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What flowers can be planted in ceramic pots. Indoor flowers catalog with photographs and names. Photos and names of decorative indoor plants

Depending on the Orchid cultivation method a pot is being selected, in which the bush will grow. Because in one case, drainage holes are needed to drain water.

In another case, a closed pot that is completely sealed is used. The two methods are different, but both have the right to life.

Orchid pots

Pots may be different because they are cultivated different ways . It also depends on where the grower lives. So in southern regions where it is very hot in summer time An excessive number of holes can lead to severe drying of the root system.

Pots for orchids can be with or without holes.

A completely closed pot for growing a flower in a closed system will not suit the gardener if he has most time in the apartment it is cold, because there will be a big possibility of root rotting.

Therefore, depending on the method and region of residence of the grower there are pots:

  • With large drainage holes at the bottom and sides of the container;
  • Completely sealed.

The ideal pot - every gardener chooses for himself, focusing on your plant growing conditions.

With holes

So, do you still need holes in a pot for an orchid? The container should not only highlight the flower grown in it, but should also be home for the root system. She should feel comfortable.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose containers such that the water flowed well through the bark and flowed into the pan. The side holes will provide good access to oxygen, this is especially good if the bark is too shallow.

The plant has it numerous roots, covered with velomen, which without access to oxygen begins to rot. Therefore, when growing a flower in compressed bark, the side holes in the flower pots are very important, because oxygen, which is so necessary for the development of the root mass of the flower, will flow through them.

But we have to remember the conditions to the room where the plant is planned to be grown. If the room is very hot and dry, then the side holes can greatly harm the roots, since the hot dry air will dry out the plant and the flower will dry out its root system in 3-4 days.

Therefore, in dry and hot climates, drainage holes located in the bottom of the container will be sufficient. If the climate is humid, then the side holes will help get rid of excess moisture . So, when choosing a pot for your beauty, you need to pay attention to the weather conditions in the growing region.

Independent modification of purchased containers

How to make holes in an orchid pot? If the grower has decided that he needs additional holes not only in the bottom of the pot, but also in the walls of the container, then he can make them.

Often gardeners themselves make holes in the pot with a hot tool.

For this purpose, in addition to a plastic pot he will need:

  • Nail with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • Screwdriver.

Not all three instruments, but one or the other. Since plastic is easy to adjust using hot, that is, making holes is very simple:

  • We heat the necessary tool over the fire of a gas burner;
  • And we make the required number of holes both at the bottom and in the side walls of the pot.

At the same time it is necessary observe safety precautions:

  • Place oilcloth on the table;
  • Hands should be wearing cloth gloves, as rubber ones can melt when in contact with a hot tool and burn your hands;
  • There should be no children around who can touch the hot tool;
  • A small container of water where a hot tool is placed after work to cool down.

IMPORTANT! When working with a hot tool, you must be extremely careful so as not to injure yourself or those around you.

No holes

A pot without holes is used when growing a plant in a closed system. This method is often used to revive plants and grow roots.

Can orchid plants be grown in it?

In a closed system, plants grow roots well, and the flower shoot appears faster. But there is one peculiarity here: the pot is not selected according to the size of the root mass, but not much higher. Because in a closed pot the substrate is laid in layers.

It is possible to grow an orchid in a pot without holes, but you need to know how to do it.

And what is important:

  • Expanded clay is laid in a layer of at least 4 cm;
  • Then comes thick layer sphagnum moss, bark;
  • And only then do they start planting the orchid plant.

That is, the roots should not touch expanded clay where the water will be.

If you choose the required height of the pot it will be good decision for growing Orchids, provided that the temperature in the room does not drop below 18-20 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, when kept cool and at low temperatures Root rot may occur.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive traits:

Negative qualities:

  1. If watering is not correct or frequent, there is a possibility of flooding the plant and, as a result, rotting;
  2. Improper planting can cause the death of the plant.

IMPORTANT! If a florist decides on this method of cultivating Orchids, you need to familiarize yourself with correct landing plants in closed system.

Possible problems

Inexperienced flower growers pour a lot of water, and the constantly damp stem of the bush can begin to rot. Therefore, the correct first and subsequent waterings were carried out will help to grow good bush plants.

It should be noted that after treatment and planting in a closed system, the plant is not watered for three days. He needs this time for drying sections and damage caused to the roots during planting.

During the first watering, fill the entire container with warm, settled water and leave for 20 minutes, after which the water is completely drained.

Remains of water from the bark go down and remain no higher than the end line of expanded clay.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to follow the watering rules and not violate them. Watering is done when there is no water left in the expanded clay layer.

Preventive measures for diseases

To root system I wasn’t sick, first of all, I need to take care of the correct watering regime and feeding with fertilizers.

