home · Networks · Kitchen outside under a canopy. How to build a summer kitchen (40 photos). The cost of a ready-made summer kitchen for a turnkey cottage

Kitchen outside under a canopy. How to build a summer kitchen (40 photos). The cost of a ready-made summer kitchen for a turnkey cottage

Cooking is a process that should be enjoyable. But here a lot depends on the conditions in which you cook. The atmosphere should be inspiring and conducive to creating delicious and healthy dishes filled with your good energy. In the summer, in the stuffiness and fumes of the confined space of the kitchen, you are unlikely to be able to easily tune in to a pleasant cooking process. But if you have a summer house and a pair of skillful hands, you can solve this problem. By building a summer kitchen in your dacha, you will not only save your main room from unnecessary fumes and the heat of the stove, but also get the opportunity to cook in the fresh air in a pleasant environment, surrounded by green spaces and blown by the breeze. In addition, an open summer kitchen can be equipped with a barbecue, barbecue or fireplace and you can have cozy picnics surrounded by people you love.

Where to begin

When planning the construction of a summer kitchen for your dacha, first of all, you should find answers to a number of important questions that will determine your further actions:

  1. Purpose. Will you use the summer kitchen only in the warm season or all year round? Do you want to cook on it often and a lot, or will it become a place for periodic gatherings with friends and family?
  2. Dimensions. Will the space of the summer kitchen become a workplace for the housewife during the period when home preparations and food preparation are closed, or will it be organized in the form of a kitchen-dining room, designed for a certain number of people?
  3. Accommodation. Will the kitchen be built as an extension to the main room of your dacha or will it be a separate house? How will your building be located in relation to the sun, wind, green spaces, communications and roadways?
  4. Project budget. The materials you choose for the summer kitchen, the design of the room and the time spent on implementing your ideas will largely depend on it.

Advice ! Study ready-made projects of summer kitchens for dachas offered by construction companies, and independently adjust them to your scale and needs.

After analyzing all the significant points, you will need to accurately determine the following:

  • Open or closed type suits you;
  • Will you build a stove or limit yourself to installing a stove, do you plan to use a barbecue and grill;
  • How will your project organize water supply, sewerage, and electricity;
  • What kind of design do you plan to implement?

Open summer kitchen

The open type of summer kitchen usually has from one to three walls, a canopy as a roof, and in appearance it looks more like a gazebo.

Advantages of open-type summer kitchens:

  • Such an open-type summer kitchen design can be built quite quickly and without much effort.
  • It is economical in terms of creation costs.
  • When cooking outdoors, you will not suffer from the stuffiness, fumes and burning that is characteristic of an enclosed space.

​However, you should pay attention to a number of significant disadvantages:

  • In the open summer kitchen you can cook and relax only while it is warm outside;
  • You cannot leave food on it;
  • Kitchen furniture should be put away in the house for the winter so that it does not deteriorate from dampness;
  • The room is poorly protected from drafts, showers and insects.

Open summer kitchen on the veranda

You can organize an open type of summer kitchen on the veranda of your country house.

Advice ! To make your open summer kitchen look good, try to equip it in the same style as your dacha.

First of all, you will need to lay the foundation. Its depth should match the depth of the house's foundation. Next, you form the frame of the walls, cover them and build the roof. It is better if the roof is the same for the house and veranda. An open summer kitchen with a glazed front or side wall looks good.

Open summer kitchen extension

An open summer kitchen can be organized in the form of an extension and connected to a summer house or to some utility room, for example, to a bathhouse.

Such an extension is created by expanding the porch and is a kind of terrace with all the necessary kitchen attributes: gas or electric stove, furniture, sink, etc. During the construction process, supporting structures are installed along the wall of the dacha, onto which the canopy is attached. The floor can be laid with paving slabs directly on the ground, having first leveled it. This is possible if water does not collect in this area after rain. You can protect your open summer kitchen from bad weather using sliding or removable side partitions, tarpaulins, or roller blinds. The walls can be covered with plants that will please the eye and create coolness in the heat.

This open summer kitchen project is cheaper and easier to implement than the option with a foundation, but it is less reliable, because when the soil subsides, the kitchen may begin to tilt.

Open summer kitchen-gazebo

This type of open summer kitchen project is especially good when you want to install a fireplace and barbecue in the kitchen and use it for a pleasant time in the company of friends and family. It will also be convenient to process the harvest harvested at the dacha in such a gazebo.

Decide which foundation for an open kitchen-gazebo - strip or columnar - will suit you best. It is recommended to make the roof from bitumen or ondulin. When creating a frame, materials such as stone, brick, timber are usually used. Any wall can be made closed in order to place a kitchen set and other necessary attributes along it. Leave other openings open to allow fresh air to breathe freely. If necessary, they can be draped with fabric curtains and roller blinds, decorated with lattice panels entwined with plants, or various partitions can be arranged.

