home · Appliances · Interior of a long bathroom combined with a toilet. Features of the design of a small bath combined with a toilet in a standard Khrushchev apartment. Rectangular and narrow room shape

Interior of a long bathroom combined with a toilet. Features of the design of a small bath combined with a toilet in a standard Khrushchev apartment. Rectangular and narrow room shape

The design of a bathroom combined with a toilet has its pros and cons.

No one will give you a definite answer; there will be both supporters and opponents of such a plan, and there will be approximately an equal number of them.

But the fact remains that such an arrangement of sanitary rooms does exist. We will consider the design of this room in the article.

Advantages and disadvantages of a combined bathroom

Most often, combining a toilet with a bathroom is typical for small apartment, when the designer is given the task: in conditions of limited area of ​​residential and utility rooms equip the apartment with everything necessary for comfortable living in it, although combining a bathroom and toilet is not always justified by a small area, a similar layout can be found in spacious apartments.

The positive aspects of this layout are: savings on construction and finishing materials, increase usable space rooms.

The negative aspect here is obvious - this option for planning combined rooms is contraindicated for large families, when, for example, morning bathing and visiting the toilet almost simultaneously by all family members will be very problematic.

Design Features

The premises we are considering have a clear special purpose, in a small area of ​​the combined room there should be enough a large number of mandatory items, equipped with plumbing communications.

Therefore, the design of a bathroom combined with a toilet has certain requirements:

  • compliance with hygienic and sanitary standards and requirements;
  • moisture resistance of the materials used;
  • durability and practicality of materials and equipment used in the interior.

Do I have a plan?

Before starting work, draw a plan of the bathroom combined with a toilet on a scale, noting on it the location of the water supply, heating and sewerage pipes.

The plumbing fixtures you install will be connected to these communications, so the installation locations of the bathtub, toilet and other elements should exclude an excessive number of supply pipelines and at the same time provide free access to them, especially to shut-off valves and metering devices.

The plan should also include locations for laying power lines for subsequent installation of lighting, sockets and other electrical appliances.

A bathroom is an area of ​​high humidity and steam generation, so a ventilation system is required here.

Please note that despite the small area, the layout of the equipment should provide free access to each piece of furniture.

The following design guidelines should be followed:

  • the recommended space in front of the bathtub or shower is 110 cm, the passage can be reduced to 70 cm;
  • the same 70 cm should separate the bathroom from the heating system (heated towel rail);
  • the recommended height of the sink is not lower than 80 cm from the floor surface;
  • the passage in front of the toilet is at least 60 cm, free space on the sides of the toilet - from 40 cm;
  • the distance between the toilet and the sink is 25 cm or more.

For convenience, most often a bathtub or shower stall, as the largest interior items, is placed in the center of the room or against one of the walls, and all other appliances are mounted in a line against the other wall.

The washing machine can take its place under the washbasin, or at the bottom of the built-in cabinet.

In design small room It is advisable to use not a full bath, but, for example, a shower or sitz bath, a solution with corner sanitary fixtures may also be interesting.

The photo above shows the design of a compact arrangement of plumbing fixtures.

If you are the happy owner of a spacious bathroom combined with a toilet, then very convenient option design will be zoning the bathroom by installing low partitions or using floor potted plants for separating the toilet from the wash area.

If there is sufficient area, zoning can also be done using a multi-level floor, but if we are talking about a small room, then a little trick will help you - delimit the zones with a two-level ceiling.

Some options in various ways zoning (as well as design examples) are shown to you in the following photos.

Color as an element of bathroom design

The correct design of such a secluded corner of the apartment as a combined bathroom is very significant.

Here every person spends some part of his life - morning procedures, evening visits to the bathroom, hygiene procedures during the day.

The interior design of the bathroom determines the mood in which we leave the house in the morning and how deeply we can relax after a busy day.

Since in most cases, even in a combined bathroom and toilet, the area is usually quite modest, the primary task of a designer specialist when selecting a color scheme becomes visual extension premises.

Due to this, classic options Warm light shades are becoming available for bathrooms.

The effect of free space is also created by matte or transparent details used in the interior design of the toilet.

