home · Appliances · How to paint a wooden box with white paint. Decoupage of wooden boxes: step-by-step instructions with photos for beginners, secrets, features. Shelves for small flowers, books and other small items made from plywood boxes

How to paint a wooden box with white paint. Decoupage of wooden boxes: step-by-step instructions with photos for beginners, secrets, features. Shelves for small flowers, books and other small items made from plywood boxes

All parents have encountered the problem of throwing children's toys away. Children love to play, but they don't really like collecting toys. This problem can be solved if you come up with something for children's wealth permanent place storage that will be easily accessible to the baby. Great option is a toy box with a hinged lid. This durable box can be made from solid massif wood, plywood, chipboard or furniture panels. If the material is beautiful, then the product can be coated with transparent varnish, and in the case of plywood or chipboard, it is better to paint the box. This durable, reliable box is easy to put away, which is important for children's things. Also, the place where toys are stored can be beautifully decorated and this box will become a decoration for a child’s room. And when the child grows up, the box can be useful for storing sports equipment, for example.

It is important to remember that this item is made for a children's room, so the use of toxic materials and paint products is unacceptable. Also, since the box is equipped...

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Nothing grows in size faster than a children's toy collection. It seemed like only yesterday that the first rattle was bought, and today it is no longer possible to walk through the nursery because of the minefields of the construction set and the mountains of other toys. To prevent chaos from consuming the entire house, and so that the “Augean stables” do not have to be cleaned out exclusively by the parents, two things need to be done. Firstly, to optimize the storage of toys, and secondly, as a consequence of the first, to turn cleaning up toys into an exciting game.
To optimize the storage of toys, the modern industry offers many types of boxes, drawers, baskets, barrels, etc. Let's look at the main types of containers for toys.

The most simple design - metal carcass, covered with bright, easy-to-wash material. With the help of a frame the barrels are given various shapes: animals, fairy tale characters, cartoon characters, insects, etc. Such containers for toys are light and compact. Many of them are made of translucent...

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The Eichhorn Hello Kitty wooden toy box is a container for storing your favorite toys, made in the style of the popular character. The box is suitable primarily for girls, since its main color is pink. The box is wide enough to sit on and also has a backrest for convenience.
The box has a built-in special lock that prevents the lid from closing spontaneously and injuring the child.
The Eichhorn Hello Kitty toy box is made of high quality wood and painted with non-toxic paint that does not cause allergic reactions in children.

Characteristics of Eichhorn Hello Kitty Wooden Toy Box:

Dimensions: 55 x 30 x 45 cm

Manufacturer: Eichhorn

You can buy a wooden box for Eichhorn Hello Kitty toys in our...

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I paint with gouache on wooden (smooth, polished) boards, and therefore I cover it with varnish... that’s what I was taught at art school.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the wood. Surface preparation boils down to cleaning it, light sanding and priming. You can clean the surface using a brush, a slightly damp cloth, or other methods.
Sandpaper is used to sand wood to make the surface smooth and silky so that the adhesion process and subsequent decorative coating was more effective. It is advisable to use at least two types of paper - coarse grain and finer. Regardless of the type of sandpaper, you can only sand wood along the grain!
After the surface is prepared, apply protective covering. For example, you can cover the surface with stain. Water, alcohol and oil stains are available. Stains come in a variety of colors and shades, from dark to clear.
Next stage -...

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If you have children or are invited to a child's birthday party and need to take care of a gift, we offer wonderful project, which you can handle in just a few evenings. Make a toy box. This spacious box can be used to store any toys and games. Thanks to its functionality and durability, this beautiful box for toys it will probably come in handy even after its owner (or owner) grows up and ceases to be interested in toys. A teenager can store his own in it sport equipment. U young man in his first own apartment the box will become convenient place storage of a wide variety of things or a coffee table. If the inside is lined with fragrant juniper, the box will become a decoration for any home.

You can make such a toy box yourself from solid wood, softwood plywood, and then paint it, or chipboard. Another option is to make it from solid wood and hardwood plywood, and then cover it with clear...

