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Laws of interior design in an apartment. Interior design - basic principles. Interior: stylistic design

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Basic principles of interior design

If you are familiar with the basic principles of interior design, then you can transform any space. You can reorganize rooms so that items are connected together and harmonize with each other. This effect is easy to achieve in own home, if there is a sufficient quantity basic knowledge on the organization of interiors. Practice and experiments – the right way to a beautiful setting.

In design, balance helps achieve a sense of balance. Balance is provided not only for the shape and size of objects, but also for their color, image, structure.

There are 3 types of balance:

Symmetrical (formal). This type of balance divides the space into equal parts that are symmetrical to each other. For example, two chairs on either side of coffee table. Symmetrical balance is quite easy to achieve, since its elements seem to reflect each other. The main thing is that the interior does not become monotonous and boring.

Asymmetrical (informal). Lines, colors, shapes and sizes of interior elements are balanced with each other, but without exact duplication. This type of balance is more complex and interesting. For example, a sofa on one side of the room can be complemented (balanced) by two chairs on the other side.

Radial. Radial balance is achieved when there is a center - the main element, the rest of the objects are located around it. A striking example may serve dinner table with chairs in the middle of the room.

As in music, rhythm also exists in design. It is needed to awaken
visual interest. Rhythm in interior design is the use of a color or shape at varying intervals. For example, you can use the same color in the sofa cushions, curtains and rug. These repetitions unite the space into a single whole and create a specific rhythm.

Harmony is manifested when all elements and interior items “act” harmoniously together. Rhythm creates the effect of excitement in the interior, and harmony creates the effect of calm and tranquility. Harmony can be achieved by maintaining one color scheme items different forms and sizes.

When there is no accent in a room (the most important element that stands out and catches the eye), then the interior becomes boring. Let's look at the example of a fireplace. Not only is this element itself interesting, beautiful and even smacks of specific importance, but most of the interior items will seem to be “addressed” to it. This technique is simply impossible not to notice. An emphasis in the interior can be made by grouping furniture or highlighting an unusual or large element.

Proportion and scale
Proportion is proportionality, the relationship of parts to each other. Scale is the ratio of the size of one quantity to the size of another or to space as a whole. For example, if interior items large sizes fill a room, then any designer will say that they are out of scale. Some proportional relationships are more common than others. The ancient Greeks invented Golden Ratio- harmonious division. The Golden Section sought to bring space to general formula: the ratio of the smaller part of the interior to the larger part should be the same as the ratio of the larger part to the entire space.

- Basic principles of interior design

In the field of interior design scale means the size of an object in relation to the size of everything else in the room, including other objects, people, and the area in which everything is located. Proportion means the relationship between objects or their parts based on size. The correct scale is achieved when all objects are proportionally consistent with each other and everything else in the room. The principles of scale and proportion apply to all objects in the room, starting with architectural elements, such as windows, doors and moldings, to furniture, color schemes, window treatments, accessories and even fabric patterns. All these elements must correspond to the size of the room and be proportional to other objects.

When furnishing a small space, always consider the relationship of the sizes of the items you choose to the size of the room (scale) and to each other (proportionality). For example, a large piano will not fit the scale of a small living room, and a reclining chair may be too large compared to other pieces of furniture, visually reducing everything around it, and other items will seem insignificant against its background. Elegant coffee table will look faded against the backdrop of an overly large, rough sofa.

It is usually easy to see if a particular element is too small or too large for an area, but of course it takes practice to achieve perfect proportionality.

Develop your abilities by reading interior design books and magazines. Study photographs of rooms whose interiors were created by professionals, and try to understand why they look so good. In a word, train. And soon you will become unusually insightful.

Rule 2: Define the lines

Lines define space. Flat surfaces such as walls, floors, and ceilings are two-dimensional spaces formed by intersecting lines.

By adding depth or volume to flat surfaces, we create a three-dimensional space that we immediately perceive when entering a room. However, lines also play a more important role than defining space - they have different properties.

Vertical lines imply strength and pride, and the emphasis on vertical lines in the room creates an austere atmosphere. For example, a classic column always seems majestic. Vertical lines also add height and offset the horizontal lines of most furniture pieces.

Horizontal lines, such as beds and tables of various sizes, cabinets and other built-in furniture, convey relaxation and confidence.

Diagonal lines and, such as a gable roof or stair railings, imply movement, development and attract attention.

Curved lines- round table or handles for convenient soft stool- mean freedom, softness and sensuality.

