home · Tool · Floor in loft style (loft) - we create an interior. Modern loft style for an apartment and a house (with video) Self-leveling concrete floor in loft style

Floor in loft style (loft) - we create an interior. Modern loft style for an apartment and a house (with video) Self-leveling concrete floor in loft style

lof style t copies the industrial style. The ideal case is the use of old industrial buildings. But most often this is not possible, and in the absence of a real brick wall, it is laid out with special tiles under the aged brick. Rough lamps are used for lighting, as if left in the interior from the time when there was still a record factory here. Unlike them, a concrete floor is something that does not need to be imitated - it can be arranged in almost any room.

If you moved into a new building, you just have to do the screed, and if you are arranging the interior in a resale property, then the wear of the floor may be such that it is easier to dismantle it and make a new one. IN public spaces concrete floors are very convenient: they are durable, beautiful, easy to clean (if treated, and untreated concrete floors produce a lot of dust). In residential premises, floors are traditionally made of wood or material that imitates wood flooring, but concrete floors are also in vogue.

Loft - style of contrasts: rough and delicate, soft and hard, shiny and matte, warm and cold. This is the contrast of colors, textures, materials, lighting. Depending on the concept of the future interior, the concrete floor can play one role or another - polished to a shine, it can contrast with rough walls. Or be the only style-forming element in the interior and look like unfinished floor. The style set by such a floor can be supported by decorative details in the interior: when you want to change the style, you can simply replace these details, furniture, textiles - and you are ready new interior. If you use color topping, choosing a color from the RAL palette, we will get any floor colors. Can do single space- without borders between rooms, or separate zones can be distinguished - by color, texture or relief.

What technologies can be used to create a loft-style concrete floor?

Concrete floors worn with topping

This option is only suitable if you have not yet laid concrete, but only plan to do so - as it is rubbed only into freshly laid concrete after a few hours. For grouting, and are used - it regulates the uniformity of spreading the topping, the topping is brought in by qualified personnel. The primary task of topping is to harden the concrete surface, depending on the planned loads, a quartz or corundum composition is used. You can also tint the topping to your desired color. Grouting concrete with topping - the most economical option especially for large volumes of work.

Siler impregnated concrete floors

If you need a glossy surface, the floors are covered. You can cover the surface of concrete with impregnation yourself - it's quite simple, and there are no special devices, except for a roller or a roll, is not required. Basically, such compositions are made on the basis of lithium, which further strengthens the surface. Over time, the gloss comes off the surface, and then it can be renewed.

Concrete floors impregnated with compounds based on silicate polymers

Compositions based on silicate polymers are used for processing horizontal and vertical concrete surfaces. Such compounds are not cheap, but it is enough to apply them only once for the entire period of operation, re-application is not required. The longer you use such a floor, the more dense the coating becomes. Impregnation can be applied independently by pouring and leveling with rokhli, rollers.

If the area of ​​each a separate room is more than 18 m², joints must be cut to prevent cracking of the concrete. The entire surface is cut into 3 x 6 m cards seam cutter, the seams are then filled with sealant in the color of the coating, so that they are almost invisible.

All three of the above options can be combined with each other, getting different kind treated surface.

It is also possible to use or not to use a grinder and polisher, which further increases variety of options. You can also varnish the floors - with a shiny or matte effect.

Self-leveling floor in loft style imitates concrete pavement, but at the same time they are distinguished by the absence of seams, pleasant to the touch and a warmer surface. The MPM company will embody any ideas with the help of environmentally friendly coatings with polymer additives at a democratic cost. Our specialists will take into account the operating conditions of the finished coating and the personal wishes of the customer. Extensive experience of the company guarantees compliance with quality standards and minimum terms of work.

Prices for flooring in loft style:

Scope of work:50 m2100 m2150 m2200 m2250 m2300 m2> 300 m2
Price per m2:5500 r.3750 r.3100 r.3000 r.2850 r.2650 r.Price negotiable

To calculate the full amount, order the departure of the measurer and in a day you will receive finished project. Leave a request for self-leveling loft floors using the form on the website, and our employee will come to you completely free of charge to measure and discuss the project.

There are two main ways to flawlessly implement a loft-style floor design project:

Microconcrete (microcement)

These materials are cement High Quality with excellent adhesive properties. Another one salient feature- the smallest structure. The material quickly penetrates into any irregularities and cracks in the surfaces. Microcement acts as a great alternative ceramic tiles. It is impeccable from an environmental point of view, so it can be safely used in residential areas. Initial appearance persists over a long period of active operation. Other benefits include:

  • Abrasion resistance. Good performance wear resistance make it possible to safely use this type of flooring in high-traffic areas (training centers, showrooms, fitness clubs, shops, etc.).
  • Moisture resistant. This suitable option for the bathroom and the area around the pool. tviyah).
  • Resistance to aggressive agents household chemicals. Resistance to aggressive household chemicals. The floor covering does not change color and does not deform under the influence of various gels, powders and liquids, which are often used to clean floors from dirt.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes. Suitable for application on heated floors.

