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Description of aquatic plants for the pond. Plants for the pond: we design a decorative pond. Plants for a small pond

Nowadays, on almost every homestead plot you can find small ponds. This idea is very popular. After all, everyone would love to sit on the shore on a sunny day and admire nature. But how to decorate your pond, coastal area and more, we will talk about this in our article along with the site.

What parameters should you use to choose plants for ponds?

Before you begin the process of planting plants in a pond, you should pay attention to several points:

  1. Will those planted by you be able to green spaces, spend the winter. Since this moment determines what and how plants to plant. By the way, most plants suitable for planting near the shores of a reservoir can be planted directly in containers.
  2. Decide on the type of plants that will be in your pond - deep-water, coastal, floating, oxygenators. We will help you decide on this parameter.
  3. In what period and how to plant plants for a pond

If you don’t know which plants to choose for your pond, then this article will definitely help you. After all, here we will give you their photos and names. We have already given several questions above. And only by answering all the above questions will you be able to imagine what your finished pond will look like and how long it will please your eyes. Plants that are planted in ponds are those that grow and live exclusively in water. Of course, such plants are perennial. Being constantly in such an environment, they acquired a number of distinctive features:

  • The roots of such plants are fragile;
  • The leaves have a thread-like structure;
  • The stalks are characterized as a cavity with air.

There is no specific classification of plants for reservoirs. They are divided into groups:

Oxygenators- this group of plants is a supplier of oxygen and thanks to them there are inhabitants in the pond (fry, frogs, etc.). Main characteristics:

  • They serve as a source of food for fish (carp);
  • Their main purpose is to clean the water in the pond.

To achieve the above tasks, you need to plant approximately three types of such plants. But don’t overdo it. Here is an example of such aquatic plants:

  • swampy turcha,
  • water star - hornwort.

Hornwort - popularly called “underwater Christmas tree”. It is considered one of the most beautiful and fastest growing plants. Main characteristics:

  • It feels great in deep water.
  • Hornwort prefers darkness to sunlight.
  • It has no roots and is planted with certain branches.
  • Serves as a source of food for inhabitants of reservoirs.
  • Hornwort is planted to clean the pond, as it takes carbon dioxide, nitrates and so on.
  • It easily overwinters, leaving its shoots at the very bottom of the pond.

This is what hornwort is.

floating plants- this group of plants is always on the surface of the water and delights its owners with beauty. These types of aquatic plants are planted in the bottom of the pond or in containers. There are two types: frost-resistant and heat-loving. These aquatic plants are characterized by very rapid growth, and without proper attention, they can occupy the entire territory of the reservoir. Here are examples of such plants:

  • duckweed,
  • watercolor,
  • Eichornia.

Watercolor - this type The plants will look good in not very large ponds. Basically, for planting, preference is given to the so-called frog watercolor. It delights with its white flowers throughout the summer season.

or water hyacinth - owners of reservoirs choose this plant for two reasons, for its beautiful view, and for the fact that he cleans the pond. Eichornia flowers can be lilac and white. It overwinters rather poorly; it is planted in containers and transferred to aquariums in frosty weather.

Deep sea plants– having planted plants of this group, you will, let’s say, already complete the conceived idea in terms of pond design. They do not grow in deep-sea reservoirs or in dirty water. For the most part, deep-sea plants do not overwinter very well, so they are planted in containers and on winter period transferred, for example, to the basement. The most famous and do not require any special care are:

  • nymphea,
  • egg capsule,
  • apongeton.

Nymphea– suitable for decorating absolutely any pond. It is a plant that is resistant to temperature changes and is quite easy to care for.

Main characteristics:

  • More than 36 varieties of this plant are known.
  • A variety of colors: from white to red.
  • They vary in flower diameter: 2.5 cm is the most small variety; up to 15 cm - snow-white lily.

This article will also help you choose wintering plants for your pond. Below we provide a list of them. Plants are classified in relation to cold weather and depending on the depth of their habitat. Next, in the photo you can see what the water lily looks like.

Kubyshka- This type of aquatic plant has dark yellow flowers and a thick pistil. The flowers reach sizes from 3 to 8 centimeters, and the leaves of the egg capsule are an ideal complement flower arrangement reservoir

Aponogeton- is a perennial species of aquatic plant and is recognized among summer residents as the best plant for ponds. Main characteristics:

  • It has oval leaves and root system tuberous.
  • Aponogeton grows quickly, and the flowers do not fade for a long time. He can wait out the winter directly in a pond. But only if the depth is more than 65 centimeters.

Coastal plants- this is the group of plants that grows along the edges of the pond. They make the pond more beautiful and serve as protection from sunlight. To do this, plant medium-sized plants so that their shadow falls on the pond. The following varieties of coastal plants can make a pond more beautiful:

  • barberry,
  • dwarf spruce,
  • pine,
  • iris.