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Making a toy box with your own hands is not a difficult task, but very useful. Many parents may come to this conclusion as soon as they get tired of stumbling over the cars and blocks scattered all over the floor. You can, of course, buy such a box in a store. But he will be faceless and uninteresting. It’s much more pleasant to realize that you made such a beautiful and useful item with your own hands for your beloved child!

There are many options for making a box for toys with your own hands: the simplest ones can be made in literally an hour or two, and those that are more complex will require not only effort, but also special equipment. But they also last much longer.

One of simple options is the manufacture of a box for children's toys from cardboard box. To work you will need:

Cardboard box the right size; fabric for decorating the box inside and out; PVA glue; scotch; knife, scissors, needle and thread.

The box needs to be cut off top cover, edges and corners...

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Wood is great construction material, which has excellent strength, reliability, and long service life. A timber house needs special care and protection from aging, exposure to precipitation, frost, destruction by microorganisms and insects.

Linseed oil used to prevent further formation of rot.

What paint is best to paint a wooden house? It is necessary to choose a paint for a wooden house that would prevent the destruction of the material from negative external influences.

Preparing the wood surface for painting

Before starting work on painting a wooden house, it is necessary to prepare the surface. It is necessary to carry out preparatory work that will improve the adhesion of the dye to the wood and increase its performance and increase its durability.

Materials and tools:

Sprayer; brush; putty knife; antiseptic; primer; varnish; film.

First you need to clean the wood from...

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You inherited your grandmother's old wardrobe and you don't know how to paint it. old wardrobe how to fit it into the interior of your apartment? Don’t rush to throw it away or give it to a junk dealer, even though it’s worn out by time and doesn’t look at all presentable.

As a rule, all old furniture is made conscientiously and from the best natural materials. Yes, yes, and your old cabinet is made from solid pieces of wood, which means that in no way modern store you won't find one like this anymore. So wouldn't it be better to bring life back to an old cabinet? Moreover, things in retro or even vintage style are now in fashion.

In this article we will tell you how to paint a cabinet with your own hands and give it a second life in your interior.


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How and with what to paint wood at home

Painting wood: the final result depends on surface preparation

Probably many of you...

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You're tired of the old furniture, but you don't yet have the funds to buy new ones - or you just don't want to give up your usual comfortable set, but want to somehow refresh it? Not a problem: a little patience, accuracy and imagination - and the furniture will find a second life. The easiest way to change appearance furniture - paint it. Is it possible to paint furniture?

It’s possible - it’s not like that difficult process, and the result is usually successful. Solid wood furniture is most often painted. natural wood. If it already has a coating (paint, varnish), it must first be cleaned by sanding the furniture with sandpaper - first coarse, then fine. Then the wooden furniture needs to be impregnated with an appropriate primer (treatment with an antiseptic composition will not hurt) and only then begin painting.

Is it possible to paint chipboard furniture? It is possible, and special preliminary preparation it does not require - just wash the surface thoroughly, let it dry, and then wipe with a degreasing agent...

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View full version: What kind of paint can I paint a baby crib?

28.08.2009, 12:31

We bought a loft bed, wooden, not varnished. Intellectually :)) I understand that I need to sand it a little - but in principle it is sanded and painted :))
In this regard, I had several questions:
1. Do I need to prime before painting? Some say it is necessary, others say no, what will the public say :))?
2. I want to paint with 3 colors, bright, in the store (Maxidom) - they told me only alkyd paints were bright, but a child will sleep in a child’s bed :)), - are there any water-soluble BRIGHT paints? In Maskidom there is a white one, which is tinted in pastel shades.
3. Should I cover the top with something? Varnish? Maybe not?


31.08.2009, 19:05

and my husband made a children’s bed, I need to paint it.. but with what???!:009:
I need some kind of non-toxic paint...
Tell me, who understands...

