home · electrical safety · Registration of entry into a private house. A beautiful courtyard of a private house with your own hands. Glass and plastic bottles: collecting empty containers

Registration of entry into a private house. A beautiful courtyard of a private house with your own hands. Glass and plastic bottles: collecting empty containers

Private houses require a plot of land to create a yard. To improve the territory of the house, owners often turn to specialists. Many people leaf through magazines landscape design and try to do everything with their own hands. To arrange small yard If you want to create a private home with maximum pleasure, you should adhere to a number of simple principles.

What to pay attention to when arranging your yard?

Landscape and area size

Landscaping your yard does not mean that you will have to carry out extensive work using special equipment. However, you should first take into account all the nuances of the landscape. Preparatory work in the form of drainage and strengthening of slopes will eliminate the difficulties of caring for the site.

If the owners of the site are ready to attract additional labor, then technically it is possible to implement almost any landscape idea. When there are several buildings on the site in addition to a residential building, then it is worth thinking about how to connect them using tracks and organize hedge for commercial buildings. The yard should have both shady and sunny areas so that relaxation is varied and comfortable for all family members and guests.


Weather conditions and the length of the summer season affect not only the choice of plants, but also construction works. When designing a yard, you need to take everything into account climatic features region.

House architecture

The house is the main element on the site, so the design of the yard must be consistent in style with all the buildings. Too much decor can turn your yard into a colorful patchwork quilt. If cottage and the yard are no different large sizes, then you shouldn’t experiment with styles.

If the plot is large, then in a remote part of the yard you can use zoning to create different thematic corners. For example, the rustic style excludes the use of complex structures in design. Wooden decking, gravel on paths and handmade decor.

Residents' needs

Zoning of the future site depends on the type of activity, number and composition of residents.

It’s worth deciding in advance:

  • whether the plot will be used for a vegetable garden;
  • will a bathhouse be built;
  • is parking needed, playground, barbecue, summer kitchen, swimming pool and so on.

Based on all the needs and size of the site, you need to consider the possibility of combining several functional zones into one: terrace and alcove, summer kitchen and dining room, shower at the end of the house. It is necessary to think about how to delimit zones and take into account the possibility of combining gathering space big companies. To do this, furniture is arranged in separate groups, where everyone can find a secluded corner.

  • The boundaries between zones can vary in height based on privacy preferences.
  • The children's area should be clearly visible so that parents can control the situation on the site. It is better if it is located in front of a window or summer kitchen.
  • It is better to plan a rest area and a place for a car on backyard, if space and layout allows.
  • All areas must be connected by a network of paved paths.
  • The garden and vegetable garden should be located in the back of the yard.

Accommodation in a private house or the presence of an estate, dacha, country cottage dictates special conditions regarding the development of this territory. Many owners of such real estate pay great attention to its landscape design, trying to make it comfortable, beautiful, harmonious and unique. Some use designers' projects, and some manage on our own, creating a beautiful exterior of the territory of a private house with your own hands.

Necessary components of a beautiful landscape

Your own house, even small size, assumes the presence of some territory around it. Its arrangement takes no less time, and, in addition, even in small courtyard Always have to maintain cleanliness and order. In order for everything in the yard to be convenient and practical, pleasing to the eye and surprising guests, the creation of the design of the territory should be approached carefully and carefully, carefully working out the plan and constantly relying on the data of the preliminary drawn up project when working on the arrangement.

Landscaping of the courtyard area of ​​a private house is planned in accordance with individual preferences And functional purpose different zones. In addition, when planning a landscape style, the size of the courtyard area, the presence and number of buildings on the territory, the type of soil on the site, weather conditions in the area, etc. are taken into account.

The photo shows design options for private houses and the area around them.

Attention! When creating projects, you should definitely take into account the location and passage of all house communications throughout the territory, draw on the plan where they connect to the house and the route through the yard. In this case, the risk of damage to them will be significantly less.

Even a small yard may require the most serious preparation for preparatory landscaping work, such as laying drainage system, installation of irrigation systems, installation of artificial reservoirs or fountains.

After the plan is approved, the territory should be marked out and its arrangement should begin.

Attention! Designers who specialize in the landscape principle of creating a territory advise, before starting work, to divide the entire area into small squares and mark the proposed objects on them. This significantly optimizes the uniform distribution of objects and different zones, simplifying the work process, especially over a large area.

The photo shows one of the project options for the future arrangement of the yard.

Even for a small area with small house, for a comfortable pastime it is necessary to have the following important areas:

  • Parking space;
  • Paths;
  • Rest zone;
  • Lighting;
  • Flower beds and flower beds.

