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English definite article. Other uses of the definite article. Basic rules for using the definite article

In English - unlike Russian - special words - articles - are widely used. The article and the rules for its use in English are presented below in examples to make it easier to understand required material. In English there are two articles: the definite the and uncertain a (an) . The article is generally placed only before nouns. The indefinite article applies exclusively to singular countable nouns, but the definite article can be applied to various singular and plural nouns, whether they are countable or not.

First, let's remember in what cases the article is not used. The article is not used if the noun is preceded by (one, two, six, etc), a possessive or (this, that, my, our etc.), another noun in the possessive case (my father's, Mary's etc.), or the negation “no” (Not not!). Examples:

  • My room is not big, but comfortable - My room is small but comfortable.
  • There are two boys in the yard - there are two boys in the yard.
  • I have no brother - I don’t have a brother.

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Note: if a noun in the possessive case functions as an adjective, the use of an article is possible, for example: Paul is a man's name(male name). Paula is a woman's name (female name). It's a children's bicycle(children bicycle).

The article is not used with uncountable nouns denoting an indefinite amount of substance or an abstract concept:

  • I don’t like tea, I prefer coffee. — I don’t like tea, I prefer coffee ( Tea coffee- at all)
  • Friendship is one of the most important things in my life. — Friendship is one of the most important things in my life (friendship is an abstract concept)

The article is not used with names of sports:

  • I am fond of football, and my sister prefers badminton. — I love football, and my sister prefers badminton.

Also, the article is not used with proper names (except for some geographical names, which will be discussed below).

Indefinite article "a"

The indefinite article is “a” / “an” - this is not an independent article, but a form of the indefinite that is used before nouns that begin with a vowel sound: an apple, an orange.

  • The forms a and an are remnants of the Old English word for "one", so The indefinite article is used only with singular nouns.

The indefinite article is used in the following cases:

  • When the item is mentioned for the first time. For example, I live in a house.
  • When designating a profession or occupation. For example, She is a teacher. My friend is a student.
  • After: This is, That is, It is, There is. For example, This is a computer. There is a rose in the vase.
  • If an adjective characterizing it is used with a noun, in such cases the article is placed before the adjective. Example: This is a flower. This is a red flower.
  • Remember the use of the indefinite article in sentences of the following type

- What a beautiful color!
- What a tasty cake!
- What a good girl!

The definite article "the"

The definite article is used in the following cases:

  • If we are talking about a certain subject, which we have already talked about, or from the context we understand what we are talking about. For example, Yesterday I saw a film. The film was not interesting.
  • With items that are one of a kind - Thesun, thewind, themoontheearth
  • After . For example, There is a cat in front of the monitor.
  • C – the smallest – the smallest, the quickest – the fastest
  • C, for example: the first book, the fifth floor (BUT: if the ordinal number indicates a number, the article is not used: Lesson 7, Bus 15, page 45)
  • With cardinal directions: In the north; in the south; in the east; in the west
  • With the surname - if we are talking about the whole family - the Ivanovs - Ivanovs, the Smiths - Smiths
  • In stable phrases: In the morning; in the evening; in the afternoon; to the cinema/theatre; to the shop/market; at the cinema/the theater; at the shop/the market

Definite article with geographical names

The definite article must be used with the following geographical names:

  • seas - the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea
  • oceans - the Pacific ocean
  • rivers - the Voilga, the Nile
  • channels – the English Channel
  • bays, straits - the Gulf of Mexico, the Bosphorus Straits
  • archipelagos - the Seichelles
  • deserts - the Sahara, the Gobi
  • mountain ranges - the Alps
  • countries, if the name contains the word Republic, Federation, Kingdom, it is in the plural (t he Netherlands) or abbreviated as (the USA, the UK)

The article is not used with the names of countries, lakes, mountains (peaks), islands, cities, continents, streets, squares, airports. Exceptions:

  • theGambia— Gambia,
  • the Hague - The Hague

The definite article is also used with the names of hotels, cinemas, theaters, newspapers and magazines.

We have reflected the basic rules for using the article. There are many nuances, and the scope of one article does not allow mentioning everything. But we have prepared another video lesson about some difficult cases of using the article:

We hope that the above will help you understand articles in English and use them correctly in your speech, but do not forget that repetition is the mother of learning, do not be lazy to revise the rules as often as possible.


An article is a word that defines a noun.

There are two types of articles in English: the definite (the) and the indefinite (a/an).