Even the transparent doors of the shower stall somewhat neutralize the impression of this rather bulky item. Mirrors located on the walls are very effective for “increasing” the area.

In addition to their practical purpose, they visually push the walls apart. What do you think of the idea of ​​installing mirrors in wall niches that also serve as shelves?

Designers recommend that the most ardent fanatics of black color dilute the gloomy interior of their non-standard toilet with elements of boiling white or warm soft shades.

Mirrors would also be appropriate.

The color of the walls must be in harmony with the color of the floor and ceiling.

If you decide to choose for wall decoration tiles, we strongly advise you to pay attention to ready-made series of wall and floor tiles produced by manufacturers.

Taking advantage of this, you will receive a ready-made set of tiles for the main covering of walls and floors, decorative elements, borders, baseboards, designed in uniform style And color scheme.

All these tips also apply to the design of luxury bathrooms.

Let there be light!

Bathroom lighting must be of two types - general and local, ideally installing a relay switch that allows you to adjust the brightness of the light.

In general, there is never too much light here; a bathroom filled with light will wake up your body early in the morning before work and lift your spirits.

Therefore, it is mandatory to install lamps next to the mirrors, in the washroom area, and on the ceiling around the perimeter of the room. Directional lighting would be quite appropriate near the bathroom.

Evening dim light will allow you to relax and meditate as deeply as possible. Some non-standard ideas various lighting you see in the photo.

All electrical appliances used must be designed for high humidity in order to avoid various troubles during operation.

When planning the renovation of this small but very important room, you can turn to specialists who will prepare a design for you from A to Z, or you can show your design skills yourself and develop an individual interior for a combined bathroom and toilet, studying articles with tips and choosing one as an example from the options from the presented photos.

In any case, your bathroom will be unique, atypical, unlike the one of your neighbors, acquaintances, or relatives.

Creating the interior of a bathroom is a rather difficult task, because most often it is the smallest room in the apartment, and it is necessary to ensure its functionality and convenience. The main rule is that the interior of a small bathroom combined with a toilet should be primarily functional.

Some apartment owners decide to combine a bathroom with a toilet in order to increase usable area. This step is justified if the area of ​​the toilet is small (1.5 - 2 m2) - the result is a room where you can place all the necessary plumbing, furniture and equipment.

If the bathroom is initially combined, which is often found in old Khrushchev-era buildings, then the design should be thought through carefully, and it is better to contact a specialist in order to make the most of the usable area and place everything you need.

For owners small-sized Khrushchev building you have to get out of the situation by any means - small models of plumbing fixtures and furniture, shower cabins and hanging cabinets. Therefore, it is difficult to count on an extraordinary design.

For owners of studio apartments, a bathtub combined with a toilet is perfect - it suits the style, allows you to create an unusual interior, and such apartments often have an extraordinary layout and a large area of ​​​​rooms.

But if the bathroom is initially divided, some owners decide to combine it. This step has several advantages:

  • The usable area increases significantly;
  • This is an ideal solution for owners of a small apartment;
  • Repair costs are reduced;
  • You can create a non-standard individual design.

But before taking such a step, you should think about it, because there are a number of disadvantages:

  • A combined bathroom is only suitable for a family of 2-3 people;
  • To remodel a toilet, it is necessary to draw up a project;
  • Even two people can feel uncomfortable. For example, in the morning, when everyone is getting ready for work and everyone is rushing to carry out hygiene procedures.

Remember that you cannot remove during redevelopment load-bearing walls- this is dangerous and threatens you with problems in the future. In order to find out the carrier this wall or not, check the plan, or even better, order a room reconstruction project - they will calculate the water distribution and electrical wiring for the bathroom. And in the future there will be no problems with documents.

Choosing plumbing

If you decide to combine a bathroom with a toilet, it is better to seek help from a designer. Still, as a result you will get a room non-standard sizes, and pick it up online finished project it will be hard. But if you decide to do repairs and think through the design yourself, remember:

  • It’s better not to move the plumbing for the toilet - then you won’t have to do it new wiring water;
  • They can solve the problem of optimizing bathroom space corner models plumbing – showers, sinks and toilets;
  • For a small room, you can install a shower rather than a bath. If you still want a bath, pay attention to sitting and corner models that allow you to use the space most efficiently;
  • Remove all communications from the walls;
  • Pay attention to non-standard models of sinks and toilets. Sinks can be built into a cabinet with shelves, and toilets can be compact and fit tightly to the wall;
  • Choose a sink without a leg, under which you can place a washing machine;
  • Take care of enhanced ventilation, you can even install a hood - yes compact models for bathrooms and toilets;
  • It’s better to take a small one, with a volume of 3 kg - they are just designed to save space.

