home · Measurements · Landscape design of the yard. High-quality landscaping of the territory of a private house at reasonable costs How to improve a yard in a village

Landscape design of the yard. High-quality landscaping of the territory of a private house at reasonable costs How to improve a yard in a village

To achieve a compositional idyll on a personal plot, it is not enough just to build luxury house– It is equally important to beautifully and functionally design the area around it. Planning the yard of a private house is a very responsible process, since you need to take care of the correct placement of both economic and technical facilities, as well as places for recreation and entertainment. If you miss something at the initial stage of arrangement, then it will take a lot of time and money to correct the shortcomings.

What to consider when planning

The first thing you need to do when planning your yard is to make a list of required and desired objects. Technical and utility buildings can be called obligatory, without which it is impossible to ensure comfortable living for people, and desirable ones usually include all decorative delights designed to improve the territory and give it an aesthetic and attractive appearance.

  • garage or parking for at least 2 cars (even if the family does not yet own a car - think about the future or about guests who will come for visits);
  • outbuildings (guest houses, workshops, summer kitchens, premises for pets, etc.);
  • access roads to the garage, paths for movement around the territory;
  • yard lighting system;
  • places and areas for recreation and entertainment (for example, gazebo, sauna, swimming pool, party area, active games, sports, a place for a stationary barbecue or pitching a tent in the summer);
  • green spaces: vegetable garden or vegetable beds, decorative flower beds, fruity or decorative garden;
  • other objects landscape design: fountains, artificial waterfalls, ponds, sculptural compositions, etc.

Even if the family does not have a car, a parking space should be provided

General requirements for landscaping a yard

In addition to the wishes of the owner, in the design of the courtyard area it is imperative to adhere to the construction and sanitary standards for the improvement of courtyards, including on private plots. This will help avoid all sorts of inconveniences, problems with neighbors and government services supervision.

Rules for the placement of residential buildings

Quite strict requirements exist in relation to the location of residential buildings and other architectural objects relative to the boundaries of the site.

A residential building, as well as a guest house, must be located at a distance of at least 3 m from the border of the yard, and if there is a highway immediately beyond its borders, then at least 6 m. This is done to protect residents from excess dust, exhaust gases, and excess noise.

The layout of the courtyard of a private house in the village is somewhat different from city courtyards. Mainly due to the fact that villagers very often raise and breed domestic animals, constructing special premises for them on the territory of their personal plot. According to architectural standards, as well as out of respect for neighbors, such buildings for livestock or poultry are erected no less than 4 m from the neighbor’s fence, other utility structures - at a distance of 1 m.

Features of the location of green spaces

It is customary to plant tall and large trees no closer than 3 m from the demarcation fence, so that their branches and roots do not create inconvenience to the owners of the neighboring plot. For the same reasons, the norm for medium-sized trees is 2 m, for shrubs – 1 m. These standards should definitely be taken into account when arranging hedges to mark the boundaries of the yard.

It is advisable to coordinate this issue with your neighbors in advance, including discussing the type of plants that are planned to be used to create a green fence (some types of plants can cause allergies or asthma attacks).

Layout of a plot with a garden

Sanitary and hygienic planning standards

The following standards regarding the location of objects in the yard are designed to ensure a comfortable and safe existence, as well as basic hygiene:

  • if the toilet is located on the street and not inside the house, then it is built 20 m from the residential building. In this case, the distance from the toilet to the neighbors’ homes should be similar;
  • bathhouse or sauna, equipped in separate room, must be located at a distance of 5 m from a residential or guest house;
  • the well cannot be dug next to compost, cesspools, toilet or cattle pen. The optimal distance of the water source from such objects is 20 m;
  • It is better to remove premises for keeping animals at least 15 m from the house.

Even in small courtyard it is necessary to provide a rest area

Layout of the yard of a private house of 6 acres is the most difficult task in creating landscape design, since, in addition to the house, you always want to arrange a full-fledged parking space, a corner for relaxing on fresh air, make a flower bed, plant a couple fruit trees or beds with spices.

To facilitate the planning process, the yard should be divided into 3 mandatory zones:

  • zone of residential and commercial buildings;
  • green area (garden, vegetable garden);
  • rest zone.