11 0 0

In any apartment, in any house it is impossible to do without doors. They may have different purposes. There are doors separating the bathroom, toilet, balconies and loggias from the main living space.

To prevent smudges from appearing when painting the doors, they must be placed in a horizontal position.

Interior doors divide the living area into separate rooms. Old doors usually have a very durable door leaf and a high-quality frame. Some products are made from valuable species wood But thick layer paint accumulated over many years significantly spoils the original appearance of the doors. You can update them different ways, including the correct coating with new paint.

Painting stages wooden door wax.

With the help of modern innovative materials An old wooden door can be completely repurposed the new kind. Anyone can do it themselves House master. Need to...

12 0 0

Thanks to your natural characteristics wood covering genders is very common. But if in city apartments they choose a ready-made floor covering (for example, laminate, glossy boards, etc.), then country houses Conventional planed boards, plywood or fiberboard predominate. To increase service life, such coating requires periodic processing. The simplest method available for home use is to coat the wood with paint or enamel.

But not all paint is suitable for this. In this article we will figure out how to paint wooden floors.

Advice: repeat painting the floors every three to four years. This will preserve their durability and restore worn areas.

When choosing a paint, you need to remember the characteristics of your floor, the type of wood (coniferous, larch or other), the climate where the coating is located (outdoors, in the house, in the bathhouse). If the floor has already been painted before, then it is important to know what kind of paint it was done with.

On the market today...

13 0 0

Wooden houses have many important advantages over brick and stone buildings. They have good thermal conductivity, retain heat well, help create a pleasant microclimate in rooms and serve their owners. long years. However, modern consumers should remember that wooden houses require mandatory protection from negative impacts external environment, from moisture, woodworms and mold. Consider this point when you decide which paint is best to paint. wooden house, to this building not only looked beautiful, but was also able to maintain its attractiveness and excellent performance characteristics for many years.

What paints for wooden surfaces are offered to consumers by modern manufacturers?

On domestic market You can find three types of coatings, each of which is suitable for treating the exterior surface of a wooden house. These include:

Antiseptics; Oil formulations;...

14 0 0

Good afternoon everyone.
I just recently started doing woodworking as a hobby.
It came time for painting.
I want to paint small ones wooden Toys in different colors.
What paint should I use? in solvent and water based? varnish or stain? Or maybe even oil?

I used solvent-based varnish and stain a couple of times, but the result was not at all impressive(
I bought a jar of Dulux Woodsheen water-based stain - antique pine, which is better, of course, but that’s not what I need.

In shops ( Leroy Merlin, Metrica, Obi) I didn’t find what I’m looking for, or I just don’t know yet what what I’m looking for is. Here are the requirements:

The paint must be safe (children love to eat toys)
- I don’t want classic wooden colors, but bright ones (red, blue, yellow).
- I don't need big banks. 100-300 grams is enough, but there are many different ones. At least 7 colors. And it would be desirable that it closes properly, otherwise I will be using it for a very, very long time.


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With the arrival of a child in the family, the question arises: where to store toys? As the child grows up, this issue becomes a real problem. Store a dozen dolls or cars, five balls and several construction sets in one big box is no longer possible. In addition, children do not like to put away toys. So if you're tired of tripping over toys scattered on the floor, it's time to organize a system for storing them.

You need to make the cleaning process enjoyable for your child. At the same time, each toy should have its own place. It is also important that the baby likes the places where toys need to be put. Of course, you can buy special baskets or chests of drawers for toys in the store, but it is much more interesting to make a toy box with your own hands. There are a lot of options here. You can use anything for this purpose. We have already made a selection of ideas for storing toys, but we found a lot more interesting things :)

What can you use to make a box...

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Useful tips

If you have old boxes lying around at your dacha, in your closet or somewhere else, you shouldn’t get rid of them right away - perhaps you can make something interesting and useful out of them.

Using some tools and paint, crates can be used to make various pieces of furniture that will be useful in the garage, at the cottage, and even in your home.

Old boxes are very easy to paint, because... they are made from untreated wood. They are also easy to connect to each other.

