home · Networks · How to beautifully decorate an interior using homemade crafts (photo, step-by-step master class). Unusual original ideas for the home. DIY home interior Stylish plate decor

How to beautifully decorate an interior using homemade crafts (photo, step-by-step master class). Unusual original ideas for the home. DIY home interior Stylish plate decor

Various decorations made with your own hands can highlight natural beauty suburban area and bring hidden design talents into reality (and almost all of us have them). But before you get started, examine your supplies first. And don’t forget about one sacred rule of all summer residents: don’t throw anything away.

To create original garden decorations you will need absolutely unnecessary, seemingly unnecessary things: old dishes and furniture, holey shoes, car tires, barrels, plastic bottles, trimmings building materials, firewood, etc. The most effective methods are the use of plastic, stones and wood. For example, from old tin cans you can make such a cute Tin Woodman, who, as you can see, still managed to find his heart.

And cans of beer and other carbonated drinks can be used to create cute balloon lanterns that can be hung next to the window.

The main thing when making various decorative elements is a sense of style. Therefore, first decide on the style direction, taking into account the area of ​​the territory, the existing design style, as well as your capabilities and wishes.

All ideas for decorating a garden can be divided into two large groups:

  • non-functional;
  • functional.

Let's get acquainted with the features of each of them.

Non-functional decorations

This includes those decorations that perform a purely decorative function, that is, they have no practical use. These are various figures, souvenirs and crafts. However, many of these decorations can be the real highlight of any garden. Here, for example, are crafts made from smooth stones painted with acrylic paint (although you can use any other paint). Moreover, for greater effectiveness, you can use fluorescent paint.

Great crafts can be made from old boards and stones. Additionally, you can use beads, multi-colored pieces of glass and the same acrylic paint. From all this you can make funny figures people, animals, gnomes or insects. At night, such sculptures will look like magic lanterns if the stones are painted with fluorescent paint. And from the usual steel wire and golf balls you can make these cute ants.

Note! You can involve your children in working with applications and paints. Trust me, you'll have a great time.

Even old cutlery can come in handy. From them you can make, for example, a dragonfly.

But the most economical of materials is plastic, or rather, old plastic bottles of various sizes. You can make literally anything from them - piglets (more on this a little later), elephants, proud swans or cute sparrows that can be planted on fences. And if you also take nail polish, you can decorate the garden with these colorful butterflies cut from plastic bottles.

IN Lately It is very fashionable to decorate the site with all sorts of colorful characters made with your own hands. From old spoons you can make a hanging decoration in the form of a fisherman and small fish.

But let's get back to plastic. It can be used to create not only animals, but also various plants(palm trees, cacti, roses, daisies, etc.). It could even be a fabulous flower that will delight the eyes of science fiction fans.

Note! It is recommended to place decorative elements made from plastic bottles as far into the garden as possible, especially if there are small children in the family. The fact is that you can accidentally cut yourself on the cut edges of bottles.

Many decorative elements can be made from rusty metal sheets, pipes, as well as old tools. For example, this woodpecker, for the manufacture of which corrugated sheeting and a circular saw were used.

Metal decor in the shape of a bird

To create multi-colored mushrooms in the garden, you can use dishes (including disposable ones) and unnecessary children's toys.

Video - Original ideas for the garden with your own hands

Functional jewelry

These are elements that successfully combine decorativeness and functionality, that is, they are not only beautiful, but also bring certain benefits. If you have old plastic/iron bathtubs or other containers, you can use them to create garden ponds. You can plant them in ponds aquatic plants or launch fish. Additionally, you can use tiles, pebbles or boulders, and also decorate the banks of reservoirs with other elements - for example, lighthouses made from painted plant pots.

You can line the boundaries of the pond with concrete blocks or granite, as shown in the image below.

Don't forget about plants - you can use car tires, buckets or plastic bottles to create extraordinary flower beds. Moreover, many people make flower beds from chairs, beds and chests of drawers. It’s also better not to get rid of old stumps, because you can make excellent flowerpots out of them by planting flowering plants. Well, even a work boot can be painted, placed on a mosaic ball and something can be grown there.

