home · Other · Traditional and rare types of booklets. A booklet is a great way to advertise

Traditional and rare types of booklets. A booklet is a great way to advertise

A booklet is an advertising sheet product that is folded to obtain the finished look. different ways. The product is printed unfolded, and then the sheet is folded along one or several lines (the operation is called folding or creasing depending on the density of the paper used, thin or thicker, respectively).

The advantages of a booklet as a carrier of advertising information are undeniable: it is inexpensive, multifunctional (can be used both as a handout and as a kind of reference publication). Its production is very easy due to the absence of stitching of sheets, and the form in the form of a booklet or accordion allows you to present advertising material in a structured manner, dividing it into logical blocks or sections.

That is why the booklet is the most common and sought-after type of printed advertising products. With a fairly modest budget for booklet printing these products will present the advertised product or service in a very colorful and detailed manner.

In order to attract potential consumers, booklets must be original, printed on regular coated thick paper or on designer cardboard (smooth or textured), with folding or creasing standard view or with an exclusive fold, without post-printing finishing and with it - with lamination, UV varnishing, cutting, embossing, embossing.

Most often, similar products are ordered in A4 format with two folds (in finished form the product has three parts between the folds) - this is a leaflet. Its dimensions are convenient because it fits into a Euro envelope without any problems. A booklet of this size can easily accommodate several logical sections for sequential presentation of information. The option with one fold of A4 format in unfolded form and A5, respectively, in finished form, is also popular. It is convenient because it can accommodate fairly large images - photographs, diagrams and graphs.

For the most important representative purposes, a similar booklet is issued big size– A3 unfolded, A4 ready. Such options are usually printed on the thickest paper. Accordion booklets are made of any size, for example, when unfolded, it can be the long side of a sheet of A2, A1 or even A0 formats; its height is selected so that the folded product looks proportional. Experts advise not to make them thicker than eight stripes, otherwise the product will look presentable.

The main feature of the booklet is the brevity of the advertising text contained in it.

These types of booklets can be easily ordered from any company that deals with advertising or printing. However, you can do it yourself using a Microsoft typing program Office Word.

Now you will learn how to make a booklet in Word.

Launch Microsoft Office Word and a blank page will appear in front of you. Now we need to change its orientation. To do this, select the “Page Layout” menu item, and in it click on “Orientation” and set it to “landscape”. The sheet will turn to the side (become landscape).

Now you need to configure the settings for the top, bottom and side margins. Set these parameters one centimeter in width.

To do this, in the same tab of the “Page Layout” menu, click on the “Fields” item and click on it, a window with ready-made field templates will open. Select “Custom Fields” at the very bottom.

The field settings window will open, in which you set four parameters, one centimeter at a time, and click “Ok”. The figure below shows everything clearly.

In the same menu, click on the “Columns” item and divide the sheet into three columns.

The sheet will be divided into three parts, but you won’t see this right away until you start entering text. Don't forget that the booklet will need to be folded several times. For ease of folding the sheet, place markings in the form of lines between the columns of the document.

To do this, in the same menu item (“Page Layout”), click on the inscription “Columns” and select “Other columns” in it.

In the window that opens, check the box next to the "Delimiter" item and click "OK".

After the done actions, when filling out the column, you will see a vertical dividing line on the sheet.

Now fill the finished template with text and photos, then print it out. Fold it and use it for advertising purposes.

How to make a booklet in Word using a template?

Open the "File" menu and select "New".

On the right you will see the “Create Document” menu that opens. Select "On my computer".

The “Templates” window opens. In it, go to the "Publications" menu item at the top, select the "Brochure" template and click "OK".

A new sheet will appear with ready-made markings and entered information.

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Now all you have to do is edit the content, changing the proposed text and photographs to your own version, and as a result you will have a finished booklet. Below are some examples.

As you can see, the booklet must be double-sided, so it is better to create these sheets separately from each other. If desired, the booklet can be given any background color.

To do this, select the “Drawing” menu item and click on the “Rectangle” button.

Using the mouse, expand the frame across the entire sheet, and the text will disappear, but don’t be alarmed, everything is fine.

You'll see your typed text and pictures again, but now the content will be surrounded by a border. After that, in the same menu, select the color of the desired fill.

Booklet in Word 2013

Making a booklet in Word 2013 is very easy, there are several ways. Let's start with the most common one.

Each Word document is displayed in the program with a ruler located on the left side. Left-click on the ruler and the page parameters window will open. Go to the “Fields” tab and set the parameters you need.

Select the “Brochure” page view, and the document will automatically become landscape orientation. Here you can set how many pages there will be in the booklet and the width of the document fields. After that, click “Ok” and fill out the sheet with information.

Variants of booklets can be made a large number of, it all depends on your imagination, but we will describe one of the methods.

To create the first page of a booklet, use a title page. To do this, go to the “Insert” menu item in top panel program management and select the “title page” item there.

A window will appear giving you options title pages for selection (in in this example we chose Whisp). If you do not like any of the proposed options, you can download other themes from the official website of the program Office.com.

