home · On a note · Children's bed for two. Pull-out bed for two children (50 photos) - functional and compact furniture. Advantages of pull-out beds for two children

Children's bed for two. Pull-out bed for two children (50 photos) - functional and compact furniture. Advantages of pull-out beds for two children

How to divide a room between two children, especially if they of different ages and have different interests? And without going broke? Do not forget that the room should please children and be comfortable and functional, and for this it is worth a lot of work and taking into account many little details.

Bright children's room for two children

Firstly, it is worth deciding in advance what functions the nursery will perform. If it is to be used only as a bedroom, you should not load the space with unnecessary objects, and the wallpaper will look better if it is plain or has some pastel shade. Thus, the body of children of any age will rest peacefully and tune in to sleep.

A large room with a sofa

Most best color for a children's bedroom - white. It is he who gives the space that lightness and freshness, where it becomes calm and cozy. There should be a minimum of furniture. It is enough to put two beds, two bedside tables and a wardrobe for storing things. For little fashionistas, you can place dressing table with a mirror.

Children's room for two children
Bright room for two children

In cases where the children's room needs to perform more functions, it is worthwhile to zone the space wisely. It is advisable to make two workstations, then each child will have their own area where they can write, draw and do their homework. And it’s convenient to make the gaming and sports part common for both kids.

It is more profitable to place beds and tables in a bright area, near windows. The play area can be located in a dimly lit corner of the room.

Large bright children's room with bunk beds for two children

In small children's rooms, bunk beds will help save space. If children are not afraid of heights and can decide without arguing who sleeps upstairs and who sleeps downstairs, then this option can be called the most successful.

Bright room for two children

What to pay attention to

First of all, it is worth considering the tastes of both kids. If they don't like the same fairy tale characters, you should not order photo wallpapers with their images. In this case, a neutral pattern would look more appropriate. If the size allows, the room can be divided by a partition, thereby providing each child with personal space.

Creative room for two children with multi-colored zoning
Green room for two children

Before you begin the renovation, you need to draw up a clear plan of the room, taking into account its size, the number of windows and the location of the door.

It is worth immediately clearly defining the functions that the nursery should perform and, depending on this, dividing it into several functional zones.

Important attention should be paid to the difference in the ages of children. When the younger one goes to kindergarten, and the older one goes to school, the best option is to find a compromise layout solution. An older child will not be interested in living surrounded only by children's toys, and the baby will be bored among books and notebooks. It is most logical to divide the room into two identical parts.

It is necessary to take into account the interests of children and fulfill at least one wish of each child. You cannot take into account the opinion of your only child.

Beautiful big room for two children

Zoning a children's room

Before talking about zoning rules, it is worth noting that it has not only aesthetic, but also educational goals.

  • Comfort on a psychological level. When everything is in order, the child has more opportunities for development and self-expression.
  • From childhood, the baby will be accustomed to order.
  • When two children live in a room at once, this gives them the right to feel personal freedom and learn to share the same space for two.

Bunk bed in a room for two children

For two children, if space allows, it is good to divide the space between the beds with a partition so that both have their own space where they can do their own things. Shelves or mirrors can be placed on the partition when the room is being set up for girls.

Bright room with separated beds

Windows should face west or east. Then during the day the room will be evenly illuminated.

Bright bright room for two children

When zoning is carried out for children under 3 years old, the repair must be guided by the needs of the mother. The crib, changing table and other necessary accessories should not be far from each other. Educational toys and soft rugs are placed separately in the far corner of the room.

Room design for two children
Children's room design for two children

Children under 7 years old should be given the opportunity to enjoy their childhood as much as possible. You can divide the room into several zones:

  • creative;
  • sports;
  • gaming;
  • bedroom

This way, kids will have maximum opportunities for self-expression, and if their interests do not coincide, they will not distract each other.

Bright room for two children with a red tint

Children under 13 are already becoming more mature and sensible, so zoning their space should be as useful as possible. The work and study area plays a big role for schoolchildren; you should not skimp on good desks and bedside tables for storing books and notebooks. Sleeping places can be made in the form of a bunk bed, which saves space and allows each child to have a personal area where no one will distract him.