Interior rules

When placing the most luxurious luxury furniture, remember that the location of each item in a small room should be thoughtful and not interfere with the person. Things and furniture should not be too close to each other. Here are some recommendations:

  • There should be 0.7-1 m of free space in front of or in the bathroom, otherwise it will be inconvenient to change clothes or dry yourself;
  • The heated towel rail should be located no closer than 70 centimeters to the bathtub or shower;
  • There should be at least a meter of free space in front of the toilet.

If you do not take these nuances into account, you will simply cling to the corners with your shoulders, and you will feel uncomfortable.


It’s worth thinking about the design even at the renovation stage, because right choice colors and finishes will help resolve several issues.

The main problem in a combined bathroom is limited space - you need to use the most popular design solutions interior design to visually enlarge the room:

  • Choose minimalism in everything - this is how the space of the toilet is perfectly revealed;
  • Give preference to all shades of white and pastel colors of the interior;
  • Glossy ceiling in a couple of tones lighter than the walls will visually lift it;
  • Use contrasting combinations very carefully - for example, light tiles and dark furniture;
  • Alternating vertical stripes on the wall will raise the ceilings, and horizontal stripes will expand the walls;
  • An abundance of bright and rich shades of contrasting combinations and rich textures look good only in spacious rooms;
  • Small tiles and mosaics help to visually expand the room. But the large one is the opposite;
  • A floor several shades darker than the walls will help to visually increase the area. And if you use hanging plumbing fixtures, the area of ​​the bathroom will double;
  • Diagonal laying of tiles will also help to increase the floor area;
  • Wood is often chosen to decorate a bathroom - give preference to light wood types and soft textures. And remember that the wood must be moisture resistant;

If possible, diffuse the lighting - install several spotlights instead of one large lamp. Firstly, it is much more convenient, and secondly, it will illuminate all corners of the room and make it slightly larger.

When choosing a color scheme, pay attention to the classic solutions:

  • Beige chocolate;
  • White and blue;
  • Grey-white;
  • Grey-blue;

But you shouldn’t make a design in exclusively white color - dilute it at least a little with colored decorative elements.

Bathroom furniture

The main task when renovating a small bathroom is the optimal set of furniture. It should be roomy, but take up minimal space and be compact. Take space optimization seriously. Here are some good solutions:

  • Horizontal multi-tiered heated towel rails;
  • Choose bedside tables and cabinets with big amount small shelves and compartments - this will help fill them as much as possible with useful little things;
  • Choose nightstands that can be placed under the sink and under the bathtub;
  • Any woman will like a large mirror in the bathroom; in addition, it will visually enlarge the bathroom and make it much brighter;
  • Hanging furniture is also a good space saver;
  • Remember that furniture with a smooth texture is much easier to clean;
  • A large number of small things lying on surfaces create a sloppy appearance and also “eat up” the space of the bathroom. Therefore, try to put all things in cabinets and shelves;
  • For the shower cabin, choose frosted glass - this will allow two family members to be in the bathroom together.

Before you decide to combine a bathroom with a toilet, think about how much you need it. After all, getting the wall back will be problematic in any case.

The interior must also be carefully considered. If you approach this issue responsibly, you can create an extraordinary, interesting and most importantly comfortable interior in a small bathroom.

The interior of a bathroom combined with a toilet is a task of how to make the most efficient use of every square centimeter of available space. The realities of mass construction are such that 65% of old houses have a bathroom (bathroom with toilet) of 4 sq.m. If you remove the partition between them, you can get quite a significant additional area, which, with the right approach, is enough to install washing machine. An additional effect of this solution is cost savings by reducing the decoration area: no wall - no decoration.

