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Fresh kitchen design ideas 5 meters. Small kitchen, how to equip it

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The mass construction of Khrushchev houses was an attempt to solve housing problem in USSR. Citizens received a long-awaited separate apartment, and with it the problem of how to accommodate all family members in such a small area.

For visual expansion space, it is not necessary to decorate the kitchen only in a modern style. Discreet neoclassicism is a solution for those who do not like cold and uncomfortable minimalism.

White kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq. m with a refrigerator, a table for two people and a TV in the corner.

In this five-meter kitchen, the refrigerator was placed in a niche at the entrance.

A bright red refrigerator is the main element of the interior. Nothing should distract attention from the accent item.

Below is an example of a kitchen design in black and white. A minimum of decorations, no curtains on the windows, a dining area located outside the room - everything serves the purpose of maximizing the optimization of the work space.

Initially, Khrushchev-era buildings were intended as temporary housing, but due to insufficient volume and pace of construction, they remained standing to this day. To modern man designers came to the rescue and developed many ways to create comfortable conditions and placement of all necessary household appliances in the kitchen 5 sq. m.

Project with a countertop-window sill and dishwasher -

Eclecticism is a current trend, but to realize the idea to an ordinary person not easy. Brickwork brown, red color rarely wins in a small area. More often, preference is given to gray or white.

Everyone is used to it being an integral part kitchen set is the mezzanine. In the photo below you can see that functionality and practicality are achievable in another way.

The combination of blue and white is a good option if you dilute the interior with accessories warm shades, which will add a little coziness to the interior.

An example of the competent organization of kitchen space with a sink by the window, which almost every housewife dreams of:

14 ways to optimize space

Method 1: Combination with the living room

Despite the increased cost of repairs in this case, the idea is worth the money spent. The kitchen and recreation area in a single space correspond to modern fashion trends in the world of design in 2019.

Those wishing to carry out redevelopment must remember that their intentions must be agreed with the BTI and obtained special permission.

To make the proximity of the working area to the guest area as comfortable as possible, you need to take care of a powerful hood to retain food odors.

The loft style is most suitable for a combined kitchen and living room. Initially, this design implied single space these premises.

When combining these two rooms, remember that the design of the new room should be in the same style.

Method 2: Septum transfer

In this case, the financial costs will be greater than when combined with a living room. But changes to the layout will still require permission.

But neither the smell of food nor extraneous noise will disturb those relaxing in the living room, while the kitchen will be equipped with a full-fledged dining area, which will accommodate all members big family.

Expanding the area is possible not only through the living room, but also through the corridor or bathroom.

The chance of getting permission to work using a bathroom is higher if the apartment is on the ground floor.

Method 3: Combination with a loggia

If the kitchen has access to a loggia (not to be confused with a balcony), then you can use these additional square meters. There are two ways to do this.

  • Postpone dining area onto the loggia without demolishing the wall, having previously completed insulation.

The beautiful view from the window only contributes to the implementation of this idea. A dining area in the form of a window-sill table with high chairs will be comfortable here.

  • Transfer of the work area with partial or complete destruction of the partition. This method is more troublesome, because... will require the same permission.

You can move the entire food preparation area or just a bulky refrigerator with additional cabinets for storing kitchen utensils to the loggia.

Method 4: Selecting the right headset

Basic layout kitchen furniture- headset - depends on the shape of the room itself.

The direct option is suitable for narrow rooms. Corner - for square ones.

When combining areas or moving the dining area to the living room or loggia, you can install a U-shaped or double-row set. This good decision for a large family, where you need to fit a maximum of household appliances and kitchen utensils in one room.

The headset may be smaller standard sizes(less than 600 mm in depth).

Mostly such furniture is made to order.

Installing narrow but tall cabinets that span the entire wall will help solve the problem of placing dishes.

Convenient retractable mechanisms and smart systems storage will add functionality and practicality.

Method 5: Unconventional refrigerator placement

When purchasing, take a closer look at non-traditional narrow, but tall or horizontal refrigerators.

You can also put it in a niche in the wall or under a specially prepared place under the headset.