Iris is a perennial coastal plant with many varieties. Main characteristics:

  • Its flowers are very colorful, and the color palette is varied.
  • You can plant them from place to place at a time convenient for you, and without much effort.
  • They love light and moisture.
  • To survive the winter, you need to make them a “house” of spruce branches. Iris can reach a height of 1.2 meters.

Methods for planting aquatic plants

This article should help you choose aquatic plants for your pond. Above we have already given examples of plants that can be found in and near a pond. Now we need to talk about the details of planting these plants. As noted earlier. Plants can be planted both in the ground and in containers.

When planting aquatic plants without containers, follow the following rules:

  • Make soil from sand, compost and mullein. And then pour it into an 8-centimeter layer to the bottom.
  • The following need to be planted in the ground: long plants - along the shore of a reservoir; floating plants - in the center.
  • After planting, the root system should be sprinkled with river sand (layer 4 centimeters). It will protect the ground of the reservoir from erosion. Aquatic plants can also be planted in containers. This is convenient if you need to remove plants indoors for the winter or change their location in the pond in order to create a new design.

To plant plants in containers you need to follow these steps:

  • The container must be large so that the plant has plenty of space when it grows.
  • Burlap is placed at the bottom of the container; it serves as protection for the soil from washing out.
  • Next, we plant our plant and sprinkle the roots with soil, so that the soil is four centimeters short of the edge of the container.
  • Then add fertilizer to the soil
  • The remaining four centimeters that we have left after planting the plant are filled with gravel. It hides the soil from external damage and keeps the container at the bottom.
  • After all the procedures, we place the containers with plants at the bottom, following this rule, the leaves of the plants that will be at the top of the pond should occupy only half of the pond itself (less can be done, but not more.

Planting periods and caring for plants

Planting occurs mainly in the summer. During this period the most favorable temperature conditions. If you have just completed the construction of your pond, do not plant under any circumstances, as there is a risk of getting harmful substances and the plant will simply die.

Basic principles of planting and care:

  1. We begin to plant plants only three weeks later, after the completion of the pond, and ideally next summer.
  2. One plant should have about 5 sq.m.
  3. Caring for aquatic plants means constant cleaning. To clean a pond, you cannot do without tools. You should buy for these works:
  • pruner,
  • nets,
  • scissors,
  • forceps.

As soon as the leaves and flowers of the plants have withered and taken on a bad appearance, we immediately remove them.

In spring and autumn period fluff or pollen, leaves float down to the water; it also needs to be constantly removed with a net.

Aquatic plants, rushes, reeds and others that grow in shallow water should not be cut out. Their stems deliver oxygen under the ice. And it’s worth removing them in the spring.

Fertilizing the soil in a pond must strictly adhere to the rules.

Do not overdose fertilizers as this can harm the plants.

Water, as a symbol of purity and change in life, has always attracted people. A small body of water, where you can spend time pleasantly, away from everyday worries, is a fairly popular element of landscape design of suburban areas. Pond plants are a mandatory attribute of pond design. Planting beautiful flowering and decorative foliage beauties not only transforms the pond, but also protects it.

Herbaceous plants and shrubs, decorated with delicate and variegated flowers, complement the picturesque composition of a natural cozy corner with bright touches and unique aromas.

A pond framed by green compositions always looks natural and at the same time elegant

However, in addition to their decorative appeal, aquatic plants for a pond also serve a practical purpose. The leaves of plants located above the surface of the water slightly shade the water space, thereby preventing the development and intensive growth of algae. Thanks to this, the water can remain clear and clean for a longer period.

In addition, on hot summer days, the natural shading of the water surface by leaves allows it to disperse Sun rays, which heat the water.

Shading is especially necessary for reservoirs inhabited by fish, frogs, turtles and other amphibians.

Factors determining the choice of plants

When choosing plants for a pond at your dacha, you must adhere to a single decorative idea. This will allow you to create a composition that will stand out against the background of other landscape elements, but at the same time will be in harmony with them.

When planning the placement of green plantings, it is advisable to decide on the main angle in relation to which the composition will look most impressive

Any decorative composition it looks elegant and rich if it is created taking into account the planned elements, when the foreground is decorated with low or ground cover plants, and taller plants appear in the background.

When planning to set up a recreation area along one side of the pond, the plants for this area are chosen to be low, so that they do not block the picturesque landscape and access to the pond.

Plants for ponds are selected taking into account the depth zoning of the latter. In the deepest part of the reservoir, which is mainly located in the center of the pond, deep-water plants are located, and shallow-water floating ones are located closer to the shores and wetlands. Representatives are stationed on the shore of the pond flora, which grow comfortably on moist soil, and on dry shores - less moisture-loving shrubs and flowers.

In which part of the pond is it better to plant what?

The middle of a handsome creature floating on the surface of the water is dotted with countless stamens. The lotus prefers to grow in sunny areas of the reservoir, the depth of which is at least 40 cm. Its roots are immersed in the ground under water, and flowers and leaves float freely above the water surface.