Room for two children in the style of “Minimalism”

As a rule, zoning is carried out by placing pieces of furniture in certain places in the room - this is the easiest and fastest option. Some parents use their imagination to the maximum, and then everything comes into play: lighting, different colors wallpaper, partitions and blinds, screens and curtains. Zoning with color will significantly organize the space. The play and sports part can be decorated in bright, flashy colors, so that the kids can throw out maximum energy there, and the sleeping and work area register in pastel colors. A fashionable option is to divide the room using furniture labyrinths. The room can have floors of different heights. Thus, the sleeping places will be located on a hill, and the work and play areas will be lower.

Room for two children with playground

What furniture to choose

Furniture for children should not be massive and large. The more lightness, the more airy and comfortable the space of the room will be read. Light-colored beds are suitable, and in cases where a dark color dominates, you can cover them with a white bedspread. The desk should be comfortable and roomy, but not bulky. Otherwise, it will steal a lot of extra space. Furniture cabinet It’s better to choose a built-in one and make its doors mirrored. Even if it is large, mirrors will noticeably reduce the size and visually expand the walls of the room.

Luxurious children's room for two children

For two children before school age An excellent solution would be a combined version of a sleeping and sports area. Sports equipment is adjacent to the bunk bed: slides, ladders, horizontal bars. This option can be quite traumatic, so you should take care of soft carpeting in advance.

Children's room for two children in green

Accessories play a significant role - shelves, bedside tables, photo frames and paintings. All this adds comfort and lightness to the room. There are many interesting design options chests of drawers that will fit perfectly into any interior.

Large room for two children

How the shape of a room affects the layout

Square and rectangular shapes rooms are forced to resort to zoning with the help of additional partitions and screens, and when the room has non-standard sizes, protrusions and recesses, this makes it possible to competently divide its space without auxiliary materials.

Beautiful children's room for two children

The most inconvenient are layouts with cut corners. As a rule, little furniture can be placed there, and in a room for two children, every meter is doubly valuable.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with boundaries and divisions either. They significantly reduce the amount of free space in the room.

Room for two children with different colors

Children's room - important element family home layouts. The interior design of this room should be approached responsibly.

Video: Children's room for two children. Minimalism and storage of things.

50 photos of children's room design ideas for two children:

Two children in a family is not so uncommon, but raising them by modern standards is not so easy, especially if they are the same age. Significant expenses are required to support two kids at once, and any savings will be very helpful. In addition, in many apartments it is not possible to allocate a separate room for each child, and one room is rarely large enough to accommodate two beds at once, play area and everything else that kids need. You can try to solve all these problems (at least partially) with the help of a bed for two children.

Features and Benefits

Every year, bedroom furniture for two children is becoming increasingly popular, which is caused not only and not so much by the increase in the birth rate, but by the fact that many parents appreciate the advantages of such a solution.

Of course, this option will not last forever, it is only suitable for small children, but at least until they reach middle school age, it is appropriate - and then a play area in the room will no longer be needed, so free space for a second bed.

Here's why you should buy a bed for two children:

  • Most of these beds fold down. Not all types of construction allow this, but they can usually be folded in one way or another. This means that a bulky bed that takes up a lot of space at night turns into a small cozy sofa during the day, leaving plenty of space for active games kids.
  • You can usually store some things inside your bedroom furniture. Above - sleeping area, and inside there are drawers and shelves. This is how modern large beds are usually created, which also allows you to save space on the closet, which now doesn’t even have to be installed at all. If the bed is designed for two people at once, albeit small ones, then, naturally, there is a lot of space inside it - bed linen, children’s toys, and books will fit there.
  • Manufacturers make special double beds specifically for children. They often take into account the specifics of the fact that babies will sleep here, so the minimum benefit when purchasing is a bright and Beautiful design, which allows you to at least simply improve the mood of children.

In addition, bunk models are often equipped with a small wall bars, which turns a place to relax at the same time into a home horizontal bar, which will allow you to play and maintain basic physical education skills.

