home · Networks · Road slab pd 1.2.1 2. Road slabs: dimensions, state standard. All reinforced concrete slabs are available in the finished product warehouse

Road slab pd 1.2.1 2. Road slabs: dimensions, state standard. All reinforced concrete slabs are available in the finished product warehouse

Road slabs are reinforced concrete structures, which are actively used in the construction of temporary and permanent roads for freight and passenger transport. The use of concrete slabs is indispensable when arranging internal roads on the territory of warehouses, as well as industrial enterprises, at airfields, during the construction of access roads within the city, the construction of roads for comfortable movement of various freight vehicles on slabs.

Road slabs allow you to create ideal flat surface. They are practical and easy to use, strong, durable, and allow you to reduce the time required to complete certain tasks.

Profitable purchase of road slabs

It is profitable to buy road slabs High Quality you can always contact our company. We offer a significant range and acceptable terms of cooperation, namely:

  • individual approach;
  • prompt execution of orders for the production of slabs for roads of any level of complexity and volume;
  • flexible pricing policy, which allows you to purchase road slabs at attractive price with delivery;
  • professional counseling;
  • comprehensive supply of construction projects.

Our company has an excellent reputation and sells road slabs at discounts when purchasing a certain volume. The company's managers will provide you with full information by slabs, and will also calculate the final price including delivery of road slabs. Please contact experienced professionals regarding the purchase of slabs.

Availability of a certificate of conformity Normative documents Product passports
GOST, TU, Series Working drawings
There is GOST 25912.0-91 GOST 25912.4-91 12P4-92-10000 are issued
There is GOST 25912-2015 - are issued
There is GOST 21924.0-84 GOST 21924.2-84 - are issued
There is GOST 13015-2013 - are issued
There is GOST 8020-90 - are issued
- TU 5846-003-91503770-2015 - are issued
- Series 3.503.1-93 - are issued

All reinforced concrete slabs are available in the finished product warehouse

You can check out the following products:

Road slabs - inexpensive durable material for laying temporary and permanent roads, arrangement of access roads and territories of seaports, embankments. Made from reinforced concrete, slabs are a good alternative to asphalt pavement. They provide:

  • minimum time for laying the road surface,
  • less costs for preparation, leveling, etc. work cycles,
  • simplified dismantling and repair scheme,
  • Possibility of installation at any time of the year.

Once removed from one site, slabs can be reused. Designed to withstand high loads and adverse external influences, even after several years of operation they retain the integrity of the structure and are suitable for covering parking lots for special equipment or laying foundations for utility structures. You can buy used road slabs 40-50% cheaper than new ones, which allows you to reduce your budget without losing the quality of the material.

Trest ZhBI LLC produces a wide range of road slabs of various sizes, from small ones - 1P 30-15-30 and 2P 30-15-30 to large ones - PDN 60-20 (30). At the same time, the price of road slabs is determined not only by the size, but also by the type of product:

  • 1P - for permanent roads,
  • 2P - for temporary roads,
  • HDPE - pre-stressed reinforced concrete products for highways for the passage of large-capacity vehicles,
To clarify the size of road slabs and performance characteristics of the products, place an order and arrange delivery, please contact the sales department:

Reinforced concrete road slabs are intended for the construction of temporary or permanent road surfaces. They are rectangular flat reinforced concrete slabs 14-18 cm thick. They mainly differ in size and permissible load. The load, in turn, depends on the grade of concrete used in the manufacture of the reinforced concrete slab. The higher the grade of concrete, the greater the load the future road surface can withstand. For example, if we are talking about road slabs PDP 30-18-30 (3x1.75 m) and their analogues, then there are two options: 10 load and 30. Index n10 or n30. The numbers after the index "n" indicate permissible load in tons.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the average market prices for road slabs. Similar prices are relevant for many manufacturers of concrete products at this moment(excluding delivery).