Topped concrete floors

Topping is a mixture of cement with substances that increase the hardness and resistance to abrasion of the surface. The mixture is applied to freshly laid concrete and allows you to make it more durable and aesthetic.

By degree of protection concrete base topping is divided into the following types:

  • Quartz (for floors with light loads).
  • Based on corundum materials (high strength).
  • With metal particles (with aggressive influences).

The concrete floor with topping is characterized by ease of installation, strength and resistance to mechanical stress, minimal dust formation. And it's much more attractive than bare concrete.

Loft is interesting and unusual style, combining bohemian and underground. The design direction - the loft is an individual approach to each room, covering both beggarly living conditions and luxurious ones. The first conditions with the help of a loft can be easily transformed into the latter.

Translated from English loft means premises unsuitable for life, in particular, these are attic or attic areas. And if more ambitious, then this one-story buildings factories and enterprises, while high ceilings. Later, the latter became associated with an unusual urban direction.

The use of industrial premises for housing is the specifics of the loft. Great scope for creativity, a combination of rough and refined details - all this and much more lies in a bold and extraordinary style.

If you decide to recreate the loft style in the interior of your own apartment, then at first familiarize yourself not only with the main points, but also study the history of its occurrence in order to understand all the specifics in general.

A bit of history

The loft appeared in the 50s of the last century. Namely, in the United States, an economic revolution began to take place, the cost of land began to grow, in connection with this, all factories moved out of town.

And with the rest industrial premises dispose of them as best they could, they quickly re-registered them in budget housing and rented them out. Photo of a drained loft in the interior.

It became a home for the poor. The absence of dividing walls, even the ceiling itself, could have been beams. The only amenities were the kitchen and the bathroom.

These were the first decorated areas of the loft. They could simply be forgotten and left in the pages of US history as affordable housing for the poor, if they were not so to the taste of the artists who turned the factory spaces into their own studios.

At first, the artists were lured by the price of rent, and they began to show their work there. Thanks to the large windows, a huge stream of light came in, and due to the fact that there were no demarcations from the walls, an unimaginable space was felt, and factory structures performed decorative elements.

The roughness of the interior of the abandoned factories, combined with artwork and bohemia, expressed the kind of loft that has now become so popular. The specificity of the style is the use of only necessary items furniture without trifles, the principle is to get by with only the smallest part of things.

Over time, loft-style design became elite, and it was no longer housing for the poor, but on the contrary, in the 60s in the USA it became the most popular among the wealthy segments of society.

Loft and modernity

Why is the loft so attractive? And the fact that he does not make living quarters identical and similar. The choice of furniture, partitions - all this is already so recognizable, even though it is taken from the most fashionable trends.

The loft has a different approach to all this, there are no boundaries for fantasy.


Will it be possible to recreate such a direction in the apartments of the city.

Let's try to understand the existing stylistic features:

  • Huge non-delimited expanses reaching up to 1000 sq.m;
  • High ceilings;
  • Large window frames;
  • Roughness of finish in surrounding surfaces:
  • metal structures;
  • Few pieces of furniture.

The modern loft is outrageous and chic style. Experts can easily bring it to life. How? They replace the necessary spaciousness of factories and rough surfaces with items from the industrial arsenal and unusual furnishings.

Planning and division into zones

Free zones are the concept of a loft. The ideal option is considered the area that is entirely visible. Beyond these boundaries, the bathroom, pantries, and sometimes the bedroom are not visible.

Availability a large number light and space is the main point, because of this, pieces of furniture should be in minimal quantities and always placed near the walls, but rather away from them.

Everything superfluous is hidden in the back rooms. They also need to pay attention. Because it is necessary to remove the unnecessary, so as not to harm the created creative atmosphere.

Here there is a variant of vertical zoning, i.e. open floor. Below are photos of the loft style.


The main material is:

  • Pipes;
  • beams;
  • Bricks.

Textured surfaces take advantage. Different materials are used to divide into zones.

"Provocative" rudeness, "unfinished" finish creates the necessary atmosphere, where even a grandmother's chest of drawers will look on equal terms with a luxurious sofa.

All kinds of heating or air conditioning pipes are "put on display." Everything can be on the walls, from various posters to paintings by famous artists.

The floor is made of stone or wood.

Beams or other decorative elements are placed on the ceiling, or everything is painted in light colors.

Blinds are hung on the windows or everything is left as it is.

Furniture and decor elements

Highlights in relation to loft style furniture:

  • Minimum set
  • fashionable
  • The space between the furniture and the wall.

