home · Tool · DIY children's sports corner. Do-it-yourself children's sports complexes for the dacha. Installing a ready-made sports corner

DIY children's sports corner. Do-it-yourself children's sports complexes for the dacha. Installing a ready-made sports corner

Having barely learned to walk, children constantly strive to climb higher - on the stairs to the second floor, on a closet, bookshelves, or, in extreme cases, on a chair or table. They can climb on, but getting down without outside help is a problem. In order not to put them at risk, it is better to buy or build a children's sports corner right in the apartment or in the house. You only need a little space for it - a couple of squares; for those who are really tight on space, they simply place the shells in the doorway or on the walls.


A children's sports complex most often consists of a wall bars, a horizontal bar, a climbing rope and rings. This is the minimum of shells that can be placed on an area of ​​1 sq.m.

The minimal set takes up very little space, but has a lot of benefits

If the area allows and the development of a “sports base” is required, add a few more equipment:

  • rope-ladder;
  • monkey bars;
  • climbing wall
  • rope wall.

There may also be a separate board with hooks for the press. Also a useful thing, but more for parents.

Models for children may also have a slide and swing. To save space, the slide can be attached - it can be attached and removed. This is convenient for saving space, but since in such options there is usually no platform in front of the slide, it is difficult to ride on it. At least for the kids. If desired, you can find a children's sports corner with a slide and a playground, and the slide can also be removable.

There may also be a children's abacus and a slate board. These are already kits with developmental elements. There may also be increased interest in them, and in addition to their direct purpose, the abacus is also used as a ladder with a massage effect.

All these elements are combined in different combinations and variations, the model range is very wide, so if you want you can find whatever you want.


There are two options for children's sports corners - free-standing (with or without a platform) and those that are attached to the wall. Usually free-standing ones are sports complexes for children - they have a small height, gently sloping walls, and ladders. This makes it easier for young children to master sports equipment.

For children from 1 year of age there are small slides with gentle walls - they usually stand separately

For older children, the shells are made right up to the ceiling: they already have enough strength to climb there. In this case, it is important to ensure high-quality fastening.

For small rooms there are folding models. With a slight movement of the hand they move and move apart. When choosing such a sports corner, pay attention to the reliability of fixation of movable or prefabricated units. The loads can be considerable and the safety margin must be appropriate.

Another option is stationary, but saves space - the main sports equipment - a Swedish ladder and a rope wall or a mini climbing wall - are located on the adjacent walls of the corner. At the top they are connected by a small monkey bars, which can also be used as a horizontal bar.

This design is convenient - it occupies the most difficult area to design - a corner. Moreover, you can select a corner behind the door where you definitely can’t put anything.

From what age

Pediatricians advise purchasing a sports corner for children by the end of the second year of life. But those families in which equipment was purchased for the elders often note that the younger ones learn to climb stairs earlier than to walk. So it's a matter of preference.

An example is in the video. The sports corner was installed when the girl was only 1.2 years old. The photo was taken a month later. The mother notes that the child has become more coordinated and dexterous. For a month there was not a single serious fall (we were successfully caught several times, but this does not count). There are many approaches during the day - every time after sleep, and in intervals when it becomes boring. Conclusion - a sports corner for children in an apartment is not mandatory, but desirable.

If you are really worried that the child will hit himself hard if he falls, you can lay a sports mat or a thick one (at least 10 mm) under the sports corner and next to it. A soft floor is preferable - it is designed specifically for children and, with a relatively small thickness, has good shock-absorbing abilities.

Anyone who has held a saw, hammer and drill in their hands at least a couple of times can make a sports corner in their apartment on their own. The work is very simple and does not require filigree precision. What you need to pay attention to is the reliability of the fastening. In this regard, it is better to play it safe and do it with a large margin of safety.

If you plan to make a sports corner from wood, use dry wood (with a moisture content of no more than 16%). Also pay attention to the grade: there should be no through knots on the racks and supports. Given the loads that may arise, they are dangerous. These are, perhaps, all the basic requirements.

Based on the Swedish wall

If desired, you can make a children's sports corner with your own hands. No special tools are needed. You definitely need a saw or jigsaw, a drill with bit-type attachments, it’s very nice to have a hand router and a grinder. If they are not there, you will have to do a lot manually. You also need a level, a laser level is more convenient, but you can get by with a construction level, preferably paired with a plumb line to check the verticality of the racks.

