home · Lighting · About the benefits of wheat germ oil and how to use it. A storehouse of useful substances: unique composition, production methods and wonderful properties of wheat germ oil

About the benefits of wheat germ oil and how to use it. A storehouse of useful substances: unique composition, production methods and wonderful properties of wheat germ oil

A number of biologically active substances contained in wheat germ oil help normalize blood pressure, cleanse the walls of blood vessels from excess cholesterol, remove toxic compounds and waste, protect the cardiovascular system and all vital organs from the effects of free radicals.

In addition, the biologically active product contains zinc, iron, manganese, copper, and all B vitamins. These substances complement and enhance the interaction of each other, which allows for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, and diabetic retinopathy. With regular use of wheat germ oil, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is significantly reduced.

Phytosterols, a high content of vitamins and microelements have a positive effect on the functional state of the reproductive system. In preparation for pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a treatment course, taking wheat germ oil for two to three months. During pregnancy, using oil applied to the chest and abdomen will help avoid stretch marks and keep the skin firm and elastic.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of wheat germ oil for normalizing the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Phospholipids have a pronounced hepatoprotective effect. Daily intake of oil will be an indispensable prevention of gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis, esophagitis, and will help normalize the evacuation function of the intestines.

To strengthen the immune system, prevent premature aging, for diseases of the endocrine system, during the rehabilitation period, long-term use of wheat germ oil is recommended.

Use of wheat germ oil in dietary nutrition

If you are obese and following a low-calorie diet, wheat germ oil will help maintain good health and mood. Normalizing the function of the stomach and the evacuation ability of the intestines will help you get rid of extra pounds much faster. And the product’s ability to remove waste and toxins will allow you to consolidate the results for many years.

Use of wheat germ oil in cosmetology

Many anti-aging creams contain wheat germ oil. It can also be found in hair masks and balms. When applied externally, the product in its pure form can prevent premature skin aging, improve complexion, and even get rid of deep wrinkles.

When using oil as a hair nourisher, even split ends and weakened hair can be restored.

To consolidate the results, together with external use, it is worth taking wheat germ oil capsules internally. A double positive effect on the body is guaranteed.

All vegetable oils are rich in triglyceride fatty acid compounds, phospholipids, vitamins and phytosterols. They are one of the best sources of energy; due to their components, the body receives up to 80% of the required resource of nutrients. They take part in the construction of cell membranes, accelerate metabolism and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The list of such products is quite extensive, and a special place in it is occupied by wheat germ oil, the benefits and harms of which have been debated for many years. Interestingly, it can be used both orally and externally, and the effect in the first and second cases is very high.

Composition and characteristics

The medicinal and cosmetological functions of the product are due to the huge range of elements that the product contains. Therefore, wheat germ oil for hair, face, and acne is considered equally useful. In addition, it is used in the treatment of a number of diseases, thanks to its unique composition:

  • One of the best antioxidant substances that protects cells from the effects of free radicals is vitamin E. It is involved in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin molecules, tissue and cellular respiration, and the process of proliferation. Necessary for the production and stability of protein compounds. Deficiency leads to fragility of capillary walls and liver damage.
  • Fat-soluble vitamin A is responsible for the functioning of the immune system. The condition of hair and skin depends on it; thanks to retinol compounds, wheat germ oil is indispensable for acne. In addition, the element is responsible for the growth and strengthening of bones and teeth. Required for the normal functioning of the digestive system and is indispensable for the prevention of cancer.
  • The main function of vitamin D is to be responsible for the absorption and replenishment of phosphorus and calcium resources. This is important for the formation of bone structures, so the element is of particular importance for children. The substance helps reduce the risk of respiratory diseases and stimulates the synthesis of hormones. It is important to use wheat germ oil for those who are just planning a child and during pregnancy.
  • Oxidation and reduction reactions are impossible without niacin. Vitamin PP is a source of production of the essential amino acid tryptophan. Its deficiency leads to severe pathology, the so-called disease of the three Ds - dementia, diarrhea, dermatitis, which is expressed by special symptoms and can cause severe and irreversible changes in the body.
  • Inactivation and oxidation of toxic aldehydes and foreign substances occurs with the participation of vitamin B2. Riboflavin compounds are important for reproductive functions, thyroid function, synthesis of antibodies and red blood cell elements. They protect against the formation of early wrinkles and folds, so their presence in the composition of wheat germ oil for the face is important.
  • Carbohydrate and protein metabolism occurs with the participation of vitamin B1, which supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, digestive and nervous systems. If it is deficient, a person suffers from paresis and paralysis, is unable to assimilate and remember new information; deficiency leads to irreversible changes in the brain, mental and neurological disorders.
  • The beneficial properties of wheat germ oil can be judged by the folates it contains. Vitamin B9 is a depot for the formation of new cells, and an essential element for maintaining their structural integrity. DNA replication processes also take place with the participation of this substance. It is necessary for the formation of bone marrow and optimal sperm count.
  • The properties and use of wheat germ oil are also based on the action of allantoin. This element is an astringent that softens the stratum corneum of the skin, helping to remove toxins and impurities from the pores. At the same time, it promotes the processes of regeneration and accelerated healing of the epidermis, which is effective for acne and pimples.
  • Vitamin B6 is responsible for the rational use of glucose by cells and monitors its level, preventing it from being too low or too high. This controls the production of adrenaline and other hormones, improves brain metabolism and stimulates neuronal function. The substance is responsible for the psycho-emotional state of a person, because it is not without reason that it is called a natural antidepressant.