Here are a few ideas that can be turned into reality from ordinary old boxes:

Toy storage box

If converted old box, paint it and add wheels, you can get this interesting and convenient storage for toys.

You will need:

Sandpaper (if the wood needs to be sanded)

Acrylic paint and brushes

Wheels (4 per 1 drawer)

Screwdriver and bolts (to attach the wheels)

17 0 0

This year has gone by so quickly. He was very creative for me. All Lately some changes are happening in me and around me...slowly but surely I am moving towards my dream of a beautiful and cozy home filled with cute things and toys, children's laughter, the smell of coffee, sun, creativity and joy. This community helped me understand myself in many ways, stop and think about what I want, what interests me. Understand how I can realize my plans. And, this became a discovery for me. It's simple. You need to do what you like. And then, in some unthinkable way, all the puzzle pieces fit into one big picture of the world.

For me, this community is like another child of mine, who, of course, is not perfect, but I still love him. His existence is interesting to me. I dare to hope for you too.

Thank you all for reading it. Nothing would have happened without you.

With thanks

P.S. Let's think together how to make our...

18 0 0

Wooden boxes, by themselves, waste material. Which can very often be seen thrown away if there is a store nearby that sells vegetables and fruits. Last year, a friend of mine, the owner, gave me several of these boxes. grocery store. To be honest, I had no idea what to do with this stuff, but in the fall the wooden boxes came in handy when harvesting.

Vegetables breathe in them and do not mold. In general, the wooden boxes turned out to be very easy to carry.
Some people use wooden boxes in the garden to sell their creative ideas, painting them with acrylic paints and using scrapbooking templates.

In principle, the idea is not bad if there is nothing to do in the garden)))). Does anyone have any other ideas for use? wooden boxes in the garden, I’ll be glad to hear them.

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Don't rush to throw it away old furniture. After all, she is an inexhaustible source of ideas for creativity and for decorating your interior. In order to turn an old chest of drawers into a designer item, you do not need to have great talents, rare skills and abilities. Your imagination is enough and minimum set tools, sandpaper, brushes, paint and... pieces of wallpaper or decoupage paper. Not enough ideas for inspiration? Then we offer you our selection of conversions of old furniture into new ones.

This hand painted chest of drawers balloons sells on Ebay for $997. If you are not entirely confident in your artistic talent, then you can cut out a suitable picture or decor from thin paper for decoupage. When glued to a previously prepared surface, it will look like a real drawing.

Furniture decor based on the “bird on a branch” theme never goes out of style. To create it, the reverse stencil method was used. Cover the chest of drawers with acrylic paint...

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Alexandra Kapelina
What paint is best to paint a wooden house? For me, this is a passed stage and I have some experience. Be sure to remove old paint! Most perfect option- construction fan and spatula. It's long and tedious, but it's worth it. Then I went over the boards with a sander, nothing... Remove old paint, sand and paint the façade oil paint It needs to be varnished, otherwise it won’t last that long and there’s no need to paint it.

Marina Korelskaya
Is it possible to varnish (YACHT) a painted surface? You can pre-read here The yacht varnish is made on the basis of high-quality alkyd-urethane resin, with the addition organic solvents and modern special-purpose additives Purpose Designed for varnishing wooden...

Vladimir Korelin
Why does staining a sanded wooden surface make it unsmooth? Sand again. After complete drying The stain may not be completely clean. Because when it dries...

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Decorating a wooden box with paints will allow this item, which is not at all presentable in appearance, to migrate from the barn to the place of honor in the kitchen) You will learn how to draw a rose for vintage box decoration in this master class.

A rose can be painted with acrylic paints, using just strokes, using a brush. This method of drawing a rose is perfect for decorating a wooden box, which can be found in any household. A box painted and decorated with roses can be safely used in decoration kitchen interior, especially if it contains shades of rustic style.

Decorating a wooden box with paints

For work we will need:

Wooden box acrylic paints - white, pink, turquoise and green paraffin candle two brushes - wide and narrow sandpaper.