Closed summer kitchen

A closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged house, standing alone or attached to another building: a country house, a bathhouse, a utility room. This option is well suited for areas where the climate is characterized by strong winds, rain, and early frosts. You may like this design if you like to relax at the dacha in winter and prefer to cook in a separate room. It requires more capital investments, a serious approach to design, and is more difficult to build. But in the end, you can build a house with comfortable conditions, including heating, running water, sewage and electricity. Often closed kitchens in the country are equipped with a cellar, fireplace, and utility rooms.

Advice ! When it is impossible to supply electricity to the summer kitchen, you can buy a country diesel generator and power all kitchen appliances from it.

In this project of a closed summer kitchen: 1 - the kitchen itself, 2 - the dining area. The numbers 3, 4 and 5 indicate the stools, table and corner bench in the dining room. The kitchen area is equipped with a cupboard (6), a stove (7), a sink (11), and a water tank (12). There are also: a chimney (8), a ventilation duct (9), a window (10).

Kitchen house with terrace

The closed version can be organized as a separate house with a terrace. You will be cooking in the house, so it should be equipped accordingly, and on the terrace under a canopy you can organize a dining area with a table and chairs.

Such a project is quite labor-intensive, since it requires laying a monolithic foundation, building walls, installing windows and doors.

When equipping walls, you should take into account the strength of the wind in a given area so that they can adequately withstand all possible loads. For a closed summer kitchen, a gable roof is recommended, which reliably protects from rain and snow.

You can also consider a kitchen house project with a cellar. Then, before starting the construction of the premises, you will need to dig a foundation pit, and the walls of the cellar will serve as the foundation for the upper part of the building.

How to build a summer kitchen with your own hands

There are several main stages in the process of implementing any kitchen project for a summer residence:

  1. Select building location.
  2. Prepare the foundation.
  3. Build walls.
  4. Build a roof.
  5. Carry out interior decoration of the room.

Choosing a location

A well-placed kitchen should:

  1. Conveniently located relative to the entrance to the house. On the one hand, it is not advisable for fumes from the stove to get into your main home. On the other hand, if the kitchen is too far from the house, it will be quite difficult to carry prepared food into the house in bad weather.
  2. Stay away from places that emit unpleasant odors, for example, country toilets, pets, cesspools, etc.
  3. Be far enough away from the roadway so that exhaust fumes and road noise do not interfere with your cooking and breathing fresh air.
  4. Be accessible for connecting communications: water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity.
  5. For an open summer kitchen, you should take into account the wind blown, warmed by the sun's rays, and the presence of greenery around.
  6. You should pay close attention to the groundwater level, as well as the topography of the area on which the dacha will be built.

Attention ! The country house and summer kitchen premises must be located at a distance of at least 15 meters from cesspools, toilets and livestock enclosures.

Preparing the foundation

What kind of foundation you will lay depends on the chosen kitchen design for your dacha. It is possible to build without a foundation, for example, when you concrete a site of a suitable size and reinforce it with a metal mesh. This would be appropriate for an open summer kitchen with a light canopy. For closed brick or stone summer kitchens, a strip foundation is usually prepared. Columnar supports are suitable for open kitchens or wooden houses.

The foundation formation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Along the perimeter of the kitchen being created, select soil or dig small holes with a scale of 30x30 cm and a depth of 70-80 cm.
  2. Create a cushion of crushed stone and sand 20 cm thick and compact it thoroughly.
  3. Pour the foundation, platform or pillars. Concrete can harden from 7 days to a month.
  4. If there is a need to fill the floor, after removing the layer of soil from the area under the kitchen, pour sand 15 cm thick, crushed stone on top and fill the cushion with cement mortar. If you plan to lay tiled floors, the surface must first be leveled using grinding or a cement screed option.

Attention ! For an open summer kitchen, the floor should be raised above ground level to a height of five to seven centimeters so that rainwater does not flood the room.

We build walls

Your kitchen design may involve the presence of walls or their absence, but the support pillars on which the roof or canopy will be supported will most likely have to be installed. Materials for constructing walls can be:

  • Stone, e.g. marble, limestone, granite, slate, concrete. The advantage of the stone is its reliability and durability, but its prices are quite high. The thickness of the walls will depend on the ambient temperature conditions in which operation is planned. One brick thickness may be enough for you. For use in the cold season, additional insulation may be required.
  • Tree. This material is cheaper than stone and easier to use. Buildings made from it look elegant and are popular among summer residents. However, it should be taken into account: in order for the wood not to deteriorate over time, it must be subjected to special treatment. External cladding can be made of boards or siding; for internal cladding, use clapboard or drywall. Metal corners or self-tapping screws are used to create fastenings.

