home · Networks · DIY gazebo made from bottles. A gazebo made of glass bottles is an original option for arranging a recreation area. Construction from empty containers and wire

DIY gazebo made from bottles. A gazebo made of glass bottles is an original option for arranging a recreation area. Construction from empty containers and wire

Our people are famous for their creative approach to any issue. That's plastic eggplants, which were discarded in large numbers earlier, are increasingly finding use. With their help, you can, for example, arrange a suburban area.

So, you can assemble a gazebo from bottles.

It has a number of advantages.

  • The design looks very original.
  • You will improve the environment because big number containers will not rot in a landfill.
  • The price of the structure will be minimal, thanks to savings on materials and labor.

Preparation for work

  1. First you need to create a building drawing. It will help you find out how many bottles and what colors will be needed for this or that design detail.
  2. They must be the same size. The best option– use a non-rigid container with a volume of 1.5/2 liters.

If you don't have the required supply of empty containers, don't wait long for them to accumulate.
It is best to negotiate with some nearby catering establishment.
They will collect the bottles in a few days, and you will buy them back for a minimal cost.

  1. Before making a gazebo from plastic bottles, they must be soaked for 60/120 minutes in an aqueous solution of soda. Next, remove the labels from them and dry them.
  2. Then sort the containers by color so that you can make patterned elements.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the existing colors, some of the eggplants can be coated on the inside with acrylic paint. Pour a little mixture into the bottle and shake it well. Drain off the excess dye; it will be useful for the next bottle.

Construction technologies

You can build gazebos with your own hands from plastic bottles using different methods.

Let's describe two of them.

The first, simplest method

  1. First you need to make the columns. Cut off the bottom of the eggplants where the curve begins. The diameter of the resulting hole will be slightly smaller than that of the main part of the bottle. Insert the eggplants tightly into each other. Press with force, so you will achieve the required strength of the elements. Fill the bottom bottle with sand for good stability.
  2. Next, you need to assemble supports 1 meter high. Insert a metal wire inside. When making a gazebo from plastic bottles with your own hands, you cannot use ropes and twines for this purpose, they will quickly rot. Fishing line will also not work, because... has poor UV resistance.
  3. Next you need to prepare the foundation for the structure. Remove the soil, install and secure timber supports. In order for the building to look neat, the cross-section of the timber should be similar to the thickness of the bottle pillars.
  4. Then a strapping is made from horizontal slats at the top of the frame, at the bottom and additionally at a height of 1 m from the bottom of the strapping. Connect the pillars tightly to each other, fixing their lower and upper ends to the beam with wire.

Method two

Now let’s talk about how to build a gazebo from plastic bottles more thoroughly.

  1. First you need to fill the container with fine gravel or sand. The end result will be unique.
  2. Next, fold them into partitions using a special solution. A mixture consisting of cement and clay, with the addition of a small amount, is well suited for this. sawdust.
  3. The bottles are placed so that their bottoms are directed inside the structure. Install no more than 3 rows of “bricks” at one time, wait until the solution hardens.

Roof arrangement

  1. The instructions recommend making the roof of the gazebo with a slope. This way the water will not stagnate on it.
  2. The roof covering can also be assembled from plastic bottles. Cut off the bottom and narrowed top from them. Cut the middle lengthwise.
  3. To straighten the material, place it in hot water for 3/5 minutes and then place it under a weight.

To fasten the covering elements, you can use a construction stapler.
But here we must remember that the brackets may not cope with wind loads.
A more time-consuming, but also the most reliable method is to use an awl and nylon or cord thread.

  1. Lay the covering on sheets of moisture-resistant plywood and secure with self-tapping screws. The construction of a gazebo made from plastic bottles is completed.

Use of glass bottles

To build a gazebo you can use regular bottles from glass.

To build it bearing walls Ok, you should do the following.