We paint the wooden box with white paint. If necessary, prime and sand with sandpaper...

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Even if you are just getting acquainted with decoupage, it will not be difficult for you to use beautiful napkins and a couple simple materials transform an ordinary storage box into a luxurious piece of furniture.

We have already described how to make a slatted box with your own hands, and today in this photo master class you will learn how beautifully it can be decorated. It’s so beautiful that it would serve you not only as an organizer for storing things, but also become a decoration for your home.

So, you will need:

  • workpiece slatted box and two wooden plates,
  • acrylic art primer (black),
  • acrylic paints,
  • napkin for decoupage,
  • special decoupage glue or PVA glue,
  • acrylic lacquer,
  • flat synthetic brushes.

Priming and painting

Sand the wooden surface of the workpiece, including the overlays, with coarse sandpaper and coat with black acrylic primer. The black color will subsequently appear through the top white layer when creating the scuffed effect. Leave the painted surface to dry completely.

Paint all sides of the box, slats and trim with white acrylic paint. In this case, white chalk is used, which in this work can be replaced with ordinary construction acrylic.

Leave to dry for a while.

Do not leave the surface to dry overnight or longer. long time, because during this time the paint will completely polymerize, after which it will be more difficult to create the effect of antiquity.

Using a damp cloth, we wipe off the white layer of acrylic from some areas, thereby creating the effect of light scuffs.


This master class uses a printout on a napkin. White background pattern allows you to apply an applique without cutting it along the contour. When gluing, the torn edges of the napkin will easily merge with the white surface and after drying will become invisible. If you have a drawing on a napkin with a colorful background, then in this case the image needs to be carefully cut out.

Think about the placement of the picture on the sides of the box and apply a little decoupage glue to the appropriate places - then the picture will lie flat and without wrinkles. Attach the picture (it’s more convenient to use the file method) and with an almost dry brush, press it more firmly to the surface, thoroughly soaking it in a layer of glue.

When the glue is completely dry, cover the surface with one layer acrylic varnish.


Use acrylic paints as a patination composition. Mix the colors burnt umber and ocher in a palette, dilute them with a drying retardant or water.

It's better to patina in small areas.

Apply the paint to the surface with a flat brush and rub it in with your fingers in a circular motion until it dries completely. Control the degree of darkness. Repeat if necessary to add patinas. Excess can be carefully wiped off with a damp cloth.

Add light splashes of black paint.

Finally, darken the worn edges of the box with bitumen varnish. To do this, soak a piece of sponge in bitumen varnish, remove the excess on the paper and use a semi-dry sponge to paint the worn areas of the surface.

Finished work cover with 1-2 layers of acrylic varnish.

I decorated the overlays with lace milky. This made the storage box for my paints even more cozy.

Secure the covers with screws or moment crystal glue.

Voila! Ready!

This box is very lightweight and easy to use. In the kitchen it will serve you for storing vegetables or jars of spices, in the children's room for toys, and in the workshop, as in my case, for storing your favorite paints.


But these cozy boxes were created by fairies Larisa and Yulia at their next creative gathering.

Thank you for visiting us. Let the coming spring encourage you to new creative flights!

In order to update the old one, but functional furniture It is not necessary to spend a lot of money and contact a specialist. You can paint the chest of drawers yourself at home.

First of all, you should decide what design you want to see in the end. Based on this, it will be clear what tools will be needed. Standard set includes:

  • dresser;
  • Sander;
  • coarse and fine sandpaper;
  • paint or varnish;
  • brush or roller;
  • stain;
  • screwdriver and pliers.

Preparing the base

You can remove the old coating from a chest of drawers different ways: using washing liquids or construction hair dryer. Both options are quite effective.

Using flushing fluids

To remove old coating from the wooden surface of a chest of drawers, it is convenient to use removers. This may be the well-known drug Antikras-Universal. Optimal temperature for working with composition from 8 to 25⁰C.