An example of successful placement of all necessary zones on a site

It is very important, even at the stage of laying the foundation of a residential building, to choose a place for it so that the shadow from the building does not fall on the main part of the site, otherwise in the future there will be a problem with growing vegetation. Perfect option– construction of a building in the northern part of the yard.

It is better to place utility rooms or a greenhouse there. If the site is planned to be divided Orchard, then the trees should be located in the direction from north to south, maintaining a distance between seedlings of at least 3 m, otherwise, over time, the overgrown trees will form a dense cover with their crowns, preventing normal natural lighting of the area.

The layout of the courtyard of a private house in the photo below is one example of the ideal placement of all the most necessary objects in a small area.

Most practical option arrangement of small yards - geometric. It allows you to economically use every centimeter of land.

Arranging narrow yard, it's better to use round shapes

Ideas for arranging areas of non-standard shapes

It often happens that the courtyard around the house has irregular shape(triangle, truncated trapezoid, rhombus, etc.). This may immediately seem like a problem, but with a balanced and thoughtful approach to planning, this disadvantage can be smoothed out and even turned into an advantage.

For example, in sharp corners you can hide utility rooms, barns, animal pens or compost pits, where they will not attract attention so much. Sharp corners can be fenced off with hedges, placing seating areas behind them.

It is better to divide a narrow long yard in half with a house, placing all other elements on both sides of it. At the same time, when designing paths, flower beds, and green spaces, it is better to use rounded shapes. Very helpful in this situation winding paths, which visually make the courtyard wider.

If the yard has a round or oval shape, it is not at all necessary to place the house in its center. Shifting the building towards the edge of the site will visually increase its size even more.

You need to plan your yard before any activities begin. construction work, since in the process of arrangement, to provide lighting or equipment for additional buildings, it may be necessary to provide communications and adjust the relief, which is quite difficult to do when the site is practically already decorated.

Landscaping the territory of a private house is a process no less complex, creative and labor-intensive than. Everyone dreams of having a beautifully designed garden or backyard. But not everyone can hire a landscape designer who will design everything. If you don’t have such an opportunity, but really want to create one, then our review will help you with this. In the article you will find practical recommendations and simple solutions on how to improve your local area with your own hands and without large financial expenses.

If you decide to create a landscape design with your own hands, then, first of all, you will need suitable projects. Before purchasing seedlings and certain materials, you need to make a clear plan for how to arrange all the elements of landscape design in the local area. You can see the simplest ideas in the photo. You can also see how to make a simple yard design project in the video below:

Before you start planning, look at what they look like, as well as design options for a small yard. You can create a beautiful landscape on your own using available materials.

The landscape of a private house requires a specific plan, on which you need to note:

  • buildings around the house, including gazebos, a playground and an outdoor shower;
  • bodies of water It is worth considering that laying is done first;
  • structures made of stones and alpine slides;
  • garden paths near the house;
  • areas for planting shrubs and trees;
  • placement of flower beds and flower beds. The choice of material and time for arranging elements near the house will depend on the type of flower bed;
  • local area;
  • systems

For your information! The marking of the territory must be carried out after careful preparation. A detailed plan will not only allow you to think everything through well, but will also help you save money.

Site development

When deciding how to plan your yard, first of all, start from the house and the style that matches it. You should not allow excess decor in the local area. The plan involves dividing the site into separate zones.

The recreation area and children's playground deserve special attention. If there is not enough space in the yard, then perhaps some zones can be combined. Bushes and perennial plants can be used to limit individual areas.

If the layout is done correctly, then even in a small area you can place all the necessary objects.

The layout of the yard is carried out taking into account the following factors:

  • terrain. How flat or hilly it is, as well as the location of mountains or ravines nearby;
  • type of soil: clayey, light or fertile;
  • plot shapes: rectangular, triangular, rounded or L-shaped;
  • area dimensions;
  • level ;
  • illumination and orientation to the cardinal points.

The courtyard design allows for rational placement of all communications elements. Zoning of a personal plot in a village or in another area involves division into the following parts:

  • residential denotes the main building and all that are adjacent to it;
  • economic zone denotes buildings for storing tools, all kinds of garages and places where fuel supplies are stored;
  • rest zone includes a swimming pool, children's playground, flower beds, gazebos and;
  • garden and for growing fruits and vegetables.