However, combining a bath with a toilet also has negative aspects. First of all - bathroom Only one person can use it; if for a family with one child this is not critical, then for large families it can become a problem. In addition, the demolition of the wall will require approval from regulatory authorities.

Remodeling a bathroom involves one important issue– connecting communications, it is necessary to carry out additional pipe routing. At the same time, on the one hand, they must be positioned so that they take up a minimum of space and can be easily hidden, on the other hand, it is necessary to provide access to important plumbing elements, for example, siphons.

Advice! If pipes are embedded in walls, then you will have to abandon metal-plastic ones (they must maintain access to the joints) in favor of plastic ones - they are more reliable, although more difficult to install.

Another important pointventilation. A combined bathroom will most likely require forced ventilation, because the exit of one ventilation duct is usually closed. For a bathroom with an area of ​​5 m2 you will need a fan with a capacity of at least 2000 l/h

Bathroom combined with a toilet: choosing style, materials, plumbing

Having decided purely technical points, you can proceed directly to the design. When choosing an interior for a small combined bathroom, preference should be given to styles characterized by minimalism in decoration: high tech, Japanese, modern and minimalism itself. Everything is strict, restrained, but neat, and several bright accents(details) will add life and energy to the room.

The choice of materials for a combined bathroom is dictated primarily by the characteristics of this room. This is a place with frequent temperature changes and high humidity, plus very strict hygiene requirements should be added here, so the following are optimal:

  • ceramic tile – durable, strong, waterproof, varied in style and design, the most popular material for finishing the walls and ceilings of bathrooms. Disadvantages include cost and complexity of installation.
  • water-based paint - quite cheap, its application does not require special skills, you can choose any tone without any problems, very hygienic, easy to clean. But before applying it, you will need to perfectly level the walls, so this is - best option for ceiling finishing
  • plastic – inexpensive and easy to install, but quite fragile, possible, but not a very good option for a bathroom
  • drywall – although it is designated as “moisture resistant”, it is only suitable for finishing a separate toilet. If it is used, it will be for leveling walls followed by tiling.

Having decided on the style and materials, you can move on to choosing plumbing fixtures:

  • bath or shower - this is the main question, the solution of which depends on the preferences of the owners and the available space. For ultra-small rooms, the preferable choice is shower cabin. Good decision Installing a corner bath will help save some space. Or an option with a stepped (tapered in the foot area) bathtub - it’s comfortable to lie in it, and the space saved is enough to install a sink ( washing machine)

– for a combined bathroom, a model without a footrest is more suitable; the “tulip” does not allow you to use the very important space under the washbasin. Wall mounting sinks allow you to install shelves (bedside tables) underneath for storing things. Another option is a washbasin with a cabinet; this combination will look harmonious and monolithic. If you install a wall-mounted sink a little higher, there will be enough space underneath for a washing machine

Advice! To further save space, the sink can be placed above the bathtub.

  • toilet– when installing it, you need to perform several important rules. First of all, the distance from the cross to the toilet should not exceed 1.5 m, and the slope of the pipe should be 100 mm/m. Also, to connect the toilet, a 100 mm pipe must be used, and narrowing it until it reaches the cross is unacceptable - this can lead to you flooding yourself. Interesting option– a corner toilet, it will help solve quite a lot of problems, for example, you can choose a door that will open in any (desired) direction. But such installation is only possible if the riser is located in a corner, otherwise you will have to purchase an expensive crosspiece with a 40 mm side pipe at 45 degrees. But for a block-type Khrushchev-era building, this option is absolutely not suitable - placing the riser in a niche main wall makes it impossible to turn. The best solution for a small combined bathroom it will be wall hung toilet model– when installed correctly, it can support weights of up to 200 kg
  • washing machine – it’s quite simple here; you can find a place for a narrow model even in the smallest bathroom.

An important design element, both functionally and aesthetically, is heated towel rail. It can be painted or chrome-plated, with hooks or shelves; it is important that it matches the overall style of the room.

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Combining a bathroom and a toilet has more advantages than disadvantages. The toilet room is one and a half meters of completely useless space, which is extremely cramped and inconvenient to use. By combining a bathroom and a toilet, the owners receive spacious room, in which you can place equipment and. The interior of a bathroom combined with a toilet can be truly stylish and comfortable, because the field for creativity becomes much wider.

