home · On a note · Coastal protection works. Ways to strengthen the coastline of a natural or artificial reservoir. Types and methods of bank protection

Coastal protection works. Ways to strengthen the coastline of a natural or artificial reservoir. Types and methods of bank protection

Increasingly, owners country houses, cottages, private household plots seek to acquire for themselves and their families a territory as close as possible to the water, or. However, it can bring benefit and pleasure only when it is beautifully designed, decorated, and the shores are securely fortified.

Bank protection works will not only prevent premature destruction coastline, but will also contribute to the preservation of the water surface in a pond, lake or other body of water clean, transparent. Even if the water is stagnant, calm, it is only harmless at first glance, but in fact it can have a negative, destructive effect on the coast.

Types of shore protection works.

In order to prevent their erosion, protect the coastal strip from erosion, improve the ecology of the coastal zone, and increase the stability of mowing the territory, it is very important to carry out. For these purposes, various materials can be used:

- wood, or rather oak piles or larch piles, pre-treated with a special non-toxic agent, absolutely safe for fauna and flora. This method is more convenient for big waters oemah;
- concrete - concrete piles, the installation of which requires the use of special equipment. And such coasts for aesthetic appeal are best decorated with mosaics or natural stone;
- gabions - boxes made of strong metal mesh, filled with stones. However, they can only be placed on flat surface, on hard ground. This method of strengthening the coast allows you to decorate the reservoir in an original way;
- geogrid - a grid of polymer materials. Suitable for laying on loose, unstable soil. It is fixed with anchors, filling the cells with sand, gravel or soil;
- geomats - anti-corrosion mesh - used in areas where soil movement occurs. The shores are additionally, as a rule, decorated with vegetation;
- plants - most often larch or reed, the roots of which perfectly hold the soil together, slow down the erosion process and, of course, perfectly decorate the coastline.

The choice of materials for bank protection works depends on several factors: the size of the reservoir, the strength of the soil in it, how even the bottom is in it, financial position land owner and others.

To create safe natural conditions for subsequent construction, protection of territories and landscape improvement it is often necessary to strengthen the banks of natural and artificial reservoirs.

Possible causes of the destruction of the coast

There may be several reasons for the destruction, but all of them are mainly formed by water and wind action: waves, eddy currents, eddy currents on river bends, ebbs and flows, floods and floods.

The sliding of the soil base from the slope of the coast usually occurs in the following cases:

  • poor stability of the soil base for shear / displacement;
  • excessively high slope height near the fracture site;
  • physical, dynamic and static loads on the top of the slope;
  • the presence of a rather steep slope (with a large angle of inclination) on the site being destroyed;
  • earthquake or physical vibration;
  • regular washing away of the coast and the impact of waves;
  • changes in the level and condition of groundwater.

The consequences of the collapse of the coastline are extremely negative not only from the point of view of the aesthetic component, but also cause a number of other problems: shallowing, destruction of transport infrastructure (if highways on the territory of a slope or slope), partial or complete destruction of houses and other buildings due to displacements of the soil base nearby, etc.

Depending on the specific working conditions and the tasks set, the strengthening of the shore can be carried out according to different technologies and using various materials. Consider the main methods of strengthening the coast, currently used in Russia.

Wooden piles

Often used to strengthen stagnant water bodies. wooden piles- This efficient technology coastal fortification, capable of serving for many years and in conditions of fast current, however, it is impractical in this capacity due to the emergence of many other more effective methods.

The wooden supports of the fortifications not only protect the coastline, but also form an aesthetic view of the landscape. The most popular is the strengthening of the coast with larch. The cost of work starts from 5000 rubles per linear meter, including the cost of materials.

sheet piling

The sheet pile wall strengthens the shore by installing plastic or metal piles in the form of a protective retaining structure, which ensures the complete absence of soil washout and protection of the underwater part of the shore.

The sheet piling method of bank protection is considered the most effective (Larsen sheet pile, metal, PVC and composite sheet piles), but not always appropriate - you can’t do without installing piles when working on steep steep banks within an urban or industrial area. However, in natural natural environment they will look strange.

Coastal fence made of PVC sheet piling

The classic method of shore protection - pouring concrete into the problematic shore forms reliable system bank protection, but such structures look ignoble in any environment. Therefore, concreting technology is usually used in rare cases (construction of dams, hydroelectric power plants, etc.) and / or concrete pavement covered with a decorative layer.

Laying natural stone

A more expensive, but also more aesthetic method of protecting the coastline with natural stone allows you to achieve high efficiency fortifications no less reliable than concrete ones. The laying of cobblestones or processed stone blocks along the bottom, channel and banks of the reservoir forms a strong and durable structure, monumental and aesthetic in appearance.

