home · Installation · Homemade bird repeller from plastic bottles. How to make a dog repeller with your own hands: a few simple options. What should be the structures

Homemade bird repeller from plastic bottles. How to make a dog repeller with your own hands: a few simple options. What should be the structures

Do-it-yourself bird repeller for a summer residence or garden

How to make a bird repeller from a plastic bottle

Making a simple bird repeller with your own hands is very easy. To do this, you will need one small plastic bottle, or several if you want to protect the whole area from birds. These repellers are very similar to mole repellers, if they are planted on pegs, but they work on a slightly different principle, although they can also drive away moles.

Diagram of an ultrasonic bird repeller

Scheme of a bird repeller from a bottle

Something like a spinner is made from a plastic bottle, on the blades of which shiny foil is glued for an additional intimidating effect. Such a turntable can not only be installed on the ground, but also hung on tree branches so that birds do not peck berries from bushes or fruits from fruit trees. Under the influence of the wind, it will rotate and scare away uninvited feathered guests.

For more information on how to make a bird repeller with your own hands, watch the video from the program “While everyone is at home”.

Video how to make a bottle repeller

Electronic circuit of the bird repeller

Diagram of an ultrasonic bird repeller

Assembling a real ultrasonic bird repeller according to the scheme is a rather laborious task. Yes, and it is better to scare birds away from the garden with bioacoustics, that is, the voices of birds of prey, but this is also expensive. We need to get voices, place speakers in the territory that would shout out these voices at random. There is an easier way.

Birds not only recognize danger by sounds, but also visually. Some predators, such as the steppe harrier from the order of hawks, are not averse to hunting smaller birds. The Steppe Harrier has large yellow eyes with black pupils and gray plumage. His dummy will frighten the birds who want to feast on your harvest, bird cherry, mountain ash or shadberry.

You need to make a stuffed animal from two rounded pieces of foam, glue big bright eyes on it, attach wings, as in the diagram, and hang it on a high pole above fruit trees and bushes. It will sway in the wind and soar, and no one will touch your berries.

If sparrows spoil strawberries, then along the beds you need to pull a magnetic tape from an old tape recorder, it will buzz in the wind and also scare the thieving birds.

Thus, it is not difficult to assemble a bird repeller with your own hands, it is done from improvised means, polystyrene foam, plastic bottles and multi-colored paper and foil.

CD Bird Repeller

All this has an effect on small areas in private gardens and orchards. On spaces of several hectares, it is better to use bioacoustic installations, thunder guns and other bird repellers.


Published: 2013-06-13

Mod.: 2017-09-13

  • 31800 rub.

    A device with an effective area of ​​up to 0.6 ha with the ability to work both from a 220 V network through an adapter, and from a 12 V battery, so the device is installed both permanently and on the roof of a car. Has one speaker.

  • 1850 rub.

    The Weitech WK-0020 bird repeller is effective against: pigeons, starlings, gulls, crows, magpies, and other small birds. It produces specific sounds in the ultrasonic range that are unpleasant to birds, but are inaudible to the human ear and most pets, including dogs and cats.

  • 1850 rub.

    ultrasonic repeller GX-033 will help to cope with rodents, birds, various animals. For home, production. Runs on batteries. Equipped with bright light flash and motion sensor. Power supply: four C batteries. Impact radius: 4.5 meters.

  • 3600 rub.

    Bird Repeller LS-987BF is an ultrasonic bird repellent device for repelling birds from the roofs of buildings, from parking lots, etc. The infrared motion sensor built into the device is triggered when birds appear at a distance of up to 12 m and a viewing angle of 70 °, this is approximately 85 square meters. m.

  • 4500 rub.

    Universal device for repelling mice, stray animals and dogs, birds. It has a built-in motion detector at a distance of 7-10 meters. For more effective scaring, the device is equipped with bright LEDs and a siren.

  • 3840 rub.

    The bioacoustic bird repeller LS-2001 imitates the calls of birds of prey. Designed to scare away sparrows, thrushes, pigeons, crows, starlings, and other small birds. LS-2001 has two operating modes: Auto - bird calls are played constantly with a variable interval; PIR - playback is enabled only when triggered infrared sensor. Power supply: network 220V. IR sensor range: 15 m Viewing angle: 130 degrees

  • 320000 rub.

    The bird repeller, which can be assembled by hand, is very efficient and safe method scaring away birds. This is the microprocessor version of the starling repeller. Since the power of the emitted sound is more than 100 dB, this device will successfully scare away not only birds, but also small rodents from the garden.