  1. First of all, .
  2. Then, at regular intervals of 1.5/2 m, install the posts. They will be supports and will take on almost all the loads. The pillars should have the same thickness as the future walls.
  3. Install wooden formwork between the posts.
  4. Cover the foundation with a thin layer cement mortar. Then put the bottle row upright. Make the thickness of the wall such that the space between the formwork and the walls of the container is at least two centimeters.
  5. Next, stop the construction of a gazebo from bottles. The solution should solidify.
  6. Then fill the gaps between the container with a solution. There should be enough of it so that the necks in the mixture are hidden by 2 cm. Let the cement harden.
  7. Then lay out the second bottle row and repeat the above steps. Lay out all the walls in a similar way.

Gazebo from glass bottles will be strong enough. At the same time, its walls will be well insulated.


Lightweight building made from plastic containers can become a decoration for your site. At the same time, it will be quite simple to build it, and the financial costs will be minimal. The video posted in this article will give you a more complete understanding of the essence of the topic covered.

After hard work on personal plot I want to relax. But not everyone wants or can spend a tidy sum on a vacation spot. A gazebo made from bottles is an excellent solution for those who want to create a unique structure without investing huge amounts of money in it. Moreover, the creation of such a design is truly creative process, which will allow you to realize your wildest ideas.

Design advantages

A gazebo made of bottles is an extremely functional and simple structure. In addition to low cost, it has a number of other advantages:

  • Attractive appearance . Today you won’t surprise anyone with brick and wooden buildings. But the original combination of multi-colored plastic looks very interesting.
  • Respect for the environment. Plastic bottles, decomposing in open dumps cause serious damage environment. Collecting and creating from them useful designs, you save nature.
  • Saving . Such buildings allow you to save not only on materials, but also on the services of specialists. A non-professional can handle the construction of such a structure.

Plastic bottles are a building material that is easy to collect. Almost every family buys products in such containers. And if you don’t have enough bottles for construction, you can ask your friends or neighbors for the missing ones.

Preparatory stage

Any project begins with planning. You should not neglect it, it will allow you to save time, money, and most importantly, nerves.

Preparation for building a gazebo from plastic bottles includes:

  • Creating a drawing or sketch. It is not necessary to draw a detailed plan - a visual sketch will suffice. It will allow you to understand how many bottles are needed for construction.
  • Search for containers of the same volume. Most convenient size for construction at one and a half and two-liter containers.
  • The washing up. A gazebo made from bottles with labels will look unpresentable. To remove papers and glue residues, the bottles are soaked in a soda solution for a couple of hours. After which the labels can be easily removed.
  • Drying and sorting. After washing, the bottles need to be separated by color and type. If you are planning a one-color gazebo, then you can skip sorting.
  • Painting. If transparent containers seem boring to you, you can paint them. Add a 1:1 mixture of acrylic paint and water to the bottle and shake. This must be done so that the liquid covers all the walls evenly. After which the solution is poured into another bottle and the same thing is done. Please note that acrylic paints air dry quickly.

Note! If you want to collect the necessary building materials in short term- make an agreement with a public institution.

As a rule, in such places there is a very high turnover of containers. There you can purchase the required number of bottles at once for a low price.

Installation process

If you don’t know how to make a gazebo from plastic bottles, read the instructions described below. In addition to the bottles themselves, you will have to stock up on sand and other materials. There are two most popular methods of building from containers. They differ in the way the walls are built.

Gazebo on wooden supports

To give the structure stability, the bottles that will be the first row are filled with sand and pebbles. To make the design look interesting, the stones can be painted in different colors. The first stage of construction is the construction of supports. The strength of the plastic is not enough to support the weight of the entire structure. Timber is used for supports. Holes are dug under the beams and the timber is immersed. You can create a kind of submersible frame. Vertical beams are dug a meter into the ground, and horizontal beams are attached to them in the corners already on the surface of the ground.

Walls can be laid in two different ways: on the axis or on the solution. A strong metal wire is used as an axis. The bottles are strung on the neck and bottom sequentially until their length is enough to cover the entire wall. The second method is masonry. Instead of traditional mortar, glue is used. The bottles are placed in a checkerboard pattern and the solution is applied to the points of contact - there will be four of them (two on top and two on bottom).

Note! For walls, containers can be mounted in different ways - horizontally, vertically or according to the type of masonry. The installation option depends on your idea and the amount of building material.