Combined method of strengthening the coast

The use of combined coastal protection technology is necessary to protect water bodies with elevation changes and different grounds coastal soil. Also, this method is popular for creating durable and at the same time aesthetic protective structures.

Gabion fortification

Effective strengthening of the shore without changing its appearance - gabion boxes made of metal mesh are filled with stones and installed with rapids on the coastal slope, forming a natural protection of the soil from collapse.

Over the years, the protective structure becomes more and more durable, the reclaimed soil can be sown with a vegetable layer to give the banks an even more natural look. appearance. Effective in calm waters without currents and waves.

The cost of installation and strengthening of the shore with gabion structures is from 5,000 rubles per cubic meter including cost of materials.

Reinforcement with geomat

Erosion control mat - durable material wicker structure, which allows you to effectively fix even the already eroded soil. Due to strong reinforcement bulk material geomat securely fixes the coastal slope, making it immune to negative natural factors. Over the years root system lawn grasses the reinforced bank is intertwined with the mat structure, thereby creating additional reinforcing ties. The material is extremely effective on small slopes, but on steep surfaces, the use of three-dimensional gratings is recommended.

The cost of reinforcing and strengthening slopes with a geomat starts from 300 rubles per square meter including cost of materials.

Geogrid reinforcement

Strengthening the coastline with a geogrid is one of the newest methods of coastal protection. Polymer volumetric geogrids are used to form a reliable frame at the base of the coastal slope, and the cells of the material modules are filled with sand, soil, pebbles and other materials to form flexible system reliable shore fixation.

The classic view of the coastline hides the underlying structure from view, so we see the usual natural coast, which can remain clean or planted with vegetation.

It is geosynthetics in Lately increasingly used in industrial and private coastal protection – geogrid prices are available as commercial organizations as well as individuals.

The cost of reinforcing and strengthening slopes with a geogrid starts from 700 rubles per square meter, including the cost of materials.

Installation of geotextile tubes

Geotextile tubes are special containers that, if necessary, can be of any size (length, width, circumference), sewn from high-strength polypropylene geotextile. The special weave of the geotextile creates pores that allow water to pass in only one direction - outside the geotextile tube, thereby retaining solid particles of pre-filled soil or sand inside the container. The use of geotextile tubes makes it possible to stop the processes of erosion of the coastline and protect the territory from the destructive effects of floods, even in hard-to-reach places where other technologies for protecting and strengthening the coast may not be effective.

Implementation of coastal protection construction works in the North-West region of the country is a common practice due to insufficient High Quality local soils, easily amenable to destruction under the influence of natural factors. And it is not surprising that, following the civilized Europe, Russia is also switching to the use of more efficient and less costly technologies for protecting the shores of water bodies from erosional destruction.

Bank protection works- a set of measures to protect the banks from the dynamic and static destructive effects of water (more precisely, erosion of the channel and banks of water bodies).

Bank protection can be divided into capital and decorative. Both the first and the second carry with it a reduction in damage to the coastal strip.

Capital bank protection associated with the use special technologies and materials that guarantee maximum effect in the protection of the coastal zone. This is the use of hydraulic grades of concrete, gabions, sheet piles, special volumetric reinforced concrete structures. It is also possible to build up the coastal territory by backfilling with soil and hydraulic fill. These methods have long been proven and reliable.

decorative coast strengthening suitable for those for whom, in addition to practical properties, bank protection structures should be aesthetically pleasing. In this case, natural durable materials- natural stone and larch. Before decorating the coastal zone with a stone, it is necessary to provide a limiting support, otherwise the stone will inevitably slide into the channel.

Natural stone on the shore, whether it is a densely packed boulder or dumped river pebbles, does not prevent soil contact with water, but practically reduces the destructive effect of the wave to zero. It is important when using this technology not to miscalculate with seasonal and daily changes. water level. The water's edge must always rest against bank protection structure. Shore protection works with natural stone are often used when strengthening areas of short duration, as this is the fastest and most inexpensive way.

The specialists of the Hydrostroy company professionally perform bank protection on various technologies. Construction of coastal protection structures of any degree of complexity, in all types of water areas.

Bank protection works- an important and responsible event, which, alas, is often started in a very neglected situation - when the coast has already been destroyed, and landslides threaten nearby buildings. Lack of attention to the problem bank protection can lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, if you are the owner of real estate bordering water bodies, we advise you to take a responsible attitude to the condition of the shoreline of the reservoir.

Carried out by specialists of the Gidrostroy company bank protection is carried out according to a pre-prepared project that takes into account all the necessary requirements and technological features hydrotechnical construction.

(columns 5), (columns 3-6) provide for the performance of work in the protected water area of ​​navigable rivers, reservoirs and lakes. When working in open waters, the costs of maintaining a standby tug should be additionally taken into account, based on the number of machine hours of the main non-self-propelled floating craft provided for in estimated norms the specified tables of the collection.