Road slabs PDP and PAG

PDP 30-18-30 is, of course, the most common and popular type. However, despite their popularity, PD road slabs have certain restrictions on operational loads. When heavy vehicles regularly pass over them, they are subject to gradual destruction. Especially if the installation is of poor quality (bad cushion, insufficiently compacted soil, sand or crushed stone, etc.).

If you plan to have heavy truck traffic, you should take care of a more reliable and durable road surface. In such cases, it is recommended to construct roads from PAG slabs. These are the so-called airfield plates.

There are two main types of PAGs differing in thickness: 14 and 18 cm (there is PAG-20), as well as in size 6x2 and 3x2 meters (popularly called “half-pags” :-)) The original purpose of PAGs is the construction of airfield pavements . Therefore, there is no need to doubt their reliability and durability. The reinforced frame made of reinforcement and high-quality concrete M350 have a positive effect on the final quality of the product. PAG air house slabs have a corrugated surface, which also contributes to the operational and aesthetic characteristics. IN modern Russia quite a lot of different squares, polygons, etc., lined airfield PAGs back in Soviet times, but have retained their main function to this day.

If funds and budgets allow, and you are looking not at tomorrow, but at the day after tomorrow, then the PAG road slab is the most reliable solution when constructing roads from reinforced concrete products. Pay today and forget about the problems of your road for many years.

IN last years Road slabs are increasingly used only for the organization of temporary access roads. For example: an object begins to be built. There are no access roads. It is necessary to organize access for trucks for delivery building materials. The ground is leveled with a bulldozer, a sand cushion is poured out, and slabs are laid on the compacted sand base. In general, the road is ready. Firstly - this similar works are carried out quite quickly, and secondly, the use of ready-made prefabricated reinforced concrete at a construction site is effective. You can drive on such a road right away, unlike monolithic covering cast from ready-mixed concrete.

Another important positive aspect of using road slabs is the possibility of their further re-laying, transportation to another site, etc. This way we get the opportunity to save on the construction of temporary access roads. Prefabricated reinforced concrete is one of the few ways to quickly create a reliable coating, with the possibility of its further reconfiguration.

Laying or laying road slabs

I would like to mention the main stages and rules for constructing access roads from prefabricated concrete products. It would seem that they grew and faded. But everything is not as simple as we would like. Neglect of basic building codes and technology almost always results in additional costs for rework and the purchase of new materials. Therefore, I would like to save your nerves and wallet from possible disappointments from the construction process. So, let's be clear - how to lay road slabs correctly. Here are the main stages that must be followed in the process of installing your driveway.

  • Cut off upper layer soil. All sorts of irregularities, potholes, etc.
  • Sand is being delivered. The quarry one is better, it is less creeping and dusty than the river one. Accordingly, it is better compacted (compacted).
  • The sand is leveled over the entire width of the future road (slightly wider than the width of the roadway) in a layer of approximately 15-20 cm. Although, more is better. But here everything depends on budgets.
  • The sand must be spilled with water and compacted with a vibrating plate (preferably two or three times in layers of 7-10 cm). In general, a vibratory roller would be more convenient, but it would be a little expensive: rent, bring it on a trawl, roll it, transport it. In this situation, you can get by with a vibrating plate weighing 100-150 kg. The pillow is tamped down and leveled at the same time.

    All work on filling and compaction should be controlled with a level or ordinary rope beacons stretched according to the level. After compaction, the surface of the pillow should be absolutely flat, without holes or slopes. In the future, there is nothing more to level them out. The reinforced concrete covering of the future road will already lie on this cushion.

  • Road slabs are laid on a leveled and compacted sand bed.
  • The trailing loops on the sides are welded together using electric welding. This is so that during operation the slabs do not crawl or move apart. The voids are filled with concrete or cement mortar. This is, of course, not a necessary event, but after filling you get a completely smooth road, without holes and unsightly iron at the joints.
  • Now the road itself is ready. Of course, it doesn’t look like a highway, but if you “shake your wallet” and put asphalt on top, it will be absolutely beautiful. And reliable, and practical, and durable. Asphalt pavement will protect reinforced concrete from the destructive effects of moisture and frost.