Lotus is a delicate and amazingly beautiful flower, loved by many gardeners, and can rightfully be considered the king of the pond.

The middle of a handsome creature floating on the surface of the water is dotted with countless stamens. The lotus prefers to grow in sunny areas of the reservoir, the depth of which is at least 40 cm. Its roots are immersed in the ground under water, and flowers and leaves float freely above the water surface.

Water lilies can be an equally effective addition to a plant composition.

There are more than a dozen varieties of these nymphs, and each of them requires certain planting conditions and depth for growth. The water lily is also one of the sun-loving deep-sea flowers.

Brazenia with dark purple inflorescences and mulberry with delicate white miniature flowers can be a worthy decoration for the central part of the pond.

Floating on the surface

Plants of a fresh water body, freely floating on the surface, act not only as a natural “screen” shading the water surface. They perform an important function because they absorb organic matter dissolved in water and thereby regulate the ecological balance.

Among the most picky representatives of this variety of plants are: azola, wolfia, water chestnut, and zherushnik. They feel very comfortable both in sunny areas and in shaded areas.

A dense lace carpet woven from tiny azola leaves adds a special mystery to any body of water. The shades of the carpet can vary from red-brown and rich green with pinkish to bluish-green

The water chestnut, visually reminiscent of a prickly ball with curved horns, is decorated with a decorative rosette of jagged sheets

Among the beautifully flowering, picky floating plants, the following stand out: watercolor, hydrocleis, luronium, and bladderwort.

The unassuming waterweed, also called toadgrass, stands out effectively against the background of other aquatic vegetation with its heart-shaped leaves and three-petaled flowers. Exotic hydrocleis, which has taken root in our latitudes, looks very similar to watercolor

Such plants should be planted in small quantities. Their leaves should cover no more than half the surface of the water.

Oxygen-generating plants

Outwardly unattractive oxygen generator plants serve primarily to clean the reservoir. By absorbing carbon dioxide and minerals from the water, they deprive algae of food and thereby prevent water pollution.

Among decorative varieties plants-oxygenators include hornwort, pondweed, elodea and urut

Fluffy hornwort with needle-like leaves prefers shady coastal areas. Spike-shaped inflorescences of pondweed pink shades are excellent food for the inhabitants of the reservoir. Floating branches with a metallic sheen of elodea grow so quickly that within the first year of being introduced into a pond, the plant can create dense thickets. Elodea is not picky about lighting and temperature conditions.

When choosing plants to decorate a pond in the coastal zone, you can choose moisture-loving plants such as calamus, cattail, and reeds.

Among the marsh plants decorative forms have fern, daylily, Volzhanka, gravilat

When forming a flower garden in the coastal zone, you can play on the contrast of shapes and colors. For example, graceful elongated leaves and unusual iris flowers, contrasting with the golden inflorescences of the leotard, look impressive against the backdrop of an openwork fern. When creating compositions, the main thing is not to overdo it. A harmonious aesthetic composition of plants should decorate the landscape of the site, filling the soul with pleasant emotions from contemplation.

How to properly plant a pond with plants - video

A body of water is a small closed ecosystem, within which a certain balance must always be maintained. The most important component of any pond are plants: representatives of the flora kingdom will not only provide beautiful appearance decorative object, but will also be useful from the point of view of the microclimate in the reservoir. What plants should you choose for a pond at your dacha and how do they differ from each other?

At first glance, the purpose of placing plants in and near water is obvious: this way the pond will look much more natural and fit better into the appearance of the rest of the garden, but you should be aware of other, no less important reasons for landscaping ponds:

  • Plants, being in the water column or on its surface, will not only decorate it, but also cleanse it of harmful substances such as phosphates, ammonia, nitrates or ammonium. In other words, it will be possible to safely breed fish and other animals in a pond without fear for their health and life;
  • If there is not enough space on the site to place a reservoir in shading conditions, and now it is exposed to the scorching sun every day, flowers will help to artificially create shade, preventing the rapid proliferation of microorganisms that affect swamping and “blooming” of stagnant water. Attention! Plants should occupy from one third to one half of the total water surface area.

Generally accepted classification of aquatic plants

Among those plants that are usually planted in a reservoir, five main subgroups are traditionally distinguished: floating, marsh, deep-sea, coastal and oxygenators. Each of them has its own characteristics and should be located on different depths, which must be taken into account during design. Let's look at these subgroups in more detail.

Oxygenators, or “water orderlies”

Feature: the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and at the same time produce oxygen, which is vital for the inhabitants of the reservoir. They are plants, the vast majority of which are submerged under water and are not noticeable to an outside observer. These crops should be placed at the bottom in special containers (baskets, pots) at the very beginning of May. Experts recommend planting several specimens of similar flowers at the same time, since not all representatives of oxygenators are adapted to climatic conditions temperate latitudes.

