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Regulatory requirements for the design of metal cement silos. Basics of warehouse design. The place and role of warehouses in the transport network

Perm State Technical University

Department of Building Structures


Design of a bulk materials warehouse

Completed by: student gr. PGS06

Andreeva O.N.

Checked by: teacher

Osetrin A.V.

Design assignment

Rice. 1 Geometric design diagram

Table 1 Task

Slab layout

The coating slabs are laid directly on the supporting structures, the length of the slab is equal to the pitch of the supporting structures - 4.5 m. The width of the slab is taken to be equal to the width of a flat asbestos-cement sheet according to GOST 18124 - 1.5 m. The thickness of the sheet is 10 mm. Asbestos cement sheets are attached to wooden frame screws with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 50 mm through pre-drilled and countersunk holes.

Slab height h

The frame of the slabs consists of longitudinal and transverse ribs. We take ribs from 2nd grade spruce. The thickness of the ribs is taken to be 50mm. According to the assortment we accept boards 50*175 mm. After sharpening the edges, the dimensions of the ribs are 50*170 mm. The pitch of the longitudinal ribs is constructively set to 50 cm. The transverse ribs are of the same cross-section as the longitudinal ones and are placed at the joints of asbestos-cement sheets. the sheets are joined “mustache”. Taking into account the dimensions of standard asbestos-cement sheets, we install two transverse ribs in the slab. Vapor barrier - painting outside sheathing. Painting is done with PF-115 enamel in 2 times. Ventilation in the slabs is carried out along the slabs through ventilation holes in the transverse ribs.

Thermal calculation of the slab

Construction location: Berezniki

Temperature of the coldest five-day period with a probability of 0.92:

Average outside air temperature during the heating period:

Duration of the heating period with an average daily temperature ≤8°C: zht=245 days;

Estimated average internal air temperature: tint=12°С;

Humidity zone: 3 (dry);

Room humidity conditions: humid (75%);

Operating conditions: B (normal);

Calculation formulas, as well as the values ​​of quantities and coefficients, are adopted according to SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”.

We accept the insulation thickness as 100 mm.

Collection of loads on the slab (kN/m2).

We collect loads in tabular form:

N p/p Load name Units
I Permanent:
1 Roofing 2 layers of roofing material kN/m2 0,100 1,3 0,130
2 Self-weight of longitudinal ribs: kN/m2 0,115 1,1 0,127
3 Self-weight of transverse ribs: kN/m2 0,040 1,1 0,044
4 Upper and lower cladding made of asbestos cement sheet: kN/m2 0,18 1,1 0,198
5 Insulation: polystyrene foam PS-1 kN/m2 0,03 1,2 0,036
TOTAL: qcover kN/m2 0,465 0,535
II Temporary: kN/m2 1,344 1,92
6 Snow
7 Wind kN/m2 kN/m2 0,15 1,4 0,21
TOTAL q kN/m2 1,959 2,655

The total calculated value of the snow load S on the horizontal projection of the coating should be determined by the formula

Rice. 2 Scheme of loading the snow load arch

Sg=3.2 kN/m2 – calculated value of the weight of snow cover per 1 m2 of horizontal surface of the earth (Berezniki – V snow region);

at α= 45o;

S= 3.2· 0.6= 1.92 kN/m2;

Standard value of the average component of wind load wm at height z above the ground surface

w0= 0.30 – standard value of wind pressure (Berezniki – wind region II)

k = 1.0 (z = 32 m) – coefficient that takes into account the change in wind pressure in height depending on the type of terrain (terrain type B - urban areas, forests and other areas evenly covered with obstacles)

c - aerodynamic coefficient (ce1= +0.5; ce2= -0.4)

gf – load reliability factor. gf = 1.4

Full linear loads (at






Static calculation

The width of the support area on the upper chord of the supporting structure is 6 cm, the design span of the slab is:

. The slab is calculated as a beam on 2 supports.

Design bending moment:

Lateral force:

Definition geometric characteristics design section of the slab

For compressed sheathing we accept part of the sheathing

= 18 cm, on both sides – 36 cm; = 25 cm, on both sides – 50 cm, i.e. the cross section turns out to be asymmetrical (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Design section of the slab

Warehouses are designed according to the general design methodology for industrial construction adopted in our country, in accordance with the “Instructions on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation for the construction of an enterprise, buildings and structures” on the basis of technological and construction norms and regulations, as well as another regulatory documentation. When designing, it is necessary to be guided by the following general principles and suggestions:

The warehouse should be created as technical system, consisting of subsystems for receiving, storing and issuing goods from the warehouse and their constituent elements - technological areas: unloading, temporary storage, receiving and sorting, main storage, selection and packaging, loading onto external transport;

The purpose of creating a warehouse is to transform transport consignments of goods arriving by one mode of transport into other transport consignments that are most suitable for another mode of transport or for consignees;

The design, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing warehouses should be preceded by:

Detailed technical and economic examination of existing technology and organization of work in the warehouse,

Nomenclatures of processed goods,

Interaction of the warehouse with in-plant and mainline transport, production and other departments of the industrial enterprise, with other organizations;

For newly constructed warehouses, the same survey should be carried out at similar warehouse facilities;

Simultaneously with the technical examination, complete and reliable initial data for design are generated;

The basis of the mechanized and automated warehouse project is technological design, during which all technical solutions for the warehouse are selected and technical specifications are prepared for the development of all other parts of the project (non-standard equipment, automatic control systems, construction, electrical, plumbing parts, etc.);

When choosing each technical solution and general warehouse layout, it is necessary to consider at least two or three competitive options and select for further development and implementation the one that best meets the selected optimality criteria (usually the one that has the minimum reduced costs);

Qualitatively compare and reasonably select the option that best meets the stated requirements and existing conditions;

When designing loading and unloading areas of warehouses, conditions must be provided to ensure that the downtime of vehicles (wagons, cars) during cargo operations does not exceed established standards;

When designing storage areas, the main indicator of the best option is the maximum use of the areas and volumes of warehouses and sites;

If technologically necessary and taking into account the possibility of joint storage various groups cargo, enlarged multifunctional warehouses should be built, combining small warehouses into large warehouse buildings, which usually leads to a reduction in the cost of cargo processing in warehouses and simplification of intra-factory flows and the general plan of the enterprise;

It is advisable to build closed warehouses not with an elongated shape, but one approaching a square, as this ensures a reduction in capital costs for the construction of warehouse buildings;

Closed warehouses should be built one-story, and in cramped areas - of increased height (up to 15-20 m or more);

In justified cases, the technological part of the warehouse design should provide for local automation of loading operations and automated systems warehouse management;

When choosing technical solutions for a warehouse, it is necessary to apply knowledge of the relationships between warehouse parameters, as well as between parameters and technical and economic indicators, which will simplify and increase the reliability of the selection of competitive options for technical solutions for a warehouse;

When designing warehouses, it is necessary to simultaneously provide and develop the most effective ways and conditions for the transportation of goods to warehouses from manufacturers and from warehouses to consignees;

When designing mechanized and automated warehouses, one should use, along with conventional analytical calculation methods, modern mathematical methods (probability theory and mathematical statistics, queuing theory, mathematical programming, simulation modeling, etc.) and computer calculations. which will increase the reliability of design, the quality of warehouse projects, reduce errors and design time.

Having established the basic requirements for the warehouse and its equipment, we begin the design. Typical existing projects are reviewed and, if it turns out that they do not satisfy modern requirements, the issue of a new standard or individual design for repeated use or disposable use is being decided. Standard projects are developed in accordance with regulatory documents on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation for construction.

Depending on the type of cargo, warehouses are designed for packaged cargo, containers, heavy cargo, metal and metal products, machinery and equipment, construction and binding materials, coal, ore, chemical cargo and mineral fertilizers, grain and other agricultural products, timber and liquid cargo.

For railway stations, freight yards, port berths, various enterprises industry and agriculture, construction projects, standard warehouse buildings and structures have been developed,

During standard design, the main parameters and technical means of the adopted standard warehouse must be justified in connection with local conditions and the organization of work.

The construction of warehouses and the organization of their work must meet the requirements of sanitation and occupational hygiene, cargo safety, safety and fire protection, regulated by the current SNiP. It is envisaged that the main warehouse operations should be comprehensively mechanized and automated. At the same time, a consistent transition from the creation and implementation of individual machines and technological processes to the development, production and mass use of highly efficient systems of machines, equipment, instruments and technological processes that ensure comprehensive mechanization and automation of all production processes and especially auxiliary, transport and warehouse operations should be provided. , as well as the introduction of modern methods of labor organization. The location of the warehouse is chosen based on the conditions of convenience and connection with communication routes and production workshops of the enterprise or consumers, cargo operations, as well as taking into account the possibility of expanding the warehouse in the future.

The initial data for determining the main parameters of warehouses (capacity, length, width, height, dimensions of receiving and shipping areas and loading and unloading fronts) are cargo flows and warehouse operating modes.

Warehouse capacity

where is the storage capacity coefficient for each type of cargo from i = 1 to n;. arriving for storage at the warehouse. (0.8..0.9); - estimated daily cargo flow of the i-th cargo, t: - storage period of the i-th cargo arriving at the warehouse, days.