  • Such furniture fits well into any design. Most often, the design of a double bed is neutral, so that it does not look like an alien element anywhere, but on the contrary, it becomes the highlight of the interior.
  • Two in one will cost less than two separately. The production of such furniture requires much less materials, time and effort than the production of two separate beds. This, naturally, affects prices. It is possible that in terms of delivery and loading, such a solution will also be more profitable. If you are faced with the need to save money and space, a bed for two children will be the best choice.


The fact that beds for two children is a very flexible concept allows us to meet the specific requirements of the buyer even more. The fact is that manufacturers have come up with no less than eight types of design that allow two children to rest at once, which makes it possible to achieve exactly those goals that are the most important in this case. Here's how various options Case assemblies affect convenience:

  • Double. It may seem that such a bed only saves money, but not space - it doesn’t fold up in any way, it’s an ordinary double bed, only a little smaller. However, its large body is always used to its fullest - it is a spacious cabinet for literally everything you can think of.

Considering that children will have only one common (albeit large) sleeping place, this model is not recommended for children of different sexes and different ages.

  • Folding, lifting. Here, a pronounced saving of space can be seen in the fact that during the day, a seemingly ordinary bed is brought into vertical position. Thanks to the system of springs and fixation, it is completely safe, but such furniture must not only be brought, but also fit correctly into the room.

Most often it is built into a cabinet, which provides additional support for it. The room itself should be designed so that the play area, which “works” during the day, is located exactly in the place where children sleep at night, but nothing should interfere with the daily lowering of the bed. Come up with some practical use For a raised product, although it is possible, it is quite difficult.

  • Corner. Corner beds do not save space at all, but they look very interesting in daytime They can even serve as a good play area on their own. Usually this is a two-tier structure, in which the tiers, connected in the intended corner of the room, are located at right angles to each other. The two-story “house,” much loved by children, can also be equipped with drawers. It resembles a regular double model, but is somewhat inferior in capacity.

  • Dresser bed. As a rule, this is a rather bulky-looking bed. By itself, it is a single bed, but you can pull out of it another similar bed, only with a sleeping place a little lower. Two sleeping places are located on different heights due to the fact that one of them is on top of the general body, and the second is, as it were, inside it, but both are necessarily located quite high. This is due to the fact that inside the part being pulled out there are still very spacious drawers, in no way inferior to a full-fledged cabinet.

  • Retractable. In its own way it resembles the previous version, but there are usually not so many boxes, which is why the whole structure is much lighter. In addition, some models allow the lower tier to be completely separated. When disassembled, it is not just a double bed of complex design, but two completely separate single beds, one of which is slightly lower.

Moreover, there are design options that allow you to raise a lower berth to a higher level. This makes it possible to transform initially single-bedroom furniture into a full-fledged double-bedroom.

  • Podium bed. If the ceilings in the room are high enough, you can gain space by hiding the bed under... the floor. Yes, that’s right - you just need to raise it in one of the places, creating a podium - an elevation with steps to it.

On the podium itself you can place a training or play area. If it is located low enough, then there are tall cabinets. In any case, it looks unusual and interesting. During sleep, the beds are usually pulled out from under the podium. If the ceilings are very high, then it can be made high enough to sleep right under it.

  • Two-tier. Beds with a second tier are well known to everyone - some slept on these in a children's camp, some saw this in hospitals, and men may have encountered these in the army.

Of course, not exactly like these - these are designed for children and have a lot of advantages. The first of them is the almost obligatory presence of drawers and shelves in order to successfully replace not Big cupboard. The second is the equipment with horizontal bars, at least a wall bars, which is often used modern manufacturers. Third is very attractive design, allowing you to give your children a bed as if it were a new toy.

  • Pencil bed. Most often, this type is still separate single beds built into one large closet, which still implies the presence of one large building.

If you're short on space and don't know what to put in, choose both a bed and a closet. Just one child’s sleeping place will be covered with a closet, and the second one will be located slightly to the side, placed on base cabinet. The result looks quite unusual, but this design takes up no more space than a huge wardrobe, successfully performing the functions of both a wardrobe and two separate beds.


Firstly, it is not so easy to withstand two owners at once, even small ones. Secondly, young children tend to actively frolic and jump. Thirdly, with any built-in shelves, the load on the body increases even more.

All three factors greatly influence the choice of material for production.