The most suitable vintage and most fashionable designer furniture.

The loft was one of the first to use plastic, leather and aluminum materials. Such long-familiar things as folding chairs or metal shelving and much more appeared then along with the loft. Loft-style furniture does not include headsets, wooden shelves or bulky cabinets.

Furniture from antiques or today? Both options are suitable, the main thing is that it is luxurious and expressive.

Decorating a kitchen or dining room

Furniture rarities 50 - x g or high-tech kitchen equipment are perfect. Chrome plating of metal surfaces is also approved. It will be great if in the end you get a certain restaurant or cafe.

In the dining room, the loft-style design is also designed in a minimalist direction.

Living room

Loft-style interior items such as, soft sofa, comfortable chair and other furniture will create the right atmosphere, and the works of artists will add luxury.

Also don't forget about modern technology, without which a loft-style apartment is indispensable.


It can be separate or one of the zones of the studio. The partition can be a simple closet or chest of drawers.

Preference is given high bed from metal structure. And of course the bedroom should be in perfect order.

Bath and bathroom

The bath can be arranged in different ways. The difference is the plumbing items. An ideal option is a gilded bathtub with legs. If there are no vintage things, then focus on modern plumbing.

Decor elements

The interior of a loft-style room does not allow various trifles; it is better to opt for 1 - 2 large details.

A fireplace would be a great option. Loft-style curtains in the interior are used as decor.

If there is a 2nd floor, the staircase also acts as a decoration.

Loft in the apartment

Based on the basic principles of the loft, you can recreate semi-residential and spacious rooms, with the presence of luxury and style. Vacation home is a great option for your fantasies.

Currently, the recognizable features of the loft are used in the design of apartments - textured walls, weaving a rarity and the latest fashion trends.

As a result, combining seemingly incongruous leads to an unexpected result. Which is very popular right now. Therefore, it is quite easy to create a loft-style apartment.


The loft is suitable for absolutely everyone, both rich and poor, both owners of restaurants and nightclubs. But most often it is the choice of creative natures.

Interior design photo in loft style

The loft style, which is very popular today in the design of apartments and houses, originated in the middle of the last century in the United States of America. Then idle factories began to be used as living quarters. In practice, it turned out that it is impossible to completely redo this “apartment”. In this regard, individual components of the original purpose of the buildings had to be left in their original form. Yes, quite ordinary apartments high ceilings appeared, bare walls made of concrete and brick, small fragments of air vents, as well as metal pipes, which received the appointment of loft-style decoration.

Pretty weird design. creative people, so many art workers soon moved into such premises, and often arranged their own exhibitions there. As a rule, adherents original style loft are young people who value freedom and do not intend to live by social standards.

Features of loft-style decoration allow you to visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, give it lightness, but at the same time with the help of various decorative elements in the room you can create a warm, cozy atmosphere.


When making wall decoration in this style, you must not forget that it must be as simple as possible. So, the walls can be painted with snow-white emulsion paint. No less common are apartments, the “highlight” of which are bare brick walls in the loft style.

Loft is a style that is distinguished by an exclusively individual choice of a common color scheme. Shades are selected depending on the technique of finishing the room, the pattern and texture of the wood, the metal objects used, the color of the brick. Despite the simplicity of finishing, it takes effort to create deliberate negligence in the house. Everything should look quite primitive - properly selected and decorated boards with bricks and plaster do not demonstrate the status and high cost of a new loft-style interior.

In an apartment with brick walls, you need to leave a few surfaces that will differ from the rest in that the brickwork is not covered special plaster. As a rule, such surfaces are present in each functional area. Such a wall in the loft style allows not only to divide the whole space into different parts, but also to emphasize the unity and originality of the chosen style. Many experts recommend creating an imitation of either stone or bare brick walls. For example, loft-style wallpapers can be used for such a finish.

Concrete walls in the room are a very appropriate element in the industrial interior. However, there is no need to overdo it with such fragments. Indeed, unlike brick, which a person associates with warmth, gray cold concrete creates a dull and slightly boring atmosphere. It will look good to finish walls made of concrete, painted with ordinary water-based paint V warm shades(pearl grey, white, ivory).

The bathroom and the bathroom can be laid out with mosaics or loft-style tiles, choosing materials in black and white tones. An interesting design option using metallic tiles, as well as wallpaper imitating old newspapers, will be interesting. For more classic design perfect harmonious combination colors natural wood with a milky white tint.

In the kitchen, fragments such as glass, panels made of cold metal alloys, tile, decorated with chrome-colored metal coating.


With the aim of visual magnification rooms when finishing in a loft style, the following feature is used - the ceiling is painted in a dazzling White color. Great option is to attach to the ceiling either wooden partitions, or massive metal pipes. Thus, you can effortlessly create a pleasant attic atmosphere. In addition, the presence of large elements under the ceiling helps to emphasize the uncouthness in the design of the apartment.

