home · Installation · Recipes for dishes made from corn grits. Banosh, polenta, hominy and other delicious dishes made from corn grits. Corn cutlets

Recipes for dishes made from corn grits. Banosh, polenta, hominy and other delicious dishes made from corn grits. Corn cutlets

Corn grits porridge is an extremely healthy product. It is made from ground dried corn kernels. Porridge can be consumed as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat and vegetable salads.

Bread is baked from corn flour, pies are made, and various sweets are made. This grain makes delicious dietary soups. Flakes are used in muesli as a quick breakfast.

Tablets are even made from these cereals. Flour is also used in cosmetology to make masks.

Corn grits come in the following types:

  1. Coarse grind. Such grains are used to make flakes. They are made from corn kernels.
  2. Fine grind. This flour is used to make children’s favorite delicacy – corn sticks.
  3. Polished. Particles of kernels of various sizes are added to this cereal. The grains are polished using special equipment. Each grain has rounded edges.

General information about corn

In ancient times, the American Indians worshiped corn. They considered this plant sacred. Medicines were made from the leaves of the bush. Even now, adherents of alternative medicine treat hepatitis with the help of tincture of corn leaves. And from the hairs - stigmas - a decoction is made that treats indigestion.

The calorie content of corn porridge per 100 grams is approximately 330 kcal.

The dish is rich in beneficial microelements and does not cause allergies at all. Therefore, doctors allow even small children to use it.

  • fatty acids: linolenic, arachidonic, which control cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • vegetable protein, which is a building material for muscles;
  • vitamins of group B, A, E;
  • calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, silicon.

What are the benefits of corn porridge?

The uniqueness of the product is that it retains its valuable qualities during cooking and frying. And all the beneficial microelements and vitamins contained in the product are very easily absorbed by the body.

Benefits of corn porridge:

  1. Regular consumption of the yellow product prevents depression in people, as well as chronically bad mood. Psychologists and nutritionists have proven the fact that the color of a product influences a person’s psycho-emotional state.
  2. Strengthening the nervous and immune system. This is due to the content of valuable vitamins B5, B1. Doctors strongly recommend that people with mental disorders consume this dish.
  3. Prolongation of youth and beauty, thanks to the presence of vitamins A, E.
  4. Vitamin PP regulates all important functions of the body.
  5. Eating it for breakfast normalizes intestinal function.
  6. The large amount of fiber contained in cereals helps remove harmful toxins from the body.
  7. Rich in carbohydrates and carotene. And these are those valuable microelements that maintain strength and energy in the body in the absence of physical activity.
  8. Grains strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Valuable grains regulate cholesterol levels and rid blood vessels of harmful plaques. Therefore, regular consumption of them prevents heart attacks and strokes.
  9. Recommended for use by expectant mothers. It promotes the proper formation of the fetus, thanks to the content of valuable folic acid.
  10. Corn porridge is a universal product that is suitable not only as a breakfast, but also as a side dish, soup for meat and fish dishes.
  11. A cereal product is a must for those who want to lose weight! After all, despite its satiety, it leaves no chance for putting on extra pounds.

Despite such an impressive list of advantages, there are also contraindications:

  1. This product is low-calorie. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people suffering from weight deficiency.
  2. If you have a stomach ulcer, it is also not recommended to use it.
  3. If you have liver and gallbladder diseases, you should consult a doctor and then use this product.

Anyone can cook corn porridge. This activity will take no more than 30 minutes.

Corn porridge recipes

It would seem that cooking corn porridge is as easy as shelling pears! But this unique product requires compliance with its own rules.

  1. To improve the taste, you can add pieces of baked pumpkin, dried apples, apricots, prunes, canned peaches, pineapples, as well as raisins, peanuts and nuts to the dish.
  2. For salty dishes, sugar should not be added. Just add grated cheese and tomato paste.
  3. Corn product is extremely healthy. Since it contains all valuable microelements and vitamins.
  4. Regular consumption improves intestinal motility and has a beneficial effect on the liver.
  5. The finished dish can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, and the cereal itself can be stored for about 2 years. Before purchasing, you should carefully look at the production date of the cereal.
  6. When cooking, add 4 parts of liquid to 1 part of cereal.
  7. It is better to cook porridge in a thick-walled cast iron pan.
  8. If the dish turns out hard after cooking, then it should be simmered over low heat for another 5-10 minutes.
  9. To prevent the porridge from burning, it should be stirred all the time while cooking.
  10. The cereal product should be stored in a cool, dark place. A dry glass jar with an airtight lid is best for this.
  11. Before cooking, the cereal should be thoroughly washed and foreign particles should be removed.
  12. For a sweet dish, it is better to use honey rather than sugar.
  13. To work in the kitchen you will need high-quality utensils. A cast iron pan with a thick bottom will do. After all, wide walls retain heat longer, thanks to which the taste of the dish is better revealed. In Rus', all porridges were cooked in thick cast iron ovens.

How to cook corn porridge in water

Corn porridge with water is a delicious, quick and healthy breakfast for the whole family.

