home · Installation · How to restore an old table with your own hands: choosing the best method. How to cover a wooden countertop and kitchen table? How to treat a table

How to restore an old table with your own hands: choosing the best method. How to cover a wooden countertop and kitchen table? How to treat a table

Everyone has dreamed of discovering artistic talent at least once in their life and trying themselves as a restorer or decorator. Restoring a table is a unique opportunity to combine business with pleasure. Firstly, this good way save on buying new furniture, and secondly, restore old table with your own hands - doubly pleasant. It is noteworthy that restoration technology is available to everyone, even non-professionals. The result is an exclusive product that has no analogues. How to restore and transform an old one kitchen table? How to cover a wooden tabletop? Tips, recommendations, photos, as well as unique new master class designers will help you with restoration a real masterpiece from an outdated piece of furniture.

Furniture restoration is a very exciting process in itself, and with the right approach it is also very useful, allowing you to significantly save on purchasing new furniture

Update methods

How to update your kitchen countertops with your own hands? What are wood countertops in the kitchen covered with? Beginners have many questions and, as a result, difficulties in the restoration process, which plunge them into a stupor. Of course, any alteration and restoration kitchen furniture may ultimately lead to a result that is not originally planned. However, here you should remember that it’s never too late to get rid of your old table and buy a new one, but it’s still worth a try.

You can restore your kitchen table yourself or update it in the following ways.

  1. Painting through tulle involves painting the product with paint according to the stencil principle. To do this, the fabric is spread on the table in such a way that there are no tubercles. Next you need to use spray paint paint the entire surface and let it dry, then remove the tulle. As a result, a beautiful lace pattern is formed on the table.
  2. Remaking a table may involve restoration using ceramic tiles. This coating is not only attractive, but also practical, since it can withstand various types of influences. These can be whole blocks or multi-colored fragments in the form of a mosaic. If there are no tiles, glass shards can be used as restoration material.
  3. You can update an old table using self-adhesive film. Modern manufacturers They offer inexpensive models with original designs. For restoration, it is enough to paste over the surfaces of the product - and it will be transformed before your eyes.
  4. If the table is made of solid wood, you can use the burning technique as an idea for restoration, but this requires certain work skills, as well as special equipment in the form of an electric burner.
  5. Decoupage is a very fashionable way to transform furniture and give it a completely different look. appearance. This does not require special artistic skills, because the basis is taken finished photos on paper or a napkin that is attached to the table.

Product restoration

Restoring a tabletop involves returning it to its original appearance without visible changes in design. Many private craftsmen and companies offer their restoration services, but due to high cost This option is not available to everyone. The restoration process is long and painstaking, however, if you want to update the kitchen table with your own hands, you can do it at home. Before repairing the countertop, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • glasses, respirator, gloves;
  • sanding machine or coarse and fine grain sandpaper;
  • art or paint brush, roller;
  • impregnation and putty for wood;
  • wood glue, liquid nails;
  • acrylic or alkyd paint, stain, countertop varnish or wax;
  • antiseptic and primer.

When necessary tools at hand, you can get to work.

Preliminary repair

Before covering a wooden tabletop, you should pay attention to the underframe and general state table: are the legs loose, are some parts missing? New life Repairing an old table begins first of all with eliminating these defects, since the functional component is important for any furniture. It must be disassembled, the old coating removed from each part, sanded and reassembled, fixed with glue or liquid nails. Many restorers insist that the integrity of the table should not be damaged, as it will quickly become unusable.

Here, each case is individual. For flimsy structures, assembly can really be disastrous. A hammer drill may destroy the surface or cause chips. If the furniture is good quality and massive, then you should not be afraid of this. If assembled correctly, the product will become more durable and stable. After work, it is important to ventilate the room, since accumulated dust can subsequently settle on the kitchen table top. Dust adhering to the surface after painting will spoil the appearance, so spring-cleaning not prevent.

Primary processing

A wooden table, like chipboard countertops, requires mandatory impregnation with an antiseptic, which will protect against pests and fungi. This substance will not allow woodworms to attack the product in the future. After treatment, it is recommended to leave the table to dry for at least a day. Next, you need to remove the old coating using grinder. You can also use coarse-grit sandpaper at the beginning and fine-grit sandpaper at the end of sanding.

Kitchen countertop restoration

Before covering a wooden tabletop, you should carefully inspect the surface for damage and chips. Small cracks up to 3 mm are sealed with putty and then sanded again so that there are no tubercles. Large chips can be repaired using veneer. You must first make a stencil the right size. In order to make it correctly, you should cover the surface of the chipped part of the table with paint, then press it with paper. A clean place, untouched by paint, is the necessary stencil. Next, you need to cut the veneer along the contour and glue it to the surface with wood glue. Press the part tightly and leave to dry for 10–12 hours. How to cover the tabletop after cosmetic repairs? Alkyd or shellac primer for wood. This will ensure even paint coverage. The primer should be applied in 2 layers and wait until completely dry after each treatment. After this, the surface can be sanded again.