Making a similar gazebo from plastic bottles with your own hands (photo below) is very easy. After the walls are built, all that remains is to make the roof. They collect the simplest for her rafter system and lay beams on it in increments of 10-15 cm.

Weighted gazebo

The frame for such a gazebo is made according to the same principle as for the first one. The only difference is the way the walls are laid. For it, they use not empty containers, but sand-filled containers. The bottles will act as a kind of bricks. Bottles filled with sand are laid according to the principle brickwork, and the seams are fastened with concrete mortar.

A gazebo built in this way is in no way inferior in strength to a wooden or brick one. And in the event of a breakdown, the missing “bricks” can be easily replaced with new ones.

Roof installation

The optimal roofing option for construction from plastic containers is pitched. It will protect the building from moisture accumulation. To make the gazebo look organic, the roof is made from the same plastic bottles. To do this, the bottom and tapering neck of the container are cut off, leaving an even cylinder. This part is cut lengthwise to form a rectangle. After which the plastic is immersed in hot water for 5-10 minutes and placed under a press.

When all the rectangles are straightened, tiles are assembled from them. To do this, you can simply attach pieces of plastic in a staggered overlapping pattern. Nylon thread or construction staples are used as fasteners. The roof for a gazebo made of bottles (see photo below) is not able to withstand heavy loads. I use moisture-resistant plywood as a base for plastic tiles. It is attached to the rafters with self-tapping screws, and then the tiles are laid.

Important! Regular office staples may not withstand wind loads. It is best to use a construction stapler and large staples.

Gazebo made of glass bottles

If a building made of plastic does not seem reliable to you or you want to tackle a more complex project, then you should take a closer look at building a gazebo from glass bottles. Such a building will cost more than a plastic one, but it looks more impressive. If you have a glass cutter and free time on the site, you can create an interesting glass gazebo with multi-colored stained glass windows. If you want to know how to build a gazebo from... glass containers and what materials are needed for this - see detailed video about the creation of such a structure.

Building from bottles is not only comfortable spot for relaxation, but also great way savings. Without being afraid to bring to life your most bold ideas, you can create truly interesting design designs.

Gazebos are the attribute most often used to decorate a recreation area. They are made from wood, metal, glass, and wicker. Each of these building materials looks beautiful in its own way, but a gazebo made from glass bottles looks the most original. Its construction is inexpensive, but it produces a striking effect of the play of light. Thanks to unusual material and thoughtful design, you can achieve that in different time days and at different lighting the building will look new.

Selection and preparation of material

If you were unable to assemble it yourself in advance required quantity such an unusual building material, you can negotiate with the nearest glass container collection office and buy glass bottles for the gazebo at a symbolic price. Anyway, this one construction material will cost the least.

You only need to choose one size container. Before starting work, it must be prepared - washed and freed from labels. To do this, just soak the dishes for an hour in hot water, remove the soaked paper and wipe. You also need to sort them by color so that you can lay out a variety of colored patterns during the construction process.

Bottles from white glass can be painted from the inside using special stained glass paints, which, when dry, create a colored transparent film. In this case, it is enough to tint only the bottom, since the sides will be walled up in cement and will not be visible.

The laid out patterns look fantastic

Each vessel should be thoroughly inspected to ensure that there are no defects or cracks on it, otherwise there is a risk that the container embedded in the wall may burst under the weight of the structure.

Construction should begin with the development of a drawing. It doesn't have to be professional. The main thing is to calculate correctly required amount material and schematically display the future pattern in order to have an idea of ​​what and how much will be needed, as well as to facilitate the process of laying out the ornament.

The first mandatory step is laying the foundation. Next, to strengthen the load-bearing walls and properly distribute the weight of the structure, you should install pillars, the distance between which should be at least 2 m. They will subsequently take on the main load, reducing the pressure on the glass. The width of the pillars should correspond to the thickness of the future wall. There are two ways to build bottle walls - vertical and horizontal.