To prepare 2 servings you will need the following products:

  • corn grits - half a glass;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • butter – 20 grams;
  • honey – 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • dried apricots.

How to cook:

  1. Pass the cereal through a sieve and then wash.
  2. Take another pan, pour in 0.5 liters of water, add salt, then bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the cereal into boiling water, lower the heat, then cook for 15 minutes, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Add oil to the cooked porridge, cover the pan tightly with a lid, wrap the dish with a towel to allow the dish to steam and gain flavor.
  5. Place on plates and add raisins and dried apricots on top. If you have fresh berries and fruits, you can add them to your plates.

How to cook corn porridge with milk

Recipe for corn porridge with milk:

  1. Take a medium-sized saucepan and pour 150 grams of dry cereal into it.
  2. Pour the mixture with purified water, volume 300 ml.
  3. The porridge should boil and then simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Bubbles on its surface will indicate readiness. It begins to increase in volume and “shoot out”.
  4. Before finishing cooking, add salt and add 10 grams of butter. After 5 minutes, turn off the gas and let it brew under a closed lid for another 10 minutes.
  5. While the delicacy is gaining flavor, we begin preparing the milk. To do this, pour 1 glass of milk into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  6. Pour the milk into the saucepan with the porridge, turn the heat back on low and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring.
  7. You can add sugar or honey, as well as various dried fruits and nuts, so the dish turns out not only satisfying, but also healthy.

Children love corn porridge with milk. This is a very nutritious and healthy product for a growing body.

Popular dishes made from corn grits

Cornmeal pie

Required ingredients:

  • wheat flour – 200 grams;
  • finely ground corn flour – 200 grams;
  • sugar – 150 grams;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil – 70 grams;
  • baking powder – 3 teaspoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • raspberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 °C and grease the deco with oil. During this time, start working on the dough.
  2. Pour wheat and corn flour into a large container. Add salt, sugar, baking powder. Mix everything.
  3. Beat the egg into the flour mixture, add milk and vegetable oil, and then mix again.
  4. Brush the top of the pie with egg yolk to make the crust golden brown.
  5. Place raspberries along the edge of the pie. Instead of berries, you can use orange, banana or pineapple slices.
  6. Place the viscous dough on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Italian polenta with cheese

Required ingredients:

  • corn grits – 100 grams;
  • Parmesan cheese – 50 grams;
  • butter – 10 grams;
  • water – 400 grams;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water into it and put on fire.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. As soon as the water boils, pour the cereal into the pan in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
  4. Reduce the heat, continue stirring, and cook the porridge for another 5 minutes until there is no water left in the container.
  5. As soon as the mass becomes so dense that it is able to hold a spoon, the fire can be turned off. (Complete readiness time – 25-30 minutes).
  6. Place the thick mixture on a pastry board and let it cool slightly.
  7. Roll out this mass and make various shapes from it using pastry molds. You can also use silicone molds, which should be filled with porridge.
  8. Take a baking sheet, grease it and place the corn porridge figures on it.
  9. Place a small piece of butter on each figure and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  10. Place the deco in the oven preheated to 100°C. Set the timer for 20 minutes. During this time, the cheese should melt, forming a golden crispy crust on top of the flatbread.
  11. The finished composition can be decorated with caramelized pear or honey on top.

Corn porridge with mushrooms

Required ingredients:

  • Pour the cereal into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring gradually.
  • After 10-12 minutes, turn off the gas. Add the frying from the frying pan and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Cover the pan tightly with a lid, wrap it in a towel and let it stand on the stove with the gas off for 1 hour.
  • After the dish has steeped and gained flavor, it can be served warm.
  • Corn porridge in a slow cooker

    Required ingredients:

    • cereals 200 grams;
    • water – 1.5 cups;
    • milk – 1 glass;
    • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
    • salt - half a teaspoon;
    • butter – 50 grams.

    Recipe for corn porridge in a slow cooker:

    1. Sift the cereal and run running water through it.
    2. Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl and add sugar and salt.
    3. Pour 1 glass of water and 1 glass of boiled milk into the bowl.
    4. How long to cook corn porridge? Usually the timer is set for 25 minutes.
    5. As soon as the food is cooked, set the “Keep Warm” mode. This is to make her soften up.

    Smear porridge can be cooked in a double boiler. To do this, pour half a glass of cereal into a bowl and fill it with 2 glasses of water. Set the timer for 30 minutes, and then add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of salt. After this, hold for another 5 minutes.

    At the end it should be soft and delicate in texture. Therefore, if coarse cereal is available, it should be crushed with a blender or coffee grinder. But under no circumstances should you turn the cereal into dust. The grains should be up to 1 mm.

    Corn porridge in a slow cooker is the best solution for preparing breakfast. A morning meal is a boost of energy for the whole day. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right diet for breakfast - this is health for the whole family!

    This is the only name this cereal was given in the 50s of the last century in the USSR. And if corn gained its popularity in our country in these years, then throughout the world it has been cultivated for a very long time. And porridges made from corn (maize) grits have been known since ancient times. Why is it popular and why is corn porridge so beneficial?