In addition to 150*45 mm boards, you will need handles for brooms (they are thinner than for shovels, and more convenient for children). You will also need ropes, a piece of rope, self-tapping screws, bolts, studs, angles, in general, everything that is necessary to attach the structure to the wall and ceiling.

The board was cut to size (taking the distance from floor to ceiling and subtracting 10 cm) and sanded. We fasten the two resulting racks with clamps and apply marks under the steps. In these places, we use a crown to drill holes of the required depth (half the thickness of the board). To be able to control the depth of the hole, a strip of electrical tape or colored tape is glued to the crown. Oriented along the bottom edge of the strip.

The two short parts with holes in the photo are a mini-handle bar with several bars, which can also be used as a horizontal bar. In the long racks on the side facing the wall, in the lower part we saw off a piece for the baseboard.

At the bottom of the racks we cut off a piece - there is a plinth there

Now we connect the racks and the upper part. The quality of this connection determines whether the children's sports corner will be strong. We use powerful studs, place wide washers under the heads of the screws and nuts; instead of a bunch of washers, you can make metal plates. We pre-drill a hole for the studs; it must be strictly perpendicular to the plane so that the fastening does not break.

We install rungs and steps into the finished sidewalls using glue. For reliability, we fasten them with confirmations (furniture ties). We drill holes in the end, install the confirmat, sinking the head into the wood. The holes can then be closed either with wood putty or with furniture plugs in the color of the wood.

Confirmations installed (one of the corners fixing the staircase to the wall is visible)

Having placed it against the wall, we mark the places where fasteners need to be installed, drill holes there and install dowels.

As tests have shown, such fastening is not enough for reliable fixation: if you hang on the outer crossbar and pull yourself up, over time the fastenings will be pulled out of the wall due to vibration. Therefore, it was decided to make additional fasteners to the ceiling. Collets (anchors) were installed into it, into which long metal rods with rings at the end were screwed.

As a temporary option, a rope is threaded into the installed fastener; then the fastening will be upgraded. To avoid any difficulties, it is necessary to install the anchors in the ceiling so that the rings are closely adjacent to the boards. Then they can be secured with bolts and washers. You will get a rigid mount. In this case, the load will be distributed between the fasteners in the wall and the ceiling, which greatly increases the reliability of the entire structure.

The basis of the children's sports corner is ready. Let's start assembling additional shells. Let's start with the rope ladder. Crossbars 300 mm long are cut from a 35*25 mm block. The edges are cut with a router to a rounded shape (do not leave sharp corners) and well sanded. Holes are drilled in them at a distance of 50 mm from the edge, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the cord. The holes must be drilled at the same distance: the more precisely, the easier it is to assemble the ladder.

We take the cord and make markings on it every 30 cm. This will be the distance between the steps. We mark the two cords identically - with a millimeter to millimeter coincidence. We put on the first step and tie a knot at the bottom. At the marking site we tie a second one, thread the next step and so on.

We hang additional shells on screwed hooks by making loops from the same rope, or by attaching carabiners to the ends, and clinging the carabiners to hooks or slats - this seems more convenient and reliable to some.

This is what a homemade corner for children's sports activities looks like. It takes up very little space in the apartment.

And in you can read about the choice of ready-made options.

Sports complex for home

Everything in this design is so simple that there is nothing to explain. The main difficulty is in making the Swedish ladder, and it is described in the first photo report. It was decided to make a large children's sports corner in the corridor - the space there allows. So that you can turn it and the ship into a house. This is how the design turned out.

We started by making a climbing wall. The board was purchased in advance, it was dry, and after the winter spent in the apartment it became even less humid. Board thickness - 50 mm, width - 100-150 mm. We assemble a frame from it. We make joints strictly at 90° (we use clamps). Before installing long screws, we drill holes under them (the diameter of the drill is 1-2 mm less than the diameter of the screw). In the assembled frame we drill holes in increments of 10-15 cm. We tighten the cord.

I’ll say right away that mistakes were made when installing the ropes:

  • began to pull from top to bottom;
  • did not make knots at the intersection.

As a result, it is very inconvenient to climb - the rope slips. We'll have to redo it. We must do the opposite. First of all, pull the rope across, and then from top to bottom (or from bottom to top), tying a knot at each intersection. Then the rope wall will be movable, but it will be possible to climb along it.