The assignment of construction conditions to the category of closed or open water area and the capacity of the duty tug are established by the project.

1.10. The norms take into account the concreting of the vertical walls of the channels. The cost of fastening the bottom of the channels should be determined according to the relevant standards. The cost of installing fittings should be determined according to the relevant norms of sb. 37" Concrete and reinforced concrete structures hydraulic structures".

1.11. Table norms. , , for fastening slopes with prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs preparation device costs are not included. These costs should be determined additionally according to the norms

2.4. The area of ​​surface and underwater mattresses should be determined according to the project separately for each layer of the mattress. The thickness of the mattress is determined in places of compression by the rope, taking into account the thickness of the rope.

Bank protection works are activities carried out in order to protect the banks of rivers, canals and reservoirs from destruction. The concept of bank protection works usually includes a set of works to protect the banks mainly from the dynamic impact of water (the impact of waves, excessive current speed, etc.). The importance of strengthening the banks of canals and rivers especially increases with the existence of steamship traffic, because the waves produced by steamships are the main destroyers of banks. It should be taken into account that the bank protection works cannot be separated from the works on the straightening of the river bed. Bank protection works, performed in conditions of soils that are simply liquefied and destroyed by water, are included in the complex of straightening works. Quite huge fluctuations in the water level, the presence of wide floodplains, as well as the formation of ice and ice on many rivers. bottom ice significantly increase the cost and complicate the conduct of bank protection works. Newly built, under construction and planned for construction canals put bank protection works in a number of very complex and responsible works in construction.

When carrying out bank protection works, a variety of building materials can be used: stone, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete, brushwood, earth, piles, etc. The brushwood used for fashine works can be heterogeneous or only willow. Heterogeneous brushwood is usually used only for those parts of the coastal fortifications that are constantly under water. In Central Asia and the Caucasus, fascines were often made from a comb, which resists decay quite well. The reed fascines used, due to their own fragility, are considered only as temporary, inapplicable for any harsh structures. Pebbles used in bank protection works must be resistant to erosion. More applicable for these purposes are granites, quartzites and dense limestones. The earth is used in the construction of brushwood structures as ballast for loading brushwood masonry into the water. Stakes used in brushwork are made from thick branches and thin tree trunks, and piles are made from round wood. Ropes (the so-called "tackle") are used for all this, hemp, resinous. For knitting heavy fascines, annealed wire is used. To the main bank protection works on the rivers, made from the above materials
ov, include brushwood lining, immersion of languid fascines, stone sketch, dry stone masonry and slope trimming.

The choice of the method of strengthening the banks depends on the type of coastal soil, the nature of its destruction, the outline of the coast in terms of the regime and nature of the river flow, as well as local or simply delivered cheap building materials. The height to which the shore is strengthened directly depends on the levels of water and ice. The upper parts of the banks, located above the horizon of the largest waters, are usually fixed only in cases where they are not protected by vegetation or are destroyed regardless of its impact. The destructive effect of external influences is manifested mainly in the lower part of the coast - below the horizon of "medium" waters. Therefore, the banks are fixed mainly in their lower part. To strengthen the underwater part of the coast, fascinated mattresses were often used with their loading with stones, as well as just a stone sketch.

When strengthening the banks of the canals, as an option, piles can be driven along the edge of the lowest water level in the canal. Specifically, boards can be laid behind them, and prisms from dry masonry can be arranged behind them.

Separately, one should write about the strengthening of the coastal slopes of rivers and canals with gabions. Strengthening the slopes with gabions is as follows. Box molds are woven from metal coated with zinc wire, which are subsequently filled with stones. Gabions (usually prismatic or cylindrical) are interconnected, resulting in an array that is quite well resistant to shear and erosion. Usually, at first, the foundation is made of gabions, and then the working part of the bank protection structure itself. The base is often made of relatively thin gabions about half a meter wide. The working part may consist of gabions different sizes arranged in one or more rows, in accordance with the height that they want to give it.

In cases where the current velocities are low, to protect against erosion of the gently sloping and rather wide underwater slopes of the coast, consisting of fine sand and silt deposits, mats of thin willow branches. Such mats were knitted at the place of their laying on ships. They were made up to fifty meters wide. The ships moved along the shore, and the mats evenly descended onto the underwater coastal slopes. The immersion of such mats was carried out by means of sketches on their pebbles. It is also worth mentioning the practice of carrying out bank protection works with the introduction of granite slabs, reinforced concrete and asphalt "clothes".

In addition to the methods outlined above for the implementation of bank protection works, a number of more modern technologies(arrangement of a large geogrid filled with crushed stone, bank protection based on PVC sheet pile walls, the use of mini dredgers, etc.). The choice of a rational method should be determined by a specialist depending on certain criteria.