Under no circumstances should road slabs be laid on bare ground without a carefully compacted sand bed. If you do not make a base of sand, then such a road will not last long: one or two seasons. And then: either take it off and re-lay it on the pillow, or watch how your money continues to dissolve in the clay...

Road slabs, the sizes of which can be different, are quite common today in the construction of transport branches. They are actively used in the creation of roads, highways, and highways. They are able to maintain their quality characteristics over a fairly wide temperature range, they do not lose strength even at -40 0 C. Their use guarantees the reliability and long service life of the road surface.

Road slab dimensions

Depending on the brand, the slabs may have different sizes and, naturally, prices. Thus, the PD 60X12 slab has dimensions of 6000x1200x220 mm, its weight is 3.39 tons. While the PD 3-23 brand slab has dimensions equal to 3000x1500x220 mm, its weight is 2.42 tons. There are slabs that have holes for hatches, for example, PD 6 (c), its dimensions are 2500x1750x220 mm, and its weight is 2.3 tons. In general, slabs that have holes for hatches may have different sizes, among them we can distinguish 2800x2000x220 mm, the weight being 2.5 tons.

State quality standards

Road slabs should not lose their properties under mechanical stress. Dimensions, GOST are taken into account when laying roads with a certain load. So, if a stove is produced without taking into account standards, then using it is at least ineffective, and at most unsafe.

Road slabs must be flat, they are based on concrete reinforced with steel elements. They are used when it is necessary to arrange a road, be it temporary or permanent. These products are manufactured taking into account GOST 21924.0-84, which involves the production of slabs that are used in the construction of urban roads. In this case, the reinforcement in it is prestressed. There is another GOST 21924.2-84, which is used for the manufacture of slabs with non-tensioned reinforcement. These products form the basis of permanent or temporary coatings.

Road slabs, the dimensions, GOST and purpose of which are marked on the product, may have different characteristics. So, if the product is intended for the construction of a permanent road, then in its marking you can see the designation “1P”. Whereas slabs, which are intended to form temporary roads, are designated as “2P”. The manufacturer also divides products according to performance. For example, a slab marked “2P 30-18.30” can be used to create a temporary covering, the load of which does not exceed 30 tons, but the operating temperature should not fall below -40 °C. If there is a need to use a slab for laying a permanent or temporary road, then you can use the one marked “PDP 3x1.5”. In this case, the load must correspond to the specific one used during the formation of the slab. To create a permanent coating, the load of which will not exceed 300 tons, and temperature Range during operation it will not fall below -40 °C, you can use a product marked “1P30-18.30”. If a line is required, then the PR-3 plate should be used; it is resistant to high temperatures.

Products for use in difficult conditions

Road slabs, the dimensions of which were described above, can also be used when laying roads that will be subject to particularly aggressive external influences, for example, a temperature of -55 ° C. These qualities correspond to the PDN brand slab, which has a fairly strong frame.

State standards for concrete

Road slabs, the dimensions of which were described in detail in the article, must be made of a material whose qualities are dictated by GOST. Thus, the product should be based on heavy concrete. It is poured into formwork, which is pre-supplied with metal reinforcement; it (in certain brands of slabs) is subjected to pre-stressing.

Road slabs, the dimensions and weight of which were mentioned above, are manufactured using M-350 as well as B30 M400. The technology for carrying out the work is not complicated and does not involve the use of expensive equipment. It involves the preparation of a form, which first goes through the stage of cleaning and treatment in the area of ​​the walls with a special compound to simplify the process of stripping. A pair is placed in the mold, which are fixed in order to eliminate displacement and maintain the required distance. Afterwards, the craftsmen proceed to the compaction process using mechanical vibrators until the moment of hardening.