An old bicycle, which can be completely painted if desired, is also perfect for the role of a stand for pots.

Note! If you use stumps as flowerpots, then plant flowers in clay pots, since you shouldn’t plant them directly in wood - it will rot from moisture.

Very simple, but at the same time beautiful element can be done using paint cans (preferably with drips) as flowerpots.

Don’t rush to throw away old wooden chairs - you can use them to make beautiful swing and paint them with bright paint.

And here's another one original version– using an old hanging birdcage to plant succulent plants.

Rare gardens are complete without the ringing sound of birdsong. And to make the birds feel comfortable, you can make beautiful birdhouses for them, decorated with decoupage and other decorative elements. You can make the birdhouses yourself from old furniture or the remains of boards.

A bright birdhouse can be made from an old Lego construction set that children no longer play with.

And if you live near a park, you can make a squirrel feeder. To make it, you will need a toy chair, which should be attached to the tree with two self-tapping screws. Screw a head of corn onto a long self-tapping screw attached to the chair, which you will then periodically change.

We make garden decorations with our own hands

We offer you several step by step instructions for the production of original decorative elements.

Piglet made from plastic bottles

To make this decoration you will need:

  • plastic bottle for 5 l or 6 l;
  • 2 liter plastic bottle (you will use it to make ears);
  • four cups (can be replaced with cut bottle necks) for feet;
  • scissors;
  • a pair of large buttons (they will be used for the eyes);
  • moisture-repellent pink paint;
  • Super glue;
  • wire;
  • marker;
  • brush.

Once everything is ready, proceed directly to work.

Step 1. First, remove any stickers from a large bottle.

Step 2. Cut out ears from a two-liter bottle. At the base of each ear, leave approximately 5 cm for fastening.

Step 3. Make slits on the head for the ears. Insert the ears there, fix them in the desired position and glue them with superglue.

Step 4. Glue the legs with the same glue, then attach a wire twisted into a spiral - it will serve as a tail.

Step 5. Paint the resulting structure with pink paint, trying to distribute it as evenly as possible.

Step 6. When the figure is dry, glue the buttons, draw the snout and the contours of the ears.

Note! You can make a few more smaller piglets to make a mother with babies.

You can also make piglets into flowerpots, as shown in the image below.

To do this, make a cutout in the back, then pour soil for flowers inside the body. Then you can sow the seeds.

You can check out several more options for making bottle pigs.

Small decorative piglets for garden decoration


An original garden decoration can be bat, hanging from a tree, fence or even next to the front door.

To make such a mouse you will need:

  • wire;
  • rubber tube or large tire;
  • nylon threads;
  • foam sponge;
  • double sided tape;
  • feathers or pieces of fur;
  • black fabric (necessarily elastic);
  • acrylic paints in matching colors.

Step 1. In accordance with the planned dimensions, cut out a piece of rubber of the required size. To do this, draw the outline of the animal. To add volume to the ears and paws, you can cut them out separately.

Step 2. Cut out the body and muzzle from a washcloth and cover them with elastic fabric. Sew the resulting elements with a rubber blank using nylon threads. If desired, you can additionally secure the elements with wire.

Step 3. Glue the legs to the body, passing the wire through. Cut narrow strips from rubber that will give the wings volume. Glue the strips using double sided tape, holding it with threads for extra security.

Step 4. Start painting. Color the ears, draw the nose and mouth. Make the chest a little lighter by adding a few black strokes to imitate fur. Tape the fur onto the neck, ears and paws.

Plastic swan lantern

You can make a beautiful and unusual swan from plastic film. And if you additionally equip the bird with lighting, the garden will look even more sophisticated and charming.

For work, prepare:

  • scotch;
  • 6-7 m of polyethylene (preferably 150 microns - this is the film used in greenhouses);
  • aluminum wire;
  • 5 liter bottle;
  • isolon.

