. It is used mainly for the manufacture of kitchen sets in the Art Nouveau style.

Acrylic is a modern high-tech material. Due to its softness, it is not used for making furniture. It is applied to MDF with a thickness of 19 mm. On one side the plate is covered with acrylic, on the other with melamine. The result is a bright mirror surface. Kitchens in the Art Nouveau style made from this material are very impressive. True, the acrylic surface, which easily withstands impacts from blunt objects, gets scratches when exposed to sharp objects. They can be removed by polishing. Care - wipe the product with a damp sponge or cloth. For severe contamination, use conventional cleaning products.

Solid wood is natural wood. Properties depend on its breed. Pine is firmly glued and can be easily treated with varnish. Larch is more moisture resistant. Oak is very durable and beautiful, which is why it is expensive. A kitchen set made of wood is environmentally friendly, durable and reliable.

Purpose of the countertop

These are the hostesses. Food is stored on it, cut, and prepared for use. Kitchen utensils are also located there.

Countertop material

When deciding which material is best to order a kitchen set from, keep in mind that to a large extent its quality and durability will depend on what the countertop is made of. Many different materials are used to create it.

The main ones:

  • Postforming, from which inexpensive kitchen sets are made.
  • Acrylic stone. Inexpensive, durable, but you can't put hot things on it.
  • Laminated tempered glass. It is shock resistant.
  • Wood scratches easily.
  • Handmade ceramics are not as durable as all other countertop materials. It is difficult to clean due to the seams.
  • Natural stone - granite or marble.
  • Metal (stainless steel or aluminum) - durable and hygienic.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.


It quickly burst into the world. It is one of the most requested materials for making custom-made kitchens.


  • Durable with proper care.
  • Strength against mechanical damage.
  • Heat resistance.
  • Resistant to cleaning agents and vinegar.
  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Relatively low cost of plastic.

Disadvantages: only the laminated part of the countertop is protected from water. Unprotected parts may swell when exposed to moisture. Therefore, manufacturers recommend wiping it off immediately after it gets on the countertop surface. Postforming is damaged by potassium permanganate, acids, hydrogen peroxide, glue, varnish, and paint.

Artificial or natural stone

Granite and marble are used in the manufacture of countertops from natural stones. They are durable and strong, safe for health. The design on each of them is unique. Granite is durable, easy to clean, and resistant to water and various chemicals. The disadvantage is that it is very expensive to repair. Marble is rarely used because it is easy to stain and difficult to clean. This requires special tools. It is better to use it as a decorative coating.

Quartz stone is an artificial material, although it consists almost entirely of natural quartz. It is produced in several types. Additives - pieces of glass, mineral dyes, resins. The plate is formed under the influence of a vacuum press. Quartz stone is beautiful, elegant, and durable. Does not scratch. Resistant to high temperatures and pollution. The antibacterial silver coating guarantees the hygiene of this countertop.

Corian is an artificial stone, a mixture of natural and acrylic. Durable, hygienic, waterproof, easy to clean.

Various options

Kitchen sets are mainly made from different materials. Chipboard is used for the body. Facades and surfaces that are visible and more susceptible to physical impact are best made from MDF, postforming, wood, aluminum, and acrylic.

For the manufacture of countertops, chipboard, natural stone and facing tiles are used. Such a model will have a low price, but at the same time it will turn out to be quite beautiful, easy to use and maintain, and durable.