The layout of the yard area should be carried out taking into account the ground level. In some cases, it may be necessary to create a blind area or fill soil. To strengthen the slopes, slopes, terraces, etc. are needed.

Also, landscape design involves observing the cardinal directions. Experts recommend placing it on the north side big trees and at home, so that their shadow does not cover the green spaces. Planning a site near the house involves placing it inside the territory in order to protect it from prying eyes and noise.

When planning village house and the yard, you need to think about the gardening area. Shrubs and fruit trees must be distributed so that all crops have enough light and space. You can complete your landscaping plan yourself. For this zone, the sunniest place in the garden is chosen.

Resting place for country house does not have to be located in one place. Individual areas can be found throughout the territory. Landscape design includes decorative elements such as flower beds, flower beds near the house and small ponds.

In the photo you can see wonderful ideas for a private house, as well as for plots in the village.

Sidewalk paths, platforms and fences in the courtyard of a private house: photo ideas

Arrangement of a personal plot always includes such activities as laying paths, installing fences and installing recreation areas and children's areas. When deciding how to lay out the paths, consider different variants.

Some yard coverings can be laid out yourself and are very inexpensive. At the entrance, paving stones, cut stone paving or tiles will look great. To make beautiful fences around paths near your house, you can use low plants.

When deciding what to cover your yard with, consider original solutions. For example, an excellent path design can be obtained from wood cuts. In this case, the free spaces between them can be filled with sawdust or bark. You can also use narrow boards for the yard. They need to be tightly fitted to each other, and then painted or varnished.

May be considered different design paving stones, as well as interesting solutions It’s worth looking at the photo to see how to pave the paths.

A yard path can be classified depending on the material used:

  • stone options: pebbles, plastic, paving stones in the courtyard of a private house, as well as, photos of which can be found on the Internet;

  • wooden coverings: boards, sawn logs;

  • brick and concrete coverings;

  • paths made from scrap materials.

To visually delineate the local area, you can use a variety of landscaping. For example, you can use small fences to decorate your yard from perennial plants, annual flowers and dense bushes. For the environment sports ground or a seating area, a squat one will do.

You can look at the photo of the design of the fence of a private house. Arches or pergolas for paths can be a beautiful addition to such mini fences. In this case, you will get a luxurious covered fence in a private house. Climbing morning glory, clematis and roses are used for the designs.

For your information! Frames with slats or wooden panels with perforations look original. You can make partitions from rattan, wicker and bamboo.

Landscaping and landscaping

After planning and marking the site, the question arises of how to plant landscaping in the yard. Before planting anything, it is also necessary to complete a project for green spaces. Landscape gardening necessarily includes planting bushes and trees. They will help you do house design more diverse. In addition, they will protect certain areas from the sun and wind.

When decorating a small area near the house, you need to give preference to crops that bloom continuously. For the yard you can use. It is important to take into account that such areas also require care. Plants need to be trimmed and watered.

Landscape design involves the use of various flower beds and flower beds. A good solution for a closed yard. You can plant exotic crops in them, for example, cypress, pomegranate or lemon.

You can create stunning vertical gardening with your own hands. Such decorative elements will help create relief and volume for the garden. Supporting elements can be gazebos, fences and tree trunks.

Various examples of landscaping a private home and territory can be seen in the photo. Also, when creating landscape design, activities are carried out. You can highlight ponds, plants, sculptures and paths. To illuminate the area, you can use lanterns on poles. Fountains and sculptures can be installed in open areas. Plants that love moisture should be planted around the perimeter of the pond. This is swamp iris, reed or mint. When landscaping the territory, it is also necessary to comply with state regulations.

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Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos of original compositions

Flower beds and flower beds are a necessary element of landscaping a yard in a private home. Even with limited areas you can find a place for luxurious plants. That being said, you should know how to plant beautiful flowers in your yard.