To remove grease, it is necessary to treat the surface with a solvent, and to remove dirt, it is enough to rinse thoroughly with water. After cleaning the surface from dirt, treat it with a remover, then leave for 5–15 minutes.

When the paint begins to bubble and crack, you can begin to remove it. To do this you will need a metal spatula. Old paint must be removed within 2.5 hours. Otherwise, the remover will dry out, making it difficult to remove.

After the paint is completely removed, re-treat work area solvent.

Many substances are highly toxic or have an unpleasant odor. Don't forget to use the tools personal protection and ventilate the room well.

Using a hair dryer

In order to get rid of paint using a hair dryer, you need to heat the paint layer, moving from bottom to top. Due to the hot air, the temperature of the paint will increase and it can be easily removed with a spatula. This must be done with a hairdryer until the surface has cooled down.


After you have cleared the chest of drawers of old paintwork, it’s time to start puttingty. Wooden furniture often contains cracks, fallen knots, chips and other damage. Such defects must be puttied, otherwise after painting the chest of drawers they will come out. Best fit acrylic putties, and they can be applied using a rubber or steel spatula.


After puttying, the surface will have various types of unevenness and roughness. For this reason, sanding is necessary to remove visible imperfections. Sandpaper No. 160–200 is suitable for this. If possible, it is worn on grinding machine, and if there is none, then level the surface manually.

The purpose of the chest of drawers and its color

When choosing a design for a chest of drawers, it is important to consider in which part of the house you will place it: bedroom, living room, children's room or dining room.

Bedroom furniture should have a lot of drawers different sizes, such models are presented in abundance on the Ikea website. As a rule, the upper compartments are small and are intended for storing accessories and linen. The lower ones are more impressive; they can accommodate bed dress. If you attach a mirror to the tabletop, you can combine the chest of drawers with the dressing table.

It is better to choose calm pastel colors for this piece of furniture for the bedroom. These colors can be: beige, soft pink, white, milky, cream.

Chests of drawers for the living room have more of a decorative function. Such furniture is decorated with beautiful carvings or all kinds of inserts made of leather, rattan and even precious metals. The color palette should match overall design rooms.

If the chest of drawers is intended for the kitchen, then models with opening doors are best suited, as well as drawers. The color should be in harmony with the rest of the furniture in the room and the tone of the walls.

For a child's room, a chest of drawers with large drawers is suitable, in which you can put toys, books, pencils and all the accessories necessary for a child. This time you can experiment with the palette.

How to choose the right paints and varnishes

The modern market offers consumers a wide variety paint coatings. How can an ordinary person understand the characteristics?

So that the painting of the chest of drawers is successful, and the result pleases the owner for a long time, you need to choose abrasion-resistant and mechanical damage dyes. These qualities are possessed by oil or enamel coatings, which are not suitable for restoring a chest of drawers. But, the best option There will be acrylic compositions.

They have the following characteristics:

  • no pungent odor;
  • harmlessness;
  • optimal price;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to change color using tint;
  • can be diluted with water.

Painting of chipboard and plastic products

Restored furniture is not always made of wood. It can be made of chipboard or plastic.

To paint chipboard furniture, follow the same steps as for wooden furniture:

  • removing old paint;
  • putty;
  • grinding.

You will have to apply paint to the chipboard surface in several layers to obtain an aesthetic appearance of the object.

Plastic products are best coated with acrylic paints or other water-based dyes. Brushes should be chosen good quality. It’s better to overpay and achieve the desired result than to save money and end up with damaged furniture, the surface of which will be covered with brush hairs.

Painting furniture with acrylic paints

If you decide to repaint the chest of drawers with acrylic paints, then you need to choose suitable tool. You can paint furniture with either a roller or a brush designed for working with such paints. It all depends on personal preference.

When going to the store to buy a tool, you should remember a few rules:

  • choose only high-quality tools;
  • To thoroughly paint furniture parts, you may need brushes of different widths.
  • even if you decide to work with a roller, small parts It is better to apply with a brush.