We attach the corners to the assembled frame, install them to the wall, mark the holes for fasteners and, after installing the dowels, finally secure them.

Read how to make a playhouse for an apartment, and here is a step-by-step description of building a playhouse in the country or near the house.

Next we assemble the rest of the frame. We attach one prepared board to the wall adjacent to the already installed rope structure. On one side it rests on the frame, and on the other we attach another support so that the board is strictly horizontal (check with a building level).

We build a staircase, place it in the same plane with two already installed racks. We fix everything. For reliability, you can also attach it to the floor with corners and dowels.

Having checked everything for strength, we hang the shells and put them into operation.

Watch another version of a homemade sports corner for children in video format

Unfortunately, with the development of technology, children began to move less. It is better for them to sit at the computer or phone than to go play football or run. In order for a child to start playing sports, special conditions must be created. And what could be more comfortable than training in the comfort of your own apartment? complexes are a very useful thing that will make the child move.

What it is?

Children's sports complexes for home are a real gym. Thanks to them, you can practice and perform simple exercises. This complex contains a horizontal bar, a ladder, rings, a rope and Why was it created specifically for children? This sports corner is primarily aimed at popularizing sports among the youngest. They are usually purchased for children aged from three to five to thirteen years. For normal development, a child must crawl, swing, climb, and jump.

Children's sports complexes for home: reviews

In fact, a home sports corner is very necessary. It is only at first glance that it seems that you can kick the children out into the street so that they can study there. It’s much more interesting when you have a whole physical education corner at home. There you can play monkeys, climb and have fun in every possible way.

Children's sports complexes for the home provide the opportunity to develop correctly and normally. By doing simple physical exercises every day, a child improves his health. In addition, this is a very good place to put excess energy somewhere, thus directing it in the right direction. As practice shows, kids really like to constantly climb up and down, go down a rope or hang on a crossbar. This activity helps to stretch the spine. This means that the risk of acquiring any spinal curvatures is reduced.

3 reasons to do it yourself

Since there has been a great demand for them lately, such complexes have become expensive. It’s not entirely clear why they sometimes cost a hundred or even two hundred dollars. What on earth should you pay for? For a piece of wood or metal? It follows from this that a reasonable step would be to make a children's sports complex for your home with your own hands.

If you have all the tools, then why not.

1) By making a kind of wall bars, you can save ten times. This is a very good plus, because extra money definitely won’t hurt. As they say: “Money saved is money earned.”

2) The best gift is a gift made with your own hands. The child will be very pleased if the father makes such a big gift for him with his own hands.

3) Free choice. When you do something with your own hands, this is a great opportunity to show your imagination and turn it into reality.

These are just at least three reasons to take up DIY. In fact, it’s very easy to make children’s sports complexes for your home. It just takes a little effort.

Children's sports complex for home: photo

And now you can start the work itself. First you need to prepare all the tools and materials. It is also worth thinking through to the smallest detail what the future corner will look like.

It is best to make the most ordinary wall bars. It won’t take much time or materials. Therefore, this is exactly what we will do. It will be something like a sports complex, only combined into one whole. This is an ideal option for a home, especially with a small living space.


What will a children's sports complex for your home look like? The photo perfectly shows what it can be. The simpler the option, the better it will turn out. There is no need to invent something phenomenal. The main thing is that the structure is strong, since the loads on it will be quite large.

And it will all look like this: an ordinary wooden ladder, up to the ceiling, with a horizontal bar hung on it, and a rope ladder and rope can already be attached to it. This simple design will serve as an excellent sports complex for the home.

What do you need for work?

First of all, you should measure everything properly. It is very important to know the exact height from floor to ceiling, since the future staircase will rest against it. After this, you can go get the materials themselves. To create a wall bars you will need: two beams 150 by 40 millimeters and long to the ceiling, ten pieces with a diameter of twenty-five millimeters, all sorts of consumables (screws, iron corners). Everything seems to be based on the materials. The only tools you will need are a tape measure, a drill and a 25 mm drill bit (for wood), a saw, and a screwdriver.

Creation of a sports complex

The first step is to cut off all excess from the main beams. That is, adjust it to the size of the ceiling. Then you should sand them thoroughly. The crossbars will be fixed in special grooves every 24 centimeters. Therefore, you need to take a pencil and a tape measure and, having measured the distance on each of the beams, make marks. The drill comes into play. A groove one centimeter deep is drilled at each mark. They will hold the crossbar.