Based on the names, the indefinite article is used when we are talking about a phenomenon that we encounter for the first time, an object in general, and the definite article is used when we are talking about something specific, or something that has already been encountered in conversation.

The concept of the article is present in many languages ​​of the world, but in the same number of languages ​​it is absent.

Therefore, do not panic if articles are not used in your native language.

The data will help you make fewer mistakes when speaking English.

It is very important to be able to use the correct articles in your speaking or writing.

1. With the names of countries and continents

In this case we do not use articles at all, BUT if the name of the country consists of parts, such as, USA, UK, UAE, then our article appears the, and it will be: the USA, the UK, the UAE, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands.

This also applies to continents and islands: usually we do not use the article, but if the name is a composite name, the definite article takes place.

For example: Africa, Europe, Bermuda, Tasmania BUT the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas.

  • She lived in America.
  • They live in England.
  • My friend is from the Czech Republic.

2. With the words breakfast, dinner, lunch

When talking about eating in general, there is no article. But if you're talking about a specific breakfast, dinner or lunch, use the.


  • I don't eat breakfast.
  • We didn't like the dinner.

3. With names of work, profession

In this case the indefinite article is used a/an.

For example:

  • I want to be a politician.
  • My younger brother wants to be a vet.

4. With the names of the cardinal directions

Usually the names of the cardinal directions are written with a capital letter, so they are easy to recognize: the North, the South, the East, the West .

True, if a noun indicates a direction, then it should be used without an article and written with a small letter.

For example:

  • They went east.
  • The North is cooler than the South.

5. With the names of oceans, seas, rivers and canals

Remember that the definite article is always used with the names of these bodies of water.

For example: The Amazon, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal .

  • I would like to swim in the Red Sea, and you?
  • The Amazon is the longest river in the world.

6. With names of unique phenomena

This means that a phenomenon or object exists in one copy, one of a kind, in particular, the sun, the moon, the inter net , the sky , the earth.


  • The sun is a star.
  • We looked up at all the stars in the sky.
  • He is always on the internet.

7. With uncountable nouns

This category of nouns implies those units and concepts that we cannot count. Plus, as an identifying mark in most cases, they have no ending –s– plural indicator.

But do not forget that there are ten exceptions to one rule, that is, if you are talking in general about some uncountable concept, there will be no article, but again, if the case is particular, use the.

For example:

  • I like bread/milk/honey.
  • I like the bread/the milk/the honey. (Specifically this and nothing else.)

8. With last names

If we are talking about members of the same family, you can put the article the before the surname. This way you define a group of people, a family, in one word.


  • The Smith are coming for dinner today.
  • Have you seen the Johnson recently?

These are not all the uses of articles in English. However, first remember these rules, gradually deepening your knowledge

Articles in English a/an And the indicate the degree of certainty of a subject in a given context or in general. In Russian, they, as function words, are absent and are not translated from English, but sometimes they can “occur” in phrases like: “I know a girl. This girl studies at our school." Or: “One boy loved to read. This boy once found a very interesting book..."

Therefore, on an intuitive level, sometimes we also use the words “one / one / one / alone” when we first mention an object, and “this / this / this / these” when we use it again in speech. This can be found especially often in fairy tales: “Once upon a time there was an old man...”

Use of articles in English

Correct use of articles in English often causes difficulty. There are, of course, rules for using certain articles - a/ an, the, zero article, but since native speakers trust, first of all, their intuition and logic, then by putting ourselves in their place and trying to think like them, we could make the task much easier.

What is this certainty/uncertainty?

I have bought a dog. - I bought a dog. In this context, you are talking about a dog for the first time; this means “some dog, one of many.” It is not yet clear to the listener which specific dog we are talking about, so in this example we use the indefinite article -a.

The dog is very cute. - The dog is very cute. Now you are already talking about “a specific dog - the one that you bought. The listener already understands that we are talking about your dog, so there is already a definite article -the. In other words, as in the “bearded” joke about English for “new Russians”: the article -a means “type”, and -the - “specifically”, i.e. one of many or a specific example.

Table of articles in English

It will help to systematize all of the above. table of articles in English.