    The benefits of corn porridge are invaluable. After all, this cereal is very nutritious, rich in various vitamins (E, B, A, PP) and minerals (iron, silicon). This porridge does not contain gluten, which helps improve digestion.

    Corn can also remove heavy metals from the body. In addition, it is hypoallergenic and suitable for everyone.

    Diet lovers can eat corn without fear, because... 100 grams of cereal contains 337 kcal, and regular lean porridge with water contains 141 kcal.

    You can cook cereals:

    • on an open fire;
    • in the oven;
    • in a slow cooker.

    Everywhere the finished result will be fragrant and tasty. Only when using modern household appliances will the dish turn out faster and definitely not burn.

    For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting not only the benefits, but also the harm of corn porridge. Because Since such a dish has low energy value, it is not recommended for people who are underweight. Anyone who suffers from ulcers and duodenal disease should consume this porridge with extreme caution. This cereal is also contraindicated for those who are allergic to this product.

    To make the porridge tasty

    Corn grits require special treatment, because preparing them is troublesome. How to cook corn porridge? A few little tricks will help in preparation and the dish will always turn out tasty and boiled.

    1. Taste. We must remember that corn porridge has a specific taste, grainy. To many it seems undercooked.
    2. Water. Maize loves water very much. The minimum ratio of cereal and water is 1:2.5/3. For those who like their porridge “thinner,” the amount of liquid should be increased.
    3. Dishes. If you cook over an open fire, the cookware should have thick walls and a bottom. Ideally, this could be a cauldron or cast iron pot.
    4. Cooking. The key to cooking over an open fire is stirring frequently. It is best to stir every 5-7 minutes.
    5. Time. How long should you cook corn porridge so that it does not remain raw? Unfortunately, there is no exact answer, because... it all depends on the characteristics of the dishes and oven. But the minimum time for preparing one serving is 20 minutes.
    6. Oil. Just cooking corn porridge is not enough; you also need to serve it correctly. You can't spoil porridge with oil - this is specifically about maize. It absorbs fat well and therefore oil can be put in safely.
    7. Useful nuance. It should be taken into account that immediately after cooking the dish turns out to be sticky. And after it cools down, it turns into a homogeneous mass. But if you reheat the porridge, it becomes crumbly.

    Basic recipes - porridge with water

    The most troublesome thing in the kitchen is learning how to cook corn grits correctly. And although the recipe for corn porridge is simple, it will always try to burn. If you don’t have time to cook, but want porridge, then technology will come to the rescue. After all, corn porridge in a slow cooker will turn out no worse than on the stove.

    • Cereals - 100 g;
    • Water - 250 g;
    • Sugar - 40 g;
    • Salt - 5 g;
    • Butter - 10 gr.

    Pour water into a saucepan with a thick bottom. When it boils, add salt to taste.

    Rinse the cereal, place in boiling water and mix well. As soon as it boils, add sugar, stir again and turn the heat to low.

    Cook corn porridge in water for about 20 minutes. Before serving, add a piece of butter to the serving.

    Quick cooking in a slow cooker

    The recipe for corn porridge in a slow cooker will take a minimum of time. And cooking in the kitchen will turn into pleasure.

    • Cereals - 1 glass;
    • Water - 2.5 glasses;
    • Oil - 80 g;
    • Salt and sugar - to taste.

    Pour well-washed cereal into the multicooker bowl. Fill it with cold water.

    Set the multicooker to “Grain” mode. If the automatic cooking time is about 25-30 minutes, then you should take into account that during this time the cereal will become crumbly, but a little hard. To make the cereal soft, you need to boil it for about 10 minutes at 150 C.

    If the porridge is a separate dish, then sugar is added to taste. If the cereal is planned as a side dish for meat, then add salt. Mix everything.

    At the very end of cooking, add butter.

    Milk sweet porridges

    Corn porridge with milk in a slow cooker, on the stove or in the oven must be present both in the children's diet and in the menu for adults.

    This recipe for corn porridge with milk is good because the dish is in the oven and does not require minute-to-minute monitoring.

    For 1 serving you will need:

    • Cereals - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • Water - 100 ml;
    • Milk - 100 ml;
    • Salt - 1 pinch;
    • Butter - 10 g;
    • Raisins - 20 gr.

    Preheat the oven to 180 C. Pour water and milk in equal proportions into a heat-resistant glass dish or pot. If you want to get a porridge that is not particularly thick, then the amount of liquid can be increased. Add the cereal and salt it.

    Rinse the raisins and add to the cereal. To increase the sweetness, you can add a little sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Place the pot in the preheated oven. After half an hour, take out the porridge and mix gently. Return to oven for another 15 minutes.

    Place a piece of butter in the finished dish and serve.

    Corn porridge with apple

    You can cook maize porridge in milk with different fruits. They will add additional sweetness, a unique aroma and freshness to the dish.

    • Cereals - 1 glass;
    • Milk - 2 glasses;
    • Water - 1 glass;
    • Apples - 2 pcs.;
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • Vanilla sugar - 12 g;
    • Salt - a pinch;
    • Oil - 50 gr.