The warehousing coefficient is defined as the ratio of the volume of cargo stored and processed in a warehouse, i.e., it takes into account that only part of the cargo is stored, and the remaining cargo is reloaded directly.

The estimated daily cargo flow is equal to the average daily receipt of goods at the warehouse, multiplied by the unevenness coefficient. The storage period for goods is determined depending on the purpose of the warehouse. The storage periods for cargo at railway warehouses at industrial enterprises, construction sites, and bases are accepted according to the technical conditions of their design and according to SNiP. In accordance with the Instructions for the design of stations and units on railways, the storage period for cargo is taken, depending on the type of cargo, from 1 to 3 days.

The warehouse area can be determined by the methods of specific loads and elementary sites.

The specific load method is usually used in the approximate calculation of the required area:

where is the coefficient taking into account the area of ​​warehouse aisles and depends on the mechanization means used. For floor-mounted vehicles (forklifts, stackers) this coefficient is greater, for suspended vehicles (overhead cranes, stacker cranes, rack cranes, etc.) it is less. Accepted value. for covered warehouses and platforms when storing containerized and piece goods transported: - by wagon shipments, it must be at least 1.7; - small shipments - 2.0; - for container sites - 1.9, - for sites for heavy cargo and timber - 1.6, - for warehouses of mineral and construction materials (crushed stone, gravel, sand) - 1.5;

Specific load per 1 m2 of useful warehouse area, i.e.

where is the permissible height of stacking and load in the stack, m; - volumetric mass of cargo, t/m3

The following standard values ​​are accepted:

0.85 - for covered warehouses and platforms general purpose and during the storage of containerized and piece goods transported by wagon shipments;

0.40 - for warehouses of packaged cargo transported in small shipments:

0.25 - for specialized warehouses of industrial consumer goods (knitwear, shoes, clothing, etc.):

0.5 - for container sites;

0.9 - for heavy cargo areas:

1.1 - for bulk cargo areas.

In cases where lightweight cargo predominates or rack storage of cargo is used, the warehouse area should be calculated using loads per 1 m 2 established by the project.

Area of ​​receiving, sorting and picking sites of warehouses of industrial enterprises:

where is the average daily receipt or release of material, t/day; - coefficient of receipt of materials at the site ( = 1.1 -1.5): - time spent by the material on the site, days.

Materials are stored at the receiving and dispatch site for 1-2 days.

During design, when the issues of rational placement of goods in warehouses are being resolved, the dimensions of their required area are calculated more accurately. For stacking and rack storage, an elementary area (stack, rack) can be allocated.

The area of ​​an elementary site, which is repeated many times in a warehouse, taking into account the necessary passages and passages

where is the length of the stack; - width of the transverse passage; stack width; width of the longitudinal passage. Total warehouse area:

where is the number of elementary platforms (stacks, racks), determined by the ratio of the total capacity of the warehouse to the capacity of the stack (rack):

The dimensions of stacks, racks and passages between them are determined by the stacking conditions, depending on the means of mechanization used. For cranes, the passages between stacks or racks correspond to the size of the packages or the size of the goods being moved, taking into account the necessary clearances when moving them. During the general technological layout of the warehouse, the required number of passages and passages in the warehouse is established: main or transport passages, working passages and passages, inspection passages, evacuation passages.

The width of the main passage for open warehouses is taken in accordance with regulatory documents. The width of working passages is determined by the passport data of lifting and transport machines and the dimensions of stored cargo. The width of working passages for slinging loads between rows of stacks and inspection passages should be at least 1 m, and the gaps between loads in rows should be at least 0.2 m.

There are two types of passages when using electric and forklifts: wider ones, necessary for the passage of the forklift and its turn to place a loaded pallet (package) in a stack, and less wide ones - only for transporting cargo around the warehouse.

The width of passages for loaders, taking into account their turn when placing a pallet in a stack or taking it from a stack, is determined as follows. Having accepted (see Fig. 4.14, b) the designations B - passage width; r,.r1 - internal and external turning radii; /-cargo length; m - width of the load: c - minimum free space between the loader and the stacks (0.15 - 0.2 m); a - the distance from the front axle of the loader to the fork: 6 - a distance equal to half the width of the loader, plus the internal turning radius, we determine the width of the passage when laying the stack at a right angle depending on the width of the load:

Then (4.46)

(dotted line in Fig. 4b), then:

Scheme for calculating the warehouse area and the width of passages: a - determination of the area by elementary sites: b. c - determination of the width of the warehouse passage for a four- and three-wheel loader, respectively: d - determination of the width of the passage for a loader when installing packages in the last row of the stack at an angle

The width of the passage in which the forklift turns depends mainly on the turning radius of the forklift and the size of the load. For hand trucks with a lifting platform, a passage width of 2 m is sufficient. For loaders, passages of 2-4 m are required. Practice shows that sometimes the last row It is advisable to stack packages in a stack from the side where the loader enters not at a right angle to the passage, as shown in Fig. 4.14, o, and at a certain angle (45°-30°) to the warehouse passage. When stacking cargo at right angles to the driveway, the width of the driveway should ensure that the loader can turn 90°. If the last row of packages is laid at an angle of 45° or 30° (see Fig. 4.14, d), then in this case a slight turn is made to install the package in the stack. At the same time, the width of the passage is also smaller. If we denote the angle at which the packages will be installed in the stack by a (see Fig. 4.14, d), then the required passage width will be B = - B sin a.

Consequently, at a = 30°, the minimum passage width for loaders is almost 2 times smaller.

The location of transport passages and turning lanes in warehouses affects the use of warehouse space. If we denote the width of the warehouse by 5, and the distance between the axes of the warehouse doors by / sk, then with B > / sk the best use of the warehouse area is obtained with a longitudinal arrangement of passages with forklifts turning, and with B< / ск - при расположении проездов с разворотом погруз­чиков между дверьми в поперечном направлении склада. Кроме того, расположение транспортных проездов и проездов с разворотом погруз­чиков должно приниматься также с учетом условий работы. Так, при поперечном расположении проездов с разворотом погрузчиков послед­ние, въезжая в склад, делают только один поворот при подъезде к шта­белю, а при продольном-два поворота. Следовательно, в первом слу­чае требуется меньше поворотов и меньший путь перемещения погрузчиков по складу.

Usable warehouse area:

Where is the coefficient of utilization of the usable area of ​​warehouses; accepted for warehouses less than 24 m wide with uniform large cargo 0.65. small-batch - 0.55; for warehouses with a width of 24...30 m - 0.70 and 0.60, respectively. and for warehouses more than 30 m wide - 0.75 and 0.6; - design operational load per 1 m2 of storage area occupied by cargo, i.e.

The dimensions of warehouses (length, width and height) are determined depending on
depending on the type of cargo, type of warehouse, means of mechanization and production technology
production of works.

The warehouse area intended for storing cargo is equal to the stacking base. To determine the total area of ​​the warehouse, it is necessary to take into account the area required for the construction of passages and the placement of lifting vehicles and structures.

With a known space-planning shape of the warehouse bulk cargo with trestle-conveyor loading and tunnel-conveyor loading and tunnel-conveyor delivery (Figure 5), which has a cargo volume per 1 m of warehouse length

Total warehouse capacity:

where is the coefficient of utilization of warehouse capacity by cargo; - warehouse capacity occupied by cargo; - length of the warehouse occupied by cargo; - volumetric mass of the cargo.

Rice. 5. Schemes for calculating warehouses for bulk and lump cargo:

a, b – ridge and silo warehouses; c – section of a silo

The unfilled upper part of the silo and the capacity of the filled lower conical part of the silo depend on the angle of repose for the upper part and the angle forming the surface of the discharge part of the funnel, the diameter of the silo, etc.

The capacity of rectangular bunker devices is defined as the geometric volume of the internal cavity of the bunker, the upper prismatic and lower pyramidal parts. If the bunker is to be filled above the plane passing through the top edges of the bunker (filling with a “cap”), then this volume of cargo must also be taken into account when determining the capacity of the bunker.

Knowing the type of warehouse and its main dimensions, they select means of comprehensive mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations and warehouse operations that meet the requirements of technical progress and are optimal for the given conditions and operating modes.

Analysis of the operation of warehouses and their design are carried out taking into account the coefficients of warehouse utilization in terms of area and capacity, the turnover coefficient and the utilization of the warehouse for cargo processing.

Warehouse area ratio F ) . directly occupied by cargo, to the entire warehouse area F CK is called the warehouse area utilization coefficient: Kck = F1/F, which depends on the adopted method of mechanization of loading and unloading operations and warehouse operations, on the width of the warehouse and on the location of the doors.

The ratio of the average amount of cargo in a warehouse V, for a certain period of time, to the entire capacity of the warehouse U SK is called the coefficient of warehouse utilization in terms of capacity.

A high warehouse utilization rate is possible with large values ​​of the warehouse turnover coefficient Kob. This coefficient is defined as the ratio of half the sum of cargo receipts Q and shipment Q 0 J for a given period of time to U SK.

The coefficient of warehouse utilization for cargo processing is determined by the amount of cargo, i.e., that can be passed through the warehouse for a certain period of time T (month, quarter, year) for given storage periods T1.

