home · electrical safety · Small house with rational use of space. Original ideas for storing things in a small apartment: convenient storage systems, practical devices. Bathroom storage

Small house with rational use of space. Original ideas for storing things in a small apartment: convenient storage systems, practical devices. Bathroom storage

How to properly use the space in the apartment

But sometimes even in cozy native penates it becomes crowded, the ceiling seems to start to fall, and the walls crush and oppress. At such moments, I urgently want to redo everything, rearrange and repaint, so much so that it becomes easier to breathe, and the area in the apartment has increased 10 times.

Furniture with mirror surfaces

Mirrors built into the wardrobe will add depth to the room, make it lighter and more spacious. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity, otherwise your room risks turning into a ballroom.

Light wall color

Wallpaper and paint in dark warm tones, at first glance, make the bedroom cozier, but in fact they steal precious space. Only owners of overall housing can decorate a room in such shades. If this is not your case, choose white, light blue, light gray colors. And instead of Papa Carlo's closet, you will get a room in the palace.

Glass furniture

Glass furniture is a magical item: it seems to be there, but it seems not to be. Which is very handy for a tiny room or miniature kitchen. Objects made of transparent glass will make the interior airy and weightless, give it lightness. And in terms of quality and functionality, they are in no way inferior to bulky wooden ones.

Folding sofa

It is difficult to find a person who does not like to take a nap on a soft bed. But, alas, such a luxury is unaffordable for small areas. However, you should not be upset - an excellent replacement for the bed will be folding sofa. This miracle thing will save a lot of space and will be so comfortable that in the morning you won’t want to wake up for work at all. So set your alarm.

Light curtains

To make the room seem spacious, it should penetrate as much as possible. natural light. Therefore, there is no way to do without curtains made of airy fabrics. light shades. Imagine how romantically weightless tulle will shine in the sun and flutter in the warm summer breeze. But you will have to forget about dark velvet curtains with ruffles forever. Otherwise, your room will look like Dracula's castle.

Good lighting

Artificial lighting also plays an important role in expanding the boundaries of the apartment. Here the rules are simple: the more bright light, the better. Chandeliers, floor lamps, sconces - everything is useful. The main thing is that they are successfully combined with common style premises. And also great solution there will be circular lighting on the ceiling.

Minimum unnecessary details

Almost every house has a room where a bunch of useless souvenirs, vases, long-read magazines and other things that this room could do without are stored. By getting rid of unnecessary tinsel, you, your living room or bedroom will breathe freely, and there will be much less dust collectors.


If you are unable to part with knick-knacks forever, you can simply hide them. A closet, the color and design of which is successfully combined with the surroundings, will perfectly decorate the room, make it more light and spacious. And all the things dear to the heart will always be at hand, but at the same time hidden from prying eyes.

Wall mural with perspective

Someone will say: “Photowall-paper is last century". And here it is not. A well-chosen image will not only give the room a picturesque look, but also visually enlarge its territory. Please note: for the idea to succeed, the murals must show perspective and be located behind central element rooms. Thanks to such a design find, you can “grow” a pine forest in your bedroom or “build” a Parisian street.

Multi-level ceilings

If you want the ceiling in your room to rise up instead of gloomily hanging over your head, just redesign it. By adding several levels, it will be possible not only to visually raise it a couple of meters, but also to hide all sorts of irregularities. And to add originality to the room, play with the colors in the design of the ceiling, combining dark, light or bright colors, and also use lamps of unusual shapes.

small furniture

lush times velor sofas and armchairs with golden monograms in one-room apartment long gone. But someone is still trying to fit voluminous, albeit modern, furniture into four walls and makes serious mistake. If guests come to the house often, replace a few large sofas one corner. And there will be enough space for everyone, and the space will not suffer.

Picture on the wall

The countless number of paintings of different sizes on the wall creates confusion and disorder in the interior, scatters attention and significantly reduces the area of ​​​​the room. Where better to choose one, but which one! By decorating the living room with a colorful and large image, you will favorably emphasize its individuality, make the room free and spacious, and your guests will definitely think that a first-class designer has worked on the interior. Give free rein to your imagination - and forward, towards change.

Here are 10 secrets for organizing the space of small apartments that will help you manage the space of your apartment more rationally and create harmony.

Small apartments have their positives - such as more low cost its maintenance and rent. You can buy an apartment inexpensively and even in a good area, but you can’t do without a quality organization of space.

Often - a convenient location and a certain irreplaceable comfort and charm, but this is the case if you know how to properly organize and equip it.

One of the main delusions to which people are exposed when decorating your small apartments is that they only pay attention functionality completely forgetting about design.