A refrigerator built-in or hidden behind the facades will seem to be one with other furniture and will create a harmonious and practical environment at the same time.

For a small family, you can purchase a small and compact one and place it under the countertop.

Method 6: Multifunctional and compact equipment

In a small kitchen with a non-standard, shallow set, you can install a narrow gas or electric stove. In the store you can find options with a width of 45 cm.

A gas or electric hob takes up minimal space. The oven can be purchased separately and built into the furniture.

On the lower tier behind the facades you can hide a washing or dishwasher.

The more functions the equipment performs, the better. For example, food processor It can be a meat grinder, a blender, and a juicer at the same time.

Method 7: Proper organization of the dining area

  • Installing a countertop instead of a window sill will save space.

  • The bar counter is a good option for a dining area for a family of 2 people.

  • A folding table will be a good solution for a small kitchen.

  • A round table will free up space due to the lack of corners.

  • Transparent, invisible chairs or light stools will be a good alternative to bulky chairs with a massive back.

Method 8: Subdued colors

Light shades make the room feel more open. Pastel colors are actively used in modern styles- Scandinavian, minimalism, hi-tech, etc.

White kitchen - modern trend, Very . To make the interior in this color scheme more comfortable, dilute the palette with bright accessories.

A set and walls in the same color is a good option if light shades. Bright and contrasting furniture is appropriate only against a neutral, restrained background.

Wallpaper, curtains and furniture in gray-blue tones.

Do not use more than 3 shades in the interior.

Method 9: Perspective Wallpaper

Photo wallpaper or regular wallpaper with perspective will help create a feeling of open space.

Khrushchev buildings have low ceilings. A vertically oriented pattern will help to lift them. Horizontal stripes are an option for narrow kitchens.

Large and 3D-effect designs are contraindicated in kitchens with a small area.

Method 10: Direction of the pattern in the floor finishing

Depending on the shape of the room, the direction of laying parquet, laminate or linoleum is selected.

For square and rectangular room A diagonal direction will do. IN narrow kitchen You can use the direction to visually stretch the room.

An unobtrusive small pattern on the tiles would also be appropriate.

Method 11: Using mirror and glossy surfaces

Glossy facades combined with the laconic design of the entire set will reflect light and visually expand the space.

You can use glass in finishing aprons. For example, in the form of a mosaic or skinned.

A large mirror on one of the walls will become original ideas to create an endless kitchen. But you need to take care of safety if there are small children in the house. You can order unbreakable mirrors or mirrors with a special coating. They will not crumble into fragments upon impact.

Method 12: Replacing regular doors

Instead of swing door, which takes up a lot of space in the open position, you can use a sliding or folding door.

Area 5.7 sq. with refrigerator and dishwasher.

Another one good idea- remove the door altogether and make an arched opening instead.

Method 13: Create multiple artificial light sources

One light source - a chandelier - will not cover the entire area of ​​the room and will create unnecessary shadows. Several small lamps with a laconic design will help distribute the flow of light in the right direction.

Method 14: Using light short curtains or replacing them with roller blinds

Weightless curtains made of light fabric to match the main design will look good in classic style or country music.

Blinds will successfully fit into the interior of a kitchen in the style of minimalism, hi-tech, and modern.

Roller blinds and Roman blinds look stylish and easy.

Some minimalist interiors can do without this piece of furniture altogether.

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Owners of a small kitchen with an area of ​​5.5 square meters. M. with a refrigerator (for example, as in the photo below) are asking a fair question - how to make the design of a tiny room functional and beautiful? Indeed, it is quite difficult to place all the necessary kitchen items and attributes, including a refrigerator, in a limited space. However, the functionality of the room largely depends on the selection and arrangement of furniture, decoration, lighting and textiles. In our article we will share effective advice on the arrangement of a small-sized “Khrushchev” kitchen with a photo selection of real interiors.