    Why do you need a bird repeller? Repelling birds in certain places sometimes becomes a necessity. First of all, with a massive invasion of starlings, which are capable of destroying the harvest of many months of labor of an amateur gardener.

    This repeller is a device that randomly emits a very loud, monophonic sound. Thanks to the light sensor, an audible signal will be emitted, regardless of the selected settings, only in daytime days, so the user can be sure that he will not cause inconvenience at night.

    Description of the work of the bird repeller

    The whole circuit can be powered by a 12V battery or a stabilized power supply also at 12V with a load current of about 1A. Diode VD1 connected in series with the power supply protects the circuit from the wrong polarity of the input voltage. Capacitors are designed to filter the supply voltage.

    The input voltage is applied to terminals X1 and fed to the stabilizer DA1. To reduce power consumption, an LDO (Low-DropOut) stabilizer was used - a stabilizer with a small voltage drop.

    The device is controlled by the DD1 ATtiny25 microcontroller, which is clocked by an internal clock signal. , consisting of resistors R1 and R2, connected to the PB3 port of the microcontroller, allows you to measure the current voltage on the batteries without the risk of damaging the controller.

    In order for the whole circuit to work economically and only during the day, a PHL photoresistor is used, which, together with the resistor R3, creates another resistive divider. The changing signal level, depending on the lighting, is fed to the PB4 port of the microcontroller.

    To simplify Maintenance, only one adjusting element is used in the repeller. This is PR1, with which the frequency of the siren activation is set. The regulation time ranges from 5 to 30 minutes.

    In order to generate sounds randomly, the program is written to recalculate the value of the potentiometer along with the value of the signal from the photoresistor. The structure of the program also takes into account the number and duration of the siren in the allotted time. It can be from 3 to 8 signals lasting from 2 to 5 seconds.

    The following figure shows the LED flashing options, which indicate the various states of the device.

    When the battery is low - three short flashes every few seconds. From dusk to dawn, the HL1 LED is off to minimize power consumption.

    During the day, every few seconds, the LED flashes to indicate correct work repeller. When the circuit is activated, the LED will first turn on, and after two seconds, a sound will be heard.

    With the onset of summer, the owners summer cottages, gardens with hope approach the beds, berry bushes, fruit trees, evaluating the future harvest. The children are looking forward to when the first berry ripens with their grandmother. When the side of a strawberry or cherry is almost blushing, the bird deftly picks up the berry, eating the prey on the go.

    It will not be possible to take back the stolen goods. You need to think about pest protection in advance, before the onset of the berry season. To delicious treat did not fly away with starlings and thrushes, you need to know how to make a bird repeller with your own hands from plastic bottles.

    The device is universal, inexpensive, humane. Let the advice help those who have grown the harvest to enjoy the berries. And the birds will live. After harvesting, they will fly back to the gardens to feed on harmful insects.

    From childhood, we are taught that birds are the protectors of gardens. They destroy harmful bark beetles, leaf-eating caterpillars, aphids and other insects that damage vegetables, fruits, and trees. However, for some reason, no one remembers that useful birds turn out to be dangerous pests, destroying the grown crop, if a bird repeller from a plastic bottle is not installed in the garden.

    And this is not the only harmful deed committed by birds:

    • Nimble gray sparrows quickly notice when fresh lawns are sown. They instantly come to the site as a friendly family and quickly peck the seeds.
    • Young, immature lawns are harmed by flocks of birds trampling on the grass.
    • feast on seeds vegetable crops love jackdaws. They dig up freshly dug beds and look for prey.
    • Crows, starlings, pigeons are not at all afraid of the proximity of a person. If the opportunity arises, they are not averse to flying onto the balcony, into the gazebo in the country, stealing something edible or shitting on the table, other garden furniture.
    • Sometimes birds like to land on film greenhouses for rest. Flying up, they tear the film with their claws.

    We make a bird repeller from a plastic bottle with our own hands

    For many years, home-made stuffed animals have been used in vegetable gardens to scare away birds, shiny discs are hung, and magnetic tape from cassettes is stretched.

    Modern "kulibins" figured out how to make a bird repeller out of a plastic bottle.

    The most simple and good example was demonstrated by the hosts of the program "So far, everyone is at home." Timur Kizyakov and his engineer friend Andrei Bakhmetyev made a device in a matter of minutes that conquered the world and saved crops. Their experience is worth studying.

    Sequence of steps

    Before you learn how to make a bird repeller out of a bottle, you need to prepare materials and tools.