The subject is mentioned again in this context: I have an interesting idea. I have interesting idea. Wow, tell me about the idea, please! Wow, tell me about this idea please.)
The only object or person in a given setting: The actress is on the scene. The actress is on stage. (on a specific stage)
The noun is preceded by an ordinal number: He is on the second floor. He's on the second floor.
The noun is preceded by a superlative adjective: She is the most beautiful girl, I`ve ever seen. (She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
A noun denotes a substance in a certain quantity or a certain place, in a given setting: Pass me the salt, please. Pass me the salt, please.
Where is the water? Where is the water?
Unique noun:> the sun, the moon the sky, the universe, the earth
With the names of countries, including words such as republic, union, kingdom, states, emirates, as well as with the names of countries in the plural: the German Federal Republic
the United Arab Emirates
the Philippines
Before the names of oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, island groups, deserts: the Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean, the Nile, the Bahamas, the Alps
With cardinal directions The South, the North
A noun denotes a whole class of objects: The giraffe is the tallest animals. The giraffe is the tallest animal.
After the words one/some/many/most/both/all of Some of the mistakes are very bad.
Some of the mistakes are very serious.
Before the family surname in the plural: The Smiths have moved to another town. The Smiths moved to another city.


When the item is mentioned for the first time: A man is waiting for you. A man is waiting for you. (some kind)
If we are talking about an indefinite quantity: I can bring a coffee to your friend. I can bring coffee for your friend.
With names of professions: He is an engineer He is an engineer.
In the nominal part of a compound predicate: She is a smart girl
If an object belongs to a class of homogeneous objects: There is a bee in the cup. There is a bee in the cup. (not an ant).
In stable combinations like: what a..
a little
a few
a lot of
as a rule
as a result
for a while
to be in a
to have a
to see a
there is a
What a lovely day!
I'd like to say a few words.
I have a little free time.
I have a lot of friends.
Before the words such, quite, rather, most (meaning “very”): He is quite a young man He is quite a young man.
If you can replace the article with the word “one”. : There is a flower in the garden.
There is a flower in the garden.
There is one flower in the garden.

Zero article:

Before nouns with modifiers (pronouns, numerals, proper names in the possessive case.): My mother works here. My mom works here.
Tom's bag. Tom's bag.
When generalizing in the plural. before countable nouns: Apples are my favorite fruits.
Apples are my favorite fruit.
Before nouns as a modifier: guitar lessons – guitar lessons
Before the names of countries, continents, cities, streets: Germany, Poland, London, Hyde Park, High Street
Before abstract (uncountable) nouns: This is important information. This is important information.
Before people's names and surnames: His name is Lee.
In adverbial combinations: for breakfast, at lunch, to dinner, at night, by bus, on sale, in fact, from time to time, from school, to work, at work, from work…

If you still have questions on the topic of articles in English, Double You Studio, an English language school in Kiev (suburb, Vishnevoe, Sofievskaya Borshchagovka, Boyarka, Petrovskoe), will help you figure it out.

Despite the fact that initially the category of articles is absent in the consciousness of a Russian-speaking person, for the vast majority of modern European languages ​​it is extremely significant and is absorbed literally with mother’s milk. Therefore, today we will look at how to use the article a/an, the in English correctly so that you never make mistakes in the future.

Rules for using the article a

This article is called an indefinite article and always accompanies countable nouns in the singular, that is, those that can be counted or listed. The very essence of the article is expressed in the fact that it, together with an, is a remainder of the Old English word meaning "one". That's why the article a used exclusively with words in the singular. In addition, cases of using this particular article include the following:

  • First mention of the item. For example, if the speaker is telling a friend about his new notebook, he will say: Yesterday I bought a nice notebook. The notebook is green and pink. As you can see, the indefinite article was used for the first time a, in the second already definite article - everything is in accordance with the established rules.
  • When naming a profession or type of activity, for example: She’s a doctor. I am a teacher.
  • After the constructions there is, it is, that is, this is, for example: This is a beautiful dress. There is a computer on the table.
  • If a noun is preceded by an adjective describing it, then the article will not destroy their connection, but will come before the adjective, for example: I’m a young boy. In that vase there was a beautiful red rose.
  • After the words quite, such: Such a smart woman!
  • In expressions denoting quantity, namely: a lot of, a couple, a dozen, a way too, a great many, a great deal of.
  • In structures where a replaces the preposition per(in, for): 7 Euros a kilo, twice a day, etc.
  • In exclamatory sentences the following type: What a nasty weather! What a good puppy! What a tasty pancake!
  • Sometimes accompanied by proper names, namely: Two days ago I met a Mrs. Black, which translates to “Yesterday I met some Mrs. Black."

Article an

It should be noted right away that this article is not independent and is only a form of the article described above a. Therefore for an The same rules of use are characteristic, but the main condition for its use is the presence of a situation in which the countable word in the singular begins with a vowel. Example: I’ve bought an apple. In his bag there is an orange. An umbrella is what I really need now!