Most prominent representatives oxygenators:

Water buttercup

  • Water buttercup will decorate your artificial pond with its modest white flowers. Propagates well by cuttings;
  • Pondweed has many varieties, but they all have common feature: a developed root system that can survive the winter, so the plant is considered a perennial. Serves as food and a breeding ground for fish, blooms with small yellowish “buds” reminiscent of plantain fruits;
  • Turcha, or hottonia, blooms in June, decorating numerous peduncles up to 25 cm high with pale lilac flowers. At the end of the flowering period, it sinks to the bottom of the pond and waits out the winter. It is recommended to keep the plant in soft water and propagate by cuttings;
  • Elodea is a plant that helps others thrive. It has long stems and dark green lanceolate foliage and is propagated from cuttings in spring and summer. It must be borne in mind that the plant can spread quickly, so thinning mandatory procedure for elodea;
  • Marshweed, or rather some of its varieties, is perfect for decorating small ponds. The swamper has a rather unprepossessing appearance, the only one decorative look– ordinary, it forms a network of small stars on the surface of the water surface;

Turcha or Hottonia

  • Tillea is an Australian guest, aggressive and capable of completely covering the bottom with small foliage. It is recommended that this oxygenator be one of the first to be placed in clean water and then removed. This way the water column will remain saturated with oxygen, and other plants will be able to fully develop;
  • Water moss, or fontinalis as it is also called, is well suited for ponds with fish, since animals lay eggs on its oxygen-producing leaves.

Floating Pond Plants

Such crops are usually planted in a pond located on open place, in order to create shade and prevent premature attenuation of water. The structure of floating plants is such that their foliage and flowers are on the surface, and their roots float freely under water.

Attention! Do not allow floating crops to occupy more than half of the pond's total surface area.

The most prominent representatives with descriptions:

    • Azolla is a tiny tropical fern that looks like lacy moss. The plant will take root both in the sun and in the shade, but it does not tolerate low temperatures, therefore, during winter it is better to move it indoors;
    • It’s hard not to recognize the duckweed – its three-lobed leaves cover almost any body of water in central Russia with a brilliant emerald carpet. The plant is resilient and vegetative way reproduction. Able to overwinter at the bottom of the pond. Some experts do not advise planting it on purpose - most likely, duckweed will sooner or later appear in stagnant water;
    • In a small dacha pond you should definitely plant watercolor - this is a floating plant, characterized by a low rate of growth in width. In July and August, its modest white flowers against a background of round green leaves will give the pond a special charm. The plant is quite unpretentious and can withstand winter frosts;


    • Pistia is a challenge for gardeners; An extremely capricious plant will not only be able to withstand winter, but even cool summer. The reason is the origin of the “velvet rose”: in wild conditions pistia grows in tropical and subtropical forests. The advantage of culture is high decorative properties and attractiveness to fish;
    • Bladderwort is an unusual member of the group of floating plants because it is a predator. The leaves with bubbles floating on the surface of the water catch small insects, which serve as food for the bladderwort. This carnivore will keep your pond free of dead bugs and flying insects.


Deep sea crops

The microclimate of a country pond cannot exist without ornamental plants. These include deep-sea representatives of aquatic flora. Feature: soil, water and air are used for life.

The most popular representatives of the group:

    • Capsule - an inconspicuous, modest, but still useful carpet of bright leaves in the wild serves as food for small rodents, moose and other mammals. In a garden plot, fairly large areas can be planted with a pot. The plant tolerates winter well and is capable of independent reproduction;
    • The water lily, or nymphea, is the most popular representative of deep-sea plants in Russia; a lot has to do with it beautiful legends. This beauty will delight pond owners with large flowers up to 15 cm in diameter (color depends on the variety) from the beginning of summer until the first frost. It is recommended to plant the water lily at a depth of 1 m;

Water lily or nymph

  • The lotus will fit perfectly into a garden decorated in oriental style. Since ancient times, this plant has been revered as giving health, beauty and food. Today the lotus has no less fans, and purchasing it for your pond is a great idea, if your pond has enough space for its majestic flowers up to 30 cm in diameter. Interesting feature lotus - the presence of both underwater and above-water leaves, sometimes rising above the water surface by 0.4-0.5 m;
  • Despite the fact that orontium is rarely grown in Russia, you can take a chance and place it in your garden. The undoubted advantage of the plant is that it is very beautiful leaves and bright yellow inflorescences-cobs, similar to golden clubs, which gave the plant its second name.


Zone between shore and water: marsh and coastal plants

Drawing attention away from the banks of the pond and making a smooth transition between it and the rest of the garden is the main task of coastal and swamp crops. Feature: love for moist soil, do not tolerate drought. In this case, as a rule, marsh plants are planted directly into the ground, while coastal plants are often placed in containers, and only then buried in the ground to the required depth.