You can start working on the crossbars. Again, you need to cut off all excess from the cuttings. It is not recommended to leave more than one meter. Then you should sand them thoroughly.

Now we need to secure one of the beams. This is done with the help of corners and anchors (you can also use screws). After installing the first rack, you can proceed to the second part.

You need to insert cuttings into the loose beam. For better penetration, we use a mallet. After this, screw in the screws from the opposite side. Now the beam is ready. To connect it to the second, already installed part, you need to carefully insert the crossbar into the hole and then screw it in with screws. The second part must be secured in the same way as the first.

If desired, you can make a horizontal bar. It is welded from ordinary pipes and attached to iron plates using ordinary screws. Then rings, a rope and a rope ladder are hung on this entire structure as desired.

To realize a child's dream of his own corner for games and sports, it is not enough to place a wall bars in the room. To do this, you need to create a sports corner for children that primarily meets safety requirements so that the structure is as safe and durable as possible. And, of course, to make it convenient for the child to do physical exercises while playing, this is the same toy, only big and strong.

Sports corner for children: basic requirements for the design and configuration of the set

Understanding why, and most importantly, for whom it is planned to be built will help you choose the best option for sports equipment and elements to complete the design of a sports corner for children. The child’s age, physical characteristics, height and weight allow us to design the structure and subsequently develop a set of exercises for classes.

Sports corners for the home can have the following classification:

  • equipment for children from 1 to 3 years old; play-oriented;
  • design for children 3-7 years old for initial physical development with play elements;
  • classic gymnastics corner for children aged 8 to 14 years;
  • a corner for keeping fit and exercising with sports and rehabilitation equipment.

It is quite possible to create a similar design yourself in a small area of ​​a children’s room, especially considering that if you assemble it yourself, the cost will be 2-3 times less than a ready-made corner from the store.

The second important point in the decision to build everything with your own hands is the ability to control the child during his activities, gradually giving him the opportunity to study independently.

When starting construction, you need to clearly understand and see all the nuances of the location of the shells, their configuration and accessibility for the child. Having assembled an entry-level design, over time you can remake the physical education corner in accordance with the age and height of the child.

A sports corner is a whole complex in the form of a small children's playground, which is located in a residential area. This can include a variety of equipment to help maintain physical strength.

Among the positive aspects of organizing children's sports corners, the following are noted:

  1. It is necessary to constantly keep a child’s growing body in good shape, so exercise with sports equipment allows you to strengthen the muscles, skeletal system and vestibular apparatus.
  2. It is important for every child to have a certain hobby. Sports will help distract your child from mental stress after school. In addition, minor bruises and falls train his fortitude.
  3. It is often recommended to install a playground for children who cannot walk yet. Of course, here it should be taken into account that the dimensions of the complex must correspond to age.

Among the shortcomings, they note that the corner still takes up a lot of space, which is not available in every apartment. To make an interesting site you will have to purchase the maximum amount of equipment.

The comprehensive development of a child at every stage of his life is the main task for each parent. And physical education in this case is not in last place. Sports clubs and dance lessons become an integral part of the life of almost every child. But what should those parents do who do not have enough free time and the necessary “arsenal” of grandparents, aunts and nannies. There is an exit. You can equip a small sports section directly in the apartment!

Home gym: pros and cons

A simple design in a minimal area will greatly help in the development of the child

By offering your child his own sports corner in the apartment, you provide him with the opportunity to actively move, regardless of the weather conditions outside the window. Rest assured: it is worth giving the fidget room for movement, something, and his imagination will be enough for fun and useful games. Think for yourself, you only take up 2-3 sq.m. the baby’s room, and the benefits from this will last for the rest of his life.

Significant factors in favor of creating a sports corner in the house are:

  • Possibility of active movement of the child at any time convenient for him (during breaks between preparing lessons, in the morning instead of exercises).
  • A great option for having fun and working on your physical fitness with friends or relatives.
  • Excellent preparation of the body for future stress at school during physical education (for a preschooler) or additional classes for a schoolchild.
  • Confident coordination of movements and well-developed vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system.

Perhaps the only argument against installing such a house structure is possible injury due to a fall. But this problem can be solved by equipping the site with a high-quality mat. Plus dad's support during classes with a very young athlete.