Building a roof

You can choose the following roof options:

  • Flat or single slope. This is an easy to construct and inexpensive roof.

  • Gable. More reliable, durable and popular.

Attention ! A long canopy will protect the walls during rain and extend the life of your kitchen.

We do interior decoration

Often, floors are finished using linoleum, parquet, laminate, decking or ceramic tiles.

In the case of wooden walls and ceilings, they can be covered with a protective layer of drying oil, which will prevent the negative effects of dampness and time on this material.

The interior of the kitchen should be pleasing to the eye, create coziness and comfort, so furnish the kitchen so that you enjoy being there and, of course, take into account your financial capabilities.

Cooking in a small kitchen is not a pleasant task. Hot air, cramped spaces, and constant lack of free space make the cooking process difficult and sometimes unbearable. There is only one way out - to build a separate spacious summer kitchen at the dacha, with enough space not only to accommodate a working area, but also a dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. Read on in our article to find out which summer kitchen is most in demand today, and whether it is possible to build it yourself using standard designs and a regular photo.

What is a summer kitchen?

A summer kitchen in a country house is a structure attached to the house or a separate structure designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the choice of materials and method of insulation, it can be used both during the warm season and constantly.

The type of summer kitchen design can be open or closed. In the first case, the walls of the building are missing completely or partially. They can be replaced by light curtains or. The closed type has solid walls and windows that reliably shelter the kitchen from rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter, it will not be difficult to build a rain shelter over the summer kitchen yourself.

A summer kitchen with a simple design can be easily erected in just one summer. This will require basic construction skills, the necessary material and tools. Well, to be on the safe side, it is advisable to have one or two assistants, since some types of work will be performed at height.

Important! Before starting construction of a facility, you should select a suitable location for it. Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the issue will depend on how correctly this is done.

We select a place for construction

When choosing a suitable place, first of all you need to take into account that the kitchen should not be too far away from the house. And the point is not even that it will be easier and cheaper to connect communications, but that it should be within walking distance from the main building. After all, you must admit that going to the opposite side of the site every day to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner is not very convenient.

In addition, there should be no sources with an unpleasant odor near the summer kitchen. These include sheds and cages with animals, pits with fertilizers, compost heaps, sewer wells, septic tanks, etc.

Having your own kitchen in the fresh air is the dream of every housewife.

If there is a tree on the site, it is advisable to plan a summer kitchen in close proximity to it. On hot days, you can place a table and chairs under its thick crown. It’s no secret that having breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

However, when you are carried away by planning the future structure, you should not forget about fire safety rules, neglect of which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in a summer kitchen is allowed if it is at least 8-10 meters away from flammable buildings.

Deciding on a kitchen project (photo)

In order for the cooking extension to be practical, functional and convenient, as well as have an attractive appearance, it is important to choose the right project for it, in which all the nuances and design features will be detailed down to the smallest detail.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen fits organically into the overall development and does not disturb the surrounding landscape, so it is advisable to choose the same materials for its construction as for the house itself. This way you will achieve perfect harmony between the two buildings.

As you may have already noticed, many summer kitchen projects, photos of which are posted in the article, have an original and non-standard design. This suggests that today the aesthetic component is no less important than the functional one.

Constructing a building on your own

When the location and design for the summer kitchen have been chosen, you can safely begin its construction. Like any building, the construction of a summer kitchen is carried out in four stages:

  1. Marking the site and pouring the foundation.
  2. Construction of walls (if provided for by the project) or support pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Interior and exterior finishing.


Since this structure is relatively light, there is no need to pour a capital foundation. It is quite possible to do without it or, the main thing is that it is carried out in compliance with technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to bother with the installation of the floor, it is perfect, the upper base of which will be the floor.

To build a summer kitchen made of glass, a foundation may not be required at all

  • Strip foundation. First, a marking is made on the site, which is marked on the plane with fixed pegs with a rope stretched between them. Next, a pit is dug (depth 40-60 cm), along the perimeter of which formwork made of boards or moisture-resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, to avoid heaving of the soil, a backfill is made of compacted seeded sand and crushed stone. Before pouring concrete, reinforcement is lowered into the trench and tied with wire using a special hook. The foundation must stand for at least 30 days. If you are lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • Monolithic foundation. Having previously marked the site, a pit is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. To strengthen the soil and protect the slab from groundwater, geotextiles are placed at the bottom of the pit, on top of which a sand cushion is made. Next, the sand is well leveled and compacted tightly with a tamping machine. All that remains is to install the formwork, tie the reinforcement cage, and pour the concrete solution. After complete drying, a reliable and high-quality base for a summer kitchen is ready.

Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, it is recommended to make a slab from a monolithic foundation with a slight slope of 1.5º-2º so that rainwater can flow down on its own.

Walls and roof

If the walls of the summer kitchen are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame, which is made of metal or wooden blocks.