Painting tables

Now you can start painting directly. Since restoration requires restoration of the original appearance, the correct shade should be chosen. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range color palette, but it is not always possible to find an absolutely identical version that was used before restoration. You can purchase several types of paints, mix them and arrive at the desired color. How to cover a wooden tabletop so that it lasts for many more years? There are a lot of options here, but the most common is water-dispersed acrylic paint. It is non-toxic, dries quickly and is quite moisture resistant.

Using a brush, apply a thin layer, leave to dry, then apply a second coat and also let dry. For dark shades It is recommended to repeat the procedure three times. If the table will be placed outside, care must be taken to protect the surface from moisture and precipitation. Alkyd paint is suitable here. Despite the pungent toxic odor, it is successfully used for exterior finishing. It is moisture resistant and is not afraid of direct sunlight. Most a budget option– oil paint based on drying oil. This material is suitable for tabletop restoration coffee tables, which are not actively subject to mechanical stress. Please note that after dyeing, the product will be ready for further processing after 3-4 days.

Protective covering

How to cover wooden countertops in the kitchen for long-term use? It is best to use a matte water-based polyurethane varnish. He will provide reliable protection from external influences and damage. The varnish is applied in 2-3 layers in one direction, after each it is necessary to dry the surface for 4 hours and sand it. How to varnish a tabletop so that there are no waves? You need to wait until it dries completely and clean out small spots with sandpaper. May form at the cleaning site White spot, however, you should not be afraid of this, because after polishing the surface will become perfectly smooth.

The polish should be selected based on characteristics similar to the previous varnish. After the procedure, you can cover the countertop with wax. These are special wax sheets with a pleasant natural aroma. Before work, it should be softened (you can warm it up a little or leave it in the sun), and then rub it in in a circular motion using felt. This process is long and painstaking, but special attention should be paid to it, because the further service life and presentable appearance of the product depend on the quality of the coating.

There is another option for covering a wooden tabletop - this is ordinary wax, which is rubbed into the surface with a cotton cloth. This polished table looks very stylish and elegant, but is more suitable for a living room than a kitchen.

This is how the long restoration process is carried out. A little patience, diligence and creativity - and old item the interior will look like a photo from a glamor magazine.

And in conclusion, a video with a detailed description of the process of restoring a wooden tabletop.

After each technological operation and upon completion of work, equipment, inventory, and utensils are subjected to sanitary treatment: mechanical cleaning, washing hot water, detergents, rinsing with hot running water. To disinfect parts of equipment and inventory, scalding, calcination, boiling, and treatment with disinfectant solutions are used. The equipment is dried and stored in a specially designated place: cutting boards - vertically on racks or special stands, knives - vertically on magnets.

At the end of work, production tables are thoroughly washed using detergents and disinfectants, rinsed with hot water, and wiped dry with a dry, clean cloth. The meat block is cleaned with a knife and sprinkled with salt every day at the end of work; if necessary, the block is sawed off and planed. Mechanical dishwashing dishwashers produced in accordance with the instructions for their use.

If the dishwasher fails, wash the tableware manually in the following order:

Mechanical removal of food residues;

Washing in water with the addition of detergents in the first section of the bath;

Washing in the second section of the bath in water with a temperature not lower than 40 ° C and adding detergents half as much as in the first section of the bath;

Rinsing dishes in metal mesh with handles in the third section of the bathtub with hot running water with a temperature of at least 65 °C using a flexible hose with a shower head;

Drying dishes on wire shelves or racks.

Glassware and cutlery are washed in two-section baths - first with detergent, then rinsed with running hot water. Cutlery is calcined in dry heat or other ovens for 10 minutes.

At the end of the working day, all tableware and cutlery are disinfected. Clean cutlery is stored in the hall in special cassettes with the handles facing up. Storing them in bulk on trays is prohibited. Cassettes are sanitized daily.

Visitor trays are wiped with clean napkins after each use. At the end of work, the trays are washed with hot water and detergents. disinfectants, rinse with running water and dry. Clean trays are placed separately from used ones.

Kitchen utensils are washed in two-section baths in the following order:

Mechanical cleaning from food residues;

Washing with brushes in water at a temperature not lower than 40 ° C with the addition of detergents;

Rinsing with running water at a temperature not lower than 65 °C;

Drying overturned on lattice shelves and racks.

After finishing work, brushes are cleaned and soaked in hot water with detergents, then in a disinfectant solution (or boiled), washed with running water, dried and stored in a specially designated place. Brushes with mold and dirt, as well as sponge material, should not be used.

Food waste is collected in special containers with lids and, after filling no more than 2/3 of the volume, is taken into the chamber food waste. Leave them in washrooms or workshops for long time and overnight is not allowed. The tanks are washed in the vestibule of the food waste chamber.