Before starting the process, the surface must be coated with a primer. Compositions for acrylic base. When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to three points: drying time, surface area to be treated and color, which should match the tone of the paint.

Apply the primer in a small layer and be sure to let it dry. After this, you can begin applying acrylic paint.

Furniture varnishing

If the chest of drawers was made from solid wood, then its surface can be treated with varnish in several layers. You should choose the coating responsibly; the result of the work will depend on it.

There are special varnishes designed for working with furniture. You should not take shiplap varnish or the one intended for the floor. These compounds can ruin the appearance of a piece of furniture.

There are two types of varnishes: water-based and solvent-based. It is better to choose the first option, since it does not have unpleasant odor. This makes it possible to work without personal protective equipment. In addition, these compounds dry quickly.

Unusual ways

By showing ingenuity, imagination and creativity, you can decorate the chest of drawers beautifully, unusually, individually. The result of your efforts will be an original item that has no analogues.

Idea No. 1: Flower meadow

This design will fit perfectly into a bedroom or the interior of a country house.

To work you will need:

  • wallpaper with large floral print;
  • furniture handles made of glass or acrylic;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • transparent PVA glue.

From a sheet of wallpaper you need to cut out a piece with an allowance of 10 cm. Glue it to the front of the chest of drawers, tucking the edges inward. To avoid swelling of the wallpaper and the formation of wrinkles, the sheet must be carefully smoothed with a dry cloth or a special spatula. When the surface is dry, coat with clear acrylic varnish.

After waiting for complete drying inside, carefully make a hole for the handle. In the same way you can stick on wooden surface linen or cotton fabric.

Idea #2: Stencil Lettering

This chest of drawers is suitable for laconic interiors and children's rooms.

To work you will need:

  • stencils with letters;
  • light paint for wood;
  • brushes

After painting the chest of drawers, you should wait until the color dries completely. Then apply the stencils to the surface, draw letters and words in a contrasting color. To secure the effect, coat the top with clear varnish.

To turn an old chest of drawers into interesting element Do-it-yourself interior design does not require any special skills. The main thing in this matter is patience and creativity.

In houses modern people furniture is one of the most important elements design: tables, cabinets, chairs and other objects are always in sight, their appearance is very important. That is why it is customary to replace old furniture with new ones, but there is another way to revive worn-out furniture elements.

Thus, you can donate an old wardrobe new life in a completely different design, for which you just need to repaint it, and we will tell you how to paint a cabinet in this article.

Preparing the cabinet for a design change

Is it possible to repaint a wardrobe or wardrobe if it has lost its presentable appearance during use and looks shabby and shabby? Of course it is possible and even necessary. You should not throw away old furniture also because today you are unlikely to find furniture store items of this quality.

During the preparation process, the following instructions must be followed.

First of all, remove from the structure all existing removable parts (handles, doors, shelves, hinges, etc.), as a result, only an empty frame should remain.

To carry out this work you will need the following tools:

  • Brush;
  • Sandpaper of several types;
  • Flat brush;
  • Rags;
  • Hammer;
  • Nails;
  • Drill.

The preparation process is as follows:

  • The old coating (wax, varnish, paint) is removed from all structural elements, because it will not allow the new coating to lay down easily and smoothly; the surface should be cleaned down to the wood itself.
    Sand with sandpaper using sweeping movements;

Advice. The main thing in this process is not to overdo it, because you can remove a thin layer of veneer along with the varnish layer.

  • After sanding, you need to sweep away all the dust from the surface with a brush;

It is not recommended to use a hoe to remove dust, because... it pushes some of the dust back into the wood.

  • Using fine-grained sandpaper, hard-to-reach areas are processed, after which the surface is brushed again;
  • After graduation preparatory work It is necessary to carry out high-quality cleaning of the premises. This is necessary to prevent dust or debris from damaging the coating during painting.

