home · Measurements · Plants are a natural filter purifier for your home. Useful indoor plants - filters, healers and talismans. Choosing indoor plants for air purification

Plants are a natural filter purifier for your home. Useful indoor plants - filters, healers and talismans. Choosing indoor plants for air purification

We are all accustomed to subjecting the water that comes into our homes through pipes to additional purification. We install main water filters in the apartment, and then purify the water using filter jugs.

But we rarely care about the cleanliness of the air in our homes. Just moisturize it. And this is not always the case.

And this despite what has been established: the air inside an apartment is often much dirtier than outside.

Fortunately, you can improve its quality using the most common indoor plants.

Below are 15 flowers that grow well in any home and that NASA, which is actively studying the ability of plants to purify the air, considers the most effective.

Aloe Vera

Purifies the air from formaldehyde and benzene, which are released when using cleaning products and paints.

None special care does not require. Prefers sunny rooms facing south.

Chlorophytum crested

Saves the house from benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.

Incredibly easy to care for. Prefers dry and cool.

Gerber Jameson

Disinfects the air from trichlorethylene formed during dry cleaning and from benzene.

Unfortunately, this is a rather whimsical plant. Does not tolerate excess moisture. In a pot with poor drainage it dies immediately. Requires a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.


People don't like this plant too much. They call it "mother-in-law's tongue." And they even associate various troubles with him.

In vain. The plant is very useful. It is one of the best natural herbal agents for destroying formaldehyde, the substance that most often poisons the air in our homes.

In addition, Sansevieria can release oxygen even in the dark. Therefore, it is an ideal plant for the bedroom.

It is very easy to care for. It can grow even when it has been practically forgotten.

Scindapsus aureus

Another powerful formaldehyde destroying agent.

Attention! The plant is poisonous. Therefore, it should be placed in a place inaccessible to children and pets.


Shows the greatest activity against benzene.

Needs bright sunlight. Feels best on open window, in which a soft breeze blows and the sun shines. Obviously, in our country such freedom for this flower is rarely available.

Dracaena marginata

Protects against xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.

The plant is unpretentious. But when placing it on your windowsill, you should remember that over time it can reach the ceiling.

Ficus benjamina

To combat formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Grow strong big plant not easy. It requires constant temperature and stable lighting - bright, but not direct light. Also very sensitive to watering schedule.

Sims' rhododendron

Helps fight formaldehyde. And, in addition, it humidifies the air in the room.

Feels best in cool, dry rooms.


Destroys aerobic fecal particles that rise into the air every time the toilet flushes feces.

To grow, it requires constantly moist soil and 4 hours of sunlight per day.

Dracaena Derema

Fights formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Potentially it can grow very high - up to the ceiling. However, this is rarely achieved, largely because the plant is extremely sensitive to the purity of the water with which it is watered.

Aglaonema curly

Great option for any apartment. It destroys all kinds of toxins and is so unpretentious that it happily grows in conditions in which all other indoor plants cannot survive.

Hamedorea Seifritz

One of the most effective plants for combating benzene and trichlorethylene. It also destroys formaldehyde, but not as well.

Does best in humid, hot rooms with indirect but bright light sunlight. It grows large, so it requires space.


Very good at destroying formaldehyde and other volatile organic toxins.

Easy to care for. It grows almost always and everywhere. However, it has a significant drawback - toxicity, which means it should be kept away from children and pets.


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When decorating our home, purchasing furniture and decorative elements, we usually don’t think about the fact that the air quality in our home may not change significantly. better side. This is all due to the various substances that our new clothes can release. Electrical appliances, laminate, linoleum and even ordinary paper napkins may contain traces of formaldehyde coming into contact with the air in our home.

Our green pets will help in the fight for air quality. Many plants can purify the air at home, collecting dust, smoke and other particles and heavy compounds that are hazardous to health.

Here are 6 the best plants that you should have in your home:

Aloe- This plant is great for increasing oxygen levels in your home. It also absorbs carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. One aloe can achieve what nine biological air purifiers can achieve.

Ficus- This plant is very easy to maintain because it does not need much light. It is effective when it comes to removing formaldehyde from the air. But be careful if you have small children or pets because the leaves may be poisonous.

Ivy- Every person should definitely have this plant at home. It removes 60% of airborne toxins within six hours.

Chlorophytum- this plant has the ability to perform photosynthesis with minimal lighting. It perfectly absorbs toxins from the air such as formaldehyde, styrene and carbon monoxide, as well as gasoline. One plant effectively purifies the air in 200 square meters space.

Sansevieria- this plant is practically indestructible, and is great for having at home. It is very resilient and requires very little light for photosynthesis. Besides removing toxins, it is great for the bedroom as it produces oxygen at night.

Spathiphyllum- It is great for removing chemical toxins from the air. This plant filters formaldehyde from the air, as well as trichlorethylene.

Dirty indoor air is one of the causes of human illness

Our brick and concrete houses constantly release toxic chemical substances- formaldehyde, for example.

The air is also poisoned by bacteria, mold, dust and carbon dioxide formed near a working stove.

Luckily, we have indoor plants. They solve some of the problems associated with poor ventilation closed premises. In this article we will talk about the most the best cleaners air that can be grown at home or in the office.

Indoor chrysanthemum

This plant is a favorite of NASA. These flowers are used to purify the air in the offices of the space agency. They effectively absorb ammonia, benzene and formaldehyde from the air in any room. In addition, this flower is not very expensive, which makes it ideal option for a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house.


Chlorophytum - simple and unpretentious plant, which does not require special care. It's quite widespread, so you can probably borrow a stem or two from your neighbors. In addition, chlorophytum effectively absorbs all the chemicals that you spray when cleaning your apartment.


There are more than 40 species of this plant in the world. Therefore, you can easily find one that you like in appearance. This is an excellent product for removing benzene, trichlorethylene and xylene from the air. True, these flowers are slightly toxic to cats and dogs. So, if you have a small apartment and pets live in it, think twice.


Ficus is the most popular mini tree among all homeowners in the world. If you place it in big pot, it can grow to truly impressive sizes. But, as a rule, on average its height is from 60 to 120 cm. In spring and summer, the plant can be taken out into the yard.

Not only is it very beautiful flowers, they are also very difficult to ruin. They bloom mostly in summer, preferring shady places and moist but not soggy soil. Remove ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene from the air.

Fern nephrolepis

This plant loves cool places with high humidity and reflected light. Bathrooms - perfect place for this "helper". It cleans the air of xylene pollutants.

Sansevieria ("Mother-in-law's tongue")

We see pots of it everywhere, most often in offices and restaurants. And for good reason: these plants require almost no care. They need to be watered about once a month as they like dry conditions. A large number of They don't need sunlight either.

Hamedorea ("Bamboo Palm")

This is the world's best means of removing formaldehyde from air. To begin with, it is best to place it on a windowsill where the sun is shining. In return, you will receive a palm tree up to 3 meters high and fresh air. Looks amazing.


This is a multifunctional plant. It can be used to treat burns, colds, and it simply perfectly purifies the air in the room. One aloe vera can inhale new life to any small apartment.