But you shouldn't do that, because you live there. Main find the right one balance between these concepts and create a space that will not only help your daily needs, but also delight the eye with its beauty.

You must focus on filling your house items that match your needs. Wherein they should emphasize your personal aesthetics and personal taste.

Here are some tips to help you furnish your small apartment.

1 . Use proper zoning

Do your best to determine every item in your home has a function. Use sections to store things in the hallway in a certain order, hang shelves.

Place a sideboard between your kitchen and dining room For additional storage area. Use dual-use items, such as an ottoman with an opening storage section.

2. Invest in transformable furniture

When you're dealing with little space Every centimeter matters. Transformable furniture can make your apartment at least twice as spacious.

Folding sofa bed, convertible dining table, various sections and drawers can make your life easier and free up space.

3 . Rethinking unused spaces

After living in one and same space during a significant period of time, you can easily get stuck in a rut of how you are using it. Have you ever thought about what maybe you don't use your space in the most efficient way?

Challenge yourself, look around your apartment and identify any "dead zones" or gaps that currently not serve a useful purpose. Think of unused corners and blank walls. Then try brainstorm in order to fill interior spaces in your interest.

Turn a large window sill into a work area. Buy a corner shelving unit to create storage space essentials. Place a few baskets on upper part your his refrigerator and use them, to hide items that are not frequently used.

4 . Go vertical storage methods

When planning, The best way the use of space is to think both vertically and horizontally. Tall, narrow storage systems are the best choice in order to get the most space for storage at least use space.

Place two of the same bookshelves on both sides of doorway or use entertaining center as partitions between your bedroom and living room.

If you really want to withdraw storing items in your home on new level , That consider using available wall space as a hiding place for folding furniture.

5 . Find systemic organization of space

Use various niches, sections and organizers to properly organize your space and you will realize that your apartment is not so small.

6 . Choose a light color palette

When choosing a palette, focus on using lungs pastel shades , which are able to decorate most spaces. Then add one dark accent color to make the interior more contrasting and interesting.

7. Add curved lines in furniture and decor

Since the majority small apartments are usually square shape , use curved lines in your furniture and decor to add some scale and play to the space.

8 . Add Depth

Creation contrast with unusual finishing materials, the use of textures and patterns, add depth to your space. For example, on a single color sofa feel free to drop a few patterned pillows.

9 . Variable design

Large, bulky pieces of furniture can make small apartment closed . Include items that create a variable design and this will not happen.

Try to use sectional shelves instead of cumbersome bookcase. Take a look at the variety paintings, photographs, sculptures and accessories to fill the space.

10 . Tidy up regularly

If you clean more often, you will notice that there are fewer unnecessary items in the house.

And small rearrangements will help you to part with unused items more easily.

Life hacks for organizing space in a one-room apartment

10 SUPER IDEAS for a small apartment / HACKS for a STUDIO APARTMENT

The tiny house has two significant advantages: it is environmentally friendly and economical.

Small spaces are easier to customize, and if you also have a mobile home, you can move it to any place you want to live.
But there are a number of challenges in a tiny house, and one of them is finding a place for all your belongings, and most importantly, creating extra space! After all, you don't want your house to be a permanent mess.

Instead you want more open space to move normally and breathe deeply.

There are several solutions. And they all rest on the design of a particular tiny house. Large open windows, glazed doors, sliding walls allow integration interior house with the environment.

The vertical design creates spacious interiors that are still suitable for small parties. And, of course, the whole art of creating so-called smart spaces.
And that's what I want to talk about today: elegant and unexpected decisions for storage that are dual-purpose and maintain open spaces and airiness, even in the smallest houses.

Let's take a look at 40 ingenious ideas that are perfect for your tiny house or other small space like a small studio apartment or a compact motorhome.

1.Find smart solutions for natural lighting.

If you take special furniture, then look at this photo, this construction of storage cubes and boxes is built around the window.

This is ingenious, as most builders would have closed this window completely or looked for blank walls to build cubes. But there is no reason for this, the window still performs two functions: it transmits light and forms a useful shelf, as an additional storage space.

2. This A-frame integrates structural reinforcement with storage.

Look at this tiny A-shaped house. This is a picture of the kitchen. Here you see beams supporting the structure, which also act as shelves.

3. Open top shelves create a feeling of more space.

This kitchen includes a great tiny house storage concept - real cabinets - but without walls. They are just open cubes. The idea works on several levels. First of all, you see through the shelves. They don't intrude on your sense of open space like regular cabinets do. And, secondly, you immediately take what you need without worrying about the doors.