After this, proceed to the main manufacturing stage.

Step 1. Having thought over the dimensions of the figurine, make a frame from wire and a bottle as shown in the image below.

Step 2. Cut the isolon into thin strips and wrap them around the frame. For greater security, secure the strips with tape.

Step 3. Slice plastic film to the stripes. Give them a fringed look by making small cuts on one side.

Step 4. Wrap strips of film (fringed outward) onto the frame, starting from the tail. Periodically burn the film (use a heated screwdriver) to adhere it to the main element.

Step 5. In the same way, make wings separately and attach them to the body.

Step 6. There are a few possible options how to make the backlight in this case. You can, for example, take an ordinary round lantern and insert it into a bottle, after making a hole. You can also decorate the outside of the bird with flexible LED tubes.

Note! It is advisable to place the swan near a pond.

And finally - a few more interesting options garden decorations.

Decoration: wire butterflies

Someone will certainly look at this selection of ideas and say that it’s easier to buy new furniture or decor. But this article is not for them, but only for true connoisseurs unique style and products self made. Here you will find 10 of the most beautiful interior items that you can make for your home with your own hands without spending extra money.

The best DIY home crafts from scrap materials for 2018!

1. Decoupage and other DIY furniture repair ideas

Restoring old chests of drawers and sideboards is perhaps one of the main trends of our time. Many pieces of furniture fail over time: the cabinets of tables and chairs become loose, upholstered furniture is dented and requires new “filling.” But chests of drawers and sideboards can stand for themselves long years and bother you with their outdated appearance.

Home crafters and decoupage masters not only found a way to update the design of old furniture, but also created a fashion for using vintage “grandmother’s” chests of drawers in the interior. Detailed instructions on painting and decoupage you will find in our article .

Below are some photos of amazing home projects to inspire you.

Restoration of an old chest of drawers with replacement of handles and hand painting:
Painting and finishing an old cabinet with metal buttons:
As a result, the furniture acquired an original decorative effect in the Moroccan style. Simple, like everything ingenious:

By the way, in this way you can create more sophisticated things for the home:

Decoupage and painting amazingly transform old furniture facades, but not every person has enough time and patience for this painstaking task. Therefore, the best DIY home ideas will also include remodeling furniture using duct tape to look like marble, gold, and other fancy finishes. A minimum of effort - and the most ordinary piece of furniture will turn into the main decoration of your interior.

2. Beautiful things for the home with your own hands: carpets

Perhaps the most pleasant thing about creating things for the home with your own hands is when one of the guests asks: where did you buy such beauty? A stylish rug with a zebra print (or other motif of your choice) is sure to earn such a compliment. And more than once.

The fabric can be any. The main thing is that it is not too demanding to care for: it is not afraid of moisture and is easy to clean. In this case, the master chose vinyl fabric. It is heavy and durable enough to look like a true carpet. Moreover, the quality of vinyl these days is very impressive and it is available in wide selection colors and interesting textures.

All necessary materials and tools:

  • Thick paper;
  • Vinyl upholstery fabric;
  • Scissors;
  • 2 Krylon pens or regular fabric paint.


  1. Create a stencil from paper. Draw and cut out the outline of the zebra skin, then the drawing itself on it. Don't worry about your artistic talent - a zebra's skin shouldn't look uniform or symmetrical. IN as a last resort, the pattern can be copied from a picture on the Internet or even printed to cut out.
  2. Attach the stencil to the vinyl fabric and trace the outlines of the stripes with Krylon pens (apply paint with a spray or brush). After this, the stencil can be removed and you can continue painting the areas inside the contours.
  3. Let the paint dry and you're done! To make sure the pattern will stick, you can “seal” the rug by spraying it with a clear coat of acrylic spray paint.

Krylon handles create a stunning effect on fabric surfaces gold leaf. In addition, the paint in them dries quickly and adheres very reliably. If you cannot buy them in your city, then use regular paint for fabrics or walls. As the next hero of our article.

