home · Other · Plaster in the living room. Super ideas with decorative plaster in the interior: types of finishes and beautiful examples. In the living room interior there is a gallery of successful selections

Plaster in the living room. Super ideas with decorative plaster in the interior: types of finishes and beautiful examples. In the living room interior there is a gallery of successful selections

Decorative plaster has been one of the popular materials for DIY wall decoration for many years. The style, method of application, materials have changed, but the technology has remained the same. The surface is treated with plaster, which not only protects the walls, but also serves as a decorative layer. Thanks to in various ways applying decorative plaster, the room can be treated beyond recognition. The interior of the house can be kept in one style, or you can make it varied. The peculiarity of plaster is that it will not be possible to make two identical designs, so each room will be original and unique. Among other things, the material can be painted in any color you like, there are no restrictions for you. And when you get tired of the base color, you can easily change it. One of the advantages of finishing walls with plaster is the ease of work. Even if you are not a professional, our tips will help you do everything yourself.

So, this article is about wall decoration. decorative plaster with your own hands. Detailed information will be made for you step-by-step instruction, additional videos and photos.

A little about decorative plaster

If this is your first time encountering this material, then I would immediately like to reassure you - there is nothing complicated or supernatural in it. Usually it is sold in the form of a dry mixture, which must be prepared during the process, but there is already ready plaster. The composition of the material is quite simple: binder material, additives and filler. Depending on the type of plaster, the components may be different. The binder can be gypsum, lime, polyurethane, acrylic and epoxy resins. They provide the plasticity of the plaster, which is very important. If we talk about the filler, it can be colored clinker or white Portland cement, and various colored or pigment fillers. Additives are plasticizers and other materials that increase the properties of plaster to repel moisture. Special solid elements are added to structural mixtures to form furrows (bark beetles). These are wood fibers quartz sand, synthetic granules or marble chips. They can be either large or small fractions.

note! There are different types of plaster. It is used for decoration interior walls, and external. It can be structural, textured, mineral, Venetian and stone.

Material advantages

Before plastering the surface, you need to understand why plaster is better than other materials. Here are the main advantages:

  1. No professional skills are required for the job. To do everything yourself, just read the instructions from the manufacturer, take our advice into account, stock up on tools and materials (there are not many of them) and start completing the task.
  2. The ability to hide any surface irregularities and imperfections. Due to its texture and variety of ornaments, designs and patterns, even the most curved surfaces will look beautiful, as if it was originally intended. For example, when working with wallpaper, the prepared wall must be perfectly flat. But for plaster, small unevenness, cracks and defects are not a problem. The material will fill all cavities.
  3. When the wall is pre-treated with a primer, the plaster plays the role of a heat-insulating layer (if it is of the required class).
  4. Appearance and variety of techniques. The processed surface looks rich, beautiful, original, skillful and attractive. The wall can be made to suit any taste, according to your desire.
  5. Ecological cleanliness. These days it's very important factor. Using decorative plaster, you don’t have to worry about the health of those living in the house. The material does not emit harmful substances and has no smell.
  6. Durability. Good plaster will serve you for many years. It is resistant to small mechanical damage, to temperature changes and aggressive substances.
  7. Easy to care for. Some types can be washed.

As you can see, decorating walls with decorative plaster is a profitable business. All the advantages speak in favor of this material. Now we will look at what is needed to do the job yourself. But first, look at the photo. Here you can see different kinds decorative plaster.**

Tools required for work

We have already mentioned that expensive and specialized tools are not needed here. They are quite simple, affordable and easy to use. What should you have in your arsenal? It all depends on the material being applied and the desired texture. But the standard set is as follows:

  • container for the finished mixture (bucket, basin);
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • a set of spatulas of different sizes;
  • trowel, grater, grater;
  • falcon;
  • roller with bath;
  • soft and hard brushes for painting works or pattern formation;
  • metal brush for cleaning walls.

The photo shows what each of them looks like.

As materials for forming a pattern, you can use a sponge, cellophane, various structural rollers, stencils, even a rubber glove. In this matter, you can use your imagination to the fullest, because you can create any patterns with anything. When the arsenal is complete, you can begin decorating the walls with decorative plaster with your own hands.

Step 1 - surface preparation

There is no point in achieving a perfectly flat area. It is important to complete the basic steps so that the surface is ready for processing. The procedure is as follows:

Step 2 - preparing the composition

Once the primer is dry, everything is ready to go. The next step is to prepare plaster mixture. Usually the packaging contains instructions from the manufacturer, which indicate the method of preparation and proportions. It is as follows:

This way you can quickly and easily prepare the solution with your own hands in a few minutes.