    Clear the grains of debris and rinse. Bring the milk and water to a boil.

    Pour the prepared cereal into the liquid. Cook the porridge over low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Salt and add sugar: regular and vanilla. Continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes.

    At this time, remove the peel from the apples and grate them. When the cereal is ready, add grated apples and butter. Mix everything and turn off the heat. Let the porridge brew for another 20 minutes.

    Corn and banana breakfast for children

    Nutritious corn porridge with milk and banana will be a great start to the day for kids.

    • Cereals - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • Milk - 300 ml;
    • Water - 100 ml;
    • Sugar, salt - to taste;
    • Banana - 1 pc.;
    • Oil - 10 gr.

    Rinse the cereal. Combine water with 100 ml of milk and heat. When the liquid boils, add the cereal. Stir and cook for 10 minutes after boiling. Then pour in the rest of the milk in a thin stream.

    Cook until done. At the end add salt and sugar.

    Remove the dishes from the heat. Mash ⅔ banana and mix with porridge. Wrap the bowl with the cereal and let it sit for 15 minutes.

    Place the butter and the remaining banana cut into slices onto the prepared portion.

    Variations on the theme of hearty dishes

    Not only dietary or dairy-based children's dishes are made from maize. You can prepare corn porridge with both meat and vegetables. Such a hearty dinner will satisfy both a hungry husband and a picky child.

    Bright porridge with vegetables

    • Cereals - 2.5 cups;
    • Water - 1 liter;
    • Pumpkin - 300 gr;
    • Carrots - 1 pc.;
    • Onion - 1 pc.;
    • Salt, sugar, seasoning - 1 teaspoon each;
    • Greens - to taste.

    This porridge is prepared from finely ground corn grits. If there is none, then just use a coffee grinder and grind the existing cereal.

    Dilute the resulting fine consistency in a bowl with a small amount of water until the mixture is homogeneous.

    Bring the water to a boil. While stirring, pour the dissolved corn mixture into it. Cook over low heat with frequent stirring.

    Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel. Cut into large pieces. You can use frozen pumpkin. Also cut the washed and peeled carrots into pieces. Add vegetables to cereal. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Chop the onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil. Add it to the porridge.

    Salt the dish, add a little sugar and add any herbs and spices to taste. Mix everything carefully and continue cooking until done. The dish takes about 40 minutes to prepare. During this time, the vegetables should become soft. When serving, each serving can be sprinkled with herbs and finely chopped hot pepper.

    To the delight of the meat eater

    Meat porridge - quick, simple and satisfying. The main thing is not to forget to stir the cereal while cooking. You can also cook this porridge in the oven.

    • Cereals - 200 gr;
    • Meat - 400 gr;
    • Water - 600 ml;
    • Onion - 1 pc.;
    • Carrots - 1 pc.;
    • Salt and pepper - to taste.

    Of all types of meat, chicken fillet will be preferred. because the bird cooks very quickly.

    Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. Sauté vegetables in vegetable oil.

    Place the washed cereal in a bowl, season with salt and spices. Place meat and vegetables on top. Fill everything with water.

    Cook the porridge over low heat for 30-40 minutes.

    World masterpieces of corn porridge

    Maize has firmly entered the culinary recipes of all countries. And every nation has its own ancient secret of corn porridge, which has become their calling card.

    Banosh - kulesh in Hutsul

    The famous dish of Western Ukraine is banosh. Served with mushrooms and cheese.

    • Cereals - 250 gr;
    • Sour cream - 850 ml;
    • Water -200 ml;
    • Salt and sugar - to taste.

    Want something interesting?

    For the sauce:

    • Mushrooms (champignons) - 0.5 kg;
    • Onion - 1 pc.;
    • Sour cream - 200 ml;
    • Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • Salt - to taste.

    Dilute sour cream with a glass of water, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. When it boils, add corn grits, stirring constantly.

    During the cooking process, a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. Cook over low heat, constantly rubbing the cereal with a spoon. This is necessary so that the oil formed from sour cream comes to the surface.

    Add salt and sugar to taste. As soon as the porridge easily comes away from the walls of the pan, the banosh is ready.

    How to make the sauce

    To do this, finely chop the onion and fry. Cut the champignons into thin slices and add to the onion. Simmer everything covered for 20 minutes.

    To thicken the sauce, dilute flour in sour cream and add to mushrooms. Mix everything and simmer for another 5 minutes.

    Serve the banosh in portions, sprinkling the porridge with grated cheese and pouring the sauce over it.

    Polenta - a peasant dish from Italy

    Polenta (corn porridge with water) is a favorite dish of Italians, food for real men. Thanks to technical innovations, you can easily prepare Italian porridge.

    • Cereals - 1 glass;
    • Water - 3.5 glasses;
    • Salt - ½ tbsp. spoons;
    • Butter - 20 g;
    • Parmesan - 100 gr.

    Grease the multicooker bowl with oil. Rinse the cereal. Bring the water to a boil.