He took a cheap white rug as a basis and decided to give it interesting view do it yourself using a chevron pattern. All he needed was thin duct tape, scissors, a thick brush and latex paint two different shades.

Finally, another inspiring example in which a makeshift stamp is used instead of a stencil. The craftsman had a rubber bath mat, leftover wall paint (it was slightly diluted with water to achieve a vintage effect), a roller and an old IKEA wool rug. Let's look at the photo what he managed to cook from these ingredients.

3. Unusual “marble” DIY crafts (photo)

7. Turn photos into wall decor

It's much cooler than just hanging framed photos! Your personal photos or any images you like from the internet can be turned into beautiful wall art for any room. To make this decor with your own hands, you can use any of the following methods.

  1. Find or buy a backing. It can be a thick sheet of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam (as in this case), a board and other available materials.
  2. Print the photo, having previously edited its dimensions so that they are approximately 5 cm more sizes substrates. These “extra” centimeters will be used for folds.
  3. Cut the photo and backing into pieces if you want a modular set rather than a whole painting. Otherwise, skip this point.
  4. Place the photo on the backing and fold the ends. The author of this product used a double-sided duct tape for attaching photos. You can attach with regular glue or other available funds. The surface of the photographs itself can also be treated with glue or paste for shine.

  1. Print the image and prepare a canvas onto which it will be transferred.
  2. Stretch the canvas onto the frame and apply it thick layer gel medium. These gels are widespread and today they can be bought at any finishing materials store.
  3. Place the photo on the greased canvas and press down. Leave it like this for several hours, but periodically spray it with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Carefully, using your fingertips alone, begin to erase the back surface of the image from the canvas. Remove all paper in this way.

The result is a beautiful one with wear and tear that will only give it a touch of vintage style. All that remains is to apply the final layer of gel medium on it as a protective coating.

For inspiration, we’ll give you a couple more ways to decorate your interior using photos.

We use the old one window frame as a photo frame. What do you think of the idea?

8. Creative homemade lampshades for lamps

Homemade lampshades made from fabric, paper, thread and other improvised means will not only decorate your home, but also bring an unusual atmosphere to it every dark time of the day.

Look for the best ideas to suit your taste in our article . The next photo shows a popular creative lampshade made of threads.

9. Succulents - living home decor with your own hands

A succulent living wall is perhaps the most amazing of all the DIY home crafts you can make. Agree: if you saw it in someone’s living room or other room design, you wouldn’t be able to remain indifferent!

Dekorin will tell you how to get such impressive and environmentally friendly decor:

  1. You will need a shallow wooden container for planting and a metal mesh.
  2. To secure the mesh to the container, use an improvised wooden frame, which can be made from small boards or wood chips. Attach to staples or nails.
  3. Prepare any for composition. They easily take root in the most difficult conditions and look most advantageous when you combine different shades and shapes of leaves. Common examples of succulents: aloe, various cacti, young or stone rose(Sempervivum), sedum (Sedum), rockweed (Orostachys), etc.
  4. Fill the container with soil and plant your chosen plants in it. Use any cactus mixture for drainage.

Here are examples of crafts for the home that you can make with your own hands using the above method.

10. DIY home crafts from glass containers

Glass bottles and jars often accumulate on balconies and in storage rooms. What they are not turned into today: lamps, candlesticks, vases, table decor... It’s simply amazing how easily they become part of a stylish interior, you just need to use a little ingenuity, as well as paints, fabrics, threads, paper and other improvised means. Last batch of photos for today. Also read:

10 best ideas what you can do for your home with your own hands updated: March 21, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko

What has not been invented in the world of design for a comfortable, stylish and at the same time original interior. Experienced craftsmen know how to surprise their customers. Do you think it’s impossible to do something like this? But in vain! We've got 80 luxury home ideas that are not unlike designer bells and whistles.

1. Beaded curtains

Instead of an ordinary door, lovely curtains made of beads and beads look much more interesting. It’s very easy to make these, you just need to buy a lot of beads.