When creating a design for a small space, look for ways to combine different lines. Architectural form most rooms are straight, so most of furniture is the same. To soften the harshness of rectangles and squares and make a room more vibrant and interesting, add a few curves or diagonal lines to windows, furniture, moldings or accessories. If you want the room to appear taller, add vertical lines; if wider, add horizontal lines.

Rule 3: Create a balance

Another important concept in design is balance. Balance refers to the balance of objects in a room. A successfully balanced room involves carefully arranging objects depending on their visual weight. If balance is achieved, the relationships between objects will seem natural, resulting in Nice picture called visual balance. The room will be characterized by a feeling of peace and quiet.

Two framed paintings hung in rows will please the eye if they are approximately the same size, while at the same time the combination of two paintings different sizes will look bad. The same applies to furniture, regardless of whether it is large or small; in a balanced room, pieces of furniture will be arranged evenly, and not collected in any one part of it.

There are two types of balance − symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Symmetry- this is the same arrangement of objects on both sides of the intended or existing line of symmetry, the so-called “mirror” approach. It is formal in nature. Imagine that there are chairs and candlesticks on either side of the fireplace. For symmetry to be pleasing to the eye, chairs and candlesticks should ideally be identical, or at least the same weight and size. If they are different, it can be annoying.

At asymmetrical balance To achieve a sense of balance, they use various objects of the same visual weight. Imagine several long, narrow candlesticks on one side of the mantel and a low, wide vase on the other. If you get the scale right, this layout will be balanced. Asymmetry can be just as pleasing to the eye as symmetry. Since it is informal, it is often even more suitable for the relaxed atmosphere of modern living spaces.

Rule 4: Remember harmony and rhythm

These two principles relate mainly to patterns. Harmony appears when elements combine with each other and create a connection that is pleasing to the eye. It is achieved when all elements are correlated with each other, that is, when they are all combined according to color scheme and design motive.

Following the principle of harmony does not mean using one color and one pattern; such repetition seems boring and lifeless. But to create harmony in the decor of the room, these elements must be combined in a certain way, for example, be close or, conversely, contrasting. You can combine several patterns or designs; Try mixing florals, stripes and checks, for example, as long as they match in scale, motif or color scheme.

Rhythm in decoration, a certain sequence or lack of an element is often referred to, resulting in a stimulating design. This is achieved by repeating lines, shapes, colors, patterns or textures. If harmony ties a room together, then rhythm leads the eye in a circle: colors, textures and shapes that smoothly move from one part of the space to another. The color scheme may not change, but emphasizing a certain color in one part of the room and muting it in another part will create rhythm and “liven up” the living space.

"Rhythm is effective design technique for small living spaces, says Patricia Gaylor of Little Falls, New Jersey. — To make a small room seem larger, there should be no visual clutter in it. The gaze should travel in space, without lingering anywhere and without being distracted by anything. Objects that distract the eye stop the flow of vision, interrupting the initial reaction to the room.”

“This may seem a little strange,” warns Patricia, “but it’s true. When the eye can move around a space unimpeded, you experience a kind of visual calm.”

What can distract the eye from its calm journey around the room? “Using too many colors,” says Gaylor, “or patterns that create sharp contrast. Even using light and dark wood in the same room will likely fail; Wooden objects must be strictly the same tone. Overly large pieces of furniture that take the room out of scale also distract the eye.

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When we come home or invite guests to our place, we want the environment to be comfortable and pleasing to the eye. Well, what is there for our guests to say: “Wow, how great you are!” And for this it is not at all necessary to invite a designer. After all, knowing the basic rules, you can create a beautiful, stylish and comfortable interior yourself.

website shares with you the most important of these rules.

1. Decide on the purpose of the room

The first thing that is important is to understand what this room will serve you for. No amount of expensive renovation or furniture will make a home comfortable to live in if its design is poorly thought out. Where to start:

  • Consider your lifestyle and family habits, daily routine and activities.
  • List and write down the rooms you need. Sometimes only minor change layout can add you, for example, a dressing room or an office.
  • Think about what areas can be combined (kitchen-dining room, bedroom-dressing room, and so on).
  • Draw a floor plan and place furniture on it to find the best option.

2. Consider your mood and character

Before you start arranging, think about what mood you would like to create in this room and how to feel in it - relaxed or energetic. It is important to consider whether this room will be just for you, or whether you also want to impress guests.

  • Think about the color scheme - calm or bright.
  • What materials and textures will there be - warm and natural, or, conversely, artificial and smooth surfaces.
  • Use contrasting scales - that is, large and small items. This will help avoid monotony and create a stimulating effect. The main thing is that they must be united by something (shape, color, texture).