    Pour the cereal into a bowl, add boiling water and salt. Mix everything. Select the “Porridge” mode.

    After the beep indicates the end, add the grated Parmesan cheese to the cereal and stir. Place the prepared polenta in a greased pan.

    Cut the cooled polenta into pieces and fry in a frying pan with olive oil.

    Mamaliga - a piece of sunshine given by the Romanians

    Mamalyga is a Romanian-Moldavian thick porridge made from corn. This dish is always served with sour cream, garlic and cheese. Usually mamaliga is prepared in large quantities for the whole family.

    • Cereals - 500 gr;
    • Water - 1.5 l;
    • Butter - 100 g;
    • Salt - to taste.

    Bring water in a large saucepan or cauldron to a boil. Put oil and salt in it. Pour in the cereal in a thin stream. To avoid lumps, stir the cereal constantly.

    Cook the hominy over very low heat for 30 minutes. To prevent the cereal from burning, it should be stirred constantly. Prepare hominy without a lid.

    The finished porridge is turned upside down onto a dish. Let cool slightly and cut into portions. Hominy is traditionally cut with thick cloth thread.

    The porridge is served with sour cream dressing. To do this, you need to crumble the cheese into pieces and pass a few cloves of garlic through a press. Mix sour cream with feta cheese and garlic - the spicy dressing is ready!

    Corn grits are one of the most useful. It contains carotene (provitamin A), vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, which are essential for our health, as well as the amino acids lysine and tryptophan. Corn grits not only nourish the body, but also, due to its high fiber content, cleanse it of toxins and radionuclides, and also reduce fermentation in the intestines. That is why she is loved all over the world. There are many different recipes for dishes made from corn grits. The most popular of them are banosh, polenta and hominy.

    To make these dishes tasty and healthy, you need to take perfectly yellow corn grits so that you get a healthy dish, but with a delicate creamy texture. Corn grits TM “Zhmenka” will be optimal for such recipes.

    How to cook all this corn porridge? What makes them special? And FeelGood will answer this for you.

    Hutsul banosh: recipe

    Banosh - Hutsul corn porridge with sour cream and cream - the calling card of Western Ukraine. Banosh (banush) is served with mushroom sauce, cracklings, or simply sprinkled with cheese (in the original - sheep cheese).


    You will need:

    850 ml sour cream

    For the mushroom sauce:

    0.5 kg champignons,

    small onion

    200 ml sour cream

    1 tbsp. l. flour

    How to cook banosh:

    We dilute the sour cream with a glass of water, then pour it into a cast iron cauldron and bring to a boil. After this, stirring constantly, add corn grits to the sour cream. You should get a thick, homogeneous mass. Reduce the heat to low and begin to rub the porridge with a spoon so that drops of the resulting oil come to the surface. Add salt and a pinch of sugar if desired. You will notice when the banosh is cooked - it will easily move away from the walls of the boiler.

    Mushroom sauce

    Finely chop the onion, fry in a small amount of oil, add thinly sliced ​​champignons, cover with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir flour into sour cream and add to mushrooms. Cook for another 5 minutes and turn off.

    When the banosh is ready, pour mushroom sauce over it and sprinkle with grated cheese if desired.

    Italian polenta: recipe

    Polenta is a traditional Italian dish made from cornmeal or grits. Typically, polenta is consumed as a side dish or as an independent dish with various additives (mushrooms, meat, anchovies, etc.), fried or baked, etc.

    You will need:

    250 g corn grits TM “Zhmenka”

    750 ml water

    100 g butter

    How to cook polenta:

    Salt the water and pour it into a saucepan with thick walls. Boil. Now you need to gradually add corn grits, constantly stirring the future porridge with a wooden spoon. To prevent lumps from forming, maintain the same temperature - it should be close to boiling.

    When the cereal is completely poured into the pan, reduce the heat and cook the polenta for about half an hour (remembering to stir constantly). The finished polenta, like the banosh, will begin to separate from the walls of the pan.

    After the porridge is ready, add butter to it and mix well with a spoon or grind with a blender. Place in the pan and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Cut the cold polenta into cubes, brush with olive oil and grill on both sides.

    You can put various vegetables, seafood on the polenta, or sprinkle it generously with cheese.

    Moldavian hominy: recipe

    Mamalyga is the basis of the foundations of Romanian and Moldavian cuisine. According to legend, mamaliga is “a piece of the sun that God gave to the Romanians.” It is always served with sour cream, seasoned with garlic and grated cheese.


    You will need:

    500 g corn grits TM “Zhmenka”

    100 g butter

    Salt to taste

    How to cook hominy:

    Boil water, adding oil and salt in the desired amount. When the water boils, add corn grits, remembering to constantly stir the porridge so that lumps do not form.

    Now, still stirring, let the hominy cook over low heat for half an hour (no need to cover with a lid). Then turn the finished porridge onto a large plate.

    If desired, add sour cream, cheese, cracklings or melted butter to the mamalyga.