Fertilizers are applied only per leaf between waterings; in this case, the fertilizer intended for orchid plants must be diluted with three times the amount of water. If you decide to feed the roots, then only after watering so as not to burn the delicate velomen roots.

IMPORTANT! We must remember that too frequent watering can lead to rotting.

From plastic containers with your own hands

As stated above, you can make the required number of holes in a finished pot with your own hands. using a hot tool. Or you can weave a basket with large cells from wire and line it with sphagnum moss. The bark is poured into such a pot and the Orchid is planted.

Instead of holes, people make it with their own hands beautiful drawings and patterns on the pot.

With such a flowerpot there will be drain water immediately after watering, so you will need to carefully water the flower.

Materials from which growing containers are made


The glass planter is very beautiful, but it has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Does not maintain temperature during sudden changes in temperature;
  2. Container weight;
  3. Fragility;
  4. Price;
  5. A small number of different forms.

Despite the fact that there are certain inconveniences, many gardeners still prefer to grow flowers in glass flowerpots.


They can afford to cultivate plants in ceramic pots only experienced flower growers. Because you need to determine the time of watering. Typically, gardeners look at the condition of the roots; they will immediately have to water based on their intuition.

When transplanting, the roots are often damaged grows to the walls of the pot, and then you have to sacrifice the pot when replanting or the root system of the flower.

Useful video

Find out in the video which pot to plant an orchid in:

Look at the video, the pros and cons of a pot with holes:

Interesting facts on video, how to choose the right pot for orchid:

Video instructions on how to make holes in an orchid pot:


When choosing a container for growing Orchids, you need to listen not only to your wishes, but also look at the conditions of the apartment where the flower will be cultivated.

  1. danie-irina likes this.

  2. Don't conflict with your mother-in-law. You can plant flowers in a pot without a hole. There is such a subtlety: if you bought a pot with a drainage hole, then add 1 cm of drainage, if there is no hole - 3-5 cm or 1/4 part flower pot. For drainage, gravel, broken brick, and crushed stone are used.

  3. Flower shops sell expanded clay specifically for drainage. And yes, I agree, drainage is needed in both options.

  4. I have indoor plants and all the pots have a hole at the bottom, excess water goes into the saucer. And my mother-in-law says that you need a whole pot, but put drainage down, then the flowers will grow better. I don’t want to argue with her unfoundedly, explain which of us is right?

    Yes, it’s better not to argue with your mother-in-law... I have pots with holes and with drainage. So do it as you like.

  5. Please tell me if the advice is correct: put a layer of polyethylene on the bottom of the pot with holes, drainage and soil on top. Why is polyethylene needed? To prevent moisture from seeping through the holes? Is this justified? Thank you.

  6. to be honest, this is the first time I've heard of this
    But I think it’s unjustified. Why then make holes in the pots and then cover them with a bag?)

    Yes, that’s the point, it seems illogical, but for some reason they do it this way. The search does not give any particular results, except that I came across similar advice on a gardening forum, it seems to be for thermal insulation...

  7. All my pots have holes, so it’s easier to control watering so as not to flood the flower. Excess water goes into the saucer.

  8. I have another amateur question. There are two large pots of flowers, the volumes of the pots and the size of the flowers are almost identical. When watering, the soil in one pot absorbs all the water and nothing flows into the pan, while from the other, 30 minutes after watering, “incontinence” begins - a whole puddle flows. With what it can be connected? I pour out the same amount of water, the conditions, I repeat, are almost similar.

  9. Make drainage and holes. will not be superfluous

  10. Change an apartment with a mother-in-law to an apartment without a mother-in-law and the problem will be solved by itself. The problem, I'm sure, is not in the pots)))))

April 07, 2013 Topic: Answering questions. Photo: Flower pots. FLOWER POTS. I am answering the questions.

There are a lot of questions about using flower pots, I'll try to answer.

1. How to choose a pot for a house plant?

2. How to choose a pot for outdoor plants?

3. Do you need a hole in the pot?

So, in order.

How to choose a pot for a house plant?

Pots are made of plastic, clay, stone and other materials. It is believed that a plant feels better in a clay pot than in a plastic one. This is explained by the fact that the soil in such a pot “breathes” and also heats up and cools down more slowly.

I think the following.
What kind of temperature difference can we talk about if a plant lives in a house? And the surface of the soil in the pot is quite enough for “breathing”. It seems that the pot material is not important for houseplants.

Plant pots come with or without a hole for draining water. This condition is very important; excess water must go away after watering, of course, if the plant is not a swamp.