Under no circumstances should you save money and buy various options such as those made from fiberboard, which are acceptable for adults, but not for two children.

We can say that the choice is limited to only two materials - either metal or solid wood.

Assembly is also important. Pay attention to the brand: if it is famous, it means that it has a lot good reviews, somehow deserved. In addition, the company will do everything possible not to spoil its good reputation. This does not mean that you should only choose globally famous manufacturers. If the manufacturing company is little known, at least make sure for yourself that the design is strong enough.

Choosing reliable furniture will save you from two troubles at once. You can rest assured that it is true durable materials Even the most restless children will not succumb to the destructive activity, and broken furniture will not have to be urgently replaced. I don’t even want to imagine what could happen to children in a situation where their actions break the bed, so carefully monitor the quality of the materials.

Watch the following video about the most unusual and beautiful cribs.


Since special beds for two children are often chosen precisely to save space, you should once again pay attention to how much space they take up. Here is a small rating for this indicator:

  • The smallest- those that save space. Of course, this statement is very conditional, because each bed still takes up space, it just can fully share it with some other furniture. Vivid examples there are pencil case beds built into the closet and podium beds hidden under a special canopy floor.
  • Little ones– occupying space smaller than a single bed. There is only one option here - this folding beds, also known as lifts. When raised they take up approximately equal to area your back. This is no more than one third of a single bed for each sleeping place.
  • Average– at the level of a single bed. They, occupying a single bed, allow two children to sleep at once. This is the most numerous category of furniture; when folded, this includes a chest of drawers, a bunk bed, and a pull-out bed. The significant space occupied is compensated additional functions cabinet or sports equipment.
  • Large– larger than a single bed. This includes corner and double beds, which are reimbursed for big sizes is the same as for medium products.

Finally - a few useful tips helping to choose perfect option:

  • For children of different ages (and different genders) It is better to choose beds with completely separate sleeping places. Separate folding beds, pencil cases, pull-out beds with detachable parts - this is what you need. Doubles are something that is definitely not allowed.
  • For a small room, buy only the most compact beds- at least when folded. Large beds have their own advantages, but sometimes you can store things in your parents’ room or closet, and a home horizontal bar, due to lack of space, is inferior in practicality to an outdoor one.
  • When choosing a bed with a collapsible design, Special attention pay attention to the retractable mechanisms. They must be reliable and durable enough to last long years, but not too tight, so that children can unfold and fold furniture without outside help. The same applies to the overall weight of the body - if it is too heavy, children will not be able to cope with the sleeping places.

Perhaps the most difficult question for parents is what a children's room for two children should look like. In this case, choosing furniture is 2 times more difficult than for one child. It is necessary to take into account the age, tastes, preferences and activity of everyone. Fortunately, today there are quite a lot of models that solve this problem. In the extensive catalog of our online furniture store you will find various options that satisfy different requirements. The main thing is to decide on the purchase. You can do this without leaving your home. It is enough to study the information in the catalog - prices, photos, dimensions, composition and other parameters. After this, all that remains is to order the product. We are ready to bring furniture with home delivery to those who live in Moscow. This will once again make sure that the purchase is profitable.
When decorating a room for two children, you first need to decide how to divide the already small space into several zones. To do this, you can use the following techniques:

  1. installation of partitions, including conditional ones;
  2. purchasing furniture that zones space ( corner sofa, large closet, bookshelf);
  3. different colors of furniture and finishing materials(for example, make part of the room blue and the other pink);
  4. decorative elements (you can hang curtains or canopies);
  5. light elements.

All together, this will allow children to feel where their personal and common space is in the room.

How to choose a children's room for two children?

If you need a children's room for two children, when searching suitable option Be sure to pay attention to the following features:

  • Gender of children. If you have two daughters or sons, then furnishing their room will be easier. Furniture can be bought in one style and color scheme. It will be more difficult with children of different sexes. In this case, resort to dividing the space into two equal zones.
  • Children's age. If they have a slight difference, then the functionality of the furniture will be the same. But children of different ages will need different interior items. For example, a child aged 2 - 3 years needs a place for toys and creativity, and a schoolchild will definitely need desk to do homework.
  • Character. If children are active, then you should not clutter their room. It's better to leave some free space for joint games, or build a full-fledged sports ground.
  • Hobby. Do your kids love to draw? Set up a table and chair nearby for each of them so they can create together. Do any of the kids like to play music? Leave some free space in the room for it.