Special sanitization using physical disinfection methods is required for equipment used for finishing confectionery products with cream - reusable pastry bags and tips for them. Chemical method disinfection is unacceptable primarily because of the need to rinse equipment, which violates its sterility.

Before processing, the tips are removed from the pastry bags; their subsequent processing is carried out separately. Jigging bags with permanent tips are not used.

Jigging (confectionery) bags are processed in the following order:

Soak in hot water with a temperature of at least 65 ° for an hour until the cream is completely washed off;

Wash with detergent at a temperature of 45-50 °C washing machine or manually;

Wash thoroughly in hot water at a temperature not lower than 65 °C;

Dry in special drying cabinets.

Next, the bags are sterilized, placed in containers, pans with lids or wrapped in parchment, in autoclaves or dry-heat ovens at a temperature of 120 ° C for 20-30 minutes. Subsequent storage of the bags is carried out in the same containers or packaging in which sterilization was carried out.

In the absence of an autoclave or a dry-heat oven, washed bags are sterilized by boiling for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, followed by drying in a special oven. The bags are stored in clean containers with closed lids.

The tips removed from the depositing bags and whisks for churning the cream are cleaned of cream and washed with hot water, detergent, rinsed with hot running water (65 ° C) and boiled (sterilized) for 30 minutes.

Washing of returnable containers is carried out in specially designated rooms using three baths. Instructions for the preparation and use of cleaning and disinfecting solutions must be posted in washing departments.

In accordance with the procedure for production control and control carried out by Rospotrebnadzor, the quality of processing equipment and equipment, washing dishes is checked by taking swabs for bacteriological research. Swabs are also taken from the hands and clothing of personnel working in cold storage and confectionery shops, at distribution and other places where they work with ready-to-eat products and food.

Swabs are taken using sterile cotton swabs attached to sticks and mounted in test tubes with a sterile solution. Washouts from large equipment and inventory are taken using a stencil with an area of ​​25 cm2. The stencil is applied 4 times in different places of the object so that the wash surface area is 100 cm 2.

When taking washes from dishes or small utensils, use one swab to wipe three identical objects - three plates, three glasses, three spoons, etc. The entire working or internal surface of the objects is wiped with a damp swab. When taking washes from the plates, wipe the entire inner surface, for glasses, wipe the inner surface and the upper outer edge with a width of at least 2 cm; for cutlery, wipe their working part.

The swabs should be free of E. coli, which is used in this case as a sanitary indicator microorganism. If necessary, determine the presence of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

All premises of the catering unit of a preschool institution must have sufficient usable area and an appropriate set of technological equipment.

The catering unit includes a kitchen with a preparation and washing area, pantries for dry foods and vegetables, and utility rooms. The washing, preparation and cutting rooms are separated from the kitchen by equipment or screen partitions 1.2 m high. The floors in the washing and preparation rooms must have sloping drains for water drainage. The room is equipped with exhaust ventilation.

The catering unit of a preschool institution should be equipped with electric or gas stoves. In rural preschool institutions, it is allowed to install kitchen stoves on solid fuel with a firebox opening into a separate room.

To store perishable foods, the catering unit must have refrigeration units or refrigerators that are equipped with thermometers. It is important to ensure that the storage temperature of perishable products does not exceed +6°.

In refrigerators or refrigeration chambers the possibility of separate storage of products such as meat, fish, milk, dairy products, etc. must be provided. Places for their storage are appropriately marked and strictly observed.

Products for children of the first year of life (liquid milk formula) are stored in separate refrigerators.

The catering unit of a preschool institution must have special storage rooms bulk products: a pantry equipped with special shelves, racks or cabinets; For storing vegetables, a special pantry or vegetable storehouse is allocated (dry, well-ventilated).

The kitchen area is equipped with special cutting tables. There should be at least three of them: for cutting raw foods, for cooked foods and for dough. Work tables can be all-metal (stainless steel, duralumin) or upholstered in galvanized iron or aluminum. It is important that the edges of the tables are rounded, the upholstery fits carefully to the base of the table, and the seams are well sealed. Tables upholstered with galvanized iron or aluminum are only allowed for cutting raw meat and raw fish.

To cut the dough, you must have a table with a smooth hardwood top.

For cutting various products At the catering unit you must have special cutting boards and knives (9 pieces or more). Cutting boards are made from hard wood (birch, ash, oak, maple); they must be smoothly planed and have no cracks or gaps. Both boards and knives must be marked: “SM” - raw meat, “VM” - boiled meat, “SR” - raw fish, “BP” - boiled fish, “CO” - raw vegetables, “VO” - boiled vegetables, “X” - bread, “Herring”, “Gastronomy”.

Cutting boards are stored separately, on special racks or in cassettes placed on edge. For each cutting board a special marked place is allocated. It is acceptable to store cutting boards in appropriate work areas.

It is allowed to use kitchen utensils made of stainless steel, aluminum (pots), frying pans - made of cast iron, baking sheets - made of untinned iron - in preschool institutions. For storage drinking water, transportation and storage of bulk products (cereals, flour), tanks and buckets made of galvanized iron are allowed. All kitchen utensils should be stored on special shelves or racks, and small kitchen utensils should be stored in special cabinets.