Rules and secrets of arrangement

For residents of Khrushchev apartments, the problem of organizing space in the kitchen is the most important, because the kitchen is the smallest room in the apartment. For people without experience and special knowledge in design, arrangement of a room in 5.5 square meters can be a real challenge. However, organizing space can be quite effective even at such limited area thanks to the following recommendations:

  1. Often in such small kitchen very difficult to place dinner table. If one person or a couple without children lives in the apartment, a place for eating can be arranged on the windowsill, converted into a bar counter. For a family with one child or children, it is better to move the dining table outside the kitchen, since all family members will be crammed together in the kitchen.
  2. It is worth making the most of the vertical space: hanging cabinets and shelves under the ceiling will allow you to store things that are needed more rarely. The space under the sink and window sill can also be used for storing things.
  3. The inside of cabinet doors can also be used by placing hooks on it for wounding kitchen broth and appliances.
  4. To avoid cluttering the kitchen, you should limit the use of textiles. Heavy, voluminous curtains, tablecloths and other fabric elements will significantly weigh down the space and hide an already small area. If the floor is high, instead of curtains you can hang laconic tulle on half the window, blinds or Roman blinds. It is better to abandon the tablecloth in favor of a glass, transparent tabletop.
  5. Installing a high-quality hood will allow you to abandon a heavy kitchen door in favor of a thin sliding or folding one. This technique will allow you to get a few more centimeters of space.
  6. The use of transforming items will also allow you to quickly and efficiently change space. For example, folding tabletops and chairs, cover work surface. If necessary, they can be quickly folded and free up space in the room.
  7. In a small kitchen area It is very important not to leave the corners empty, as this can “eat up” a significant part of the space. To fill the corners, you can use a corner sofa, a refrigerator, a set (there can be a sink in the corner).

Rational arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen: folding table, tall cabinets, functional space near the windowsill.

Layout options

Unlike other rooms in the apartment, after renovation in the kitchen, the location of the stove and sink will most likely remain the same, due to the stationary location of communications. Therefore, you need to think through the interior design based on the existing arrangement of pipes, the shape of the kitchen, and the position of the window. Below are examples of kitchen designs with different options layouts.

    1. L-shaped. This option The layout of the kitchen unit is the most convenient and common in small kitchens. The L-shaped layout allows you to use two nearby walls and the corner between them. Suitable for both square kitchens, and for elongated rooms.

Set L-shaped layout in the kitchen without a refrigerator.

    1. U-shaped. With this model, the headset uses three walls. The options are convenient for families without children, since on one side of the headset you can arrange a small lunch place for two. The refrigerator can be placed near the door or against one of the walls, making it shorter.

U-shaped set with a sink at the base.

    1. Parallel (in two rows). Furniture and appliances are located on opposite walls. Such an organization allows you to create a convenient work triangle, but there may not be room for a dining area.

In the case of parallel and U-shaped layout headset, the passage between the sides must be at least 1.2 m.

The two-row headset is convenient for more spacious kitchens elongated shape.

  1. No refrigerator. This device takes up the most space in the kitchen, so many people decide to move it to the hallway, to the balcony or to another room. From a convenience point of view, this may not be the most optimal solution, but such a maneuver allows you to create a dining space in the kitchen for all family members.

Arrangement of functional areas

The functionality and convenience of the kitchen are determined by the design of the work areas. To design a kitchen with an area of ​​5.5 square meters. m with a refrigerator was not only beautiful, but also truly functional, pay attention to the rules and photos of the design.

Working space

The comfort of staying in the kitchen and cooking will largely depend on how conveniently the work triangle is arranged (the space between the sink, refrigerator and stove). Therefore, when organizing your work area, follow these tips:

Variants of the location of the working triangle.

  • Instead of a 4-burner stove, it is better to choose an alternative with two.
  • It is also better to choose a narrow sink. To increase its functionality, you can purchase a wide cutting board, while working, put it on the sink, and then hide it in the closet.
  • The width of the countertop between the stove and the sink should be at least 80 cm for comfortable work.

To save space, some experts advise replacing the vertical refrigerator with a horizontal model in order to use the lid as a countertop. Such a decision is not always justified, because there are many vertical space remains empty, which is unacceptable in a small kitchen.

The refrigerator should be narrow, tall and spacious. Regarding kitchen appliances, the multifunctionality of appliances is welcome: for example, if the oven combines the function of a microwave, and the multicooker combines the functions of a yogurt maker and a bread maker.