Advice ! Do not knead too much material. Over time, it will dry out, losing its plasticity. If you are a beginner, then 1 portion should not be large so that you can apply the solution before it dries.

Step 3 – applying decorative plaster

Now everything is ready for surface treatment. Your task is to apply the solution to the wall and form one or another pattern. The technology is as follows:

Since the techniques and subtleties of the work differ depending on the material and method of application, we invite you to familiarize yourself with a series of videos that will describe in detail how you can make various types of decorative plaster with your own hands.

Application of bark beetle:

Application of Venetian plaster:

Application of Desan Versagel plaster:

Application with a textured roller:

Possible difficulties

If you work with mineral plaster, you should know that it tends to fade under ultraviolet rays or from exposure to precipitation. To avoid this, finished surface must be covered with several layers of high-quality paint, for example, silicate paint.

When did you apply thin layer material, then be prepared for the base to show through. It will be difficult to fix everything with coarse-grained plasters. The wall is simply covered with a colored primer, matching the plaster.

The wall will not always turn out the way you wanted. The reason may be incorrect application of the composition, choice of tool, or consistency of the solution. To prevent this from happening, study everything down to the smallest detail: the product, the method of applying it and the tools for this.

At the end we invite you to look at the photo different finishes walls with decorative plaster.

Today there are many different finishing materials. The most popular of them is decorative plaster.

Its leadership in the market is due to the fact that it has many advantages. It is durable, easy to care for, moisture resistant, and its cost is low.

Let's look at how to make decorative plaster yourself.

Types of plaster

This material for decorating rooms and facades can have various properties. Depending on the:

  • Chemical composition and components.
  • Texture and style.
  • Number and size of granules.

Chemical composition and components

Mineral, excellent value for money. Made from cement and lime. In stores it is sold in the form of a dry mixture. Therefore, before starting work, it must be diluted in water.

Not only used for interior works, but also for decorating facades. Since it contains water-repellent substances.

In addition, it has a number of advantages:

  • vapor permeability;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistant to mechanical damage.

Acrylic plaster sold ready-made, in the form of a water-dispersed material for decoration.

In its production, a polymer solution is used that connects the filler. This type of plaster is tinted, so you can choose any shade.

Silicone is used for decoration external walls. Because it has various positive characteristics:

  • Long service life.
  • Elastic structure.
  • Self-cleaning material.
  • High vapor permeability.
  • Weather resistant.

Silicate or mineral plaster very expensive, however, reliable and practical. Since the main component is potassium glass. This will protect the walls from the appearance of fungus.

This plaster is usually used in finishing the facades of buildings. But you can find it in the decoration of interior walls.

If it is not possible to buy a ready-made mixture, then at home you can make decorative plaster from putty. With its help you can create textured images.

Texture and style

Venetian creates walls from marble. In the photo of decorative plaster, you can see how much the room is transformed. It is made from an aqueous solution, lime and marble sand. This type of material is applied only to smooth walls.

Structural is a heterogeneous mass with granules. It is made from latex and water. Its granules can be of any color. The color range is customized at the factory. However, choosing a color will not be difficult, as manufacturers offer a large palette of different shades.

Textured is the most popular among consumers. Because with its help you can create a relief or image on the wall in the interior of a room.


Flock turns the wall into a mosaic. As a rule, it is sold in two containers. The first contains glue, the second contains mosaic elements. They are already pre-painted by the manufacturer. It is applied to the wall in stages, first with glue, then with mosaic particles.

Lacquering is used in cases where it is necessary to create a certain effect on the surface of the wall. For example, the effect of silk, velor, sandstone. Decorative plaster can be applied to the façade of a building.

Instructions for applying decorative plaster yourself

You must first complete preparatory work. You need to remove the old finishing material.

The surface is cleaned, and if there are cracks and holes, they are puttied. Afterwards, the wall must be treated with a primer.

After all preparatory work is completed, apply the plaster using construction tools. The material is placed using horizontal or vertical movements. The thickness of the application is measured by granules. After application it dries for about a day.

This completes the application of decorative plaster. If desired, it can be painted a different color or decorated with different design elements.


Decorative plaster of walls, great way quickly and inexpensively change the interior of a room.

Photo of decorative plaster with your own hands


Possibilities? From marble to python skin.