In the process of work you will need: scissors, a base for the curtain (cord, fishing line), a cornice, large beads and the beads themselves.

Think over the pattern, then measure the fishing line, folding it in half. Leave some extra space to attach it to the bar and start weaving.

We decorate the bar and fasten the bead threads.

2. Decor on the wall in the form of a world map

Materials needed: twine, hammer, pen, stationery metal nails, a plain area on the wall, world map.

The finished panel can be decorated with anything - photographs, pictures, postcards and other things that you always want to look at.

3. Marine motifs: unusual clock on the wall

How to transform your home environment and maintain a romantic beach mood? We recommend making a watch from sea pebbles.

To work, prepare pebbles, clockwork, scissors, ruler, paints, marker, glue, cardboard and wrapping paper.

We wrap the frame with paper (you can also use a nice thick fabric).

We paint the pebbles in different colour, draw a dial, mark the place for attaching the mechanism and attach a loop to it.

Glue the pebbles.

We install the mechanism and admire the unique masterpiece!

4. Magic lamp

Even an ordinary glass jar can shine without electricity. And it won’t be difficult to make such magic happen.

For a sparkling lantern, prepare glass jar, a lot of glass balls, alcohol, cotton wool, luminescent paint and brush.

First, wipe the inside of the jar well with alcohol, and only then use a brush to make strokes and dots of paint. Let it dry completely. All that remains is to pour glass balls- so the rays in the wonderful lamp will playfully echo.

5. Picket lamp

6. Paintings of flower buds

Everyone can do artistic crafts when they have flowers, paints and inspiration.

7. Felt rose basket for small items

Felt – comfortable material primarily for those who are just learning the basics of cutting and sewing. It is not necessary to skillfully sew and cut out, since such fabric does not require an overlocker. Simply cut and connect.

So, prepare: felt, ruler, knife, pins, thread, hexagon-shaped stencil.

Transfer the shape and cut it out.

Gather the core with pins.
Attach the remaining petals.

A wonderful basket in the shape of a rose is ready! It can have a lot of functions - from storing small items, to a newspaper rack and flower pots.

8. Natural composition from branches and fresh flowers

Materials: wire, wire cutters, a beautiful ribbon, small branches up to 15 cm long (about 60 pieces), pruning shears and the best flowers.

Making a frame.

We twist our composition and secure it with the remaining wire.

The final touch is decor. We wrap the branches with ribbon, place the flowers inside and place them in a glass flask. The result is incredible!

9. Decorate the walls with origami paper

10. Functional board organizer

11. Original shelf with jars

12. Gorgeous lampshade “ Luminous lace

Materials: lace fabric (this could be a piece of an old curtain), a brush, PVA glue, an electric mechanism and an inflatable balloon.

First of all, we cut the lace fragments.

We inflate the balloon, coat it with glue and overlap our lace circles. Let it dry for a day.

We pierce the ball with a needle, peel it off from the lace surface.

We make a hole in the opposite side for wiring. We install the electrical mechanism.

13. Bucket lampshades

This original lampshade imitates an old bucket, creating an antique effect. But in fact it is made of dense specific fabric.

14. Signs with messages

15. Colorful photo collage

16. Impressive photo wall

17. Creative pendant with photos

18. Letter of Memories

19. Exclusive vase from a can and nuts

20. Laconic cute vases on the wall

Materials: planks (preferably square), fasteners, leather tape, cute glass pots, screws, hammer, screwdriver and scissors.

21. Decorative clay pot

22. Transforming old shoes

23. An extraordinary panel - a new role for old-fashioned ties

24. Decorate the wall with children’s hats and elegant dresses

25. Vintage window frame cabinet

26. Not a standard place for skis

27. “Ski” photo frame

28. Musical wall of guitars

29 ... and vinyl records

30. Headboard made from old pallets

Very simple idea to create a cozy interior identity. You can hang different things on pallets: mini garlands, ribbons, cute fabrics.