This is not a complete list of useful and necessary elements contained in the product. You can take wheat germ oil internally or use it as an external remedy, given that, among other things, it also provides the system with an optimal concentration of minerals: calcium, iron, manganese, selenium and others. A plant product is a source of elements thanks to which the body, both inside and outside, is able to maintain youth.

How is oil obtained?

The purpose of producing such an important substance is to improve its quality by containing more useful macro- and microelements. This is done by double solvent extraction and grinding of raw materials. The first stage takes place at a temperature of 25-30 0 C for 5 minutes, and the second - 35-65 0 C for 25 minutes. Ethers, ethanol or hexane compounds are used as reagents. At each stage, the resulting composition is subjected to separate refining.

Properties and indications

According to studies, the product is equally effective both when used externally and when taken orally. Its benefits have been proven for the following diseases and conditions:

Heart and blood vessels

Thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains, the extract is able to strengthen vascular walls and prevent the formation of blood clots and blockages in the lumens. The elements are responsible for separating cholesterol compounds into bad and good, and controlling the balance between them. The oil regulates blood pressure and prevents the development of hypotension and hypertension. Prevents inflammatory processes and acts as a preventative against the effects of free radial particles. It has a beneficial effect on the contractile activity of the myocardium and helps transport oxygen molecules from the lungs. The product is included in the diet for the following pathologies of the cardiac and vascular system:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Anemia
  • Diabetic type retinopathy
  • Ischemia
  • Varicose veins
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke.

Reproductive functions

The activity of phytosterol compounds is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels, since these substances initially act as derivatives of sex hormones. Thanks to the use of wheat germ oil, spermatogenesis improves, the activity, number and mobility of viable sperm increases. The extract promotes testosterone production, normalizes erectile functions and increases libido.

The elements also help in pregnancy planning; the product is used for problems with conceiving and bearing a child. It is advisable to introduce oil into therapeutic regimens in gynecology, during menopause, puberty and premenstrual syndrome. The substances included in the composition contribute to the normal development of the fetus, protect against congenital mutations and anomalies. Many women expecting a baby ask the question of how to use seed oil for stretch marks. It is enough just to lubricate the stomach and chest with the composition every day, then the formation of striae will be reduced significantly.

Digestive system

The extract contains elements that are responsible for the condition of mucous membranes and microflora. They have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the walls of the digestive organs and have pronounced hepatoprotective activity. They help eliminate heartburn, control the process of passage, processing and absorption of foods, and participate in the extraction of useful substances from food and their distribution throughout all systems. In addition, the hood is indispensable for the functioning of the pancreas, as it affects the production of hormones, especially the production and level of insulin. Therefore, it is effective in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. We should not forget that the substance helps strengthen and maintain the body’s immune functions, protecting against the penetration of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Skin and hair