And of course, consult with your children before purchasing. It is important that they like the furniture. Otherwise, they are unlikely to be able to feel cozy and comfortable in the room.

The bed is always an object that occupies quite a large space in the interior. Organizing the space of a children's room is becoming especially relevant, especially in small apartment. Children by nature are more active than adults; they need space for outdoor games.

If the room is blocked by sleeping places, it is inconvenient and traumatic.

Thoughtful equipment and selection of additional parts will ensure comfortable operation of a pull-out bed for two. It will simultaneously save usable space and add space to the play area.

The design decision depends on general style premises, tastes and needs of its inhabitants, gender and age difference of children.

A regular bunk bed is not suitable for preschool children. The second tier is located quite high, which is uncomfortable for a child of three or six years old. In the case of a roll-out bed, both levels are at safe removal from the floor.

Even a small child can overcome the climb to the top.

Any design is simple, but at the same time it can combine comfortable sleeping places, drawers for linen, various accessories, and toys.

The bed can additionally be equipped with a table or drawers and cabinets.

There are several main modifications of such furniture.

The tiers are fastened together. The retractable lower tier moves autonomously. Pull-out bed equipped with drawers. Budget low model.
The lower tier corresponds in size to the upper one, they are connected to each other. Lower bed It can be extended to its full width, but it is statically fixed and cannot be moved to another location. The child who sleeps on top will be forced to step over the one who sleeps below. It is not connected to the top one in any way. At night, a separate sleeping place can be placed in any corner of the room. As a rule, boxes are located in the lower tier. This is especially convenient if it is mobile. In the children's room extra bed It never hurts to store things. There are no boxes, which reduces the cost of the product. The lower tier is located close to the floor. This option involves equipping the structure with a thicker mattress so that the cold from below does not reach the sleeping child.

Product dimensions

For a bed, not only the length and width are important, you need to pay attention to the height of the bottom, the presence of various devices that prevent falls during sleep.

Correct dimensions guarantee long-term operation.

The size of the bed is dictated by the age of the children. Furniture that is not tall enough, too small or large- not equally useful. But in order not to change the furniture in the nursery every few years, it would be rational to immediately install a full-size bed.

The dimensions should be from one and a half to two meters in length and up to a meter in width.

The lower tier is usually 10 centimeters shorter. The distance from the floor to the lower mattress depends on the model. If it is equipped with drawers, then the sleeping area will be located slightly higher.

The height of the bottom should be no more than 1 m.

Advantages of pull-out beds for two children

What are the disadvantages?

Roll-out bed for two children may have a negative psychological aspect. It is less comfortable to sleep in the lower place, so sometimes conflicts arise between children, especially if they are close in age, for the right to sit in the upper tier.

It can be inconvenient to descend from the upper level when the furniture is unfolded, so models are often equipped with a ladder.

During prolonged use, marks from the rollers may appear on the floor surface if there is no carpet. From this point of view, it is better to choose wider rollers from the very beginning, with a larger area of ​​​​contact with the floor surface.

This way the coating will suffer less.

What to look for when choosing pull-out beds

  1. The bed should not be too heavy; the child should be able to move it. The bulky design will be troublesome for parents too. The wheels must have strong fastenings, be resistant to shock absorption, and you also need to pay attention to the fittings.

    The retractable part of the structure must have latches so that the sleeping place does not “travel” on its own.

  2. If children are of different sexes, then when choosing a model it is better to choose one where the sleeping place can be disconnected from the general structure.

    The pull-out bed provides sleeping space for two children.

  3. Both beds should have rounded corners, all parts should be well sanded, the ends should be finished with plastic so that there are no chips or nicks. Sides or the possibility of installing them are desirable.

    There are variations of this furniture with the ability to adjust the height of the lower tier using a special lifting mechanism.

  4. Children use beds for more than just sleeping. Sometimes they play them very actively. Before purchasing, adults should check for themselves how durable and stable the model is.