One-wall set: use of a narrow, tall refrigerator, a 2-burner stove and a compact work surface.


The apron is the part of the wall between the wall cabinet, countertop, near the sink and stove. This part of the workspace must be moisture-resistant, easy to clean (easy to clean from grease and splashes), and withstand elevated temperatures. That is why the most practical and common material for finishing an apron is ceramic tiles.

The tile itself is very easy to clean, but the seams at the joints have a porous structure, so they will absorb dirt and be difficult to clean. To solve this problem, you can choose larger tiles and cover the seams with a special protective varnish.

Among other things, the apron must be aesthetically pleasing. You can make an accent on this part of the kitchen by highlighting it with bright colors, ornaments or patterns, and lighting.

Splashback made of small gray ceramic tiles.

Lighting Features

With the wrong lighting (lack of it), a small kitchen will turn into a closet, so the light needs to be arranged correctly.

Main nuances:

    • It is not recommended to cover the window sill with objects that will hinder the passage daylight. For example, the location of a microwave oven on it, but on top of a toaster or kettle there will be no the best solution. To protect from the bright sun, it is better to use light blinds, tulle up to half the window, or Roman blinds.
    • Artificial lighting should be distributed throughout the room as evenly as possible. To do this, it is worth installing spotlights along the perimeter of the ceiling, also illuminating the work surface and installing small pendant lamps above the eating area (if it is within the kitchen). The more lighting elements there are, the less power each should have!

Installed on the ceiling spotlights, the dining area is illuminated hanging chandeliers, A natural light appears unimpeded through the window.

  • It is important to maintain multi-level and dispersal. The previous example shows that lighting are located on three levels: the ceiling, above the head and below human height.
  • Simplicity and conciseness of forms.

For a small kitchen, you cannot choose voluminous, oversized chandeliers of complex shape. Firstly, they will overload the space, and secondly, the kitchen is a place of increased pollution, so it will be very difficult to wash decorative lamps.

The work area is emphasized using lighting.

Finishing rules

Finishing materials need to be selected for the ceiling, floor and walls. Regarding the ceiling, a universal solution would be a single-level plasterboard construction or suspended ceiling. Plasterboard ceiling You can additionally paint or putty.

It is not advisable to use complex two-level and combined ceilings, since the area is too small for zoning, and there is a risk of making it overloaded with details.

Laconic light plasterboard construction for finishing the ceiling.

For floor finishing, the choice of materials is huge: porcelain stoneware, tiles, linoleum.

Decorating the floor with tiles or linoleum with an imitation of a wooden board.

Tiles laid diagonally can visually expand the space. The same goes for linoleum with imitation wood and a herringbone pattern.

The walls can be decorated with washable wallpaper. It is advisable to choose plain colors or wallpaper with a discreet, small pattern. Large drawings and ornaments will bring disharmony to the small space.

Great idea To expand the space, use glossy, mirror and shiny materials for wall decoration. For example, the apron area can be made of glass or hog tiles.

Tile "hog" white for finishing the apron.


Small kitchen of 5 sq. m will not allow you to implement bold design projects and solutions, but it can be made cozy, comfortable and pleasant to stay. Since the decoration should be simple, concise and functional, the following styles correspond to it: minimalism, modernism and hi-tech.

    • Minimalism. The name of the style itself suggests that only functional items should be used in kitchen design, and unnecessary decor should be abandoned. Minimalism welcomes monochrome, the use of metal and glass, simplicity and laconicism of forms.

Decorating a small kitchen in a minimalist style.

    • Modern. The style also does not allow for excessive pretentiousness and overload, but functionality, compactness and neatness are welcome. To decorate a kitchen in this style, use a minimum of decor, natural colors, and modern finishing materials.

Functional room in Art Nouveau style.

  • High tech. This is the style high technology, modern materials and forms. Hi-tech is ideal for a small room, because it allows you to make it ergonomic, neat and functional. Acceptable colors: all shades of white, gray, metallic. Geometric, strict lines are welcome, smooth surfaces, lack of decor.

High-tech modern kitchen.