    For work you will need:

    • plastic bottle;
    • pieces of foil;
    • scotch;
    • knife-cutter;
    • small puck;
    • glue or liquid nails;
    • felt-tip pen;
    • a piece of thick wire;
    • stick holder.

    We begin to assemble a bird repeller with our own hands from plastic bottles according to the instructions:

    1. Drill a hole in the lid and bottom, placing them opposite each other. The diameter must be such that the prepared wire or electrode passes freely.
    2. Make markings for future blades with a felt-tip pen. Divide the surface vertically into four parts, draw straight lines. Add two horizontal lines to each vertical line to make four C's.
    3. Make cuts along the marked strips with a knife. It turned out 4 doors-blades that open outward.
    4. Glue a washer onto the wire at a distance of 1 cm from the end.
    5. Place the wire in the bottle, directing it into the hole made in the bottom. The bottle is held on the washer, it spins, it does not fall down.
    6. Screw on the lid by passing the second end of the wire through the hole.
    7. To intimidate birds, you can stick pieces of shiny foil on the blades.
    8. If the length of the wire is at least 1 m, then the repeller can be mounted on it. If the house was not found long steel wire, it is recommended to attach the finished product to the stick.

    It's time to take the device to the garden, check in practice. Even a small breeze will twist it, which means the task is completed.

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    Do-it-yourself bird repeller from plastic liter or one and a half liter bottles is the simplest tool that helps to save the crop, drive out uninvited guests from the site.

    It is set for the time when protection is required. In autumn, rooks, sparrows, tits and doves will return to the gardens, they will sing songs and destroy real pests.

    Moles are one of the main threats among underground rodent pests to horticultural activities. Rodents are mainly fought with mechanical and by chemical means. But in Lately appeared electronic devices, allowing to fight rodents in more humane ways, driving away moles and other rodents from garden plots with radiated disturbing sounds.

    There are many types of electronic devices on the market, but they are expensive and do not always live up to expectations. Verify the effectiveness of the purchased electronic device to scare away moles is possible only after its trial operation.

    The proposed version of the electronic device for scaring away moles is assembled according to the original wiring diagram, tested in operation for two years and showed high efficiency work. In the circuit, unlike industrial designs, the possibility of changing the frequency of the emitted signal is easily implemented, which eliminates the addiction of moles to the emitted sound.


    The device for repelling moles is made from improvised materials, consumes little electricity and does not require any adjustment tools during manufacture. A metal can of cat food served as a housing for placing the electronic filling of the repeller.

    In the photo of the bank, which contains the scheme of the mole repeller, which worked for two country season half buried in the ground.

    Electrical diagram and principle of operation

    The rodent (mole) repeller is assembled according to the electrical circuit diagram and consists of only two simple logic circuits, a transistor and a few passive elements placed on a printed circuit board. Distinctive feature The proposed scheme is a low power consumption (a set of three finger-type AA cells with a capacity of 1 A * h is enough for the whole season), which is due to the emission of a sound signal with a frequency of about 480 Hz for two seconds with a frequency of once every 32 seconds. This mode of operation of the repeller, in addition, has a more effective effect on moles and increases the time the rodents get used to the sound.

    Structurally, the circuit consists of a clock generator assembled on the elements DD1.1 and DD1.2 generating a frequency of about 480 Hz, a frequency divider on the DD2 chip, a logical signal adder on DD1.3, a key transistor VT1 and a sound emitter BA1.

    The frequency of the clock generator of the rodent repeller is determined by the values ​​​​of the resistance R1 and capacitor C1. By decreasing or increasing the value of R1 or C1, you can respectively increase or decrease the frequency of the emitted sound signal.

    From generator sound signal rectangular shape without changing the frequency, through the logic element DD1.3 and the current-limiting resistor R4, it is fed to the transistor VT1, which is turned on in the key mode. In silence mode, a voltage close to zero is applied to the base of the transistor and the transistor is closed. In this mode, the current consumption of the rodent repeller is 0.1 mA. In the sound signal emission mode, the current increases to 22 mA. A simple calculation shows that when using batteries with a capacity of 1 Ah, the mole repeller will work 9000 hours or 375 days.

    From the clock generator, the signal also goes to the counting input (pin 10) of the frequency divider DD2. On the positive edge of the signal at pin 9 of the counter, the logical zero is replaced by a logical one. In order to ensure the emission of an audio signal with a period of 32 seconds, a logical unit is supplied from pins 15, 1, 2 and 3 through diodes to pin 12 of the logic element DD1.3, locking it. As soon as a logical zero appears on pins 15, 1, 2 and 3 of DD2, DD1.3 will pass the signal from the clock generator to the base of the transistor VT1 and BA1 will begin to emit sound.