  1. Large (support) posts are installed in the corners - measuring 200x200 mm, and between them additional ones - measuring 150x150 mm.
  2. The upper strapping beams are placed on the support bars, which will also serve as the basis for installing the rafters.
  3. After the rafters are installed, from bars measuring 50x50 mm. lathing and counter-lattice are made.
  4. Next, the entire structure is treated with a special compound against fungus and mold, after which installation is carried out.

Often, rounded logs, bricks or stones are used as wall materials, which are ideal for this type of construction. With such walls, the building can be used all year round, the main thing is to make them of high quality.

An undeniable advantage is that summer kitchen facade made of logs, facing bricks or decorative stones does not require additional finishing. The extra costs come down only to the fact that wood is needed, and stone and brick are needed.

Deciding on the façade design

When choosing a summer kitchen project from photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shape, size, and functional component, but also to the design of the structure. For a dacha, it is very important that the style of the extensions matches the overall layout of the entire site as a whole.

This does not mean at all that the building should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Quite the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic touches.

In the summer kitchen, special attention should also be paid to the working and dining areas, where everything should be as rational and convenient as possible. The following will help you organize your space wisely: photos of summer kitchens, where it is clearly demonstrated how to beautifully and correctly design various zones.

The work area is an important element in the interior. Try to make it comfortable and practical

  • Furniture. Using upholstered furniture in an open summer kitchen is not a good idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable cushions. Also, various types of wicker furniture will fit well into the interior, which goes well with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a wicker chair will look very beautiful. If a closed type of kitchen is used, then the flight of fancy should not be limited by anything. In this case, you can use any furniture, including upholstered furniture.
  • Lighting. Proper lighting of a summer kitchen in a country house, regardless of its size, is an important stage of renovation work. A chandelier or a single lamp suspended in the center cannot always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all areas, it is advisable to use more than one type of lighting. It is appropriate to place spotlights in tandem above the work area, and hang a large chandelier above the table.

We hope that this article will help you intelligently approach the issue of choosing a suitable project for your summer kitchen. As you can see, there are plenty of sources for inspiration and fresh ideas for implementing your plans. Good luck with your construction.

Many summer residents, in addition to the main house, also build a summer kitchen on their plot. It could be just a small house, a gazebo with a barbecue, some kind of tent, or an ordinary extension to the house. The main thing is to be closer to nature.

You can decorate your kitchen in different styles. Country or Provence are well suited for a summer cottage. The main thing is to make it comfortable and cozy. In a summer kitchen it should be comfortable to cook and pleasant to sit in the company of friends in the fresh air.


Sometimes it is installed directly in the house on the veranda, if the area of ​​the site does not allow it to be built separately. Most often, additional space is still found. There are almost no downsides to a separate summer kitchen. The only thing is that it is difficult to use in winter, so it is not always economically feasible.

There are many advantages:

  • In summer, cooking food in the fresh air is more pleasant than in a cramped, stuffy room;
  • eating in such a kitchen can turn into a pleasant pastime;
  • in the summer kitchen, if it is a gazebo, you can receive guests - triple the barbecue and fry kebabs;
  • in a summer gazebo you don’t have to worry too much about crumbs and spilled drops of oil on the floor.

Types of summer kitchens

They can be closed or open. The latter are simpler and cheaper, but they cannot be used in winter. It is simple to build such a kitchen - usually it is a gazebo that houses a table, benches and a fireplace on which food is prepared.

This can be a gas stove, a barbecue or barbecue device, a spit, sometimes they even build something like a rustic outdoor oven - it’s good for baking meat and fish, as well as baking pies. In total, this kitchen has two zones - for cooking and for relaxing.

To protect from the wind in an open gazebo, sliding structures made of fabric or tarpaulin, bamboo, straw, removable partitions or roller curtains can be used. They can be on only one side, or on several at once. This option is advantageous because it is economical; it will protect you from summer winds, but will not save you from autumn weather.

There are many closed options for a summer kitchen. Sometimes a veranda of the house is allocated for it or a special extension is made. Most often, a separate room is built for a summer kitchen. It could be a glass house with floor-to-ceiling windows; in summer they are completely retractable.

Closed summer kitchen for a summer residence

It can also be used in winter, especially if the stove serves as the hearth. A brick or wooden house can also be built for a summer kitchen. Plastic or metal are not suitable as they are very hot in summer.

How to choose the right place

The convenience of its further use depends on the correct choice of place for the kitchen in a summer cottage.. There are a few points to consider here:

  • the ability to conduct electricity, and sometimes water and gas
  • distance from the fence and road so that noise is not heard and exhaust gases do not interfere
  • there should not be a compost pit, toilet or courtyard nearby where summer residents sometimes raise poultry
  • it is better if the kitchen is in the garden, under the shade of trees that will protect from the sun
  • there should be no flammable objects nearby, for example, greenhouses made of film

DIY construction

Often it is a simple structure, so many summer residents build it themselves. During construction, several points must be taken into account:

How to equip

Its main attribute is the hearth, placed in the work area. Sometimes they limit themselves to just a stove, but for get-togethers with friends it is better to install a brick grill, spit, barbecue or oven.