31. Cork mat

A great alternative to regular bathroom bedding! It is convenient, practical and beautiful. This rug repels moisture, and its natural color will harmoniously fit into almost any environment.

32. Old storage boxes

33. Picket fence for a hanger - an element of vintage decor

34. Retro idea: decorate the inside of furniture with beautiful wallpaper

35. Wallpaper on the doors

36. Wall frame - a place of honor for a luxurious wallpaper ornament

37. Double function of one pattern

Support the theme of the wallpaper on the wall by wrapping books in it.

38. Update your table lamp by decorating the lampshade with some pretty wallpaper.

39. Nature in your home

40. Another role of an ordinary hanger

41. Hanger with clip as a holder for paintings, photographs and other decorative items

42. Office tablet for compositions on the wall

43. Artist's experiments

44. Bright chandelier with pompoms for a nursery

45. Lush paper balls for decoration

46. ​​Garland in boho style

47. Cute braid for a Roman blind

48. Transforming the lampshade with lovely fringe

49. A fun interior detail – a garland of mini pom-poms by the window

50. Restoration of a high chair for a nursery

It’s easy to make a beautiful and stylish piece of furniture from an old chair with scuffs and scratches. Prepare your paints masking tape and colored wool threads to make a cute pillow with pompoms for the high chair.

51. Snag as a hanger

52. A vintage chest is a great alternative to a coffee table

53. Original bedside table from a chest

54. A chest as an exhibit inside a glass box - a central piece of interior decor

55. Extravagant dressing table from a suitcase

56. Unusual minibar

57. “In limbo” – chests a la shelves

58. Storage cases

59. Adorable pet bed

60. Music wall

61. Cities and countries above the desktop

62. Note board

63. Instead of wallpaper, old newspapers

64. Precious bookmarks

IN modern world With computer technology, books have also acquired electronic format. But for some of us, the ritual of reading good old books in their original form still takes place. A luxurious bookmark will not only further emphasize its significance and value, but will also become a decorative highlight of your interior. This kind of thing is easy to do with your own hands.

Any decorations are suitable for decoration - beads, brooches, stones.

For work you will also need: wide colored ribbons (velvet or satin), scissors, thread, needles, wire cutters, glue and clips for decoration.

Find the perfect combinations for your taste.

Glue the ribbons well by folding them in half.

We decorate the ends with clips.

65. Serving decor – butterflies made from napkins

Add a romantic touch to your table decor by turning paper napkins in cute bright butterflies. You just need a thin wire, scissors and, of course, the napkins themselves.

Fold the napkin in half.

We form triangles along diagonal lines.

On one side, we connect the ends of the triangle to the vertex.

Turn it over and bend the top to the base.

That's all! All that remains is to make the antennae from the wire.

66. Bird on canvas

68. Stylish decoration of plates

Materials needed: white plates, tape, special markers, water, cotton swabs and an oven. Cotton buds with a glass of water will be needed in order to adjust the pattern.

Option N°1

Option N°2

The final touch is to secure the resulting drawings by placing our plates in the oven. For porcelain 220°C for 30 minutes, for ceramics – 160°C for the same 30 minutes.

69. Unusual cover for a vase

A vase made from a plastic bottle with a decorative cover made of multi-colored lightning bolts looks much more attractive!

Materials: 12 zippers (20-25 cm), plastic bottle, thread, knife.

Sew along the length of the zipper.

Sew the two edges together (you can do this by hand).

Let's try it on.

Cut off the top of the bottle.

We trim the flowers and enjoy the composition!

78. Family organizer: making a menu

79. Luxurious basket “Pink Heart”

80. Romantic decor – heart made of branches

Such options for great ideas for handmade crafts and other things for the home are what you need when the usual interior is no longer inspiring, and you can’t afford to radically change the decor.

A person always strives for the best. No matter how beautiful and luxurious the apartment is, Vacation home, dacha, we will find something to redo. After all, it never hurts to simply update your boring interior. We tried to collect in our article a wide variety of ideas for the home and photographs for them. From basil in a flower pot to a transformable bed, these finds will make your home even more comfortable.