    The chain of C2 and R2 serves to set the output voltages of the DD2 chip to zero. When the supply voltage is applied to the circuit, the capacitor C2 begins to charge and a supply voltage appears at its lower output, which is applied to the R microcircuit output. When the charging process is over, the voltage at its lower output will drop to zero and will no longer affect the operation of the DD2 chip. Resistor R3 is a load resistor for diodes VD1-VD4, so that there is where to flow the current and to avoid interference in the absence of voltage at pin 12 of the DD1.3 microcircuit. C3 is used to suppress interference that occurs when transient processes in microchips.

    Design and device

    He came up with the design, made and tested in practice the effectiveness of four devices for scaring away moles, my friend, who is more of a fan of growing vegetables on own site Ivanov Gennady Vasilievich The design is very simple to manufacture and practically does not require financial costs. Gennady Vasilyevich kindly provided me with one of the devices for scaring away moles for the preparation of this article.

    The case for the mole repeller device was a metal can from dry cat food, in which all the details are placed. The jar is hermetically sealed with a plastic lid and water from rain and when watering the garden is excluded. For the manufacture of a mole repeller, any metal hermetically sealed jar is suitable right size, for example from coffee.

    As an emitter of sound waves in the repeller, a telephone primer TK-67-NT is used, which is widely used in handsets of stationary telephones. This is a simple and reliable emitter and can be taken from any old phone. The capsule emits sound well in the frequency range from 300 to 3400 Hz, which is exactly what you need, it has a full electrical resistance at a frequency of 1000 Hz, 260±52 Ohm. And most importantly, the capsule made it possible to easily solve the problem of sealing the case and at the same time increase the efficiency of the mole repeller many times over due to its original installation in the case.

    The lid is unscrewed from the capsule, the metal membrane is removed (in the photo on the left), and it is simply attached to the bottom of the can (in the photo on the right). To prevent the capsule from moving along the bottom of the can, at one point its body is fixed with a drop of silicone. You can come up with another way of fastening. The fact is that the capsule has a built-in permanent magnet, and the primer attached to the metal is magnetized and holds itself well. It is only necessary to limit its horizontal movement. With this fastening, the sound emitter is no longer the membrane, but the can itself. Due to the loose connection to the bottom of the can, the capsule vibrates during operation, and the sound emitted is very unpleasant, hoarse with large non-linear distortions. For a mole repeller, this sound turned out to be very suitable.

    at the bank with inside along the perimeter, at a height that provides placement of three batteries and a printed circuit board of the mole repeller, three corners are soldered with solder, and a round plate (second bottom) is installed on them from any material with a hole in the center for wires.

    Metal paper clips were taken as the material for the corners, but the corners can be made from any material that is soldered with tin-lead solder, for example, copper wire, steel strip, etc. The length of the corners is selected based on the size of the flat partition - the second bottom, and its size is determined by the diameter of the neck of the can.

    On the second bottom there is a mole repeller switch to turn off the batteries when transporting the device or when not in use. But you can not install the switch, but connect the batteries using the connector.

    Since the operating conditions of the mole repeller are harsh, the temperature can range from zero to 50 ° C, and to simplify the design, the batteries are connected to the wires of the device and interconnected by soldering. To prevent a short circuit on the metal walls of the case, the batteries are wrapped with insulating tape.

    To prevent short circuiting of the tracks and elements of the printed circuit board, it is placed in a plastic bag, which is tied with a thread at the exit point of the wires.

    The batteries and the printed circuit board are placed on the second bottom of the case, it remains to close the lid and the mole repeller is ready for use as intended. It is enough to bury it in the ground to a depth that excludes water flows through the ground during rains and watering from the side of the cover, since it is still not completely airtight. It is enough to bury up to the level of half the jar. The indicator of the turned on state of the repeller in the circuit is not provided to exclude unreasonable expenditure of energy, since when the repeller makes a sound, it is audible even at a considerable distance from it.

    Printed circuit board

    Due to the lack of the possibility of manufacturing a printed circuit board of a mole repeller using chemical technology, it was used mechanical way removal of plots copper foil from foil fiberglass.

    The location of the radio components on the printed circuit board of the mole repeller is shown in the photo below.

    The appearance of the printed circuit board for photochemical manufacturing and the location of the radioelements is shown in the photo below.

    The board can be made of fiberglass laminated on one side with a thickness of 1.5 mm.