    Narrower and tall structures can easily tip over.

  5. Particular attention should be paid to the bottom. It is better not to choose solid and flat ones. Good ventilation is provided by wooden slats.

    An orthopedic base is a good option, but the cost of the product will be higher.

  6. Mattresses for children should be chosen with high or medium hardness, with coconut fiber, latex, polyurethane foam. Spring ones are best avoided. You can stay on a mattress with a soft top layer, "memory effect".

    Buy a mattress cover that breathes and does not allow moisture to pass through.

  7. The size of a pull-out bed for small children should be provided with some margin.

    Especially if the children are of different ages.

Material selection

The best option would be a structure made of hardwood, thanks to grinding and polishing it will be possible to avoid splinters. Combined option– wood + MDF or wood + chipboard – also not bad.

Any material of class no higher than E1 is safe and does not provoke allergies.

Some models are presented in a combination of wood and metal with plastic. Provided it was used quality material, There is nothing wrong. Polymers are plastic, they are easy to paint, give unusual shape and color.

They are most often used to make the headboard or foot of the crib.

It will be better if the frame is made of wood or metal. In the production of other parts, chipboard and plywood are often used. The cost of laminated materials is higher.

They resist moisture and mechanical damage well.

Pull-out beds for two children are subject to higher loads than other furniture. Structures made of wood or combined ones last longer, that is, the bed itself is wooden, the shelves or chest of drawers are made of chipboard.

It should be taken into account that poor quality chipboard can emit formaldehyde and is not resistant to active use; chips may form on it.

Innovative design with smart storage systems

Choosing beds for two children is not so easy. As in the adult bedroom, this piece of furniture largely determines the style of the room.In addition to standard options, you can install a bed for two children in classic style or in Art Nouveau style.

A room with a country-style bed or a themed roll-out bed in the shape of a car or a boat looks unexpected.

In the nursery, especially if it is small, they try to choose the most functional furniture. There are always a lot of things here, toys and clothes, household items. Therefore, organizing the storage of all this is very important. The most common option is drawers in the lower tier of the bed. They can be different in size. The full-length pull-out box is convenient for storing things that cannot be folded or bent. Boxes different lengths and width, you can equip not only the lower tier, but also the side, steps to the upper, if any. The drawers themselves can be pull-out or on casters.

The cost of such a model will, of course, be higher, but it is more economical than buying separately additional cabinets or cabinets.

Such storage systems will not be taken away usable space, they are roomy and practical, with early years teach children to maintain order in the room.

A functional sleeping place will successfully highlight any interior style and the extraordinary taste of the owners.

VIDEO: Pull-out beds for two or three children.

50 photo ideas for children's pull-out beds:

Each family finds its own ways to implement everything necessary for two children in a very modest area of ​​a children's room. It is worth noting that a children's bed for two children carries not only the function of its direct purpose - a place to sleep, but also another equally important task of organizing a comfortable and functional space children's room. After all, every room in which two children live has a unique architecture, different area, and not always standard planning solutions. That is why a bed for two children, contrary to popular public opinion, should not always be bunk.

Most often, a children's room for two is furnished with furniture that complements the sleeping areas, creating an ensemble or even a single furniture block.

However, before you find options that are suitable for you, it is worth finding out what other possibilities exist for organizing the space of a room in which two children will study, sleep and play. After all, in conditions modern market, your choice is practically unlimited.

Beds for two children: main function

A nursery for two children has multifunctional tasks, however, its main load is the bedroom. Sound sleep and comfort when falling asleep allow your children to overcome new heights every day, remaining alert and healthy. Therefore, a lot depends on how correctly you choose children's beds for two children.

However, being carried away by the look, color and design of the future sleeping place for your kids, try to think about whether the beds you are considering for two children will be comfortable for your children. Do they have restrictive sides, are the steps slippery, will it be convenient for you to change bed linen in them, are standard ones suitable for this model? orthopedic mattresses. Also, note for yourself which age period This bed is designed and how many years it can last. Pay special attention to the safety and environmental friendliness of this product. If the bed is made of plastic or chipboard, carefully read the government certificates.

Well, now let’s try to consider which bed options for two children may be suitable for your children.