4. Use both sides of the shelf.

When you look at a shelf, you think what to put on it. Have you ever wondered what can be placed under a shelf? It's easy to think of a board as a closed surface, but in reality every board has two surfaces - a top and a bottom. Here great way maximize kitchen storage space.

5. Storage space under the bench is extra space and convenience.

This tiny room is inside the Cedar Mountain Tiny House built by New Frontier Tiny Homes (best known as Alpha Tiny House). Please note that this looks like a normal bench at first glance, but if you pull the lid up, you'll find additional storage underneath.

6. The optimal solution is modular furniture.

This smart solution for storage from Pin-Ups Houses. Look at these little modules. You can move them around the room as needed and make them into a bed, or a sofa, or a bench. Alternatively, you can remove the pillows and stack them along the wall. Each such module is hollow inside, so you can easily fill it with your things. As your needs change, your storage will adapt to them. Very cool!

7. Move this closet inside or outside the house.

Another "smart" idea. Look at this table in Vina's tiny house. Tina House. You see, this house has a lot of storage space, but I want to draw your attention to this locker to the right of the chair. It has wheels on the bottom. This is a mobile cabinet. If you don't need it, you can roll it back wherever you want. Now that's what I call ingenious "tiny" storage.

8. Bathroom cabinets next to the shower create more storage space.

In a tiny house, it's hard to find room for a full-fledged bathroom with a working shower, and finding a place for a bathtub is even harder. But surprisingly, in the house in the photo there is a full-fledged bathtub and even shelves for storage. This is how tiny house lovers create extra spaces.

9. Understairs storage boxes are a tiny house classic.

This is the most famous tiny house storage idea. Indeed, if you start reading blogs about tiny houses, you will see them in almost every home. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't talk about them. This is an ingenious idea that saves a lot of space, and architects should take note of it.

10. Toilet built into the bench.

This is a great idea, firstly, because the design of the bench makes the toilet more attractive (it fits better with the bathroom decor). And secondly, it gives you some space on both sides where you can store your things.

11. Beware of ceiling shelves and rollaway beds.

One of great ideas for storage in tiny homes that works well in any small space is overhead shelving.

When you first glance at this photo, you don't even notice the bookshelf, it stays away. But, when you stand on the bench, you can still get to the books. Also note the folding bed. IN daytime it can be lifted up against the wall. Although beds like this one have been around for centuries, people tend to forget about them.

12. Replace walls with cabinets.

If you are building a tiny house, then there is no reason to leave empty spaces on the wall.

You see, in this house, almost the entire wall consists of cabinets. different sizes. This allows you to create enough storage space and leave the floor clean and open. If you already have a house, then add more more cabinets to increase storage space.

13. Make retractable drawers under the couch.

How I love those drawers under the couches! They offer additional storage, and no need to install a large number of shelving.

14. You can hang items in the kitchen.

Look at those pots and pans hanging from the ceiling, not to mention all the mugs hanging under the shelf in the background. These are items that do not need to find a place in a closet or on shelves. Also note the "smart" wine storage on the left. Very cool!

15. Use baskets and boxes.

Sometimes you have shelves without drawers at your disposal. In some cases, you can use them as they are, but in other situations, it makes sense to purchase several boxes or baskets. For what? You can stuff them with things without making a mess. And on the outside, everything will look neat.

16. Here is another way to make storage under the couch.

I have already talked about some good storage under the sofa / couch. And here's another way you can use it. I like this idea for several reasons. First of all, cubes create more separate storage compartments and you will be able to better organize your things. Secondly, I like that the sofa rises above the floor. There is no reason not to take advantage of this idea and it gives you more storage space.

This idea is somewhat similar to the one I outlined in paragraph 16. There is extra space under the bed. It is similar to sleeping places, usually located in student hostels or small hostels. Under the bed there is a lot of space, which is entirely at your disposal.

18. These drawers hide tons of storage space.

This is a system with drawers from under the bed. They are long, for the entire length of the bed, easily and quickly leave. This gives you access to the entire space under the bed.

19. Storage room in the stairs.

I've already talked about stair storage, but this often leads to missed opportunities. Instead of just creating shelves under the stairs, why not leave a lot more space that can function as small cabinets.

20. Here is another great example of modular cubes.

I want to show you another example of modular cubes. Check out some of the configurations you can make using cubes - each with storage inside.

21. Install a special railing and hang dishes and kitchen utensils.

When you install kitchen cabinets, it's easy to forget that there are other storage options kitchen utensils and accessories. One simple idea for versatile and unobtrusive storage is this: just install a kitchen railing on one of your walls. You can hang whatever you want on it. He takes up almost no space. Therefore, when not in use, you are unlikely to notice it.