Qsk= Vsk T/T1

For storing packaged items. Valuable and weather-sensitive cargo transported in covered wagons, as a rule, uses one-story covered warehouses with external or internal loading and unloading tracks and external car entrances. For storing low-value cargo that requires protection from precipitation, but is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and wind, use covered loading platforms. Cargoes that are not afraid of precipitation and temperature fluctuations, transported on platforms, are stored on open cargo platforms or platforms.


Rice. 6 Covered railway warehouses:

a/ with an external location of the railway track and road access;

b/ with internal railway entry and external road access;

c/ sorting platform.

Indoor warehouses are often built in combination with covered and open cargo (Fig. 6. a) and sorting (Fig. 6, c) platforms.

One-story covered warehouses with internal entry for railway tracks and road trains are called hangars. In such warehouses the most favorable conditions work, especially for long periods low temperatures air in winter time. Single-story warehouses with internal railway entry are built as single-span (Fig. 5.19, b, c) or multi-span. The number of tracks and platforms in multi-bay warehouses is calculated in accordance with the nature of the operations performed. With appropriate justification, it is allowed to build multi-storey warehouses with internal tracks. These warehouses are rare, but they are effective in cases where the upper floors are intended for long-term storage of goods, and the lower floors are for receiving, sorting and issuing them.

The main requirements for modern warehouses: high productivity based on the use of modern complexes of machines and equipment, highly efficient technological processes that ensure comprehensive mechanization and automation of loading, unloading and warehouse operations while minimizing their duration and cost; optimal location of the warehouse in relation to transport routes; perfect information service; minimum service personnel.

Warehouses for packaged cargo at railway freight yards are constructed according to standard designs. Indoor warehouses with an external location of railway tracks and road access roads are constructed in the form of separate sections with a sequential arrangement, stretched in one line with breaks for independent supply and removal of cars, stepped, each up to 100 m long, and with a gear platform 200 m long or more. The length of the warehouse should not be more than 300 m.

In the cargo yards of base stations and with high cargo handling, single-bay and multi-bay indoor hangar-type warehouses and workshops are built with the entrance of railway tracks and the external location of vehicles. The width of buildings for covered single-bay warehouses is assumed to be 18, 24, 30 and 36 m.

When developing technological schemes of cargo flows, taking into account the introduction of transport communications into warehouses, one should be guided by the requirements of SNiP. and also take into account the fire hazard of stored materials and vehicles entering warehouses and the means of integrated mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations and warehouse operations used.

Warehouse buildings are constructed from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. Reinforced concrete columns rest on foundations, which are installed in increments of 12 m, and the walls are made of reinforced concrete panels and bricks, the floors of covered warehouses, as well as covered and open platforms, are high in accordance with GOST 9238-83. Platforms with precast concrete retaining walls are filled with compacted soil. The floor surface must be asphalt concrete, smooth, waterproof, and have good resistance. The height of the warehouse is determined by the operating technology and the type of mechanization equipment. When stacking cargo and using forklifts, the height of the warehouse is 4.5-6 m.

IN standard projects Gipropromtransstroy, the covering is provided from metal trusses with a coating that overlaps the axis of the railway track by 0.5 m, and above the automobile platforms the canopy should be 1.5 m wider than the width of the platform to protect cargo from the influence of precipitation. With an increase in the height of warehouses, the cost of constructing 1 m2 of a building decreases and the need for warehouse space and warehouse equipment is reduced.

Space-planning solutions for warehouses must ensure in full and with the most efficient implementation all operations with cargo entering the warehouse, and comply with the requirements of the “Basic provisions for the unification of space-planning and design solutions for industrial buildings.”

In large centers of our country, closed hangar-type cargo complexes are being created that combine all operations under one roof (reception, delivery, storage and sorting of packaged cargo transported by wagonload and small shipments). Complexes have a number of advantages over the layout of single warehouses, both in terms of best use territory, reducing the length of communications, meeting urban planning requirements, and from the standpoint of improving cargo work.

Technological diagrams Warehouses must ensure the reception, storage, issuance, picking, warehousing of goods: temporary placement of goods not accepted for storage in a general warehouse due to the lack of accompanying documents, malfunction of the package, container or container: placement of cargo fronts with appropriate equipment, etc. As a rule, Warehouses for packaged cargo are designed to be one-story. The design of multi-storey warehouses is allowed if there are special technological requirements, transport warehouse operations are carried out on the ground or basement floor and with an appropriate feasibility study, as well as coordination with state supervisory authorities. Space-planning solutions should include: the use of advanced warehousing technology and the organization of complex mechanized and automated loading and unloading operations and warehouse operations; the use of advanced building structures and materials produced by construction industry enterprises in warehouse construction areas; saving electrical and thermal energy; ensuring explosion, explosion and fire safety based on the condition of joint storage of various cargoes.

In most cases, cargo complexes are located in urban areas, so warehouses and other technical and service buildings must have an expressive architectural appearance. The attractive appearance of buildings is created thanks to good proportions of individual building volumes and glazing, the use of beautiful (and at the same time cheap) wall and finishing materials, and high quality construction work. If the facades of warehouse buildings face a city street, they form a single architectural ensemble with the buildings of the surrounding streets or adjacent suburban areas.

Indoor single-bay and multi-bay warehouses must have water supply, sewerage, natural and, if necessary, forced (mechanical) ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, fire-fighting devices, heating (if necessary), communication devices and rooms for heating workers servicing open areas. Air conditioning in warehouses may be provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST standards for the storage of goods, if the specified meteorological conditions and the cleanliness of the air in them cannot be ensured by ventilation, including evaporative cooling of the air. In case of emergency release of gases in the room, emergency exhaust ventilation is used, located in areas of the greatest accumulation of gases, harmful or explosive substances. In rooms with emergency ventilation, automatic gas analyzers are provided, which, when 20% of the lower explosive limit is reached, automatically turn on the system, and they are also blocked by devices for sound and light signaling of unacceptable concentrations of harmful substances and gases in the air. In addition to automatically turning on the ventilation system, provision should also be made for manual remote activation with the triggering devices located at one of the main entrance doors outside the warehouse.

An automated warehouse for packaged cargo is a complex dynamic control system with many external and internal connections that interacts with the external environment. Connections are manifested in servicing incoming transport flows of cars and cars. An automated warehouse consists of a complex of interacting subsystems and has a complex technical and functional structure, a set of modern technical means and various methods of managing technological processes. Its functions include not only storing cargo, but also ensuring coordinated operation of road and rail transport. Therefore, it would be more correct to call this element of the technical equipment of freight stations not a warehouse, but a transport-freight lexicon (TCL).

Transport and cargo complexes of rack type are characterized by volume, characteristics of cargo work, structure of cargo flow, volumetric options planning decisions, geometric parameters and height of the racks. Depending on the volume of cargo work, TGCs can be divided into three classes: small, medium and large. The volume of work of TGCs, as statistics show, varies from 250-300 thousand to 1 million tons or more per year. Depending on the structure of the processed cargo flow, TGCs are divided into specialized ones, intended for processing several types of packaged cargo, and multi-item ones. TGCs of railway freight stations can be classified as a group of multi-nomenclature freight devices.

For packaged unit cargo, TGCs can be classified depending on their height into groups: low - up to 5 m; average - 6 9 m; high-rise - more than 10 m.

Based on the nature of technological operations, TGCs are divided into three classes:

1) carrying out only the receipt and delivery of goods;

2) those performing sorting of small shipments, which are called cargo sorting complexes (platforms);

3) combined, receiving, issuing cargo and sorting small shipments.

Depending on the degree of automation, TGCs can be equipped with partial or complex automation. In the first case, individual operations of the technological process are automated: control of loading and unloading machines and flow-transport systems, planning of shunting and cargo work, as well as accounting and statistical operations.

For the transition to the construction of higher warehouses, the following considerations and circumstances are decisive:

reduction of warehouse space on enterprise premises;

rising land prices;

the need for better use of storage facilities.

In addition, the height of the warehouse is influenced by:

construction system (structural and construction solution);

warehouse maintenance equipment;

organization of warehouse work.

With rackless storage, the height of the stacks is determined by: the strength of the lower cargo unit to bear the load and the stability of the stack or the required access time.

Therefore, when certain maximum heights are reached, one can no longer count on greater use of warehouse space. The same applies to storage on mobile racks, since the moving masses of goods determine the maximum height. And only stationary racks allow better use of the height of the warehouse.

Technical capabilities maintenance of warehouse racks using rack stacker cranes, including special stacker loaders, allows reaching a height of about 10 m

If, in addition to the space utilization factor, we take into account such indicators as the number of stored materials, the heterogeneity of the assortment and the required access time to stored materials, then it can be argued that warehouses with mobile racks and block warehouses with low storage heights represent an alternative to widespread warehouses stacking storage.

It is expected that high bay warehouses will find wider use in the future. However, when making a decision on choosing a warehouse type, the designer must, at a preliminary stage, conduct a comparative analysis of storage capabilities and select the best option for a given program, storage process and local conditions.

SNiP 2.10.05-85


Enterprises, buildings and structures

for grain storage and processing

Date of introduction 1986-01-01

DEVELOPED by the TsNIIPromzernoproekt of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (A.N. Prostoserdov - topic leader; E.V. Yakovlev, A.A. Popova, I.D. Merlyan, B.A. Skorikov).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL BY Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR (N.N. Svetlikova).