The most striking representatives of marsh plants:

    • Columbine, or aquilegia, is a biennial with lacy foliage and flowers in white, blue or red-yellow shades. It is distinguished by long shoots up to 0.8 m long, propagated by seed (you can find out more about this);
    • Buzulnik will decorate the shore of the pond with bright baskets warm shades and unusual foliage - each leaf resembles a heart shape and is distinguished by a non-standard purple or reddish color. Caring for the crop is easy; you just need to trim the stems after flowering. Buzulnik reproduces vegetatively every three years (spring or autumn);
    • Loosestrife will cover the coastal surface of the water with a bright yellow carpet of small round leaves and star flowers. However, it should be remembered that the growth of this crop must be constantly monitored;


  • Swamp iris and its many varieties are usually planted right near the water in a place where there is no shade. By mid-summer long shoots up to 70 cm in height, lilac or violet, scentless flowers bloom of amazing beauty;
  • You can also plant a swimsuit near the shore. This moisture-loving and unpretentious shrub will grow well in the shade. The plant blooms from May to June, decorated with large spherical inflorescences, usually yellow, characteristic of hybrid variety, most common among gardeners;
  • In April, pink primrose blooms - an early unpretentious crop with beautiful bright scarlet flowers. This species has many varieties to suit every taste, differing in the shade of inflorescences and sizes - Japanese, orange, Sikkimese, powdered, etc. Propagated by dividing the bush or.

Primrose pink

Popular coastal crops:

    • Hosta - beautiful ornamental plant with many varietal varieties. Despite the fact that it does not bloom for long (July-August), it is often planted along a shady bank where there is a lot of moisture. The hosta reproduces vegetatively. The main enemies are snails and slugs, they can eat foliage;
    • The pond will shine with new colors if you plant a daylily near the shore. This sun-loving crop blooms all summer with ephemeral flowers, the color of which can vary from red to blue;
    • Some varieties of lobelia can even grow in water. Thanks to this feature and the unusual blue color of the inflorescences, this annual crop is highly valued both in the West and among Russian flower growers. It is better to plant the plant directly in the water, otherwise it may become a victim of slug attack. Does not develop well in stagnant water. or purchase ready-made seedlings;
    • Ostrich fern is a popular fern species widely used to give a pond a wild, natural look. Externally, the plant resembles large bird feathers; propagated by dividing the bush;


  • Volzhanka vulgare will transform the shore of a reservoir with its lush creamy-white inflorescences. This is a giant plant, capable of reaching two meters in height, so it is used as an object that creates shadow. The Volzhanka itself also prefers to develop in a shaded place;

Pond planting technology

Decorating a pond with plants is the final stage of constructing a pond. After at least 10 days have passed from the moment the pond is filled with water, you can begin landscaping work. The ideal time for this is the first month of summer.

There are many ways to independently build a small artificial pond on summer cottage, and one of the most…

Depending on the type of plant, it is planted at the bottom of the reservoir or on the shore. If the culture takes root in the ground, then it is better to provide each specimen with its own pot. This way you can avoid the unpleasant situations of exposing the underwater root system. Mandatory requirement The pots have special ventilation holes in the bottom and walls to prevent root rotting. In addition, plants placed in separate containers will be much easier to transport indoors for the winter season.

As for the soil, aquatic plants will do best in a mixture of clay soil and bone meal. It is strictly not recommended to fertilize the soil for such crops with manure, humus or peat - this will lead to poisoning of fish and other inhabitants of the reservoir.

Where can I get plants if I can’t buy them? Everything is very simple - you can easily find the best specimens adapted to local climatic conditions in your nearest natural body of water. However, you should be careful not to visit wetlands alone.

Advice: in order to prevent turbidity from being seen from the bottom, you should cover all the pots with thick cloth or burlap, and then lay small pebbles on it.

Aquatic plants are an important part of designing a pond of any size or style. The main principles are to maintain the optimal number of crops on the surface of the reservoir and ensure that they successfully survive the winter season.

Since ancient times, decorative garden ponds have been an element of landscaping in recreational areas, remaining popular today. Such ponds are usually decorated with shore fills and plants, imitating a natural body of water, and sometimes live fish are also added. In this article we will talk about plants, which are planted near the pond or directly into the water.

Features of the design of reservoirs

Typically, artificial reservoirs in private houses and dachas have an area from 0.5 m2 to 5-6 m2 with a depth of 30 cm to 1.5 m. What technologies are not used! Ponds are created with waterproofing and an earthen bottom, using plastic containers and baths. Mini ponds are created in barrels, bathtubs, and troughs. It all depends on the area of ​​the plot and your imagination.

To give the pond at the dacha a natural look, use natural materials -different kinds stones: basalt, granite, gabrodiabase, sandstone, quartz, beautiful driftwood, crushed stone filling different colors and fractions, pebbles, shells.

And, of course, we use plants that will add completeness and uniqueness to our decorative pond.

Plants that can be planted around a pond come in a variety of plant forms: trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers.