When deciding how to arrange areas of the local area with your own hands, first decide existing species flower beds:

  • regular flower beds, in which a variety of plants are planted for landscaping the area. But flowering occurs at a certain time;

  • irregular have crops that bloom throughout the warm period;

  • raised flower beds consist of various frames of stone, brick and wood;
  • vertical allow you to decorate walls and fences;

  • carpet look like a canvas;
  • monoflowers consist of a single plant;
  • beautiful Look good next to paths. They can be planted near walls;

  • discount is a construction made of different plants, which can land on one side.
  • arabesques have custom design. In this case, low-growing plants are used, which are planted in the form of different geometric shapes;
  • rock garden looks like a hill of stones;

  • front gardens usually located in front of the house and near the road;
  • mixoborders are mixed compositions. They are planted along buildings, paths and fences.

If you don't know what to plant or what flowers to use, take a look various options on the picture. Perhaps some idea will suit your taste.

Related article:

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on landscaping your territory, then a great solution for you is to create original flower beds and flower beds yourself. We will teach this in our article.

Beautiful gardens and courtyards: photo projects

If you have not yet decided how to create a beautiful area and garden design for private homes, then make a carefully thought-out plan. First of all, highlight areas such as recreation, garden and farm.

To divide a private courtyard and garden into separate sections, you can use elements such as arches and screens.

Beautiful private gardens can be seen in the photos. Fruit trees, well-groomed lawns, and a variety of flower beds complement the various statues and. Many decorative elements can be made independently. Beautiful ideas You can also see the landscape design in the photo of a garden on a private plot.

Outbuildings in a private house: photos of beautiful structures

When planning the most important stage is a house and yard with outbuildings. Many yard elements can be done with your own hands. Without them, the landscape design will not have a complete look.

Let's look at what buildings in the yard can be used:

  • Separate area for the hearth. It could be a massive oven. Garden paths and furniture can be tied to this place. A good solution is to use a beam circuit.

  • Open dining room or kitchen provides a wonderful opportunity to eat outdoors. At the same time, all kinds of .
  • When deciding how to build a yard, you should use such small architectural forms as alcove.

  • You can also consider an option like grill house.
  • Recreation area can be supplemented.

  • Pool It can be done both open and covered.
  • Equipped provides a lot of joy for children and an opportunity for parents to relax while the children are busy.

Gazebos in the courtyard of a private house: photo options

It is one of the important elements of landscaping the yard in a private house. You can do it yourself. Gazebos can be closed, open or attached to the house.

If price matters, then you should choose the polycarbonate option. A similar structure is located in the depths of the garden to reduce noise. The design of the courtyard of a private house with a gazebo is popular, as this can give you another comfortable spot for relax.

You can consider the following gazebo options:

  • open structures are distinguished by simplicity and practicality. Such buildings are made of supports and a canopy. This pavilion offers a wonderful view of the surrounding nature;

  • closed buildings more like a light house;

  • gazebos covered, consist of a frame;
  • great option - construction B-B-Q.

How to arrange the gazebo inside depends on its configuration and design features. If the building is equipped with a fireplace, then you can also build a dining area.


Having a country estate, even a small one, is a great happiness. Where else, if not at the dacha, can you take a break from the bustle of the city, dust, noise and din, enrich yourself with pleasant impressions, tasting the aromas of your favorite flowers, listening to the gentle singing of birds and enjoying the peace and tranquility, as well as creative communication over a cup of tea, among friends and loved ones.

And if your personal plot is designed taking into account modern principles landscape design, this will maximally satisfy your needs and give a pleasant experience to others.

Smart yard planning

The adjacent area around a private house or country cottage is usually called a yard. And the first impression of homeowners is based on the condition of this particular property. land plot estates.

Practical and original design summer cottage is called landscape design, which begins with competent planning of the yard.

Absolutely all subtleties and nuances should be taken into account at the initial or preliminary planning stage. Ask yourself: “What does “ mean” beautiful yard" for me?" Write down all the wishes of all your family members on a particular issue so that disagreements do not arise in the future. Because everyone has different tastes and preferences. Some people like stricter lines, straight paths and elaborately trimmed shrubs, while others prefer gentler lines, winding paths and sleek shapes. Therefore, you need to find common points contact so that nothing irritates anyone.