Standard solution: two single beds

Two single beds, suitable for the age of each child, are the most traditional solution Problems. This option allows you to balance the possessions of each of the children, it is safe and allows you to bring a variety of fresh ideas. A bed for two children can be an infant, child, teenager, roll-out, metal, wooden, plastic, high and low. The choice of option depends only on you and your children.

The main disadvantage of this arrangement will be the need for additional square meters that will be required for this layout. But, as a rule, they are not enough.

Options for placing two different beds are different. The basic layout is to place both sleeping areas along the same wall.

But placing beds parallel to each other, but perpendicular to the wall, is also often used in the design of rooms intended for two children.

Sometimes beds can be placed in the center of the room, allowing the room to be divided in half.

Or at an angle of 90? to each other, which not only looks very beautiful, but also perfectly solves many planning problems.

Sometimes parents make a decision in which beds for children are located in different corners of the room, allowing for better zoning.

Bunk bed: a classic of the genre

There is nothing wrong with using standard solutions. A bunk bed can significantly simplify the layout of a nursery, saving free space, and for this it remains a constant favorite of parents who have two children.

However, this wonderful bed model is not suitable for families in which both children are under five or six years old. After all, it is from this age that the manufacturer allows the child to be on the second tier of the bed. There are many variations of what a bunk bed for two children can be like; all that remains is to choose the appropriate design.

Loft bed: actively using vertical space

A loft bed is an ideal option for two schoolchildren, since each of them has a workplace, and on top there is a sleeping place. An attic bed, actively using vertical zoning, not only frees up free space, but also creates a private sleeping area for each child. It is difficult to change bed linen in such a bed, but fitted sheets will make the task much easier.

A variant of loft beds is possible, when workplaces are located below, and the area upholstered furniture for communication and receiving guests.

Much attention should be paid to the stairs that a children's bed for two children offers to climb to the second floor - it must be safe, stable and reliable. For the little ones, the steps are made very wide and stable, combining the stairs with drawers for storage.

But for teenagers, manufacturers offer a more concise option.

Pull-out bed: saving children's space

If your kids are still small, but have outgrown cribs, and there is very little space in the nursery, take a closer look at pull-out cribs for two children. Roll-out beds are hidden in the daytime under a built podium, under more high bed or inside a furniture block.

Or maybe a roll-out bed, in which additional space can be pulled out for a second child. In this case, the roll-out bed is combined with a higher sleeping place for one of the children. If the beds are somehow connected to each other, this option is not very comfortable, reminiscent of a folding bed, but if the lower roll-out bed is able to move around the room, then the second child is not infringed on his rights and even has the opportunity to choose a place to sleep by rolling the bed.

A pull-out bed for two children is especially often used in kindergartens, allowing for optimization of space in groups. This means that this model has proven itself well. And such beds do not always look simple; sometimes you can find stunningly beautiful models.

Lifting beds: the illusion of space

Raising beds - perfect solution in a room where children love outdoor games and free space. The beds are simply made furniture wall, and look like cabinets in the daytime. For teens who don't like to make their bed, this solution is perfect!

And you can sit down and lie down during the day either on the sofa or on armchairs - bags that successfully replace upholstered furniture.

Furniture blocks for children's rooms: everything is at hand

There is another type of furniture for a children’s room for two children - furniture blocks that combine sleeping places, study tables and storage systems.

Beds in such single structures can be located either parallel to each other or perpendicular, but most often they are installed by the most classic version- on top of each other.

Beds for two children to order: when you need it

Sometimes even such a variety of ready-made modifications of beds for two children does not satisfy the needs of the children's room. And then furniture companies that manufacture furniture according to individual project. This may be necessary in cases where parents have come up with a themed interior for the nursery and would like to fit it into interesting beds for your children.

And sometimes it is possible to raise the sleeping places to the second floor, building a separate room under them.

By rationally using niches and corners in children's rooms, you can come to a decision about the need for custom-made furniture that can turn these disadvantages of the room into its advantages.

Conscious choice is a guarantee of success

Now that all the main types that a bed for two children can take are listed, it will be much easier to choose the option you need. Let the children's bed for two children be the most beautiful and comfortable!