The catering unit is equipped for washing kitchen utensils special baths(made of stainless steel, duralumin, aluminum). It is desirable that the baths have a cold and hot water supply and are connected to the sewer system (with a mandatory air break device). It is recommended to use washing baths of types VM-1, VM-2, VM-1A, VM-2A.

To collect waste and waste, you must have metal buckets with lids, or better yet, special pedal tanks.

The catering premises must be kept perfectly clean. Daily cleaning The catering unit consists of washing the floors as they become dirty, removing dust, wiping heating radiators, window sills, washing tables and cutting boards at the end of each stage of work, and timely washing dishes and kitchen equipment.

At least once a week, the catering unit is treated with detergents: walls, lighting fixtures, and window glass are washed.

Once a month, the catering department undergoes a general cleaning followed by disinfection of all premises, equipment and inventory.

Kitchen utensils and various kitchen utensils (cutting boards, knives, spoons, ladles, stirrers, spatulas) are washed in hot water (+ 45-50°) with the addition of detergents approved in children's institutions, rinsed with hot water not lower than 65°, and then dried on lattice shelves or racks. After washing, metal kitchen utensils should be fried in the oven. Immediately after the end of the operation, the meat grinders are disassembled, thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and calcined in the oven.

After washing dishes, washcloths and rags are thoroughly washed, boiled for 15 minutes, dried and stored in a sealed container. Brushes and ruffs are also thoroughly washed, dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Buckets or tanks for collecting waste are cleaned as they are filled (no more than 2/3 of the volume) and must be washed at the end of the working day with a 2% solution of soda ash, rinsed with hot water and dried.

Strict adherence to the rules for storing food, food waste, and thorough cleaning of the premises help to avoid the appearance of flies and rodents. If they do start up, then you are only allowed to use mechanical means their extermination. The use of chemical and bacteriological preparations in children's institutions is strictly prohibited.

In the work of the catering department of a preschool institution great importance has strict adherence to the rules of transportation, storage and culinary processing products. Not only the quality and taste of food, but often also the health status of children, largely depends on how these rules are followed, since violations in the storage and processing of products can lead to food poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases.

All food products supplied to the preschool institution must meet the requirements state standards. When receiving perishable products, it is necessary to require quality certificates for them indicating the date of production, variety, category, and sell-by date. For some products, such as milk and dairy products, it is also necessary to obtain a number of laboratory data (fat content, protein content).

To prevent contamination and spoilage of products, it is important to properly organize their delivery to the institution. Shipping food products carried out by specially designated transport, which is not permitted to be used for other purposes. It is advisable that for transporting products to childcare facility Specialized machines were used, which is possible when organizing a ring delivery of products. When using other vehicles, their body should be upholstered with galvanized iron.

Upon completion of unloading, vehicles are cleared of debris, washed with hot water and disinfected with a 0.2% bleach solution.

The containers in which products are transported must be marked and used only for their intended purpose. After delivery of the products, the transport containers are also cleaned, washed with hot water and a 2% soda ash solution, scalded with boiling water, dried and stored in places inaccessible to contamination.

Personnel receiving and accompanying products must have clean gowns and gloves. Products are placed in car bodies in such a way as to avoid their movement along the bottom. Persons accompanying the cargo are not allowed to sit on the food container, even if it is covered with a tarpaulin.

Meat and fish are transported in metal boxes or in wooden ones, lined with galvanized iron on the inside. Milk is transported in special sealed metal flasks, cottage cheese and sour cream - in metal flasks (cans) or barrels with tight-fitting lids. It is permissible to transport milk and dairy products in special factory packaging, paying attention to maintaining its integrity (bottles, boxes, bags).

Bread, butter, cheese and other products that cannot be cooked are transported in separate containers special for each product - in boxes with tight-fitting lids, oilcloth bags, which must be washed after each transportation.

Bulk products, vegetables and fruits can be transported in boxes or bags, salted cucumbers, sauerkraut - in special dishes with tightly closed lids, children's canned food - in original packaging (boxes, cartons).

It is important to ensure that food is stored correctly. Special attention applies for security proper storage and timely use of perishable products: meat, fish, milk, dairy products. They should be kept refrigerated certain temperature and no more than the deadlines established by the All-Union Sanitary and Hygienic and Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Rules and Norms.

Products that require cooking and products that are fed to children without heat treatment must be stored separately. If there is one refrigeration unit (one refrigerator) in the catering unit, places for storing meat, fish, and dairy products must be strictly demarcated. For this purpose, special shelves are installed in the refrigerator that are easy to wash and handle.

Meat and fish are kept in closed containers (pots, metal boxes) with strict adherence to the shelf life of frozen and refrigerated products. Also contains poultry, rabbit, and offal.