“My home is my castle” is an expression that never loses its relevance. It is home that we strive for after a hard day; only at home can we truly relax and unwind. And, of course, everyone wants to make their home special and as comfortable as possible. Fortunately, now you can’t find anything in stores for repairs and decor, so the design of your home is limited only by your imagination. We bring to your attention 16 useful and inspiring ideas for your home: they can help make your life easier, update your interior, or create something new and individual.

1. Mirrors in the house: making a palace out of an apartment

The room is not enough natural light? Do you need to adjust the shape of the room or visually expand the space? Mirrors will help with this. You can install a full-wall mirror, you can order a wardrobe with mirrored doors or even a mirrored ceiling - it all depends on what effect you want to achieve. If you place a mirror opposite the window, a small room will immediately become lighter and more spacious. Full-length mirrors “stretch” the ceilings. Another entertaining idea is a coffee table or nightstand with mirror surface; they will add volume to the room.

2. Invisible ironing board: an idea for a comfortable life

Certainly, ironing board necessary in every home. It’s just very inconvenient to constantly pull it out and lay it out... Now you can forget about the discomfort: a long time ago, designers came up with a folding ironing board for a “smart” home. It can be built anywhere: in a small cabinet where an iron and other useful things will fit, in kitchen set and even in the mirror. This way you will save space and “unload” the interior, and ironing will become an easy and enjoyable process.

3. Dream balcony: don’t waste a meter

Is there a balcony? Make it your own room! Spring, summer and early autumn On the balcony you can relax and read your favorite novel. Or, conversely, work - but for fresh air. How nice it is to admire the sunset while sitting in soft chair with a mug of your favorite tea! Even a small area of ​​the balcony can be used effectively: in addition to an armchair and a compact coffee table, you can also fit a cabinet with books or other useful things. The only difficulty is that you need to insulate the balcony, and this requires effort, money and often the help of professionals. However, even a couple extra square meters can make your home more comfortable.

4. Different chairs: “messing around” in the kitchen

Sometimes variety in the interior not only looks appropriate, but also prevents you from getting bored. And a hooligan note in any style, even minimalism, doesn’t hurt. But how to choose bright accents, for example, for the kitchen? The easiest way to decorate a dining room is to choose different chairs. Both the color and the shape may differ: the pieces of furniture you select may differ slightly from the overall design of the room - the main thing is that they are combined with each other.

5. “Smart” bed: a fabulous idea for a nursery

Children grow up quickly - that's a fact. And especially quickly, children “grow out” of clothes and furniture, which can hit the family budget. To prevent this from happening, there are many tricks and interesting ideas - including such a transforming bed. When assembled, this unusual home item is a safe crib for babies with a built-in chest of drawers. When the child grows up, the chest of drawers can be removed - this will create extra space. Even when your child needs a new place to sleep, “ smart bed“will not be in vain - with a slight movement of the hand it turns into a table.

6. “Juicy” accent: an idea for wall decoration

Paste floral wallpaper on the walls? Last century! Nowadays the idea is very often used accent wall when all the walls are painted solid color, except for one - it is painted in bright color or glue wallpaper with an unusual print on it. An accent wall has many functions: it will add personality to the interior, help divide the room into zones, and adjust the area of ​​the space. You can focus not on the whole wall, but on a ledge or columns. In addition, attention should be paid color scheme: cold tones “push apart” the walls, while warm tones, on the contrary, visually reduce the space.

7. Wallpaper for the bathroom: an oasis in the desert

The bathroom has a special microclimate with high humidity and frequent temperature changes. Therefore, when thinking about renovating a bathroom, many people prefer traditional finishes. Refute stereotypes and say no to annoying ceramic tiles! Modern idea The bathroom interior is wallpaper. Paper ones, of course, won’t work, but modern market finishing materials are very easy to choose moisture resistant wallpaper the most different colors. The most durable and durable option is fiberglass wallpaper. And you can choose glue that does not lose its properties when exposed to moisture.