Heat treatment of concrete according to GOST

In order for the road slabs, the dimensions of which will clearly correspond to the shape taken during pouring, to be durable, at the next stage they are heated, which occurs in a heat chamber. Completion of the manufacturing process is accompanied by removal of the product from the mold, quality analysis and subsequent labeling. The first thing craftsmen pay attention to is the smoothness of the surface.

Features of installation according to GOST

The quality of the road slab must correspond to what is regulated by GOST. In addition to the characteristics already mentioned, it can be noted that the products are very easy to install. The main advantage is that the road does not require complicated preparation. This stage only requires marking and leveling. In addition, it is necessary to lay a sand cushion, the thickness of which should be in the range from 15 to 20 cm. After the slab is installed, we can assume that the road is ready.

Road ones, the sizes of which can be different and are indicated above, have another advantage over traditional asphalt. It consists in the fact that the reinforced concrete product is quite easy to dismantle if necessary. The plate will not lose its performance characteristics, and in the future the product can even be used when laying a new road in another place. This is especially true when there is a need to build a temporary road on the territory of military camps or construction sites.

Dependence of the price of slabs on their size

Road slabs (PD), the sizes of which can be different, and cost differently. For example, a 2P 30-18-30 brand slab, the size of which is 3000x1750x170 mm, has a price of 5900 rubles. But the product of the 2P 30-18-10 brand has dimensions of 3000x1200x170 mm and costs 5881 rubles. The PD 6 brand product has dimensions within the range of 2500x1750x220 mm, and its cost is more impressive and amounts to 11,129 rubles.


Concrete road slabs, the dimensions of which are universal, since they can be different and calculated for coatings with different loads and different external conditions, have a fairly large margin of safety. They are used in industrial construction, but they are almost never used by private consumers, although their price is reasonable. Concrete slabs, regardless of whether they are intended to be used temporarily or permanently, will undergo heavy loads, which applies not only to machines, but also to external loads during freezing and thawing, especially during the spring and autumn, when temperature changes can be significant during one day. Water that gets into the cracks freezes at night and makes the crack even bigger. That is why concrete is used in production, which must be made according to the rules.

PD (road slabs)

Road slabs are widely used in the construction highways transport routes, construction and industrial sites, access roads, warehouses and industrial buildings and structures.

Road slabs are the ideal material

Road construction using concrete slabs provides significant benefits:
simplification of the road construction process;
reduction of construction time;
increasing the reliability and wear resistance of the coating, increasing its service life;
reduction of construction and operating costs.
In view of high level demand for products, domestic enterprises have launched the production of various modifications reinforced concrete slabs for the construction of road surfaces.

Road slabs PD, PDP, PDS - the necessary variety

IN road construction a fairly wide range of problems is solved. In accordance with this, for various conditions Reinforced concrete road slabs of various designs are used. The most common options include:
Road plate PD. Some of the most universal species products intended primarily for the installation of prefabricated coverings for temporary highways in cities and settlements. Due to the high strength of concrete and powerful reinforcement of the slabs, road PD can be used in the construction of access roads industrial enterprises and industrial zone. Available in several sizes and designs. For example, road slabs PD10 and PD6 are designed for organizing wells in the road surface and have a hole for installing hatches.
Plate road traffic rules. It is in wide demand and is intended for organizing permanent and temporary coverings of highways, highways and urban highways. Convenient sizes, lightness and low cost, together with excellent strength and resistance to climatic influences, contribute to the spread PDP slabs throughout the country.
Plate road traffic rules. The main purpose is the construction of temporary roads for industrial enterprises. Durable reinforcement and high density Perfectly suited for paving roads with heavy traffic of heavy vehicles.

For the construction of roads, other types of reinforced concrete slabs are used, with stressed and unstressed reinforcement, various surfaces, connection methods, etc. The Dorplit Concrete Products company offers a wide range of new and used road slabs. Details are in the price lists and on the official website.