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Modern materials for the roof of a house. Types of roofing materials for roofs: compare and choose the best. Metal folded sheets

Groups of roofing products

So, dividing modern roofing materials into groups, we get:

  1. on mineral based– artificial ceramics;
  2. on metal base– profiled sheets, metal tiles;
  3. bitumen-based – rolls, liquid types, bitumen shingles, polymer membranes;
  4. made of polymers - polycarbonate, euro slate, plexiglass, composite tiles.

Rating of roofing materials in the consumer market

Whatever the innovations, the prospects of new products, etc., the following trend is observed in the modern market:

  • leading place among roofing materials in domestic market still occupied by asbestos slate, used for gable roofs.
  • the second place is occupied by roll roofing materials, which are used for roofing pitched and flat roofs.

At the same time, it should be noted important points- if asbestos slate has not undergone any radical changes, then only modern roll materials are used.

Previously, bitumen was used in pure form, and currently they are based on composite mixtures. If cardboard was used before, now they have found an excellent replacement for it - synthetic canvas.

An example of modern ceramic product is agrogress, which is made to look like slate, has less thickness and weight. At the same time, the service life of the new material is the same as that of traditional ceramic tiles. Modern ceramic tiles do not fade under the scorching sun, they are equipped with two holes for self-tapping screws, and the price is significantly lower than their expensive “ancestor”.

Tip: “The advantage of metal and ceramic roofs is that they are non-flammable. In places where there is a risk of fire, it is better to give preference to this roofing, which is equipped with increased fire resistance.”

Metal tiles and profiled sheets

This metal roofing material with a polymer protective layer also has its own consumer.

Thanks to the protective layer of polymer, steel sheets will last longer, can be painted in various colors, are equipped with protection against fading and corrosion, and have sufficient strength. Metal tiles imitate tiles, while corrugated sheets can be given any type of profile, from a regular wave to a rectangular bulge.

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For roofing today there is a huge range of materials that meet any user’s needs: reliability, aesthetics, cost, durability. But before you start roofing work, you should decide what materials are available and what is best suited for your individual building. The specific choice depends on the characteristics, properties, advantages and disadvantages of each piece or sheet product.

Modern types of roofing materials are varied and are divided into several main types:

  • leafy;
  • piece;
  • liquid/mastic;
  • folded;
  • soft.

Each group combines varieties of products with similar characteristics and features.

Sheet roofing materials: types and features

Metal tiles: profitable, practical, reasonable

One of the most popular sheet products is metal tiles. Modern materials of this group are made from steel sheets of various thicknesses, the surface is covered with a protective layer of varnish, which guarantees resistance to mechanical damage and resistance to corrosion. Of interest is the variety of materials made from different materials:

  1. Galvanized steel sheets with a thickness of 0.45-0.6 mm.

Advice! If you plan to cover the roof in an area with an increased threat of precipitation or winds, you should choose an aluzinc coating, as it is the most durable and effectively resists accidental impacts from pebbles, cones, branches and other debris. The cost of the sheets will be higher, but the strength will be much greater

  1. Aluminum metal tiles- a material that will never rust. Being underweight is an added advantage, and being lean color palette And high price- minuses.
  2. Copper sheet metal tiles– a spectacular coating with a magnificent appearance. There is only one drawback - the high price.

The material is classified according to the geometric type of profile and the depth of the insole of the sheets, which sometimes creates incredible aesthetic shapes. Pros:

  • ease;
  • aesthetics;
  • ease of installation;
  • high level of resistance to aggressive environments;
  • ease of transportation;
  • affordability;
  • a huge variety of textures and colors.
  • a large percentage of waste, which reduces efficiency;
  • high noise threshold: the roof will transmit the sounds of rain, wind and other natural phenomena.

Advice! You should be careful about products supplied by different manufacturers: different brands offer popular types of profiles (Monterrey, Cascade) with some visual differences - this can be important for creating a unified picture of the roof covering

It is obvious that the leaf modern roofing This type has high strength indicators, service life reaches 50 years, the average price level is $ 20-250 per m2.

Sheet corrugated sheets: profitable and practical

When producing corrugated sheets, the same raw materials are used as for metal tiles, but there are differences in steel - the cold-rolled material is coated with a layer of hot zinc/aluzinc, which increases the thickness of the corrugated, trapezoidal or rectangular profile. The wide range of applications is due to a wide range of products, the most famous brands: H60, C8, C44, C21, H57, NS35.