We are sure that thanks to our selection of photos with kitchen interior designs for 5.5 sq. m (with or without refrigerator) you have found enough interesting ideas and inspiration for decorating your room!

Video: ideas for arranging a small kitchen.

In Khrushchev-era apartments, a very small area is allocated for the kitchen: about 5 square meters. m. It’s hard to believe that such a small kitchen can have a beautiful and functional design. However modern technologies and some design moves allow this to be done. It is about interior design that small room and we will talk today.

Ways to increase kitchen space

Ideally, if you are the “lucky” owner of a small kitchen of 5 sq. m, then it is best to move the dining area to another room. But often apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings are so small that this is impossible. Therefore, we will have to expand and save space by everyone accessible ways. For example, the following.

  • When arranging a small kitchen of 5 sq. m, you can use the neighboring room. This could be a loggia, a corridor or a living room. If this is not possible, you can simply widen the doorway and turn it into a beautiful arch. If you are going to undertake such a global renovation that will affect main wall, then it is necessary to coordinate these actions with the relevant authorities.

  • You can make a small kitchen of 5 sq. m as light as possible, using glossy or mirror surfaces in the interior design.
  • You should try to avoid unnecessary things in the interior. bright colors and large drawings.
  • You should use the most compact and ergonomic furniture and household appliances in the interior.

Design Features

First of all, the number of unnecessary little things and accessories in such a small room should be kept to a minimum. All things located here must be necessary. Try to use every centimeter, including the window sill. It is best to make it wide and use it as a work surface or dining table. If during the renovation you have the opportunity to demolish the wall between the kitchen and the loggia, then there is no need to demolish the window sill, since it can replace the bar counter.

Also, when designing the interior of a small kitchen of 5 sq. We need to make maximum use of the vertical. It is wiser to make the lower sections of the kitchen set shallow (about 40 cm), and use top part kitchens. The upper sections can be made up to the ceiling.

Modern technologies offer many possibilities for arranging small kitchens of 5 square meters. m. You can use ergonomic fittings, retractable cabinets and tables, special carousels inside corner cabinets and much more.

You also need to choose narrow household appliances, for example, a narrow and tall refrigerator and a compact dishwasher. There are also small models kitchen stoves. A great idea would be to purchase a transforming table that folds and removes when necessary, freeing up space.

As for the design style, it is better to avoid areas where there is an abundance of decorative details. The following styles are best suited for a small kitchen:

  • minimalism;
  • modern;
  • high tech;
  • country;
  • classical.


It may seem that creating lighting in the design of a small kitchen of 5 sq. m - a simple matter. But that's not true. It is best if the lighting is multi-level: large central chandelier and perimeter lights that will illuminate the main work areas. Kitchen lighting 5 sq. m should be soft and warm; halogen lamps cope best with this task. Don't close the windows during the day thick curtains, let sunlight freely enters the room. The best option Light Roman blinds will be used for the kitchen interior.

Color combinations in a small kitchen

In the interior design of a small kitchen of 5 sq. I definitely need to use it bright hues. Dark colors will turn such a small room into a gloomy den. A good idea would be to use glossy paints. But don’t get carried away with bright contrasting colors. In such a small room they will hurt your eyes and get boring quickly. It is best to use warm pastel colors.

Small kitchen furniture

When designing the interior of a small kitchen of 5 sq. We need to use the corners as much as possible. The best option would be to install the kitchen unit in the letter “G”. It is best if the tabletop goes onto the wall with a window sill. In this case, the refrigerator is installed on the same wall as the kitchen unit. You can also place a corner model sink or stove in a corner.

When arranging a kitchen, it is possible to arrange the furniture in the letter “P”. In this case, in such a modest space you can easily accommodate all the necessary work surfaces. However, this method of arrangement requires one condition: the distance between the walls must be at least 1 m 20 cm.

The refrigerator is the most bulky item in the kitchen. You can free up valuable space by putting it away in a hallway or on warm balcony. This place can be occupied by a comfortable corner with a dining table or simply extend the tabletop.

The most simple option design will be the installation of kitchen units in one row. To increase the working area, you can purchase a compact hob from two burners, or remove the refrigerator from the kitchen.