APPROVED by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated June 28, 1985 No. 110.

With the entry into force of SNiP 2.10.05-85 “Enterprises, buildings and structures for the storage and processing of grain”, the “Instructions for the design of elevators, grain warehouses and other enterprises, buildings and structures for the processing and storage of grain” (SN 261-77) loses its force. .

These standards apply to the design of elevators, grain warehouses, mills, feed mills and other enterprises, buildings and structures for the storage, processing and processing of grain*.


*Hereinafter referred to as enterprises.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Categories of production for explosion, explosion and fire hazards should be adopted according to technological design standards or according to lists of production that establish these categories and are approved by the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1.2. Enterprises should be located, as a rule, as part of a group of enterprises (plants and industrial hubs) with common auxiliary production and farms, engineering structures and communications.

The location of enterprises must ensure a minimum distance for transporting raw materials and finished products, including the proximity of granaries to places of grain production.

These enterprises are not allowed to be located in the sanitary protection zone of enterprises classified as emitting industrial hazards in environment to classes I and II in accordance with the requirements of SN 245-71.

1.3. Enterprises should, as a rule, be located on the windward side (the prevailing wind direction) in relation to enterprises and structures that emit harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and on the leeward side in relation to residential and public buildings.

Elevators must be located at a distance of at least 200 m from enterprises storing and processing toxic liquids and substances. It is not allowed to locate elevators close to the specified enterprises, to enterprises for the storage and processing of flammable combustible liquids, or further down the terrain.

1.4. When designing enterprises, the creation of a unified architectural ensemble must be ensured in conjunction with the architecture of adjacent enterprises and settlements.

Buildings and structures should be designed in simple geometric shapes or in the form of a combination of them.

1.5. When designing enterprises in seismic areas the requirements of SNiP II-7-81 must be observed.

1.6. The main buildings and structures of enterprises should be designed as class II in terms of degree of responsibility and class II as fire resistance.

Buildings of grain warehouses and separate structures for receiving, drying and dispensing grain products and raw materials, as well as conveyor galleries of grain warehouses, can be designed as class III in terms of responsibility and fire resistance classes III, IV and V. In this case, the fire chamber of grain dryers must be separated from other adjacent rooms by blank walls and ceilings (coverings) with a fire resistance limit of at least 2 and 1 hour, respectively, with a zero fire spread limit and have direct access to the outside. Bunkers for waste and dust should be designed with passages under them made of fireproof materials.

Note. The main buildings and structures include production

buildings of mill, cereal and feed mill enterprises, work buildings

elevators, buildings for storing grain, raw materials and finished products with

conveyor galleries, including free-standing silos and silos

2. Master plans

2.1. Master plans for enterprises being built in cities and towns should be developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80.

2.2. It is allowed to block buildings and structures of the II degree of fire resistance (including with the installation of conveyor galleries and other technological communications): work buildings with silo buildings, separate silos and reception and release facilities; production buildings of mills, cereal processing plants and feed mills with reception and release facilities, buildings for raw materials and finished products. However, the distances between them are not standardized. The total length of the specified buildings and structures located in a line should not exceed 400 m, the total built-up area of ​​connected buildings and structures should not exceed 10,000 sq.m.

2.3. When designing master plans, it is necessary, as a rule, to provide for the blocking of buildings and structures for auxiliary purposes.

2.4. If there are railway tracks running along the line of buildings and structures, it is allowed to construct approaches to them from one longitudinal and one end (for the outermost building) sides.

Railway tracks within the loading and unloading fronts should be included in the building area, considering them as loading and unloading areas.

2.5. The level of the floors of the first floors of industrial buildings, sub-silo floors of silo buildings, as a rule, should be at least 15 cm higher than the planning level of the land adjacent to the building, and the horizontal floors of grain warehouses - by 20 cm.

If technologically necessary, it is allowed to locate separate rooms in structures for unloading grain and raw materials below the planning level, as well as open pits on the ground floor of industrial buildings; at the same time, the depth of all underground premises should be minimal, taking into account the capabilities of the technological process.

The floor level of the first floor of containerized cargo warehouses should, as a rule, be taken at the level of shipping platforms (ramps), which must be designed in accordance with SNiP II-104-76.

2.6. Between the ends of grain warehouse buildings it is allowed to place structures for receiving, drying, cleaning and dispensing grain products, as well as buildings for feed mills, grain workshops and mills with a capacity of up to 50 tons/day.

The distances between grain warehouses and the specified buildings and structures are not standardized provided that:

the end walls of the grain warehouses are made as fireproof;

the distance between the transverse passages of the grain warehouse line (at least 4 m wide) is no more than 400 m;

buildings and structures of the II degree of fire resistance have blank walls or walls with openings on the side of grain warehouses with a fire resistance limit of walls and their filling of at least 1.2 hours.

2.7. Sanitary gaps between warehouses of finished products of mill and cereal enterprises and other industrial enterprises should be taken equal to the gaps between these enterprises and the residential area, between these warehouses and feed mills - as a rule, at least 30 m.

2.8. The area of ​​asphalt pavement on the territory of the enterprise must be minimal, determined by technological requirements. The rest of the territory should be landscaped and landscaped.

3. Space planning and design solutions

3.1. The main buildings and structures should, as a rule, be blocked with each other (taking into account the requirements of clause 2.2, as well as ensuring access from one side to the upper part of the buildings and structures of fire and mechanical ladders).

3.2. For production and other premises, lighting should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-4-79. It is also possible to provide combined lighting, and in some cases (for example, for rooms inside a building) - only artificial lighting. When designing natural and artificial lighting, the categories of visual work should be taken according to Table 6.

3.3. External enclosing structures of premises with category B production facilities, as well as production premises of working buildings of elevators, grain cleaning departments of mills, above-silo and under-silo floors of silo buildings should, as a rule, be designed from easily resettable structures, the area of ​​which is determined by calculation. In the absence of calculated data, the area of ​​easily resettable structures should be taken to be at least 0.03 sq.m per 1 cubic meter of explosive premises. Easily removable structures must be evenly distributed over the area of ​​the external fences. The end walls of rooms with an aspect ratio greater than 3:1 must have easily removable structures.

3.4. When designing enterprises, building materials for load-bearing and enclosing structures should be selected in accordance with the requirements of TP 101-81.

Industrial buildings

3.5. Industrial buildings (buildings) of grain processing enterprises (mills, cereal factories, feed mills) should be designed, as a rule, as multi-storey frame buildings with grids of columns 9x6 or 6x6 m, with floor heights of 4.8 and 6 m (depending on the production technology).

Working buildings of elevators should be designed as multi-storey frame buildings, as well as in the form of a silo structure consisting of interlocking silos with production premises located in the silo part (including above and below the silos), with spans of 6 m and a floor height that is a multiple of 1.2 m, and in the add-on frame structure(with a grid of columns, usually 6x6 m). The walls of silos adjacent to production premises must have a fire resistance rating of at least 2 hours.

The number of floors of buildings with category B production facilities is allowed up to eight inclusive, working elevator buildings are not limited with a total height of up to 60 m. It is allowed to increase the height of working elevator buildings in agreement with the fire inspection authorities in the prescribed manner.

3.5.1. Production buildings of feed mills can be designed in the form of a silo structure with built-in production premises.

3.5.2. IN frame buildings it is allowed to build in steel silos (hoppers), as well as reinforced concrete silos with a grid of alignment axes passing through their centers, 3x3 m, located across the entire width of the building, while the grid of sub-silo columns is allowed to be equal to 6x3 m. The capacity of the silos should be the minimum possible depending on depending on the process conditions and should not exceed 200 cubic meters.

3.5.3. It is allowed, with appropriate justification, to design buildings with spans equal to 12 m.

3.5.4. It is permissible to design a work building that is circular in plan (with a diameter of 12 m or more), into which grain silos can be built.

3.6. In industrial buildings, a precast concrete staircase and a passenger elevator should be provided (when constantly operating on floors located above 15 m from the building entrance level). The staircase must be smoke-free (for work buildings, as a rule, with floor-level entrances through the external air zone along balconies or loggias).

The dimensions of stairs should be taken according to the design standards for industrial buildings. For evacuation no more than 50 people. width allowed flights of stairs 0.9 m and slope 1:1.5.

3.7. When the number of permanent workers in the working building (on floors above the first) and the silo buildings connected to it, as well as in the buildings for raw materials and finished products, is no more than 10 people. in the most numerous shift it is allowed: the slope of the marches is increased to 1:1; for staircases, provide stairs made of fireproof structures with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.25 hours; external open steel stairs used for evacuation should be designed with a slope of up to 1.7:1.

3.7.1. It is allowed to reduce the width of the flights of open stairs leading to platforms, mezzanines and pits to 0.7 m, the slope of the flights to increase to 1.5:1, if the stairs are not used regularly - to 2:1; To inspect equipment at a lifting height of up to 10 m, provide vertical single-flight stairs up to 0.6 m wide.

Stairs leading to landings and mezzanines, if there are no permanent workers on them, can be designed with spiral steps and winder steps.

3.7.2. The staircase may be designed outside the building.

3.8. In buildings and structures where there are no permanent workers on the floors above the first, it is allowed to provide one emergency exit via a smoke-free staircase or an open external steel staircase not protected from fire with flights of at least 0.7 m wide and with a slope of no more than 1:1 .