Sketch on paper what you want to see on the site

Also consider whether you have pets and your lifestyle. If you have a car (as a rule, almost everyone who has Vacation home If you have a car, be sure to provide a parking space. Also think about having a bathhouse and a pond or font near it. After you have discussed all the pros and cons, sketch out the territorial location of all buildings, taking into account that they should be located evenly and harmoniously relative to each other and relative to the main building - a residential building.

What do we pay attention to when planning

  1. Terrain. If the terrain is too hilly, has slopes, holes or ravines, then it is better, of course, to level it using a grader. If hills are not everywhere, then you can turn the disadvantages of the terrain into advantages by installing steps, smoothing out the transition and creating a small cozy corner for relaxation, for example, or another functional area.
  2. Hedge. It is definitely necessary to designate your possessions, but in what way, everyone decides for themselves. Currently very popular. It's really beautiful, practical and modern. You can also diversify the internal delimitation of space with small decorative fences with fancy colors.
  3. Natural lighting. Smart planning allows for zoning of the territory in such a way that sunny places are reserved for a children's playground and outdoor games, and shady places are for secluded relaxation in a gazebo, shrouded in shade-loving plants. at night it is also important to think carefully.
  4. Climatic features. The climatic features of the region in which your site is located are very important for landscape design, as they set their own flavor and style. For example, in the southern regions it is advisable to put up a trellis decorated with grapevines, but in the northern regions this would be inappropriate.
  5. Level groundwater and the presence of bodies of water. A thorough soil check will show you where to install drainage system, as well as lay communications for watering plants and the functioning of fountains, swimming pools, ponds, etc.

Main principle landscape design of the yard lies in the issue of landscaping

Vegetation for landscaping the yard should be selected with different flowering seasons, then the beauty of the garden will delight you all year round!

When planning the landscaping of a site, carefully consider what needs to be hidden on the site (for example, unsightly buildings or defects in buildings or communications), and what, on the contrary, can be emphasized, for example beautiful facade houses, fountain or . Big and chic or small and modest flower beds always remain the main decoration of the local area.

Help in choosing plants (video)

Paths, steps, flower beds

This means not only clean feet in rainy weather, but also comfortable and safe movement around the site for the whole family and guests. And also thanks to the paths, you can skillfully highlight an attractive area on the site or delimit the territory as a whole. Garden paths can be designed according to the style of landscape design. You can also decorate the steps in an original way, for example, with lighting or flower beds.

Brick and gravel garden path

If the climb is too steep, you can dream up unusual railings, perhaps with vertical landscaping, adhering to the style direction. And, as already mentioned, a cozy yard landscape design is impossible without flower beds. Only they can bring special attractiveness to the overall layout of the territory and be the main decoration of the yard. Flower beds can be combined into garden compositions, for example, in the form of flower beds, mixborders, border front gardens, ridges, alpine slides, etc. The lush green lawn will add exquisite charm to any area.

Flower garden along the paths

If the main purpose of the lawn on the site is decorative, then a mixture of grasses can be chosen as desired, taking into account their frost resistance. And if you are planning a place for relaxation, outdoor games and sports, then you should choose varieties that are resistant to physical stress.

Picturesque bodies of water

Reservoirs on the site, be it a small pond with white lilies, or running streams with clear water, or cascades of decorative waterfalls will always highlight the beauty of your site in a special way. Ponds also have a calming effect on people of any age, improve mood and reduce unnecessary tension. But in order for such beauty to function and tirelessly please the eye, you need to work hard, perhaps turn to specialists. Just like before developing any reservoir, you need to carefully examine the terrain, soil, groundwater level, conduct communications, and then take proper care of the cleanliness and functioning of the reservoir.

Pond at the dacha

Original lighting

Of course, the lighting of the site should, at a minimum, create safe movement around the site in the dark, and, at a maximum, emphasize presentable places in the landscape design of the yard and reflect the original effects of light and shadow.

Professionals in this field advise lighting place it in such a way that the outlines of the perimeter of the yard are visible, and also the garden paths, steps, pond, and rock garden are highlighted. But mainly the facade of the building, the main entrance to the house and the space near the garage should be illuminated. Can be used to illuminate trees and shrubs LED strips. Good energy savings will be achieved by using lamps that run on solar energy.