In some cases, the loft-style ceiling is simply painted with white emulsion paint. However, according to the original idea, it is better to leave it completely untouched.


Most suitable coating for the floor is considered laminate and floorboards. Minimalism can be perfectly emphasized by wood with a clear lacquered surface. This is one of the main features that characterize loft-style floors. Much less common are floors with stone or decorative tiles. Skirting boards must be either made of solid natural wood or painted in the appropriate shades. Thanks to this move, it turns out to achieve the unity of the entire space of the apartment.

Loft - minimalism and naturalness, lightness and harmony. To create an interior, you do not have to spend a large amount of money. In addition, there is where to unfold fantasy. After all general details and fragments can be added various elements which will give the apartment individuality and a warm atmosphere.

Loft-style decoration - a new breath

The loft style cannot be confused with any other. A dwelling decorated in this style looks like an old workshop or factory. Wall decoration for this style is essential.

The history of style dates back to the 20s of the last century, when it became necessary to increase the number of rooms for living. This article will study the characteristics of this style and consider options for decorating walls for it.

Characteristics and directions of style

The interior in this style is characterized not only by the large dimensions of the room, but also by a special color scheme, furniture arrangement, decor and surface treatment methods.

To create a room with such a design, you must rely on the following factors:

The special features of the style depend on its direction. There are 3 directions:

  • bohemian;
  • glamorous;
  • industrial.

The following diagram shows the strengths and weak sides bathroom decoration in this style.

Materials and furniture to create style

Rough wood furniture will fit perfectly into this technological style.

The most common loft design materials are:

  • concrete slabs. Used to decorate walls, ceilings or floors;
  • wooden boards. Used for sewing walls and floor cladding;
  • glass. It is used not only for windows, but also for creating overlaps between levels;
  • various types of bricks. They act as the basis for wall cladding and are the most famous loft materials;
  • metal pipes can be used as a decoration.

Proper furniture is also essential to this style. The choice must be made depending on the direction:

Floor finish

The floors are deliberately rough finishes perfectly fit into the interior

To create this style, it is customary to use concrete floors, but they are not very comfortable for residential buildings due to their cold surface.

Also, concrete has a rough surface, which makes it difficult to clean from contaminants, therefore, in the role floor covering most often performed:

When creating a zoning, a bedroom or kitchen is treated with a separate type of material. In this case, the main space of the floor is finished with another coating.

What should be the walls and ceilings

Unfinished concrete walls often accompany this style

An open interior does not tolerate the presence of walls, in which case they are usually replaced with glass blocks or plastic. In the kitchen, instead of a wall, you can put a bar counter with various drinks.

Load-bearing walls should be industrial-style, slightly roughened, and bare or brickwork.

Wallpapering the walls for this style is unacceptable.

Decorative brick is well suited for finishing a loft

How to paint the walls correctly? If the loft style is created in a living room, the walls should be painted gray or matte paint. They can also be overlaid decorative brick or sheets of plywood.

If style is embodied in a room with low ceilings, they will be enough and painted white. For processing rooms with high ceilings, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • they can be equipped with wooden beams;
  • you can create an attic atmosphere by building wooden structures;
  • a good solution would be to hang lamps on chains between trusses.

Loft style accessories

When creating this style, you can use different variants decor. Good solutions are:

  1. In the recreation area, you can install a large hammock or swing.
  2. On brickwork place a large screen TV.
  3. A deck chair with a voluminous stylish floor lamp is fixed near the window.
  4. For the kitchen, you can use large stumps of wood as seats.
  5. The stairs leading to the second level are hung with chains.
  6. Real road signs are placed in front of the entrance to the bathroom or kitchen.
  7. Instead of chairs, you can use a bench, and install a street lamp as an addition.
  8. A good decor would be a pattern on the wall, drawn with charcoal. For more information about the features of this design, see this video:

More familiar accessories for the loft style are the following options:

  • a picture or poster made in pop art style;
  • decorative pillows or colored carpets;
  • various accessories for the table.


Any kind of lighting is extremely great importance for such a design. In addition to natural light, which can be created using large windows, it is recommended to separately highlight each area. For these purposes, you need to choose lamps made in the same style. To highlight another zone, use lamps of a different type. The loft is characterized by the accumulation of a large number of lamps in one area. For more information on how to choose fixtures, see this video:

The wiring for lighting is distributed along the ceiling and attached to the walls, while creating the effect of a temporary solution. Light bulbs can be arranged in a row at certain intervals to create an unusual garland.

As can be seen from the article, the loft style will allow you to create a unique and unusual design in the treated area. The main thing is to use the right finishes and furniture.