Trees should be planted away from the edge of the pond so as not to pollute it with leaves and needles and to prevent clogging of equipment that may be installed to aerate ponds. In addition, the foliage that settles to the bottom rots and releases toxic gases that can oppress plants planted in water, aquatic animals and fish.

Trees are placed singly or in small groups, various shrubs are planted in front of them, and herbaceous plants are placed near the water. You should not plant many identical plants along the shore, as this will add monotony to your landscape. Do not clutter the entire space around the pond with plants, maintain a view of the water surface and the opposite bank.

Of particular importance in the design of a decorative pond are aquatic plants that are planted directly into the pond. They should occupy a small area of ​​the water surface and stand out as a clear spot on it. It is not recommended to plant more than 2-3 types of plants in one group.

Deciduous trees for coastal plantings

Shrubs for planting near water

Let's move on to the bushes. Suitable for planting in soil from shrubs:

Herbs and flowers for coastal plantings

Herbs and flowers suitable for planting near a pond have a wide variety of species. It is better to limit the planting sites of one type of plant. This is especially true for cereals. Cereal grasses have creeping rhizomes and, if not limited, will quickly take over the entire free surface, displacing weaker neighbors.

Herbs and flowers look beautiful in the niches between the stones.

Let's list the coastal grasses.

  1. Morrova sedge, varieties: “Variegata”, “Ice Dance”. Height above the water surface: 20-30 cm. Planting depth in water: 0 cm. Prefers shady, moderately warm places. The soil should be moist, with humus. In winter they are kept indoors at 4-6*c.

  2. Chinese miscanthus, varieties: “Gold Bar”, “Gracilimus”, “Graziella”, “Silberfeder”, “Strictus”, “Zebrinus”. Decorative, rapidly growing grass, height from 0.5 to 2 m. Very beautiful panicles last until winter. The soils are constantly wet. It is better to cover young plants for the winter. Planting no more than 3 pieces per 1 m2.

  3. Blue molinia "Variegata". Forms lush bushes with striped leaves, height up to 60 cm. For moist, acidic soils. Up to 10 pieces per 1m2.

  4. Cattail Laxmann and broadleaf cattail "Variegata". Planting depth in water: from 0 to 40 cm. Height above water: 80-150 cm. They love the sun. It is better to plant in a container, in a heavy clay soil. Overwinters at the landing site.

  5. Spreading rush plant "Spiralis". Planting depth in water 0-10 cm, height above water 40-60 cm. Photophilous. If overwintering in a container, lower it below the freezing level.

  6. Reed horsetail. Planting depth in water: 0-5 cm, height above water: 20-30 cm. Suitable for swamp gardens and mini ponds. Sunny place or partial shade. It grows slowly. If it grows in a container, it is buried in the garden for the winter.
  7. Water pine. Planting depth in water: 0-60 cm, height above water 20-30 cm. Unpretentious. When planting in a container, move it deeper for the winter.

It is better to grow all coastal aquatic plants in containers in order to limit their growth and protect them from roots by waterproofing, if there is one at the bottom of the reservoir.

Before winter, it is better not to cut cereal grasses; their foliage and flower stalks are decorative under the snow. Pruning is carried out in early spring, after the snow has melted.

Decorating the shore of a garden pond with ferns looks picturesque, provided that the pond is located in the shade or partial shade. Ferns are planted from:

Now let's list some flowers. Some flowers can also be planted directly in water in a container.

Flowers and herbaceous plants are planted in loose, permeable soil.

Aquatic plants for planting in a pond

Of the aquatic plants, the most common are water lilies, also known as nymphs or water lilies. In small decorative ponds, water lilies are grown in containers that are immersed to a specific depth for a given variety. Water lilies bloom from June until cold weather. For abundant flowering, water lilies are planted in sunny and protected from the wind places.

Currently, a large number of varieties of water lilies have been bred, differing in the color and size of flowers, leaves, and frost resistance. The most beautiful varieties: “Attraction”, “Fabiola”, “Gonnere”, “Rose Arey”, “Chromatella”.

In addition to water lilies, you can plant nymphaeum in the pond, water buttercup, and southern regions- Caspian lotus. In the northern regions, lotus is kept in ponds only in summer. For the winter, the rhizomes are removed and stored in damp sand in a cellar.

If yours is less than 1.5 m deep, then it is also better to remove the water lilies and store them in the basement. To do this, place the container with the roots in a container of water to cover the soil in the container. Other plants grown in containers in shallow water are also preserved.

Aquatic plants are usually sold in small shipping containers, so it is best to replant them before placing them in the water. For planting, take a container 10-15 cm larger than the transport one, always with drainage holes. We place a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom and fill it with heavy clay. Clay can be used from any natural pond, swamp or quarry. We transplant the rhizome into clay and rinse it well with water to wash away dusty particles of earth. You can sew the container in burlap, then the water is practically not contaminated. After this, we lower the container to a depth corresponding to the type of plant.