    The visitor of the site, who introduced himself as San Sanych, kindly provided his version of the printed circuit board of the rodent repeller, divorced in a graphic editor for wiring printed circuit boards Sprint-Layout 3.0R, for which many thanks to him.


    Instead of a BA1 telephone capsule of the TK-67-NT type, similar capsules of the TA-56M, TA-56, TON-2 or TG-7 types with a winding resistance of about 60 ohms can be used. Diodes, capacitors and resistors will fit any type.

    Diodes, capacitors and resistors will fit any type. Transistor any will do n-p-n, but better with minimal voltage drop between collector and emitter. In this case, the radiated power of the sound signal will be greater without increasing the current consumption of the mole repeller.

    Chip D1 type K561LE5 can be replaced by a foreign analogue CD4001A, and type K561IE16 chip CD4020B.

    Setting up a rodent repeller

    With the serviceability of all radio components and error-free installation, the mole repeller will work immediately. If desired, you can change the time parameters of the emitted sound signal. The frequency will increase with decreasing resistor R1 or capacitor C1. If there is a desire to change the frequency during the operation of the mole repeller, then the resistor R1 can be replaced by two series-connected, constant and trimming resistors with a nominal value of 75 kOhm. When changing the frequency of the clock generator, it is necessary that it remains in the range from 300 to 900 Hz, since it is these sound frequencies that most effectively drive away rodents.

    When changing the frequency of the generator, it must be taken into account that the repetition period of the sound signals will also change proportionally. For example, if the frequency is set twice as low - 250 Hz, then the time between sound signals and the duration of the signal will also become twice as long, 64 seconds and 4 seconds, respectively. So there is room for experimentation here. If desired, you can restore the previous time parameters by switching the anode of the diode from 3 outputs of DD2 to 14.

    The duration of the sound signal and the period of its repetition can be easily changed. If you remove the diode from pin 15 of DD2, then the duration of the beep will be 4 seconds without changing the repetition period of 32 seconds, and if you add an additional diode from pin 14 of DD2 to pin 12 of DD1.3, then the sound will be 1 second long.

    Wildlife lovers who do not want to destroy ecosystems also suffer from underground diggers -. But what if you do not want to kill the animal, but there is no time to evict the "guest" for the 101st kilometer? You can try to scare away moles from your site instead. easy to purchase at the store, but many summer residents prefer to make them with their own hands.

    Homemade repellers

    From what you can make a mole repeller with your own hands:

    • plastic bottles;
    • cans;
    • electric alarm clocks;
    • radio and speakers.

    The first three types of repellers do not require any special knowledge or skills. From plastic bottles, the maximum number of different repellers was invented.

    Plastic bottle options

    The simplest version of a homemade repeller is a bottle worn on a pin. Suitable for empty beer cans. The pin must be stuck into the ground so that sound and vibration are transmitted to the mole passages.

    On a note!

    Iron transmits sound better than wood.

    Most difficult option- a windmill from moles. To make it, you need a one and a half liter bottle of beer.

    The bottle must be a "classic" beer form. That is, with a narrow elongated neck.

    In addition to the bottle, you need good scissors, a marker, a self-tapping screw with a thread that does not reach the cap, a nail, an awl and a windmill stick. With the maximum complexity of creating such a mole repeller from a plastic bottle visual diagrams and there are no blueprints. There is only a very clear video.

    1. The bottom is cut off from the bottle along the horizontal line that is on all plastic bottles.
    2. The cut bottom is turned over bottom up. The bottom has the shape of a five-pointed star. Mark the areas to be cut out with a marker: from the border of the central circle strictly in the middle of the “beam” and from the middle of the central circle along the hollow between the “beams”. This part needs to be cut off. It turns out that half of the "beam" is cut out.
    3. The operation is repeated on all "rays". The propeller is ready. It remains only to punch a hole strictly in the center of the circle. The hole should be with perfectly even edges and a diameter larger than the provided self-tapping screw.
    4. Insert a self-tapping screw into the resulting propeller with the head “inside” and screw it in the center of the bottle cap until the thread ends. To facilitate the task of screwing in the hat, you first need to make a small hole. On the inside of the cover, a self-tapping screw can be secured with a nut for reliability.
    5. At the bottom of the neck of the bottle strictly according to central line make two holes for the nail. The holes must be strictly opposite each other.
    6. Take an almost finished windmill and fix it on a wooden pole. Stick the pole into the ground in the garden.

    In the wind, the propeller makes a rather nasty crack, which moles are afraid of. The advantage of a windmill is that it will work in any direction of the wind. In fact, this is an ordinary weather vane.