If no one has any questions about the plaster that is familiar to us, then the combination “decorative plaster” can cause a number of contradictions for many. How can a layer of hardened finishing mixture be on the outside and perform decorative role? This kind finishing material combines, on the one hand, properties that protect the walls of the apartment, and perfect decorative attributes, on the other. You can imagine how a master of decoration in the Middle Ages dreamed of the appearance unique composition, which can be applied to the wall without hassle, and which does not require additional decoration.

Today such plaster is not one of the most common finishing compounds, no matter how the Internet “shouts” about its popularity. But the apartment, decorated modern material, which today is new development, only benefits from this. After all, rarity is one of the first factors of value and attractiveness. Moreover, when the material has both self-sufficient beauty and uniqueness.

Decorative plaster differs in composition, application technique, properties, but most importantly - appearance V end result. Now turn to your imagination:

Cracked gilding, the torn edges of the polygonal shapes reflect the glare of light, slightly protruding above the blackened veins of the breaks, causing an irresistible desire to touch the mysterious surface.
Matte smooth surface of cream color with a subtle fibrous pattern, like unsanded Ivory, covers the wall in smooth drips, creating the illusion that it is slowly draining.
A dark brown texture, formed by many small folds imitating natural leather, covers the niche of the walls from one pilaster to another.

This is just part visual techniques, which can be realized with decorative plaster. Some of its types resemble the texture of a tree in a cut or its bark, others - stone chips. Bark beetle plaster is especially popular. A wall treated with this decorative material really resembles the result of the influence of this bug. But these are not all options. Today you can imitate almost any surface. The plaster looks rich, imitating such noble fabrics as velvet or silk. With its help you can an ordinary room turn into a work of art, since it creates not only a variety of textures, but also volumetric panels with the plot.

How about a chic wall hanging?

Designing a panel requires artistic skills, so it is better to turn to specialists for this task. In fact, this type of coating came to our country exclusively as decorative material, no instructions artistic use. Design work is not cheap, but it is original. This is the case when creative efforts and financial expenses pay off in full.

More and more often you can find houses that are decorated with panels. Skillful craftsmen they are created using decorative plaster. They have a three-dimensional shape and due to this they look alive. If you look at such a panel for a few minutes, you can recreate the whole world. From a distance the impression is not as strong as up close. The panel looks like a painting.

It is advisable to decorate living and dining rooms with similar elements. To make the panel look more impressive, it is necessary to additionally illuminate it from below and from the sides. The contrast of light and shade gives the plot volume and reality. And of course, you should think about the design. If the room is large enough, you can place large paintings in it. In a small room, a panel covering the entire wall will not look good.

To prevent the panel from getting lost in the interior, it does not need to be surrounded by furniture or other decorative elements. It is only viewed as independent element interior

The “decoration” for a custom panel is applied very painstakingly. The first layer is applied to a dry, cleaned surface, onto which, after complete drying, the next layer is built up, one after the other, until the plot or ornament is completely achieved. The master works according to a pre-created sketch. Paper tape acts as a fixing element for the volumetric parts of the panel. Volume is created gradually. To build it up, plasterboard inserts or pieces of polyurethane are often additionally used.

Types and differences of decorative plasters

Before looking into the composition of plaster, you should divide it into types, since this affects the list of components that form its structure.

So, the entire range of this finishing material can be classified according to its properties:

Textured (creates an imitation of surfaces natural materials, usually, natural stone; particularly attractive to interior decoration apartments);
Structural (consists of a base and filler in the form of stone chips of various fractions);
Venetian (has special artistic properties; application involves the use of techniques that affect the final result).

Its types are also distinguished based on their composition:


In order not to unduly complicate the classification, we will note the list of materials that may be included in the listed types of decorative plaster, and we will tell you how they affect it.

The basis decorative covering includes viscous water-soluble liquids, such as:

Acrylic, silicone, latex are vapor-permeable components that allow the walls to “breathe,” wear-resistant and washable;
Silicate liquid glass, capable of repelling moisture and dirt, therefore practically does not swell and does not get dirty;
Mineral fillers(marble, quartz flour) – give the surface a pearlescent shine, radiance, signs of stone rocks;
Gypsum and lime are responsible for the strength and hardness of the coating.

Other components such as natural pigments, thickeners, wood fibers, stone chips, silver and gold threads form the color, consistency, structure and special decorative properties.


Decorative plaster is not only beautiful, but also resistant to moisture, does not fade in direct sunlight, is easy to maintain, environmentally friendly, and is not a flammable substance. To remove dirt, you do not need to use special means. Traditional ones are fine detergents. The durability of plaster may vary depending on the specific composition, but if the requirements for application, care and operation are met, it can exceed a service life of 15 years.