The condition of the epidermis also depends on the extract, as does the appearance of the curls. If there is a deficiency of at least one of the necessary elements, the epithelium becomes covered with pimples, acne and comedones, the hair becomes dull and brittle, and the nails quickly break, turn yellow, and lose their smooth structure. Therefore, wheat germ oil is as indispensable in cosmetology as it is for internal organs. Thanks to the use of exhaust hood, the systems become healthier and the following effects are achieved:

  • Stimulates cellular renewal
  • Softens and moisturizes the skin
  • Tissues receive adequate nutrition
  • The epidermis is rejuvenated, wrinkles are reduced, folds are tightened
  • Pores are cleansed and freed from toxins
  • Normalizes the fat balance in the sebaceous glands
  • Healing occurs faster for cuts and burns
  • Improves and evens out complexion
  • The skin is toned
  • Cracks on the lips and in their corners disappear
  • Stop hair loss
  • Strands become elastic and shiny
  • Nail plates acquire density, matte and smooth structure
  • Increases elasticity.

How to use the oil

Before starting treatment with the extract, it is important to understand that although there are few contraindications, they still exist. You cannot self-medicate; a doctor’s recommendations are required both for oral administration and when using wheat germ cosmetic oil. It is not prescribed in the presence of stones in the kidneys and bile ducts.

As for external application, the extract should not be used for psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. Despite the almost complete safety of the natural composition, it can cause allergic reactions, but in very rare cases. If rashes, redness, itching and peeling are noticed, it is better to stop using it. After a while, you can repeat the treatment, but it is worth conducting a preliminary test. To do this, apply a drop to your wrist. If the negative manifestations do not disappear, you will have to replace the product with a more suitable one.

The method of oral administration for preventive purposes is very simple - 30 minutes before meals you need to drink 10-15 g of wheat extract twice a day or add a few drops to side dishes or water. The general course of treatment is 30-60 days. It should be taken into account that at temperatures above 60 0 C the composition loses its properties. For children and during pregnancy, the dosage should be halved.

For cuts, burns, scratches and cracks, you need to slightly warm up the product, treat the damaged area, or apply a soaked gauze bandage if the affected area is large. For arthritis, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, the warm mixture is gently rubbed into the skin, without strong pressure.

Use for skin and hair

To prepare masks and medicinal compositions at home, it is important to consider a number of factors:

  • The extract has a dense and greasy consistency, which is not suitable for everyone, and it is also difficult to wash off. To make the care process more comfortable and effective, it is recommended to mix it with similar substances, for example, almond oil or extract obtained from grape seed.
  • Adding citrus fruits and fruits to masks will enhance the properties and give the epidermis and strands a pleasant aroma that lasts for a long time.
  • If the mass is slightly warmed before application, all components are activated, which will provide a stronger effect. But it is important not to exceed the optimal temperature, especially if essential substances are included in the preparation.
  • For dry skin, you can combine it with apricot, olive or peach oil in a ratio of 1 to 4. This provides powerful hydration.
  • Oily epidermis requires a slightly different approach; it needs to be dried, so the components must be appropriate. This can be lemon or aloe juice, which, among other things, will also whiten the epithelium and remove age spots.
  • Do not use metal utensils for cooking. The container should be made of ceramics, porcelain or wood. The same rule applies to a spatula for mixing ingredients.
  • Using a hair mask with wheat germ oil in its pure form means applying it exclusively to the ends. It is strictly forbidden to use such a mixture on the skin, as there is a risk of burns or severe allergic reactions.
  • The action time of the product is 15-20 minutes, there is no need to hold it longer. But the frequency of use depends on the ingredients, but in any case, it is enough to apply 1-2 times a week.
  • The general course of care is 8-10 sessions, which means that the procedure will have to be carried out over 2 months. It is not recommended to interrupt it. If you increase the duration, the cells will quickly get used to the extract and stop reacting to it, so it is better to take a 30-day break between courses.