In the photo you see big pot with a very small drain hole.
To avoid rotting of the roots, the bottom of such a pot is covered with expanded clay, or pebbles, or clay shards.
In the third photo on the right you see expanded clay. It comes in different fractions (small, medium, large) and is sold cheaply in flower shops. Expanded clay weighs less than any stone of the same size.

I don't like it when the trays are visible, so I use pots - planters in which I put plants planted in plastic pots with holes to drain excess water.

In the next photo you see my favorite flower pots.

In the photo, next to the flowerpot (without a hole for draining water) there is a plastic pot selected to size. The diameters of the flower pot and the inner plastic pot must be correlated in such a way that the inner pot does not fall through and there is a gap between their bottoms.

The next photo shows another example of placing an ampelous (hanging) plant in a tall pot.

I call such pots (a flower pot and a plastic one selected according to the diameter) “matryoshkas”.

If the bottom of the plastic pot comes into contact with the bottom of the flowerpot, then after watering, after about 15 minutes, the excess water must be drained.

There are also advantages to using “matryoshka dolls”.

For example, New Year, the house is being transformed, I take out a collection of silver pots and simply rearrange the house plants in them! No need to replant anything! The following photo shows several pots from this collection.

You can always change the “dress” (pot) for a plant according to your mood, without resorting to replanting it.

We change textiles, flower pots and now the room has a completely different mood!

What is the best pot for outdoor plants?

In the summer we decorate the entrance to the house, porch, patio with plants ( patio).
It is important that the soil temperature does not change abruptly, but slowly, which means preference should be given to clay pots.

It is important where the pots with plants will be placed, under a canopy or not.
If under a canopy, then you can use the “matryoshka” principle described earlier.
And if under open air, then a “matryoshka” in a pot - a flowerpot without a hole for draining water is not suitable! After the first rain, the plant will appear to be floating. In this case, it is necessary to use flower pots with large holes for draining and, preferably, put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom so that the hole does not become clogged.

Here are my favorite outdoor boxwood pots that decorate the porch in the winter and move outside in the summer.

Such pots must have a hole for draining water! It is unrealistic to pour water out of them every time after rain.

Planting plants in outdoor pots also has its own characteristics.

A method I don't like.

They offer to fill a tall pot plastic bottles, and pour soil on top and plant a plant. They do this in order to reduce the weight of the pot.

The method I use.

I use the “matryoshka” method described earlier, I select a plastic pot according to the diameter that hangs inside the flowerpot, in this case both pots have holes for draining water.
If you need to rearrange the plant, then this will not be a problem; we take out the plastic pot with the plant and move everything in parts.

In the fall, when I move large plants from the street to home, I place a block prepared to size in each flowerpot-cone, and place a large one on it. plastic pallet, and then a plant in a plastic pot.

Do you need a hole in the pot?

The hole in the bottom of the pot is designed to drain excess water. Above, I described in detail how best to use pots with and without holes when growing plants indoors and outdoors.

You can use drainage to grow plants at home in pots without drainage holes, but there is always a chance that you will flood the plant or, conversely, the roots will not have enough water. I think it is best to use the “matryoshka” principle, which I have already written about in detail.

Still have questions? Ask!

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Flowers in the house are wonderful. Already long time I am breeding various types of flowers, and, analyzing optimal conditions and their habitat, concluded that choosing the right pot plays an important role.

Choose: ceramics or plastic

When you go to a hardware or flower shop, the variety of pots is amazing in its quantity. At first glance, you want to get a beautiful, stylish pot that complements the decor. And here manufacturers please, offering pots made of metal, ceramics, plastic, glass. Each of these types has its own characteristics and is intended for specific type indoor plants.

1. Plastic.
I’ll say right away that I prefer this particular type, because they are inexpensive and you can always choose the desired color and shape. Especially since I'm doing seating large quantity flowers, so I can buy up to 50 pots at a time.

Plastic pots They are convenient to use, they are good for replanting plants, while the risk of damaging the root system remains minimal.

Plastic pots today can be not only colored, but also transparent, which makes it possible to solve the problem of replanting orchids.

But such pots also have their drawbacks. Very often they are knocked over by children, since the plastic form is not stable on the surface. Such pots are not recommended for flowers that require evaporation of moisture through the root system. The structure of the plastic does not allow moisture to evaporate below, which leads to stagnation of water.

In my flowers, I solve this problem quite simply; I use professional peat and perlite for planting. These components prevent rotting of the root system.

2. Ceramics.

Such pots always amaze with their beauty, but their price is also not cheap. By choosing a ceramic pot for your flower, you can always add a stylish twist to your interior.
The most important advantage of such a pot is its porous structure. It allows the root system to breathe freely, moisture to penetrate inside and be evenly distributed over the substrate.

I use ceramic pots extremely rarely, because it is difficult to pot large plants in them, and transporting them or moving them around the apartment becomes problematic due to their heavy weight.