Fertilizers for nymphs are applied in the spring, before immersion in water. All of them have a prolonged action, so they are used once a season. For example - Osmocote. If your garden pond has an earthen bottom, you can plant water lilies directly into the ground, you just need to choose a variety that matches the depth of your pond. After planting the rhizome, it must be pressed down with crushed stone so that it does not float up. We apply fertilizer into the hole when planting.

Caring for aquatic and coastal plants involves timely removal of rotted, dried leaves and flower stalks to prevent fungal diseases.


We hope that this article will help you create a cozy relaxation area next to a pond. And let it make you happy and inspire your friends to achieve achievements!

The approach to plant selection begins with an artistic idea. Like other elements of landscape design, a decorative pond attracts the eye if it is based on the right composition.

First, the center is outlined, that is, the main emphasis of the reservoir. The remaining elements should not argue, but, on the contrary, emphasize and shade it.

The center of the composition should be visible from any vantage point of the pond and not overlap, for example, tall grass ahead of yourself. It is better to protect the pond with it and other shrubs by planting them on the side from which the wind blows more often.

Such a technique as planning is widely used in landscape design. Let there be low and floating plants in the foreground, and shallow and tall ones behind them. But don't get carried away: There should be no more than 2-3 plants per 1 m² of water surface.

If you want to plant wild species in a pond, choose them of the smallest size. They should not suppress the overall appearance of the pond and should not become overgrown so that the water is not visible. Do not overdo it with their quantity either, since wild plants prone to rapid growth in garden conditions.

The depth required for the comfort of aquatic plants should not exceed 90cm. When arranging a reservoir, it is recommended to make it in 3 levels with platforms for flowerpots of 30, 60 and 90 cm, since each is planted at a depth corresponding to its variety.

Aquatic plants are placed in clay soil in plastic containers. From above the ground is mulched with pebbles. Slowly dissolving fertilizers made specifically for aquatic plants can be mixed into the clay. soil, or natural soil it is possible, and even recommended, to be taken from a natural reservoir.

Instead of containers, you can use perforated dense plastic bags. Filled with earth, they take the shape of the bottom, conveniently located between the stones.

Deep sea plants

Planting aquatic plants for a pond begins with deep-water ones and moves along the levels to the shores. The most common in our latitudes:

  • Orontium aquatic is also called the “golden club”. Originating from the Atlantic coast North America, this long-rooted perennial grows well in thick mud. Its leaves are dull green or gray, their shape is oblong-oval, up to 30 cm long. Bottom part The peduncle is immersed in water; closer to the cob, the stem thickens and turns white. The cob is bright yellow, cone-shaped, up to 15 cm in length. It blooms in late April-early May and bears fruit with green berries. Orontium adapts well to running standing water. Propagated by dividing rhizomes and seeds.
  • Yellow capsule - perennial herbaceous plant family Water lilies. Its rhizome is located horizontally and produces many cord-like shoots. Likes to grow in standing water and places with weak currents. Its stem reaches 3m in length, the flowers float on the surface next to the leaves. The flower petals are bright yellow, leathery, round and smell very pleasant. Capsule is a common medicinal raw material.
  • Water lilies are the most popular of the deep-sea varieties. Some will call them a water lily, others a nymphaeum, and they will all be right. The water lily is so called because its fruits are shaped like a pitcher, and nymphea is the Latin name for the flower. Since ancient times it has been revered by many peoples. IN ancient Greece it was a symbol of eloquence and beauty, and the ancient Slavs called it the overpowering grass. They believed that water lily root helped fight evil spirits and used it in pagan rituals.

Water lilies have all kinds of colors: yellow, white, pink, red, purple. There are varieties whose color becomes brighter over time. Flowering begins in May-June (the best time for planting) and sometimes lasts until the first frost. Its peak occurs in July-August. If flowering is not observed, then most likely the growing depth does not correspond to the flower variety. It is also not recommended to grow wild water lilies in garden ponds, as they will fade much faster than their selective sisters. Therefore, it is better to buy varietal nymphs. No one has ever seen a water lily wither. When the time comes, the flower closes into a bud and in this state is pulled under the water. And only there does it truly die.

To grow water lilies, the main depth of the pool should be no more than 60-80cm, and some shallow-water varieties require a depth of up to 30cm. When purchasing, study the variety requirements. Remember that water lilies in a pond require larger containers than other species. To make the nymph feel good, protect its leaves from the splashes of the fountain and the movement of water. Water lilies winter well in the middle zone, but it all depends on the degree of freezing of the reservoir. If the water is drained for the winter, then the containers with flowers are placed in a dark, cool, but not freezing place.