Note that today you can purchase a children's playground for your home ready-made and in any configuration. But if you have the materials at hand and the desire to tinker with the tool, then it’s time to save your family money and please your child with a homemade wall bars.

Design requirements

In almost all models, the basic elements are unchanged

Equipping a gym with your own hands at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to choose the right place in the child’s room for its location. Please note that you will need at least 2 sq. m for the structure itself and at least 1 sq. m around the sports ground. This is necessary for the child’s free movement.

The main elements included in the sports corner set are:

  • Swedish wall;
  • Small horizontal bar/bars;
  • Gymnastic rings;
  • Rope ladder or swing (optional);
  • Soft sports flooring.

It is this set of sports equipment that will allow your baby to fully realize the potential of his motor activity at any time convenient for him.

Swedish wall

One of the main elements of the home gym

To make a wall bars (or simply a sports ladder) you will need:

  • Side bars made of wood. The height of the material can be arbitrary (depending on the height of the ceilings in the children's room), but, as a rule, the height of the finished staircase is 2.5 m. In our case, the finished structure will be installed on spacers, and therefore accurately measure the distance between the floor and the ceiling minus 10 cm. This indicator will be optimal for your stairs. The width of the beams should be from 10 to 15 cm, and their thickness should be 2 cm or more.

When choosing wooden blocks, you should not save money - buy the highest quality wood

  • Wooden round slats (diameter - 2.5 cm; length - 40 cm; the quantity is calculated based on the height of the sidewalls divided by 30. In this case, the number 30 is the step length of the stairs).
  • Sandpaper.
  • Wood glue.
  • Drill/driver for drilling holes in the sides.
  • Construction or simple pencil.
  • Self-tapping screws (optional for securing the steps of the stairs in the sidewalls).
  • Roulette.
  • Varnish for treating wooden surfaces.

Stages of staircase manufacturing

  1. After the wooden blanks have been carefully processed, using a tape measure and a pencil, we mark on the sides the places for drilling holes for the crossbars.
  2. Using a drill-driver using a special attachment, we form the joints of the crossbars with the sidewalls.

    Drilling holes for steps using a special nozzle

  3. We coat the finished round slats-steps well with wood glue and drive them into the resulting grooves.

    Fastening steps with glue

  4. Thus, we assemble the entire structure and leave it until completely dry.
  5. If desired, you can additionally secure the steps in the stairs with self-tapping screws on the outside of the sidewalls.
  6. After two or three days, cover the entire staircase with a thin layer of varnish. This will add color and additional smoothness to the structure.

    We varnish the finished structure

Horizontal bar

While the finished staircase is drying, it’s time to start preparing the horizontal bar. It will be part of our wall bars.

We will need:

  • Wooden boards measuring 60x25x5 cm (if desired, the parameters can be changed in a direction convenient for you) - 2 pcs. They will play the role of side bars for attaching the horizontal bar.
  • The crossbar itself, the length of which should be 60 cm and the diameter 3-4 cm (for children's hands - the most convenient option). We calculate the length of the crossbar in this way: the width of the finished staircase = 50 cm + 10 cm (which falls on the two side crossbars of the horizontal bar).
  • Wood glue.
  • Bolts, nuts and washers - 12 pcs.
  • Drill-driver.
  • Wrench for fixing bolts and nuts.

Stages of work on the manufacture of a horizontal bar

  1. We carefully sand the wooden sides of the horizontal bar. If desired, on the sawmill you can give the parts a rounded shape on one side.
  2. We apply markings to the inside of the sidewalls and use a drill to form holes for the horizontal bar.
  3. We coat the crossbar on both sides with wood glue and firmly drive it into the formed grooves.
  4. Now you need to apply markings to the sides of the stairs and the sides of the horizontal bar in such a way as to form symmetrical holes for fasteners. Try to place six bolts on each side and at the same time evenly distribute the load of the horizontal bar sides on the staircase structure by rationally arranging the hardware. Let's say there are three of them along each edge of the side of the stairs. Total - six bolts on each side of the ladder for reliable fixation of the walls of the horizontal bar.
  5. Using a drill, we make holes for the bolts and securely connect the ladder to the horizontal bar at the top of the wall bars.
  6. After the finished structure has dried, coat the horizontal bar with varnish and leave it aside for now.