Combinations you need to learn

For each article ( a/an, the) there is a set of certain stable combinations, by remembering which you can be sure that you will not fall flat on your face. Often it is on them that the compilers of all kinds of exams like to catch people learning the language.

For articles a/an You need to remember the following basic stable phrases:

  • To be in a hurry - to be in a hurry, to hurry.
  • To be at a loss - to be in difficulty, perplexed.
  • To be in a rage - to be furious, furious.
  • To have a headache - to have a headache.
  • To have a toothache - to have a toothache.
  • In a loud voice - in a loud voice.
  • In a low voice - in a quiet, low voice.
  • In a whisper - in a whisper.
  • It’s a pity - what a pity; It's a pity that...
  • It’s a shame - shame.
  • It’s a pleasure - it’s a pleasure (to do something).

Definite article

The definite article is identical to the demonstrative pronoun “this” and “that” and is used with nouns in both singular and plural in the following situations:

  • If we are talking about an object that has already been mentioned in the conversation, or the context allows us to understand which specific object from the set is being spoken about, for example: Yesterday I went in the cinema and saw a film. The film was absolutely not interesting.
  • With words that serve as a nomination for unique objects, things or phenomena, one of a kind, namely: sun, sky, Earth, moon.
  • After prepositions indicating a place, for example: There is a dog in front of the door.
  • With adjectives in the superlative form.
  • If one object implies a whole category, for example: The dog is a mammal (a dog is a mammal; this means not just one dog, but their total set).
  • With ordinal numbers, namely: the second grade, etc. However, it is important to note here: if the numeral denotes a number, the article is not used at all, for example: Lesson 3, Section 6, page 172, etc.
  • When mentioning cardinal directions: in the south.
  • With a surname, if the whole family is meant, and not an individual member: the Petrovs (Petrovs).
  • In sustainable designs that need to be remembered: in the morning/evening/afternoon, to the theater/cinema, to the market/shop.
  • Always with the words: same, next, only, very, previous, last, left, right, upper, very, central, following, main.
  • Together with adjectives that have passed into another part of speech, to nouns (such words are called substantivized), namely: The rich (rich people) and others.

The definite article is also used with geographical names of all:

  • rivers (the Neva);
  • oceans (the Pacific Ocean);
  • seas (the Red Sea);
  • lakes (the Baikal; however, if there is the word lake, for example Lake Superior and etc., the use of the article is not required at all);
  • channels;
  • straits and bays;
  • mountain ranges (the Alps);
  • deserts (the Victoria Desert);
  • archipelagos and islands (the British Isles);
  • states, if their name contains the words Kingdom, Federation, Republic (for example, the Dominican Republic), if the name is in the plural (the Netherlands) or is an abbreviation (the USA);
  • in two cases of exceptions: the Gambia and the Bahamas;
  • with the names of cinemas, theaters, newspapers (The New York Times), magazines, hotels.

And again idioms

Another portion of stable phrases, actively used in everyday speech by the British and everyone who can speak their language, but with an article the, as follows:

  • To tell (or speak) the truth - to tell the truth. You can remember with the help of association: there is only one truth, there are many lies (that’s why they say a lie).
  • To play the piano - play the piano.
  • In the day-time - in daytime, during the day.
  • To read in the original - read in the original (i.e. not in translation).
  • On the one hand… on the other hand… - on the one hand (one opinion)…, on the other hand (another opinion).
  • It’s out of the question - there can be no question of this.

So, when the basic rules for how the article is used a/an, the, considered, it’s time to deal with the zero article and find out why these categories were formed in the English language, but not in Russian. In addition, it is also necessary to develop the theoretical basis through practical exercises.

Without article

There is a certain set of situations when the use of an article is not required (zero article, or “zero”). This includes the following cases:

  • If the word is used in the plural and in a general sense, for example: Children like bonbons (in general, all children (any) love candy).
  • With uncountable nouns, if no determiners or descriptive units are given: My father likes music.
  • With proper names (countries, cities, human names).
  • With nominations for days of the week and months, for example: September, monday.
  • With the words breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • When a word already has determiners in the form of possessive and demonstrative pronouns, as well as the words any, every, some.
  • Along with the names Vehicle travel: I prefer traveling by plane.
  • With words denoting sports.
  • With nouns denoting parents, family, educational institutions (if there is no specification and clarification): Are you at college?
  • With words expressing insufficiency: few, little.
  • With names of holidays (Easter, Christmas).
  • With nominations of diseases (flu, cancer).
  • And also in a number of stable combinations.