Vegetable oils are stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark room. Considering that they deteriorate quite quickly, without changing the aroma and taste, they need to be kept for 1-2 weeks. Butter stored either in a closed container or in bars wrapped in parchment on special shelves in a refrigeration unit. Do not keep oil in close proximity to sharp-smelling foods (cheese, fish). It is also not recommended to store eggs together with sharp-smelling foods.

Milk (flask or bottle) is in the same container in which it arrived. Sour cream and cottage cheese are contained in metal flasks or barrels, which are tightly closed with specially made plywood lids covered with gauze.

Large cheeses can be stored without containers on special wooden shelves lined with plywood or cardboard. The cheese heads should not touch each other. If the cheese rind is covered with mucus or mold, which is observed even during short-term storage, it must be wiped with a clean napkin moistened with a 3% solution of table salt, and carefully trimmed before use.

Vegetables and fruits are placed in a special well-ventilated cool room (optimal air temperature +8°). To store various vegetables, you need to have special chests with holes for ventilation. Vegetables are placed in them after preliminary cleaning of soil and drying. Vegetables are periodically inspected and spoiled ones are removed. Fruits can also be located in special chests or on racks; they are inspected periodically.

Bulk products are kept in a separate dry room in clean chests with tight-fitting lids. It is permissible to store bulk products in bags, but for this they must be placed on special racks raised from the floor by at least 15 cm. The distance between the wall and the products must be at least 20 cm.

Bread is stored in special cabinets, the doors of which have holes for ventilation. The distance of the bottom shelf of the cabinet from the floor must be at least 35 cm. Black and White bread stored separately. The shelves of the cabinet where the bread is kept are wiped daily with a clean cloth soaked in a 1% vinegar solution. Bread crumbs are swept away with special brushes.

Food service personnel must strictly adhere to the rules of technological processing of food and food preparation. It is especially important to ensure compliance sanitary requirements when working with raw and cooked foods. They are processed on separate tables using appropriately marked cutting boards and knives. After working with raw foods (especially meat and fish) and when moving from handling raw foods to handling cooked ones, you must thoroughly wash your hands.

Please note that for preparing salads from raw vegetables their preliminary processing is carried out on boards for raw vegetables, and then, after thorough processing of the vegetables, their final chopping is carried out on boards for boiled vegetables using appropriate knives.

To prepare minced meat and grind food in a catering unit, you need to have two meat grinders - for raw and cooked food.

It is important to ensure compliance with the terms of heat treatment of products. Cutlets and meatballs are fried in fat heated to a boil for at least 10 minutes, followed by keeping in the oven until cooked. Shredded or portioned meat must be subjected to secondary heat treatment(boiling in broth, sauce, heating in the oven), which should be carried out for 10 minutes. To prepare casseroles and omelets, they should be baked in the oven at a temperature of 220-250° for 5-8 minutes.

To prevent food poisoning in children's groups, the production of yogurt-samokvasa, cottage cheese and other products is prohibited. fermented milk products. Sour milk can only be used for making dough.

In the catering departments of preschool institutions, the production of such perishable foods as pancakes with meat, naval pasta, jellies, pates, brawn, minced meat, deep-fried products, creams, drinks, fruit drinks is prohibited. It is strictly prohibited to eat mushrooms, use flask and barrel milk without boiling, cottage cheese and sour cream without heat treatment, eggs and waterfowl meat, meat that has not passed veterinary control, and home-made canned products.

Proper operation of the catering unit requires not only strict compliance with sanitary and anti-epidemic requirements, but also a clear organization of the work process. Food department workers must promptly receive the products required from the menu, prepare them on time, and correctly calculate the time of placing the products in the cauldron. It is unacceptable to delay the start of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack or dinner due to untimely preparation of food, as the daily routine of the institution is disrupted. You should also not allow food to be prepared much earlier than the established feeding hours for children. To ensure high taste qualities and preservation of the biological, and primarily vitamin, value of food is not allowed to be kept ready meals on a hot stove for more than 2-3 hours. It is strictly forbidden to cook food the day before, leave ready-made meals for the next day, or use leftovers from yesterday's food.

Cooking process baby food should be organized in such a way that the end of the preparation of dishes coincides with the time of distributing them to groups.

Ready-made food is distributed to groups 10-15 minutes before the start of feeding children in volumes corresponding to the number of children in the group. For this purpose, each group has special measured utensils, and at the catering unit there are appropriate measures and scales for correctly determining the volume and weight of the dishes being served. It is necessary to have tables of mass of products in various volume measures or in 1 piece.

In groups, the start of feeding children should also coincide with the time they receive food from the kitchen. If the start of feeding for any reason (late return from a walk, delay from organized activities) is delayed, then children have to be given cooled or heated food. Both have their negative sides. Children eat cold food less willingly, and when the food is reheated, the vitamins in it are destroyed.

Sanitary requirements for organizing children's meals also regulate the procedure for handling dishes in children's groups.