22. Use modules to increase the guest bed.

Yes, modules again! But this is such a great example! These modules can be moved around to create the perfect guest bed.

23. Hide more things under the floorboards.

Many storage spaces in tiny houses need to be considered during the planning process and may not be suitable for finished houses or apartments. But if you're just planning on building, consider adding extra storage under the floorboards.

24. Add a shelf under the sink.

There are no items on the shelves in this photo, but placing them under the sink is very ingenious. You can of course install drawers too, but those long open shelves seem to create more extra space.

25. Just raise this bed for extra space.

You do not have high bed? No need to go to the store and buy it. You can redo the one you already have. Here is an example of a bed that was raised on concrete blocks. These blocks are stable enough to support a bed, and they're hollow inside so you can put stuff in there.

26. Use this original retractable cabinet in the bathroom.

Would you like to have additional cabinet in the bathroom? In the photo, this “smart” storage space is located where we usually have empty space.

27. Hide a toilet plunger in the wall.

In my toilet, everything is usually piled up in one pile: a plunger, a toilet brush and a cleaner. I always thought it would be great to find a way to organize these items. But in my small toilet I thought it was impossible until I saw this photo. Look, all these important items are simply hidden in a cabinet built into the wall. Unfortunately, they are not sold in Russia.

28. Pay attention to this vault on the one and a half floor in Shenandoah Tiny House.

I've shown you some examples of under floorboard storage, but this is one of the best extra places I've seen. Watch the video I posted below.

Starting at 1.57 you will see an amazing underground storage located on the one and a half floor (sleeping attic). These storage compartments are huge and can completely replace cabinets. It gives a lot free space, and removes the claustrophobia that can happen if you furnish everything sleeping area big boxes.

A small apartment is not a reason to be upset at all! After all, even in the smallest area you can place everything you need for life. In addition, constrained circumstances force us to invent something new and give rise to fresh creative solutions. To small space became the most spacious, functional and comfortable, you just need to follow a few simple tips.

First of all, consider what zones are needed in your apartment. It can be an entrance hall, a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, an office, a bedroom, a nursery, a bathroom, a toilet. It is not necessary that all of them be in separate rooms. Modern interior solutions allow you to place several zones in one space.

In order for each zone to be readable, this common space must be properly zoned.

Try to combine several rooms into one, such as the entrance hall, kitchen, dining room and living room. This will be a common area where all family members and guests can gather. In order for each zone to be readable, this common space must be properly zoned. The entrance hall can be separated by a light partition wall, and the kitchen and sofa area can be divided dining table or bar counter.

Perfectly zoned space without cluttering it, various screens, curtains, translucent glass partitions, chests of drawers, high and low shelving without back walls. Visually, you can separate the zones by painting the walls in them with different colors, making different floor heights, or using a coating that differs in texture or color.

When planning your new space, think over the routes of movement along it, make sure that uncomfortable obstacles do not come across on the way. Use concise modern style, get rid of everything superfluous, stick to minimalism and harmony in the composition.

In conditions of lack of space, you have to carefully consider the placement of furniture so as not to eat up precious meters. Therefore, you should pay attention to any niches and openings and adapt them for shelves and hidden cabinets. Take a fresh look at your home - there are sure to be suitable places where you can organize storage places and replace the furniture in the room with them.

Built-in furniture with soft facades occupies less space than a free-standing cabinet, and does not draw attention to itself. If the layout allows, allocate a small space under dressing room- it is much more spacious than any closet and eliminates the need to put a wardrobe in every room.

Do not forget about the space under the window sills. For example, in the kitchen in front of the window, you can arrange an additional work surface and install a sink or organize a place to store or eat.

To have more free space in a small apartment, choose compact furniture. Don't overload the interior big amount furniture, for example, give up the usual set of a sofa and two armchairs in favor of one corner sofa.

Technically difficult, but very effective solution- retractable bed. With it, you can turn your bedroom into a living room in one fell swoop. If this option seems too complicated for you, and there is no separate room for the bedroom, then the old proven solution will do - pull-out sofa bed With orthopedic mattress. In addition, you can consider options for roll-out beds, which can be hidden one under the other or in the podium. This solution is especially relevant for children's rooms.

In small hallways, do not install bulky wardrobes - limit yourself to a small shoe rack or chest of drawers

In closets and between rooms instead of hinged doors use sliding ones - they do not require at all extra bed for opening. In small hallways, do not install bulky wardrobes - limit yourself to a small shoe rack or chest of drawers, as well as hooks for everyday clothes. Hide the rest of the upper wardrobe in the closet.