To change the background color of the sheet, use the "Design" menu and select "Page Color" from it. A color palette will appear in which you choose the color that suits you best and see what happens.

Write text in those sheet fields that are active. You can experiment with text placement, font type and size.

Now you can design the next pages of the document. In this example, the text area is decorated with interesting text fields. To do this, click on the active “text field” window, which will open various options registration Select the Whisp option in the side panel, and the sheet will acquire the same design as on home page. If you click on the inner area of ​​the block, you can change the background color, font type, margin size, placement of text information, and so on.

To decorate the page, add photos using the “Tab” - “Pictures” menu. Choose desired image from your computer's hard drive and add it to the document. After that, when you click on the picture, the “Format” menu will open, with which you can process the picture - change its position, add effects, set borders, set styles, and so on. Try it, it's a very exciting activity.

Prepare all other sheets in the same way.

The second option is to use ready-made layouts already included in the program.

Click on the “File” tab and select “Create Booklet” from the drop-down menu. If there are few options, you can automatically look at other types of design that are on the official Word website directly from the program and download it.

Now all that's left to do is replace the text and images. All is ready!

Very often it is necessary to convey certain information to people, such as a guidebook or advertising. A booklet can present this in a very original, beautiful and convenient way. In it you can compactly place not only the necessary photographs, but also write important information about prices, services and give contacts. We will learn from the article what features and secrets there are when creating it.

A booklet is a type of printing, which is a small presentation of a type of product or service. It is a sheet that is folded in half, into three parts or four, etc.

Creating booklets is a very delicate matter, requiring the ability to create a pleasant layout that most effectively allows you to convey the necessary information to people. Before you start creating a design, you need to specify the following:

1. The purposefulness of the booklet.

2. How it will be distributed.

3. What group of people is it intended for?

4. What actions does it set the client up for.

Depending on the availability of information, booklets are divided into image, selling and informational.

The first type is aimed at creating a positive opinion in people about the company, distinguishing it from others and creating a desire to contact again. To do this, the printed publication must contain something really useful and interesting, otherwise it will be destroyed. For example, advice, experience, common mistakes and ways to fix them. That is, any information that helps citizens solve some of their problems using the contents of the booklet creates a positive effect.

The third type is an information booklet. This is a printout that can help a sales manager in his work, because it contains all the information about the company’s services.

Now let's find out the secrets correct production such a useful publication. The human mind is designed in such a way that it perceives much better and faster than text. Therefore, the presence of images in the booklet is mandatory. A person first sees the drawing, examines it and the inscription under it, and only if he needs all this does he get acquainted with the content of what is written. In order for information to be perceived correctly, the design should not be annoying, distracting from its main content, but at the same time original.

During the first five seconds that a person looks at the title, he determines whether he is interested in the content of the booklet. Therefore, the title should be concise and convey something useful: the benefits and prospects of the proposal. Information should be written in a language that everyone, even older people, can understand. If the purpose of the booklet is to sell, then the content should be brief.

It is imperative to provide contact information so that the consumer can easily contact the company of interest. Phone, address, website - all this can be posted.

You can create a layout using modern Adobe Photoshop When it is ready, further production of booklets is entrusted to the printing house.

The booklet refers to a non-periodical type of advertising publication, the information on which is placed on both sides. It is folded several times in a certain way.

Types of booklets:

  • Leaflet - A4 sheet with 2 folds and 3 stripes;
  • Eurobooklet is a booklet predefined for mailing. A leaflet can also be called a Eurobooklet, but the concept of a Eurobooklet is broader. This is any product that fits in a Euro envelope: a folded guidebook, a commemorative postcard, advertising brochures on staples.

Production Features

For the production of booklets, paper with a density in the range of 135 - 250 g/m2 is used, double-sided coated cardboard for large-format booklets.

Products made from paper with a density not exceeding 170 g/m2 are folded. If the material is dense, creasing is performed. On too thick paper It is recommended to apply offset varnish to protect the paintwork.

Types of booklets:

  • With one fold;
  • With two folds;
  • Threefold booklet;
  • With four folds.

Let's take a closer look at all the types and talk about the sizes of these booklets.

Booklets 1 fold

For production, take sheets of A6, A5, A3 or A4 formats. The fold line can be made along any side of the sheet.

Booklets 2 fold

For production, take sheets A5, A4, A3 or A2. Booklets are laid accordion-style or edges inward.

Booklets with 3 folds

For production, sheets of A1, A2 and A3 formats are used. Many folds allow you to fold the product in different ways: counter folds, inward, accordion-style.

Booklets with 4 folds

Sheets A4, A1, A2 and A3 are used for production. Folding method: accordion. It is in this way that folding machines allow them to be processed automatically. All other types of folding of advertising booklets are done manually and are paid additionally.

What do we offer

Once you know what types of booklets there are, it is easy to understand what is right for you. Our printing house deals not only with printing ready-made layouts, but also with design. Therefore, if you decide to order a booklet, please contact our company immediately. We guarantee high quality and prompt deadlines, reasonable prices.

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