If you don’t know what design to choose for a kitchen in Khrushchev, then you can look at the photos on the Internet. Naturally, 5 sq. m for a kitchen is very little. But if there are no other options, you need to approach the design of this room wisely. Then even in such a small area you will feel comfortable.

Many will be surprised, but 5 square meters is the standard area per person in Russian correctional institutions. And many of us live in such small apartments where the kitchen is the same size. It's hard to fit everything in such a small space, but there is no choice. In this article we will look at how to make competent and comfortable design of a small kitchen 5 sq.m with a refrigerator.

The main task is to make the most of all available space, organize storage, and take care of ergonomics, functionality and convenience. The main principles of organizing a kitchen are the presence of a storage, cooking, washing area, as well as a work area for cooking.

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Layout of a small kitchen 5 m2

Before you start planning your kitchen, figuratively imagine the space in the shape of a triangle of the work area - it should fit a refrigerator, stove and sink. If you haven't bought a refrigerator yet, use it to choose the best model.

It is convenient to draw a kitchen plan, and then “arrange” the interior items, taking into account their sizes:

You can use special programs for room planning -. Further options for the layout of household appliances and cabinets will depend on the length and width of your room.

Ergonomics of a small kitchen

At first glance, ergonomic problems simply cannot exist in a small kitchen - all objects will be located at a short distance due to the small area of ​​the room. But that's not true. A small kitchen can be designed to be awkward and impractical. So think about how you want to arrange your furniture. There are 4 ways:

  • Linear model- cabinets and household appliances are installed along the wall.
  • L-shaped model furniture arrangement.
  • U-shaped arrangement or "horseshoe".
  • Galley- when furniture is placed along opposite walls.

Typically, for a small kitchen of 5 m2, an L-shaped furniture arrangement model is chosen.

Of the minuses, we note that most often in this case the furniture has to be made to order, based on the size of the room. Such a kitchen will be more expensive than a regular linear one, which can be bought at any store like Leroy Merlin or IKEA. It is better to immediately order built-in household appliances, since separate ones will take up more space and may not fit into the interior. This will also cost a pretty penny. A dining table is unlikely to fit in such a kitchen, so it is better to use a folding table and folding chairs. You might consider installing a bar counter.

Read also:

From non-standard options- . This is significantly more expensive, plus there are problems with what is needed. We advise you to carefully weigh the pros and cons in this case.

Experts advise considering the following tips when planning the design of a small kitchen:

  • the best, but expensive option would be to order a kitchen individual project;
  • make the most of the room height - wall cabinets can be hung up to the ceiling;
  • use a folding table and folding chairs;
  • You can visually expand the space using glass, metal and mirrors;
  • choose small-sized household appliances, ideally built-in ones.
  • instead of a regular door, you can install a sliding door or abandon it altogether;
  • use the window sill effectively;
  • do not buy a stove with 4 burners, most often two are enough;
  • use - roof rails, drawers, multi-tiered structures, etc.

Design of a small kitchen 5 m2 - step-by-step plan

  1. Measure your kitchen (length, width, height, door and window openings) and write down the dimensions.
  2. Draw a kitchen plan on a piece of paper or in any of the construction kits;
  3. Write down the dimensions of the selected furniture and household appliances, try to “arrange” them on the plan;
  4. Decide on color scheme, taking into account that the interior of the kitchen should generally be combined with the interior of the entire apartment. Remember that dark and matte colors visually reduce space.
  5. Think in advance about how the windows and door will look and how the window sill can be used.
  6. Before starting repairs, finally decide on the location of household appliances - the location of sockets and electrical wiring will depend on this.
  7. Consider the location of the sink - it must be connected to sewerage and water supply, otherwise you will have to carry out plumbing work.
  8. Go over this plan again so that no points contradict each other.

For any housewife, the kitchen is one of the main places of stay. Small kitchens 5 sq.m can be turned into comfortable room, if you use corner sets with a refrigerator. The photo shows functional design projects that are suitable for such a layout.