The presence of a pond or fountains, as well as additional architectural structures in every specific case decided by the owner. These elements are optional and may be missing if the area is too small and there is no space or money to install them.

Important! If there are small children in the family, then it would be useful to organize local area a playground, equip a sandbox or install a swimming pool so that children have somewhere to spend their leisure time.

Well, if there is very little space, then you can think about the practical combination of some zones or expanding their functionality, for example, using folding furniture.

Photo various options design of the local area are presented in the video:

Parking space

The parking area is an important area of ​​the site, as it must be safe, level and able to protect vehicles from adverse weather conditions. In addition, this area should not overlap with the recreation area or children's corner, so as not to create discomfort for anyone.


Paths and paths between different zones and individual sections of the local area, if they are not decorated, look very ugly and sloppy. Their appearance creates the illusion of trampled lawns and disrupts the overall appearance of the yard. Paths that are paved using various building materials look much more beautiful, more stylish and original:

  • Wild stone;
  • Granita;
  • Paving stones;
  • Wood cuts;
  • Concrete slabs.

Paths will make moving comfortable, eliminate dirt in the yard, allow you to delimit space more functionally, and also become a decorative element of landscape design.

Paths and paths can be either strictly geometric in shape or contain winding smooth sections, consist of one type of material or combine several components alternating with each other.

Interesting! If the yard is located on a hilly area, then instead of leveling the surface, you can build beautiful steps, decorative bridges and other architectural structures.

Another interesting solution can be used when used for arranging paths wild stone, slabs or bricks - fill the gaps between the main segments with small pebbles, plant lawn grass or fill such seams with sand.

Paths that run in close proximity to the house are best done by adhering to strict geometric shapes, but in areas that have a more informal standard, you can safely equip the territory irregular shapes, different textures and dimensions.

Shown in the photo original version wooden paths.

Rest zone

An area for rest, relaxation, entertainment and a pleasant pastime is a must effective arrangement landscape design. Depending on the stylistic orientation, its creation is possible in several ways.

If you intend to prepare a barbecue or shish kebabs, then such an area should be equipped with a barbecue, a brazier, or prepare a place for mobile accessories for cooking on fresh air.

It is advisable to install sun protection on the site, which can be provided either by a gazebo or a simple canopy.

As an alternative, you can equip a cozy patio in the local area, make beautiful terrace or a living area with coniferous plants planted.

When creating a recreation area, it is important correct selection furniture. It must be made of materials that are strong, durable, practical, and resistant to moisture and temperature changes. It can be plastic chairs, tables and stools, rattan or iron furniture.

Attention! Of course, furniture made from natural wood coniferous trees, but when using them outdoors, you should regularly treat them with an antiseptic and coat their surface with varnish so that it lasts a long time.

If you intend to use upholstered furniture, and the seating area on top does not have protection from precipitation, then the design of the interior items should be collapsible in order to quickly hide them from the rain.

The photo below shows the arrangement options various types recreation areas.

Flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds and flower beds, and indeed all vegetation, play an important role in creating beautiful landscape. All kinds of flower beds, flower carpets on lawns, alpine slides - it is almost impossible to list all the options for landscaping the area. Everyone chooses according to their own taste and style.

Important! It's good when in the yard, except low growing bushes and flowers, there are big trees. A small grove with conifers in the backyard looks great, saturating the air with oxygen, fragrant with a unique aroma, delighting with greenery all year round.

How to plant conifers and which species to choose for growing in your local area is shown in the video

Flower beds with perennial plants When planting, you should take into account the required soil type and flowering periods of the plants. Due to the fact that their care is minimal and annual planting is not required, they are very often chosen as plants for flower beds and hedges.

You can create flower beds from a wide variety of available materials, using those things and objects that are already suitable only for throwing away.


Lighting of courtyards of private buildings is designed to perform such important functions as:

  • Comfortable conditions for rest in the dark;
  • Providing the level of illumination necessary for safe travel by territory;
  • Properly organized lighting provides the design with a beautiful appearance, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the landscape in evening time days.

According to the rules of landscape design of the territory, elements that can be equipped lighting fixtures, are:

  • House facade;
  • Outbuildings;
  • Parking area;
  • Main entrance;
  • Rest zone.

Important! The main rule is to ensure good lighting around the entire perimeter of the site, as well as stairs and paths, when installing lighting communications.

After creation mandatory system lighting you can start decorative types lighting, which is most often used to equip artificial reservoirs, alpine slides, garden sculptures or flower beds located in the local area. woody plants can be illuminated using LED strips.