    Cereals are an important part of a complete and balanced diet. From an early age, various cereals appear in children's diets, which provide growing children with a lot of energy and useful elements. And adults should not forget about cereals, because they are a source of complex carbohydrates, so they allow you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time and not gain extra pounds. One of the very healthy cereals is corn. But not everyone knows how to use corn grits and what can be cooked from it. So here are proven recipes.

    Corn casserole with cottage cheese

    To prepare this dish, you will need one and a half glasses of corn grits, two and a half glasses of water, three hundred grams of cottage cheese, half a glass of sour cream, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a couple of yolks, a bunch of dill or parsley and a couple of teaspoons of salt.

    First, rinse the cereal and drain the liquid from it. Fill a saucepan with water, bring it to a boil and add salt. Pour the prepared cereal into boiling water, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Once the water returns to a boil, reduce the heat to low. After fifteen to twenty minutes, you need to remove the pan from the heat and bring the porridge to readiness in the oven or in a water bath.

    Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix one yolk with a small pinch of salt and sour cream. The second should be combined with cottage cheese and the same small pinch of salt.

    Set the oven to preheat.

    Grease a suitable baking dish with vegetable oil. Place half of the corn porridge into it and smooth it out with a spoon. Place a layer of cottage cheese on top, smooth it out and cover with the rest of the porridge. Also smooth the surface with a spoon.

    Fill the contents of the mold with the prepared sour cream and place in the oven, preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees, for twenty minutes.

    Chop the greens into smaller pieces and sprinkle the finished casserole with it.

    You can make soup from corn grits.

    Corn grits soup with mushrooms

    Making such a tasty and interesting soup is not at all difficult. First boil the porridge from corn grits (use four liters of water for one kilogram of grits).

    Prepare mushroom broth, strain it and bring to a boil. Place potatoes, chopped into slices, and prepared mushrooms, cut into strips, into a saucepan. After a quarter of an hour, add the prepared corn porridge to the pan.

    Fry the frying: heat a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots in it. Place the finished roast into the soup, salt and season, focusing on your taste preferences. After eight to ten minutes, sprinkle the finished soup with parsley and turn off the heat. Leave the soup covered for about five minutes, then serve with sour cream.

    You can cook porridge.

    Corn porridge with pumpkin

    To prepare such a tasty, nutritious and very healthy dish, readers of Popular Health need to prepare a glass of corn grits, two hundred grams of pumpkin and three tablespoons of sugar. It is also worth using half a liter of milk, a little salt and one hundred milliliters of water.

    First, wash the pumpkin, peel it and remove the seeds. Chop the vegetable into small pieces. Boil water in a saucepan and add the prepared pumpkin to it. Boil for five minutes.

    During this time, rinse the corn grits and drain the water. Add milk to the saucepan with pumpkin, add cereal, as well as sugar and salt. Bring the future porridge to a boil and reduce the heat to minimum. Boil over low heat for half an hour. Stir the porridge as it cooks occasionally, as it can easily burn. Next, cover the pan with porridge well and leave for twenty minutes.


    To prepare such an interesting national Hutsul dish, you should stock up on one hundred grams of corn grits, half a liter of sour cream, two hundred grams of feta cheese, two hundred grams of pork pulp, a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.

    Take a thick-walled saucepan, pour sour cream into it and bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar. Then add corn grits into the container, stirring gradually. Reduce heat to low and cook until tender, stirring constantly. The finished banosh will begin to lag behind the surface of the walls and bottom of the pan, and oil droplets will appear on it.

    Chop the pork into small pieces and fry in a frying pan until golden. Add salt to taste. Grind the cheese into arbitrary pieces.

    Banosh must be served hot. It is cut into pieces, sprinkled with pork and pieces of cheese.

    Today we’ll finish the recipes with corn grits with dessert.

    Corn dessert

    To prepare such a dish, you should prepare three hundred and fifty grams of corn grits, four tablespoons of corn flour, three hundred milliliters of water, two hundred milliliters of milk, a couple of bananas, one teaspoon of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of cream.

    Combine water with milk. Boil corn grits in this mixture, adding flour. Cool the resulting mixture and place it on cling film, first greasing it with vegetable oil. Smooth the surface of the porridge.

    Combine bananas with sugar and cream, stir until smooth. Place this mixture on top of the porridge and roll it up. Place it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Cook at one hundred and sixty to one hundred and eighty degrees for twenty minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with powdered sugar and slices of fruit.

    Here are some dishes containing corn grits. We will definitely provide recipes for its use in future publications.

    In addition to the fact that dishes made from corn grits are extremely healthy and nutritious, when properly prepared they also have very decent taste characteristics. By including such culinary compositions in her diet, every housewife will satisfy the needs of the entire family.

    What to cook from corn grits?

    If corn grits are available, recipes for preparing dishes from it will help you use the product in home cooking effectively and tasty.

    1. The easiest way to prepare cereal is to cook porridge from it, using water, milk or broth as a liquid base. The classic taste of such a dish can be easily varied by adding vegetables, fruits or meat ingredients.
    2. If you supplement the base component with a portion of wheat flour, you get delicious baked goods made from corn grits: cookies or bread, pancakes or pancakes, all kinds of pies or casseroles.
    3. Corn grits are the basis for preparing many traditional dishes of different nations. Among them are the popular Italian polenta, Moldavian or Romanian hominy, Georgian flatbread mchadi.