Ceramic pots must be disinfected when reuse, since diseases are perfectly preserved and live on such surfaces.

Which pots are best to use in your home?

From my experience I would like to offer a few practical advice on choosing a pot for your home.

1. Choosing a pot should begin with determining the type, shape and color scheme. You cannot use pots that, with their design shapes and colors, will overshadow the beauty of the flower. A pot is just a container, and a flower is a decoration for the room.

2. The best shapes for any flower are round pots. They make it easy to replant the plant, while damage to the root system is minimized.

4. The pot must have a saucer or tray for watering. A lot of house flowers require irrigation of the root system. The presence of a pallet allows you to avoid rotting or mold formation.

5. If you need to choose a pot for transplanting, then its diameter should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.

6. If it is necessary to plant a plant and divide it into parts, then the diameter of the pots should be 2-3 centimeters smaller than the previous one.

7. If you need to propagate a plant with children or plant children, then I do not recommend buying pots at all. Small plastic cups are suitable for this method. In order for the plant to feel comfortable in them, you need to cut several holes in the bottom for water to pass through.

8. For violets, it is better to use cone-shaped pots. They allow the rosette of the plant to form correctly, the leaves of the flower in such plants will be lush, and flower hat– spread freely over the entire surface.

9. When choosing a pot for large plant, its height must be taken into account. The pot should be 1/3 - ¼ of the height of the plant. If the flower will have a large crown in the future, then the pot should be wide.

10. When choosing ceramic pots, you need to pay attention to inner side. It must be covered with glaze.

Almost all of us have house plants. Green pets give us their beauty, improve health and mood, and purify the air. But, in order for the flower to look great and delight the owner, you need to take care of creating the most better conditions for its content.

Choosing a pot for a home plant is one of the very first and most important steps in home floristry. This is exactly what we will talk about in the article. You will learn how to choose a flower pot and what to look for Special attention, buying a container for a plant. So let's get started.

Pot or planter

For experienced flower growers, the question of what is the difference between a flower pot and a flowerpot is completely obvious. But many novice florists sometimes cannot distinguish one from the other and, as a result, acquire something completely unnecessary to them.

The most important difference between a flower pot and a flower pot is their functional purpose. A pot is a vessel in which a plant is planted. A flower pot is a decorative container, its main task is to hide an unattractive flower pot.

[!] Translated from French, cache-pot means hidden pot

It is very easy to distinguish between a pot and a flowerpot when purchasing, despite the fact that at first glance they are exactly the same. The pot has one or more drainage holes at the bottom and a separate tray for draining excess water. A flowerpot is a solid vessel without a tray or holes.

If you need a container specifically for planting a plant, your choice is a flower pot. If your plant has already been planted and you just need to decorate unattractive flower dishes, pay attention to the flower pots.

How to choose a plant pot

So, you have decided that you need a flower pot in order to plant the plant directly in it. Let's start choosing a pot.

At first glance, it seems that this is not at all difficult, but when you see how many options the stores offer, you can easily get confused and buy a container that is not suitable for your plant. What do you need to know when purchasing a flower pot?

When choosing floral dishes, first of all you need to remember that a flower pot is a home for a plant. That is why a flower pot must combine both beauty and benefit. First, let's talk about the benefits.

Flower pot sizes

Dimensions, namely the height and diameter of the container for the plant, are one of the main criteria when choosing a pot. It's simple: the larger the plant, the larger capacity it needs.

To plant young plants, purchase small containers.

[!] If you plan to replant the sprout frequently in the future, you can use plastic cups

When planting adult flowers, choose pots larger than the previous container: mentally add 2-3 cm in radius and below to the size of the old pot. The new container should completely accommodate the root system of the plant, drainage about 2 cm high and the required amount of substrate. The universal formula for choosing a flower pot says that the height of the container should be a third or fourth of the total height of the plant.

There is no need to buy flower pots for growing: usually houseplants do not like overly spacious containers, and some of them, for example, spathiphyllum, even feel good and bloom only in cramped conditions.

Flower pot shape

It is no secret that the root system of each plant is individual - these are long roots going deep into the soil (cacti, palm trees, different kinds citrus fruits) and fibrous, branched roots located near the surface of the earth (geranium, chrysanthemum).

In order for the plant to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to select dishes in strict accordance with the shape of the root:

  • for plants with long roots - high and narrow containers
  • for plants with fibrous roots - wide and shallow

If it is not possible to choose the ideal bowl, choose a universal option - standard pots (the height and diameter of the upper ring are the same) are suitable for most plants.

Various shapes of flower pots


Currently, florist shops offer a huge selection of flower pots from the most various materials: ceramics, plastic, glass, metal. Each of these materials has both pros and cons, which a novice gardener may not even be aware of.