3.9. The distance from the most remote workplace to the nearest emergency exit from premises with category B production facilities may be increased by 50% compared to that provided for by SNiP II-91-77, if the area of ​​the floor in the room not occupied by equipment per worker in the largest shift is 75 sq. .m and more.

3.10. In working buildings of elevators, it is allowed to design staircases with exits through airlocks, as well as with an air pressure of 20 Pa (2 kgf/sq.m.) during a fire, provided that easily removable structures with an area of ​​at least 0.06 sq. m are installed in the outer walls of the staircase .m per 1 cubic meter of its volume.

The specified staircases with built-in passenger elevators are allowed not to be separated in height by partitions.

3.11. An elevator may not be provided in an industrial building connected floor-by-floor with another building that is equipped with a passenger elevator, provided that the maximum distance from the workplace to the elevator is no more than 150 m, and in the absence of permanent workers - no more than 200 m.

A freight elevator in industrial buildings should be provided if there are production technology requirements, while exits to premises with production categories B and C should be arranged through airlocks with air pressure during a fire of 20 Pa (2 kgf/sq.m). The dimensions of the airlock should be determined taking into account the dimensions of the equipment being transported.

3.12. In production buildings of grain processing enterprises, as a rule, it is necessary to allocate separate rooms, located on all floors, one above the other, for placing electrical equipment and laying cables.

3.13. Floors, coverings, walls and partitions of industrial buildings should be designed voidless.

Note. In the control room premises it is allowed to use removable

3.14. Internal surfaces walls, ceilings, load-bearing structures, doors, floors of premises, as well as the internal surfaces of the walls of silos and bunkers built into industrial buildings, should, as a rule, be without protrusions, depressions, belts and allow them to be easily cleaned. The slopes of the walls, bottoms and funnels of bunkers and silos are accepted according to technological design standards. It is allowed to use ribbed floor slabs and use steel profiled sheets as formwork for reinforced concrete monolithic floors, which also serve as working reinforcement; At the same time, steel sheets must have fire protection that provides a fire resistance limit of the floors of at least 0.75 hours.

3.15. The filling of openings for doors, gates and windows should be provided with sealing gaskets in the rebates and folds.

The connection of working buildings (including interlocked ones) with granaries (silos and grain warehouses) should, as a rule, be provided through conveyor galleries with partitions separating the granary premises from the working buildings. Openings in these partitions for the passage of people must have seals in the door vestibules having a fire resistance limit of at least 0.6 hours; the partitions themselves must be made of fireproof materials with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours. All interfaces of enclosing structures, expansion joints of work buildings , structures and premises must be tight, without cracks or gaps.

Note. Openings for conveyors must be protected

automatic fire dampers or panels developed

in the technological part of the project.

3.16. In multi-storey buildings, external steel stairs intended for evacuation of people should, as a rule, be placed at blind areas of the external walls. It is allowed to place these stairs against glazed openings, while on the glazing side the stairs must have a continuous fence made of fireproof materials, and the exits from the floors to the stairs should be located outside the fence.

3.17. In each room with natural light, it is necessary to provide for ventilation in the windows at least two opening (for floors above the first - into the building) manually opening sashes or vents with an area of ​​at least 1 sq.m each. The total area of ​​the sashes or vents must be at least 0.2% of the area of ​​the premises, for above-silo floors - 0.3%.

3.18. The fences of platforms, mezzanines, and pits located inside production buildings, on which technological equipment is located, should be designed with steel lattice 0.9 m high, and the fences should be continuous to a height of at least 150 mm from the floor.

Along the perimeter of the outer walls of work and other buildings and structures with a height of more than 10 m to the top of the cornice or parapet, lattice fences with a height of at least 0.6 m made of fireproof materials should be provided on the roof.

3.19. Types of floor coverings should be assigned in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-B.8-71 and taking into account the requirements of production technology, while in rooms with dusty production types of floor coverings should be provided that ensure ease of cleaning and low dust emission.

3.20. On the ground floor of industrial buildings with category B production facilities, it is allowed to arrange open pits for placing technological equipment, while the depth of the pits should not exceed 1.5 m, and their total area should not exceed 30% of the area of ​​the room.

3.21. For industrial and work buildings, floor sections with a large number of technological holes, as a rule, should be designed prefabricated-monolithic with prefabricated slabs with a shelf up to 30 mm thick and a monolithic layer of reinforced concrete on top, as well as prefabricated (with appropriate justification) with drilling holes.

All holes in the ceilings after installation of equipment should, as a rule, be sealed with concrete. If there is a technological need (passing fabric hoses, etc.), it is allowed to install unsealed holes with a diameter of no more than 200 mm and a total area of ​​up to 5% of the floor area. In this case, the total total area of ​​floors communicating through unsealed openings should not exceed 8000 sq.m.

Silos and silo buildings

3.22. When designing free-standing silos and silo buildings, the following must be taken into account:

grids of alignment axes passing through the centers of reinforced concrete silos interlocked into silos - 3x3, 6x6, 9x9, 12x12 m;

outer diameters of round free-standing silos - 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 m;

the height of the walls of silos, under-silo and above-silo floors is a multiple of 0.6 m, while the height of under-silo floors should be taken as the minimum possible, the height of the silo walls as maximum, taking into account technological requirements and site conditions (bearing capacity of foundation soils, seismicity, etc.).

In silo buildings for storing raw materials and finished products of mill, cereal and feed mill enterprises with two sub-silo floors or more, it is allowed to adopt a frame similar to industrial buildings with a grid of columns of 6x3 m.

The optimal ratio of silos of different sizes should be taken from the condition of full use of their capacity, while the use of silos with large diameters should be maximum.

Silos of mill, cereal and feed mill enterprises, as a rule, should be installed with a grid of 3x3 m alignment axes. These silos can be divided into parts by additional internal walls.

The volume of each of the silos interlocked into a silo body, or a group of silos united by overflow openings, should not exceed 2400 cubic meters.

Notes: 1.A silo means a vertical cylindrical or

prismatic container designed for storing bulk material.

In this case, the height from the top of the funnel or nabetonka (zabutki) to the bottom

the silo ceiling (Fig. 1) should, as a rule, be more

2. In silo buildings with several sub-silo floors, it is allowed

locate silos on part of the body.

3.23. Reinforced concrete silo buildings up to 48 m long must be designed without expansion joints. For all types of foundation soils, with the exception of rocky ones, as well as the use of pile-rack foundations, the ratio of the length of the silo body to its width and height should be no more than 2. When silos are arranged in a single row, this ratio can be increased to 3.

It is possible to increase the corpus and the indicated relations with appropriate justification.

3.24. Conveyor galleries leading to other buildings and structures equipped with staircases and external evacuation stairs can be used as emergency exits from the above-silo floors of silo buildings.

3.25. In silo buildings combined into one building or connected to each other and to working buildings of elevators, as well as to industrial buildings for the processing of grain products by galleries, staircases may not be installed. At the same time, in the working building of elevators and in silo buildings, external evacuation open steel stairs should be provided, which in silo buildings should reach the roof of the above-silo floor.

Damn.1. Silo sections

a - with a flat bottom and backfill;

b - with a flat bottom, a steel funnel and a backfill;

c - with a funnel without a backfill;

Height of silo walls:

Height of the upper zone;

Height of the second zone;

Height of the lower zone;

Height of the middle zone;

d - internal diameter of the silo

The distance from the most remote part of the room above the silo to the nearest exit to the external staircase or staircase should be no more than 75 m.

Note. In silo buildings connected floor by floor with production

buildings, it is allowed to provide emergency exits along external

transitional balconies leading to the stairs of these buildings, or along external

stairs, which at a height of over 20 m should, as a rule, be

covered with a continuous fence to a height of 1.8 m from the steps.

3.26. Projects must provide for the protection of joints of prefabricated elements of silo walls from precipitation (by the design of the joint itself or by using sealing protective coatings).

3.27. Prefabricated reinforced concrete silo walls, as well as monolithic free-standing silos with a diameter of over 12 m, as a rule, should be constructed of prestressed structures.

3.28. When designing prefabricated reinforced concrete square silos, volumetric blocks should, as a rule, be used. At the same time, one should strive to combine and enlarge silos (taking into account the technology for storing bulk material), for example, by installing silo walls with a passage individual elements and the creation of enlarged silos with lattice internal walls.

3.29. The surface finishing of the internal walls of silos should facilitate better flow of bulk material. For grain and other free-flowing materials, a smooth reinforced concrete wall surface without additional finishing or rubbed with cement mortar is allowed; in steel silos, painted with natural drying oil. For flour, mealy and other difficult-to-flow materials for finishing the entire surface of walls or their lower part, as well as outlet funnels, compositions approved by the USSR Ministry of Health should be used, with a texture that meets the requirements for a surface prepared for high-quality painting, according to GOST 22753-77.

3.30. The exterior painting of silo walls should be light in color. Materials for painting should be selected taking into account the aggressive influence of the external environment, for reinforced concrete silos, in addition, with the use of hydrophobic additives.

3.31. In order to prevent moisture condensation on the inner surface, the outer walls of silos for storing flour and bran should be isolated from the external environment, as a rule, by constructing corridors with silos located inside the building.