Ideally, we should end up with something like this:

After finishing the work, the horizontal bar should look like this


In order for the child's wall bars to be as complete and functional as possible, all that remains is to equip it with rings and a rope ladder. Step by step creating a sports complex for the baby, for now let's move on to making rings.

For this we need:

  • Plywood sheet 75x75 cm - 2 pcs.
  • Construction compass.
  • Wood glue.
  • Press or bolts.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Milling machine.
  • Rafters.
  • Drill-driver.

Step-by-step production

  1. We draw each sheet of plywood into six equal squares and cut it with a jigsaw.

    Production of plywood blanks

  2. We glue each of the six squares together with wood glue, laying them one on top like a sandwich. You should get two such plywood “sandwiches”.

    Gluing plywood blanks

  3. We send both structures under the press or securely tighten them in the corners and center with bolts, leaving them for a couple of days until completely dry.

    For maximum tightening of the workpieces when gluing, it is best to use bolts or self-tapping screws

  4. As soon as the wood dries, we draw rings on the plywood, the inner diameter of which will be 18 cm, and along the outer edge - 20.5 cm.
  5. Cut out the rings with a jigsaw.

    Cutting rings with a jigsaw

  6. By the way, there (if you don’t have a milling machine) you can ask your friends to give the rings a circular cross-section along the entire perimeter of the workpiece.
  7. All that remains is to sand the rings and coat them with varnish.
  8. Now in one of the sides of the horizontal bar we make holes with a drill at a distance of 40 cm from each other.
  9. We pass the rafters through them and hang the rings at the desired height. By the way, it is better to purchase good rafters at a sports store. After all, they play an important role in ring training, taking on the entire load. If you can’t afford it, then limit yourself to any rope that is convenient for you. It's inexpensive for you, and it's fun for your baby to be a monkey.

Video: how to make wooden gymnastic rings


The last step is a ladder made of rope and wooden beams. This exercise perfectly develops coordination and strengthens the spine and shoulder girdle. So you can’t do without it.

You will need:

  • Round wooden slats. Mop handles are great.
  • Rope - at least 6 m (or depending on the height of your ladder).
  • Drill-driver.
  • Brass or duralumin rings (optional) for fixing at the ends of the slats.

In fact, to create a rope ladder you only need wooden sticks and strong rope

Stages of work

  1. We cut the sticks into pieces, the length of which will correspond to the future steps.

    Cutting steps from wooden sticks

  2. So, we carefully sand each wooden piece and use a drill to form holes along the edges of the steps. The diameter of the holes should correspond to the diameter of the rope, but not exceed it.

    Painting the steps

  3. Now we begin to string the steps. We divide the rope in half (these will be the sides of the rope ladder). We tie one piece of rope at one end with a knot and pass the other through the hole in the step. We do the same with another piece of rope, threading it into the second hole of the same step. We have the first step of the ladder ready.
  4. We measure 25-30 cm up from it and tie knots on both pieces of rope. We string the step again. We already have two steps of the ladder. To ensure that the distance between all steps is the same, you can make a fairly simple device.

    Two bars stuffed onto the plank will help make all the steps the same

  5. In this way we put all the slats on the rope, securing them from below with strong rope knots.
  6. We also fix the last step with a knot. At the end of the ladder there must be at least 30 cm of rope left for reliable installation of the rope apparatus to the general structure of the wall bars.
  7. If desired, the edges of the steps can be trimmed with duralumin or brass rings.
  8. Using a drill in the second side of the horizontal bar, we form two holes at a distance identical to the width of your stairs. And with the help of a rope we securely attach the projectile to the general sports facility.

This is what the finished staircase should look like

Installation and installation of a finished wall bars

So, the whole structure is ready. All that remains is to install it on the spacers. To do this, we screw spacers into the upper and lower parts of the sidewalls of the wall bars, install the structure in the desired location and then unscrew the spacers to the limit, ensuring the absolute immobility of the structure.

It is important to remember that it is advisable to periodically check the spacers and, if necessary, tighten the nuts.

And for those who still want to install a ready-made corner by attaching it to the wall, we inform you:

  • It is better to install the structure to a brick wall using dowels;
  • To a concrete wall - on anchors;
  • Plasterboard walls are just spacers.

And be sure to equip the children's sports corner with soft mats. You don't have to worry about possible injuries to your baby and his friends.

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