Fact! For coatings, manufacturers offer both universal products and sheets with imitation stone and wood: a pattern is applied on top of the steel sheet, covered with polymer layers, which increases resistance to mechanical damage and chipped


  • durability;
  • strength;
  • ease of transportation and installation;
  • resistance to mechanical stress and weather conditions;
  • long period of preservation of the original appearance and form;
  • light weight.

There is only one minus - low sound insulation. The price of the material starts from $10/m2.

Ondulin: good, but flammable

Naturalness and inexpensive price sheet material ensured the wide popularity of ondulin. Made from several layers of cellulose fiber impregnated with additives, the piece product is coated protective layers paints, which extends the service life.

Sheet dimensions: weight 6.5 kg, length 2 m, width 0.96 m, wave height 36 mm. There are non-standard formats: 0.76x1.95 m. Price range from $ 50/piece. Pros:

  • high flexibility, which allows the use of roofing materials for roofs of various shapes;
  • high water resistance;
  • environmental friendliness, hygiene;
  • non-susceptibility to aggressive chemicals;
  • high load tolerance lightweight sheets;
  • ease of transportation, installation, processing;
  • efficiency;
  • complete silence;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of coverage:

  • fades;
  • extremely low level of flammability;
  • low lighting provokes the development of fungus and moss;
  • When exposed to heat, a pungent odor of bitumen is released and the sheets soften.

Important! New roofing materials successfully cope with fire hazards, however, this fact should be clarified with the manufacturer and require certification confirmation

Slate: good, but with asbestos

Slate is the most affordable roof covering. Consisting of Portland cement (85%) and asbestos (15%), the product has the following dimensions: weight 10-15 kg, length 1.75 m, width 0.98-1.13 m, number of waves 6-8. Most often, these roofing materials are used in buildings for economic and general purposes. But you can also cover a residential building, especially if you have a limited budget; there are sheets of different colors that look quite attractive, but the price of the material will be a little higher. Standard sheets cost from $3/piece, service life is 30-40 years.

  • high bending and impact strength;
  • extremely high fire resistance.

The disadvantages include the following properties:

  • fragility;
  • hygroscopicity.

Seam roofing

The varieties of this type of product are wide enough to meet all customer requirements. Blanks are created using special technology, forming a special type of connection of parts. Seams can be single, standing, double, or lying. After installation, a continuous coating is obtained with a base of metal sheets, firmly and reliably fastened together.


  • wide color spectrum;
  • non-flammability and resistance to low temperatures;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • strength;
  • aesthetics;
  • high flexibility, thanks to which roofs of complex structures can be finished;
  • lightness of sheets.

The disadvantages include the following properties:

  • poor shock tolerance;
  • mandatory insulation;
  • need for assistance during installation;
  • high noise threshold;
  • sheets accumulate static electricity.

As for the price, it largely depends on the manufacturer and color and starts at $5 per sheet. Service life up to 30 years. Today we offer modern seam copper roofing materials with a thickness of 0.3 mm, a width of 0.7 m, a weight of 5-10 kg, or aluminum with a weight of 2-5 kg.

Advice! If you want to cover your roof with copper or aluminum seam products, you should find craftsmen in advance: the service market is limited, and independent installation is extremely difficult

Soft roofing: practical and convenient

In case of installation for buildings on difficult soils, you should review modern lightweight roofing materials. These include soft roof. There are types of coating, distinguished by the type of raw material:

  • mastic;
  • membrane made of polymer material;
  • soft bitumen shingles;
  • roll coverings.

The advantages of the product include the following qualities:

  • high resistance to aggressive environmental influences;
  • strength;
  • ease of transportation, processing, installation;
  • low noise threshold;
  • fire safety;
  • water resistance;
  • high thermal insulation and antifungal characteristics;
  • elasticity.

The disadvantage is the short service life - up to 15 years. When selecting types of mastic-based roofing materials, you should pay attention to the percentage of dry residue, the level of adhesion and the time of complete hardening. Price from $15/m2. It should be remembered that there are soft tiles, which can not only cover the roof, but also protect adjacent vertical walls.

New types of roofing materials are not often popular, but they should not be underestimated. These include membrane, roll covering, Rizolin.

  1. Membrane products 0.8-2 mm thick, made of PVC, EDPM (rubber), TPO (thermoplastic olefins). The service life is up to 30 years, products other than those made of polymers (PVC) are considered environmentally friendly. Service life of at least 50 years, price from $50\m2. Advantages: large width and the ability to work in all weather conditions. Cons: careful preparation of the roof, exposure to chemical attack.
  2. Soft roll roofing– this is roofing material and all its derivatives. Thanks to double-sided processing, impregnation and application of a protective layer in the form bulk material, the products are considered quite durable, but short-lived - service life up to 5 years. But the price is extremely affordable: from $5 per sheet.