Instead of a bathtub, give preference to a shower stall - this way you can save some space in the bathroom. In a small kitchen, instead of a separate table, use cantilever structure on one leg with fastening to a wall.

To win precious space in a small apartment, you have to literally jump above your head. In the kitchen, occupy all the space with hanging cabinets up to the very ceiling, make racks, bookshelves, wardrobes high, with mezzanines. Don't forget about the walls above the sofas and beds - you can store books or linens in hanging cabinets.

If the ceiling height allows, then in addition to the usual bunk beds you can arrange a multi-level space that can fit a living room, a bedroom, and an office. By expanding your living environment upwards, you increase the free space in your apartment.

The main rule for owners of small apartments is that not a single centimeter should be lost. So make good use of your space. For example, arrange drawers under beds, couches, catwalks. Above doorways you can arrange shelves or mezzanines. Use the balcony or loggia as extra room: arrange an office or dining area there.

Use the balcony or loggia as an additional room: arrange an office or dining area there.

In the living room, put a folding sofa, which, if necessary, turns into a bed. Buy chairs and stools that are stackable and don't take up much space. For kitchen furniture use comfortable designs, which allow you to access the farthest corners and use the entire volume of cabinets. In the bathroom, fit the tub and sink in a shape and size that allows them to overlap without sacrificing comfort and taking up less space.

In addition to these tips, use techniques that allow you to visually expand the space of the room: a competent combination of colors and textures, the use of glass and mirrors, choosing the right style - and then your small apartment turn into a comfortable and even spacious place.

Whatever the size of a one-room apartment, it still remains one-room. That is, the only living room in this apartment performs several functions at once: a living room, a bedroom, a study, and sometimes a nursery.
It would seem that it is impossible to combine such a number of functions in one room, but this is not so. The main thing is to look at a one-room apartment with a fresh look, from a new angle and try to use the available space as rationally as possible.
Naturally, it will be much easier to do this in a large one-room apartment, but the owners of small “one-room apartments” should not give up, because the principles of space rationalization are the same for everyone.

The most popular and common way to rationalize a small living space in an apartment is, of course, redevelopment. The main thing here is not to demolish bearing wall and also don't forget about distinctive features houses different years the buildings. As a result, we get a more spacious room in which different zones are easily distinguished using different textures, color solutions and finishing materials.
The most familiar way for us to redevelop an apartment is to combine a room with a kitchen. Here, in most cases, the kitchen is separated from the room by a bar or dining table, and with a sufficient ceiling height, the kitchen is even raised to the podium. In addition to bar counters, decorative partitions made of glass, plasterboard, decorative stone and other materials.

In Europe, other options for combining rooms in an apartment are also actively used. For example, today it is very common to combine a corridor with a kitchen. As a result, the common space can be delimited only different height levels, some furniture, using decorative techniques, and may not be separated at all.

Another pretty non-standard option is the combination of a room with a corridor, as a result of which the living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment increases. True, this option may not seem very comfortable to many, because, in fact, entering the apartment, you immediately find yourself in living room. However, it is still not excluded and often becomes the only one possible of all.

Also, do not forget about the balconies, because after some efforts to insulate and decorate the balcony can significantly expand usable area apartments. So, in a room, a balcony can play the role of an office, a niche for an impromptu bedroom or a place to relax, and in a kitchen, a balcony niche is perfect for a dining area.

Since the only room in the apartment performs several functions at once: it is used for relaxation, sleep, receiving guests, work or study, and other things, for the most effective use the space must be correctly zoned, that is, divided into mini-spaces, each of which will perform one of the functions.

High-quality zoning is created due to the appropriate arrangement of furniture in the room, thanks to screens and sliding partitions and even correctly combined materials, textures, floor and wall colors.

One of the main conditions good zoning space is its routing. In other words, this is the thoughtfulness of the routes along which residents and guests move not only around the room, but also around the apartment as a whole. The absence of sudden obstacles on the way, for example, from the kitchen to the room, as well as the complex and confusing paths that form during the redevelopment of the apartment, is one of the main criteria comfortable life in a limited space.

Compact and versatile in everything
It was for the rational use of space that compact and mobile furniture, transforming furniture, was invented. The simplest and most common examples are, of course, folding or folding tables, as well as classic secretaries (bureau). But besides them, there are also folding beds that can hide in a closet or "leave" in the podium, and completely unimaginable mobile kitchens, where on some square meter fits literally everything. Such furniture is excellent choice for small apartments, helping to rationalize the space, visually expand it and give it neatness, organization and comfort.