Interior of a combined bathroom

Break down and build: legal redevelopment

The placement of the bathroom and toilet room is not random; they are planned by the developer at the design stage of the building and are tied to the sewer riser, ventilation duct and must be located strictly above the non-residential premises below the underlying apartments.

For this reason, engineering services insist that any redevelopment of sanitary facilities be carried out under their control and with their permission. This is, of course, fair, but requires compliance with the following rules:

  • the bathroom cannot be expanded or combined at the expense of its own living areas, since in this case the “wet” rooms will be located above the living areas of the neighbors below, and this is prohibited by SaNPiN (corridors do not count);
  • the waterproofing must be done anew, and the fact of its installation must be recorded in an act for hidden work;
  • the level of the floors of the combined bathroom should be 1 - 2 cm below the level of adjacent floors;
  • the front door should lead to non-residential premises, let’s say there is an exit to the living room if there are several bathrooms in the apartment;
  • when remodeling and combining a bathroom with a bathtub, you cannot touch in any way ventilation duct or violate its integrity.

All these requirements are taken into account by the designer - a specialized organization with SRO approval.

Engineering and design

The interior of a bathroom combined with a toilet in a city apartment is an attempt to fit a large number of functional items, equipment and engineering components into an extremely small space. The combined bathroom contains not only plumbing equipment with complex connections, siphons and units. Here, as a rule, heated towel rails, cabinets and many other items are installed.

The designer’s task does not include creating comfort and developing an ergonomic layout, so it is better to contact a design organization with a ready-made design project in hand and focus on it. Architects know the requirements of SNiP and SanPiN no worse than designers, so all key requirements will be taken into account.

Preparatory work

The interior of bathrooms combined with a toilet, the photo of which is presented above, is an example of how the demolition of just one partition adds several square meters of usable space. Bathroom renovation is the most complex component in an apartment from a technological point of view; it consists of several stages.


Before you begin repairs and begin demolition and dismantling, you need to prepare auxiliary tools - plugs for the sewer riser and a container for water that remains in the pipes and connections.

First, architectural elements are removed - partitions and doors, then plumbing is dismantled, flooring and the decoration is removed from the walls.

Floor installation

SNiP requires that the bathroom floors be waterproofed. For this purpose, coating or roll materials. They are laid on the floor slab, and only then a screed is made on top of the insulation, heating cables and a finishing layer are laid.

Popular flooring materials – ceramics, moisture resistant fake diamond or bulk polymer, which is shown in the photo.

Finishing work

The interior of a small bathroom combined with a toilet is finished with traditional practical material - glazed ceramic tiles. With its help you can imitate any type of surface. By doing finishing works The most important thing is to remember that the bathroom is always humid and warm. All materials used must be hygienic and easily withstand cleaning with aggressive compounds.

Related article:

Plumbing installation

The most pleasant and easiest moment is the installation of equipment. It should be carried out by a professional or after careful consultation with an experienced person. All modern plumbing fixtures are designed in such a way that they can be installed by an amateur, but outside guidance and the additional muscle strength of an assistant will not be superfluous.

Modern bathroom: styles and trends

Interior design of a bathroom combined with a toilet is a complex design task. It is not easy to create expressive interiors in such small areas, however, by showing imagination and ingenuity, you can turn a standard box into a chic boudoir.

The small area is the biggest challenge. The photo below shows interesting finds and bright solutions that we managed to bring to life.

Renovating a bathroom is a complex and time-consuming process that is not undertaken often. So that the owner likes the results, they are suitable from the point of view of construction and hygiene standards, and also served for a long time, you need to adhere to the following reference points.

When planning the arrangement of a bathroom, you need to understand that some aspects, namely, the multifunctionality of the room, a small area, as a rule, no more than 10 square meters. m, high humidity and others, require knowledge certain rules. They are known to professionals, and when developing each new interior bathrooms combined with a toilet, designers take them into account, but more emphasis creative people are made to create stylish, bright and memorable rooms. As a result, it turns out that the interior reflects the personality of the artist to a greater extent than that of the employer.