IN preschool institution For each children's group, two-cavity sinks with cold and hot water supply should be installed.

Dishes thoroughly cleaned of food residues are washed in hot (50-60°) water with the addition of approved detergents, then rinsed with hot (65°) running water and dried on wire racks.

Milk bottles and nipples are thoroughly washed immediately after finishing feeding babies. Bottles and nipples are washed in warm running water using degreasers (mustard, baking soda), then they are boiled for 15 minutes and stored in a labeled container with a lid.

After washing dishes, rags are washed, dried and stored in closed, labeled containers.

To collect food waste, each group must have pedal tanks, which, after the last feeding of the children, are cleaned, washed with a 2% solution of soda ash, rinsed with hot water and dried.

If infectious diseases occur in a group, dishes must be disinfected daily. To do this, each group must have dry heat cabinet or a tank with a lid for soaking dishes in a disinfectant solution. Soaking is carried out in a 0.5% solution of chloramine or a 0.5% solution of bleach for 30 minutes. Then the dishes are thoroughly washed in running hot water and dried on wire racks.

Natural wood in the kitchen? Yes, and this article will blow your doubts to smithereens! A wooden countertop is one of the most successful solutions for the kitchen, practical and convenient. You just need to know these 6 professional secrets.

Should there be a wooden countertop in the kitchen? We asked real professionals: qualified designers, craftsmen, technologists and wood specialists - those whose opinions you can trust.

1. Why is a wooden countertop not scary?

On the one hand, smooth warm wood with a beautiful natural structure - excellent material for furniture production. Easy to use, environmentally friendly, always fashionable and relevant. Moreover, the tabletop is not a heavy wooden buffet that is impossible to move. It is not necessary to make all the furniture from wood; a completely reasonable modern solution would be to make only the tabletop and, perhaps, some other individual parts from this material.

But many are afraid of how wood may behave, they are afraid of fungus, cracked varnish...

But professionals think differently: “A wooden countertop is not a problem if you apply reasonable, adequate care to it. There are not many materials used for countertops in non-professional kitchens that are not afraid of any impact and do not require maintenance - says Andrey Lyamin-Borodin, builder, CEO online repair ordering service PriceRemont. “All materials age during use, but the peculiarity of wood is that it can age gracefully.”

So what are we dealing with? Mikhail Vychuzhanin, wood finishing specialist, North House, defines the advantages and disadvantages of wooden countertops like this.

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • beauty and variety of wood texture;
  • unlimited product parameters: almost anything can be made from wood in any way;
  • easy to update;
  • the ability to perform any milling of the edge of the tabletop.
  • more careful care is required;
  • restoration will be needed after some time;
  • relative high cost of the material and work with it.

2. Which wood to choose for the countertop?

Here is the answer to the question of what types of wood and wood characteristics are worth paying attention to.

“When deciding on a wooden countertop in the kitchen, please forget about MDF, chipboard and veneer. Only natural wood, advises Artyom Lepyoshkin, General Director of the Dynasty House of Interior Solutions. It's not a matter of harmfulness, but of the properties of the material. The countertop is exposed to aggressive human influence every day: crumbling, cutting, whisking, spilling and spilling are a common occurrence in the kitchen. The surface must be durable, smooth, resistant to cuts, moisture and temperatures.

The classic option is oak or beech: strong and durable wood species. Some choose teak and mebrow. More affordable options: pine, walnut, ash, birch. We prefer larch: you will have to pay more, but it will also last longer. The peculiarity of larch is very high density wood, growth rings are located along the trunk at small intervals. It easily tolerates mechanical damage and deformation, and can withstand high compression and pressure loads. It contains gum - a natural antiseptic that protects against rotting and damage by mold. Ideal for the kitchen. Larch gives off and absorbs moisture when humidity changes.

The manufacturing method also affects durability. A solid wood tabletop is more likely to warp than a laminated wood tabletop assembled from several plates. This method increases flexibility and elasticity.”

“Attention should be paid to such points as: the age of the wood, the method of its extraction, storage conditions, the region where the material was brought from,” adds Mikhail Vychuzhanin. He considers oak to be the best type of wood for making countertops. - The stronger and harder the wood, the longer your countertop will serve you. There are countertops made from solid birch, cherry, and walnut.”

3. How to cover a wooden countertop in the kitchen: Belinka

With the question of how to protect the wood of the tabletop, we turned to Chief technologist of TM Belinka Valery Ermakov.

“The ideal option for protecting a wooden tabletop is bio-impregnation based on natural vegetable oils and beeswax - that is, oil-wax for wood. Natural oils for wood can make its surface waterproof, which means that the wood is not afraid of fungus and mold. By the way, a countertop impregnated with high-quality oil and wax becomes resistant to standard kitchen detergents - nothing bad will happen to wood from diluted household chemicals. It is even better and more reliable to treat the kitchen work surface with a special oil for wood that comes into contact with food. And of course, no one canceled the more familiar coatings - interior varnish for wood or a combination of colored azure with subsequent application of varnish.”