How English developed. Articles a/the: history of appearance

It must be said that articles did not exist in languages ​​immediately. In addition, even foreigners who have a system of articles in their native languages ​​cannot always understand the system of this functional part of speech in another language. For example, the article system of the German language is considered the most sophisticated and complex, but many German residents admit that they absolutely cannot understand the pattern of using English articles, and vice versa.

Article a/an, the, as well as zero - all this is natural for a native English speaker today, and it’s clear why. The fact is that the history of the English language as a whole is the history of a grammatical revolution. At a certain period of its development, this representative of the Indo-European language family took and changed the “pronoun + noun” connective, so characteristic, for example, of Slavic languages, with the “noun + article” connective.

Resources that can help you practice the material

Today articles a/the, the rules of use of which were discussed above, sometimes become a stumbling block at the very beginning of the journey of learning English. Therefore, this article has collected resources and materials that will help solve the difficulties that have arisen:

  1. Duolingo is a site where all topics, including articles a/the, the use and examples of which have already been covered in detail in the article, are provided with visual tables and explanations.
  2. Njnj is a seemingly unremarkable service, but useful at least for a one-time visit. Here anyone can practice articles a/the; the exercises contain the keys.
  3. Lim-english - site for the final stage. Here you can fix articles a/the; The tests, among other rules, cover this section and ask you to test yourself by answering 20 questions.


As you can see, there is nothing wrong with articles. Yes, it is extremely unusual for a Russian-speaking person just starting to get acquainted with foreign languages ​​to use them, but here, as you know, the main thing is experience and practice. Regular practice, watching films and listening to original music will quickly help you accept and understand the category of articles.

In many foreign languages There is such a thing as an article. Starting to study grammar with this topic would be a good option for those who want to know English. Article (the rule of use will help you understand the question) - service part speech in English. It shows certainty or uncertainty. Below in the text are the rules for its use when the article a (an), the is omitted.

Types of articles

There are two types of articles in English:

  • definite - the;
  • indefinite - a (an) (two forms).

The definite article shows that we are talking about some well-known or familiar object that is more individualized and stands out from others in some way. And indefinite indicates a more generalized meaning or an object that appears in the text for the first time. Examples:

The girl has a dog./The girl has a dog.

From this sentence it can be understood that we are talking about a specific girl who is already familiar to the reader and she was previously mentioned in the text, but the word “dog” is more general, what kind of dog is unknown.


We have already found out that in English there is such a part of speech as the article: a (an), the. They originally came from other words and to some extent retained their old meaning.

For example, the definite article is a shortened form of the word that (that, that), which is why it carries such a specific meaning.

Comes from the word one (someone, some).

Definite article

In English, the definite article has two functions: the first of them is specifying, and the other is generalizing. And this part of speech is used if a person knows exactly what object is being discussed, or if this object is unique.

The definite article in a specific meaning

  • It is used if one item stands out from the entire set, it has some excellent parameters, it stands out due to a unique case, context. Before adjectives in

He is the best player in our team./He is the best player in our team.

  • Placed before the words following, last, next, only and very. They make the noun more specific.

And not the next day./And not the next day.

  • Superlative adjectives are also preceded by a definite article.

It is the worst day in my life./This is the worst day in my life.

The definite article in its general meaning

  • Generalizing - when a noun can be attributed to a whole type of object.

Examples include the German Shepherd - the double coat is straight, and short length./For example, the German Shepherd. The coat has two characteristics: straight and short.

Here we are talking about all dogs belonging to a specific breed.

  • Omitted if replaced by a possessive pronoun.

She sure had some love for her German Shepards./She definitely loves her German Shepherds.

  • If you can put the word “this” in front of a noun.

The hotel also features easy access to the several subway stations./The hotel (this hotel) is also easily accessible from several subway stations.

  • When indicating the era, significant events.

The First World War./First World War.

  • Before uncountable nouns, only if we are talking about a certain volume of a substance.

And then the farmer has to find another way to deliver the juice./Then the farmer will have to find another way to produce juice.

  • Before the names of body parts.

The hand/hand.

  • Before social classes and strata of society.

The police./Police officers.

The definite article with proper names and some names

The table below will help you better understand how to use articles with proper names and some names. All the words below must be preceded by the definite article the.