Convenient layout for a small kitchen

If you approach the choice of kitchen from a practical point of view, then the most suitable option furniture is placed in a corner format. This gives you the opportunity to save money kitchen place for further cooking. The apartment may initially have a small space planned, while corner placement will become an indispensable organizer. Often this furniture is planned along the walls, with the most optimal placement being perpendicular.

According to the form of placement, corner small kitchenettes are divided into several types:

  • L-shaped. Placed along two perpendicular walls. At the same time, they are compact and versatile, which makes it possible to place such a set in small rooms and small families.
  • U-shaped. Such small kitchens are located along three interconnected walls, which is why they were named so. In their layout, they may include countertops intended not only for cooking, but also for eating. But such kitchens have a small disadvantage, since due to their placement they are quite bulky. This shape can even eat up a certain space, so a few extra meters are needed to arrange kitchen furniture in this way.
  • Circular. There are sets in the center of which the work area is located, while the countertops are located along the walls according to the previous two forms. In this case, there are dining rooms on one side, and cutting countertops on the other.

Corner kitchens - advantages in the interior

Corner small kitchens are common due to their compactness. When ordering a kitchen set, it is possible to arrange the countertops in any layout. Which makes their operation much easier, thanks to the possibility of being located indoors non-standard shape, while the functionality of drawers and cabinets does not suffer.

Another feature of this placement kitchen countertops is their ergonomics. The planned arrangement of all necessary countertops and compartments saves space, and excellent appearance delights even the most demanding housewives.

This option will be especially suitable when non-standard layout kitchens, excluding the presence of unnecessary shelves and cabinets.

Corner small kitchens really have a lot of priorities:

  • A corner kitchen fits in a smaller space, unlike linear layout kitchen countertops.
  • All space is used for work area, while cooking and eating occur in opposite directions.
  • The sink is installed in a corner, which allows you to hide it and not spoil the overall design solution.
  • Despite their compactness, such kitchens look presentable and impressive.
  • The proximity of household appliances and countertops makes the cooking process less tiring.

A significant advantage of this interior is the position of the refrigerator. He might become integral part furniture set and sit comfortably along the wall.

Design of a small corner kitchen with a refrigerator

To design the interior design of corner kitchen furniture, it is better to combine colors and textures, according to the stylistic decision. So dark colors furniture set is not suitable for small kitchens.

The choice of beige and milky tones will be optimal for a small room; due to these colors there will be an increase in kitchen space. The Art Nouveau style is favorably emphasized by red, blue and green tones. For classic options, natural wood will be the best texture.

When choosing a stylistic solution for the kitchen, you must remember that a pattern placed horizontally stretches, and vertically lengthens. Even the presence of small outlines can lead to such a visual effect.

When choosing monochromatic sets, it is better to dilute the kitchen set with bright attributes and non-standard design solutions.

Lighting plays a big role when planning a kitchen space. There cannot be one lamp in the food preparation room; this light will simply not be enough for cutting small parts of dishes and for decorating food products.

The presence of a working light will be another advantage corner kitchen. The location of the kitchen unit opposite the window allows you to prepare dishes in natural light.
In the kitchen, shelves can be located both at the bottom and at the top. Thus, the space savings are doubled.

An excellent solution would be to place a bar counter, which does not take up much space and at the same time eliminates the need to purchase a huge dining table. A small corner kitchen with a bar counter located inside will become the best option for small spaces.

Choosing the style of corner kitchens is enough controversial issue, and if there are no special desires, then it is better to give your preference classic options. Since such the interior will suit under design solutions any apartment.

Do not forget that the furniture in the kitchen should be combined with the type of the entire apartment. In the photo, small-sized corner kitchens of 5 sq.m with a refrigerator are created in a single concept with a general design.

Regardless of the housewife’s preferences, small corner kitchens have proven themselves to be a functional attribute. This the only option not only compact in layout, but also a financially profitable investment.

When creating a small corner kitchen, it is better to use a system of smart doors, and they can slide out or slide out. This trick will help save time and kitchen space.

Very often women spend in this room the largest part time to please loved ones delicious dishes. A comfortable stay in the kitchen not only for the housewife, but also for all residents of the house is the key to family well-being.