3. Symmetry and balance for harmony

If you have an asymmetrical room, you have two options to make it look harmonious: try to create a false sense of symmetry or focus on asymmetry, emphasizing this feature of the room.

  • Find a central focal point in the room (for example, a fireplace, a painting, a window) and build the interior symmetrically around it.
  • Use vertical lines - this visually pulls the room up.
  • Add some nuance to one side. That is, first create symmetry, and then break it slightly.

4. Color and texture always go together

They should be thought through inseparably from each other, because one affects the perception of the other.

  • Cool colors are good for warm coastal areas. In a northern city or even in a northern room, they will most likely look very dull.
  • Warm colors will make the room feel a few degrees warmer.
  • Bright colors are not appropriate for the bathroom and bedroom. They are best used in rooms where we do not spend a lot of time.
  • When using one dominant color in the interior, it is important to diversify the texture to avoid monotony.

5. Lighting is the most sensual component of interior design

Proper lighting reflects our mood and changes the atmosphere of the room. Light affects our emotions and thoughts. With lighting you can create anything you want.

  • Make the most of it daylight, do not block the window.
  • Use mirrors. They not only add light, but also visually enlarge the room.
  • Artificial light creates atmosphere, so use your entire arsenal: lamps on the ceiling, Wall lights, floor lamps and even candles. This will give the room a finished look.

6. Details define the interior

  • Choose your cabinet responsibly. It should be borne in mind that its color and material will set the tone for the entire room.
  • There must be connecting points between different elements. For example, a variety of pillows is an ideal way to integrate all the colors and textures of a room into a cohesive scheme.
  • Window design is an important focal point of the room. It's better to choose neutral color curtains, because you are less likely to get tired of it quickly.
  • Fabrics make the room more lived-in and cozy. Throw a vintage shawl over the side of the chair. Use bedspreads, throws, pillows and blankets.

7. Surround yourself with what you love

We are all slaves to our habits, and it is often difficult for us to part with things that evoke certain emotions. And it is not necessary. Just like you don’t need to buy something new every time. It is much more important to find the right place for what we love.

  • Start by clearing all walls and surfaces. Now arrange again, trying not to repeat what happened before.
  • Framed paintings or photographs that you really love should be the centerpieces of your room. Lighting, color and furniture placement can all be organized around them.
  • Don't hang pictures too high. They will look harmonious at the eye level of a person of average height.
  • Shelves are very important to design because they not only help keep your home organized, but also provide a natural place to display accessories.
  • Fresh flowers have the ability to inspire. So they should become an integral part of the interior.

First, let's clarify what these words mean individually.

"Design"- design (English) (noun) - plan, plan, project, drawing, sketch, sketch, drawing (ch.) - to conceive, invent, develop, conceive, design, construct, make sketches, sketches, create patterns, etc. . P.

"Interior"- interior - internal view(lat.) In the context of the topic, this is the internal space of both a building and a separate apartment or room.

Thus, Interior Design– this is a project of internal space, a plan for its design. In general, design development comes down not only to the beautiful appearance of the interior, but also involves solving a number of problems and is based on certain rules. A project can be considered competent when all these tasks are solved successfully in accordance with the basic rules. Repair, construction and finishing work are quite costly processes, and they should be started with maximum understanding final result and planning some actions in advance in order to avoid future expenses on rework or unaccounted for and unforeseen work. It is for this purpose that it is being developed design project interior design, when you need to think through and imagine your future space in terms of functionality, ergonomics, design and technical solutions, and appearance.

What rules should be followed when working on interior design?

I will list the main ones and, in general, the main ones:

  1. Functionality
  2. Strength
  3. beauty


When creating both an object and the interior of a room, its purpose is first taken into account. It is the function of the premises that is the starting point when designing the interior for them. Premises must be as suitable as possible for their purpose.
A home becomes comfortable when it meets all our needs, when we have everything we need in it - objects, appliances, furniture to fulfill our desires. That's why Interior Design, begins with defining the main functional zones, such as areas for sleeping, relaxing and receiving guests, cooking and eating, hygiene procedures, work and/or study, children's and play areas, storage areas. You should also provide areas that suit the hobbies and individual needs of family members.

The issue of functionality is especially acute in small apartments, and especially where there is not enough space for each family member. In such apartments it is very important to make the most of every meter, and even centimeter of space. That is why interior designers or architects, working on small apartments with large and complex requirements for organizing space, often rate their services higher than when working with spacious apartments and houses.

