home · Installation · Interesting ideas for the garden from Elena Sedova. Photo and video. Decorative pond in the garden - video Elena Sedova landscape designer

Interesting ideas for the garden from Elena Sedova. Photo and video. Decorative pond in the garden - video Elena Sedova landscape designer

Teacher Elena Ivanovna Sedova

The course program is designed for 40 academic hours.

1. Fundamentals of plant morphology and physiology
1.1.The place of green plants in the economy of nature.
1.2. Plant morphology. Study of the structure and relationships of plant organs, their functions
1.3.Basic physiological processes, occurring in the life of green plants.

2. Gardening practice.
2.1.Agricultural technology of plants, physiological principles agrotechnical techniques. Seasonal features of methods of cultivating trees and shrubs.
2.2.Pruning, its basic principles, equipment.
2.3.Regulation of plant growth using chemicals.
2.4.Protection of plants from adverse factors external environment, pests, diseases, weeds.
2.5.Planting and replanting trees and shrubs.

3. Basic methods of plant propagation.
3.1. Seed propagation of plants.
3.2. Vegetative propagation.
3.3.Organization of the nursery, its structure. Formation of planting material.

Beauty and stylish design adjacent areas have always been in fashion, which is why landscape design has developed, is developing and will continue to develop. In general, this concept refers to the design of landscapes and building exteriors using such integral components as small architectural forms, natural resources of the site, artificial objects and coatings. Is it possible to learn this art? Yes, you can! This is exactly what our courses are for. landscape design in Moscow, for which you can sign up at any time.

Landscape design training: what will you get?

Our fundamental goal is to teach you to see with the naked eye and solve the following problems:

Determination of relief features of the landscape, study of the flora;
- Creation optimal conditions necessary for a person’s comfortable stay on the site;
- choosing the ideal stylistic design landscape, taking into account its area, relief and other features;
- development of the most beneficial aesthetic environment for any construction project.

Our landscape design courses in Moscow are a unique opportunity to learn in the shortest possible time what other people take years to learn. Don't miss your chance to become a professional and successful landscape designer. After attending just a few classes (theoretical and practical), you will already feel the strength to create miracles. You will be proud of your work, and your friends will admire it.

Landscape design courses in Moscow: how is the educational process?

Our qualified teachers and practicing designers have developed curricula especially for you that turn learning landscape design into the most exciting and productive process. The following disciplines are offered to your attention:

Landscape design;
- work with water bodies and natural materials;
- application of current technologies;
- visualization of developed projects.

Practice shows that it is difficult to imagine landscape design courses in Moscow without familiarization with the basics of garden architecture, materials science, and dendrology.

Today, landscape design training is carried out in two directions.

1. Theoretical part (history of landscape design, phytodesign, plant care, garden design methods, etc.).
2. Practical part(territory exploration, creation and protection of the project).

As J.-J. said. Russo: What is beautiful is what does not exist. Let's prove together that this is not so by creating real masterpieces of landscape design!

The results of the competition “In Search of the Garden of Eden - 2007” have been summed up. Places in the nominations were distributed as follows:

Nomination "Image of the Garden"
Emma Artemyeva

Nomination "Reservoir"
Ekaterina Finogenova

Garden image

1. Emma Artemyeva

2. Igor Kornilov

3. Maria Yurasova

Flower garden

1. Maria Yurasova

2. Olga Karachun

3. Lyudmila Sedun


1. Ekaterina Finogenova

2. Svetlana Makarova (Solnechnogorsk)

3. Alla Menshikova

Garden details

1. Praskovya Shcherbakova

2. Gennady Seliverstov (Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region)

3. Elena MatsukFlowers in the window

1. Tatyana Vitman (Taishet, Irkutsk region)

2. Olga Olgova

3. Olga Karachun

Star of the collection

1. Yulia Belova

2. Natalia Melnikova

3. Zhukovskaya (Minsk)


Prize "Bulletin of the Florist"

Valentina Alexandrova (Syastroy, Leningrad region)

Special Jury Prize for Composition

Bakhmatov family

Special prize from the Landscape Workshop of A. Tolokonnikov

Andrey Ganov (St. Petersburg)



Elena Sedova, landscape designer, chairman of the competition jury:

“This is not the first time I have been on the jury of the Flower Grower’s Bulletin competition and therefore I can compare. Analyzing the results of this year, I can say that several trends in the national garden movement can be traced. And in my opinion, no one doubts that it is becoming nationwide, and this is confirmed by the geography of the competition: there is the south, and the north, and Siberia, and big cities, and small ones, and villages. The second conclusion is this: one can feel the increased level of education of gardeners, which is manifested in well-composed, sometimes unexpected compositions. Gardeners are not afraid of contrasting combinations: large and small plants, dense and loose texture, rustic image and royal tapeworms. Third: garden “trinkets” and ideas appear that become a kind of attraction in the garden and demonstrate the owners’ sense of humor. And this, it seems to me, is a feature inherent specifically in the Russian garden.

It is also very important that, while photographing the garden, the contestants began to note different moods of the same area depending on the time of year, day, and weather. This is very pleasing, I would like to wish future participants to photograph the garden in the rain, under the snow, at dawn, at sunset, etc. But, despite all these unconditional achievements, there are still only a few who could create and show exactly the image of the garden.”

Anton Dubenyuk, head gardener of the Apothecary Garden:

"Very nice gardens! You can see how much work and effort was spent on this beauty. So far the proportions are a bit off in some places, but overall it’s good. It is clear that they began to create precisely the image of a garden, not individual elements, but a whole organism. Excellent flower beds. I remember most of all the autumn sunny flower garden of Maria Yurasova, as well as the ponds of Svetlana Makarova and Natalya Leonova, and the garden of Igor Kornilov. The unconditional “Star of the collection” is delphinium N.N. Zorina from the village of Aleksandrovskoye, Kirov region.”

Alexander Sapelin, landscape architect:

“I see undoubted progress in the fragments of the presented gardens. There are very interesting combinations plants, shapes, details. The gardens are well integrated into the landscape. Unfortunately, the whole is not enough; a full-fledged image of the garden is a rarity among the participants. But some people have very good flower beds. I would especially like to mention Igor Kornilov’s flower garden. Among the reservoirs I liked Svetlana Makarova’s pond with a beautiful coastline. I consider Elena Matsuk’s “garden detail” to be a discovery – I have never seen anything like it before (“Vestnik” will tell you about this in detail in the coming issues), I was pleased with Victor Riis’s “Angel” and Gennady Seliverstov’s garden details. In the “Image of a Garden” category, I would like to mention the garden of Marina Vazhova from St. Petersburg, centered around an old oak tree that the owner “inherited,” as well as the garden of Natalya Leonova with a wonderful atmosphere and the garden of A.A., perfectly integrated into the existing landscape. Pakhomova from Yaroslavl with an old broken gate and asters near it. This, by the way, differs the old gardens from the new ones.”

Elena Ivanovna Sedova is a famous agronomist and landscape designer.

The garden she created does not amaze with its complexity and expensive solutions. Everything here is simple and at the same time very comfortable and unusual.

Here are some interesting garden design ideas.

Idea 1. “French cafe”

In France there are many cozy small cafes where people can sit at home, chat over a leisurely conversation and a cup of coffee. An unsuitable shaded corner, although protected from the wind, which was difficult to use for any purposes, Elena turned into a very cozy island rest with a small table and small benches.

Idea 2: Alley of columnar apple trees

The dream of creating a fruit alley for walking is practically impossible in small area. Unless these are columnar varieties. In a small square, Elena placed 20 trees of 8 varieties of apple trees. There are umbelliferous, weeping, green-leaved and red-leaved varieties.

Idea 3: wooden pool

The frame of this pool is made of wood (regular pine), on which is stretched waterproofing film. The tree was impregnated with an antiseptic and stood for more than 10 years, showing itself perfectly. The pool is cleaned once a year in the spring, and the water with the plankton formed in it is used to feed the plants.

This garden, in addition to its functional purpose It also performs a decorative function. Radiated beds formed from 10:10 timber impregnated with antiseptic resemble flower beds. Once you have to work hard on its design, but such a vegetable garden will serve you for years and years. It is very pleasant to walk along the tile paths when they are clean and it is very easy to care for; weeds practically do not grow on it.