4. How practical is a wooden countertop?

How to protect wood besides using wood products?

“If you want your countertop to last longer and maintain its appearance, follow simple rules: do not cut anything directly on the tree (perhaps only oak will endure such violence), do not test the surface for fire resistance and heat resistance, continues Artyom Lepyoshkin. - Very hot objects can darken wood, ash is especially sensitive. But if you spill wine or juice on the surface, just wipe it with a damp microfiber cloth. Do not use wet rags, this will cause the wood to swell.”

Andrey Lyamin-Borodin advises not to use aggressive household chemicals to wash the countertop: “It happens that drops of such a product fall on the countertop when cleaning the sink or hob. If this product contains, for example, a solvent, it can change the color of the wood and whiten it. Important rule If any stains get on the countertop, do not allow them to be deeply absorbed, and therefore remove them immediately. A stain that cannot be washed off can be removed by walking over the area with fine-grained sandpaper, after which the protective coating will need to be renewed.

Regarding the choice of sink - in this case it should be mortise or, in other words, overhead. Washing an under-table installation will create constant exposure to water on the edge of the tabletop, which will inevitably cause it to deteriorate. However, lovers of country style or owners of tabletops made of particularly water-resistant wood may not be bothered by this.”

5. Will this countertop suit my design?

Wooden surfaces in the kitchen also offer wide design possibilities and are a current trend. Here's what designers think about it.

“The world is becoming more urbanized, and people are experiencing stress due to lack of communication with nature. Natural materials in the interior, such as wood, stone, clay help to modern man feel comfortable in the “concrete jungle,” comments Valentina Konstantinova, creative designer at Kashirsky Dvor company.

The designer gives examples of using wooden tabletops in “star” interiors: “Jake Gyllenhaal, the star of the movie Source Code, uses a wooden tabletop in a Provence-style interior. The kitchen backsplash is finished with small boar tiles, and the furniture is exactly like in the south of France: delicate blue color with chamfer and retro handles.

Since wood is not a moisture-resistant material, the part of the countertop adjacent to the sink can be replaced with a surface made of artificial stone, like in Sarah Jessica Parker's kitchen. The wooden countertop fits perfectly into the modern urban interior of the actress’s kitchen, built on contrasts of textures and colors - white stone and dark brown wood."

Studio designer LOFT interiors& HOME Anastasia Yarysheva believes that you can find a place for wood in a kitchen in any style, it is only important to approach the matter correctly. “So, the tabletop is made of solid wood with knots, uneven texture, and aging effects will suit a kitchen in a rustic or loft style. But smooth wooden surfaces will look great in modern interiors, high-tech, especially tinted in white, black or graphite - such a tabletop will combine effectively with chrome and glass surfaces. It’s worth paying attention to options made from laminated wood - perhaps even from different types of wood: the rhythmic pattern of the elements can emphasize the beautiful geometry of the room.

6. How to update wood countertops?

Sooner or later, the surface of the wooden tabletop will have to be renewed - the wood will have to be re-saturated with oil. How often should this be done?

“It’s difficult to name a specific period; a lot depends on the specific operating conditions,” answers technologist trademark Belinka. - To understand whether it’s time to renew the countertop, apply a few drops of water to the surface and observe - if the wood quickly absorbs them, it’s time to take out a jar of oil. However, don’t worry, applying oil is not a difficult task, every housewife can handle it on her own.”

We wrote more about this in our blog.


A wooden tabletop is an excellent solution for modern kitchens, and there is absolutely no need to be afraid of using wood in the kitchen. A little care for wood - and your kitchen will delight you for many years!

The countertop is the main work surface in the kitchen. Every day she experiences high stress. If you decide to make it from wood, you will have to protect the material not only from impacts, scratches and other mechanical damage, but also from the destructive effects of high temperatures, household chemicals, food dyes, ultraviolet rays and, of course, humidity. How to cover a wooden tabletop so that it doesn’t have to be replaced after a few months?

Features of the material

The tree can be called the best material for the manufacture of kitchen furniture. Its main advantages:

environmental friendliness;

  • good thermal insulation;
  • natural and attractive appearance;
  • variety of possible forms;
  • ease of restoration work.

But wood has no less disadvantages:

  • it gets dirty easily;
  • may catch fire;
  • it is easy to scratch;
  • A table top made of wood is quite expensive.

How to protect your kitchen work surface?

There are two main answers to the question of how to coat a wooden tabletop: treat it with special oil or varnish it. In the first case, we are talking about creating an invisible water-repellent film.

An oil (such as a mixture of tung, linseed and citrus oils) is applied to the sanded but untreated wood. The mixture is odorless and completely preserves the natural texture of the material. At the same time, you can apply a little wax to the lid. Some masters only use it, but such protection quickly wears off and will have to be updated regularly.