Economical and at the same time stylish solution Solar-powered lanterns can be used to illuminate the yard. You can find it on sale a large number of style solutions these devices.

Proper lighting can transform the territory of a site at night, making it mysterious and enigmatic.


Special requirements for arrangement and maintenance do not stop many summer residents and owners of private houses from creating small-sized bodies of water on their territory - swimming pools or ponds, waterfalls or fountains.

Such an element will certainly fill the air with coolness on a hot summer day, provide freshness and special beauty. Setting up a pond on your site is far from easy; to do this you will have to use the services of experienced professionals.

If a swimming pool is chosen as a body of water, then such a design in the local area will help to freshen up, and for children it will become a fun and energetic place to hang out.

Various architectural elements

In addition to the listed structures, which belong to the main elements of the landscapes of private territories, some equip other architectural elements on their site - bridges, various fences and space dividers, sculptures, flowerpots, etc. They will definitely decorate the yard and make it stylish and beautiful.


Create fashionable and stylish design on the territory of your site is not difficult if there are funds for this, and you also have ideas for arrangement. Create original look You can either do the landscape yourself or hire specialists; it all depends on the preferences of the owner. In addition, having created on its territory beautiful views, comfortable and functional areas, for their effective operation one should not forget about care and cleaning, timely regular maintenance of communications. And then throughout the warm season the yard will delight the owners, surprise guests and bring pleasure for a long time. There are no ideological restrictions, a bit of inspiration and an exclusive landscape of the territory are guaranteed!

When talking about a plot of a private house, many people imagine a garden or vegetable garden. But this doesn't have to be the case. Today, the arrangement of the exterior of a private house as a recreation area is gaining new momentum. We are already tired at work, so when we return home, we should allow ourselves to relax, and not run to weed the beds or remove weeds. How to choose suitable design courtyard of a private house and do it yourself - Dekorin will tell you in this article, and you will also clearly see photos of real courtyards.

Original design of the courtyard of a private house (9 photos): recreation area or vegetable garden

Of course, vegetables from the garden are tasty, healthy and always fresh, and you don’t have to run to the store. But it’s not always worth planting all the available acres with them. You can take small area for a vegetable garden, and use the rest of the space for another purpose.

Why don't you "furnish" your yard? Make it so attractive and comfortable that those passing by would also want to pop in for a peek? We offer you in the photo several ideas on how to make the design of the courtyard of a private house sparkle with new colors and be conducive to a good rest.

How to create an attractive courtyard design for a private house with your own hands - 10 photos

Beauty created with our own hands evokes admiration and makes us proud of the work done. Of course, you can trust the designers, but it will be more expensive and more formulaic. Therefore, we suggest you take advantage of the following interesting ideas:

  1. Landscaping the yard with your own hands by making a lawn, planting bushes or arranging flower beds;
  2. Decorate the design of the courtyard of a private house with interesting decorative elements, such as: garden statues, flowerpots, old furniture, crafts from scrap materials;
  3. Create original zone relaxation for yourself and your children, inspired by the photo from this article.

Also read: How to do alpine slide with your own hands

Design of a small courtyard of a private house - 7 photos with simple ideas

A small yard of a private house is not a death sentence for creating a functional and beautiful design. Since the size of the plot does not always allow you to equip a terrace for relaxation or a large gazebo, you can create a small secluded corner with a table and chairs under a tree or near tall bushes that provide shade. Hang garlands, homemade lamps from bottles and pots with flowers on the branches, which will bring even more comfort.

Features of the design of the courtyard of a private house in the village (selection of 8 photos)

The design of the courtyard of a private house in the village is quite easy to do with your own hands, since old gardening Tools, cars, flower pots and almost any worn-out items that can be turned into decor.

Every owner of a private house knows that the troubles do not end with the arrangement of the immediate home, because you also need to take care of the design of the yard. Moreover, this issue may require no less effort, time and money. In order for your local area to become the embodiment of practicality and comfort, it is important to think through its landscape design in detail. Functional zoning, landscaping, lighting, ponds and even decorative elements - every nuance requires elaboration. So that you don’t get confused in them, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of working on individual components of landscape design and evaluate the photo modern courtyards, which will help you navigate the details.