Night lighting

Several ideas for arranging a recreation area

The main entrance to the house, of course, may imply the presence of a terrace or a small place next to the house for recreation, but, as a rule, a landscaped recreation area is allocated to the territory in the backyard. Comfortable stay outdoor space provides for a platform for relaxation and dining procedures, with appropriate furniture and style. You can create a relaxation area in rustic style, which characterizes itself with wooden flooring, wooden or wicker furniture, as well as lush greenery of perennial plants located along the perimeter.

A distinctive feature of the European style is the presence of a platform lined with stone or concrete slabs, possibly interspersed with pebbles or gravel. It is better to limit such a base to borders made of metal or polycarbonate.

Regardless of one style or another, if the dining area is under a canopy, this will make it possible to eat outdoors in any weather

Also very popular in the recreation area is the presence of a decorative hearth, fireplace or Asian tandoor oven. Furniture, as already mentioned, must correspond to a certain style and be practical and comfortable. The most convenient and practical will be folding and lightweight furniture, which can be assembled and stored indoors during the cold season without much difficulty. One of the most popular is furniture made of plastic or rattan. Products made from bamboo, forged metal and wood are also good.

Do not forget! Patio furniture requires constant maintenance. Wooden furniture should be treated with special antiseptic agents and varnished. Rattan furniture should be protected from moisture. Wrought iron furniture must be tinted and monitored to protect it from metal corrosion.

And once again about the style orientation

Of course, if you have planned to implement your own specific innovations in the landscape design of your yard, then this is very cool. Your imagination and personal creativity will always delight you in a special way. And if you have not yet decided what is best for you, do not despair, there is always the opportunity to see different options and implement the most suitable one into reality. We suggest considering the most common types stylistic directions.

English style yard decoration

This style is characterized by a landscape garden with smooth lines and transitions, with a natural arrangement of objects. Tiered smooth arrangement of elements, starting with flowers, smoothly turning into shrubs and ending with trees. There are no symmetrical or strict lines. The paths are most often winding, leading to cascading slopes or artificial reservoirs.

English style

Japanese style yard decoration

This style suggests a reflection of Japanese culture and certain Japanese traditions. It is necessary to have an artificial reservoir, or even two reservoirs with bridges across them, or at least through one. Near the pond there is a gazebo decorated in Japanese style and the presence of decorative stones. As for green spaces, preference is given to dwarf pines, juniper and rhododendron. Japanese style is distinguished by its originality and originality.

Japanese style

Mediterranean style backyard design

Mediterranean style sunny and colorful, providing for a patio where wicker or wrought iron furniture will find its most precise purpose. A hammock or sun lounger can also add some extra value. The paths are paved with natural stone in light colors. A bunch of bright colors V ceramic pots the best way will decorate this style. A gazebo in a sophisticated design, entwined climbing plants and miniature fountains will add an exotic touch.

Mediterranean style

There are a wide variety of types of stylistic trends, but whatever choice you make, the main thing is that it brings you joy appearance your site long years, then hard work will be a joy.

Examples of garden design (video)

Before you start creating a landscape design for a private home with your own hands, you should ask yourself a few important questions. What do you expect from your yard? Do you need an entertainment area where you can spend active time with family and friends? Or do you want to surround your home with a beautiful and picturesque garden with secluded corners for relaxation?

By preparing tips and ideas for courtyard design for you, Dekorin has tried to consider and take into account the various needs of private home owners. In addition, we have collected here 35 photos with examples of landscape design that will inspire you to improve your garden with your own hands.

Where to start landscape design of a private house with your own hands?

It would be best to sketch out a sketch of your possessions on a piece of paper. Schematically mark the following objects and zones on it:

  1. The contours of the house, the site itself, as well as all existing buildings (well, garage, barn, terrace, etc.);
  2. Places where underground pipes and cables lie;
  3. Trees and shrubs that you do not intend to get rid of;
  4. Solar and shady areas(can be designated different colors, for example, yellow and gray);
  5. Problem areas, if any (poor drainage, soil erosion, rocks, high humidity, garden pests, etc.).

As you note down all of this information in your design, you will begin to have a clear idea in your head of what you need to do to design your yard and garden.