Advice! If you need types of rolled roofing, but more durable, you should choose from new products made with the addition of fiberglass or polyester fabric. Their service life reaches up to 30 years, the price is slightly higher, the quality and practical indicators are also high

  1. Rizolin is a coating with a flexible and soft structure of a self-adhesive type with a reinforced layer filled with bitumen-polymer substances and plasticizers. The presence of a foil layer allows you to paint the sheets in any shade. There are types of roofing materials with the following indicators:
    • A – double-sided self-adhesive surface;
    • P – one-sided self-adhesive with polymer on the other side;
    • F – aluminum foil base and standard adhesive surface.

Despite the high practical performance of Rizolin, the material is inexpensive, starting from $20/m2. It should be noted not only strength, resistance to aggressive influences, flexibility and ease of processing and installation of products, but also versatility: there are products on sale with a copper base, which extends the service life.

  • A house without a roof is practically not a house. So if you intend to build own house, you will have to think about what is better to cover the roof with. What to prefer soft material or rigid, rolled or piece, flat or profile. Before choosing one of them, you need to know about their properties and what types of structures they are most suitable for.

    Modern roofing differs significantly from its traditional understanding. And it’s not just about the originality of modern roofs. It is more practical and durable, aesthetic and durable than its classic counterpart. Modern coatings are distinguished by:

    • weather resistance;
    • convenience and ease of the device;
    • affordable price.

    Today, modern materials have opened up great opportunities for creating real masterpieces of architecture. To modern constructive solutions include:

    • Combined, which successfully combine classic options. For example, it could be a house with turrets, in which the ceiling smoothly transitions to household buildings.
    • Multi-level, the design of which provides several tiers (levels) intended for use in winter and summer.
    • Attic rooms, in which attic space can be equipped as a full-fledged living space: block, floor or room.

    What criteria should modern roofing materials meet?

    Let us define the range of requirements that a modern roof must meet:

    • resistance to various loads: chemical, mechanical, weather conditions, ultraviolet radiation and wind;
    • withstand sudden temperature fluctuations;
    • resist the formation of fungus, mold or other microorganisms that negatively affect the microclimate in a residential building;
    • have a sufficient level of fire, heat and moisture protection;
    • remove the steam that the building gives off;
    • have the required level of rigidity, density and elasticity;
    • have a long service life. High-quality modern roofing materials require operation without the need for repair work for at least 25–30 years;
    • simple coating installation and maintenance.

    On a note

    Modern roofs are lightweight, so the occurrence of additional load on load-bearing structure buildings can be excluded. They can be used for finishing the roofs of wooden and brick houses, structures made of concrete slabs.

    Choosing roofing materials is actually more complicated than it might seem. We present a short overview that will help you navigate the variety of roofing materials on the market today.

    Modern materials

    Sheet roofing

    • . This is a multi-layer sheet of cold-rolled galvanized steel, profiled, with a protective coating applied on both sides. Several layers are applied on top of it: primer, passivation, polymer, possibly supplemented with stone topping.

    The wavy profile provides rigidity to the sheet and gives it an impressive appearance. The roof completely imitates an expensive one ceramic tiles. Sheets of metal tiles with a thickness of 0.4-0.6 mm are very light - only three to five kg / sq. m. They do not fade or rust. This is at least 30 years old and reliably protects the house from precipitation.

    • light weight, which allows you to lay the coating alone;
    • simple installation, sheets are attached easily and quickly enough;
    • possibility of various color solutions;
    • relatively low cost;
    • long service life;
    • the surface of the sheets is smooth, which prevents snow from lingering on the roof;
    • successfully withstands impacts and various loads.
    • Flaws

    • . Like metal tiles, profiled sheets are made of galvanized steel, onto which a colored polymer coating is applied, which performs protective function, in particular from polyester. Sheets with rectangular, trapezoidal or wavy profiles are available for sale. The profile height varies between 8–35 mm. The following grades of corrugated sheeting are used for roofing: C8, 21, 44, HC35, 57, 60. Large sheet sizes allow you to quickly cover structures and use them for quick repairs.
    • Advantages:
    • Flaws:
    • low level of sound insulation;
    • poor protection of the ends of the sheet after trimming.