The main thing is to place them away from the table where guests will gather. They are usually located behind a light partition, taking into account the most frequent wind direction, so that smoke does not interfere with a good time. For a barbecue it is necessary to provide a chimney.

A cutting table and a small cupboard for dishes are usually placed near the hearth so that you don’t have to constantly run into the house for kitchen utensils. It will be convenient if in such a kitchen there is room for a small refrigerator.

Water and sewerage are not always provided to the summer kitchen. This is convenient, but requires considerable costs. But you can’t save on electricity. For lighting, you can choose banal light bulbs, country pendant lanterns, floor lanterns - it all depends on preferences and financial capabilities. The main thing is that they are well protected from possible rain.

Lanterns with light-accumulating elements are often installed along the perimeter of the gazebo. This allows you to consume less electricity.

Design and decor

The basic rule is that the building must be in harmony with the entire site, especially with the house. Summer kitchens in the country often resemble fairy-tale houses or gazebos. It’s easy to create such an environment: just lanterns, a few carved decorations on frame posts and climbing plants around the gazebo are enough. If the climate allows, they can be combined with grapes.

Wooden decor looks great in a summer kitchen. But it must be impregnated with a good varnish that protects from the sun and rain. Usually, owners are not afraid to experiment in such rooms, decorating them with flowerpots, rocking chairs, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it.

A summer house should resemble a romantic fairy tale, and not a warehouse for rubbish that has no place in the house.

At the dacha you just need a room where in the warm season you can cook dinner or do preserving for the winter. And even if there is a large house on the site, every housewife simply dreams of a summer version of a closed kitchen.
But users will learn how to inexpensively make such a design with their own hands by reading this article.

Features and types of buildings

A closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged separate building with running water and electricity. An excellent place for receiving guests in the warm season, family dinners and friendly gatherings in the evenings. This is the right solution for regions with rainy summers and early frosts. However, it is not worth using such a design in winter, unless the owners have worried about heating in advance.

Such a kitchen can be an independent structure or an extension to the main house, utility room or bathhouse. It can be equipped with a fireplace, barbecue or stove.

An interesting layout option is a kitchen-house with a terrace or veranda. All the necessary kitchen appliances and equipment are compactly placed inside, and a dining area is formed under the canopy.

In villages, preference is given to a type of structure with a cellar and barbecue. But you need to take into account the fact that the walls of the basement will become the upper part of the kitchen foundation, so they must be made of the most durable material.

It is important to note that if it is not possible to provide electricity on the site, then the right solution would be to purchase a generator running on diesel fuel, which will provide light to both the building and kitchen electrical appliances.

The construction of a closed structure is a labor-intensive process that requires accurate calculations and drawings of every detail of the building. Developing a project with correct dimensions will speed up construction and help avoid mistakes.

Site selection and structure design

The initial stage of constructing a summer kitchen at a summer cottage is choosing a location, and then designing all its components. And so that the result of the work does not disappoint, you need to remember several features.

  1. When laying the foundation, carefully analyze the level and location of groundwater, taking into account the typical relief features of the region.
  2. The structure should be as far as possible from the highway so that the noise of cars, the smell of fuel and exhaust gases do not spoil the stay and recreation of its residents.
  3. If the summer kitchen is an addition to a private house, it is worth considering in advance its distance from the main structure. It must be placed in such a way that smoke from the barbecue or stove does not enter the house, and ready-made dishes do not have to be carried too far.
  4. Don't forget about fire safety rules. When using an open fire in the kitchen, nearby flammable buildings must be at least 10 m away from it.
  5. The location should be convenient for connecting communications (sewage, water supply and electricity).
  6. Stay as far as possible from the barnyard, cesspool and outdoor toilet so that unpleasant odors do not enter the premises (minimum distance 15 m).
  7. You need to make sure that trees grow near the kitchen, which will provide coolness and shade to the room on hot summer days.
  8. Before you start building the walls and roof, you need to clearly understand what kind of wind force you will have to face at different times of the year so that the kitchen can easily withstand any weather changes.

The best options for building materials

The choice of building materials directly depends not only on the service life, preferences of the owners, but also on financial capabilities. But today there are many practical examples of successful combinations of cheap materials with more expensive ones.

When constructing a summer building, the following are in greatest demand:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • polycarbonate;
  • natural stone;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • tree;
  • lining;
  • aluminum.