Grain silos built into mill buildings, as well as flour silos in climatic regions III and IV, can be designed with hollow-core thermal insulation of external walls.

3.32. The thickness of the walls of prefabricated reinforced concrete silos with solid smooth walls should be at least 80 mm, with walls with external ribs (width at least 60 mm) - at least 40 mm, with walls serving as fencing for staircases - at least 100 mm.

3.33. Silo buildings, free-standing silos, above-silo galleries, superstructures (above the level of the above-silo floor) for placing elevators and automatic scales, conveyor galleries (for buildings and structures of the II degree of fire resistance) can be designed, in accordance with the requirements of TP 101-81, from steel structures with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.25 hours and zero fire spread limit.

Note. In steel columns and superstructure floors, except two

upper floors, as well as in load-bearing structures of sub-silo floors

(columns and beams under silo walls) must be provided

fire protection that provides the fire resistance limit of these structures is not

less than 0.75h.

3.34. When designing silos made of monolithic reinforced concrete, built in sliding formwork, the thickness of the walls should be at least 150 mm, the width of the beams should be at least 200 mm, the reinforcement should be double-sided, the overlap of horizontal reinforcement at joints without welding should be with an overlapping length of at least 60 diameters.

3.35. When designing silos, devices should be provided to reduce the horizontal pressure of grain products during their release (for example, in round silos by installing unloading central perforated pipes or by releasing grain products from silos through holes in the walls of inter-silo containers - sprockets), and also combine (with taking into account storage technology) square silos in groups to simplify loading and unloading (usually through an internal silo) by making holes in the walls of adjacent silos (Fig. 2). When combining silos, the use of their internal volume should be maximum.

Damn.2. Release of bulk material from the silo

a - through the unloading pipe; b - through an asterisk; c - through the internal silo;

1 - passive silo, 2 - active silo; 3 - unloading pipe; 4 - holes in the walls of silos

and in the discharge pipe; 5 - asterisk; 6 - gravity pipe; 7 - conveyor

3.36. Designs of silos and silo buildings must contain instructions on the regime of primary and operational loads and unloading silos, monitoring the sediments of these structures, and also provide for the installation of sediment marks and benchmarks.

Warehouse buildings

3.37. Grain warehouse buildings should be designed as one-story rectangles in plan, without height differences, with unified space-planning parameters, m: spans - 6; 12; the pitch of the supports is 6 and the height of the rooms near the walls is 3.6.

Notes: 1. In grain warehouses made from local materials with wooden

the internal frame is allowed to take spans between supports of less than

6 m, and also change the height of the walls (increase or decrease) provided

fulfillment of operational requirements and corresponding justification.

2. It is allowed to design single-bay vaulted grain warehouses with

spans 18 and 24 m.

3. Distance from the top of the grain mound to the bottom of the load-bearing structures of the coating

should be taken at least 0.5 m.

3.38. Grain warehouses may be designed with inclined floors (with a slope of at least 1:1.4), if the hydrogeological conditions of the construction site allow the construction of conveyor tunnels and building floors without waterproofing and if there are appropriate conditions for the technological process.

3.39. The area of ​​grain warehouse buildings between fire walls should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-90-81, but not more than 3000 sq.m.

3.40. Gates in grain warehouses should be designed as swing gates. In grain warehouses with inclined floors with complete unloading of grain by gravity, as well as in grain warehouses equipped with air chutes, two gates should be provided, located at different ends of the building. With horizontal floors, the number of gates is determined in the technological part of the project, but at least two are provided.

3.41. Grain warehouses should be designed, as a rule, without light openings.

3.42. Grain warehouses with sloping floors should be designed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of workers entering the grain mound when unloading it from the warehouse (arrange a side fence of the gallery for its entire height to the roof, blocking the electric motors of conveyors located in tunnels with door opening mechanisms, etc.) .

3.43. In grain warehouses with horizontal floors, the installation of stationary lattice columns of round cross-section should be provided above the openings in the ceiling of the tunnels for grain release.

3.44. When designing grain warehouse buildings, prefabricated reinforced concrete and wooden structures and local building materials should be used.

3.45. The covering of grain warehouses should, as a rule, be designed with a slope of 1: 2.1, corresponding to the angle of natural repose of the grain, from corrugated asbestos-cement sheets. To increase water resistance, it is allowed, with appropriate justification, to provide for the laying of asbestos-cement sheets on a continuous plank flooring with a layer of rolled roofing material.

Note. For climatic regions III and IV in accordance with

SNiP 2.01.01-82 the covering of grain warehouses can be designed from

asbestos-cement corrugated sheets of standardized or reinforced profile

with sealing of longitudinal and transverse connections without flooring.

3.46. The walls, coverings and floors of grain warehouse buildings must be void-free. The internal surfaces of the walls of grain warehouses must be smooth (without protrusions, depressions, horizontal ribs, belts and cracks), accessible for cleaning and disinfestation. Materials for building structures, as well as substances and compositions used for finishing and protecting structures from rotting and fire, must be harmless to stored grain or seeds and be included in the list of materials approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.47. For internal conveyor galleries of grain warehouses of fire resistance degree III and below, it is allowed to use wooden structures protected from fire.

3.48. The extension of the roof (beyond the outer surface of the walls) for grain warehouses must be at least 0.7 m.

3.49. Floors in warehouse buildings should be designed, as a rule, asphalt concrete with a coating thickness of 25 mm in grain warehouses and 50 mm in container warehouses. The use of tar and tar mastics in floor coverings is not allowed.

3.50. Designs of grain warehouses must contain instructions on the application of bright lines and inscriptions on the walls, limiting the maximum height of the grain embankment.

3.51. Warehouses for finished products in the form of containerized cargo (bags and packages with flour, mixed feed) should be designed as one-story or multi-story (no more than six floors). Warehouses for raw materials of feed mills, as a rule, should be designed as one-story.

For single-storey warehouses, a grid of columns of 9x6, 12x6 and 18x6 m, a wall height of 6 and 7.2 m should be accepted. For multi-storey warehouses, a grid of columns of 6x6 m and a floor height of 4.8 m should be adopted, for top floor- also a grid of columns 12x6 and 18x6 m.

3.52. In the building of a containerized cargo warehouse on the ground floor at the end, it is allowed to locate a charging station for battery forklifts. The number of simultaneously charged batteries should be no more than five.

The enclosing structures of the charging room must have a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours and a zero fire spread limit.

The charging station must be separated from the rest of the storage premises by fire walls and ceilings and have a separate exit.

3.53. Inside multi-storey buildings containerized cargo warehouses should be provided (if technological requirements are available) with a freight elevator with the installation of vestibule locks before departures.

3.54. Window openings in warehouses of finished products in the form of containerized cargo with production category B should, as a rule, be filled with glass blocks, installing in some of the openings opening window transoms with an area of ​​at least 1.2 square meters with mechanized opening for smoke removal. The total area of ​​openings is taken to be at least 0.3% of the warehouse floor area.

3.55. The external walls of containerized cargo warehouses should, as a rule, be prefabricated from reinforced concrete panels.

3.56. The floors of containerized cargo warehouses should, as a rule, be designed as prefabricated monolithic with the installation of a monolithic reinforced concrete layer on top of the prefabricated ones reinforced concrete slabs. Sections of floors that are not exposed to loads from forklift wheels may be designed as precast reinforced concrete.

Other buildings and structures

3.57. Reception facilities for unloading bulk materials from railway and road transport in production category B according to explosion hazard it is allowed to design with bunkers placed in recessed rooms with open openings with an area of ​​at least 0.03 sq.m per 1 cubic meter of room volume.

As a rule, it is not allowed to connect industrial buildings with tunnels to structures for unloading grain and raw materials.

3.58. The dimensions of conveyor galleries and tunnels and exits from them must be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-91-77 and production technology.

When the tunnel length is over 120 m, it is allowed to provide intermediate exits at least every 100 m, leading into channels 1.5 m high and 0.7 m wide, ending outside the grain warehouse or silo building with a well with a hatch equipped with a metal ladder or brackets for exit.

Stairs for galleries may be made of open steel with a slope of no more than 1.7:1 and a width of at least 0.7 m. In the absence of permanent workers, it is allowed to provide a staircase with a height of no more than 15 m from one end of the gallery with a slope of 6:1.

Tunnels should not have a direct connection with other buildings and structures. Each tunnel must be equipped with a section protruding above the ground, with open openings or easily removable fencing with an area of ​​at least 0.06 sq.m per 1 cubic meter of tunnel volume.

3.59. In the above-silo and under-silo galleries connecting the working buildings of elevators with silo buildings, lightweight enclosing structures (made of profiled galvanized steel or asbestos-cement sheets) should, as a rule, be provided. The use of other structures is allowed, but in combination with areas of easily removable structures.

3.60. When designing galleries and tunnels connecting working buildings with silo buildings or silo buildings with each other, as well as when determining the size of settlement joints, the relative displacement of adjacent buildings and structures (vertically and in two directions horizontally) should be taken into account as a result of uneven settlements determined by calculation .

3.61. Auxiliary premises for service personnel should, as a rule, be located in separate buildings in accordance with the instructions of SNiP II-92-76.