Effective recipes

Thanks to the efforts of cosmetologists, people have the opportunity to combine and combine the product with various components, use it correctly and wisely, apply and wash off correctly. For skin and hair care, you can choose a ready-made product, for example, Aspera wheat germ oil. This is a nourishing composition used as an external preparation. This is a greasy light brown substance, packaged in darkened glass bottles with a tight-fitting nylon stopper and lid. Has a slight specific odor. To make masks with this extract, you can use the following recipes:

  • Apply a few drops to a cotton pad, wipe the problem area or treat comedones and acne with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.
  • Steam the skin with herbal infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort and celandine. Next, mix wheat, lavender and orange oils (10 g each), moisten gauze folded in four in this composition, apply to the face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water without using soap. The mask tightens sagging folds, improves the oval and structure of the face.
  • Treat the prepared and cleaned epidermis with the following mixture: combine wheat extract with 3-5 drops of vitamin E in ampoules, add 30 g of honey and yolk. Apply to face, rinse after 20 minutes. Matteness is ensured, wrinkles are reduced, irritation disappears, and oily shine disappears.
  • Mix about 20 g of the base component with bergamot, tea tree ether and 30 g of lemon juice. This product moisturizes well, creates a protective film, prevents the negative effects of the external environment and perfectly heals and regenerates the skin.

This is only a small part of effective skin care recipes. The same compositions can be used for hair and nails. In addition, they help maintain the beauty and tone of the whole body. And women who want to get rid of stretch marks or at least reduce the number and depth of stretch marks can regularly massage with oil, which, judging by the reviews of many women, helps to eliminate defects very effectively. The main thing is to remember the rules of use and be able to correctly combine the base product with other components.

Sprouted wheat grains are a storehouse of useful components, embedded in the grain by nature itself for the renewal of life. Over the course of many centuries, vast experience has been accumulated in the use of wheat sprouts and products obtained as a result of their processing. Scientists, naturopaths, yogis, and traditional healers have been studying their effects on the human body, and no one has doubted the enormous healing power of the sprouts. They are used in cosmetology, in folk medicine, eaten, and the most beneficial wheat germ oil is made from sprouted grains.

Sprouted wheat grains are a storehouse of useful components, inherent in the grain by nature itself for the renewal of life

Production methods

There is an opinion, based on scientific research, that the history of agriculture began precisely with the processing and sowing of wheat, when Asians discovered the high yield and nutritional properties of wheat grains. For thousands of years they have been used to grow cereals as raw materials for baking bread and flour products. And only no more than two hundred years ago, after studying the beneficial properties of sprouted wheat, they began to make oil from them.

The most effective modern production method is the high-tech cold pressing method, in which the raw materials are not subjected to heat treatment, third-party components are not used, and only mechanical pressing of wheat grains is used. The use of the cold pressing method allows you to preserve the entire complex of useful vitamins and biologically active substances in the finished product.

To prepare three liters of product, it is necessary to process about one hundred kilograms of wheat grains.


Oil from sprouted wheat grains is a superconcentrate of biologically active substances useful to the human body. Our body does not synthesize all the necessary amino acids on its own. A number of them must be obtained from food for the coordinated functioning of all organs. By consuming wheat germ oil, you can supply the body with tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine and other amino acids that the plant product is rich in.

Wheat germ oil is rich in polyunsaturated higher fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, which are extremely important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and have a positive effect on reproductive function and metabolic processes in the body.

Oil from sprouted wheat grains is a superconcentrate of biologically active substances beneficial to the human body.

Sprout oil contains fat-soluble vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B9; these vitamins have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and promote active functioning of the brain and nervous system. The product components also contain a record content of youth vitamin E - tocopherol. No other vegetable oil has such an amount of this powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E protects the body from deposition of harmful cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and stimulates the functioning of the muscular system. With the help of vitamin D contained in this product, the body better absorbs calcium and phosphorus, which prevents teeth, bones and joints from damage, and effectively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Wheat germ oil contains zinc, which is important for the health of the male reproductive system, it prevents the development of prostate adenoma, increases testosterone production, and normalizes the process of sperm production.

The presence of the most powerful antioxidant squalene in the product helps improve the functioning of the immune system and activates the body's protective functions. Squalene is a bactericidal, antitumor component.

Healing properties

The presence of such a huge number of useful components ensures the wide use of the product in medicine, since it gives the oil therapeutic and prophylactic properties. If you regularly take this remedy, your metabolism, the functioning of your cardiovascular system, your blood composition will improve, your blood pressure will normalize, and your blood cholesterol level will decrease.