We must not forget that the summer cottage should emphasize the beauty of the future structure, so it would be appropriate to lay out gravel or tile paths, plant flowers and perennial shrubs. And if you have the financial means, build an artificial pond.

If the area is surrounded by a brick fence, it is good to make the kitchen from the same material or using natural stone. Such a structure is not afraid of the influence of the external environment and will last for more than a decade.

It is much easier to make a prefabricated indoor version of the kitchen from timber. Such a project will be less expensive, but every detail of the building will require constant care and treatment. In addition, wood wears out much faster than brick or stone.

To cover the floor use:

  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • decorative tiles.

The roof can be covered with:

  • corrugated sheets;
  • soft roof;
  • metal tiles.

Exterior decoration of the building with siding elements will give the kitchen a modern look.

Laying the foundation

Having decided on the location and formed the design of the structure, it is necessary to begin constructing the foundation of the building.
When planning an open version of a summer kitchen, you could simply make a small depression in the ground over the entire area of ​​the future structure and fill it with sand. Allow time to stand a little, and lay out a layer of bricks or boards. But the basis of a closed kitchen should be a durable and strong foundation, requiring phased installation.

If the flooring is made of decorative tiles, the working surface must first be sanded or a smooth cement screed must be applied.

Photo: monolithic foundation ready for construction

Construction of walls

If the owners of a summer kitchen plan to use it in late autumn during the first frosts, you need to take care of strong walls so that the room inside does not freeze under the influence of low temperatures. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to build masonry half or a whole brick thick.

Photo: bricklaying process using strings

Lovers of wooden house structures will assemble the walls much faster. Their basis will be a frame made of timber. And for fastening elements it is better to use metal corners and self-tapping screws. The outer part of the walls can be sheathed with a thin layer of boards.

Interior finishing is done using plasterboard, plastic, lining or plastering.

Roofing installation

The roof of an enclosed kitchen should be durable and practical. Therefore, when purchasing materials for its installation, you can choose:

The shape of the roof depends on the preferences of the owners.

Photo: log building with a gable roof

If the building will be used in winter, it is recommended to insulate it with mineral wool or other heat-insulating material.

It is better to make one wing of the roof covering or canopy longer in order to create additional protection for the walls during precipitation, thereby extending the life of the entire building.

Interior decoration and interior design

High-quality interior finishing and well-chosen interior design will create a pleasant atmosphere of home comfort.

When starting the arrangement, it is worth paying attention to such nuances.

When creating an enclosed summer kitchen, it is necessary to accurately calculate every detail of the structure and correctly combine the selected building materials with the overall style of the room, then the resulting structure will not only be a source of pride, but also a favorite place for the family for many years.

Order a gazebo from professionals

Don't have time to build yourself? Contact the following organizations.

In order for the food to be tasty, and the process of preparing it not to be tedious, you need it. If in an apartment or private house there is a specially designed room for cooking, then in a dacha, which is usually a small building, you have to resort to various tricks. You can set aside a small area in the house for the kitchen, but in the heat it’s quite uncomfortable to cook anything in a cramped room. That is why many people prefer to set up summer kitchens in their dachas, projects and photos of which we will consider in this review. We will also talk about some of the nuances of independent construction, design and materials used.

Read in the article

What is a summer kitchen and its types

A summer kitchen at a summer cottage is a free-standing kitchen designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the type of construction, it can be used only during the warm period or all year round. An outdoor kitchen can be open or closed.

Outdoor summer kitchens

Open-type country kitchens, or, as they are simply called, summer kitchens, are a structure of 1-3 walls with a canopy and look very similar. This type of kitchen has its advantages:

  • simplicity of design, which allows you to build it within 1-2 days;
  • low cost;
  • absence of stuffiness, odors and burning, typical for kitchens located in the house.

The disadvantages include:

  • use only in the warm season;
  • equipment and furnishings have to be removed during cold weather;
  • You can’t leave food out for a long time.

Combining a summer kitchen with a veranda or terrace of the house

​The simplest option at the dacha is to equip it on. It is ideal if the extension already exists, otherwise you will have to build it first and only then arrange a place for cooking, eating and relaxing. Ideally, the veranda and the main building will have a single glazed wall.

Open structure attached to a building

You can arrange a kitchen on a site adjacent to the “blank” wall of the building. To do this, you first need to level the soil, lay it and install an awning. Having prepared the place, you can place a grill or barbecue on the site.

You can protect yourself from drafts by installing removable or sliding ones, as well as using roller blinds or tarpaulins. Also, large decorative pots are often installed in the openings, which provide additional coolness on a hot day. This kitchen option is much simpler and cheaper than the others, but if the soil subsides, the kitchen may tilt.

Open kitchen-gazebo for a summer residence

A good option for an open kitchen, especially if you plan to install it, or for a pleasant pastime in a close circle of family and friends. This design is also convenient for processing the harvested crop.