3.61.1. It is allowed to locate auxiliary premises in extensions at the end of industrial buildings on the side where production of categories G, D or B is located (with the exception of grain cleaning departments of mills).

3.61.2. In industrial buildings it is allowed to place a control room, a room for warming workers, a roll-cutting workshop, as well as utility rooms without permanent presence of people in them.

3.61.3. Rooms (cabins) for heating workers, located on the floors of the working building of the elevator, should be designed with dimensions of at least 1.5x1.5 m and no more than 4 sq.m from fireproof structures.

3.61.4. It is not allowed to place restrooms (except on the first floor) in production buildings mills, feed mills and flour warehouses.

3.62. Underground premises of structures for unloading grain and mealy raw materials, according to the degree of permissible moisture of the enclosing structures, belong to category I in accordance with SN 301-65.

4. Loads and impacts

4.1. The structures of buildings and structures for grain storage and processing should be designed for loads and impacts in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-6-74. When calculating silos and bunkers, the following loads and impacts must also be taken into account:

temporary long-term - depending on the weight of bulk materials; uniform and long-term part of the horizontal pressure of bulk materials unevenly distributed along the height and perimeter on the walls of silos and sprockets; friction of bulk materials against silo walls; pressure of bulk materials on the bottom of silos; suspension of electric thermometers; weight of technological equipment taking into account dynamic influences; shrinkage and creep of concrete; roll with uneven foundation settlements; unevenly distributed reactive soil pressure on the base of the foundation and uneven loading of silos; bending of the silo body with interlocked silos;

short-term - occurring when the outside air temperature changes; from a short-term part of the horizontal uneven pressure of bulk materials; air pressure pumped into the silo during active ventilation, aeration, homogenization and pneumatic unloading of bulk material.

Notes: 1. For buildings and structures where an emergency explosion is possible

dust-air mixture, temporary special load should also be taken into account -

from the pressure developed during the explosion.

2. Long-term and short-term parts of horizontal uneven

the pressure of bulk materials should be determined in accordance with clause 4.22.

4.2. When calculating strength, the load reliability factor for the pressure of bulk materials on the walls and bottoms of silos, bunkers and grain warehouses should be taken equal to 1.3, for wind loads on working buildings - 1.3, for air pressure and loads caused by temperature effects - - 1.1.

Note. Snow load on cone coverings of single silos

must be taken with a coefficient c=0.4, with the spread of this

loads over the entire coverage area or half of it.

4.3. Calculation of floors of industrial and warehouse buildings and structures, platforms and galleries should be made taking into account the loads from equipment and stored materials in accordance with the technological part of the project, but not less than standard load at 2000 Pa (200 kgf/sq.m), taking into account the load reliability factor (for limit states of the first group) equal to 1.2.

4.4. The specific gravity of bulk materials, their angle of internal friction and the coefficient of friction of bulk materials on the walls of the silo f must be taken in accordance with the recommended Appendix 1.

4.5. When determining the horizontal pressure of bulk materials on the walls of silos during filling and emptying containers, as well as during storage, one should take into account the pressure uniformly distributed along the perimeter, determined in accordance with clause 4.6, together with local increased pressures - ring, local and band, values which should be determined in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 4.7 - 4.9 and 4.12.

4.6. The standard horizontal pressure of bulk materials on the walls of silos at a depth z from the top of the backfill, uniformly distributed along the perimeter, is determined by the formula


* Basic letter designations are given in reference appendix 2.

Hydraulic radius of the cross section of the silo, determined by the formula

A, U - area and perimeter of the cross section of the silo;

The coefficient of lateral pressure of bulk material, determined by the formula

(for grain it is allowed to take

The base of the natural logarithm.

4.7. The annular horizontal pressure of bulk materials on the walls of round silos is assumed to be uniformly distributed along the entire perimeter of the silo walls with the height of the annular load zone equal to 1/4 of the silo diameter. The zone can occupy any position in height.

4.8. Local horizontal pressure on the walls of round silos is assumed to be distributed over two areas located on two diametrically opposite sides of the silo. The size of the pads is set equal to (d -inner diameter silage). The platforms can occupy any position in height and perimeter.

The coefficient of local pressure increase, adopted in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.11.

4.9. If a silo with a diameter of 12 m or more produces a wall discharge of bulk material with the formation of a funnel for the flow of bulk material at the silo wall, then the decrease in the horizontal pressure of the bulk material above the outlet to the entire height of the silo should be taken into account, and the horizontal pressure distribution diagram is adopted according to Fig. 3 .

Damn.3. Wall-mounted grain outlet

a - section of a silo; b - plan; c - pressure diagram

When eccentrically loading or unloading silos with a diameter of 12 m or more, the horizontal pressure should be determined taking into account the different levels of bulk material around the perimeter of its upper cone.

4.10. The horizontal pressure of bulk materials on the walls of round reinforced concrete silos and steel silos with rigid bending ribs is assumed to be equal to the sum of the uniform pressure determined by formula (1) and local pressure determined by formula (3).

The horizontal pressure of bulk materials on the walls of steel round sheet silos not reinforced with ribs can be assumed to be uniformly distributed around the perimeter and equal to the sum of the pressures determined by formulas (1) and (2). In this case, the bulk of the bulk material should be unloaded from the silo in an axisymmetric flow through the central outlet.

4.11. The numerical values ​​of the coefficients and in formulas (2) and (3) should be taken according to Table 1.

Table 1


Ratio of silo height h to its diameter d

Note. h - height from the top of the silo to the top of the funnel or backfill (see drawing 1).

For intermediate h/d ratios, the coefficient values ​​are determined by interpolation.


4.12. The horizontal strip pressure on the walls of square and rectangular silos and on the walls of stars is assumed to be uniformly distributed along the entire perimeter of the walls at any point in height.

Coefficient value

for square silos with a side of 3-4 m and for interlocked sprockets

silos with a diameter of 6-12 m, height

is taken equal to 0.20, with a height

Equal to 0.1.

For square silos with a side greater than 4 m, the value is taken according to experimental data, but not less than 0.20.

4.13. The variability of horizontal pressures of bulk materials on the walls of square silos measuring 3x3 m, round silos with a diameter of 6-12 m and similar polyhedral silos should be taken into account when calculating the endurance of walls with a cycle asymmetry coefficient for walls with prestressing and for structures without prestressing.

4.16. When injecting air or gas into a silo, during the operation of pneumatic release systems, active ventilation and aeration of stationary bulk material (without the formation of a fluidized bed), in addition to the pressure of bulk materials, excess air or gas pressure on the walls and bottom of the silo must be taken into account.

The value and distribution of excess air pressure are taken according to the data from the technological part of the project.

4.17. For silos in which air is injected to form a fluidized bed (homogenization), the standard pressure on the bottom and walls within the fluidized bed is determined from the bulk material and compressed air as the hydrostatic pressure of a liquid with a specific gravity equal to the specific gravity of the bulk material (see recommended Appendix 1) in this case, an increase in the level of bulk material due to a decrease in specific gravity during the homogenization process should be taken into account.

4.18. Temperature effects from daily changes in outside air temperature and temperature differences across the thickness of the walls can be replaced by additional horizontal pressure of bulk material on the outer walls of interlocking or free-standing silos, considering it evenly distributed along the perimeter and height. The standard value of this pressure is determined by the formula

Daily amplitude of outside air temperature, taken according to SNiP II-6-74;

Compressive deformation modulus of bulk material; for grain silos the value can be taken according to the formula

kgf/sq. cm ];

Modulus of elasticity of silo wall material; for reinforced concrete walls taking into account cracks

allowed to accept

10000 MPa (100000 kgf/sq.cm);

Coefficient taken equal to 2 for steel and monolithic reinforced concrete

silo walls and equal to 1 for prefabricated reinforced concrete walls;

Coefficient of linear temperature deformation of wall material;

Internal diameter of the silo;

Wall thickness;

The initial coefficient of transverse deformations (Poisson's ratio), taken for grain products equal to 0.4.

(7) and (7a) additional forces from concrete shrinkage and uneven heating by the sun are not taken into account.

Note. For square silos in formula (7) instead of d follows

take l - the clear distance between opposite walls.

4.19. Standard pressures of bulk material on inclined angled bottoms or funnels of silos are determined by the formulas:

Coefficients for the operating conditions coefficient and - for the coefficient

4.21. Standard horizontal pressure of bulk material at outer walls the discharge pipe, with its dimensions not exceeding 0.15 of the silo diameter, can be determined by formula (1) multiplied by a coefficient (for silos with a diameter of 6-18 m).

The friction forces acting on the suspensions of electrothermometers can be determined as pressure multiplied by the friction coefficient given in recommended Appendix 1.

4.22. The short-term part of the horizontal uneven pressure of bulk materials is taken equal to 0.7 of the corresponding annular, local and band pressures, determined by formulas (2) - (4); the rest of the uneven pressure, as well as the pressure determined by formula (1), are taken as long-term horizontal pressures.

4.23. The pressure of grain on the walls of grain warehouses should be determined as the pressure on retaining walls.

5. Structural calculations

5.1. Bearing structures industrial buildings and structures of enterprises must comply with the standard ST SEV 384-76. In this case, it is necessary to take into account loads and their combinations in accordance with paragraphs 4.1-4.3, as well as the dynamic impact on equipment structures.