Tools and materials needed for work

The choice of materials and tools should be given Special attention in such a thing as painting a cabinet with your own hands in order to give it a completely new appearance.

Selecting materials

In fact, you will need very few materials, or rather just two:

  1. Cabinet paint. When choosing this material, you should give preference to acrylic types, since they are almost completely odorless, wash well, mix with water, this is very important for obtaining the required shade of color.
    The fact that acrylic paint is washed off with water will allow you to remove any imperfections from the surface. During the drying process, the water from the acrylic paint simply evaporates, and the coating gradually becomes stronger.

These properties indicate that you should be very careful during the drying process of the surface.

It is not necessary to use paint of the same color during restoration. You can combine pastel colors with more bright colors. The combination can be selected by testing both paints on one part of the surface, and then washing off the samples;

Advice. If the store does not have the required shade of paint, you can purchase white acrylic material and a tint of the required color.

  1. Primer. The primer, as well as the paint, should be purchased acrylic to ensure better adhesion paints and surfaces.
    There are no special nuances in using this material, but before applying you should still read what the instructions describe, paying special attention to such parameters as drying time and the area of ​​the surface to be coated. Primer is applied thin layer using a brush or roller. (See also article.)


First of all, you will need a brush. You can, of course, work with a roller, but practice has shown that working with a brush is much more convenient. By using a brush, painting is more accurate, and this tool allows you to paint small parts.

It is very important to choose a high-quality brush or roller designed for working with acrylic types of paints.

A low price for a tool may indicate a low quality product.
With such a tool you can simply ruin the coating, because... A low-quality brush will produce lint that will remain on the surface.

Dyeing process

Repainting a cabinet with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to prepare everything you need in advance and paint it in a well-ventilated, dust-free room.

  1. Painting the cabinet with a lighter shade of paint. It is important that the paint for the first layer is not thick or dry. If it does thicken, dilute it with clean water;
  2. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, apply one or more layers light shade. One layer will create a Provence-style surface with a clearly visible wood pattern. Well, for a denser layer you will have to apply several more layers.

Advice. Brush strokes should be done in the same direction when applying each layer.

  1. After the light layers of paint have dried, a material of a darker tone is applied. Previously masking tape Those surfaces that should not be painted are pasted over. The paint is applied according to the same principle as a light shade;
  2. After the cabinet has completely dried, you can apply a matte or glossy effect varnish to the surface to protect the created coating. The varnish is applied with a foam sponge using blotting movements;

  1. After the varnish has dried, all removable parts are assembled together.

On the occasion of the general holiday, the first of September, 01.09, the Last Day on Earth Survival 1.5.7 update was released. To be honest, the developers didn’t add much change to the gameplay. There is a new action with paints. In this article we will tell you how to repaint boxes (chests) in Last Day on Earth Survival.

How to repaint a box (chest)

Initially, we will say that it is impossible to paint boxes of the first level; second and higher ones will do. You will need paints, previously they were intended for a chopper, now they will be useful for other products, perhaps soon it will be possible to cross other products, for example, the walls of a house.

The color range is varied:

  1. Blue
  2. Red
  3. Yellow
  4. Green
  5. Black
  6. White
  7. Violet
  8. Orange
  9. Pink

Why did they add coloring for the boxes? To navigate through stored items. You put weapons in one chest and mark them black, in another you put ammunition and paint them green, do this with everyone in turn, or leave them as usual; by the way, it is possible to undo the actions and return the original color.

Repaint the drawers good idea, but colored inscriptions would be better to immediately mark a chest with guns with the inscription “Weapon”.

The steps are simple. Second level storage is required. Go to the drawer and look in the upper right corner, find the brush. The paint palette will open. Must be present in inventory required amount cans to perform the action. The total number is from 5 to 7 pieces. Next, click “Recolor” and that’s it.

Summing up

The update did not introduce significant changes to the gameplay, only at the level of organization and further development of the application. Visible innovations are paints. That's all, now you know how to repaint boxes (chests) in Last Day on Earth Survival. Good luck!