Ceramic (clay) flower pots is a classic that has stood the test of time. Planting of plants in clay bowls first began in Ancient Egypt, and then this tradition was picked up in other countries. Clay is an almost ideal material for planting, and clay pots have a number of undoubted advantages:

  • variety of shapes and designs, due to the plasticity of clay and various options its processing
  • stability and optimal weight
  • the possibility of evaporating excess moisture and ensuring the flow of oxygen to the roots of the plant due to the porous structure of the clay

But, despite the obvious advantages, there are also some disadvantages ceramic pots, For example:

  • fragility
  • high price
Ceramic flower pots

Plastic containers for flowersfashion trend recent years. Store shelves are literally littered with plastic bowls and an increasing number of flower growers are choosing them. What attracts house plant lovers?

  • low price
  • variety of shapes, colors and sizes
  • practicality in use and care

To the disadvantages plastic pots can be attributed:

  • light weight and instability
  • lack of breathable properties of the material: the flow of air and evaporation of water in the substrate is difficult, which can lead to the appearance of root rot

Plastic flower pots

Glass pots have not yet received mass distribution, since glass is not the most suitable material for planting plants: it breaks easily, just like plastic does not allow air to pass through. However, due to the transparency of glass, such pots are well suited for placing orchids and other plants whose roots participate in the process of photosynthesis.

Metal containers for planting plants, an even more exotic option, rarely found in flower shops. Despite the high decorativeness, such floral dishes have too many disadvantages: they do not allow air to pass through and retain moisture, individual species metal easily rusts when in contact with water, and in addition, one can note the high cost of these products.

Glass and metal flower containers

How to choose a flowerpot

We have already found out above that the plant is not planted directly in flowerpots, which is why there are no strict criteria when choosing flowerpots. There are only two parameters that can be noted: worth attention: dimensions of the flowerpot and the material from which it is made.

Pot sizes depend only on the size of the container directly into which it is planted home plant. In order to choose a suitable flowerpot, before purchasing, use a ruler to determine the height, diameter of the lower and upper rings of the flower bowl, and then add 1-2 cm to these measurements in each dimension. The resulting numbers will be the size of the flowerpot you need.

Concerning materials from which the pots are made, then here you can focus on their utilitarian properties and your taste. So, for example, a flowerpot made of plastic is light and durable, while a flowerpot made of glass or ceramics is heavy and fragile.

Flower pots and flowerpots as an interior element

One of the most important factors When choosing flower pots and flowerpots, the design of the dishes for plants is compatible with the design and style of the interior of the room. Such a seemingly small thing - a flower pot - can decorate your living room, bedroom or kitchen, and vice versa. To ensure that the container with the plant does not look in your interior foreign object, follow a few simple rules:

1. Pots or flower pots with flowers must fully match the style of the entire room as a whole. For example, a flower pot with a laconic and simple design will fit perfectly into a room decorated in Japanese style, high-tech or minimalism style. A richly decorated bowl with monograms and reliefs is perfect for classic interior or baroque interior. And bright pots with cheerful designs would be appropriate in a nursery.

2. In order for the container with the plant to fit successfully into the existing interior, it is necessary to pay attention to its color design. If you want plants to be an accent spot in the interior, choose pots in rich, contrasting colors. Alternatively, the color of dishes with plants may overlap with other bright details: sofa cushions, posters, textiles and so on.

In contrast to contrasting compositions, there is nuance. The technique is suitable in a situation where there is no need to highlight the floral dishes. In this case, the color of the bowls should match the main interior color, for example the color of the walls.

3. If plants are arranged in groups or in a row indoors, the containers in which they are grown must be compatible with each other. This rule applies to all flower containers located in the same room.

The simplest and most win-win option, applicable if the plants are the same in size, is to use pots of the same shape and size.

However, if you want variety, some combination is possible. For example, when plants indoors different sizes, pots of different capacities, but of the same color, will look good. You can also place several multi-colored flowerpots of the same shape. At the same time, the palette flowerware should fit organically into the palette existing interior. Flower pots or flowerpots from one collection are easy to pick up in specialized florist shops or supermarkets.

More complex combinations of shapes and colors require professional approach and interior designer consultations.

4. When decorating the interior of a room with plants, do not forget about non-traditional solutions, such as hanging or free-standing pots or cache-pots. This option for placing flowers is perfect if there are not enough horizontal surfaces or you don’t want to clutter them up too much.

For hanging and free-standing pots, ampelous (climbing and hanging) plants are usually recommended, but, in fact, almost any type of houseplant fits perfectly in containers of this type. The only exceptions are, perhaps, very large and massive specimens (palm trees, ficus, monstera, zamioculcas, etc.).