The use of wheat germ oil is very effective for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia, coronary heart disease, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

This oil is very useful for pregnant women to consume, as it promotes the appearance and increase in the amount of milk, improves its taste, and normalizes the hormonal balance of the body. The use of the product is useful for patients with diabetes, since the substances in its composition normalize the functioning of the pancreas and its production of insulin. The product activates the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation, heartburn, promotes the healing of ulcers, cures gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis.

Those who play sports may also benefit from the use of wheat germ oil. It increases the physical endurance of the body and helps increase muscle mass. Experts recommend taking the drug after injuries, surgeries, after undergoing a course of radiation and chemotherapy, as well as for those who live in environmentally polluted areas.

This oil is very useful for pregnant women to consume, as it promotes the appearance and increase in the amount of milk, improves its taste, and normalizes the hormonal balance of the body.

An effective cosmetic product

Cosmetologists recommend using wheat germ oil on the face. External use of the product has a variety of cosmetic effects on the skin. The presence of vitamins E and B3, linoleic acid in its composition helps preserve moisture, normalize the water-lipid balance of the skin, softens and perfectly nourishes.

Due to age-related changes and hormonal imbalances, older people experience noticeable metamorphoses in appearance - facial skin becomes dull, dehydrated, and loses its former attractiveness. The use of wheat germ oil will prevent premature aging of the skin. Thanks to this product, complexion improves, the skin becomes firm, elastic, its relief and structure become clearer.

The presence of anti-inflammatory properties helps to cleanse and exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis. With the help of wheat germ oil, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the subcutaneous fat layer are normalized, which prevents the appearance of cellulite deposits. The product helps strengthen subcutaneous capillaries and prevent the appearance of spider veins.

This product is one of the main and most effective components of cosmetics for the face and whole body prepared at home. Masks, creams, scrubs, and applications prepared on its basis have an amazing rejuvenating effect. Since the product is quite dense in structure, it may be somewhat heavy on the face, so it is recommended to use it diluted, adding lighter-structured vegetable oils.

By mixing wheat germ oil with essential oils of orange, mint, sandalwood, you can get an effective mask for problematic aging skin if you apply the composition to the skin for 15 minutes.

For a face affected by acne, a mask containing 3 teaspoons of the product diluted with 2 drops of essential oils of lavender, cedar, and clove is suitable.

The product is also effective for dermatitis. Using it for several weeks, you can completely restore the skin, which acquires an even matte color. The use of the product gives positive results for hemorrhoids, eczema, psoriasis; for burns, the skin heals faster, and the inflammatory process is relieved.

In fact, these words are synonymous, since a healthy body functions perfectly and, therefore, is beautiful.

In pursuit of beauty and health, humanity uses a huge number of natural and artificial means. Wheat germ oil is one of these natural stimulants, antioxidants and simply a storehouse of useful substances.

Wheat oil is obtained from the germ part of the grain.

Wheat is the leader among human-cultivated plants. It is used for food and for technical needs.

Oil is obtained from the germ part of the grain by cold pressing. This polyunsaturated substance contains a large amount of vitamin E, which stimulates the body's own regeneration processes.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, antioxidant effects. This oil is used to treat dermatological diseases and moisturize the skin.

It promotes the healing of cracks and wounds in the anal area with hemorrhoids. Accelerates regeneration processes in case of skin burns of varying degrees of intensity. Wheat oil is recommended for daily care of problematic, dry, wrinkled skin.

In addition, this biologically active substance is included in hair care products. When taken orally, wheat oil slows down the aging process, increases efficiency, strengthens the body's defenses, improves metabolic processes, the functioning of the endocrine glands, and heals areas in the stomach and intestines.

The video will tell you about wheat germ oil:

Oil composition and indications for use

Wheat oil can be purchased at a pharmacy.

The main active component of biologically active oil is linoleic acid. This is a polyunsaturated organic compound.

In addition, the composition contains other unsaturated acids, vitamins E, B, A and F, various microelements - iron, magnesium. The drug is produced in dark glass bottles and capsules for oral administration.