Placed in shallow water

A depth of 20-40cm is considered shallow water. The roots of plants are in the water, and the main part of them rises above the surface. The most popular of them are:

  • Pontederia cordifolia is a guest from the American coast, growing on marshy shores and shallow waters. It reaches a height of up to 60cm, the rhizomes are horizontal and thick. The plant is compact and keeps the shape of a neat emergent bush. The leaves are heart-shaped, shiny, with long petioles. The flowers are violet-blue, lavender. Flowering occurs from early summer to mid-autumn. It is planted in a garden pond to a depth of 5-25 cm, with the onset of cold weather it is taken out and sent to a greenhouse for overexposure.
  • Simple hedgehog is an original plant with spiny spherical flowers and graceful leaves. It grows very quickly, forming picturesque backwaters, but because of this it is not suitable for small bodies of water. Their roots are so aggressive that they can even grow through the insulating film of a pond. The plant has subspecies - small and floating, the roots of which are much weaker. It is better to plant in shallow water in the ground or plastic containers with soil 8-12cm below water level.
  • The marsh calamus gets along well on the outskirts of ponds and in swampy areas. Garden plants were bred from calamus decorative varieties(e.g. Variegatus), with striped leaves that change color from pink to cream over the season. It reaches a height of 1m and care should be taken to prevent it from growing too much. It reproduces by division and is resistant to frost, especially for tall varieties of calamus. It is replanted in autumn or spring by dividing the rhizomes into 10-15 cm sections, which are buried to a maximum of 20 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
  • The trefoil trefoil is also called the water trefoil. The plant is low and is often used to mask internal communications in a pond. In May-June, white or pale pink inflorescences 30-50 cm high bloom at the ends of the floating shoots. It is propagated by dividing rhizomes and, when planted, is buried approximately 15 cm.
  • Greater manna variegata is a very beautiful fast-growing herb. It is loved by summer residents due to its decorativeness and unpretentiousness. Its leaves have yellowish longitudinal stripes, and turn red in autumn. Capable of growing so large as to overwhelm its neighbors. The coastal areas of ponds are landscaped with manna, planted to a depth of 15 cm.

Underwater and surface plants

One third of the total fauna should consist of underwater plants. Usually oxygenators are not particularly beautiful, but the reservoir is very necessary. Located directly in the water column, they maintain an important balance of carbon dioxide and trace elements in it:

  • Elodea canadensis or Water plague is a perennial aquatic grass. Its stems are highly branched, long and grow extremely quickly. It takes root in any water and saturates it with a huge amount of oxygen. Also regulates water acid-base balance. An unpleasant feature is its tendency to grow rapidly and the need for weeding. Even after the reservoir has completely frozen, Elodea calmly recovers for the next season.
  • Uru water is a plant with pinkish stems and beautiful feathery leaves that reach the surface of the water. Planting depth – 15cm. It also looks very decorative on the shore; for this purpose it is buried 10-40cm. It is afraid of frost, so it is brought indoors in a container for the winter.

Floating plants have one important and interesting property: with their leaves they cover the water from the sun, preventing it from overheating and, as a result, the loss of precious oxygen. Since their roots are free floating, they receive nutrition exclusively from what they find in the water, thereby perfectly purifying it.

Here are some of the plants most suitable for our climate:

  • Water hyacinth (Eichornia) is kept afloat thanks to porous tissues, and its long roots are completely submerged in water. The most beautiful flower looks like hyacinth, it can be pink or purple. Eichornia multiplies very quickly and covers the surface of the reservoir with such a dense carpet that in some places it even makes navigation difficult. However, hyacinth is miraculously able to purify water from harmful impurities and chemical substances being the best natural filter. This is one of the most beautiful floating plants and it is afraid of frost, and therefore for the winter they select several flowers with roots and keep them in a warm and well-lit place in a pot with very moist soil.
  • Pistia teloresidata, also called water rose. By taking up excess harmful microorganisms with its roots, pistia prevents water from blooming. It blooms as soon as the rosette reaches 10 cm in diameter, with small white flowers collected in cobs. It is afraid of frost; for the winter it is immersed in an aquarium or other body of water with a temperature of at least 16°C.

We design the coastal area

They grow in water near the coast and on land near reservoirs. They are highly decorative and rich in colors, for example:

  • Marsh marigold – herbaceous perennial Ranunculaceae family. Grows along rivers, lakes, in slowly flowing water. Height is about 25cm, blooms in April-May. They are planted either in shallow water (up to 5 cm) or on the shore, but then they are watered abundantly.
  • Forget-me-not is a moisture-loving, highly branching, frost-resistant plant. Looks great near a pond in the form of a blue, dark blue or pink lawn; it blooms long and profusely, retaining its leaves until frost. Propagated by seeds and division of roots.
  • Loosestrife is also called weeping grass because of its in an unusual way getting rid of moisture: it drips from the leaves, making it seem like it is crying. Loves marshy areas, ditches and coastal areas, blooms in July-August with thick candle-shaped clusters of lilac color.

When purchasing plants for a pond at your dacha, carefully study the wintering conditions: whether you will have to remove them from the water, whether you can keep them in the ground or an aquarium. And may everything work out for you, and may your pond be pleasing to the eye day after day!