Notes: 1. Designs of premises with category B production facilities

(ceilings, including filling of installation openings, internal walls,

partitions), as well as working buildings of elevators, above-silos and under-silos

floors (including inclined bottoms and silo funnels) should be calculated

for strength under the influence of special loads according to clause 4.1 (note 1),

taken evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the structures inside

premises, while all other short-term loads are allowed

do not take into account.

2. External easily removable structures (with the exception of window glass

and other structures included in calculated area 0.03 sq.m per 1 cubic meter

volume of premises) it is allowed to design from the condition of their destruction

or opening due to excessive pressure inside the room

2000 Pa (200 kgf/sq.m).

5.2. When calculating prefabricated monolithic floors, changes in loads and design schemes corresponding to the operating conditions of structures during construction and after embedding should be taken into account.

Walls of reinforced concrete silos

5.3. The walls of reinforced concrete silos must meet the requirements of calculations for bearing capacity (calculation of strength - limit states of the first group) and suitability for normal operation (calculation to exclude the formation or excessive opening of cracks, for rectangular silos - to exclude excessive deflections - limit states of the second group) according to SNiP 2.03.01-84.

When calculating silo walls, the main combination of loads and impacts is taken into account (horizontal pressure of bulk materials on the walls of silos according to clause 4.5, temperature effects according to clause 4.18, as well as air pressure according to clauses 4.16 and 4.17, wind pressure on the shell of an empty or filled free-standing silos with a diameter of over 12 m). The forces from air pressure and temperature influences are multiplied by a load combination coefficient equal to 0.9, from wind - by a coefficient equal to 0.8.

When calculating structures for limit states of both the first and second groups, the variability of loads and impacts must be taken into account. In this case, the calculation of the load-bearing capacity for endurance for the walls of silos erected in sliding formwork (round with a diameter of 12 m or less and square) is carried out for the main combination of design loads with the load safety factor according to clause 4.2, for all other silos - for the main a combination of loads with a load safety factor equal to 1. The cycle asymmetry factor should be taken in accordance with clause 4.13.

5.4. The walls of silos in which various bulk materials can be stored should be designed to withstand the maximum pressure generated by these bulk materials. All silos of flour, cereal and feed milling enterprises are allowed to rely on the load from grain.

5.5. The forces in the walls of reinforced concrete silos due to the pressure of bulk materials should be determined taking into account spatial work silo walls. When calculating the forces in the vertical sections of the walls of round interlocked silos, it is allowed to consider these silos as separate closed cylindrical shells with a constant cross-section of the walls along the contour of the shell, while the forces from loading the stars are taken into account separately.

The forces in the walls of round silos can be determined in the elastic stage of operation of an orthotropic cylindrical shell and without taking into account the appearance of cracks in them.

Prefabricated elements of silos should be additionally checked for loads and impacts arising during their transportation and installation.

5.6. The calculated tensile longitudinal force N and the calculated bending moment M per unit height in the vertical sections of the walls of round reinforced concrete silos, which have a diaphragm at the ends hinged to the walls, rigid in horizontal planes, from the horizontal pressures of bulk materials specified in clause 4.10, within the height (see diagram 1) can be determined using the formulas:

table 2

Silo diameter, m

12 m values; for smaller values ​​of h, the height of the zones is taken to be equal to


for course and diploma design

St. Petersburg


In the process of production and transportation, the most labor-intensive work is the movement, loading, unloading and storage of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

The most efficient use of capital investments and reduction of production costs is facilitated by the implementation of comprehensive mechanization and automation of loading, unloading and warehouse operations, which allows reducing labor costs and expenses for performing these works, reducing unproductive downtime of rolling stock, and increasing production profitability.

The functioning of warehouses is closely connected with the work of external transport and the technological process of the enterprise. Therefore, the choice of rational options for the mechanization of loading and unloading operations in a warehouse must be made in such a way that the decisions taken take into account both the interests of transport and the interests of the enterprise.

A rational option for mechanizing loading, unloading and storage operations should provide

comprehensive mechanization of work at all stages of cargo processing;

reducing the cost of cargo processing;

increasing labor productivity and reducing the number of employed workers by improving methods and techniques for using automation tools;

reduction of manual labor during cargo processing;

facilitating the working conditions of service personnel;

reduction of downtime of rolling stock of railways, ships and vehicles during loading and unloading operations;

high technical and economic indicators;

necessary conditions for the rational operation of in-plant transport connecting the warehouse with other industrial enterprise facilities;

safety during loading and unloading operations;

environmental protection.

The choice of a rational option for the mechanization of loading, unloading and warehouse operations can be made as a result of a comprehensive comparison of options according to technical, operational and economic indicators, the determination of which is based on the design of the warehouse. During the design, the basic parameters of the warehouse are established, mechanization equipment and their quantity are selected.

1. Place and role of warehouses in the transport network

At the beginning and at the end of the transport process of cargo delivery, work is carried out on loading and unloading vehicles (wagons, cars, ships). These works fall into the category of loading and unloading operations.

Rationally organized transport processes should begin and end at specially organized and technically equipped facilities - mechanized and automated warehouses, well suited for loading and unloading, storage, sorting and picking operations with delivered goods (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Structure of the simplest transport process:

P 1 - enterprise - shipper; P 2 - enterprise - group

beneficiary; WITH 1 - warehouse of finished products of the enterprise -

shipper; WITH 2 - warehouse of the consignee enterprise;

T- mainline transport; T 1 , T 2 - in-plant

enterprise transport P 1 And P 2 ; (1) - (4 ) - loading-

unloading work

Mainline transport (railway, sea, inland waterway, road, air), moving goods over long distances between the shipper and the consignee, together with transport hubs and cargo terminals (handling and warehouse complexes) form a single transport system. Moreover, each transshipment and storage complex (warehouse) interacts with two of the listed types of transport: one delivers goods to the warehouse, and the other picks up goods from the warehouse.

The rational organization of cargo flows in transport networks is called transport logistics. Transport logistics is an important part of the broader concept of " business logistics», which includes all technical, organizational, economic, financial, information, environmental and other problems, factors and aspects related to the planning, emergence, promotion and completion of cargo flows in transport and production systems.

On its way from the shipper to the consignee, goods can be moved by several modes of transport and reloaded from one transport to another in warehouses of different types and purposes. Such transportation is called multimodal(from the English words “multi” - many, “mod” - mode of transport), or mixed.

Different types of transport interact with each other through transshipment warehouses or transshipment and storage complexes (freight terminals or logistics centers). This interaction consists of the transfer of material (freight) and information flows that always accompany freight transportation and transshipment. Cargo is reloaded from one mode of transport to another at warehouses of railway stations, sea and river ports, airports, wholesale warehouses and trading bases, manufacturing enterprises and consumers of products.

Cargo can be reloaded from one type of transport to another directly, bypassing the storage area of ​​the warehouse, as well as with the placement of cargo in the storage area for a more or less long time, after which the cargo is transferred to, as a rule, another type of transport using intra-warehouse transport and loading and unloading machines. Although direct transhipment of cargo is usually considered more rational, in many cases double transshipment of cargo with temporary intermediate storage turns out to be more effective, since it allows reducing downtime of vehicles of transport modes interacting through the warehouse.

In the process of processing goods in warehouses (unloading, moving, reloading, warehousing, loading), the parameters of cargo flows change: the sizes of transport lots for receiving and issuing cargo, the time of arrival and departure of transport lots. In packaged cargo warehouses, many other parameters of cargo flows also change. The goal of transforming cargo flows is to better prepare goods for further transportation or use. The purpose of warehouses is to transform the parameters of cargo flows, for which warehouse complexes are equipped with appropriate technical means.

Thus, transshipment and warehouse complexes (freight terminals) are created in transport networks at points of interaction between different modes of transport and serve to transform the parameters of cargo flows, ensuring the most efficient transshipment of goods from one mode of transport to another and their further transportation and use.

At industrial enterprises, mechanized and automated warehouses are created for the same purposes of transforming cargo flows at points of interaction between various production and transport systems to increase the efficiency of the main production process.

Warehouses are very diverse in the type of goods processed, types of transport for the arrival and departure of goods, purpose, technical equipment, layouts, space-planning solutions, warehouse technology, etc.

Based on their purpose and the transport and production systems interacting through them, the following main types of warehouses are distinguished:

T 1 WITHT 2 - transhipment warehouses on the main transport

port (cargo storage period is 2-10 days);

TWITHP- warehouses of raw materials and materials in industrial

enterprises (cargo storage period is 20-30 days);

PWITHT- warehouses of finished products of enterprises (terms

cargo storage 2-5 days);

P 1 WITHP 2 - industrial technological warehouses

industrial enterprises (shelf life of cargo

call 1-3 days).

Warehouses play an important role in transport and production systems. The nature of the organization of transshipment and warehouse complexes, the level of their technology and technical equipment significantly influences

general rhythm, organization and efficiency of cargo transportation and all work of interacting modes of transport;

downtime of vehicles and their use in terms of time and load capacity;

rhythm, organization and efficiency of the main technological processes of industrial production;

total labor costs, staff and cost of transport and transshipment processes;

safety of cargo and rolling stock of transport, fire safety and traffic safety of vehicles, etc.