So, after you have marked all the above areas, it will become clear where it is better to mark out the recreation area, and where to plant which plants. After all, they all have their own preferences for the amount of light, shade and moisture consumed per day. By clearly knowing your site and your preferences in landscape design, you can choose ideal plants for planting that will easily take root.

The next step is to mark on the project the places that you want to allocate for plants and everything else decorative elements: paths, recreation areas, alpine slide etc.

We create a beautiful yard landscape with our own hands

1. The main secret in the landscape design of a private house is contrasts

Creating contrasts is one of the most simple ways to success when designing landscapes. Every experienced designer knows: plants in the garden will produce greater effect if they are planted together. Even lush shrubs tend to look best in groups of 3 or 5. Planting plants of different heights, colors and textures in the same area will encourage them to highlight each other. But when grouping plants on your site, remember that the plants and flowers in each group should have the same needs for sunlight, soil quality and watering.

If you do not plan to turn the yard of your private house into lush garden, which needs to be looked after, then consider combining different materials in the landscape. For example, in the design of a yard with a neat lawn, you can add an area with bright mulch (crushed stone) or a mound of stones (pebbles, gravel). Crushed stone today is available in a variety of shades, which can beautifully harmonize with the color of the facade and other external elements, and at a cost it is much cheaper than stone.

If you are creating a landscape design for a private house with your own hands, then do not forget to lay a layer of landscape fabric under the gravel or mulch, which will keep the embankment within its boundaries and will not allow weeds to grow. You can see examples of such a solution in the photo.

2. Curved lines in the landscape of the courtyard of a private house

Strict rectangular flower beds and straight garden paths are extremely unloved by the majority today landscape designers. On the contrary, curved lines are one of the surest ways to make your yard landscape look natural and give you the pleasure of natural beauty.

3. Add an alpine hill or other “island” to the lawn

Another idea for those who have a small yard or simply don’t want to plant a lot of plants in the garden! Add a rockery, an alpine hill, or just an “island” of lush plants or bushes to the lawn in front of your house - and your landscape design will become much more interesting and sophisticated.

4. DIY flower beds and containers

Nothing in landscape design is as satisfying as an element of mystery. And you should be especially pleased that it is very easy to add such an element to the landscape of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands. To do this, you only need old things that can be used as a garden vase or container for planting flowers. Look at the photo below: These simple ideas make you think about the past and inspire dreamy fantasies.

5. Use garden lights

A small yard can transform magically at night if you add garden lights. You can install them along garden paths or under trees so that they shine beautifully from below, or hang lamps made by yourself from bottles, cans and other scrap materials on branches. The whimsical play of light and shadow will stunningly decorate your area!

6. Create a cozy relaxation area in the garden with your own hands

Do you often use your yard for:

  • Cooking kebabs and other dishes?
  • Enjoying fresh air and playing with your children?
  • Evening gatherings with conversations around the fire?

Then you just need to arrange a relaxation area! Except garden furniture(table, chairs and armchairs), it should also have an element of sun protection, which can simultaneously act as an element of comfort and decor. How about a wrought iron or wooden gazebo with climbing plants?

7. Terrace in the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house

The terrace adjacent to the house is a popular option for a recreation area today, which can also be part of the landscape design. For example, like the option in the photo below: such a brick terrace with a fireplace in the center can easily be made with your own hands.

8. Swimming pool or pond in the courtyard of a private house

Despite all the costs and special requirements, small bodies of water - pools and ponds - are becoming increasingly common elements of the landscape design of a private home. .

9. Inspiring DIY backyard landscaping

Are you one of those for whom nature is an important source of inspiration? Do you want to use your garden for privacy, relaxation and meditation? Then, when creating a landscape design with your own hands, provide secluded places in the yard, surrounded by tall and medium-sized lush plants. Unlike gazebos and awnings that separate you from environment, a couple of chairs or a lonely bench among the thickets will allow you to merge with nature. For full effect, you can place statues, large stones, water features, bird feeders, etc. in the garden.

10. Dividing elements as an important landscape decor

Another idea for landscaping the yard of a private house, which you can implement with your own hands, is to install low fences and other visual dividers that will give the yard an interesting structure. You can also use such partitions as hedge and garden paths. Combine different types materials to emphasize the uniqueness of each area of ​​your site - recreation area, playground, flower plantings, vegetable garden, etc.