5. When choosing the palette of a flower pot, you need to take into account the color of the plant placed in it. For example, non-flowering plants can be placed in pots bright colors Conversely, bright dishes, the rich shade of which conflicts with the color of the flower, look inharmonious. In this case, flowerpots in neutral shades will be appropriate, which will perfectly highlight the beauty flowering plant: white, gray, beige, terracotta, coffee.

If you still want a riot of colors, pay attention to the combination of shades of the flower of the plant and the pot. A few examples of what designers consider unsuccessful combinations:

  • soft pink flowers and a bright red, yellow or orange pot
  • delicately colored silver-green or pink-green foliage and deep green pot
  • plants with a pronounced pattern on the leaf blade and a green pot

High technologies at the service of florists. Unusual flower pots

As in all areas of our lives, progress does not stand still, so in floristry more and more new materials and technologies are constantly appearing. This is especially true for dishes for house plants. Original flower pots with additional functions can now be purchased not only in specialized places, but also in supermarkets or small shops. What do inventors offer us?

Pots and flowerpots with automatic watering

Such containers for house plants are very convenient for busy and forgetful people, as well as for those who often leave home. Using auto-watering technology, you don’t have to worry about frequently watering your flowers and only occasionally replenish the water in a special tank.

There are several options for pots and flowerpots that use self-watering technology:

Ceramic pots with automatic watering.

One of the properties of clay - its porous structure - is used for flower containers with automatic watering. In the middle of the pot there is a reservoir into which water is poured. If the soil dries out, the reservoir allows enough water for the plant to pass through. If the ground is well moistened, water does not enter the soil. This version of automatic watering was developed and implemented by industrial designer from the USA Joey Roth.

Plastic pots with automatic watering.

Plastic bowls with automatic watering usually consist of two containers inserted into one another, with the plant being planted in the smaller one (inner container). Between the containers there is enough big gap into which water is poured. Through the bottom there is water in required quantity goes directly into the soil to the roots of the plant.

Manufacturers of such dishes promise that plants planted in them can be left without watering for two weeks to three months. The only drawback is that the automatic watering system only works if the plant is mature and has a voluminous rhizome (if the root of the plant is not developed and is located at the surface of the soil, it will not receive enough moisture, since the water for irrigation comes from below) Young plants must be watered in the traditional way .

Automatic watering technology in flower pots

Florariums, paludariums

Florariums (glass containers for growing plants) and paludariums (florariums) are becoming increasingly popular among exotic lovers large sizes, suitable for several groups of plants).

Plants in florariums look very impressive and are a real decoration of the interior. However, there are several limitations that an experienced florist should keep in mind:

1. There are only a small number of houseplant species that can grow in a glass container. These are mainly succulents, anubias, some mosses and ferns
2. Glass walls florariums increase power many times over sunlight and can cause leaf burn. That is why it is not recommended to place such compositions in direct sunlight.
3. Florariums and paludariums – enough complex systems and require increased care

One of the most spectacular new products of recent times is interior flower pots with lighting. Typically, such flowerpots are made of matte translucent plastic, between the walls of which there are luminous elements. The power source for the pots is electricity or built-in batteries. Inside the flowerpot you can place a container with a plant.

Illuminated planters look great both indoors and outdoors. open terraces, being both an element of landscaping and an additional source of light.

Silicone pots

The idea of ​​​​creating silicone containers for growing flowers came to the mind of the young Italian designer Emanuele Pizzolorusso at a time when he was observing the process of collecting garbage in plastic bags. The designer noticed that for the convenience of filling the bags, workers bend their edges, thus changing the volume plastic containers. The artist decided to translate this principle into the production of containers for house plants and created silicone pots that can change size as the plant grows.
Thanks to the flexibility of silicone, the edge of the pot can be bent and the height of the bowl can be reduced. When the flower grows, you need to return the edge to its place and the pot will become tall again. Since the silicone used to make the bowls is quite dense, the container holds its shape well and does not deform.

Symbiosis of plants and interior items

Why use free-standing pots when you can integrate them into tables, benches, shelves and even wall tiles- this idea came to the minds of many designers. The result was very interesting and practical pieces of furniture and interior design, combining several functions.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of such systems is the difficult planting and care of plants, which is why you should choose only the most unpretentious specimens for planting.

How to make a flower pot or flowerpot with your own hands

If you prefer things made by yourself, try your hand at the art of making flower pots and plant pots.

Making a pot at home is somewhat more difficult than decorating a flowerpot, but it is quite possible, and the result will certainly please you.

Pots made of plaster and concrete, made with your own hands, will become a real decoration of the terrace country house or dachas.