Oil formulations are enough the new kind protection, which is gradually replacing the varnish familiar to many. There are several reasons for this. The varnish has to be renewed more often. Natural and synthetic resins in its composition make the varnish a less environmentally friendly material. Not all varnish coatings can withstand high temperatures (for example, if you place a hot frying pan on such a table).

What types of oils are there for wooden furniture?

Oil products for furniture are manufactured industrially; they can have a plant, mineral or synthetic base. The drying process can take place differently, depending on the brand. These funds can be divided into two types:

  1. Dries completely. They form on the furniture hard layer, which cannot be washed off with water. The canvas retains its original appearance for a long time;
  2. Partially drying. This type of oil deeply impregnates wood, but upper layer can be removed mechanically.

Important! Before applying protection, the table cover should not only be thoroughly dried, cleaned of dirt and, possibly, old paint and varnish. Defects in the table must be smoothed out using a special putty and sanded with sandpaper.

The process of applying the product is extremely simple; this can be done with a brush or cloth that does not leave lint. In both cases work in progress along the entire length of the fibers. If you are working with a brush, just apply two coats. When using fabric, you will have to make three or four layers. The very first one should dry for at least 12 hours. After the latter has dried, wipe the product with a soft and clean cloth.

Other benefits of the oil composition:

  • it does not change the color of the table, but some oils “emphasize” the natural pattern of the board;
  • does not delaminate and does not flow under influence high temperature(unlike many brands of varnish);
  • oils that are absorbed into the material preserve the natural exchange of moisture in the wood and prevent the appearance of fungus;
  • such substances are environmentally friendly and therefore are not capable of causing harm to humans as a result of their contact with food products;
  • the protective coating hides minor scratches, abrasions and stains from dishes;
  • you can remove a small area of ​​the coating and reapply it.

It is worth adding that this prevents the wood from drying out and is suitable for working with old materials.

How to update a worn board?

Regardless of your neatness, sooner or later the work table in the kitchen will lose its original appearance and you will think about updating it or buying a new set. The easiest way to update a wooden panel is to paint it. For this:

  • clean the board with sandpaper or a grinder;
  • correct all defects with wood putty;
  • prime the surface with paint containing alkyd resin and apply several layers of such paint over the primer;
  • the painted part can be decorated with a pattern (draw something yourself or using stencils).

There is also a simpler and cheaper option for covering a wooden tabletop - this is to cover it with a self-adhesive film, which can be painted to resemble wood, or create the illusion of a surface made of stone, metal, leather or marble.

On a note! If you choose the option with film, remember that its area should be slightly larger than the area of ​​the table. In addition, when gluing the coating, attention should be paid to the absence of drills and folds. You can smooth the film with any flat plastic tool.

How to restore the surface?

If the worktop cover in the kitchen has not only lost its original appearance, but has begun to collapse, you will have to carry out more serious restoration work. Under the influence of moisture and temperature changes, the table cover may become deformed (one half will become higher than the other), and the wood may swell and delaminate.

The recovery process looks like this:

  1. Remove all damaged areas of wood using a special tool;
  2. Dry and sand the lid with a machine (if you don’t have a machine, you can use sandpaper, but you will have to sand very carefully);
  3. Make a mixture of fine sawdust and polyvinyl acetate-based glue (you can use putty instead);
  4. Fill with this mixture those areas from which damaged wood and voids that may have occurred during sanding have been removed;
  5. Place the product under the press and dry for one day (this is the minimum period, more is possible).

How to cover a wooden tabletop after the adhesive has dried? An oil- or silicone-based product, or a special varnish, is also suitable here.

Important! The protective layer needs to cover the entire area of ​​the product, and not just the restored areas.

Caring for a Wooden Cutting Board

Regardless of your decision on how to cover a wooden countertop in the kitchen, it is still better to cut food on cutting boards. If you use wooden planks, you can protect them from damage in the same way as furniture - with an oil coating. A special environmentally friendly impregnation will protect the cutting board from moisture, bacteria and food staining.

Apply a couple of layers of sunflower or olive oil and let them dry. This coating is safe in contact with food and costs a penny, but it will have to be updated regularly. New layers should be applied at least once a month.

You can use more expensive and durable options - products based on coconut and linseed oil, manufactured industrially. And also - funds for mineral based, which are rubbed into the surface with a cloth until it is saturated.

The oil coating on the cutting board can be supplemented beeswax. It will give the surface additional resistance to moisture. After applying the wax, the board should be polished to a shine.

Important! Wood cutting boards must be disinfected regularly. It can be wiped with vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, detergents with surfactants. If the bathtub is heavily soiled, you can use chlorine-containing bathtub cleaning products. After each use, the board should be washed with hot water.


We hope our article helped you answer the question of how to cover a wooden countertop. A wooden work surface can last a long time if it is properly protected with an oil-based coating with the addition of wax. Protective layer needs to be updated periodically. Damaged areas of the countertop can be removed by filling the voids with wood putty or a mixture of special glue and sawdust.

Video: caring for a wooden countertop