Mini-pavilion made of bottles

Vertical method of constructing bottle walls

With this method of constructing a gazebo, the bottles are placed vertically in a row.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Strengthening pillars are fixed, and the distance between them is covered wooden formwork.
  2. Apply to the foundation thin layer cement mortar and immediately install a row of bottles, keeping a distance of at least 2 cm between them.
  3. When the cement on the foundation sets, the space between the vessels is filled with mortar.
  4. Next row The containers are placed when the cement in the first row has dried well enough. In this case, the bottles can be placed either bottom down or upside down. In the second case, the glass containers need to be placed in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous row, sticking the neck into the set but still wet solution.

Horizontal bottle stacking technology

Horizontal wall masonry

The use of this technology involves laying glass containers horizontally. In this case, only bottle bottoms will be visible on the side of the wall, from which it is advisable to form a pattern.

The operating procedure in this case is as follows:

  1. A layer of fresh cement mortar is applied to the foundation along the width of the future wall. Bottles are laid flat on top of it, keeping a small distance of a few centimeters between them. All bottoms should look outward from the room.
  2. Cement is laid on top of the bottles, making sure that the gaps between the containers laid in a row are thoroughly filled.
  3. Next on cement mixture The bottles are placed again, but in such a way that the necks point outward and the bottom goes inside the gazebo. This alternation should continue until the construction of the wall is completed.

The right lighting will turn the gazebo into a real highly artistic art object

Decorative lighting for the gazebo

The advantage of using glass bottles to build a gazebo is that there is no need to make windows in such structures, - daylight will still penetrate through transparent surfaces, creating incredible colors and lighting effects.

However, when starting to build a gazebo from glass bottles with your own hands, you should think in advance about how to create evening lighting. By providing several options for arranging lamps at different levels, you can ensure that a well-lit gazebo will look different every time. For example, lanterns can be placed not only on the ceiling, but also mounted into the floor around the perimeter.

Using the same technology you can build a fence, summer kitchen, bathhouse or build retaining wall. The possibilities of glass containers are almost limitless if you are not afraid to experiment!

Gazebo in the country or near country house it should not only be large, roomy, multifunctional, but also original. We present to your attention beautiful samples. Maybe our photo will help you make your choice?

In such a gazebo, children's birthdays and any other will be fun family celebration. Pay attention to the next beauty. Exquisite wood carving can only be done by a master with golden hands.

Gazebo made from plastic bottles

The most common material for constructing gazebos is wood, because:

  • is relatively inexpensive;
  • it is easy to work with (cutting, fastening, painting, etc.);
  • and this is the most environmentally friendly, natural material.

Gazebos are also made from:

  • profile pipe;
  • bricks;
  • foam blocks;
  • stone

Agree, the option is very original, and most importantly low-budget. One little advice– in order not to collect bottles for several years, try to negotiate with the employees of a nearby cafe that sells products in plastic and within a week you will have the required amount of building material.

To prepare the container for use, it must be soaked for several hours in a soda solution, rinsed and dried in the sun. Then the bottles are sorted by color, imagination is used and the most unusual designs are made. The next photo is simply a masterpiece of architectural art in plastic.

Gazebos made from glass bottles

A do-it-yourself gazebo from glass containers is built according to the same principles as from other materials. Let's figure out how to make an unusual gazebo in your dacha?

  • You need to start with the foundation. Decide what you will make it from? If the structure is planned to be not very large and heavy, then it can be installed on tiles or a thin layer of concrete.
  • Then dig in the posts at the same distance, for example 2 m. They will take part of the load on themselves and make the structure more durable and stable. It is advisable to use pillars of the same thickness as the future walls.
  • In order to make the first layer, install the formwork and pour cement into it, carefully level and place the first layer of bottles at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
  • After the first layer dries, continue to build the structure further in the same way.

We told you how to build a gazebo from bottles. Look at the next photo to see what you get.

Still, our people, the most talented in the world, look what a masterpiece made from bottles with your own hands.

The price of the structure is much lower than from any other materials. You can collect the bottles yourself by connecting friends, and you only have to buy concrete. Cost 1 m./sq. on average it will cost:

  • from 20 hryvnia or
  • from 60 rubles.