    Corn grits porridge with milk - recipe

    Delicious porridge made from corn grits with milk can be an ideal dish for a diet table, baby food and the diet of those who try to eat healthy, wholesome food. In order for the cereal to boil well, it is initially boiled until half cooked in water, and then cooking is continued with milk.


    • corn grits – 1 cup;
    • water – 2 glasses;
    • milk – 2 glasses;
    • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • butter – 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt – 1/3 teaspoon.


    1. The cereal is poured into boiling water and cooked with stirring until the liquid is completely absorbed.
    2. Pour in milk heated to a boil, add salt to the mass, sweeten to taste and continue cooking with frequent stirring for 20 minutes.
    3. The finished porridge is served hot, topped with butter.

    Corn grits porridge on water - recipe

    If the topic of study for a novice housewife is corn grits, recipes for preparing a basic side dish from it or an independent dish with the addition of meat or other ingredients should be considered as a priority. The easiest way is to cook thick porridge in water, which can be supplemented with meat if desired.


    • corn grits – 150 g;
    • water – 800 ml;
    • pork – 500 g;
    • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt, ground black pepper.


    1. Fry the chopped meat in vegetable oil.
    2. Add chopped onion and grated carrots, brown for 15 minutes.
    3. Add corn grits, pour in boiling water, and season the mixture to taste.
    4. After boiling again, the corn grits and meat should simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.
    5. The dish needs to be stirred from time to time.

    Corn grits hominy - recipe

    Further on, how to prepare one of the national dishes of Moldavian cuisine, which is also extremely popular among the peoples of the Caucasus. Like all traditional dishes made from corn grits, mamaliga has its own characteristics of preparation and serving. The hot porridge is sprinkled with grated cheese, feta cheese, melted cracklings, fried mushrooms, or simply sprinkled with sugar or honey or jam (for a sweet version).


    • corn grits – 150 g;
    • water – 800 ml;
    • salt.


    1. In a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom and walls, heat water to a boil, add salt to taste and gradually add corn grits, continuously stirring the contents of the vessel.
    2. Cook the porridge with frequent stirring for 40 minutes, maintaining minimal heat under the container.
    3. Thick mamaliga made from corn grits is served hot.

    Corn grits soup - recipe

    You can prepare delicious dishes from corn grits using either intricate and multi-ingredient recipes or simple and laconic recipes, using them for subsequent culinary experiments. You can cook the soup with chicken or beef broth, and for a lean version with mushrooms or just water.


    • water or broth - 1.5 l;
    • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
    • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
    • oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • greens – 0.5 bunch;
    • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
    • allspice peas – 2 pcs.;
    • salt pepper.


    1. Pour the prepared cereal into boiling water or broth and cook for 45 minutes.
    2. Add potato cubes, and after 5 minutes of boiling, sauté onions and carrots in oil.
    3. Season the soup with corn grits, add laurel, pepper, herbs, heat the potatoes until the potatoes are soft and serve.

    How to make polenta from corn grits?

    From Italian cuisine, essentially nothing more than the preparation of well-cooked corn porridge. In Italy, the dish is prepared from corn flour, served with a wide variety of sauces, and used as the basis for all kinds of casseroles, appetizers and even desserts.


    • corn grits – 1 cup;
    • water – 4 glasses;
    • salt.


    1. Corn grits are ground in a coffee grinder to obtain flour.
    2. Boil water and add salt.
    3. Stirring continuously, add cornmeal to the boiling liquid.
    4. Cook the mass with frequent stirring until it thickens or until the mass sticks to the spoon and moves away from the walls of the dish.

    Corn cutlets

    For vegetarians or those observing fasting, dishes made from corn grits will be of interest, the recipes of which are executed without the addition of oil and other animal products, and the result is quite suitable for an independent meal. Golden cutlets made from thick corn porridge can be served with vegetables or sauce for dinner, lunch or breakfast.


    • corn grits – 0.5 cups;
    • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
    • greens - to taste;
    • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
    • sour cream or lean mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt pepper.


    1. Pour the cereal into boiling, salted water and cook with stirring until soft and cooked.
    2. After cooling, add chopped potatoes, herbs, a spoonful of butter and sour cream to the porridge.
    3. Salt the mass, pepper, mix.
    4. Form round cutlets and fry them in vegetable oil on both sides.

    Corn pancakes

    Dishes made from corn grits are a real find for those who are contraindicated from consuming gluten and, as a result, baking from wheat flour. In addition, with a skillful approach, such culinary creations turn out to be surprisingly tasty and will appeal to any picky eater. You can verify this by preparing golden brown pancakes according to the following recipe.


    • corn grits – 200 g;
    • milk – 250 g;
    • eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.