What you will need: cement-sand mixture or gypsum, water, two plastic or wooden molds same shape but different volume

Thoroughly stir the plaster or cement-sand mixture with water, in a ratio of 1:1 (gypsum-water) or 1:3:2 (cement-sand-water) Prepare plastic (wooden) molds - lubricate inner part larger container and the outer smaller one with oil, grease or green soap. This step is necessary so that the mold can be easily separated from the cement or plaster later. Pour concrete (gypsum solution) into the bottom of the larger container, let it harden a little, then place the smaller container on top and lightly press it down with your hands. Carefully pour the remaining concrete or plaster into the gap formed between the walls of the molds. Wait for the mixture to completely harden and carefully remove plastic molds. At the bottom of the resulting pot, drill several holes for water drainage.

Pots made of vines or brushwood. Wicker weaving is a real art, sometimes only accessible to professionals. But also a common person can try his hand at wicker weaving, making, for example, a flower pot.
What you will need: dry thin twigs (vine), base mold, thin wire, burlap, glue
Clean the twigs, remove excess shoots. Take the base and, following the shape, braid it in a circle with the prepared branches. You don’t have to adhere to a strict pattern; intertwine the twigs randomly, from time to time fastening them with wire for rigidity. Then remove the mold and glue thick burlap inside the finished product. The resulting container can be used both as a flowerpot and as a pot for orchids.

Coconut Pots. These pots are perfect for small house plants.

What you will need: coconut, hacksaw or grinder, awl or other sharp object

Choose a round coconut if you want a stable shape or an elongated oval nut if the composition with the plant will be hanging. Make holes with an awl in the places of three small depressions on the “butt” of the coconut and remove the liquid. Subsequently, excess water will drain through these holes when watering the plant. Saw off the opposite end of the coconut with a hacksaw, stepping back about one-third from the edge. Thoroughly clean the inside of the nut, removing the white edible mass. The pot is ready. If you drill additional holes on the sides of the nut, you can thread a cord through them and hang it.

Vinyl record pots. Original and functional pots are made from old vinyl records.

What you will need: vinyl records, gas or electric stove, rope, thick cotton gloves, acrylic paints, plastic primer

Thread a rope through the existing hole in the plate and secure it with a knot or metal nut so that the plate hangs freely on the rope. Preheat the stove and hold the plate above it for a few minutes at a distance of 20-30 cm. Hold the plate by the rope and use gloves - hot air may burn skin. After some time, exposure to hot air will make the plate soft. At this point, you can give the vinyl disc any desired shape, either by hand or by placing it on some kind of frame. After the vinyl has cooled and hardened again, you can paint the resulting pot. acrylic paint. For better adhesion of paint to the plate, you can use plastic primer.

Do you have indoor plants? Then you might be interested way to plant plants without pots. This method came from the Land of the Rising Sun. The East is, as we know, a delicate matter. And Japan is generally a mysterious and incomprehensible country for Europeans.

But how attractive everything Japanese looks to Europeans! Ikebana and Japanese garden and... Yes, much more. Meet: kokedama, which translates from Japanese as “moss ball.”

Where did kokedama come from?

Well, it’s clear that it’s from Japan. In Japan itself, kokedama is a borderline phenomenon between the bonsai, kusamono and wabikusa cultures. A phenomenon that has become very popular in Lately. And if bonsai is an ancient, respected art (it originated in China back in the 200s BC), then kokedama appeared as a separate direction in phytodesign and floristry just some 15-18 years ago.

To understand what is common and different between the art of bonsai and the others listed above Japanese technicians When decorating plants with a new kokedama direction, it’s worth starting, in fact, with the “moss ball”.

Moss ball

Kokedama is a ball of soil substrate wrapped in moss. A plant is planted in the soil inside the ball. The composition can be small or large, lying simply on a shelf, on a special stand or a beautiful dish.

Kokedama can be hung on a string and you can create a whole hanging garden of moss balls with plants. What do kokedama have in common with kusamono and wabikusa?

Bonsai for the poor

The art of bonsai is a hobby of representatives of the aristocratic strata of society. Growing a tree in a bowl, miniature but completely real, is a painstaking task. This takes more than one year. Starting a plant in a moss ball is much faster and easier. That's why kokedama (as well as kusamono and wabikusa) are called "the poor man's bonsai."

Kusamono was originally part of bonsai. This is a microlandscape in which a microtree grows. Because real bonsai is not easy bonsai in a pot. This is a whole world, a corner of nature, artificially created and reduced. Then kusamono from a secondary background for the bonsai tree became an independent direction.

The microlandscape of Kusamono is not made up of trees, like bonsai, but of small plants: grass, mosses and other things (“kusa” is Japanese for “grass”). Wabikusa is a type of kusamono. Only the composition is a micropond using aquatic plants or plants growing near ponds.