In general, given the considerable cost of housing, such a concept as “ effective area» is especially important, therefore the layout of rooms and the arrangement of furniture should be as thoughtful as possible in order to use the space with the greatest benefit. Sometimes even redevelopment of the apartment is required, when the need arises to “reshape” the space of the apartment for yourself, achieving as much benefit from it as possible. Here I would especially like to advise you to contact specialists who, taking into account design features apartments will find a suitable solution and formalize the project accordingly for further approval.

Comfort and convenience. Ergonomics

The interior can be beautiful, unusual and exclusive in appearance, but at the same time it is uncomfortable and inconvenient if ergonomic standards were not taken into account when working on it. Poor layout, incorrectly arranged furniture and equipment make it difficult for a person to stay in such a room, since it can be difficult to act and move freely. The dimensions of the main objects in the room and the distances between them must comply with the rules of ergonomics so that the space is as useful, functional and comfortable as possible.

The feeling of comfort also depends on other factors. These include not only a competent and convenient arrangement of things, but also correct and sufficient lighting, and materials that are suitable and appropriate for the room.


What does this concept include? Of course, in addition to the stability of the structures, it is also a long service life and safety in use.

Strength, stability of walls and ceilings are concepts that relate more to architecture and the engineering design category than to interior design, but are especially important when working on apartment redevelopment. Compliance building codes and rules (SNiP) prevents life-threatening situations, helps to avoid conflict situations with neighbors and serious financial losses in the future when it comes to court.

The strength and safety of such structures and objects in premises as stairs, podiums, furniture, doors are also very important and, of course, must be taken into account when working on interior design. It’s not for nothing that, for example, there are recommended heights for steps for stairs – it’s more convenient and safer to go up and down them. These are all also ergonomic issues to consider. The location of furniture, doors, equipment must be thought out so that a shelf hanging in an inappropriate place, or a door opening in narrow corridor, did not cause injury.

In addition to the safety of structures and objects, it is worth considering the safety of finishing materials. Slippery glossy porcelain tiles are more dangerous than semi-gloss or matte ones. No less important is chemical composition materials. So, for example, in children's rooms it is more appropriate to use paper wallpaper, rather than vinyl, because they are considered the most environmentally friendly. Materials used in public interiors are subject to special requirements, including fire safety and hygiene.

To avoid danger from damage to furniture, equipment or decorative designs Their reliability and durability should also be taken into account.


Beauty is what we value first and foremost and want to see in the space around us, so Interior Design must be developed in accordance with this natural desire. Beauty, evoking positive emotions and leaving the most pleasant impressions, is an important component of design. It is the beauty of the appearance of objects that smoothes out their cold and boring utilitarianism and gives them individuality. Beautiful things We use it with great pleasure; it is more pleasant and comfortable for us to be in a beautiful and thoughtful interior.

What makes an interior beautiful? Of course this is harmonious combination color shades, textures and textures, as well as competent composition, both in general and in particular. In a beautiful, truly harmonious interior the color and shape of objects, their size and location relative to each other are always verified and not random.

It happens that when working on an interior and, together with clients, selecting things to fill and decorate it, I sometimes have to restrain their desire to purchase this or that item, and not so cheap. Why? The reason is that individual items furniture, accessories, lamps or Decoration Materials They can be very beautiful and original, but when next to each other they begin to “argue” and look inharmonious. Why, then, buy a thing if in the end it does not fit properly and thus does not live up to expectations.

And one more thing... Beauty is beauty, but still, for the sake of it, one should not forget about functionality, convenience and durability.

Let it go Interior Design your apartment or cottage will be competent and thoughtful, and the result of implementing such a project in reality will be functional, comfortable, beautiful and cozy housing.

Interior design rules do not always require strict adherence to them. Most often, this concept implies advice, following which you can achieve a better result. At the same time, the owner of the apartment is free to make changes to the existing recommendations, to bring something of his own into them, be it new options for color, texture, or other design elements.

It often makes sense to listen to your own intuition and desires, because the design of an apartment should provide aesthetic satisfaction throughout for long years. But the basic rules are worth learning to avoid unpleasant consequences, such as buying unsuitable furniture, poor quality materials, eye-irritating color combinations and much more.

Regardless of what room or room you intend to transform, you should take several preparatory steps. Initially, you need to create a clear plan of the apartment, which will show walls, furniture, windows, doors, and other components. Thanks to modern programs, this becomes an easy task; you can get voluminous computer circuit or black and white, drawn on paper.

After visualizing the plan for future design, working with it becomes much easier. If the diagram is drawn using a computer, you can try in a few minutes different variants colors, furniture placement, and decorations.