Proper names

Riversthe Nakdong
Newspaper namesthe Washington Post
Geographical namesthe North Pole
Objects from astronomythe Moon
Mountain namesthe Andes
Cardinal directionsin the East

Surnames in the plural

(meaning all family members)

the Adamsons
Channelsthe Nicaragua Canal
City districtsthe West End
Nationalitiesthe Italian
Unique architectural structuresthe Winter Palace
Desertsthe Bolivian
Names of reservoirsthe Black Sea
Vessel namesthe Aurora
Some countriesthe Argentina
Nicknamesthe Tall Ben

Definite article. Plural

  • If the definite article is used before a word in the singular, then it is also placed before it in the plural.

You can bring the ball with, if you want./If you want, take the ball with you.

You can bring the balls with, if you want./If you want, take the balls with you.

  • Also the article remains before plural, if we are talking about a group as a whole.

The members of Golf club can breathe fresh air./Members of the golf club can breathe fresh air. (Everyone can breathe fresh air).

Indefinite article a (an)

Use “a” if the first letter in the word is a consonant, “an” if it is a vowel:

  • a table, a carpet, a dog/table, carpet, dog;
  • an elephant, an eagle, an orange.

Exceptions to the rule:

  • the article "a" is always placed before words that begin with the letter "u" if it is pronounced as /ju:/ (English is a universal language);
  • before the words “one”, “ones” the article “a” is always used (a one-parent family);
  • If abbreviations begin with a consonant, but are read with a vowel (F is pronounced like /ef/), then the indefinite article “an” (an FBI agent) is always used before them.

Classifying, generalizing and numeral meaning of the indefinite article

  • In sentences that have expressive coloring, in exclamatory sentences that begin with the word what, the indefinite article is used.

What a great!/How great!

  • With singular nouns preceded by words such as rather, quite, such and most.

In a rather prescient way./Very far-sighted.

  • If a noun is a generalizing meaning for an entire class, type, layer, etc., then an indefinite article is placed before it. Most often, such a noun is at the beginning of a sentence and does not carry any important information. More significant details are described later in the text.

A newspaper text is a very laconic and relevant essay./Newspaper text is a laconic and relevant essay.

  • In its numerical value, the article denotes its original meaning - one.

I can stay in Paris for only a day./I could stay in Paris for just a day. (Here it is clear that the particle -a can be replaced by one, the word from which the article a (an) was formed (the - from that). In this sentence, the particle takes its usual place).

The indefinite article a (an). Plural

Articles that are used before nouns in the singular are not used in the plural.

She had a book of astrology./She had a book on astrology.

She had two books./She had two books. (As you can see, the article is omitted.)

Proper names and articles a (an)

The article a (an) is used before if they:

  • unknown

A Mr. Anderson has come to see you./A certain Mr. Anderson has come to see you.

  • used as common nouns

You think, I am a Leonardoda Vinci?/Do you think I am Leonardo da Vinci?

  • point to individual family members

It is no wonder; in fact, she is a Smith./No wonder, because she is Smith.

  • describe the position of a place or object

We saw a rebuild Rome./We saw Rome rebuilt.

In addition, there are stable expressions that, regardless of the context, never change and always remain in their place. You just need to learn these phrases:

a few/several, it is a pity/sorry, a little/a little, etc.

When the article is not needed

In English there is such a thing as when it is absent in sentences before nouns. Cases where the article is omitted have already been mentioned in the article. Let's look at a few more typical rules.

  • If the nouns are preceded by the adjectives old/old, little/small, poor/poor, lazy/lazy, honest/honest.

She is little girl./She is a little girl.

  • If there is no definition for the noun.

I do not like Peter./I don’t like Peter.

  • Before titles, titles.

Lord Green./Lord Green.

Exercises on articles

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, you need to do several exercises. Then check your answers with the keys and analyze the errors. For example, you can do the task below.

Fill in the missing article a (an), the:

Paris is…beautiful town./Paris is a beautiful city.

What's going on? I think it's … salute./What's going on? I think it's a fireworks.

Britney Spears is ... singer./Britney Spears is a singer.

This is Nick. He is... engineer./This is Nick. He is an engineer.

… spider has eight legs./Spiders have eight legs.

It is... tomato./This is a tomato.

I am...nurse./I am a nurse.

She is... best./She is the best.

To take... seat./Sit down.

In... country./In the country.

Answers to the exercise. How to correctly insert the article a (an), the:

1. a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. an. 5.a. 6. a. 7. a. 8. the. 9. a. 10. the.