Candy gazebos

You can decorate a gazebo for the holiday and give it a festive look using:

  • curtains, curtains;
  • fresh or artificial flowers;
  • balls;
  • ribbons, bows;
  • decorative stands, candlesticks;
  • and even with the help of sweets.

The next photo shows original bouquets from all famous sweets, which can be used to decorate the holiday table.

You can find a master class on making such bouquets on the Internet or just make beautiful bouquets from what you have on hand. Or maybe you prefer the following sample?

Use your imagination, don’t be afraid to experiment and you will succeed.

Summer residents are savvy people, they can’t come up with anything to turn their 6 acres into a small oasis of peace and comfort. Many people build structures, such as a gazebo made of plastic bottles, and do it with their own hands. Let's try to figure out what the technology of such construction is.

Collecting materials

Over the years, our thrifty people accumulate a huge number of plastic bottles. When their number reaches too large sizes, savvy people begin to think about a way to get rid of them.

It is thanks to our innate frugality that such a useful thing, like a gazebo made from the material described above.

In most cases, when starting construction, you have to calculate the amount of available “material”. Most often they are not enough to build a gazebo with your own hands. You have to resort to the help of neighbors of summer residents or purchase the missing quantity, fortunately this material costs a penny and is available to every summer resident.

How to make a gazebo from plastic bottles with your own hands - you need to accumulate 400-500 containers, then use them as building material and start a new collection. Otherwise, there will be nowhere to step on the site without bumping into a bottle.

Thematic material:

Construction stages

First you need to decide whether the future construction will be made on a foundation or without it.

  1. The first option is used if you plan to make a massive and closed structure.
  2. The second method is applicable for organizing a light gazebo-canopy.

If you cannot do without a foundation, then you should fill it with cement to a depth of 5-15 cm, depending on the size of the future structure. In cases of baseless installation, it will be necessary to level and, if necessary, compact the soil, ridding it of vegetation.

To create a more comfortable atmosphere and eliminate the likelihood of new grass You can cover the prepared area with pebbles or, on the contrary, cover it with special layers of turf.

Then, depending on the project you have chosen for yourself, you need to begin installing the metal, wood or PVC frame. In addition, you can use stone, although it does not go well with such an airy and light material as a bottle. It is quite difficult to lay it with your own hands, but if you have experience, then this material is also suitable.

After the frame is ready, it is important to draw a plan according to which you will lay the bottles, because they come in different colors, so you can create a kind of mosaic. Then you will need wire. With its help, we fasten the bottles together and screw them to the frame. They can be positioned both horizontally and vertically.

Roof for gazebo

The main principle when arranging a roof is pitched form, thanks to which water accumulation can be avoided. It can be made from slate, metal sheets or from leftover bottles. It is necessary to cut off the bottoms from them and top part, which has a narrowing. The middle of the bottle needs to be cut lengthwise, then place the plates in water heated to 90 degrees or more, and press down on top with a weight. After a few minutes, you can remove even sheets of plastic. If this option is not suitable for you, then you can simply iron the plates with an iron, first covering them with thick paper.

You can do the fastening yourself by laying the plastic overlapping and then securing it with a furniture stapler, but this method is not very durable and may not withstand the load from water, wind or snow. There is another way, it is more labor-intensive, but much stronger. It will require an awl and nylon or cord threads. All that remains is to sew the plates together.

First, the roof must be covered with moisture-resistant sheets of plywood or any other lightweight material. The plastic is secured using ordinary self-tapping screws or nailed.


And in conclusion, I would like to give some useful tips.

  • If you decide that your option is a reinforced massive gazebo made of plastic bottles, then before securing it you can fill them with sand.
  • You can make curtains or drapes with your own hands from the same material.
    Don't throw away bottle caps; you can use them to make a floor by laying them out in the form of a mosaic.
  • From the bottoms you can “sew” blinds or create beautiful homemade jewelry for your gazebo. For example, make long strips and hang them instead of a door above the entrance.
  • It is always necessary to begin construction by drawing up a drawing of the future gazebo.