Wheat oil is an over-the-counter drug, so you can buy it both in and in cosmetics stores. The unique composition of the oil allows it to be used for:

  • skin pathologies - eczema, dermatitis, various types of seborrhea, dandruff, peeling;
  • strengthening of horny formations - hair, nails;
  • reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases;
  • increased performance;
  • strengthening the walls of small vessels when used externally;
  • to increase the resistance of the nervous system to stress factors;
  • skin care, including for patients to prevent diabetic retinopathy;
  • when exposed to toxic substances, working in hazardous industries.

There are few contraindications to the use of this cosmetic and medicinal product. This is just individual sensitivity. It is not advisable to use the drug for the following skin pathologies:

  1. open sores, fresh sutures and bleeding wound surfaces;
  2. postoperative period, including rehabilitation after complex cosmetic procedures such as laser peeling;
  3. rosacea;
  4. infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin.

In this case, first of all, you should treat the underlying disease, and only then improve the condition of the skin and experiment with cosmetic oils. If the oil is used orally, the list of contraindications is expanded. It is not recommended to use this remedy in patients with the following diagnoses:

  • any diseases of the liver and bile ducts - cholecystitis,
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • gastritis;
  • others in the acute period, including infectious nature.

No cases of overdose or interaction with other medical or cosmetic drugs have been described. The opened bottle should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 year.

The shelf life of the capsules is 2 years and no special storage conditions are required.

How to use oil for cosmetic purposes

Wheat oil is ideal for external massage.

Wheat oil should not be used whole. It won't do any good, but it will empty your wallet.

It should be added to a less valuable base composition. The oil-base proportions depend on the method of using sprouted wheat oil.

External massage.

For a therapeutic or restorative massage, cereal oil should be mixed with the base base in a ratio of 1 to 1. If you use cosmetic oils - peach, apricot - then for 1 volume of wheat oil you will need 2 volumes of other products.

Anticellulite massage.

For this effect, the base is also diluted in a 1:1 ratio. The remaining components - juniper oil, orange or grapefruit - should be added just a few drops at a time. Rub in the composition using a stiff brush.

Dry and flaky skin - the use of whole wheat oil without adding a base is recommended. Lubricate the skin 2 times a day.

To treat hair, wheat germ oil is diluted in a 1 to 1 ratio with jojoba oil. If desired, add 1 drop of orange or thyme oil.

The mixture is applied to the hair for 20 minutes. Then the mask is thoroughly washed off.
To strengthen eyelashes, oil is applied to the contours of the eyelids and the hairs themselves 2 times a day. Use the drug in its pure form.

How to use oil capsules

Oil in capsules is not prescribed until the age of 15.

The drug is prescribed to patients over 14 years of age in a total dose of 3600 mg per day. The frequency of administration is determined by dividing the total dosage by the dose indicated on the packaging of the product.

So, if you purchased capsules with a dosage of 300 mg, then you should take 12 pieces per day. The drug should be taken with food. Course – at least 1 month, 4 series per year.

Any cosmetic and medicinal product works only when the user follows the rules for using the product. Wheat oil will reveal itself fully if:

  1. This biologically active substance is characterized by increased viscosity and ductility. Which leads to certain inconveniences at work. Therefore, it is advisable to dilute wheat oil with other cosmetic oils.
  2. Before mixing with other components of the mask, wheat germ oil should be warmed to the body. It is optimal to use a water bath. Do not overheat the oil, especially if the mask recipe involves adding eggs or ethers. The first ones will curdle and you will get scrambled eggs, the second ones will simply evaporate.
  3. For dry skin, mix wheat oil with almond or peach oil.
  4. For oily skin – with grape oil.

Remove metal bowls and spoons. Work only with ceramic dishes.

Remember! Wheat oil in its pure form can cause itching and flaking of the skin. Therefore, before applying the product to your skin, perform allergy tests. Masks based on cosmetic oils should be kept on the body or hair for no more than 20 minutes.

The cosmetologist will determine how often to use the product based on your problem. So lubrication is carried out daily, and masks - no more than 2 times a week.

The duration of the course is calculated individually and ranges from 8 to 10 procedures, but not more than 15.

The oil contains many healthy fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6; amino acids not synthesized in the human body; in moderate quantities, vitamins, as well as, etc. It contains and in the highest concentration, which provides a powerful antioxidant effect and improves.