To fully understand the philosophy of fragile beauty, the variability and inconstancy inherent in these forms of phytodesign, you need to be Japanese. Europeans are not used to admiring the bend of a blade of grass.

Therefore, kokedama, kusamono and wabikusa in our conditions acquired much more monumental forms. Here, for example, is the work of the Dutch designer Fyodor van der Valk.

It's worth trying yourself in this art. Especially because absolutely any plants can be planted in a moss ball, the main thing is to choose the appropriate size of the ball. And you can (and should) place kokedama not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Imagine a bed of salad greens swaying in a light breeze on the terrace in front of summer kitchen? I think it's just great! And what opportunities for planting seedlings! No need to worry about a bunch of sour cream jars and how to place them on a small windowsill. This is worth thinking about separately - after all, there are ways to grow seedlings in “diapers” and so on. Why are moss balls worse?

If you decide to start growing indoor plants, then in addition to choosing a plant, you will immediately have to choose a flower pot and, possibly, a flowerpot. How to choose the right size flower pots and why you need flower pots will be discussed in this article.

Immediately after purchasing a new plant, you will need to transplant the plant into a new flower pot. The containers in which plants are sold are just containers for transportation.

And the soil needs to be changed, because instead of the soil needed by this plant, the container most likely contains high-moor peat. It dries out very quickly, becomes corky and does not retain water. You can often hear: there was a flower in the store, so beautiful, but for some reason it disappeared at home. Therefore, in order not to start right away with mistakes, buy a flower pot for your pet.

Almost all indoor plants feel great in small flower pots. Before you go to the store for a flower pot, decide on the choice of indoor plant.

If the plant is old enough and tall, for example, like an indoor maple, clerodendrum, or it has large massive leaves, like monstera, some types of ficus, then you will need large flower pots. And indoor plants such as peperomia, saintpaulia, pelargonium, gloxinia and many, many other small plants with lush foliage feel much better in small flower pots.

When choosing a flower pot, you need to pay attention to its height and diameter. If you choose a flower pot according to the height of the plant. It is this parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a pot for alocasia or zamioculcas. Your choice will be correct if the height of the flower pot is one third or a quarter of the height of the plant. If the plant is tall, about 1 meter, then the height of the pot for it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

If when choosing a flower pot you focus on the diameter, then you should know that the wider the crown of a houseplant, the wider its pot should be. For example, a pot with a diameter of about 20 cm is suitable for plants with a height of 30 cm to one meter. The ideal flower pot maintains its proportion: the diameter of the pot is 2/3 of its height, this must be remembered when choosing a pot for Elwoodi cypress. When choosing a pot for a tall plant with a wide spreading crown, for example, a mature myrtle common, pay attention to the diameter of the base: it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

What material should flower pots be made of?

Probably the most environmentally friendly are clay and ceramic flower pots. Plants feel very comfortable in them, especially home roses. However, they are quite fragile; with one careless movement, the pot will fall and break. Also, when reusing a clay or ceramic flower pot, disinfection is required, or better yet, soaking for two days in a disinfectant solution containing chlorine.

If the plant is very large and stands on the floor, then you should not buy a ceramic pot for it, but rather use a plastic one. After all, it is much lighter than ceramic, and therefore it will be easier for you to move it.

In addition to the decorative function, a flowerpot can also perform others: for example, if the air temperature in the room is +25 o C or higher, excess water from the flowerpot can evaporate on its own, increasing air humidity and thereby preserving decorative look plants. Therefore, flowerpots can be used to increase air humidity in winter. It is good to put moss between the walls of the pot and the flowerpot. It will immediately absorb excess water after watering, and then gradually evaporate the moisture. If you are using a pot to increase humidity, then the diameter of the pot should be 3-4 cm wider than the diameter of the pot.

If the plant is tall, with a spreading crown, then you need to choose a pot that is large enough and stable, with a wide base. For additional stability of high or climbing plants You can install a decorative support in the space between the walls of the pot and the flowerpot without the root system of the plants being affected at all.

A flowerpot can completely transform the interior of a room, set a certain tone, and also collect all indoor plants into a single ensemble.

How to choose a flower pot?

- classic strict flowerpots in neutral or pastel colors, which can not only highlight the beauty of plants, but also make you forget about all the tricks that we resort to for successful growth and flowering.

- bright original flower pots, are able to relegate plants to the background. However, when creating compositions from decorative non-flowering plants, bright flower pots can dilute the solid green mass.

- plain flowerpots They will bring a certain style to your interior and help avoid a cacophony of color. But you also need to remember that strictly selecting flowerpots based on one color can be monotonous and boring.