In this article we have placed photographs various interiors, which clearly demonstrate that the most best design It is never a copy of an already established style. Don't be afraid to realize your ideas - ours practical advice ergonomics will prevent you from making mistakes when planning it.

When showing imagination, one should not forget about expediency

The bathroom is a room that can be considered the most intimate in the house - it sometimes contains the most delicate and personal belongings of its owner, and who, if not him, can figure out where and how it is more convenient to place them. For example, some time ago a fashion was born for studio apartments, where there were no partitions and doors even around the toilets. In the photographs it looked original and even chic, but in real life This option is absolutely unacceptable.

It is obvious that over time the premises lose characteristics, invested in it by the designer, especially if he is not one of the famous ones, and merges with its owner. But how harmoniously does this happen? It happens that a design idea gradually turns into a banal jumble of assorted items that do not correspond to any style. Isn't it better to try to come up with the perfect bathroom yourself, especially if you have artistic taste and some experience in such matters?

Why you shouldn't hire a designer for just one bathroom

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to decide what the room will look like in finished form and then do advance paynemt expense and cost building materials and salaries of craftsmen.

For this purpose, you can select a specialist who, based on a standard list of questions, will make a good design project. This service is quite expensive, and, as practice shows, there are not many designers who are able to immediately take into account all the wishes of the customer and in the future, when the situation changes, during the entire renovation, adjust the project at its different stages.

The owners, as the work progresses, have a habit of remembering some little things that were not taken into account in the original version, and these little things often do not fit into the original plan. It is difficult to remake it, since the designer is not involved construction work, and the builders themselves, plasterers, tilers, plumbers and electricians, even very high-class ones, offer only those options that are well known to them and have already been tested on other sites.

It often happens that the customer does not have the opportunity to purchase any of the agreed materials, or he has new wishes, for example, that in addition to the bath, he wants to use a shower, or there is a new addition to the family and he wants to additionally plan a place for the child to bathe. What to do in such a situation?

Our advice: read carefully various options, take our advice and plan own interior bathrooms combined with toilet.

Apartment renovations usually begin with the bathroom. It is quite possible that, being carried away by an interesting business, you will not stop at just the bathroom and want to put the remaining rooms in order. The experience gained while working on a bathroom will be very useful, besides, stores sell a lot of all kinds of construction accessories that can transform normal repairs apartments into your favorite hobby.

What to rely on when creating your own design project

When planning the interior of a small bathroom combined with a toilet, you should not blindly copy the samples presented in the pictures of glossy magazines. We also do not recommend repeating what you saw from friends.

In the first case, you need to remember that several specialists worked on the image, and their task was either to demonstrate the style, or household plumbing, or building materials, or the services of builders and finishers.

Great value for perception professional photography has the illumination of the shooting location and the absence of numerous assorted hygiene items that inevitably fill our bathrooms. Be critical of advertising images. Try to imagine yourself with your habits and capabilities in the proposed interior.

As for copying the interior of friends, it is unlikely that you will be pleased to use a room, all the colors and objects of which embody not your aspirations, but the needs of another person.

It’s better to spend a little time and create your own interior, and we will help you with this. The article presents photographs illustrating different ideas interior of a bathroom combined with a toilet. Below we will describe in more detail distinctive features some of the most relevant and interesting designs to implement.

Most often, the interior of bathrooms, combined with a toilet and shower, is designed for a small apartment area and is quite affordable. This is what you need to proceed from when planning your initial costs.

After reading the article to the end, you will understand that creating a unique, ideal and, moreover, stylish version of the bathroom is not so difficult. Having some repair or construction skills, do not be afraid to take on the matter yourself, because in order to bring it to beautiful view bathroom, no need to graduate from university.

Our article is precisely intended for those who have a desire to work on their own nest, and whose hands are not afraid of physical work.

If your bathroom occupies an area of ​​20 sq. m, then create harmonious interior a large bathroom combined with a toilet will be easier than if it is less than 6 square meters. m, but know some general rules ergonomics will not hurt in both cases. Next, we will talk about the main design secrets used by recognized experts in this field. We hope you find them useful.