Also, wheat germ squeeze contains phytosterols, which are responsible for strengthening cell membranes and have the ability to reduce the level when taking the product internally.

Benefits of wheat germ oil

Wheat is a unique crop; it contains a lot of amino acids, oils, etc.

Did you know? Ancient people were forced to eat unripe wheat, since the wild crop crumbled immediately after ripening, and it was almost impossible to collect it.

Wheat germ oil accumulates all the beneficial qualities of the cereal. The rich composition of the product makes it incredibly useful for.

When used internally:

  • Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
  • Removes bad, reducing its level to normal.
  • Stimulates the production of insulin, which is important for people suffering (we are talking about type 2).
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Has a stimulating effect on reproductive function.

For external use:
  • Nourishes, moisturizes, softens.
  • Has a lifting effect.
  • Lightens pigment spots, reduces.
  • Tones.
  • Nourishes and...

Application in cosmetology and medicine

An extract from sprouted wheat germ was actively used as a medicinal and health remedy in ancient Chinese medicine. Now it is also used in cosmetic procedures, making various products based on it.

In medical practice, a 10% solution is usually used, since the product has a pronounced taste, which is very noticeable when taken orally.

  • As a dietary supplement, it is taken orally for prevention and treatment. Vitamin E, which is the main component, ensures vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of coronary disease.
  • Wheat germ oil is successfully used in gynecology, it is especially useful for hormonal imbalances in the body that provoke it, as well as for cervical erosion and other inflammatory processes in the genital area.
  • To treat gastritis or colitis, take the product after meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  • The miraculous remedy is also prescribed to people who have undergone chemotherapy; it allows the body to quickly restore strength and strengthens.

For cosmetic purposes, the scope of application is no less wide.
  • Wheat germ oil is excellent in treatment, it helps well, drying and soothing.
  • Freckles noticeably lighten after just a few applications. Inflammation and peeling also heal successfully and quickly thanks to this remedy. However, it is worth remembering that in its pure form the product has a rather dense and viscous consistency, so when applied to it, it is usually recommended to dilute it with other oils that have a lower density.
  • Wheat germ oil does an excellent job with facial expressions and is best suited for age-related skin.
  • This product works well for a variety of purposes, including smoothing out and making defects less noticeable.

Did you know? The main traditional dish of the ancient Navruz holiday, celebrated by the peoples of Iran and Central Asia, is prepared from sprouted wheat grains and is called« sumalak» .

Recipes for use

There is no magic in the composition of this product, but the vitamin E present in it, also known as vitamin, has made the product popular among cosmetologists and those who take care of their skin. There are a great many ways to use it; the product is mainly used in cooking.

For face

Wheat germ oil helps to improve the face, and its use is also practiced to soften and soften the face.

It needs to be slightly warmed to a comfortable temperature, and the baths should be given for 15-20 minutes. A simpler and more convenient way is to massage your hands, cuticles and nails using the same heated product. For a whitening effect, it will be useful to add 1-2 drops of lemon oil, and mint oil in the same amount will help cope with dryness and flaking of the skin.

For massage

The high density of this product makes it convenient to use when carrying out massage.

Wheat germ oil shows very high effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks, reducing their severity. For these purposes, mix the base (1 tablespoon) with citrus oils (orange, grapefruit, lemon) 1-2 drops each and massage problem areas.

For bruises and stretch marks

External use of the product is not limited to the cosmetic area. For example, for bruises or sprains, it will relieve some pain and reduce inflammation in the area. Use consists of massaging the affected area using pure, undiluted product, warmed to a temperature slightly higher than body temperature.

How to store at home

Wheat germ oil can be stored for 2 years. Closed containers are stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to +25°C, but it is recommended to store an open bottle in the refrigerator.

Contraindications and precautions

This drug has no specific contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance reactions, which is the basis for discontinuation of the drug.

People suffering from gallbladder diseases or urolithiasis should take the product with caution; consultation with a doctor regarding the advisability of use is recommended.

So, today we got acquainted with an excellent inexpensive natural remedy, a cold-pressed wheat germ product. Its composition and healing properties are unique and, if used correctly, will allow you not only to make your skin radiant and well-groomed, but also to overcome ailments and strengthen it.