Since this is a stationary structure, it will require arrangement - columnar or strip. The type of base depends on the material from which the gazebo will be built. The supporting structure can be made of metal profiles, stone or brick, and the roof can be made of ondulin. One wall must be closed, preferably on the side of the prevailing winds. Openings can be closed with roller blinds, curtains or lattice panels.

Closed summer kitchen in the country: projects and photos

An enclosed kitchen is a permanent structure, built separately, attached to a house or any building located on. In such a building you can cook, eat or relax with friends at any time of the year, regardless of the weather outside. Closed summer kitchens have, and. They can have regular fireplaces, barbecues or barbecues. The pavilions with kitchens are also equipped with utility rooms. In principle, this is a full-fledged house in which guests can even stay overnight.

Where to start building a kitchen in the country

Before building a summer kitchen on your site, you need to decide on a number of issues. In particular, you need to decide for yourself:

  1. How often will the building be used: only in summer or all year round (the type of structure depends on this).
  2. Dimensions. This parameter determines whether the room will be used only for cooking, family dinners, harvest processing, or for evening gatherings by a large group.
  3. Will it be installed, grill or barbecue?
  4. What kind of exterior and interior design is expected?
  5. Kitchen location. Will it be a free-standing structure or attached to the main building? How far will it be from communications and the roadway?
  6. Budget.

Choosing a kitchen design in the country: photos of projects

Basically, the design of a country kitchen is determined not by some standards, but by a personal idea of ​​​​its appearance and functionality. However, few people can clearly imagine whether the chosen project will be comfortable and successful. Therefore, we have put together a collection of the most successful options for summer kitchens, photos of which are presented at the very end of our review. Like any room in the house, the summer kitchen has its own functional areas: a working and dining room. In accordance with this, the design is developed.

Summer kitchen design: dining area

When arranging a dining area in a summer kitchen, you must first take into account the maximum number of people that can be accommodated during the summer, and not on weekdays, but on holidays. The minimum size of the dining area should be 3x3 m2. The standard set of furniture includes benches or. For an open-type kitchen in the dining area, it is better not to use it, since dampness will quickly ruin the upholstery. Sofas would also be an ideal option.

Summer kitchen with barbecue: work area

Since the work area is designed for comfortable cooking, it must include the required elements:

  • or gas stove;
  • cabinet for cutting food and cooking;
  • cabinets for kitchen utensils.

This set can be supplemented with either a barbecue or a fireplace in the dining area.

Do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country: deciding on the material

Depending on the design and type of summer kitchen, the material is selected. If this is a simple open building, then you can make a frame from a metal profile and an awning. If the kitchen is located in a pavilion, you will need brick, stone or wood. For capital structures, you will need to build a foundation, which means you will have to fork out money for pouring. Let's consider several options for summer kitchens made from different materials.

Brick summer kitchen

During the construction of a summer kitchen, it can be used for the construction of support pillars, a protective partition (open type), walls, a stove, a fireplace, a barbecue, fences, etc. (semi-closed and closed type). For the main structure, ordinary or is used, and for fireplaces - fireproof. In some cases, the material is specially coated with a transparent protective layer.

Wooden summer kitchen made of timber

Just like brick, it is used for the construction of open, semi-closed or closed summer kitchens. This material is mainly used to make support posts and trim. Sometimes summer kitchens are made entirely of timber, but this option is good if other buildings in the country house are made of the same material. Such structures look massive and are not cheap.

Nuances of using other materials for construction

For walls, in addition to brick and timber, natural stone, polycarbonate, glass, corrugated sheets, metal-plastic panels, etc. can be used. Lining is used as a finishing material. When arranging the floor, paving slabs, wood or stone are used. It all depends on the interior design and budget.

How to build an indoor summer kitchen with your own hands: main steps

To build a kitchen without problems, you need to break the work into several stages and follow the recommendations given. First of all, a place is selected and clearing is carried out. Next you need to create . Once the base is ready, you can begin building the walls and installing the last stage - completing the interior decoration.

Choosing a site for construction

In order for the kitchen to look harmonious in the territory of the dacha, you need to choose the location wisely. The building must meet the following requirements:

  • optimal distance from the main entrance to the house;
  • maximum distance from the street, cesspools, places of detention, etc.;
  • the distance from the kitchen to the roadway should be such that noise and exhaust gases reach it;
  • accessibility for water supply, and.

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Team leader of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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" When building a country kitchen, you need to take into account the proximity of groundwater to the surface of the earth, the topography, the presence of trees nearby and the wind prevailing in the area.