DIY landscape design of a private house with 30 photos of courtyards updated: April 5, 2017 by: Margarita Glushko

To create a cozy atmosphere in the courtyard of a private house, you need to properly arrange it, thinking through the design, and subsequently this place will become your favorite corner.

First you need to assess the existing territory. If the area is small, a good solution would be to design the courtyard of a private house with a small fountain or garden, which are currently one of the options modern courtyards, and ideas can be seen in photos on the Internet. If there is a lot in the yard free space, this will allow you to reproduce the original courtyard, which has several divided zones with a center in the form of an artificial pond, gazebo or pool.

To make the yard look more cozy and elegant, you can place decorative statues on its territory; ponds are not large sizes, exotic plants, paths made of colored tiles. Such accessories will bring a more complete look to the yard and can improve the overall atmosphere.

If you want to place a vegetable garden in the yard of a private house, this is not a problem, because modern design will allow you to do this very neatly and interestingly, and you can verify this by looking at the photos provided below.

Before you start repair work in the yard, you should consider some nuances:

  • number of people living in the house;
  • are there children in the house;
  • financial opportunities.

If desired, several zones can be combined into one to save space. To visually divide the territory, install garden sculptures, plantings of greenery (bushes, flowers or Christmas trees), and, if possible, build an artificial pond or small lake.

The area for children's recreation and games should be located in a place that will be visible to adults, so that children can be monitored and supervised.

Private design modern style It’s hard to imagine a yard without paths, because this element is present on the territory of every house, and in the photo you can see how best to design them in the yard. With the help of paths, several problems will be solved at the same time: safety of movement, zoning of space and yard decor.

The material from which the paths will be laid can be very different, at the discretion of the owners, for example, they use large flat stones, ordinary brick, fine gravel, while the path can be fenced with a border or a small decorative fence.

How to arrange plants and flowers correctly?

Flowers choose different varieties so that their flowering replaces each other, thus, from approximately mid-April to October, it will be possible to admire the beauty of flowering plants and inhale their aromas. Special flower beds are made for flowers, planted in tubs or pots.

It is very convenient to care for flowers if they are located in flower beds, as there is no need to get dirty in the ground, because there will be lawns, paths or a pebble mound around them.

What role does lighting play in the courtyard of a private house?

An illuminated yard means, first of all, the safety of movement around the territory at night. In addition, this will allow you to enjoy the surrounding nature in the evenings and long-term communication with guests in the fresh air from early spring to late autumn.

Lanterns should be positioned so that the facade of the house and other existing buildings, as well as the main entrance, the space near the garage or parking lot are well lit.

Typically, lighting fixtures are located along the paths, and are done so that the entire perimeter of the territory can be viewed without problems.

Having decided on the main lighting, you can consider the layout of the lighting in decorative purposes. Lanterns will look very impressive next to a flower bed, pond or lake. Trees and large shrubs are illuminated with LED strips.

In specialized stores there is a large number of lighting devices powered by solar energy. This will significantly save money on paying for electricity, and soft, dim lighting will be enough for safe movement in the dark.

Landscaping a small backyard space

In most private houses located within the city, the yard area is small, so in order to create a cozy corner for children or drinking tea and spending time in the fresh air, it is better to implement the planned design of a modern yard in the area adjacent to the back of the house.

There are many different ideas and photos on the Internet that will help in transforming the required space.

For a small area backyard An excellent option would be to build a base from a wooden platform or deck. Along the fence you can plant tall bushes or plants that will climb along the fence; this will help make a small courtyard cozy and hide everything that happens in it from prying eyes.

The cheapest and most often preferred furniture for patios in a private home is made of plastic or artificial rattan. But they also make pieces of furniture for outdoor use from wood, forged metal and stone.

Furniture made of plastic is very convenient; it can simply be washed with water, and rattan products should not be overly moistened. Wooden furniture must be periodically coated with varnish or protective agents. Wrought iron chairs and tables should be painted once every few years.

It should also be noted that wooden floors can become great solution to continue the porch of a private house, this will be good design for modern yards, and for an example you can pay attention to the photo.

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