    • . These are sheets of compressed synthetic or natural cellulose fibers that are impregnated with bitumen. The three-millimeter coating is brightly colored due to heat-resistant polymer paint applied to its surface. Visually, Euro slate (ondulin) resembles slate. It is a little more expensive, but it also has more advantages.
    • Advantages
    • Flaws
    • flammability (critical temperature – 110˚);
    • the color is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation and the material fades;
    • In the heat, ondulin softens, and also begins to smell strongly of bitumen.

    In addition to Ondulin, its analogue, Onduvilla, is also presented on the market. Its sheets are much narrower than those of Ondulin, due to which the coating looks more presentable.

    On a note

    Slate is still relevant. To give asbestos-cement sheets expressiveness, improve the appearance of the roof and extend its service life, special paint is applied to them. Slate roofing strong, durable and protects the structure well. However, heavy weight and fragility complicate installation. In humid climates, moss often appears on such a roof.

    • . This type of roofing got its name because of the method of joining the sheets of pictures - the seam. There are several technologies for obtaining a seam connection. Accordingly, there are single or double, recumbent, standing or corner folds. All of them have different degrees of reliability, therefore they are used to connect sheets in different areas, for example, standing ones, as the most reliable, are used along the length of the picture, and recumbent ones, respectively, along the width.

    The seam covering is assembled from smooth sheets of steel, galvanized or not; it is also possible to have a polymer layer that performs a protective function.

    • Advantages
    • non-flammability;
    • aesthetics;
    • high flexibility, which allows covering roofs of complex configurations;
    • low weight allows not to reinforce the rafters;
    • frost resistance.
    • Flaws
    • insufficient impact resistance;
    • mandatory thermal insulation (without insulation of the standing seam roof, the building will be cold);
    • mandatory provision of lightning protection due to static electricity accumulating on such a roof;
    • a lot of noise.

    Copper or aluminum is also used for standing seam roofing. The resulting coating is particularly attractive and reliable, but it is quite expensive. It is also good because it is not prone to corrosion at all.

    Soft roof

    • . Modern flexible tiles(shingle, ), one might say, pushed aside traditional roofing. This can easily be explained by the high quality and affordable cost of the material. Fiberglass is its base, impregnated with modified bitumen and covered with stone chips from basalt or slate. It is due to the surface layer that the coating acquires a three-dimensional pattern and shade. WITH back side The tiles contain a self-adhesive bitumen layer, which simplifies the laying of the material as much as possible. Installation soft tiles Experts consider it the simplest; it is very easy to do it yourself.
    • Advantages
    • noiselessness;
    • aesthetics;
    • flexibility;
    • There is no corrosion on the coating and does not condense moisture;
    • the rough surface prevents spontaneous snow falling off the roof;
    • reasonable cost.
    • Flaws
    • becomes brittle in the cold;
    • softens in the heat, which is accompanied specific smell bitumen;
    • flammability.

    • Roll welded. This material is known as different names, for example, stekloizol, Isoflex, TechnoNIKOL. However, this does not change its essence significantly. This coverage may be based on:
    • polyester, which is durable but expensive;
    • fiberglass also has good characteristics,
    • fiberglass, which is significantly inferior in quality to them.

    The base is impregnated with oxidized bitumen containing SBS or APPP modifiers, which provide the coating with elasticity and durability. The last is a polymer layer sprinkled with sand, small fragments of shale or mica. The use of fusing when applying the material provides exceptional waterproofing characteristics of the coating.

    • Advantages
    • waterproof;
    • high mechanical strength.
    • flexibility;
    • resistance to weather factors.
    • Flaws

    We only note the rules for storing rolls: in vertical position, away from heating equipment.

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Any roof, it doesn’t matter whether it’s residential a private house, cottage or utility building, needs making the right choice and roof installation. How the roof will carry depends on this negative impact natural factors, as well as its service life. That is why it is so important to choose high-quality roofing materials suitable for a particular building, the types and prices of which are presented in this article.

It is important to correctly determine the type of roofing material required

Roofing materials for the roof: types and prices from various global and domestic manufacturers

There are many options for roofing materials, which differ in purpose and properties in use. Some are the best option for covering the roof of a residential premises, the latter are suitable exclusively for commercial purposes.

Metal roof tiles: types, options, scope of application

This material is one of the most popular roofing materials among modern builders (types and prices are presented below), and this is no coincidence, because in addition to excellent performance properties, it has a beautiful appearance.