Preparatory planning

Landscape design cannot be arbitrary - if you do not want to soon correct the mistakes of a hastily arranged yard, it is important to pay attention to the following factors at the planning stage:

  1. Landscape of the site. It depends on the characteristics of the local area what preliminary work needs to be done before designing it: strengthening the slopes, installing a drainage system, soil cultivation, etc.
  2. Architecture of the house. Since the house is the main element of the site, the landscape design must be clearly consistent with it in style, otherwise the yard will turn out inharmonious.
  3. Climatic conditions. Various meteorological conditions of the area influence the choice of plants for landscaping the yard.
  4. Household needs. The zoning of the site depends on the number and wishes of residents, so decide in advance: what area to allocate for a garden and vegetable garden, whether a separate children's area or more is needed the best option will common area recreation, whether you need a bathhouse, a garage and other outbuildings.

Courtyard design with a playground and recreation area


The first step is to deal with trees, since their role in the yard is unusually great - they not only serve as spectacular decorations, but also create shady areas, protect the area from the wind, and focus attention on individual elements garden

The main criterion for choosing plant species is their size: the smaller the area, the smaller the tree crowns should be.

Advice. Plant trees where they will not cause trouble: if plants shed leaves, they do not belong near water bodies - the leaves will clog the water and provoke rotting, and it is better not to place pine trees in a recreation area or directly near the house - you will have to regularly sweep the area.

You can't do without lush flower beds in your yard. Choose plants for them that bloom continuously one after another - this way the landscape of your site will always be lively and bright. Great option for landscaping - vertical climbing plants on supports: vines, lemongrass, campsis.

Decoration of reservoirs

It's no secret that many homeowners dream of owning their own artificial reservoir. If you are one of them, here are several variations for your dream realization:

Artificial pond

  1. Pool. If the yard is large, you can equip a full concrete structure with walls made of tile mosaic or PVC films. For medium-sized areas, ready-made rigid forms made of composites or PVC are suitable. But in small yards it is better to limit yourself to inflatable structures.
  2. Pond. The main task when designing such an object is to make it as similar as possible to a natural body of water. To do this, it is advisable to decorate the banks natural stone or pebbles. You can “settle” lotus, water lilies, urut, and egg capsules at the bottom. And around the pond all kinds of moisture-loving plants will look great: sedge, water mint, reeds, marsh iris.
  3. Waterfall. So artificial water body will fit especially well into a recreation area: its murmur will have a calming effect on household members. If the yard is large, you can arrange a cascading stone waterfall, and if it is small, a neat sculptural structure will be enough.

Lighting organization

Lighting is the most important part of landscape design, because it performs three tasks at once: it provides comfortable movement and rest for household members in the yard at night, effectively transforms the area, adding a special charm to it, and also focuses attention on specific design elements. Based on this, you need to think about several types of yard lighting:

  • light illumination of the facade of the house;
  • lighting of entrance areas to the yard and to the house;
  • lighting of outbuildings;
  • lighting around the perimeter of the site;
  • decorative lighting.

Everything is clear with the first three points - choose the lamp models you like and install them in the designated functional areas. But the fourth and fifth points, as a rule, raise a reasonable question: what exactly should be highlighted? The list of objects traditionally includes a recreation area, ponds, several flower beds, garden sculptures, pillars, stairs, garden paths.

Advice. Can be hung on stairs and along paths LED strips- this way you will get comfortable and slightly diffused lighting that will not hit your eyes.

Decorating the site

It is impossible to imagine a modern yard without multi-format decorative elements- they are the ones who complete the image of the site. Therefore, when designing the landscape design of your territory, pay special attention to them.

Of course, in the first place among the decor are mini-sculptures. They will look most successful at the boundaries of functional zones, as if separating them. Sculptures can be of absolutely any subject: animals, technology, imitation gardening tools etc. The main thing is that they fit into the chosen style of the site. If there are children among the household, it is advisable to use figurines of fairies, gnomes and other fairy-tale characters to decorate the yard.

Recreation area on site

The second most popular decor option is authentic accessories: wicker fences, clay pots, barrels, arches, garden balustrades.

In third place are various useful accessories. These can be feeders, squirrel nests, birdhouses and others original designs for fauna representatives.

Do you want to get a truly harmonious, functional and beautiful yard? Then do not lose sight of any of the above components of landscape design, and also do not forget to focus on your needs and capabilities - this way you will get not only a well-thought-out, but also a unique yard of its kind.

Yard landscape design: video

Site design: photo

Beautiful design of the courtyard of a private house

Arranging the design of the courtyard of a private house usually comes down to several components. You have to create the interior and exterior of the house - design interior spaces plus house facade design.

You also need to keep it in order garden territory, garden, and, of course, courtyard. The design of the courtyard of a private house is a separate topic that requires a serious approach to implementation.

The appearance of the yard should be integral with the architecture and interior of the house itself. The yard should represent the house itself at its best, because acquaintance with the space of the owners begins precisely with the external contour.