The diagram will help you imagine what the interior will look like after renovation.

It happens that the owner of the apartment comes to a dead end and cannot decide on the ideal suitable look design. In this case, experts advise to distract yourself, walk around the house, you can even eyes closed, presenting in detail the future design. Listen to your feelings: do you feel comfortable moving around this room, or is it worth changing some elements?

Remember that preparation includes completing all repair work, since the decor may look much worse than expected, you will have to spend extra time and money to fix it.

Functionality of the room

One of the most important is the rule of functionality. People are tired of making sacrifices in the name of fashion and beauty, minimalism is gradually becoming relevant, as well as perfect layout spaces where everyone square meter involved. Therefore, some catalogs group interior items and furniture that are usually placed in one room: accessories for the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room and other rooms.

The bathroom is traditionally decorated with minimal use of furniture and electrical appliances. This is logical, because the risk of water getting in is too great. It is better to choose materials that are easy to wash, this also applies to the kitchen. But for the bedroom or living room you can choose carpets, fabric coverings, and bright colors.

Functional wardrobe - rational decision for the hallway

Non-standard premises, including so-called studio apartments, are gaining popularity. Their main difference from ordinary ones is that there are no partitions or walls between the rooms. That is why functional division is very important in such an apartment; it is divided into special areas for work, cooking, relaxation and other purposes. Schematic distribution occurs with the help of specially designed lighting, as well as curtains or screens. It is important not to make the space heavier, but on the contrary, to make it light and comfortable for each resident.

Identification of zones will allow you to properly plan the space

The importance of details

Principles good decor require attention to any details, including furniture, color variations, and, of course, lighting. It is the latter that can radically change the picture. It is best to combine several types of lamps:

  • basic lighting is necessary for each room; usually chandeliers or small lamps are installed on the ceiling, scattering light throughout the room;
  • local or spot lighting is designed to illuminate work surfaces, creating a separate area for each family member, usually wall lamps or floor lamps installed near a table or bed;
  • decorative lighting primarily performs the function of decoration, and not illumination of the area; these can be garlands, sconces, neon lamps.

Proper distribution lighting fixtures will make the house cozy for all family members

If the room is large, it will not be difficult to think through a combination of several types of lighting to achieve perfect result. Precisely when proper lighting the design will look as beneficial as possible.

Proper lighting will help create a cozy atmosphere

The number of small and expensive parts also directly depends on the number of family members, their interests and age category. If you have a playful kitten or child younger age, fragile trinkets are best hidden in a transparent cabinet. It is also worth minimizing the number of glass objects in sight. If all household members are adults and reasonable individuals, you can come up with significantly more options interior, complementing it with various details and decorations.

Colors and style

The colors in which the room will be decorated are no less important. For a good result, it is recommended to choose no more than three or four primary colors and complement them with your own cold and warm shades.

Traditionally, designers recommend choosing two contrasting colors in which the walls of the room and furniture will be painted, and shades can be used for details, accessories and decorations. Solutions using gray, black or white in combination with bright, perhaps even fluorescent colors (green, yellow, pink and others).

Contrasting colors in the kitchen

Moreover, properly selected color solutions will help brighten up some design flaws. Everyone knows that light warm shades visually expand the room, and dark ones give it clearer shapes and focus attention on the corners. This allows you to create the illusion of space exactly the size you want.

Some beginners make a mistake that is not critical, but causes inconvenience to the owner of the room. The essence of this misconception lies in excessive attention to the combination of styles. If you like to combine modern trends and classic furniture- you shouldn’t get rid of something just so that the whole room has the same design. Don't be afraid to experiment and do exactly what you want.

An example of a successful mixture of styles in a kitchen interior

To make the mixture of styles look really impressive and neat, sometimes it’s worth involving designers or showing your imagination on your own. A slight adjustment of color or texture will allow you to fit even an outdated sofa into a room decorated in a high-tech style.

Final touches

When decorating an apartment, it is worth considering the needs of all family members living in it - what they most often do, what supplies are needed for this, whether they will have to clean up after this type of activity, etc. Ask these questions to yourself, then ask your household. The answers will help you arrange furniture, carpets, and decorative elements in the most correct way. In addition, it is the logical placement of objects that will help when choosing a color, because in some situations it is better to use non-staining, easy-to-care shades, while in others light ones will be more appropriate.

Always balance the size and features of the apartment with the intended design. Bulky items will look out of place and interfere with living in a small room, while small elements may get lost in a huge room. Take the advice into account, but remember that the final decision should be yours.

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