Site clearance and foundation installation

Once the construction site and the design of the dacha have been chosen, you can proceed to clearing the site and constructing it. It depends on the design what kind of foundation will have to be made. It is possible to build a country kitchen without a foundation, for example, if it consists of four supports with an awning installed on a concreted area. For closed kitchens made of stone or, as a rule, a strip foundation is installed, and light or wooden structures are erected on a columnar base. We will consider for a closed kitchen:

  1. First, we clear the selected area of ​​grass and bushes, carefully removing all roots.
  2. We make markings according to the size of the future kitchen (drive pegs in the corners and stretch twine between them).
  3. Dig holes around the perimeter with dimensions of 300×300×700 mm or a trench 300 mm wide and 700 mm deep.
  4. Creation of sand and crushed stone 200 mm thick.
  5. Preparation of concrete solution and pouring of pillars and platforms (hardening of concrete can last from a week to one month). If you decide to build a strip foundation, then you need to make it from boards or OBS slabs, place it on both sides of the trench, and fill it with concrete.

For your information! When constructing a light open kitchen, it is recommended to raise the floor level above the ground to a height of at least 70 mm so that during rain there is no flooding of the room.


Regardless of whether there are walls or not, support pillars will still have to be erected, since the roof of the summer kitchen will be installed on them. For supports, use metal profiles, bricks, stones, or rounded logs. You can build solid walls with doorways, and it will be a full-fledged house in which you can spend time even in winter, especially if you make it. The summer kitchen also looks beautiful, in which metal-plastic frames with double-glazed windows are placed between the supports. You can make frames and sheathing from clapboard (wooden or plastic), corrugated sheets or siding.

Installation of a summer kitchen roof

The lid is a very important element of any structure, since it protects from wind and various precipitation. For a country summer kitchen, you can choose a flat or lean-to kitchen, which is an inexpensive and easy-to-install option. A gable roof is more durable and reliable. There is another option - a hip roof.

For your information! A long roof overhang will well protect the walls and base of the building from the destructive effects of precipitation.

Interior decoration and decor

After the box or frame is made and the roof is installed, you can begin to decorate the interior of the room. Wooden walls and ceilings must be impregnated with a special antiseptic and moisture-repellent composition, after which they can be covered with natural stone. In closed buildings, folk art objects made of ceramics are laid on the floor. Also, summer country kitchens can be decorated with live ornamental plants in flowerpots or compositions of dry branches and flowers.

Don't forget about the surrounding area. Along the perimeter of the kitchen you can place tall or climbing plants, arrange paths made of sand or stone, and also install garden lanterns (solar-powered lighting fixtures are a good idea).

Construction of a very simple summer kitchen design with your own hands

Let's look at how to independently build a simple but functional closed summer kitchen at your dacha. First you need to draw up a drawing indicating all dimensions, prepare the material and the appropriate tools.

Illustration Description of action

First of all, we clear the area for construction, make markings using pegs and string, and determine where the foundation piles will be located. In our case, there are 12 of them. Using a garden or homemade drill, we make holes for the piles.

Next, we make “glasses” (galvanizing waste, old plastic buckets, etc. will do) and a reinforcing lattice or mesh. We insert them into the drilled hole and fill them with concrete. The depth of the pit for the pile is made in the range of 700-800 mm, and the diameter is 300 mm. For the base to last a long time, it must harden from a week to a month.

Lay a layer of roofing felt waterproofing on the finished pillars. Next, we make the bottom frame of timber on the piles.

We install vertical supports, fasten them together with cross beams and make the top frame of the pillars. Next, we install a gable roof on the finished frame.

We cover the roof sheathing with film and lay slate. We cover the outside of the future kitchen frame with boards.

We install door and window frames. We make the windows semi-hinged.

In order for the building to last for a long time, it is necessary to treat it with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds. You can give a beautiful external and internal appearance to the structure by covering it with stain and varnish for external use.

So, our summer kitchen is ready. We install a bench nearby, lay out paths and you can decorate it with plants.

As you can see, it is quite possible to build a kitchen in your dacha. If you have little experience in construction, then it is better to choose a pitched roof option.

The cost of a summer kitchen for a turnkey cottage

After reading this article, many people will have a question: a summer kitchen in the country is good, but what is the price of the issue? The cost of construction depends on which option you prefer - to do everything yourself with your own hands or order a ready-made collapsible structure from a construction company. If the choice is made in favor of the latter option, then the simplest summer kitchen made of timber and measuring 3x3 m costs at least 45,000 rubles. To determine the cost of a structure built independently, you just need to calculate the cost of the necessary materials, delivery and time costs.

A few words in conclusion

Every dacha should have a summer kitchen, because you can not only comfortably cook food in it on a hot day and dine with the whole family, but also gather in the evenings in a close company of friends. We told you what types of summer kitchens there are, what can be used for construction and how you can build them yourself. We hope our article will help you when you decide to start building a kitchen in your dacha. If you still have any questions, ask our experts and they will be happy to answer them. We invite you to look at photos of kitchens in the country, made with your own hands, perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself and want to implement it on your site.