    1. Grind the cereal in a coffee grinder until flour is obtained, then mix with salt and sugar.
    2. Beat eggs with milk separately, add to dry ingredients, stirring with a whisk until lumps dissolve, add butter.
    3. Pancakes are baked from corn grits in the traditional way in a heated frying pan.

    Homemade cornmeal cookies

    By following the following recipe, you will be able to prepare it, which should be taken in the finest grind or ground for a more delicate taste of the finished products in a coffee grinder. If you don’t want to use citrus zest, you can flavor the base with vanilla or cinnamon.


    • corn grits and wheat flour - 150 g each;
    • butter – 170 g;
    • eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • sugar – 150 g;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • orange or lemon zest - 1 teaspoon.


    1. Combine the cereal with flour and a pinch of salt.
    2. In another container, grind butter and sugar, add eggs one at a time, and beat.
    3. Stir the egg mixture into the flour mixture and place portions of the resulting dough on parchment.
    4. Bake cookies at 190 degrees for 15 minutes.

    Corn fritters

    When looking for meatless corn grits or versions for a gluten-free diet, the simplest thing you can make is. Unlike classic products baked from semi-liquid dough, the dish according to this recipe is made in the form of round cakes made from a thick custard corn base.


    • corn grits - 2 cups;
    • water – 2.5 cups;
    • granulated sugar – 2 teaspoons;
    • salt;
    • oil for frying.


    1. Corn grits are converted into flour using a coffee grinder and mixed with sugar and salt.
    2. Bring water to a boil and, adding little by little to the dry mixture, knead a dense but soft dough.
    3. Form round pancakes and fry them in heated vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

    Bread with corn grits in the oven

    It turns out surprisingly aromatic, bright, sunny in color and incredibly tasty, which, as in other cases with baked goods, is preferably ground to a finer caliber or flour state in a coffee grinder. Fresh yeast can be replaced in the recipe with two tablespoons of dry yeast.


    • corn grits and wheat flour - 200 g each;
    • milk – 250 ml;
    • fresh yeast – 40 g;
    • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • egg – 1 pc.;
    • oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • salt – 1 teaspoon.


    1. Sugar is dissolved in warm milk, yeast is dissolved and left warm for 15 minutes.
    2. Add a mixture of beaten egg and salt and wheat flour with crushed cereal.
    3. Knead the dough, adding butter, leave to rise for 2-3 hours, knead once during the process.
    4. Place the round cake on parchment sprinkled with flour and bake the bread for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

    Corn casserole

    Corn grits casserole, the recipes of which vary in composition and final taste, always turns out tasty, nutritious and appetizing. The idea of ​​​​preparing such a dish will seem especially appropriate if you have ready-made corn porridge or polenta left over from yesterday's dinner.


    • corn grits – 300 g;
    • water – 1 l;
    • fresh or sun-dried tomatoes – 400 or 150 g;
    • canned corn – 40 g;
    • green onions – 1 bunch;
    • pesto sauce – 100 g;
    • mozzarella – 200 g;
    • pine nuts – 50 g;
    • oregano – 2 pinches;
    • salt, pepper, basil, olives.


    1. Pour the cereal into boiling water, add some salt and cook with stirring until thickened and cooked.
    2. After cooling, add green onions, corn, pepper and oregano to the porridge, place in a mold and level.
    3. Spread pesto on top of the casserole, arrange tomatoes, mozzarella and nuts.
    4. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes and serve with basil and olives.

    Mchadi from corn grits

    Like other Georgian dishes made from corn grits, mchadi is prepared from a laconic set of ingredients, and turns out nutritious, aromatic and rosy. The products can not only be fried in a frying pan, but also baked in the oven until golden brown. The flatbreads are served with slices of suluguni, other cheese or lard.


    • corn grits - 2 cups;
    • water – 2 glasses;
    • salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
    • oil for frying.


    1. The cereal is ground in a coffee grinder to flour.
    2. Add salt to the flour and, adding water heated to a boil in portions, knead the dough first with a spoon and then with your hands.
    3. Tear off portions of the dough, roll them into balls, and press them gently.
    4. Fry in a frying pan until golden brown on both sides.

    Corn pie

    If you are tired of the usual homemade recipes and want to try something new, it’s time to bake. To prevent hard grains from being felt in the finished product, it is preferable to pre-grind them until the structure of coarse flour is obtained.


    • wheat flour – 1 cup;
    • corn grits - 1 cup;
    • kefir – 1 glass;
    • sugar – 150 g;
    • eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • baking powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • raisins – 100 g;
    • margarine – 50 g;
    • salt, vanilla, powdered sugar.


    1. Beat eggs with sugar.
    2. In another bowl, mix the dry ingredients, having first ground the cereal in a coffee grinder.
    3. Add the egg mass, kefir, vegetable oil and margarine, mix and beat a little.
    4. Add raisins, transfer the mixture into a mold and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

    Corn grits in a slow cooker

    Those who are put off by the tedious long stirring of porridge during cooking should use a multicooker to prepare it. How long to cook corn grits in the device will entirely depend on the caliber of its grinding and the capabilities of the device: the presence of a pressure cooker function and the power of the device.