Zones that perform different functions should be combined and complement each other advantageously. This entry group, paths, pond, recreation area, flower beds, etc.

Of course, there are different positions for evaluating design. And what may seem like a gross mistake to a professional, in practice, in private households, can fit quite harmoniously into the overall outline.

The design of a private yard requires certain knowledge in the field of composition and good awareness in the field of building and finishing materials.

Those who want to have a green patio will also need knowledge about ornamental and container plants, as well as some landscaping skills.

Courtyard design for a private house - Main points

First, this is the route from the entrance to the yard to the door of the house. Second, but less important, is the view from the parking lot or garage. And lastly, this is the view from the recreation area and especially the pool, if there is one in the house.

The design of the courtyard of a private house and cottage should be planned so that the main areas are harmoniously combined with the architecture of the building itself.

The patio in the photo is made in a recess. Some of the earth was removed, the edges were reinforced and lined. Decorative columns are installed on the sides of the perimeter. The structure is well drained, rainwater goes into the drain.

Different forms - different approaches

If the building is made in modern style with strict geometry, a courtyard divided into separate rectangular areas, the functionality of which is strictly defined, will suit him well.

An architecture with smooth soft lines is well suited to a courtyard with a rounded terrace and not clear, winding lines of a swimming pool.

A house built in classical rustic style, a yard is perfect, the appearance of which is as close as possible to natural conditions.

A good solution would be to create a pond; during design, avoid regular geometric shapes. The outline of your pond should be smooth and natural.

Wooden bridge across a dry stream

If you want to bring some charm to your site, then pay attention to this method of landscape design. A wooden bridge thrown over a dry or watery stream, or simply located in any order, can become central object your garden. Both adults and children will love it!

You can make such a bridge with your own hands, but it’s easier to buy a ready-made one, especially since the prices for such objects landscape decor you will be pleasantly surprised. Surely in your city there are companies engaged in the manufacture or sale of landscape design elements, including decorative garden bridges.

Relaxation areas in the yard

The yard of a private house or cottage cannot do without recreation areas and summer areas, such as swimming pools, summer kitchens, gazebos, terraces. Placing summer home cinemas in the courtyard of private houses is becoming an increasingly popular entertainment; the main thing in this matter is to competently design the place for its placement, and of course equip it appropriately with equipment.

Today, many furniture manufacturers offer their models specifically for outdoor use; this furniture will become a truly exquisite decoration for your yard. Don't forget about outdoor lighting and a fireplace, these furnishings will create a pleasant atmosphere in the evening.

In the photo: stone pedestals and benches with wooden seats. Plants in pots stand on the stone floor.

Private yard design

Patio paved with stone slabs in a circle. There are flowers in pots in the corners.

Pergolas with climbing roses and a wooden bench.

Implementation of a patio in small yard. Plants in pots, wooden table and benches.

Courtyard design for a private house - Sculptures and fountains

As liaison Vertical sculptures or fountains work well between the yard landscape and the exterior of the house. Their style should be harmoniously combined with the architecture of the building itself. Try to arrange them so that the eye glides along the fountains and sculptures to the main ones architectural elements building.

In the photo: the central part of the courtyard is a fountain in the form of bowls. Flower beds with bright flowers.

A small fountain in the shape of rectangular stones. The area in front of it is covered with fine gravel.

Three-level implementation of the courtyard. On the middle level there is a lawn, on the lower level there is a gravel path with parking for a car, and on upper tier plants.

The stone in the yard is cooling. This is very important for southern latitudes. However, it keeps warm until late at night.

Two wooden chairs and a small number of plants. Lawn in front of patio and trellis behind for climbing species.

The rounded shapes in the geometry of the yard give it a quality fullness. Our eye rejoices precisely in smoothed textures.

Private yard design

Furniture may also be plastic. It can be quickly assembled and free up space.

An umbrella will allow you to be in the shade even on a hot day and relax in comfort.

Courtyard design for a private house - Green lawn field

The design of the yard, in its modern sense, will allow you not to use any other green spaces except for lawns. If you wish, you can do without them by arranging everything using decorative slabs. This option will be ideal for those who simply do not have time to constantly care for plants.

Flowerpots in the courtyard design of private houses

There will be flowerpots good decision, if you like paved yards. Remember, when creating a yard, first of all you should be comfortable using it. Only in this case is beautiful and functional yard will delight you at any time of the year. In the photo: large ceramic vases and tall green plants.

Metal vintage furniture in shades of blue.

Polished stone with jagged edges as a floor.

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