8. Cozy window sills: an idea for dreamers and pragmatists

There is a rumor that only young romantic people can sit on the windowsill and dream. It is not true! The window sill can easily be turned into a small sofa for guests; This way you make the most of the space in your home. This home idea can be implemented not only in the living room. For example, in the kitchen it can become an extension of the countertop, in the bedroom - a spacious table for work or study, and in the nursery - a toy box. In general, there are many interesting ideas.

9. Idea for the hallway: “stretching” narrow corridors

The first thing that greets both guests and the owner upon entering the house is the hallway. Therefore, it must make a good impression and set the mood right from the start. But what to do if the hallway is too narrow and cramped? Interesting and very useful thing for home - hanging furniture. Wardrobes and chests of drawers will literally “float” in the air, which will visually expand the space a little. And you can place shoes under the furniture. Also, do not forget about the proper placement of mirrors.

10. Attic in a private house: making a childhood dream come true

The attic can be not only a dark storage place for things that have been covered with centuries of dust, but also a place for conversation, inspiration and entertainment! To make an attic habitable, both large expenses and labor-intensive construction work are necessary: ​​it is necessary to install windows, insulate the room, select Decoration Materials... But as a result, you will have one more room in which you can arrange extra bedroom, office, billiard room, bar or your own mini-cinema. Great idea For country house and dachas.

11. Zoning techniques: an original idea for a home

It happens that there is one room, but there are many inhabitants: it can be a nursery for two or three fidgets, a “one-room apartment” in which parents live with their child, or a room in a university dormitory. But everyone needs personal space! There are several ways to divide a room into different zones. It can be a screen, wooden or glass partition, closet, rack, blackout curtains, columns - there are a lot of elegant solutions. If you need to delimit the space only visually - for example, the kitchen from the living room in a studio apartment - you can choose separate lighting for each zone.

12. Indoor plants: a lifeline for the interior

Houseplants and flowers will not only add comfort to your home, but also a little... Don't limit yourself to a couple of cacti - feel free to add the most beautiful plants to your rooms. different types and sizes. Bright accents unusual ones will be added to the interior flower pots and vases. You can not only admire plants, but also eat them: in room conditions you can grow spices, mint, garlic and much more.

13. Secret storage: a useful idea for fashionistas and fashionistas

Do you like jewelry? Do you store them in boxes? There is a much more convenient way. Exists secret closet for jewelry, disguised as a mirror. It makes it very convenient to try on accessories for different looks. The main thing is that all earrings, rings and necklaces will be stored in one place and at hand.

The interior design ideas you see below encourage more efficient use of space and smart storage of household items, as well as help hide unsightly elements and decorate your home.

1. Install drawers under the stairs

Design: Deriba Furniture

2. Hide the unaesthetic-looking router in a nice box

3. Turn cords into Bob Marley's hair

4. Store pet feeding bowls in a drawer

5. Use invisible bookshelves

"This shelf holds up to 15 pounds of books. Screw the frame directly into the wall and voila - you have an invisible bookshelf! The maximum stack height is 16 inches. The kit includes everything you need, you only need a screwdriver. The Conceal Book Shelf has already won design awards as an innovative, inspiring and creative product.". (Designer: Miron Lior)

6. Turn your headphone cord into a power line

7. Store your jewelry behind a picture.

8. Disguise your router as an old book

9. Hide the air conditioner behind a useful board with a list of important things to do

10. Transform your cable into a beautiful vine

Sold on Amazon

11. Hide wires behind a neat fence

Design: Karl Zahn

12. Install a ladder with drawers

13. Use ribbon to decorate your washer and dryer

14. Decorate light switches with stickers to remind kids to save energy

15. Hang a screen over your desk to hide wires from view.

16. Hide alarm buttons, thermostats, etc. behind artwork.

17. Disguise your garden water pipes with fake rocks.

18. Create a charging box for all your electronics

19. Decorate the refrigerator