Factors to consider

When developing your own, unique and, of course, modern, interior of a bathroom combined with a toilet, you need to understand that what was originally planned will be somewhat different from what it will become after a few months of operation. In the bathroom there will be towels, washed linen hung to dry, shampoos, soaps, children's toys, shaving accessories, etc., etc.

If you are used to using a bathtub, but, following fashion, as well as to save water and space, decided to replace it with a shower, then keep in mind that this decision may be spontaneous and impulsive, and subsequently you will miss the relaxing hot bath with aromatic oils , salt or herbs. It is better to install a bathtub with a shower and a plastic screen to prevent water from splashing throughout the room. Then you can use it both as a bath and as a shower.

Owners of small bathrooms sometimes, in order to increase free space, get rid of the washbasin, believing that a bathtub can completely replace it. This is also an illusion and, although as a result several tens of square centimeters of space will be added, it will not add convenience.

It is also not advisable to install a small washbasin - water will splash. It is better to save space by using a washing machine, which can be placed under the washbasin or moved to the kitchen, and the space under the sink can be turned into a cabinet for towels and other small items. The same applies to the boiler for heating water.

Usually, modern interior bathrooms combined with a toilet also require a bidet. However, it will be successfully replaced installed nearby with a toilet, a flexible hose with a special nozzle and a water regulator. In a small bathroom, where the distances between plumbing elements are very small, this item will be very useful, and its installation and placement will not be difficult.

Do not under any circumstances tightly wall up pipes, junctions, valves and meters. It’s better to spend extra time, but organize approaches to them using removable panels or doors, imitating cabinets. By the way, if you make such mini-cabinets narrow, the width of the bottles with detergents, shelves, then this will solve many problems with placement household chemicals, hygiene products, etc.

Optical illusion, or visual adjustment of room dimensions

Mosaic finishing adds several features to the room in which it is applied. square meters area. This is explained by the fact that our brain reacts in an amazing way to the number of lines - many small lines, which means there is a large area in front of our eyes, few lines - which means a smaller surface. It is recommended to include mosaics in the decoration only in fragments, using it to create various optical effects.

You can increase the space with a skillful combination of color and geometry. Reflective tile surfaces will make the room brighter and, therefore, more spacious. Add to this large mirror- and a small, six-meter room will double in size.

Another property of flowers will help to adjust a cramped room - warm shades they reduce the distance between objects, while cold ones, on the contrary, move them away. Use this property to increase the distance to the ceiling and between the walls, and it will immediately become easier to breathe in the bathroom.

The main color scheme of the walls should match the appearance of the owner. Even if fashionable coral, mint, lilac or pistachio tiles are sold with big discount, remember that in the morning, looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing your own face painfully pale, you are unlikely to feel a surge of vigor and good mood.

As a rule, the geometry of the bathroom is such that the height of the room is greater than its width and length. The imbalance is corrected by using the same coating on the floor and walls, not reaching the ceiling, possibly with a pattern. In this case top part walls and ceiling should be different in color.

Correct application of shades allows you to do suspended ceilings With spotlights without losing precious centimeters needed for installation metal frame and electrical wiring.

Combination of interiors

No matter how much you like the interior of the bathroom combined with a toilet, the photo of which you decided to take as a model, keep in mind that this room should be compatible in style with the space closest to it in the apartment - the kitchen, hallway or bedroom, and it is better that all rooms are in harmony together. The kaleidoscope of styles and sharp color contrasts are very tiring.

A transparent door is another tempting mistake of inexperienced designers who learned from somewhere that this is the best way to combine adjacent rooms and create a harmonious tandem from them, and at the same time save on electricity. In fact, although the fluted glass hides delicate details, the silhouette of a person and what he is doing is usually not a secret to those on the other side of the door. Awkward situation can confuse not only the one in the bathroom, but also those on the opposite side. It is especially unpleasant if the lights are on in one room and not in another.

To combine adjacent rooms, it is quite enough to keep them in the same general color scheme. This always works, since the main effect is achieved by the fact that the transition from one place to another is not accompanied by a shock reaction from a sudden change in color.

Features of bathroom ergonomics

When planning the rearrangement of plumbing equipment, you need to remember the distances between the individual elements of the bathroom. In this part, it is better to adhere to the tried and tested rules, since they have been developed from many years of experience and for reasons of expediency.