Metal tiles It is made of steel sheets of different thicknesses, treated with a special coating that prevents the appearance of dents, scratches and other deformations from small debris and stones. The consequence of damage to the varnish layer can be corrosion, which will significantly reduce the service life of your roof.

In addition to the standard galvanized steel sheet, other metals that will be slightly different can serve as the basis for metal tiles:

  • Aluminum tiles have a number of advantages, which include such factors as resistance to corrosion and lightness. The disadvantages of this solution are considered to be relatively high price, and a limited range of colors.

  • Copper As a roofing material, it exhibits such properties as durability and reliability, and in addition, it is a truly sophisticated solution. Like any other copper surface, a greenish coating will appear on such a roof over time, protecting the metal from damage in a similar way to polymer coatings.

There are a number of different design solutions in the field of metal roofs, each of which has its own characteristic features:

  • Roofing is very popular among global manufacturers Monterrey , shaped like ordinary clay tiles.

  • Profile Cascade Its shape resembles a chocolate bar, and is perfect for covering a roof of complex shape. This solution is optimal for those who want a strict, laconic, classic roof.
  • Profile Joker look like ceramic coating and has smooth waves, and is also considered one of the basic, traditional roofing options.
  • Profile Banga was introduced in construction quite recently, but has already managed to win fans thanks to non-standard form high wave, thanks to which a three-dimensional image is created.

  • Andalusia , like the previous version, appeared on the market not so long ago, but has established itself as a high-quality tile, superior in fastening even to Monterrey.

  • Shanghai , brought to Russia by Chinese workers, has a complex geometric shape.

Metal roofing for the roof: types and prices for them

ImageViewAverage price, rub/m2
Metal ProfileMonterreyfrom 345
Maxifrom 345
Standardfrom 340
Grand LineClassic
from 304
Modernfrom 209
Kvintafrom 338
RuukkiFinnerafrom 660
Monterreyfrom 490
Elitefrom 1260
Armoriumfrom 815

Corrugated sheeting: area of ​​use, application features

Corrugated sheeting is made from the same material as metal tiles, but it is used mainly for household and industrial purposes, for example, to cover sheds or shops. Thanks to its manufacturing technology, such material correct installation can last up to 50 years.

Advantages of using corrugated sheets:

  • resistance to corrosion, adverse natural influences and mechanical deformation;
  • long service life;
  • ease of installation due to its convenient shape and lightweight design.

Attention! Corrugated sheeting, like metal tiles, has a high noise level, which is why the roof needs additional sound insulation.
ImageManufacturer's nameViewAverage price, rub/m2
Roofing 4 seasons PolyesterC8240
Roofing 4 seasons PrintekS21275
Grand Line AtlasC8436
Grand Line VelorC8450

Related article:

Ondulin: natural roofing material

Ondulin is a leaf roof covering, which is produced on the basis of cellulose impregnated with polymer substances. Ondulin is painted on top with a special paint that is impervious to heat.

Advantages :

  • naturalness, environmental friendliness and safety of use;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • simple installation, low weight, ability to cut material using a simple hacksaw;
  • absolutely silent;
  • budget prices.

Manufacturer's nameViewAverage price, rub/m2
Onduline FranceLeaf green455
Leaf red437
Leaf brown437
Zinc sheet
Ridge element red288
Ondulin RussiaLeaf green328
Leaf red331
Leaf brown331
Ridge element brown308
Ridge element red308
Ridge element green321

Seam roofing of private house roofs: types and price

This material consists of processed steel sheets coated with a layer of zinc on top. Often, elements for enhanced protection against aggressive environmental influences are also coated with special polymer liquids. Thus, a seam roof is a covering that consists of sheets fastened together.

Types of similar material:

  • single elements;
  • standing;
  • double;
  • recumbent.

Advantages of using seam covering:

  • immunity to low temperatures, no risk of fire;
  • high flexibility and low weight, allowing installation even in complex roof shapes;
  • aesthetics, conciseness.

ImageNameCoverage typeAverage price, rub/m2
Self-locking foldGalvanization316
Quartzite Light594
Double standing seam (Profi)Galvanization274
Double standing seamGalvanization274

Soft roofing for the roof: types

There are a number of coatings related to, which include materials such as, mastic, polymer membrane, various rolled materials.All of them have the following positive properties:

  • immunity to the negative influence of weather conditions, various types of deformations;
  • simple installation that does not require special skills and equipment.
  • Complete fire safety, noise resistance;
  • long service life.