So, the washbasin should be located at a height of 85-90 cm from the floor, and the distance from the wall to its edge should be 50-60 cm. The space for using the washbasin should be at least 70 cm.

The farthest shelf should be free to access without special devices, such as a stepladder, that is, located no higher than 180 cm from the floor.

The center of the toilet is no closer than 40 cm from the wall, and the holder for toilet paper placed at a distance arm's length. The free space in front of the toilet is about the same as in front of the washbasin.

If the bathroom is supposed to house a boiler and a washing machine, then it is better to mount the boiler above the machine.

For a shower stall, the minimum area is 90 square meters. cm, although, as practice shows, it is a bit cramped.

Materials for finishing bathrooms

The interior of bathrooms combined with a toilet is usually created from materials that are resistant to moisture. This is, first of all, ceramic tile. It is ideal for care, has a large palette of colors and, in case of damage, is easily replaced. Also in the bathrooms they use coniferous wood treated against rotting.

Interior of bathrooms combined with toilets in the house large area with a bathroom from 25 sq. m are often decorated with tiles from natural marble, travertine, jasper, onyx or granite. It is very expensive, but incredibly beautiful and durable. In the photographs you see such an interior of bathrooms combined with a toilet.

The photo above is Pakistani onyx, and the photo below is jasper.

Bathroom finishing with PVC panels

Don’t be upset that you can’t buy an expensive one for your apartment. a natural stone. You can create beautiful interior bathroom combined with toilet, PVC panels. They are produced with different designs that imitate stone, wood, mosaic, tile, etc. The panels, unlike other materials, are easily and quickly installed by one person, without outside help.

Using panels, you can create any interior for bathrooms combined with a toilet, even in a very small apartment. The panels are mounted on a frame made of aluminum profile and secured with screws. Technological holes for plumbing elements can be easily cut into them, they are not heavy, are easy to clean, durable and do not fade over time.

The hottest bathroom trends

Today there are several dozen architectural styles, widely used for decorating residential premises. The most popular among them are high-tech, loft, rustic and art deco, combined with art nouveau.

The interior of a small bathroom combined with a toilet should not be overloaded with complex elements. High-tech is ideal for tight spaces. An example of the style is shown in the first photo. This style is characterized by cool shades of black and white, right angles and lines, chromed metal, smooth, shiny surfaces and high-tech equipment.

The loft-style interior of bathrooms combined with a toilet is shown in the second photo. This design is usually liked by adherents of an ascetic lifestyle, hipsters and originals who love to shock others. The bathroom, decorated in a loft style, resembles a dull warehouse space- faded colors, boar tiles, reminiscent brickwork, complete lack of comfort.

Rustic, unlike high-tech and loft, does not gravitate towards minimalism and gives room for imagination. The main thing is that the interior evokes a feeling of rustic simplicity. The colors below are appropriate here. natural wood or stone, rough surfaces, primitive patterns of homespun peasant cloths. The photo of a rustic bathroom is the third one from the top.

According to many Art Deco - best interior bathrooms combined with toilet. Art Deco is sometimes confused with glamor and other elegant and pretentious styles, but Art Deco differs from them in its originality, grace, lightness, and some theatricality, bordering on pretentiousness. Only a person with an ideal sense of proportion and taste will be able to create an interior in this style.

Art Deco does not imply attachment to certain materials, shapes and colors. It allows room for imagination. The same can be said about another, no less remarkable style, Art Nouveau, which reflects more late period in the history of art. Imagine what the bathrooms of the flirtatious Columbine, the frivolous dancers from the Moulin Rouge, depicted in Degas’s paintings, the graceful Clarissa Dalloway from the novel by Virginia Woolf, or even the inquisitive Alice from Carroll’s fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” should look like, and embody one of them in your apartment. As decorative elements use motifs and painting styles of artists that match the chosen one style decision. Art Deco and Art Nouveau make it possible to create an interior for a bathroom combined with a toilet (the photographs clearly demonstrate this), capable of accepting any available materials.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat: do not be afraid to experiment, because if the day begins with a visit to the ideal bathroom, then life will definitely sparkle with new colors that give joy and satisfaction.